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* After my mother finished cleaning up the house, she _went on to read_ today’s newspaper.
* Anybody who has broken the law won’t escape __being punished__.
* As a result, he succeeded __reaching__ the castle but failed __to find_ the way to enter it.
* Accuracy is _fundamental_ to the programming of computers.
* American school; children should learn Lincoln’s Gettysburg address __by heart__.
* As winter __gave way to__ spring the days began to lengthen.
* Although the family trusted her, she __let__ them down last year.
* A dog was __run over__ by a bus and killed.
* By improving his learning habits an ____average__ student can be a top one.
* Before moving to another city, Brenda __disposed__ of the house and the furniture.
* Chinese brown medicine has little side _effect__.
* Can we hold __out__ for another day without water?
* Do you enjoy listening to records? I find records are often ___as good as___ or better than an actual performance.
* For almost an hour the works were just hanging __about__ waiting for materials to arrive.
* His heart stopped ____beating__ just when we reached the hospital.
* His parents could not ____get through__ to him on the telephone, so they decided to go to his school and see what is wrong.
* How is Mary getting on _with__ her study?
* His father is very busy every day. He can’t help complaining of the rapid __pace__ of modern life.
* His _total_ income of a year is $ 500. His yearly income _totals_ $ 500. It reached _a total_ of $ 500 a year.
* Her deeds are worthy __of being praised_.
* He touched _on_ many points without enlarging on any of them.
* How can I have put __on__ a pound since yesterday? I’ve eaten nothing!
* He intends to __replace__ the secretary he has dismissed by a less glamorous but rather more efficient one .
* His energetic efforts met with only __partial__ success.
* How can you avoid mistakes when you’re in such a __hurry__?
* He is an expert __at__ making himself understood in foreign language.
* If you __check___ your paper carefully, some grammar mistakes can be avoided.
* If a person is exposed to constant noise ,he may gradually __suffer_ from a loss of hearing.
* --I suppose you have got the post.
--you __have guessed__ it.
* I never expected you to _turn up__ at the meeting; I thought you were abroad.
* It isn’t much of a car, but __at any rate__ it was not expensive.
* I prefer __staying_ at home to __playing_ outside.
* I don’t know how I’d __react__ to a situation like the one you have described.
* It’s __up to__ us to give her all the help we can.
* In old times, property was usually handed __down__ to the oldest son at his father’s death.
* It is not easy to __rid__ oneself of a bad habit.
* It is reported that __ approximately __ over 1000 factories closed down last year.
* It is only by __accident__ that you see me here, I ought to be in the office.
* It is very difficult to keep the trains ru

nning __on__ time in winter.
* John’s sudden death was a great blow to his mother and it took her a long time to get over_ the grief
* Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than __any other_ boy in the class.
* Jack almost fell off the cliff but managed to hang __on__ until help came.
* --Look! The flowers in the garden are growing lovely.
--How I wish I had a small piece of ___ground__ when I could plant some flowers of my own.
* He’s a nice person, __to be sure__ , but not very competent as a manager.
* ---Mum, why do you always make me drink a cup of fresh milk every day?
--- To get_ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.
* Look __out__, that step is not safe!
* My family bought a second-hand car _at_ the price of 500 dollars.
* My cousin __submitted__ his playground plans to the city council.
* Many petroleum products can __serve__ as raw materials for the chemical industry.
* Never __trouble trouble_ until _trouble troubles__ you.
* Now that I have lost the notes, we’ll have to __go__ without them.
* Only when the rain stopped __did the sports meeting start_ again.
* Our principal has already placed __an order__ with the company for the textbooks.
* Roger gave me some beautiful Japanese stamps in __exchange__ for two sets of 1968 British special issues
* Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _is changing__ rapidly.
* She took a _ glance__ at her watch and saw that it was already lunch time.
* She was caught spitting in public and fined ten yuan on the __spot_ .
* Since the boss of the department wasn’t in , we decided to have a meeting __another day_ .
* She changes her mind so __constantly_ that no one wants to work with her.
* Sometimes his lectures are boring ,but __by and by__ I find them helpful and interesting.
* She’s the most __efficient__ secretary I’ve ever had.
* Sometimes you have to make a __sacrifice__ to get what you want.
* She told her children that they must not, __on any account__, play with matches.
* The kitten climbed the tree and couldn’t ___get down__.
* The city Zhangjiakou was extensively __damaged___ in the earth-quake.
* The case __contained__ a lot of things , __including___ a second-hand watch.
* The high school ___graduated__ 300 student this summer.
* The custom __goes back___ to the 12th century.
* Teachers __are trained__ in the __training_ college.
* The naughty boy is __troublesome_ , and he is __a great trouble_ to his parents.
* The sick boy mustn’t be left alone all night and we should __take our turn_ at sitting up.
* There are various __techniques_ that _have to be learnt__ before one can do this job properly.
* These words are __wrongly_ spelled, that’s to say , he spelled the words __wrong_.
* These masterpieces of music can stand the __test_ of time.
* The young man has __conquered_ his fear of failure and is making great steps in his work.
* The old man __devoted himself to_ t

eaching foe many years.
* The girl would rather _stay__ alone in the classroom than __play_ with her classmates outside.
* These years, I am looking forward to __meeting_ the great writer.
* There is no easy _method__ to physics.
* They were listening to light music __when_ a thunder came down.
* The judge _sentenced_ the burglar to two years’ imprisonment.
* The glass will __crack__ if you pour boiling water into it.
* The meeting __broke up__ at midnight and we all went home.
* The town __erected__ a monument to its heroes who had lost their lives during the war.
* The government has a very bad __image__ because it continues with plans that nobody likes.
* The story the film based on __derived from__ an old legend.
* The actual __process__ by which coal is extracted is well worth watching.
* The old man ___held on to_ his job and would not retire.
* The plane climbed steeply after take-off, and then __leveled__ off at 25 000 feet.
* The plain occupies the west, south and central parts of the continent, though considerable variations are to be found over so __extensive__ an area.
* There was nothing but sand __as__ far as we could see.
* Towards the top of the mountain the cliff was easier to climb, though __rather__ steeoer.
* This is much __inferior__ to the one I bought last week.
* The building __remained__ mostly undamaged after the earthquake, and only minor repairs were necessary.
* Unless you __go by____ nature, you are sure to be punished by it.
* Under certain conditions of stress, some people __reveal__ qualities they had never known they possessed.
* With the gas ___cut off_ , I could not cook dinner.
* --- Would you mind if I used your dictionary?
---- __Go ahead___
* When you meet with a problem, find a way to ___solve____ it.
* We will have _plenty of__ time to go to the railway station. Take it easy.
* When the bike was repaired, it looked __as good as___ new.
* We haven’t found the missing wallet. Let ’s __go through__ the room again.
* We should pay more attention to __generation gap__, for it has become a social problem.
* We tried to __confine__ our conversation to arguments relevant to the topic.
* When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary __at hand__.
* When the king appeared in the crowd, the people cheered and __made way__ for him.
* We forgave his bad temper because we knew that his son’s illness had put him under great __stress__.
* We had to leave quietly __so as__ not to disturb other people.
* We must recover the stolen goods at all __costs__.
* When they got back from the cinema they found their house __on__ fire.
* You ’re too weak ,It ‘s __good__ for you to have plenty of exercise.
* You may have difficulty _in learning__ English at the beginning.
* You are really __running__ a risk to drive at such a high speed.

* __Followed__ by his students, the teacher entered the classroom.
* __Grown-ups_ should be responsible for their own behavior.
* __Look b

ack into__ history, and we’ll see Chinese people have achieved a great deal.
* __Look after__ the children for me while I’m out.
* __Once__ you understand the sentence, you will find the passage quite easy to grasp.
* __Seeing that__ nobody was very enthusiastic about it, they decided to cancel the trip.
* __Thanks to__ his expert driving, we reached the airport on time, despite the heavy traffic.


1. Australia is a large country and has a relatively large population (√)
2. The majority of people living in Australia are city dwellers. (√)
3. The delivery of education services to people living in remote areas is unimaginable for almost a century.(×)
4. The attempt to provide educational services to people to distant dwellers did not take place until 1916. (√)
5. The schoolwork was delivered and return through sealed roads , regular bus routers and air service in the beginning. (×)

P14 Biomass
1. As a source of energy, biomass can bring the best possible profits for the lowest possible costs. (√)
2. One of the advantages of using biomass is that it is a convenient medium to store energy. (√)
3. Biomass does not produce enough carbon dioxide and is harmless to the environment.
4. Despite its advantages, biomass is not suitable for commercial uses. (√)
5. Only trees and crops can be used as biomass-fuels. (×)

P15 Nuclear radiation
1. The mystery about nuclear radiation may come from the fact that it can not be detected by human senses. (√)
2. We can not sense radio activity without a radio receiver. (×)
3. Common radio waves are harmless to human beings and other things. (√)
4. Even at the lowest levels, radiation will cause cancer by killing the healthy cells. (×)
5. Victims of nuclear radiation may die of cancer years later. (√)


一, Overcoming the Problem of waste:
1) there is still something that can be useful
2) there is no time to be lost
3) it can be put to use again
4) more and more machines are designed for this purpose
5) building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dream.

二, Secondary equipment in power system
1) the equipments that provide protecting, monitoring
2) the equipments that send the command signals
3) current values in secondary system
4) 5A rated current of the transformer secondary winding
5) 50V rated voltage of PT secondary side

三,Switching overvoltage
1) by the operation of a circuit breaker
2) determine the insulation requirements of transmission lines
3) the cost of transmission and line failure
4) at both opening and closing of circuit breakers
5) by means of circuit breaker closing resistor in 500KV system

四,Transmission line and distribution line
1) the power line transmits the power form step-down substation
2) transmitted from power plant’s step-up substation to s

tep-down substation
3) the overhead transmission line
4) lightning frequently happening and heavy raining
5) large spanning line section
五,The electricity market
1) a wholesale market
2) a retail market
3) to agree on the price and quantity to be traded
4) to choose electricity suppliers
5) to register as a market customer

六,Electric power
1) the lack of electricity(a blackout)
2) its unavailability
3) social disorder, and even national tragedy
4) its growth rate
5) high electric power consumption per capita

七, Electric energy
1) static electricity
2) electrical charge
3) electrical energy
4) Alternating current
5) Electrical potential

* Strange thing happens to time when you travel.
1. The best title for this selection is ___How Time changes Around the World__ .
2. The difference in time between zones is __one hour_ .
3. From this selection it seems true that the Atlantic Ocean __is divided into five time zones__.
4. The international date line is the name for __the point where a new day begins__.
5. If you cross the ocean going east, you set you clock __ahead one hour in each new time zone__.

* Holidays in the United States usually occur at least once a month
1. The government of the United States makes it a rule for workers to have a __3-day__ weekend almost once a month.
2. Workers in the United States sometimes work from __Tuesday to Friday__.
3. Which statement is NOT true according to this passage?
__All the workers have a half-month vacation__.
4. The reason why someone has to divide his vacation into several parts is that __no one can be found to take his place__.
5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
__Something About the holidays and Vacation in the U.S ..__.

* Doctors have known for a long time that extremely loud noises can cause hearing damage or loss
1. Doctors have long known that __one may lose his hearing when he hears a terribly loud noise__.
2. This passage suggests that one’s hearing __will be damaged even if he has heard a loud noise for only little more than one second__.
3. According to this passage, one conclusion you can draw is that aspirin __makes hearing damage from loud noise worse__.
4. Millions of Americans are in danger of suffering hearing loss because they __take too much aspirin__.
5. The purpose of the experiment the American scientist did was to find __whether aspirin would increase the temporary hearing damage from loud noises __

* The communications explosion is on the scale of the rail.
1. By saying that he takes many mages of his children, the author wants to __display the influence of communications on life__.
2. The autor most probably thinks the communication dust is __amazing__.
3. Which of the following statements about the low-orbit satellites is true?
__the low-orbit satellites would replace towers and poles functionally__
4. According to the pass

age, an optical-fiber audio-video link can enable us to __talk and see each other no matter where we are__.
5. The phrase “each one”(Line 2, Para. 5) can be best replaced by __each car__.

* A friend of mine, in response to a conversation we were having about the injustice of life
1. The author thought of his friend’s question as a good one because __like his friend, he also thought life was unfair__.
2. Surrendering to the fact that life isn’t fair will __make us know it’s our duty to perfect things__.
3. The second paragraph of the passage mainly discusses __it’s nice to accept the injustice of life __.
4. In the last paragraph, “this very basic fact” refers to the fact that __life isn’t and won’t be fair__.
5. From the passage, we can learn that the author’s attitude to life is __positive__.

* The market is a concept.
1. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? __What Is the Market__.
2. All of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT __attending a night school__.
3. You are buying from the market when you __dine at a restaurant__.
4. The word “real” in the last paragraph may most probably mean __concrete__.
5. In what way is the market very real for each person or businessmen who is making and selling something? __It tells you what to produce__

* “Body clocks” are biological methods of controlling body activities.
1. According to the passage, ____
2. Irregular signs shown by “body clocks” may serve as a warning of __possible illnesses__.
3. We tend to do physical exercise early in the afternoon because __our body is most active then__.
4. The author suggests that the best time to study is __at night__.
5. According to passage we are most likely to day-dream __every hour in the day time__.

* It is hard to track the blue whale.
1. The passage is chiefly about __the civilian use of a military detecting system__.
2. The underwater listening system was originally designed __to trace and locate enemy vessels __.
3. The deep-sea listening system makes use of __the unique property of layers of ocean water in transmitting sound__.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that __military technology has great potential in civilian use__.
5. Which of the following is true about the U.S Navy underwater listening network?
__It is now partly accessible to civilian scientists__.

* You never see them , but they’re with you every time you fly.
1. What does the author say about the black box? __It is an indispensable device on an airplane__.
2. What information could be found from the black box on the Yemeni airliner? __Data for analyzing the cause of the crash__.
3. Why was the black box redesigned in 1965? __The early models often got damaged in tes crash__.
4. Why did the Federal Aviation require the black boxes be painted orange or yellow?
__to make tem easily identifiable__.
5. What do we know about the black boxes from Air France Flight 447?

__There is still agood chance of their being recovered__.
