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Unit 3 Topic 2 Section A

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1. How exciting! 此句是how 引导的感叹句。感叹句是比较重要的句子类型,它是用来表达说话人喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子。感叹句句末常用感叹号,语调一般用降调。

(1)以what 引导的感叹句结构:

①What + a / an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语+!

多么简单的问题!What ________ easy ____________ it _________!

多么漂亮的一个女孩呀!What ________ ________ girl ________ _________!

②What + 形容词+可数名词复数+ 主语+谓语+!

多美的花呀!What _______________ ______________ they are!

③What +形容词+ 不可数名词+主语+谓语+!

天气真糟糕!What bad _________ it is!

(2) 以how 引导的感叹句结构:

①How + 形容词或副词+ 主语+ 谓语+ !

他多聪明呀!How clever ___________ ___________ !

②How + 主语+ 谓语+ !光阴似箭呀!How time flies!


What a nice girl (she is)! 多好的女孩呀!

How handsome (he is)! 真英俊!

(3)以how 引导的感叹句结构:感叹句除了由上述的what, how 引导之外,也


Wonderful! 精彩!

The book is so interesting! 这本书真有趣!

(4) what感叹句和how感叹句有时可以互换。

This is a nice dog. 这是一条很漂亮的狗。


这条狗多漂亮呀!What a nice dog this is! = How nice this dog is!

2. It sounds wonderful. sound 在句中作系动词,后接形容词、名词构成系表结构,意为“听起来……”。

如:那听起来是个好主意。That ___________ a good idea. (sound + n.)

这个主意听起来很棒!The idea _____________ great! (sound + adj.)

3. price 用法

①price n.价钱,价格the price of … ……的价格如:


How much is the book? = What’s _________ ___________ ___________ this book?

②each 在这里是副词,意为“每,每个地”。如:

The ticket is$5 each. 每张票5美元。

each还可做形容词,后跟可数名词单数,上句相当于Each __________ is $5.

each 又可以作代词,构成“each of + 可数名词复数”结构,作主语时视为单数,故上句可换为:Each of the tickets ____________ $5.

4. If you want to have a guitar lesson and a disco lesson,you will pay¥150.

(1)这是一个由连词if 引导的条件状语从句的复合句,若主句是一般将来时,由if引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来。从句在前时,与主句之间用逗号隔开。如:


If it __________ __________ tomorrow, we will go out for a picnic.


We __________ ____________ to the movies if we don’t have lessons


(2)pay v. 付钱,给…报酬过去式为paid。如:

如果你想买这本书,你要付10元。If you want to buy this book, you will ____¥10.


(1) pay for sth. 为…付款我来付晚餐费吧。Let me _______ ________ the dinner.

(2) pay sb. for sth. 为某物/ 某事付款给某人。如:

你会把这本书的钱付给我吗?Will you _________ me __________ this book?

(3) pay + money + for sth. 为某物付了多少钱如:

我为这架钢琴付了一万块钱。I _________ ten thousand yuan _________ this piano.

(4) pay n.报酬,薪水,工资如:

他的工资每月只有500元左右。His _________ is only 500 yuan a month. VI. Having a Quit当堂检测

( I ) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1. Liu Hua is coming to Xinxiang. He will give a c________________.

2. ---Can you l____ your bike to me? ---Sorry, Zhang Jie borrowed it yesterday.

3. I want to listen to rock music, but I have no t___________ for such songs.

4. He can’t play the piano. But he can play the v_____________ well.

5. The p_____________ of a piano lesson is 100 yuan. It’s a little high.

( II ) 单项选择

( ) 1. He isn’t good at English. So he has to ________ English lessons on weekend.


B. does

C. take

D. give
