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否定:在行为动词前 don’t/doesn’t didn’t 动 词还原。 He likes dogs. He doesnpt like dogs. 疑问: 在句首前+ do/does/did, 动词还原 He likes dogs. Does he like dogs.
6 had better 提建议,翻译成 最好。。。 You ’d better give up smoking. You’d better not smoke. 7 need Need 用作情态动词时, 意思为: 需要,只用在否 定和疑问句中,不用在肯定句中, 其后+ 动词 原形 否定形式为 needn’t You needn’t get up so early, for we still have a lot of time left. Need 用作行为动词时,后+ to do 否定形式为 don’t need / doesn’t need I need to have a rest. You don’t need to do that.
3 must 用法 a.表命令 You must leave right away.你必须马上离开。 b. 表禁止 You mustn’t take photos here.你绝对不能在这拍照。 c. 表示推测 翻译成 一定 He must be in his office, for the light in his room is still on. 注意: mustn’t 不能表示否定的推测, 只能表示禁止, 要表示否定的推测 只能用 can’t Must 提出的疑问句,肯定回答用must.否定回答用 needn’t 或者 don’t have to. ---- must I hand in my homework today? ---- No, you needn’t/ you don’t have to.
Is your father at home? Yes, he is. No, he is not. 4 特殊疑问词 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 WherБайду номын сангаас is your father? Where are you from?
不能独立做谓语,必须与后面的表语一起才 能构成谓语,有人称和数的变化。 He looks young. They look young.
d. 感官系动词 feel/smell/sound/taste/look He looks much younger than his real age. That sounds great. The cake tastes good. This kind of silk feels soft. e. 表变化系动词 become/get/go/turn/fall He fell asleep while listening to music. He got angy when he heard the news. His face went red when he realized his mistake.
否定: 在助动词后+ not I will support you forever. 否定句为 I will not support you forever. 疑问: 前提助动词 He has seen that movie. 一般疑问句为 Has he seen that mobie?
2 may/might 用法 a. 表推测 意思为: 可能。。。 He may/might be ill, but I am not sure. b.表请求,许可 May I know your QQ number? Yes, you may. No, you mustn’t. c. 表祝愿 May you succeed.
5 shall/should a. 征求意见 ---Shall we go swimming this weekend? --- That’s a good idea. --- what should we do for our parents’ birthday? b.表示义务,责任 As a student, we should study hard. c.表建议 , 翻译成应该。。。 You should see a dentist. You should not stay up too late.
4 will/would a. 表意愿 ---- will you marry him? ---- yes, I will. --- will you go fishing with me? --- yes, I will. b. 表示委婉请求 --- would you open the door please? --- would you mind opening the door? c.表决心 I will study hard from now on. ---Don’t waste your time anymore. --- I won’t.
1.be 的否定 在be 后面+ not, be 的疑问前提 be She is beautiful. She is not beautiful. Is she beautiful? 2. 其余的系动词的否定和疑问词方法与行为 动词的否定和疑问方法相同。 She looks beautiful. She doesn’t look beautiful. Does she look beautiful?
英语中的动词是最活跃的词性,英语的时态 的体现,句子类型的体现都要落实在动词 的变形上,因此学好动词无疑是学好英语 的必经之路,掌握好各类动词也就成了英 语入门的瓶颈。
动词类别 特点 举例
构成时态, Have/has + done 语态,否定,Will+ do 疑问 Is + done do 情态动词 说话人的语 Must/may/can等 气 系动词 连接主语和 be/ look/sound/get 表语 行为动词 表示人的行 like/run 为
Be 动词 ( am/is/are)
1 肯定句: 主语 + be 动词 + 其它( 名词/形容词/ 介词短 语/ 不定式等) He is a teacher. He is clever. He is at home. My dream is to become a teacher. 2 否定句: 在 be 动词后 + not 3 一般疑问句及其肯定或否定回答。 前提 be 动词, 肯定回答: yes, 主语+ is/are. 否定回答: no, 主语+ isn’t/ no,主语+ aren’t
f. 表结果的系动词 prove/ turn out That rumor proved false. What he said turned out true.
后面常跟形容词不能给副词 He gets angry. He gets angrily. This cake tastes good. This cake tastes well.
疑问: 前提情态动词 He can swim. 疑问句___________ 否定句:在情态动词后+ not You must waste your time. 否定句___________
原形 can 过去式 could 词义
可以/可能/能够 可以/能够
a. 表状态的 be She is beautiful. b. 表持续的系动词 He remains silent. 他保 持沉默 He stays angry with his mother for many years. keep healthy c. 表象系动词 seem/ appear She seems worried. He appeared tired.
助动词的定义及特征 本身无意义,不能独立做谓语,只能与其后 的主动词一起共同构成谓语。主要用来帮 助构成时态,语态,否定,疑问等 He will go to Beijing tomorrow. He has visited the Great Wall twice. The old man was killed last night. He doesn’t like cats. Do you enjoy learning English?
必须/一定 愿意
同义词组 be able to do
must will
must would

have to 无
had better need
无 无
最好 需要
be supposed to do 无

1 can/could a. 表能力 Can you play the guitar? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. b. 表推测,多用在否定句中,翻译成 一定不 That man can’t be John, for he has gone to America. c. 表请求许可 Can/could I leave now? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. 注意: 用could 提问用can 回答。 d. 表邀请 can you come to my birthday party? Yes, I’d love to, but …
1 情态动词不能独立做谓语,必须要和后面的主动 词一起才能构成谓语。 判断下列句子的正误 you must at home. You must be at home. 2 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,其后一律跟动词 原形。判断下列句子的正误. He can swimming. He can swims. He can swim.
表示主语的行为动作及状态,在句子中能够 独立作谓语,随着人称,数量,时态的变 化而变化。 He works in a hospital. They work in a hospital. He worked in a hospital last year.
1 Be He is reading books now. The machine was invented last year. 2 has/have + done 3 do/does/did 4 will/would/shall
主语+ 助动词+ 主动词 + 其它 I will go to Beijing tomorrow.
1 及物动词 后面直接+ 宾语 We love peace. 2 不及物动词 后面+ 介词+ 宾语 Don’t laugh at those who are in trouble. He is listening to music.
及物动词+ 宾语 不及物动词+ 介词+ 宾语 宾语可以是名词,代词,动名词,不定式等 千 万不要用形容词,副词,动词原形做宾语。 I like happy. I like eat apples.