
Unit 5 How do you get to school?






——How does he get to school ? 他怎样到校?

——He usually takes the subway .他通常乘地铁。


——How long does it take Jim to get to school by bus ?乘公共汽车去上学花费吉姆多长时间?

——It takes him about 15 minutes (to get to school by bus). (从公共汽车去上学)要花费他15分钟。


——How far is it from your home to school ? 从你家到学校有多远?

——It’s about two kilometers(from my home to school).(从我家到学校)有2公里远。



1、get to school到达学校

2、take the train / bus / subway / plane / boat / ship / taxi 乘火车/ 公共汽车/ 地铁/ 飞机/ 小船/ 轮船


3、drive one’s car 开车

4、ride a / one’s bike骑自行车

5、how long 多长时间

6、how far 多远

7、every day 每天

8、ride a bike to school 骑着自行车去上学

9. be (not) sure (不)确信10. the bus ride 乘公共汽车的路程

11. have a good day at school 祝你在学校过的愉快


12. need about 10 minutes to school 需要10分钟到校


13. two hundred 200 14.one hundred and five 105

15. hundreds of + 名词复数成百上千的……

16. 10 kilometers 10 千米/ 公里17. bus stop 公共汽车站

18. train / subway station 火车/地铁站

19. get to his grandparents’ home 到他祖父母的家里


20、think of 认为21. one small village in China在中国的一个小山村

22. between…and…在…和…之间23.go on a ropeway通过一条索道

24. cross the river跨过这条河

25、one/an 11-year-old boy = a boy of 11 years old

= a boy at the age of 11 一个11岁的男孩

26. be afraid of (doing) sth.害怕某物/ 做某事

27.be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事28.be like a mother像一位母亲

29. many / a lot of / lots of students 许多学生

30. come true 实现31. by boat乘船

32. leave for + 地名离开/ 动身去某地

33. leave+ A地点+ for B地点离开A地去B地


1.——How do you get to school ? 你怎样到校?

——I get to school on foot. = I walk to school. 我走着去上学/我步行去上学。

2.——How far is it from your home ? It’s only about two kilometers.


3.——How long does it take you to school? 到学校要花费你多长时间?

——About 15 minutes by bike.骑自行车大约15分钟。

4.——Does Jane walk to school ? 简步行上学吗?

——No, she doesn’t. She goes by bike.不,她骑自行车去上学。

5. For many students , it’s easy to get to school.对许多学生来说,上学是容易的。

6. There is a very big river between their school and the village. 在他们的学校和家之间有一条大河。

7. He is like a father to me. 对我来说,他就像是一位父亲。

8. Can their dream come true? 他们的梦想能实现吗?
