

T h e F o x a n d t h e T i g e r 狐假虎威人英语话剧剧



The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) 5人英语话剧剧本中英对照,《狐假虎威》是一则流传了千余年的寓言故事。狐狸假借老虎的威势。比喻依仗别人的势力欺压人。用表演来诠释狐假虎威的含义。

Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very athletic. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find a little food. Oh, there’s nothing here. Oh, I’m very hungry. (Sleep soundly)

老虎:我是一只伟大的老虎。我非常强壮。我是非常勇敢的。我是森林的国王。但现在我非常饿。我必须发现些食物。噢,我好饿。 (酣然昏眠)

F ox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!


Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal.

老虎:Ah,一只狐狸。一顿好午餐。 Ah,一顿好午餐。

Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you

狐狸:噢,我的上帝! 我该怎么办是,我有一个好想法。是,一个好想法。你好! 老虎姐妹! 你好吗

Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hu ngry now. I want to eat you.


Fox: Oh, my dear! I’m the king of the forest! You can not eat me



Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is

the king of the forest.


Tiger: Ok. Let’s go.


Rabbit: I’m a rabbit. I like to eat a Carrot. Ah, a big Carrot.兔子:我是兔子。我喜欢吃胡萝卜。Ah,一个大胡萝卜。

Bird: I’m a bird.


Rabbit: Hi!


Bird: Hi! What are you doing, Miss Rabbit Can I help you

鸟:喂! 干嘛呢, Rabbit小姐我可以帮助您吗

Rabbit: Yes, please.


Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing What can I do for you

青蛙:我是青蛙。你好! 您在这里做着什么我可以为您做什么Rabbit: Yes, come on!


Frog : Ok! I’m coming!

青蛙:好! 我来拉!

Fox: Hello, Frog!


Frog: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)

青蛙:喂,狐狸。噢,老虎! (跑掉)

Fox: Hello, Bird!


Bird: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)

鸟:喂,狐狸。噢,老虎! (跑掉)

Fox: Hello, Rabbit!


Rabbit: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away)

兔子:喂,狐狸。噢,老虎! (跑掉)

Fox: Tiger, Now, you see. I’m very athlet ic.! They all run away!

狐狸:老虎,现在,您看见。我太强大了! 他们全都跑掉!

Tiger: Yes, you are right. I’m very sorry. That’s all are the king.


Fox: Wa! There is a big Carrot. Now, the Carrot belongs to me. 狐狸: Wa! 有一个大胡萝卜。现在,胡萝卜属于我。


本学期英语话剧兴趣小组整体教学进度计划表 第一周认识英语话剧,激发兴趣 第二周学习重点词汇、简单对话 第三周初识英文版《喜羊羊与灰太狼》 第四周学习英文版主题曲《大家一起喜羊羊》 第五周复习巩固《大家一起喜羊羊》 第六周观看剧本中文版动画,了解剧本内容,分解场景 第七周学习场景一词汇对话 第八周复习场景一 第九周学习场景二词汇对话 第十周复习场景二 第十一周学习场景三词汇对话 第十二周复习场景三 第十三周学习场景四词汇对话 第十四周复习场景四 第十五周整体剧本串联(一)——道具制作及重难点对话复习第十六周整体剧本串联(二)——综合考核:选定演出人员第十七周 第十八周综合复习及汇报演出彩排 第十九周 第二十周

教学内容: 1.介绍英语话剧,观看网络英语话剧剪辑; 2.学习英文儿歌《London Bridge》; 3.学习简单的Self introduction。 教学目标: 1.培养和激发学生对英语和英语话剧的兴趣,初步认识英语话剧; 2.打下一定的英文歌曲基础; 3.学习简单的自我介绍巨型,复习课堂教学内容的同时为接下来的剧本学习打下基础。 教学过程: 1.T self introduction; 2.简单介绍话剧和英文话剧; 3.观看英文话剧《灰姑娘》和《白雪公主》剪辑; 4.简单总结两个话剧剪辑的特点 “同学们,你们也想像网络上的哥哥姐姐们一样,参与到英语话剧的演出中,表演一个故事吗?” 5.学习自我介绍 “同学们,当你们在表演话剧的时候,就是在扮演另外一个人了,这个时候,你们怎么介绍自己呢?” Hello, my name is … (姓名) I’m a … (职业) ……


《狐假虎威》课本剧剧本 人物:狐狸、老虎、小猴、斑马、小野猪、小松鼠、小孔雀、小兔子小鹿等,由小演员带面具头饰表演。 舞台布置:森林一角。大树、大石块、山花等错落其间。 旁白:(上场,音乐渐起,森林小鸟声依稀可闻川。朋友们,你见过大森林吗? 那儿有许许多多高大的树木,有红的花,绿的草,还有各种各样的小动物,发生了很多奇奇怪怪的小故事。哎,听说过“狐假虎威”这个成语吗?今 天,我来讲给大家听。 小白免:(在欢快的音乐中向内喊)小花鹿,小野猪,大家快来呀! 众动物:(从四面跑上)来啦!来啦! 小白免:今天天气真好,咱们在一起玩,好吗? 众:好,好,太好啦。(快板)金色的阳光照大地, 大森林里真美丽。 小鹿仰起乖乖角, 小兔子点头笑嘻嘻。 野猪胖胖扭一扭, 斑马姐姐踢踏踢。 小猴高兴地翻筋头, 小松鼠从东跳到西。 小伙伴们来团聚, 一同唱歌做游戏,做游戏。(众欢呼,乐起,众起舞) 小猴:(无意间)哎,大家快来看,那边是谁来啦? 众:啊,是一只大老虎,这可怎么办呢? 野猪:别慌,别慌,我看大家先躲起来,快快!(众藏起) 老虎:(乐起,睡意增陵地伸伸懒腰,打哈欠)今天真是糟糕透顶,转了好半天,一点好吃的东西都没找到,饿死我了,嗯,我先在这里等等看。(藏起)狐狸:(乐起,鬼头鬼脑自语)我是一只花狐狸, 专门爱动坏脑筋, 小动物看见我就害怕, 今天出门散散心,散散心。 (乐停,老虎悄悄转出,突然发现狐狸,扑过去,一把逮住狐狸) 老虎:啊哈,我可找到美味佳肴啦。 狐狸:(眼珠一骨碌,扯着嗓子对老虎嚷)怎么,你敢吃我?

老虎:(一愣)为什么不敢!我就要吃了你! 狐狸:(奸笑)慢!森林里面有规矩,老天爷派我来管理,今天你要是吃了我,就是把老天爷的命令来抗拒,哼哼,有多大的胆子,我看你! 老虎:(被蒙住了,松开了爪子)不好,不好,真不好! 糟糕,糟糕,真糟糕, 到口的东西吃不到, 弄得我心惊又肉跳。 狐狸:(得意地摇了摇尾巴)怎么样,我带你到百兽面前去走一遭,也让你看看我的威风? 老虎:(无可奈何地)行,行,咱们走着瞧! (转场,乐起) 狐狸:我神气活现走在老虎的前面。 老虎:我半信半疑地跟在狐狸的后面。 狐狸:(小声地)我要借老虎的威风吓跑百兽。 老虎:我东张西望,心惊胆颤。 (转下,乐停。众动物一个接一个小心翼翼地上场,凑在一起) 斑马:伙伴们,我看见老虎好像跟狐狸在一起。 小鹿:它们在一起搞什么鬼名堂? (狐狸、老虎从一角先后上场) 小免子:狐狸来了! 小野猪:咦,狐狸今天好威风啊,大摇大摆的样子! 小鹿:它肯定是搞什么鬼名堂! 斑马:(发现大老虎)不好,大老虎来了,快跑哇! 众动物:(惊慌地)救命呀,救命呀! (百兽四散逃下场。乐急起) 狐狸:(狡猾地笑着对老虎)怎么样,你该服气了吧?看看,它们见了我就跑!老虎:(开始深深地佩服川阿,狐狸大上,这回我服你啦!我有眼不识泰山,请你原谅!(又向狐狸作揖) 狐狸:是呀,你以后得听我指挥! 老虎:(又鞠一躬)以后,我一切都听你的! 狐狸:(又东张西望地,对台下轻声说)见好就收吧!嘿嘿,我找机会得赶快跑呀,别等它琢磨过味儿,一口把我给吃了! (狐狸趁老虎不注意,狡猾地逃窜)


《狐假虎威》课本剧剧本 纬五路一小二年级语文 人物:狐狸、老虎、小猴、小马、小野猪、小松鼠、小天鹅、小乌龟、与小兔子、小鹿等,由小演员穿道具服装表演。 舞台布置:森林一角。大树、大石块、山花等错落其间。 旁白:(上场,音乐渐起,森林小鸟声依稀可闻川。) 朋友们,你见过大森林吗?那儿有许许多多高大的树木,有红的花,绿的草,还有各种各样的小动物,发生了很多奇奇怪怪的小故事。哎,听说过“狐假虎威”这个成语吗?今天,我来讲给大家听。 小白免:(在欢快的音乐中向内喊)小花鹿,小野猪,大家快来呀! (众动物人从四面跑上)来啦!来啦! 小白免:今天天气真好,咱们在一起玩,好吗? 众:好,好,太好啦。 金色的阳光照大地,大森林里真美丽。 小鹿仰起乖乖角,小兔子点头笑嘻嘻。 野猪胖胖扭一扭,小马姐姐踢踏踢。 小猴高兴地翻筋头,小松鼠从东跳到西。 小伙伴们来团聚,一同唱歌做游戏,做游戏。 小猴:(无意间)哎,大家快来看,那边是谁来啦? 众:啊,是一只大老虎,这可怎么办呢? 野猪:别慌,别慌,我看大家先躲起来,快快!(众藏起) 老虎:今天真是糟糕透顶,转了好半天,一点好吃的东西都没找到,饿死我了,嗯,我先在这里等等看。(藏起) 狐狸:我是一只花狐狸, 专门爱动坏脑筋, 小动物看见我就害怕, 今天出门散散心,散散心。 (乐停,老虎悄悄转出,突然发现狐狸,扑过去,一把逮住狐狸) 老虎:啊哈,我可找到美味佳肴啦。 狐狸:(眼珠一骨碌,扯着嗓子对老虎嚷)怎么,你敢吃我? 老虎:(一愣)为什么不敢!我就要吃了你! 狐狸:(笑)慢!森林里面有规矩,老天爷派我来管理,今天你要是吃了我,就是把老天爷的命令来抗拒,哼哼,有多大的胆子,我看你! 老虎:(被蒙住了,松开了爪子) 不好,不好,真不好! 糟糕,糟糕,真糟糕, 到口的东西吃不到, 弄得我心惊又肉跳。


西南大学荣昌校区英语话剧比赛 策 划 书 西南大学共青团委员会 二〇一四年四月十日

一、活动目的 英语话剧大赛是一个结合我校外语特色与当代大学生外语交际能力的展示平台。顺应新时代对外开放的潮流以及英语教学地位的日益提高的趋势,为我校大学生提供一个交流学习的机会。通过英语文化与表演艺术之间的融合,展现当代大学生的精神风貌,提高学生综合素质。 二、活动主题 放飞梦想,耀我青春 三、主办单位:西南大学荣昌校区共青团委员会 承办单位:西南大学荣昌校区各系部团总支学生会 四、活动对象 全体在校学生 五、比赛地点:2211 比赛时间:2014年6月中旬 六、比赛形式 本次英语话剧比赛通过抽签决定上场顺序,参赛选手以团队为单位、选手抽签后依次登台表演,评委根据选手的表演内容、形式以及台风、

形象等打分,坚持公平、公正、公正的原则,选手服装、道具自备。 七、比赛要求 ①主题:本次英文话剧大赛不限制主题,能够反映当代学生的精神面貌,有一定的寓意,内容健康向上,鼓励原创,力求新颖独特。 ②剧本:必须为作者原创或改编自中外经典著作,但不得与此前已发表的剧作雷同。严禁抄袭,一经发现即取消参赛资格。 ③参赛剧本必须适合舞台演出。场景道具不宜过于复杂。 ④本次话剧比赛要求选手在表演时必须用英文表达。 ⑤每队参赛队伍的话剧表演时间应控制在10分钟之内。 八、活动内容 1、宣传 ①海报宣传:在宿舍区门口,食堂,校区大门,图书馆入口处,各个宿舍管理站等醒目的地方张贴海报,加大宣传。 ②辅导员辅助宣传:联系各系部的团总支学生会,和他们阐述一下本次活动的目的的主旨,取得他们的支持,通过各系部的团总支学生会宣传本次活动。 ③网络宣传:通过微博,人人网,贴吧等网络工具加大宣传力度。 2、报名 ①现场报名:中午食堂门口摆摊,并接受现场咨询。


《狐假虎威》中英文台词 旁白:In the beautiful forest,a tiger is the king of the forest, and many lovely animals live there. One sunny afternoon,the tiger just wake.(在一个美丽的森林,老虎是森林之王,许多可爱的动物住在里面。一个阳光明媚的下午,老虎醒了。) 老虎:I’m a great tiger. I’m the king of forest. I’m strong and brave.(我是一只伟大的老虎,我是森林之王,我很强壮,很勇敢。) 动物们:Are you hungry,are you hungry,King tiger,King tiger?Are you hungry,are you hungry,King tiger,King tiger?(你饿了吗,你饿了吗,大王?)老虎:Hum,I’m so hungry,I must find something to eat at once. Oh,there’s nothing here. Oh,there’s nothing here.(哼,我很饿了,我必须马上找一些吃的东西。但是,这儿没东西吃,这儿没东西吃。) 旁白:it’s very quiet in the forest. There are not many animals. Here comes the fox. (森林里很安静,没有很多动物,这时,一只狐狸走了出来。) 狐狸:I am a fox. I’m good at cheating and telling lies. I am the cleverest animal in the forest. I always have something to eat.(我是一只狐狸。我很擅长撒谎欺骗别人。我是森林里最聪明的动物。我经常有东西吃。) 老虎:a fox,a fox,good meal,good meal. (狐狸,狐狸,好午餐) 狐狸:oh,my god. What should I do?yes,I have a good idea. Hello,Mr tiger,how are you? (噢,天啊,我该怎么办?对了,我有一个好主意。喂,老虎先生,你好吗?)老虎:not very good. I’m very hungry. I want to eat you now.(不好,我现在很


语话剧剧本《高老庄抢亲》 广西财经学院木槿花开根据教客网原话剧改制 An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King Cast: narrator(旁白君) Tang's monk (唐僧) The Monkey King (孙悟空) The old man (老头)The little girl (小女子)The old woman(老妈) pig(八戒) 大家好,今天我们小组给大家表演的话剧是高老庄抢亲。下面我介绍一下我们组分配的角色,XX扮演的是XX...... Hello, everyone, today our group to show the drama is Gao Laozhuang rob close .Let me introduce our group assigned roles ....... 第一幕 旁白:唐僧和孙悟空初到高老庄就遇到了奇怪的事儿。At the beginning of tang's monk and Sun WuKong to Gao Laozhuang met strange things 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。 Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there. 悟空仔细地搀扶唐僧继续行走,同时另一边老头、老妈、小媳妇出场。 小女子(做哭状):爹、妈,我…… Daddy, mommy, I, I … 老头:女儿,快走吧,不然那猪精来了,就走不了了。 Honey, hurry up. The spirit is coming soon.

The Fox and the Tiger 狐假虎威剧本

The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m the king of the forest. But now I’m very hungry. I must find something to eat . Oh, th ere’s nothing here. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m go od at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox. A go od meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Hello! Tiger ! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest!If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now.


职业风采才艺表演 Scene 1 40 seconds 电脑,电子琴 岑荣荣,胡天铃,汪罗芸芝(弹钢琴) 电子琴(我在那一角落患过伤风)开始 Amery: Hi, Cathy, what are you doing? Cathy: (播放幻灯片)I’m checking my courseware. I’ll have an open class soon. Amery: Oh, really? Wow, it’s so beautiful. Cathy: Thanks. My topic is “the Fox and the Tiger”. Look at this picture. ... 出现蓝屏,钢琴突然停止 Oh ,no, ... My God! What bad luck! …… Cathy: What can I do? Amery: Well…Don’t worry. I’ve got a good idea. Cathy: What? Amery: Why not make a barbola (剪贴画)?Helen can help us too. Cathy: Great! Amery: Helen, could you please help us to make a barbola? Helen: Sure! Cathy: Thank you, Let’s begin. Amery&Helen: Ok Scene 2 3 minutes 岑荣荣,胡天铃,汪罗芸芝(弹钢琴), 劳海琳(剪纸) 电子琴开始(老人与海) Cathy: First, I draw the background. …… Amery: Helen,I cut a tree and grass, you cut some flowers. Helen: No problem! Cathy: then I will draw a tricky fox. oval-shaped face, two triangular ears, and I draw two lines as its body, two feet, and its big tail. …… Cathy: Helen. Helen: Yes,… Cathy: You cut some pieces of grass, light green and dark green, we will stick them on the left and right sides.. Helen: I have the same idea. Cathy: next, the tiger—the king of the forest. To begin with, I draw a big circle as its face, two small semi-circle as it’s ears. Amery: Don’t forget to draw some small animals, such as rabbit and deer. Cathy: OK


语话剧剧本《xx抢亲》 广西财经学院木槿花开根据教客网原话剧改制 An English play---- Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King Cast: narrator(旁白君) Tang's monk (唐僧) The Monkey King (孙悟空) The old man (老头)The little girl (小女子)The old woman(老妈) pig(八戒) 大家好,今天我们小组给大家表演的话剧是高老庄抢亲。下面我介绍一下我们组分配的角色,XX扮演的是XX...... Hello, everyone, today our group to show the drama is Gao Laozhuang rob close .Let me introduce our group assigned roles ....... 第一幕 旁白:唐僧和孙悟空初到高老庄就遇到了奇怪的事儿。At the beginning of tang's monk and Sun WuKong to Gao Laozhuang met strange things 悟空:师傅,是不是太累了?休息一下再走吧。 Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. 唐僧:没关系,前面不远就有人家了,到了那里再休息吧。 I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there. 悟空仔细地搀扶唐僧继续行走,同时另一边老头、老妈、小媳妇出场。 小女子(做哭状):爹、妈,我…… Daddy, mommy, I, I … 老头:女儿,快走吧,不然那猪精来了,就走不了了。 (小女子走几步又回头跑回老妈的怀里,抱头痛哭。老头在一边叹息,擦泪。 唐僧、悟空走到他们面前。)


英语课本剧‘the fox and the tiger’教学案例 一、背景分析: 英语学科有其特殊性,我们“学英语”就是在“学语言”,而“学语言”的关键在于“用语言”。课本剧表演就是以英语课文内容为素材,以表演为形式展开的综合运用语言的实践训练,是一种任务型的研究性学习,是把抽象的语言形象化的具体表现。开展英语课本剧活动既能够较好地培养学生综合运用语言知识的能力,也能够培养学生的合作能力和表演能力,是提高学生综合素质的一项有效的英语实践活动。 二、教学过程: 1、精心选材,确定话题 2、合作学习,集体创作 3、创设情境,课堂表演 ‘the fox and the tiger’ 旁白:I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen? One day, a new story happens. (一) 琵琶弹奏:《金蛇狂舞》 场景:狐狸在前面跑,老虎在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。 老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do? (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what? 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What? 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where? Where? Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l老虎望着空空如也的手) I hate fox!(气得上窜下跳) (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 老虎在森林里又遇到了溜达中的狐狸,又一下子冲上去把狐狸压在爪下。 (琵琶拨一下弦,以示紧张的情绪。)


四人英语话剧剧本-The Rolling Orange The Rolling Orange讲述桔子的故事。一天早上,桔子一家醒来,发现人们开着卡车,搬着梯子,来摘桔子了,快来看看他们的命运如何吧。 人物 Tom: Father Orange Klye: Mother Orange Wallis: Older Sister Orange Jessie: Little Brother Orange Characters Father Orange: He is a middle-aged, considerate, and thoughtful man. Mother Orange: She is a younger and more youthful woman than Father. She is also very optimistic. Older Sister Orange: She is young , energetic, and competitive . Little Brother Orange: He is the youngest and, therefore, a little spoiled. SCENE I 场景一:果园 One Morning in an Orange Orchard. (Today is a sunny day . An orange family is discussing nervously about something on an orange tree in an orchard. ) Father: I was awakened early this morning by the sound of trucks in the field (yawning). Mother: Well, it wasn’t the first time to be like this. Sister: A whole bunch of strange men was brought in by trucks. Brother: That really scared me. They got out and started to climb up ladders. Sister: (Afraid suddenly) Oh! My friends were grabbed and put into large bags. I could hear them yell for help. Father: Hey! We shouldn’t look at them; otherwise, they’ll notice us. Mother: But it’s useless. Sister: Oh, God! We’re discovered! Brother: Oh! We’re being grab bed and pulled from our branches. What will we do for food and water? Sister: It will be so uncomfortable going to town in that bag with a lot of strangers. Mother: Well, we’ll just have to do our best. Father: Y eah! SCENE II On a Fruit Stand. (After having been on the road in a bag for half an hour, they are placed on a fruit stand. ) Sister: Gee! This place is so cold and desolate. I wish we had our friends here on this stand (looks at the opposite fruit stall). Brother: I tried to make friends with these people on our way here, but everyone looked pretty uncomfortable and scared. (Suddenly) Sister: Oh! Mother! How could they do that?


英语童话剧本-----《小红帽》 《Little Red Riding Hood》 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum:(妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing? Mum:(一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum:(亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说)Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood:Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy. Mum:Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood:Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I'' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby ducks. Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后) Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby ducks,how are you? Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you.Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye. 第三场:Grandma家 Grandma:(喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞 吞地躺倒在床上。)


英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die soon. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at telling lies. Look,a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t beli eve her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me a nd see who is the king of the forest.


海的女儿英文话剧剧本 The Daughter Of The Sea (此时灯光很暗,背景音乐Caribbean Blue播放20秒左右开始念旁白,旁白结束之前演员就位,旁白念完灯光恢复,背景音乐结束。) 旁白:In the deepest of the ocean stands the castle of the Sea King.His mother is a very wise woman,and he has 6 beautiful daughters,but the youngest was the prettiest of them all,and like all the others, she had no feet,and her body ended in a fish's tail.They often made their old g randmother tell them all she knew of the ships and of the towns,the people and the animals out of the sea. 女儿们:When can we rise up out of sea? 龙祖母: When you have reached your fifteenth year,you will have permission to rise up out of the sea,to sit on the rocks in the moonlight,wh ile the great ships are sailing by and then you will see both forests and towns.(退场时全部从右边下) (念旁白时播放音乐Ave Maria一直到五女儿说完话) 旁白:How time flies ! Five of these daughters had reached out of the sea , and saw many beautiful things. (上场全部从右上从左下) 大女儿:Oh , what a beautiful day!I can hear the music ,I can play with ship .I see the big animals on the shore. That’s hor se ! 二女儿:Wa oh … The sun looks like a flower.The color of the sun is red.Who painted the wonderful sun? 三女儿:Where is it? Oh I rise up.I see the children playing on shore.I want to play with them. 四女儿:Oh ,I arrive another world.It is different from my home .But I’m afraid of whales. 五女儿:What a surprise! All the world is white .In the deep sea, there are many kinds of flowers .but why there are many white flowers. O h,no! It’s snow. 大女儿:Although the scene is wonderful .But our home is the best. 女儿们:Yes…We must go home!(从左上从右下) 旁白:At last the youngest princess reached her fifteenth year. (人鱼和祖母从右上,可以边走边说话,到舞台中央时开始装扮) 龙祖母:"Well,now,you are grown up,so you must let me adorn you like your other sisters.Take these great oysters to attach themselves to your tail,it will show your high rank. 小人鱼:(有点痛苦的表情)Oh,they hurt me!(接着得意的笑)Pride must suffer pain. (说完话灯光变暗,人鱼向舞台左边走不用下,祖母从右下。念旁白时播放音乐Tia Dalma



英语短剧:The Fox and the Tiger(狐假虎威) T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die soon. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at telling lies. Look,a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king o f the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t beli eve her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest. Tiger: Ok. Let’s go.


初中英语课本剧剧本 狐假虎威(二) :I think everybody knows the Chinese story 狐假虎威. You know the fox cheat the tiger. When the tiger knew the truth, he felt very angry. He hated the fox very much. Can you imagine when the fox meet with the tiger again, what will happen One day, a new story happens. (一) 弹奏: 场景:在前面跑,在后面追。老虎一把揪住狐狸,喘三口气后,将狐狸翻转过来。 老虎:(暴怒地,用手指指着狐狸的鼻子)You cheat me last time. Cheat me! How dare you! Now, you are dying. Ah ha ha ha! 狐狸:(背过头去,小声地):Oh, unlucky! What shall I do (回过头来,可怜地):I feel very sorry for cheating you last time,but, but ,but……(左顾右盼) 老虎:(疑惑地)But what 狐狸:(推脱中)But…….(眼睛往远处上下打量,迷恋状,脚不由自主地走出去)Beautiful! 老虎:(一把将狐狸拽回来) What 狐狸:(向远处努努嘴)You girl friend Linda! Look, she’s there! 老虎:(傻呼呼,左右张望,急忙放手去找)Where Where Linda, I love you!(狐狸乘机溜走)(l 老虎望着的手) I hate fox!(气得) (二) 旁白:Unfortunately, after a few days, the tiger meet with the fox again. 老虎在森林里又遇到了溜达中的狐狸,又一下子冲上去把狐狸压在爪下。 (琵琶拨一下弦,以示紧张的情绪。) 老虎:(暴怒地)Now, you can make a choice. You want me bite you head first or your fat leg first (先抚摩狐狸的头发,再打量狐狸的腿)


FOX and TIGER T---Tiger F---Fox R---Rabbit B---Bird Fr---Frog B----Bear Tiger: I’m a great tiger. I’m very strong. I’m very brave. I’m the king of the forest.But now I’m very hungry. I must find sth. to eat at once, or I’ll die immediately. Oh, there’s nothing here. And here is nothing, either. Oh, I want to have a rest. (Sleep soundly) Fox: I’m a fox. You can see, I’m pretty and lovely. I’m good at cheating 0and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is! Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you? Tiger: Not so good. I’m very hungry now. I want to eat you. Fox: Oh, my dear! How dare you say that! I’m the king of the forest! I’m the king of the forest! If you want to eat me, I will let you die right now. Tiger: She is the king. She is cheating me. I can’t belive her. I’m the king of the forest here. Fox: If you don’t believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest. Tiger: Ok. Let’s go. Rabbit: I’m a rabbit. I like to eat a turnip. Ah, a big turnip. Oh! It’s too hard. I can’t pull it out. Bird: I’m a bird. Rabbit: Hi! Bird: Hi! What are doing here, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you? Rabbit: Yes, please. Frog: I’m a frog. Hello! What are you doing here? What can I do for you?
