


2016 年 6 月大学英语四六级考前点拨辅导讲义


一、Listening Comprehension:

Part 1.News report & Lecture

News reports:

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear

two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question,

you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding

letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

1. A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels.

B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi.

C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala.

D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital.

听力原文:Kenyan police say one person was killed and 26 injured in an explosion at a bus station in central


2. A) On Christmas Eve.C) During a security check.

B) Just before midnight.D) In the small hours of the morning.

听力原文:Some eyewitnesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it exploded during a

security check.


Kenyan police say one person was killed and 26 injured in an explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi.

The blast hit a bus about to set off for the Ugandan capital Kampala. Last July, the Somali group al-Shabab said

it was behind the blasts in the Ugandan capital which killed more than 70 people. Will Ross reports from the

Kenyan capital.

The explosion happened beside a bus which was about to set off for an overnight journey from Nairobi to the

Ugandan capital Kampala. Some eyewitnesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it

exploded during a security check. Windows of the red bus were left smashed, and blood could be seen on the

ground beside the vehicle. Just hours earlier, Uganda’s police chief had warned of possible Christmas-time

attacks by Somali rebels.

1. What is the news report mainly about?

2. When did the incident occur?

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.


v 何凯文英语6级作文万能模板 同学们,四六级考试中作文主题非常简单就是对论题进行正反的判断:(1) 论题很重要;(2)论题很有害;接着可以对这个判断进行重复,换着方的说重要,有害;同时也可以给几句论据,而这篇日志中的句子就是有通用意义的论据,每个角度背诵一两句,总有一款能用上的!亲,不要再等了,背吧! 1. 生活时间角度 (1) we have been always considering sth (recreational activities) as something to relax ourselves or something that can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 我们一直认为娱乐活动可以让我们放松,可以为我们每天枯燥的生活增添一些色彩。 (2) Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. Sth可以使我们的生活更加有乐趣,也就是说,sth为我们每天枯燥的生活增添了一些色彩。 (3) For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment 对大多数人来讲,阅读或学习一项新技术已成为他们生活的中心和快乐的来源 (4)Furthermore, students living in their own home would have


2011年文都英语四六级冲刺讲义 一.Listening Comprehension: Part 1 .Short Conversation 几种思维 1.主题思维:上文提到一件事情(用一般疑问句进行提问),这就是对话主题。 下文是肯定或者是否定的回答。掌握肯定和否定的表达方法。 2.否定思维:评价性否定;事实性否定;邀请性否定 3.听到什么不选什么的思维:安全感的获得 例题:Eg1. A) Taking photographs .B) Enhancing images. C) Mending cameras. D) Painting pictures. 听力原文:W: Do you let people know when you're taking pictures of them? M: I try not to. You know any picture of a person who poses for the camera would look dull and unnatural. Q: What are the speakers talking about? Eg2 . A) Get some small change. B) Find a shopping center. C) Cash a check at a bank. D) Find a parking meter. 听力原文:M: Excuse me, do you have change for a ten-dollar note? I need to pay the parking meter. W: I'm sorry, but I think you can get it through the money changer in the shopping center across the street. Q: What is the man trying to do? Eg3 .A) Shopping with his son. B) Buying a gift for a child. C) Promoting a new product. D) Bargaining with a salesgirl. 听力原文:M: Can you recommend something that a school boy of 7 or 8 will really like? W: I'd suggest this toy train, sir. It's an excellent brand, very popular all over the world these days. Q: What is the man doing? Eg4. A) He moved to Baltimore when he was young. B) He can provide little useful information. C) He will show the woman around Baltimore. D) He will ask someone else to help the woman. 听力原文


文都教育:大学英语四六级讲义——四级写作(下) 第四节题型分析 在本节中我们将以题型为依据进行分析讲解,以掌握各种题目的写作方法与技巧。下面就按照题型不同,分别进行讨论。 一、图表图画题型() 表格和图表题型 表格和图表题型是大学英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型,故大家应对此类题型加强练习,熟练掌握。 表格和图表题型写作注意事项 ●仔细研究题目以及提示信息,看准、看清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分 的变化趋势和走向,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定容层次以及主题句。 ●仔细观察分析图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性,最核 心的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息,切忌简单地罗 列图表所给出的信息。 ●表格和图表题型写作一般采用一般现在时,但如果图表给出了具体时间参照, 则应对时态进行相应的调整。 ●表格和图表题型要求考生使用一些固定句型和表达法,大家应对此融会贯通。 ●表格和图表题型可以细分为表格,曲线图、柱形图和圆形图。除了上述共同 要点,还应弄懂这四种图在写作方面的各自特点。 ?表格形式要求考生对表格中所给出的大量数字进行比较分析,从中找 出其变化规律。 ?曲线图形式要求考生仔细观察坐标系所显示的数据信息,并且密切注 意交汇在坐标横轴和纵轴上的数字及单位。 ?柱形图形式要求考生通过宽度相等的柱形的高度或长度差别来判断 事物的动态发展趋势,故考生应密切关注坐标线上的刻度单位及图表 旁边的提示说明与文字。 ?圆形图形式旨在要求考生准确理解并阐述一个被分割成大小不等切 片的圆形图所传达的信息。考生应清楚掌握部分与整体,部分与部分 之间的相互关系,这种关系通常是以百分比的数字形式给出的。 ●列出各段的主题句。考生可以根据所给提纲或已知信息列出每段的主题句, 为全文的展开铺平道路。 ●严格围绕主题句展开段落。 ●检查与修改。表格与图表写作的检查与修改应着重检查文章中所列举的信息 是否与图表所显示的信息一致。 表格和图表题型写作中常用的核心句型归纳如下: . ,… . ... . ,... . ( \ \ \ )... . (\ \ )…


英语六级翻译必备词汇——中国文化 来源:文都图书 自从四六级改革以后,翻译就由之前的部分句子汉译英变成了整段的汉译英,这对于考生来说难度确实加大不少。新翻译涉及到社会、经济、历史、文化等等,这就要求大家在这些方面多加注意并积累。文都在这里给大家总结了一些有关中国文化的必备词。 火药gunpowder 印刷术printing 造纸术paper-making 指南针the compass 《三字经》The Three-Word Chant 《三国演义》Three Kingdoms 《西游记》Journey to the West; 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions 中国画traditional Chinese painting 书法calligraphy 水墨画Chinese brush painting; 中国结Chinese knot 旗袍Cheongsam 京剧人物脸谱Peking Opera Mask 相声comic crosstalk

皮影戏shadow play; 说书story-telling 武术martial art 阳历solarcalendar 阴历lunarcalendar 剪纸:Paper Cutting 书法:Calligraphy 针灸:Acupuncture 太极拳:Tai Chi 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 孟子:Mencius 敦煌莫高窟:Mogao Caves 北京烤鸭:Beijing Roast Duck 火锅:Hot Pot 关于六级翻译,内容还是比较广泛的,对于日常生活中比较常见的词语最好都要弄清它的英文翻译。平时也要多注意进行练习,因为是新题型,所以真题比较少,大家可以配套文都出版的《大学英语六级考试真题精析与标准预测》,里面附赠20片短文翻译,让大家有题可做。


翻译中一定会用到的表达: 1. Sth gradually developed a style which featured… 某物形成了以…为特色的风格; 2.Sth can be classified into several categories:… 某物可以被分为以下几类; 3. One Belt and One Road Initiative 一带一路倡议 4.China has made great headway in narrowing the gap among different social classes. 中国在缩小不同社会阶层间的差距方面也在努力。 5.The core of “harmonious society” is “human-centered”, which means the improvement of people’slivelihood. 和谐社会的核心是以人为本,这就意味着要促民生。 6. We not only aspire to build China into a prosperous, strong and modern socialist country, but also into ademocratic, culturally advanced and harmonious one. 我们不只是希望把中国建设为现代,繁荣和富强的社会主义国家,而且使中国成为文化先进的,民主的和和谐的国家。 7. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom,created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture


考研英语长难句突破讲义 适用对象:考研学子,四级,六级英语学习或相当者。 课程目的:打破英语阅读学习的幻觉,真正获得一扇通向别样美丽世界的窗户,人生从此再无长难句。为英语写作夯实基础。 课程安排:方法论讲解;难句解析;考试实战演练 第一部分方法论讲解 引子我们为什么要精读句子 1.精读能力的要求(消除障碍的阅读) 自由笔记区目标:准确【重要】精读 2.泛读能力的要求(广泛获取信息的阅读) 目标:快速 技能:高职 阅读的实际过程是什么知识:本科 Input(英文)-mind(句子层面)-output(中文)思维:研究生 思想:博士 阅读在句子层面的障碍 1.含义 2.语序 简单句的障碍来源 简单句:只有一套谓语的句子 基本句型包括:主+谓,主+谓+宾,主+谓+双宾,主+谓+宾+宾补,主+系+表 定语,状语,同位语,插入语 简单句的障碍识别及处理方法 定语:在句子中修饰名词的成分problem-定义-细化-solution(思维方式) 前置定语:adj+名词 后置定语: 形容词短语:形容词+介词+名词this is a book useful for your future Ving a woman walked on the road Ved a painting painted by Jane n. + to do a way to solve the problem 介词短语:介词+名词a bottle of water on the table 表语形容词:alive a cat alive 解决方案:前置P.S:I want to be part of something big. Something属于不定代词。 【不定代词定语置后】 定语从句(不属于简单句范畴) 关系代词:人称代词:who whom which that as +非完整句 引导词物主代词:whose +完整句


理工科跨考学科思政的详细经验 2019考研结束了,心里的一块大石头终于尘埃落定,想想在曲师复习的5个月真的挺充 实的,特别想念那里,不管是风景和人我都十分想念,一辈子也会记得的光景。有一句格言 是我考研路上的坚持——“要有朴素的生活与最遥远的梦想,即使明日天寒地冻,路远马亡。”其实我真的不知道自己以后应该干什么,但是我觉得生而为人,总要对社会做点贡献,恰恰 自己越来越喜欢教师的工作,还有我们国家对于教师的待遇越来越好。为什么说这个,因为 我自己是一个工科生,不太好的二本院校出身,说不出华美的语言,都是一些自己的经验和 经历,供你们参考。本人成绩(333:139。831:144。英语:65。政治:64)生活上我建议,独立学习没问题的就独立学习,前期学两周出去玩一天是没关系的,考 研期间我真的很感谢我男朋友,为了让我学下去,每两周都会带我出去玩一天,或者告诉我,好好学就给我买一只香奈儿气垫,TF口红等等,确实买了哈哈,最喜欢的还是他说考上就跟我结婚,有一段时间实在学不下去,都是他和我视频着我们俩一起学,回想起来是让我挺感 动的。所以建议大家最好找一个可以聊天吃饭的研友,看个人需要。每天晚上一定跑跑步, 考研是持久战,一定要有一个好身体,备着布洛芬和润喉糖,还有一个大水杯,别想着减肥,多看新闻,没事就打开考研帮记记单词看看帖子。我是在曲阜师范大学租房子,除了晚上和 我朋友一起回去休息,其余时间都是我自己,每天抱着大水杯带着书,走到哪被背到哪,累 了就考验帮记单词,满脑子都是专业课,一点感觉不到孤独,有人对我表白,我看了一下内 容直接扔了,因为自己的心根本不在那上面,想想自己那时候真的很帅呀。不过我妈妈说我 回家脸上煞白,所以你们一定要保重身体。但是最重要的还是自己的动力,其实我拼了命的 学习,害怕失败,是因为我没有退路,我一点都不想从事我原本的专业,感觉失败了我真的 找不到工作,你们要多想想自己为什么考研,考研以后你们会怎么怎么样,当然短时间内, 可以每月每周每天建立一个目标,完成了就大吃一顿,或者做一件自己想做的事,一定不要 半途而废,不然真的会后悔。我会给每月建立目标,然后分解到每天,如果完成了晚上就吃 自己喜欢吃的小火锅或者加餐一个雪糕,火锅一定少吃对嗓子不好,一般每天的任务都是完 不成的,实在完不成下次就少点任务,因为一直完不成影响自己的积极性。饮食一定健康, 最好不要吃垃圾食品,嗓子不好很影响你背书的心情,实在压力大就一天吃个够,这样至少 你一个月都不会想吃了。 释放压力:吃。跑步。玩。大哭。大声背书,超级大声。最有用的还是吃哈哈。胖了超多,考研那会大家都是疯子,千万别害羞,不成魔你是不会成功的。在家学不下去的可以去 曲师租房子,曲师氛围太强大。 一.333 333我用的就是lucky学姐的笔记(自己打印的),对照着凯程视频。这就是我所有的资料,当然不可缺少的就是真题。我是7月份开始复习的,对我来说很紧张的时间。第一遍我 是先看一遍,当然是快速的看一遍,不懂得地方我就看视频,对照着视频快速看一遍,看完 一章以后就把这一章的内容整理出一个导图,就是整章的大纲,7月份以前最好看完。第二 遍就开始背(背诵方法就是找关键词和关键句,通过记忆关键词和关键句来扩展一段的内容;还有一个方法就是录音,录下来自己背诵的内容,不管干什么就听一听,跟着背,这是我独 创哈哈;因为看电子版太毁眼睛;还有串字头记忆,就是每个点的第一个字连起来;歌诀记 忆法等等),背诵第一遍肯定记住的不多,背完一章可以根据大纲进行巩固,重点内容一定 要记住。背诵到自己觉得可以写写的时候,我建议从8月份开始尝试着默写,不管写不写出


何凯文15年12月作文预测必背万能句 成功品质万能句: Our era prizes people who possess this attribute as winners and rewards companies that value it with wealth. So ,doubtless, this character represents the winning formula that will put us firmly on the road to success. 举例子用的句子: Instances like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg could be easily multiplied, but these will suffice to show that the trait discussed here is primarily essential to the success in any sphere of human activity. Jack ma, with his glorious achievement, has proved one case in point---critical thinking and innovation is the bedrock to the generation of personal success and business wealth. (成功有)Accumulate wealth, establish career, fit into society and even social status. 成绩与美德哪个更重要: Moral ity and education are “the right and the left hands’”of a nation. Education alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality. The absence of either makes success impossible. Education without morality is dangerous. Morality without


社会话题 正:①ZTC is/are always critical to the social growth and the people’s sense of happiness.②Put it another way around,if ZTC is/are underplayed in certain manner, the possible sorry state of affairs and desperate situation lie ahead.③Fortunately,the media coverage and social survey have shown that the awareness concerning this matter is growing among the public.④Meanwhile,we can witness many good behaviors,such as(1,2and3正).⑤These decent deeds will create the virtuous cycle to boost social development. 正:①ZTC对社会发展和人们的幸福感始终至关重要。②换种说法,如果ZTC 处于某种程度的低估状态,可能会出现不幸的情况和绝望的局势。③幸运的是,媒体的报道和社会调查表明,公众对此事的意识正在提高。④与此同时,我们可以看到许多良好的行为,例如(1,2and3正)。⑤这些体面的行为将创造良性循环,促进社会发展。 负:①ZTC is/are always critical to the social growth and the people’s sense of happiness.②Put it another way around,if ZTC is/are underplayed in certain manner, the possible sorry state of affairs and desperate situation lie ahead.⑥Sad to say,we are still bothered by(1.2and3负)③Fortunately,the media coverage and social survey have shown that the awareness concerning this matter is growing among the public. ④Meanwhile,we can witness many good behaviors,such as(1.2and3正).⑤These decent deeds will create the virtuous cycle to boost social development. So,how to secure the improvement and guard against the looming threat is the question facing all of us.The public are required to enhance the awareness concerning ZTC.Experts and scholars are expected to work out concrete measures.The government’s involvement is also indispensable.With our advisable attitude and solid efforts,a better future can be anticipated by all of us. 因此,如何确保改进并防范迫在眉睫的威胁是我们所有人面临的问题。要求公众提高对ZTC的认识。希望专家和学者制定具体措施。政府的参与也是必不可少


2017年12月英语四六级终极十句话(何凯文) 明天就是2017年12月英语四六级考试决战的日子了,仅剩1天了,在这最后关头我们还能做些什么呢?小编为大家整理了文都名师何凯文的“英语四六级终极十句话”,想涨分的朋友速速前来围观吧! 个人话题: 1.Young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons with more activities to embrace this world, which is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the future career. 年轻人应该多和这个社会接触拓宽他们的视野,这样可以清楚的知道他们想要的是什么以及为什么。有这样视野的学生常常是效率最高的也是最积极的,在未来的职业中也会获得竞争的优势。 2.The cultivation of critical thinking ability was, is and remains to be an integral part in achieving one's personal accomplishment. 批判思维能力的培养对于实现个人成就而言,过去是,现在,而且一直都会是重要因素。 3.Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team but also to manage their time and improve their organizational skills.

2018年11月大学英语四级口语考试真题The celebration of Youth Day 附文都版参考答案

2018年11月大学英语四级口语考试真题:庆祝青年节 来源:文都教育 今天是2018年11月17日,大学英语四级口语考试也如期而至。口语考试的时候往往是许多考生最为紧张的时刻,不过口语考试并不是什么洪水猛兽,只要稍加练习,做到有话可说,就不会在考场上出现尴尬的场面。为了帮助大家顺利通过四级口语考试,文都四六级英语老师将会为各位考生提供最贴心的口语考试小提示,希望能够对各位同学有所帮助。 本场对话的主题为“庆祝青年节”,五四青年节是青年人的一个重要的节日,这一天往往会举办社会实践活动,诗歌朗诵和晚会来纪念这个节日。那么接下来,我们来看一下就“庆祝青年节”这一主题展开的一些常用的表述: The celebration of Y outh Day A: Hi, Cecelia, the Youth Day is coming. Do you know something about it? B: Sure, Kathy. The Youth Day falls on the May 4th, and it is an important festival in China. A: What about the origin of the festival? B: Well, it comes from May 4th Movement launched by Beijing students in 1919, which marks the beginning of the new democratic revolution, so this festival was established to memorize the movement. People, especially the young, often participate in all sorts of activities to celebrate it. How will you spend the day? A: I am a member of youth volunteers in our school. As usual, we will organize some social practice activities, for example, in this year we will advocate students to do the rural practice, such as cleaning, experiencing farm work and doing housework, so that the youth can learn that today's happy life is not easily won. B: That is meaningful, today’s youth should really cherish their life. I will take part in a Poetry Reciting Competition and my topic is “The Youth”, praising the vigor and warm blood of the youth. A: Good luck! By the way, an evening party in honor of the festival will be held on CCTV this evening. Let us enjoy it. B: Ok , I agree. 以上,就是文都四六级英语老师为各位考生带来的四级口语考试的对话部分,希望能够对各位考生有所助益。同时,各位正在准备着六级口语的同学们不如参考一下今天四级口语考试的内容,为六级口语练一下手。最后,文都教育祝各位同学都可以取得令人满意的成绩。


Our era prizes people who possess this attribute as winners and rewards companies that value it with wealth. So, doubtless, this character represents the winning formula that will put us firmly on the road to success. Instances like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, and Mark Elliot Zuckerberg could be easily multiplied, but these will suffice to show that the trait discussed here is primarily essential to the success in any sphere of human activity. Jack Ma, with his glorious achievement has proved one case in point----critical thinking and innovation is the bedrock to the generation of personal success and business wealth. 代替成功的词:Accumulate wealth, establish career, fit into society and ever attain social status Morality and education are” the right and the left hands” of a nation. Education alone is not sufficient. It should go side by side with morality. The absence of either makes success impossible. Education without morality is dangerous, morality without education is useless. To large extend, we are compelled by the topic mentioned here to reflect the conventional successes that take up an inappropriately large of our energy and time. It inspires us to explore the real essence of life and derive guidance from the ever-lasting moral values that truly matter. We are required to ponder the limits of old beliefs of success, which carries much less value than the immortal values that indeed carries weight to a man’s life. These days, the topic of smog or haze has constantly captured wide media attention, occupying the newspaper headlines, sparking heated discussion on the web and wreaking horror among people. Honestly is the steel that forges the supporting structure of the society, and the society can not grow steady, if this invaluable asset is ever neglected in any possible manner. 浪费的问题:、 When dinning out, we tend to order more food than we eat to show our generosity or hospitality, which causes plenty good food go into the trash. Moreover, these days, the routine office work has to be discussed in a banquet. And the random feastings, more often than not paid by the government, lead to the great deal of food waste. We Chinese place a high value on the saving, a traditional virtue, and wasting food will be regarded as vulgar taste and the lack of social responsibility. 珍惜时间: Life is cherished by everyone, but time by few, we are too often indifferent to the loss of an hour or of a day, forgetting that our life is the sum of total of the days and the hours we live. Especially for the youth, if we allow these morning hours of life to slip away, we shall never be able to recoup the loss. As we grow older, our power of acquisition gets blunted, so that some skills which are not acquired in our prime years will never be acquired at all.


2013文都考研英语长难句精讲班讲义 第一部分方法论讲解 ?英文句子阅读的实际过程是什么? 英文中文 ?英中文转化过程中在句子层面的障碍 语义(词汇) 语序 句子可以是这样的:. ①. ②(因为) . 世间存在一种东西,人之所以是人,就是这种东西。 ?英语句子的分类: 简单句和非简单句 简单句的定义:只含有一套主谓结构的句子 ?简单句的障碍来源 简单句没有障碍的情况: 1.主语+谓语 2. 主语+谓语+宾语 3. 主语+谓语+双宾语 4. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补 5.主语+系+表语(表语为形容词时候,表语又可以称作主语补足语) ,, , , , , , , , ? 简单句的障碍来源:(问题在于识别和处理) 1. 定语 2. 同位语 3. 插入语 4. 状语 定语: 修饰和限定名词的成分;根据位置分为:前置定语;后置定语。(名字n.前后之分)作用和识别: 前置定语(可以有多个定语) . 物主代词;(单);;(单);n 形容词短语 a 形容词+介词+名词 现在分词短语现在分词介+名;名;连词+句子 过去分词短语 a 介+名 n. +动词不定式短语 a v(原形) 介词短语介+ 名词/(介+代代词就是代替名词的词语) 表语形容词作定语后置a 表语形容词充当定语后置 不定代词定语后置不定代词充当定语后置 处理:前置(翻译成中文的时候),也可以拆分,特别是后置定语较长的时候。 定语从句(不属于简单句范畴) 定语从句的作用:1,修饰和限定名词 ▲2,连接两个具有共同名词的句子 3,表示因果关系 今生:.(叫做关系代词) 前世:①I . ②. 定语从句的识别: (基本结构)人称代词 名词+连接词+句子关系代词:物主代词 后加非完整句


https://www.360docs.net/doc/4917749421.html,/ 何凯文英语四六级考前终极十句话 个人话题: 1.Young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons with more activities to embrace this world, which is the best way for them to get a clear perspective of what they are hoping to do with their lives and why. Students with such a perspective are usually the most effective and motivated ones who can gain competitive edge in the future career. 年轻人应该多和这个社会接触拓宽他们的视野,这样可以清楚的知道他们想要的是什么以及为什么。有这样视野的学生常常是效率最高的也是最积极的,在未来的职业中也会获得竞争的优势。 2.The cultivation of critical thinking ability was, is and remains to be an integral part in achieving one's personal accomplishment. 批判思维能力的培养对于实现个人成就而言,过去是,现在,而且一直都会是重要因素。 3.Life skills are very important and by doing voluntary work, students can learn how to communicate with others and work in a team


何凯文老师-----四六级写作常用句型 作者 : 毛颖 开头句式背景句: 1.There is no consensus of opinions among people as to…some people tend to have a favorable attitude toward…While, others have an unpleasant association with… 2. Recently, the issue of ...... has been brought into public focus. 近来,_______的问题引起了社会的广泛关注。 3. Recently the issue of (whether …or not) has been in the limelight(成为引人注目的中心)and has aroused wide concern in the public. 近来,是否_______的问题已经非常明确而且引起了社会的广泛关注。 4. Along with the advance of the society more and more problems are brought to our attention, one of which is .... 随着社会的不断发展,出现了越来越多的问题,其中之一便是____________。 5. Now we are entering a brand new era full of opportunities and innovations, and great changes have taken place in people's attitude towards some traditional practice. 现在我们进入了一个充满机遇和创新的崭新时代,很多人对某些传统的看法也发生了很大改变。 6.______ has become a hot topic among people,especially among the young and heated debates are right on their way. ______已成为人的关注的热门话题,特别是在年青人当中,将引发激烈的辩论。


2013考研英语真题及答案解析:难度稍降分数线预计持平 2012年英语已经结束,考研辅导专家第一时间为你提供真题解析,以帮助广大考生及时估分查询,希望考生能顺利进入复试,最终考上理想的大学。 英语试题的整体难度 今年的英语试题,参比2011年难度上是持平的,但是有些试题的难度要比2011年的前70分要容易一些。 英语写作部分 今年英语(一)的写作完全在教育部出题老师的指导下,让所有2012年的考生能够把自己的目光还原到我们的大学,大学生活,提示中可看到今年小作文的考题实际是让同学像有些国际学生,一些留学生要来我们的学校,作为我们来讲是东道主,我们是主人,应该向他们提供我们的一些建议,希望他们能够更好的完成学业,这个话题真的是司空见惯,而且以前的高考和四六级模拟中经常看到,所以,这道题难度不大。 今年英语(一)的大作文可能让同学们感到比较头疼,看到这个题目同学们不知道如何下手,有很多同学都喜欢看一些中央电视台的《百家讲坛》,其中,有一个非常非常不错的女老师就是于丹老师曾经在《百家讲坛》说过一句话,就是我们人生应该如何面对,我们应该以什么态度去体会我们真正生活存在的空间。 英语(二)的小作文相对去年来说要难一些,今年小作文考的是投诉信,全世界所有需要考英语的学生们,其中有很多人他们需要考信件,但是据了解有很多全世界各国要考英语信件的同学们,他们有一个共识,信件方面最难写的其实就是投诉信;所以,英语(二)的小作文比英语(一)的小作文难一些。 分数线预测 今年考题和去年考题进行大致比对后,分数线在某种意义上是持平,有些题目要容易一些,但是不能乐观的分析今年的分数线,因为165万多人去考研,比去年增加很多,可是在扩招的整个名额中并没有多了多少,所以,还是保持谨慎乐观,还是以去年的分数线参照。 2013年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语一试题 Section Ⅰ Use of English People are, on the whole, poor at considering background information when making individual decisions. At first glance this might seem like a strength that 1 the ability to make judgments which are unbiased by 2 factors. But Dr. Uri Simonsohn speculated that an inability to consider the big 3 was leading decision-makers to be biased by the daily samples of information they were working with. 4 , he theorised that a judge 5 of appearing too soft 6 crime might be more likely to send someone to prison 7 he had already sentenced five or six other defendants only to probation on that day. To 8 this idea, he turned to the university-admissions process. In theory, the 9 of an applicant should not depend on the few others 10 randomly for interview during the same day, but Dr Simonsohn suspected the truth was 11 .
