

Test Paper of Writing for Postgraduates

A (January 9th, 2005)

1.Identify the topic sentences in each of the following paragraphs and write them on the

answer sheet.(2×3)

1. Our friendship was the source of much happiness and many memories.We danced and

popped our fingers simultaneously to the soul tunes of the Jacksons and Stevie Wonder. We sweated together in the sweltering summer sun, trying to win the championship for our softball team. I recall the taste of pepperoni and sausage pizza as we discussed the highlights of our team’s victory. Once we even became attracted to the same young man, but luckily were able to share his friendship.

2.To settlers in early New England, clothes were often a measure of person’s wealth, and people

were supposed to dress according to their station in life. The wealthy dressed themselves in expensive clothes imported from London, while poorer people wore clothes made from rough home-spun. Dressing above one’s station was actually against the law. In 1676, 68 young people were fined for wearing silken clothes. In a strange new world, settlers tried to hold fast laws and customs that made their society feel orderly.

3.My parents have gone out for the evening. Just as I settle down to read or watch TV, my little

brother demands that I play with him. If I get a telephone call, he screams in the background or knocks something over. I always have to hang up to find what’s wrong with him.

Baby-sitting my brother is no fun. He refuses to let me eat a snack in peace. Usually he wants half of whatever I have to eat. Then, when he finally grows tired, it takes about an hour for him to fall asleep.

2. The following paragraph lacks unity. Identify the topic sentence in the paragraph and

revise it by deleting any sentences that distract from the controlling idea that should be direct the paragraph. Write the number of the topic sentence and the sentences should be deleted on the answer sheet.(4 points)

1.①If a person feels guilty about something, the obvious thing to do is to get that guilt out in

the open. ②But many people take a different approach—one that only makes matters worse.

③They try to stifle their bad feelings with stimulants or depressants such as alcohol,

methedrine, or marijuana. ④A friend of mine, for example, feeling guilty about her low grades, tried to stay high nearly all the time. ⑤The result was that she got even worse grades, felt guilty still, smoked even more dope, and eventually dropped out of school. ⑥I had tried to talk to her about her problems, but she was already too depressed to allow anyone to get through to her. ⑦Later, I lost touch with her, and I never did learn whether she straightened herself out. ⑧I think that person li ke her deserve a lot of pity, because if she hadn’t been so sensitive in the first place, she wouldn’t have had the guilty feelings that sent her into a tailspin.⑨Her supposed remedy had become a major part of her problem.

3. The following paragraph lacks coherence. Change the order of the sentences to make it

coherent and write the correct order of the sentences on the answer sheet.(5 points)

1.①I had a terrible morning today. ②In the middle of a class, I discovered I had left my

physics assignments in my locker. ③On my way to my political science class, I tripped over

a cur

b and tore my raincoat. ④At the end of the class, the professor would not let me go for

lunch on time. ⑤I slept so late that I did not have time to eat my breakfast. ⑥I had not turned in my assignments, and wanted to talk over this problem with me.

4.Identify the methods of development used in the following paragraphs and write them

on the answer sheet.(3×3)

1.The residents in Venice fall into two groups: those who work and those who don’t. The latter

includes senior citizens, drifters, drug addicts, would-be movie-makers, and aging hippies and surfers who have made a cult of idleness and pleasure. The other group includes lawyers, dentists, real estate brokers, accountants. Many are workaholics, attached to their jobs as they are to nothing else. They work nights and weekends, eat fast food while driving to and from their work, and live alone, longing, in the silence before falling asleep, for connection.

2.We have surely all cheated at least one time in our lives. People cheat in dozens of ways,

ranging from small-scale things like writing notes on their hands for test to the monumental deception of having an affair. We cheat when we pass the speed limit. Powerful families and corporations cheat their way out of legal binds with the help of highly paid lawyers.

Businesspeople record activities, such as dining out, as business-related so they will not have to pay for the expenses personally. Dieters are always cheating, and if you really think about it, people cheat when they use make-up or fashion to cover up or disguise features they find unattractive. Even my grandma cheats by taking shortcuts in her prescribed daily walks.

3.Many American women are more active in sports now than ever before. This is the result of

the development in sports and in modern society. It is also the result of the women’s liberation movement in the United States. In particular, three groups of women are active in sports.

Some women are sports professionals. These are women who participate in sports to earn money. College women are a second group who are active in sports. Some of these women take a sport as part of their academic program. Most women who are active in sports in the United States are amateurs. Women in this third group are those who play a game of sport because they like it. They may not be especially good at sport, but they have fun playing.

Perhaps the largest number of women who have recently become active in sports are in this amateur group. Many of these women may have learned the sport in college, also.

5.Essay analysis: Read the following essay and answer the questions concerning it. Then

put your answers on the answer sheet.(16 points)

Japan and the United States

The culture of a country is an integral part of its society whether it is a remote Indian village in Brazil or a highly industrialized city in Western Europe. Basically, culture is reflected in a country’s language, literature, art, music, and dance. However, culture also includes the patterned ways in which people conduct themselves in their relationships with others. Japan and United States are two highly industrialized nations in the world. Although their cultures have a few similarities, there are greater differences between these nations of the East and West.

First of all, Japan and the United States have several similarities. The United States is a

democracy and Japan is, too. The United State’s Constitution is the supreme law of the land, just as the Japanese Constitu tion is in Japan. Also, Japan’s Diet is similar to the U.S. Congress. ①, both Japan and the United Stated share a mutually enriching exchange of cuisine. There are Japanese restaurants in America where diners can enjoy food like sashimi (raw-fish), tempura (fried vegetables and prawns), and noodles. ②, Japanese enjoy American fast food like McDonald’s hamburgers and French fries, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and Mrs.Field’s cookies. ③, the western sport of baseball is popular not only in the United States but also in Japan. The Japanese have their leagues as the Americans do, and they have their version of the World Series games. Baseball heroes are important to Japanese spectators, ④they are to American fans.

Despite these differences, the United States and Japan have some very significant cultural differences.

One important difference is the people. Japan is a homogeneous society of one nationality and a few underrepresented minority groups like Chinese and Koreans. As a result, all areas of government and society are controlled by the Japanese majority. ⑤, although the United States is a country with European roots originally, its liberal immigration policy has resulted in its becoming a heterogeneous society of many nationalities—European, Africans, Asians, and Hispanics. They are represented in all facets of American society, including business, education, and politics.

Another difference is in the two countries’ use of transportation. Japan and United States have modern transportation system, which use the latest technology. ⑥, the means of transportation used by the masses in Japan is different from that used by the masses in the United States. The majority of Japanese use an efficient network of public transportation for pleasure and for commuting from the outlying areas to cities or from city to city. Thus, the train and subway systems are extremely overcrowded during peak hour. ⑦, Americans rely less on public transportation and prefer instead to drive their own cars or to ride in carpools. Although the average Japanese family owns one car, the typical American family owns at least two cars or more, depending on the number of children of legal driving age. Finally, a common sight in Japanese cities is neatly dressed women on motorized scooters riding on busy streets to do their bikes mostly for exercise or pleasure.

The final and most important difference is that in modern Japan, traditional customs are still largely observed. In fact, surprisingly, many young people still prefer an arranged marriage in which a couple meet through the combined efforts of parents and friends of relatives. By comparison, young American people seek their own marriage partners. In addition, married Japanese couples have more clearly defined roles than their American counterparts. A Japanese wife has greater control over the household and family decision than an American wife. For example, a Japanese wi fe decides on the family’s residence, major expenditures, and the children’s schools. The strong role of a Japanese wife is understandable since the husband, as primary bread owner, is a very busy man. His loyalty is first to his workplace, and he must expend all of his energy and waking time on his career or job. Thus, he may not arrive home until late at night, so his wife must discipline the children and make important decisions to keep the household running smoothly. ⑧, an American couple, who more or less maintain a 50-50 relationship, generally have a more democratic approach and make decisions together.

It is clear that although there are some important similarities between Japan and United States, there are significant differences as well. The extent to which Japan has accepted some

aspects of western culture reveals the country’s desire to absorb new customs. Indeed, the cultural exchanges of Japan and the United States have benefited both nations dramatically and will continue to do so in the future.

1) What’s the topic statement of this essay and the topic sentences of the body paragraphs?(5 points)

2) What’s the method of development used in this essay? (2 points)

Comparison and contrast

3) Which paragraph discusses similarities?2 Which paragraphs discuss differences?(4 points)4-6

4) What’s the function of paragraph 3?(1 points)

Transitional pragraph

5) Fill the blanks in the essay with the appropriate structure words from the following box.(4 points)

6.Essay writing: choose two from the following three topics and write at least 300 words

for each of them. (30×2=60 points)

1. If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details. (If/What)

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. (Agree/Disagree)

3. If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. (If/What)


光伏专业持证上岗考试题库 一、单选题(共95题) 1、太阳能来源于太阳内部的(A)。 A. 热核反应 B. 物理反应 C. 原子核裂变反应 D. 化学反应 2、辐照度的单位是(B)。 A. J/m2 B. W/m2 C. J D. W 3、太阳能组件中串联数目较多时,为了安全起见,在每个组件上并接(D)。 A. 肖特基二极管 B. 阻塞二极管 C. 稳压二极管 D. 旁路二极管 4、Q/GDW 617-2011《光伏电站接入电网技术规定》中:对于小型光伏电站电压在(D)应连续运行。 A. U<50%U N B. 50%U N≤U<85%U N

C. 110%U N<U<135%U N D. 85%U N≤U≤110%U N 5、全球能源总消耗量是太阳辐射到地球能量的(D)。 A. 1/1400 B. 1/140 C. 1/14 D. 1/14000 8、光伏电站发电功率超短期预测建模需要特别注意(C)对短波辐射的影响。 A. 水汽 B. 二氧化碳 C. 云层 D. 臭氧 9、太阳能电池组件的功率与辐照度基本成(D)。 A. 指数关系 B. 反比关系 C. 开口向下的抛物线关系 D. 正比关系 10、Q/GDW 617-2011《光伏电站接入电网技术规定》标准规定,对于小型光伏电站,并网点电压低于50%标称电压时,要求电站最大分闸时间为(A)秒。 A. 0.1

B. C. 1 D. 2 11、太阳辐照度数据应包含历史及实时数据,时间分辨率为(D)分钟。 A. 15 B. 10 C. 20 D. 5 12、铅酸蓄电池内阳极和阴极分别是(D)物质。 A. PbSO4,Pb B. PbSO4,PbO2 C. Pb,PbO2 D. PbO2,Pb 13、依据《光伏功率预测技术规范》,光伏功率超短期预测的预测时效最长为(D)。 A. 2小时 B. 3小时 C. 1小时 D. 4小时 14、根据Q/GDW 618-2011《光伏电站接入电网测试规程》,大中型光伏电站接入电网测试中的功率特性测试不应包括(D)。


班级: ______________ 学号: 姓名: ______________ 福州职业技术学院2006 - 2007 学年度第一学期期考 大学英语(新视野)试卷(C卷) (完卷时间:120分钟) 专业级 题号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥ总分 得分 Ⅰ.Listening Comprehension(15%) Section A. 1. A. Nothing. B. Not bad , thanks. C. Very well, thank you . D. That’s all right. 2. A. Happy birthday to you. B. You, too. C. Thank you . D. You’re too polite. 3. A. What a pleasure. B. I’m very pleased. C. It’s my pleasure. D. Pleased to meet you . 4. A. No, you can’t help me. B. Sorry, I don’t want to C. Please. D. I’d like to buy a pen. 5. A. It matters a lot . B. I feel rather tired. C. I don’t like it . D. It doesn’t matter. Section B. 6. A. Ten . B. Fifteen. C. Twenty D. Twenty-five. 7. A. In a street. B. At the doctor’s . C. At home D. At the office 8. A. An air hostess. B. The man’s girlfriend C. The man’s secretary D. A ticket seller at the airport. 9. A. He is sick in bed. B. He is better. C. He is cold D. He never complains. 10. A. She had n’t heard about it . B. She had no opinion. C. She disliked it D. She liked it . Section C. A sense of humor may take different forms. Humor helps us to __ 11____a correct sense of values. If we can see the funny side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously. The sense of humor must be __12___as man’s most important quality because it is associated with laughter. And laughter is,___13___,associated with happiness. __14____and determination are qualities we share with other forms of life. But the sense of humor is uniquely human. If happiness is one of the great goals of life ,it is the sense of humor that _15___the key. Ⅱ.Choose the best answer to each of the following sentences.(15%) 16. She has to ____that she is as good as a man in any and every way. A. prove B. mind C. work D. study 17. When would you _____this meeting to take place? A. special B. prefer C. instead D. respect 18 The family life is based on love and family members should ____each other. A. agree B. suggest C. respect D. respectable 19. These pictures _____exactly what happened in that country. A. describe B. actual C. believe D. situation 20. That’s the best way I know to _____the jobs of our members. A. protect B. collect C. outside D. product 21. But she could not _____her feelings. She cried sadly. A. control B. improve C. method D. wash 22. The girl would be happy to do more work to _____place among the students. A. housework B. earn C. dish D. society 23. These mistakes could have been _______with a good planning. A. annual B. fair C. fence D. avoided 24. Every firm has a(an)_____report on its business in the year past and the year coming. A. appear B. wake C. straight D. annual 25. I was _____to read a piece of writing with so many spelling mistakes. A. shocked B. shock C. to shock D. shocking 26. Once it was thought that dreams _____with our rest. A. interfered B. interfere C. search D. searching 27. We decided not to avoid suggestions but to _______them. A. avoided B. avoid C. adopt D. adopting 28. Be sure to keep enough time to do your ______reading and daily work. A. normal B. huge C. treat D. otherwise 29. If you want to be a great player, it takes ____effort. A. ignore B. extra C. enforce D. support 30 This is my _____opinion and you shouldn’t enforce it on others A. personal B. person C. welfare D. compare Ⅲ. Read the following statements carefully, and decide whether they are true(T)or false(F) according to the text.(20%) ( )31.Marie Curie was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics to honor her making pure radium in 1903. 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 得分评卷人 密封线内不得答题


一名词解释(10分) 1, 决策 正确答案: 决策是对未来的行为确定目标, 采用一定的科学方法和手段从两个以上的行为方案中, 选择一个合适的方案并付诸实施的过程. 2.计划 正确答案: 计划就是选定并围绕组织的目标对组织活动进行详细的统筹规划. 制定计划, 执行计划、检查计划. 3, 目标管理 正确答案: 以系统的方法集合许多关键管理活动,使组织中的上下级共同商定组织的总目标及围绕总目标的部门和个人目标, 并有意识地引导人们通过协调和支持来有效地达成组织和个人目标的全面的管理系统. 4,组织 正确答案: 组织是通过对组织要素确定相互关系, 从而使之有序化的过程, 它是动态的组织活动过程和相对静态的社会实体的统一. 5,管理幅度 正确答案: 管理幅度也叫管理宽度, 管理跨度, 指一名领导直接有效管辖的下级人员的人数 二计算题(10分) 6. 某公司生产电动制须刀, 生产能力为10000个/年, 预计明年的销售量为8000个. 总固定成本F为48000元, 单位变动成本V为24元, 单位产品价格P为32元, (1) 该公司的盈亏平衡点产量是多少? (2) 如果该公司的目标利润是72000元, 保目标利润的产量是多少? 正确答案:(1)Q*=F(P-V)=F/c= 48000/(32-24)=6000件 (2)Q1=(F+x)/(P-V)=(F+x)/c= (48000+72000)/(32-24)=15000件 三简答题(80分) 7, 什么是扁平式结构与直式结构, 它们各自有哪些优缺点? 正确答案: 扁平结构形态一扁平化组织管理层次少, 而管理幅度大的结构 优点: 信息传递快, 失真少;下属积极性高 缺点: 不利于对下属的有效指导和监督; 信息轻重不清, 加重沟通困难 锥型结构形态—直式组织: 管理幅度小而管理层次多的结构 优点:对下属提供详尽的指导和监督;有利于管理沟通 缺点:信息传递慢失真多; 下属积极性低 8, 梅奥通过霍桑试验得出什公结论? 正确答案: (1) 工人都是社会人, 是复杂的社会系统的成员, 不是经济人


2015年四川大学348文博综合[专业硕士]考研真题(回忆版)及详解 一、名词解释 1.马家窑文化 答:马家窑文化是中国新石器时代文化之一。因20世纪20年代发现于甘肃临洮县马家窑遗址而得名,主要分布在甘肃。碳-14测定年代为公元前3300~前2050年,处于父系氏族公社时期。石器多磨制,常见穿孔。彩陶特别发达,图案复杂多变,画彩技术十分成熟。主要农作物为粟和黍。家畜、家禽有猪、狗、羊、鸡。房屋多为方形地面式。盛行土坑葬。彩陶上墨笔书写符号达130多种,常见有十、一、E等。发现陶祖和陶塑男性裸体像。 2.《新中国的考古发现与研究》 答:《新中国的考古发现与研究》是中国社会科学院考古研究所编、夏鼐主编的现代考古学著作,由文物出版社于1984年5月出版。该书以时代为序,综述了1949~1984年中国考古学的发现和研究成果,展示了我国考古学在世界考古学界的重要地位,其中详细的注释为进一步研究各专题的学者提供了线索。 3.五铢钱 答:五铢钱是我国钱币史上使用时间最长的货币,是用重量作为货币单位的钱币,在我国五千年的货币发展史上起到了深远的影响。“铢”是古代一种重量单位,一两的二十四分之一为一铢。汉武帝建元元年至建元五年开始铸造,钱径2.2厘米左右,面纹“五铢”。魏、晋、南北朝、隋朝都曾铸造五铢钱,在重量、纹饰等方面略有变动,基本沿袭了汉五铢钱圆

形方孔的形制。 4.富春山居图 答:《富春山居图》是元代黄公望的水墨画作,纸本、水墨。此图描绘了富春江两岸的景色,水墨渲染,格调平淡天真,洗练苍劲,远景近景都刻画得淋漓尽致。此图是传统山水画到元代画风变化的代表作,对于后世画坛影响很大。画卷在清初吴之矩收藏时,曾遭焚毁,经抢救分为两段:前面一段流入清宫,现藏台湾,后面一段现藏浙江省博物馆。 二、简答题 1.北京猿人发现的意义。 答:(1)北京猿人的发现 北京猿人位于北京市西南房山周口店龙骨山,是一个很大的洞穴堆积。年代为距今70万年至20万年。发现北京猿人化石的地点编号为周口店第1地点。1918年,中国北洋政府矿政顾问,瑞典地质和考古学家安特生在周口店发现一处含有动物化石的裂隙堆积,1921年,安特生和奥地利古生物学家师丹斯基等人在龙骨山北坡,找到一处更大、更丰富的化石地点,即周口店第一地点。1921年和1923年先后发掘出两颗人牙,并定为人属。1929年12月2日,中国考古学家裴文中的独自主持下,发掘出第一个完整的头盖骨。 (1)北京猿人发现的意义 北京人头盖骨的发现特别是随后发现了石器和用火遗迹,使得直立人的存在得到了肯定,从而基本上明确了人类进化的序列,为“从猿到人”的伟大学说提供了有力的证据。北京人遗址的材料,是全世界发现的同一阶段人类遗址的材料中,最丰富、最系统的,为研究旧石


军事基础理论试题 一、填空(每题1分) 1、___是战争及一切直接有关武装力量建设事项的总称。 军事 2、马克思主义观点战争分为:____和____两大类。 正义战争非正义战争 3、《武经七书》分别是:___、___、___、___、___、___、______。 《孙子》、《吴子》、《司马法》、《尉缭子》、《六韬》、《三略》《李卫公问对》。 4、《孙子兵法》,现存___篇,___字。 13篇 6076 5、1604年,___发生了具有重大国际意义的资产阶级革命。 英国 6、《战争论》的作者是_____。 克劳塞维茨。 7、《战争艺术概论》的作者是___。 约米尼 8、《孙子兵法》五事是指__、__、__、__、__。 道、天、地、将、法。 9、无产阶级军事理论是由伟大的无产阶级革命导师马克思、恩格斯___和___、先后创立的。

列宁斯大林 10、马克思和恩格斯运用____来观察战争,把战争视为社会各阶级之间通过暴力手段而进行的____,从而科学地揭示了战争的真正本质。 历史唯物主义政治斗争 11、人民军队政治工作的三大原则:____、____、____。 军民一致、官兵一致和瓦解敌军。 12、人民战争具有两个基本特征:一是____;二是____。 战争的正义性战争的广泛性。 13、人民军队宗旨:____________。 全心全意地为中国人民服务。 14、根据中国革命战争的特点和人民军队的建军宗旨,毛泽东为我军规定的三大任务是:____、____、____。 战斗队、工作队、生产队。 15、人民战争是指广大人民群众为反抗____或____而组织和武装起来进行的战争。 阶级压迫抵御外敌人侵 16、邓小平新时期国防和军队建设思想中提出,当今时代的主题是:____与____的问题。 和平与发展 17、邓小平提出的我军军的建设思想的目标是:必须把我军建设


()监测站姓名: 低浓度颗粒物的测定试卷 一、填空题(15分) 1.《固定污染源废气低浓度颗粒物的测定重量法》(HJ 836-2017)适用于各类、燃油、燃气锅炉、、以及其它固定污染源废气中颗粒物的测定。 2.当采样体积为1m3时,《固定污染源废气低浓度颗粒物的测定重量法》(HJ 836-2017)的检出限为 mg/m3。 3.采集低浓度颗粒物常用的滤膜有材质和材质滤膜两种。 4.颗粒物采样装置由组合式采样管、、抽气泵单元和以及连接管线组成。 5.为保证在湿度较高、烟温较低的情况下正常采样,应选择 具备的采样管。 6.《固定污染源废气低浓度颗粒物的测定重量法》(HJ 836-2017)规定前弯管、滤膜及不锈钢托网通过装配在一起。采样头上应有,以保证采样的记录。 7.《固定污染源废气低浓度颗粒物的测定重量法》(HJ 836-2017)中要求电子天平的分辨率为 mg。 8.采样后,采样头在烘箱内的烘烤温度为℃,时间 h,待采样头干燥冷却后放入恒温恒湿设备平衡至少 h。

二、选择题(15分) 1.锅炉烟尘排放与锅炉负荷有关,当锅炉负荷增加(特别是接近满负荷)时,烟尘的排放量常常随之。() A.增加 B.减少 2.测定烟气流量和采集烟尘样品时,若测试现场空间位置有限、很难满足测试要求,应选择比较适宜的管段采样,但采样断面与弯头等的距离至少是烟道直径的倍,并应适当增加测点的数量。() A. B.3 C.6 3.烟尘采样管上的采样嘴,入口角度应不大于45o,入口边缘厚度应不大于mm,入口直径偏差应不大于±。() A. B. C. D. 4.对于组合式采样管皮托管系数,应保证校准一次,当皮托管外形发生明显变化时,应及时检查校准或更换。( ) A.每月 B.每季度 C.每半年 D.每年 5.为了从烟道中取得有代表性的烟尘样品,必须用等速采样方法。即气体进入采样嘴的速度应与采样点烟气速度相等。其相对误差应控制在%以内。 () A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 三、名词解释(30分) 1.等速采样:


2014年中央民族大学348文博综合[专业硕士]真题及详解(回忆版) 一、名词解释 1.铅釉软陶 答:铅釉软陶是指西汉武帝时期出现的一种表面有铅釉的陶器。铅釉陶以粘土作胎,铅釉以铅的化合物作为基本助熔剂,大约在700摄氏度左右即开始熔融,温度较低,属于低温釉陶。它的主要呈色剂是铜和铁,在氧化气氛中烧成。铅釉陶在东汉时期极为盛行,但到目前为止,所发现的汉代铅釉陶器都是明器,无实用器,这可能是因为烧成温度低,器体不坚固及铅釉对人体有害不宜做实用器的缘故。 2.三期论 答:“三期论”是1819年由丹麦皇家博物馆馆长克里斯琴·朱尔金森·汤姆森根据馆藏史前遗物(武器和工具)提出的史前文化分期理论,他将丹麦的史前时代分为石器时代、铜器时代和铁器时代三个大的阶段。汤姆森在《北欧古物导论》(1836年,哥本哈根出版)一书中,阐述了“三期说”理论。汤姆森的学生J.A.沃尔索又将三期说用于野外古迹的分期,并以发掘工作中所见的地层关系作为证据。1843年,沃尔索发表了《丹麦原始时代古物》一书,是三期说作为史前考古学的研究基础。 3.相对年代 答:相对年代是考古学年代分类的一种,与其相对的是“绝对年代”。“相对年代”是

指文化遗存在时间上的先后关系,“绝对年代”是指文化遗存形成时的距今年代(具体年代)。确定相对年代,主要依靠地层学和类型学的研究,是考古学研究中两种常用的断代方法。此外,也可以利用某些自然科学的手段和文化遗存的对比研究,来判断遗迹和遗物的相对年代。 4.放射性碳素断代 答:放射性碳素断代是利用死亡生物体中碳-14不断衰变的原理进行断代的技术。1949年开始应用于考古年代的测定。一般适用的年代范围在5万年以内。美国芝加哥大学W.F.利比是该方法的创始人。 5.马家窑文化 答:马家窑文化是中国新石器时代文化之一,因20世纪20年代发现于甘肃临洮县马家窑遗址而得名了,主要分布在甘肃,碳-14测定年代为公元前3300~前2050年。其石器多磨制,常见穿孔;彩陶特别发达,图案复杂多变,画彩技术十分成熟;主要农作物为粟和黍,家畜、家禽有猪、狗、羊、鸡;房屋多为方形地面式;盛行土坑葬;彩陶上墨笔书写符号达130多种;发现陶祖和陶塑男性裸体像,处于父系氏族公社时期。 6.古物陈列所 答:古物陈列所是我国第一个以皇家藏品为主的博物馆,于1914年在故宫文华殿和武英殿成立,首开皇宫社会化的先河。它是一个主要保管陈列清廷辽宁、热河两行宫文物的机构,代表了我国20世纪20年代博物馆的水平,在当时社会产生了广泛而积极的影响。在1948年3月与故宫博物院合并。


A级短句 1、もう12時だから、まずお昼を食べて()仕事をしましょう。 A. それで B.それに C.それから D.そこで 2、理事会は水曜日に開くか、()土曜日に開くか、まだ決まっていません。 A.そして B.それに C.たとえば D.それとも 3、彼は外国に行ったことがありません。()外国のことをよく知っています。 A.ところで B.それでも C.ですから D.そこで 4、鈴木さんはハンサムで()才能もあるので、会社で人気があります。 A.しかし B.ところが C.そのうえ D.それでも 5、何回も電話をしましたが、彼は()来なかった。 A.ついに B.いずれ C.つまり D.少しも 6、食糧問題は()深刻になってきました。 A.もうすぐ B.まもなく C.いまにも D.ますます 7、結果はともかく、自分としてはベストを尽くした()です。 A.ため B.せい C.つもり D.かぎり 8、あの赤いリボンを付けている女の子は、大きな目()。 A.をしています B. がしています C.になっています D.がなっています 9、一生懸命にがんばること()成功へ導く道です。 A.さえ B.こそ C.なり D.だけ 10、お客さんは五人来ますが、ビールはこれだけあれば()でしょう。

A.ほとんど B.十分 C.すべて D.全部 11、あと一点取っていれば、私も合格できたのに、()。 A.くやしくならない B. くやしくてかぎりない C. くやしくてたまらない D. くやしくてたりない 12、できるだけのことをしてだめだったのだから、諦める()でしょう。 A.ほかない B.ことがない C.はずない D.しかたがない 13,井上先生の小説は日本()海外でも高く評価されている。 A.のみならず B.さえならず C.だけならず D.ばかりなく 14、私たちの若い頃と違いまして、最近の若い人は自分の時間を大事にするようになって()ね。 A.いました B.みなした C.きました D.いきました 15、「社長の昨日のあの態度には、ぼくも本当に腹がたったよ。」 「()」 A.早く医者にいけばよかったのに。 B.ぼくもおなかが空いて困った。 C.みんなもたいへん不満だったね。 D.お元気ですか。 16、用事で空港に行けなくなって、かわりに妹に迎えに行って()。 A.あげた B.くれた C.いただいた D.もらった 17、私は辞書を買うお金が足りなかったので、友だちに() A.借りてあげました B.貸してくれました C.借りてくれました D.貸してもらいました 18、社長は今電話中ですので、少しお待ち()。 A.いただきますか B.もらいますか C.さしあげますか D.いただけますか 19、男女平等というものの、女性が()。 A. 差別するおそれはない B. 差別されていることは少なくない


英语3—线上 一、Cloze Ms.Clark is a"mystery shopper,"one of thousands of contract workers that companies hire to pose as regular customers i__1__to gauge customer service,cleanliness and whether a store is selling a product that meets company specifications. Mystery shoppers can be found,or rather,not found,everywhere from restaurants and automotive shops to video rental chains,__2__stores and department stores.They play a constant cat-and-mouse game with store and restaurant employees and managers.However it's not all__3__and games. Once in the field,a mystery shopper will typically work several stores or restaurants per hour,taking mental notes while inside,then joting down__4__notes after they leave. It's important for mystery shoppers to be as exact as possible,because the client companies are looking for data they can use to__5__their https://www.360docs.net/doc/4d3921626.html,panies don't need opinion but facts. Nowadays mystery shoppers are armed with a number of hi-tech devices,such as a digital scale and a digital thermometer,as__6__as a handheld PC for recording the entire experience. It's a challenging job but a rewarding one.Mystery shoppers stay disguised only until the"shop"is finished,and then__7__themselves to the store management and award prizes to employees who provided excellent service. To be a mystery shopper,it's important to be a good observer,but sometimes it's important to have the right profile,__8__.If a secret shopper will be sent in,for example,to do a high-end automotive shop,the__9__must have a particular profile that meets a high-end,luxury car-type buyer profile. "It's a challenge to perform your shop without being discovered,"Ms.Clark said, "because most of the people that we work for are very__10__of the mystery shopping program." 1、C、order 2、A、convenience 3、C、fun 4、A、physical 5、A、improve 6、A、well 7、D、reveal 8、A、too 9、B、candidate 10、B、aware 二、Cars are an important part of life in the United States.__11___most people feel that they are poor.And even if a person is poor he doesn't feel really poo__12_he has a car. There are three main reasons the car became so popular in the United States. __13_of all the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it.The car provides the most comfortable and__14_form of transportation.With a car people can go any place without spending a lot of money. The second reason cars are popular is the fact__15__the United States never developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public__16__.Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world.Nowadays there is a good system of air-service__17__by planes.But it is too expensive to be used frequently. The third reason is the most important one,though.The American spirit of independence is__18__really made cars popular.Americans don't like to wait for a bus,or a train or even a plane. They don't like to have to__19__an exact schedule.A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time.And this is the freedom that Americans want__20__to have. 11、A、Without a car 12、B、when 13、A、First 14、C、cheapest 15、B、that 16、D、transportation 17、C、provided 18、B、what 19、A、follow 20、B、most 三、Reading Comprehensio What makes Americans spend nearly half their food dollars on meals away from home?The answers lie in the way Americans ive today.During the first few decacdes of the twentieth century,canned and convenience foods freed the family cook from full-time duty at the kitchen range.Then,in the 1940s,work in the wartime defense plants took more women out of the home than ever before,setting the pattern of the working wife and mother. Today about half of the country's married women are employed outside the home.But,unless family members pitch in with food preparation,women are not fully liberated from that chore.


一、填空题: 1、全国安全生产月是每年6月。 2、世界消防日是每年11月 9 日。 3、《中华人民共和国安全生产法》自2002年 11 月 1 日起施行。 4、生产经营单位的从业人员有依法获得安全保障的权利,并应当依法履行安全生产方面的义务。 5、生产经营单位应当对从业人员进行安全生产教育和培训,保证从业人员具备必要的安全生产知识,熟悉相关的安全生产规章制度和安全操作规程,掌握本岗位的安全操作技能。未经安全生产教育和培训合格的从业人员,不得上岗作业。 6、生产经营单位的特殊作业人员必须按照国家有关规定经专门的安全作业培训、取得特种作业操作资格证书,方可上岗作业。 7、从业人员在作业过程中,应当严格遵守本单位的安全生产规章制度和操作规程,服从管理,正确佩戴和使用劳动保护用品。 8、江总书记名言:隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾,责任重于泰山。 9、严禁“三违”:违章指挥、违章作业、违反劳动纪律。 10、牢记“四不伤害”:不伤害自己、不伤害他人、不被他人伤害、保护他人不受伤害 11、在清仓、清料时,要有三人以上,指定专人监护,禁止超负荷吊运物料,必须系好安全绳、安全带,严格坚持从上向下作业,严禁反向捅料。 12、清仓清库及进设备内检修,使用行灯照明,电源应为36伏安全电压。 13、带电设备起火时,须用干粉灭火器、黄砂灭火。 14、消防工作的方针是预防为主、防消结合。 15、高处作业的“三宝”是指: 安全帽、安全带、安全网。 16.我国的安全生产方针是安全第一、预防为主、综合治理 17.我厂新进职员必须进行公司、分厂和工段、班组三级安全教育。 18. 岗位作业人员工作服穿戴要做到领口紧、袖口紧、下摆紧。 19.操作旋转机械设备不准戴围巾、手套,女工发辫不准留在帽外。 20.职员要具备安全防护意识,进入生产现场应注意周围安全警戒线


2006年6月高等学校英语应用能力考试试题解析 Part ⅠListening Comprehension Section A 1.【正确答案】 C 【听力材料】Q:Excuse me,can I see your boss? 【参考译文】打扰一下,我能见你们老板吗? 【试题评析】此题考查对征求意见的应答。从“Excuse me,can I...”句式可以推断出此题目是委婉地提出一项请求,听话人则应该是对于该请求给予同意或者否定的答复,所以C为正确答案。 2.【正确答案】 B 【听力材料】Q:Is this your first trip to Beijing? 【参考译文】这是您第一次去北京吗? 【试题评析】此题考查对一般疑问句的应答。首先确定所听到的问句是由be动词is 开头的一般疑问句,回答则或是“Yes,it is.”,或是“No,it isn t.”,所以B为正确答案。3.【正确答案】 D 【听力材料】Q:Is there anything you want me to do? 【参考译文】有什么需要我帮忙的吗? 【试题评析】此题考查在别人主动提出给予帮助时如何应答。首先确定所听到的问句是主动提供帮助的一般疑问句,对于该句式的答复,或是告诉对方你需要什么帮助并表示感谢,或是不需要帮助但依然表达谢意,所以D为正确答案。 4.【正确答案】 A 【听力材料】Q:Would you like another cup of tea? 【参考译文】再来杯茶怎么样? 【试题评析】此题考查如何应答别人提出的餐饮邀请。从“Would you like...”句式和“another cup of tea”可以推断出此题是询问要不要再来杯茶,回答则或是“Yes,please.”,或是“No,thanks.”,所以A为正确答案。 5.【正确答案】 C 【听力材料】Q:Will you attend the meeting this afternoon? 【参考译文】您出席今天下午的会议吗? 【试题评析】此题考查如何应答将来时态的一般疑问句。首先确定所听到的问句是由Will引导的一般将来时态的一般疑问句,进而推断出听话人的回答或是“Yes,I will.”,或是“No,I won t”,所以C为正确答案。 Section B 6.【正确答案】 B 【听力材料】W:I ve tried everything,but my computer still doesn t work. M:Let me have a look at your computer. Q:What are they talking about? 【参考译文】女:我用尽了一切办法,可我的电脑还是不能正常工作。 男:让我来看看吧。 问:他们在讨论什么事情? 【试题评析】此题考查细节。本对话中的关键词是“doesn t work”,所以在听到问题“What are they talking about?”后,确认正确答案为选项B:A computer problem。7.【正确答案】 A


山西大学考试管理工作规定 发布时间:2014年10月28日11:34 | 发布人:校长办公室| 发布部门:校长办公室| 阅读人数:18 字号:T | T 考试工作是高校教学管理工作的重要组成部分,也是教学质量管理与评价的重要手段,对于稳定教学秩序,提高教学质量,培养合格的大学毕业生发挥着重要作用。为进一步做好各项考试工作,根据我校实际情况,现对以往执行的《山西大学考试管理工作规定》修订如下:一、考试命题 命题是检验教学水平和学习能力的重要环节,教师应认真负责地做好考试的命题工作,根据以下要求,不断提高命题质量。 1、考试命题要以教学大纲为依据,重点考核学生对基本知识、基本理论、基本技能的理解和掌握情况,同时也应检查学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,注重考题对启发学生创新思维和培养学生创新能力的引导。 2、考试命题分A、B试卷,试题应覆盖面广,难易要有一定的梯度。试题要注明考试课程名称、考试年级、专业、学期、每道试题的分值。 3、开卷考试试题应以检查学生的概括、分析和综合运用知识能力为主要目的,避免抄书或抄笔记的现象。 4、试题书写应规范整洁,须经教学院长审核签字;试题要做出标准答案,制定出评分标准;试题、标准答案和评分标准要长期保存。 5、相近三年的试题要避免重复,各教学单位的主干课要逐步建立试题库,已经建立试题库的课程应采用试题库(含国家教育部颁布的试题库)进行考试,这样既有利于学生全面掌握知识,也有利于教师不断改进教学方法,提高教学水平。 二、试卷印制及保密 1、公共课程的A、B两份试题命题完毕,由公共课教学单位负责人密封签字、签署日期并加盖学院公章,在考试前规定时间交教务处。教务处随机抽取一份试题付印,另一份试题由教务处保管,作为备用试题,在补(缓)考时使用。 2、专业课程的A、B两份试题命题完毕,由教学院长和教学秘书共同密封签字、签署日期并加盖院系公章后保管。印制试卷时由教学院长从A、B卷中任选一份签字后付印,另一份作为备用试题,在补(缓)考时使用。任何试题未经教学院长签字不予印制。各院系应在专业课程考试开始前将所有考核科目的试题统一印制。试卷印制应填写《山西大学试题密封袋》,并在指定场所印制。 3、所有试题必须由相关单位专人负责、专柜保存,严格履行保密制度。各院系只允许教学院长、命题教师或教学秘书参与试卷保密和印制,其他人不得随意接管或翻阅试题,如发生泄密事件,追究相关人员责任。 4、组织补(缓)考需启用备用试题时,公共课程须由教务处分管领导和试题保管人,专业课程须由教学院长和教学秘书共同取出试题,检查试题密封情况,无任何问题方可付印。出现问题应及时向教务处汇报。 三、组织考试 考核形式可以灵活多样,根据课程特点可以采用笔试、口试、综合设计、实验等,有些课程可以采用小论文的方式进行。各单位要根据考风考纪评估指标对考试工作按以下要求认真组织、精心安排: 1、各院系领导具体组织本单位的期末考试工作。 2、必须按统一规定的时间安排考试日程并及时报教务处。


杭州电达消毒设备厂 HDX环氧乙烷灭菌器操作人员上岗培训测试题 单位:姓名:性别:出生年月: 一、填空题(45分): 环氧乙烷灭菌器主要由_________、__________、_________及加药系统四大部分组成。 日常灭菌过程中主要控制__________、__________、__________、________及环氧乙烷浓度等灭菌参数。 灭菌器操作人员必须经过________,并取得________,方可上岗操作。 灭菌操作必须严格按______________规定的要求进行,不得擅自变更操作程序、更改系统线路及配置。操作人员应做好,不准离岗、脱岗。 环氧乙烷是一种___________的危险气体。空气中浓度超过____,遇明火可能引起爆炸,因此,灭菌车间及周围严禁吸烟及明火作业,并保证良好通风。 环氧乙烷气体应装在_______________中,严禁私自分装。同时应保持气体房 ______、______、远离热源。

环氧乙烷有一定的毒性,人体一次吸入过量会有不适的感觉,甚至出现头痛、呕吐等中毒现象,如人体皮肤、眼睛等接触到环氧乙烷,应立即____________。 灭菌物品的装载应_________,以利于热循环及环氧乙烷均匀穿透。 二、是非题(对的打“√”,错的打“×”,25分): 环氧乙烷的灭菌效果,与灭菌室内的温度、压力、湿度及环氧乙烷的浓度有关,这些工艺参数在适当的数值上,可以缩短灭菌时间,达到最佳灭菌效 果。 () 灭菌车间要有良好的通风,应有明显的防火、禁烟标志,并配置消防灭火设 施。 () 灭菌效果取决于灭菌参数,与灭菌物品的包装、装载方式及材料等因素无 关。 () 灭菌器管道有不同的颜色标识,其中,红色代表热水管道,白色代表环氧乙烷管道,灰色代表真空管道。() 应定期对环氧乙烷灭菌设备进行维护保养。定期更换水循环系统内的用 水。 () 三、简答题(30分);
