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Structural testing may be carried out after the protective coating has been applied, provided that one of the following two conditions is satisfied(only if protective coating will not be damaged during testing):


All the welds(excepting automatic welds)are completed and vacuum test is carried out as soon as possible,if not practical,dye penetration test or ultrasonic test may be required to the site surveyor and owner’s representative satisfaction with the testing.


Leak testing is carried out prior to the application of the protective coating.


In absence of leak testing,protective coating should be applied after the structural testing of:


Manual and Semi-automatic butt and T-joints,full penetration,


All manual、automatic、Semi-automatic fillet and T-joints partly penetration connections on tank boundaries.

2.2渗漏试验(Leak testing)




Leak testing is an air or other medium test carried out to demonstrate the tightness of the structure.Where leak testing is carried out,in accordance with Table1,an air pressure of0.015MPa(0.15kgf/cm2)is to be applied during the test.Prior to inspection, it is recommended that the air pressure in the tank should be raised to0.02MPa(0.2kgf/cm2) and kept at this level for min1hour with owner supervision to reach a stabilization state, with a minimum number of personnel in the vicinity of the tank,and then lowered to the test pressure.Pressure record to be provided.



Air filling line is to be disconnected from the tested compartment after the test pressure is stabilized and prior commencement of any examination activities.The air filling line is never to be re-connected as long as examination of the test-areas is in progress.


All hot work must stop before leak test to ensuring the safety for everybody.



Welds are to be coated with an efficient indicating liquid(such as soap or equivalent).Efficiency of soapy water indications is to be demonstrated,by means of simulated leak.



A U-tube min2.2m filled with water up to a height corresponding to the test pressure

is to be fitted to avoid overpressure of the compartment tested and verify the test pressure.The U-tube should have a cross section larger than that of the pipe supplying air.In addition,test pressure is also to be verified by means of one gauged pressure gauge.The site surveyor and owner’s representative may accept alternative means which are considered to equivalently reliable.



Leak testing is to be carried out,prior to the application of protective coating, on all fillet weld connections on tank boundaries,penetrations and erection welds excepting SAW on tank boundaries.Selected locations of automatic erection welds and pre-erection automatic welds may be required to be similarly tested at the discretion of the class Surveyor and owner Survey or taking account of the quality control procedures operating in the shipyard.For other welds,leak testing may be carried out by vacuum box prior to application of protective coating,if not practical,dye penetration test or ultrasonic test may be required to the site surveyor and owner’s representative satisfaction with the testing.

2.3冲水试验(Hose testing)



