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\title{\bf\yihao Aviation Baggage Screening\\{\&} Flight Schedule}





Following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, there is

intense interest in improving the security screening process for

airline passengers and their baggage. Airlines and airports are

considered high-threat targets for terrorism, so aviation security

is crucial to the safety of the air-travelling public. Bombs and

explosives have been known to be introduced to aircraft by hold

baggage and cargo, carried on by passengers, and hidden within

aircraft supplies.

At present To Screen or Not to Screen, that is a Hobson's choice.

US Current laws mandate 100{\%} screening of all checked bags at the 429 passenger airports throughout the nation by explosive detection systems

(EDS) by the end of the Dec 31 2003. However, because the manufacturers are

not able to produce the expected number of EDS required to meet the federal mandate, so it is significant to determine the correct number of devices

deploy at each airport, and to take advantage of them effectively.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) needs a complicated

analysis on how to allocate limited device and how to best use them.

Our paper contains the mathematical models to determine the number of EDSs

and flight schedules for all airports in Midwest Region. We also discuss the

ETD devices as the additional security measures and the future development

of the security systems.

\section{Assumption and Hypothesis}


\item The passengers who will get on the same airplane will arrive uniformly, namely the distribution is flat.

\item The detection systems, both EDS and ETD, operate all the time during peak hour, except downtime.

\item The airline checks the passengers randomly, according to its claim.

\item The passengers, who are just landing and leave out, do not have to be checked through EDS or ETD.

\item According to the literature, the aircraft loads approximately equal among the sets of departing flight during the peak hour.

\item The landing flight did not affect the departure of the plane.

\item Once a passenger arrives, he can go to EDS to be checked, except he has to wait in line.

\item Once passengers finish screening, they can broad on the plane in no time.

\item During peak hours, a set of flights departs at the same time every the same minutes.

\item All the runways are used as much as possible during peak hours.

\item The maximum number of the baggage is two, which a passenger can carry on plane. [https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e8922145.html,]

\item The detection machine examines the bags at the same speed.

\item EDS cannot make mistakes that it detect a normal object as an explosive.


\section{Variable and Definition}


\caption{Variables}\\ %第一页表头的标题

\endfirsthead %第一页的标题结束

\caption{(continued)}\\ %第二页的标题

\endhead %第二页的标题结束




$n_{ij}$&The airplane number of the $i^{\mathrm{th}}$ type in the $j^{\mathrm{th}}$ flight set\\


${NP}_i\:(i=1,2,\ldots)$&The number of passengers on each airplanes of the same type.\\


$\xi_{ij}\:(i,j = 1,2,\cdots)$&The number of baggage on each airplane of the $j^{\mathrm{th}}$ flights\\


$a$&The maximal number of airplanes type\\


$B_j^{set}$&The total baggage number of each set of flight\\


${NF}_i$&Number of airplanes of each type\\


$\bar{\rho}$&The mean value of passengers' baggage coming per minute in every flight set\\ \hline

$N_{set}$&The number of flight sets\\


$B_{total}$&The total number of checked baggage during the peak hour\\


$H_{peak}$&The length of the peak hour\\


$T_{set}$&The time length during which each flight set's passengers wait to be checked\\


$\Delta t$&The time interval between two consecutive flight set\\


$N_{EDS}$&The number of all the EDSs\\


$N_{shadow}$&The number of flight sets whose passengers will be mixed up before being checked\\


$v_{EDS}$&The number of baggage checking by one EDS per minute\\


$\rho_j$&The number of passengers' baggage coming per minute in one flight set\\


$N_{runway}$&The number of an airport's runway\\


${\bar{B}}^{set}$&The mean value of checked baggage number of every flight set\\


$M$&The security cost\\






\item[Flight set] A group of flights take off at the same time

\item[The length of peak hour] The time between the first set of flight and the last set


\section{Basic Model}

During a peak hour, many planes and many passengers would depart

from airports. Therefore, It is difficult to arrange for the

passengers to enter airports. If there are not enough EDSs for

passengers' baggage to check, it will take too long time for them

to enter. That would result in the delay of airplanes. On the

contrary, if there are too many EDSs, it will be a waste. It is

our task to find a suitable number of EDSs for airport. In order

to reach this objective, we use the linear programming method to

solve it.

\subsection{Base analysis}

The airplanes are occupied at least partly. The passengers'

baggage would be checked by EDSs before they get on the airplanes.

We have assumed that every passenger carry two baggages. This

assumption would simplify the problem. According to the data from

the problem sheet, we can obtain the useful information that

airlines claim 20{\%} of the passengers do not check any luggage,

20{\%} check one bag, and the remaining passengers check two bags.

Therefore, we can gain the total number of passengers' baggage

that should be carried on one plane: $\xi_{ij}$. Moreover, we can

get the equation that calculate $\xi_{ij}$:


\xi_{ij}={NP}_i\times 20\%+{NP}_i\times 60\%\times 2


We define the matrix below as airplane baggage number matrix:


\overset{\rightharpoonup}{\xi}_j=\left[\xi_{1j}\quad\xi_{2j}\quad\cdots\quad\xi_{ij}\quad\cdots\ right]


We define the matrix below as flight schedule matrix:









In this matrix, $n_{ij}$ is the airplane number of the

$i^{\mathrm{th}}$ type in the $j^{\mathrm{th}}$ flight set which

will take off. Apparently, this value is an integer.

We define the matrix below as flight set baggage number matrix:


\left[B_1^{set}\quad B_2^{set}\quad\cdots\quad B_j^{set}\quad\cdots\quad B_a^{set}\right] \]

It is clear that they meet the relation below:










=&\left[B_1^{set}\quad B_2^{set}\quad\cdots\quad B_j^{set}\quad\cdots\quad B_a^{set}\right]




Then, we know:


B_j^{set}=\sum\limits_{i=1}^a\xi_{ij}\times n_{ij}


There are some constraints to the equation (\ref{Flight:baggage}).

First, for each set of flight, the total number of airplanes

should be less than the number of runways. Second, the total

airplane number of the same type listed in the equation

(\ref{Flight:baggage}) from every set of flight should be equal to

the actual airplane number of the same type during the peak hour.

We can express them like these:


\sum\limits_{i=1}^a n_{ij}\le N_{runway}\quad\quad\sum\limits_{j=1}^b n_{ij}={NF}_i \]

We should resolve the number of flight sets. According to our assumptions,

during the peak hour, the airlines should make the best use of the runways.

Then get the number of flight sets approximately based on the number of all

the airplanes during the peak hour and that of the runways. We use an

equation below to express this relation:






The checked baggage numbers of each flight set are equal to each

other according to our assumption. We make it based on literature.

It can also simplify our model. We define $\bar{B}^{set}$ as the

mean value of checked baggage number of every flight set.

Moreover, We define $\bar{\rho}$ as the mean value of checked

baggage number of every flight set per minute:





\bar{\rho}=\frac{\bar{B}^{set}}{T_{set}}=\frac{B_{total}}{T_{set}N_{set}}=\frac{B_{total}\ Delta t}{T_{set}H_{peak}}


The course of passengers' arrival and entering airport is

important for us to decide the number of EDSs and to make the

flights schedule. Therefore, we should analyze this process

carefully. Passengers will arrive between forty-five minutes and

two hours prior to the departure time, and the passengers who will

get on the same airplane will arrive uniformly. Then we can get

the flow density of all checked baggage at any time during

passengers' entering. This value is the sum of numbers of

passengers' checked baggage coming per minute. To calculate this

value, firstly, we should obtain flow density of each flight set's

checked baggage. We define $\rho_j $, namely the number of checked

baggage per minute of one flight set:




Secondly, we draw graphic to help us to understand. We use

rectangle to express the time length for all the passengers of one

flight set to come and check bags. In the graphic, the black part

is the period for them to come. During the white part, no

passengers for this flight set come. According to the problem

sheet, the former is 75 minute, and the latter is 45 minute. The

length of rectangle is 120 minute. $T_{set}$ is the period during

which all passengers of one flight set wait to be checked. Since

we have assumed that each time interval between two consecutive

flight set is same value, we define $\Delta t$ as it. Observe the

section that value we want to solve is $\sum\limits_j\rho_j$. Moreover, we can get another important equation from the graphic below:


N_{set}=\frac{H_{peak}}{\Delta t}









Each EDS has certain capacity. If the number of EDSs is $N_{EDS}$ and one EDS can check certain number of baggage per minute (That

is checking velocity, marked by $v_{EDS}$), the total checking capacity is $N_{EDS}\cdot\frac{v_{EDS}}{60}$. $v_{EDS}$ is between 160 and 210.

Now we can easily decide in what condition the passengers can be checked without delay:


\sum\limits_j\rho_j\le v_{EDS}


The passengers have to queue before being checked:


Well then, how can we decide how many $\rho_j$? It depends on how many flight sets whose passengers will be mixed up before being checked. We note it as $N_{shadow} $. Return to the Figure

\ref{fig1}, we can know:


N_{shadow}=\left\lfloor\frac{T_{set}}{\Delta t}\right\rfloor








From Figure \ref{fig1} and Figure \ref{fig2}, we can get the

result as follows:


\item If $N_{shadow}\le N_{set}$, namely $H_{peak}>T_{set}$, then $\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N_{shadow}}\rho _j\le N_{EDS}\frac{v_{EDS}}{60}$


That is:


N_{EDS}\ge\frac{60}{v_{EDS}}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N_{shadow}}\rho_j\approx\frac{60}{v_{ EDS}}N_{shadow}\bar{\rho}=\frac{60B_{total}\Delta




\item If $N_{shadow}>N_{set}$, namely $H_{peak}\le T_{set}$, then $\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N_{set}}\rho_j\le N_{EDS}\frac{v_{EDS}}{60}$


That is:


N_{EDS}\ge\frac{60}{v_{EDS}}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{N_{set}}\rho_j\approx\frac{60}{v_{EDS} }N_{set}\bar{\rho}=\frac{60B_{total}\Delta t}{v_{EDS}T_{set}H_{peak}}N_{set}




\subsection{The number of EDSs}

Then we begin to resolve the number of EDSs assisted by the linear

programming method.

EDS is operational about 92{\%} of the time. That is to say, whenever it is

during a peak hour, there are some EDSs stopping working. Then the working

efficiency of all the EDSs is less than the level we have expected.

Therefore, the airline has to add more EDSs to do the work, which can be

done with less EDSs without downtime.

We use binomial distribution to solve this problem. $N$ is the number of

actual EDSs with downtime and $k$ is the number of EDSs without downtime. If

probability is $P$, we can get the equation below:




We can obtain $N$ when we give $P$ a certain value. In this paper,

$P$ is 95{\%}. The $N_{EDS}$ is the actual number we obtain

through the equation above.

Now we have assumed that passengers can be checked unless be delayed by the people before him once he arrives at airport. Apparently, if the time length between two sets of flight is short, the density of passengers will be

great. It will bring great stress to security check and may even make some passengers miss their flight. To resolve this question, the airline has to

install more EDSs to meet the demand. However, this measure will cost much more money. Consequently, we have to set a suitable time interval between two set of flight.

Based on the base analysis above. We can use the equation

(\ref{sets:number}) to decide the number of flight sets $N_{set}$

assuming we know the number of runways of a certain airport. Then

based on the equation (\ref{PeakHour}), we can decide the peak

hour length $H_{peak}$ when we assume a time interval between two consecutive flight sets. Then we use \textcircled{1} and

\textcircled{2} to decide which to choose between equation

(\ref{EDS:number:a}) and equation (\ref{EDS:number:b}). In consequence, we can obtain the minimum of EDSs number.

If we choose different numbers of runways and the time intervals

between two flight sets, we can get different EDSs numbers. In

this paper that followed, we gain a table of some value of

$N_{runway}$ and $\Delta t$ with the corresponding EDSs numbers. Moreover, we draw some figure to reflect their relation.

For a certain airport, its number of runway is known. Given

certain time interval ($\Delta t$), we can get the length of the

peak hour ($H_{peak}$). When the $N_{runway}$ is few enough,

perhaps $H_{peak}$ is too long to be adopted. However, for a

certain airline, they can decide the time interval of their own

peak hour. In this given time interval, they could find the

minimum of $N_{runway}$ through the Figure \ref{fig3}. We draw a

sketch map to describe our steps.







\subsection{The Flight Schedule }

According to the base analysis, we can know that the flight

schedule matrix and $\Delta t$ is one form of flight timetable. In

``The number of EDSs'', we can get suitable $\Delta t$. Then we

should resolve the flight schedule matrix.

Because we have assumed that the checked baggage numbers of each flight set

are equal to each other. It can be described as follows:












The flight schedule matrix subject to this group:





\sum\limits_{i=1}^a n_{ij}\le N_{runway}&j=1,2,\cdots,N_{set}\\

n_{ij}\ge0,&\mathrm{and}\:n_{ij}\:\mathrm{is}\:\mathrm{a}\:\mathrm{Integer} \end{array}



In order to make the best use of runway, we should make

$\sum\limits_{i=1}^a n_{ij}$ as great as we can unless it exceed


Then we can see that how to resolve the flight schedule matrix is a problem

of divide among a group of integers. This group is all the numbers of each

flight passengers' baggage in one flight set. We program for this problem

using MA TLAB and we get at least one solution in the end. However, the

matrix elements we have obtained are not integer, we have to adjust them to

be integers manually.

\subsection{Results and Interpretation for Airport A and B}

The number of passengers in a certain flight (${NP}_i$), the time

length of security checking ($T_{set}$), the checking velocity of

EDS ($v_{EDS}$), and the number of baggage carried by one

passenger are random.

\subsubsection{Data Assumption:}


\item $T_{set}$ is 110 minutes, which is reasonable for airline.

\item To simplify the problem, we assume that every passenger carry 2 baggage. If some of the

passengers carry one baggage, the solution based on 2 baggages per passenger meets the


\item The number of runways in airport A and airport B is 5.


\subsubsection{Airport A:}

Once the number of runway and the number of the flights are

decided, the flight schedule matrix is decided, too. We produce

this matrix using MATLAB. This matrix companied by $\Delta t$ is

the flight schedule for airport A. $\Delta t$ will be calculated

in (\ref{Flight:baggage}), (\ref{sets:number}) and


We calculate $N_{EDS}$ and make the flight timetable in three

conditions. The three conditions and the solution are listed as


\paragraph{Every flight are fully occupied}

The checking speed of EDS is 160 bags/hour.







t(\min)}$&\textbf{2}&\textbf{4}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{10}&\textbf{12}&\textbf{14} &\textbf{16}&\textbf{18}&\textbf{20}\\









We assume that the suitable value of $H_{peak}$ is 120 minutes.

Then the suitable value of $\Delta t$ is about 12 minutes, and

$N_{EDS}$ is 29 judged from Figure \ref{fig4}. Certainly, we can

work $\Delta t$ and $N_{EDS}$ out through equation.







\paragraph{Every flight is occupied by the minimal number of passengers on

statistics in the long run.}

The checking speed of EDS is 210 bags/hour.







t(\min)}$&\textbf{2}&\textbf{4}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{10}&\textbf{12}&\textbf{14} &\textbf{16}&\textbf{18}&\textbf{20}\\









We assume that the suitable value of $H_{peak}$ is 120 minutes.

Then the suitable value of $\Delta t$ is about 12 minutes, and

$N_{EDS}$ is 14 judging from Figure \ref{fig5}. Certainly, we can

work $\Delta t$ and $N_{EDS}$ out through equation.







\paragraph{${NP}_i$ and $v_{EDS}$ are random value produced by MATLAB.}







t(\min)}$&\textbf{2}&\textbf{4}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{10}&\textbf{12}&\textbf{14} &\textbf{16}&\textbf{18}&\textbf{20}\\









We assume that the suitable value of $H_{peak}$ is 120 minutes.

Then the suitable value of $\Delta t$ is about 12 minutes, and

$N_{EDS}$ is 17 judging from Figure \ref{fig6}. Certainly, we can

work $\Delta t$ and $N_{EDS}$ out through equation.








By analyzing the results above, we can conclude that when

$N_{EDS}$ is 29, and $\Delta t$ is 12, the flight schedule will

meet requirement at any time. The flight schedule is:







\backslashbox{\textbf{Set}}{\textbf{Type}}&\textbf{1}&\textbf{2}&\textbf{3}&\textbf{4}&\te xtbf{5}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{7}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{Numbers of Bags}&\textbf{Numbers of Flights}\\




























We have produced random value for ${NP}_i$ and $v_{EDS}$. On this

condition, the number of EDSs is 17, which is less than 29 that we

decide for the airport A. That is to say our solution can meet the

real requirement.

\subsubsection{Airport B:}

\paragraph{The passenger load is 100{\%}}

The checking speed of EDS is 160 bags/hour.






t(\min)}$&\textbf{2}&\textbf{4}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{10}&\textbf{12}&\textbf{14} &\textbf{16}&\textbf{18}&\textbf{20}\\









We assume that the suitable value of $H_{peak}$ is 120 minutes.

Then the suitable value of $\Delta t$ is about 12 minutes, and

$N_{EDS}$ is 30 judging from Figure \ref{fig7}. Certainly, we can

work $\Delta t$ and $N_{EDS}$ out through equation.







\paragraph{Here, we only produced random value of ${NP}_i$ and $v_{EDS}$. $\Delta t$ will be calculated








t(\min)}$&\textbf{2}&\textbf{4}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{10}&\textbf{12}&\textbf{14} &\textbf{16}&\textbf{18}&\textbf{20}\\









We assume that the suitable value of $H_{peak}$ is 120 minutes.

Then the suitable value of $\Delta t$ is about 12 minutes, and

$N_{EDS} $ is 23 judging from Figure \ref{fig8}. Certainly, we can

work $\Delta t$ and $N_{EDS}$ out through equation.








By analyzing the results above, we can conclude that when

$N_{EDS}$ is 30, and $\Delta t$ is 12, the flight schedule will

meet requirement at any time. The flight schedule is:







\backslashbox{\textbf{Set}}{\textbf{Type}}&\textbf{1}&\textbf{2}&\textbf{3}&\textbf{4}&\te xtbf{5}&\textbf{6}&\textbf{7}&\textbf{8}&\textbf{Numbers of Bags}&\textbf{Numbers of Flights}\\




























We have produced random value for ${NP}_i$ and $v_{EDS}$. On this

condition, the number of EDSs is 17, which is less than 29 that we

decide for the airport A. That is to say our solution can meet the

real requirement.


The $H_{peak}$ above is decided by the airline. We have assumed it

120 to describe one possible result. Perhaps it is not the

suitable value, however, the airline would select suitable value.


In theory, we could resolve the number of EDSs and the flight

schedule by the queuing theory. We find that this method is too

complex. Moreover, some value needed by the solution can't be

obtained easily. Therefore, we adopt the linear programming and

integer programming method to resolve the $N_{EDS}$ and the flight

schedule. However, if we simulate the process of the airline's

run, queuing theory is much more convenient and it meets the

reality better.



\item We assume that once the passenger goes into a certain queue, he won't change into another queue.

\item The numbers of passengers waiting to be checked in every queue equal each other.

\item The distribution of security check time that a passenger spends to wait is flat.


\subsubsection{Flow chart}


\item[Figure \ref{fig9}] The program used to produce random number

\item[Figure \ref{fig10}] The program used to simulate\footnote{现在才发现这个流程图有错误,正确的流程图应按照~\textbf{Appendix \ref{MATLABProgram}}~中的~simulation.m~来绘制。}





\figcaption{\wuhao\bf\sf The program used to produce random number}




\paragraph*{The parameters in the program to simulate:}

ST(k): service time of passenger k.

CA T(k): arrival time of passenger k.

IDT(k): idle time that EDS or ETD wait for passenger k.

QL(I): the length of waited queue.

WT(I): wait time of passenger k.

CDT(I): left time of passenger k.

CLOCK: simulation time.

NAT is a temporary variant for arrival time.

NDT is a temporary variant for left time.

N: the number of total passengers.





\figcaption{\wuhao\bf\sf The program used to simulate}




\subsubsection{The Result of Simulation}


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三.幻灯片 使用tex/latex制作幻灯片的模板使用beamer制作 slide入门 四.latex案列 刘海洋《latex入门》配书670案例 篇二:latex资源汇总附件 一、国内出版的latex书籍 所出版的latex书籍,你可以根据需要进行选择阅读。不管是ctex还是chinatex论坛,很多tex前辈和使用者都给大家提供了很多咨询帮助,同时,也分享了很多很多学习上的方法与技巧。一般都推荐入门的用户先阅读一本入门书,掌握基本的知识,然后再进行各方面知识的扩展学习,这里介绍这些年来 latex中文方面,在国内出版的书,主要有如下: 2000年高等教育出版社出版李勇(著)《tex、ams-tex 和latex使用简介》 这本书我是在图书馆发现的,没有读,主要是那时我真的看不懂。到现在,这本书也没怎么看,就不做细说了,有一点可以讲的是:这本书是用tex排版的。 20xx年武汉大学出版社出版的桑大勇,王瑛(著)《科技文献排版系统latex入门与提高》这本书我只说一点就好了,书本身应该不是用latex排版的,其他就不多讲了。


LaTex初学者模板 这是LaTex初学者模板, 把下面的内容拷贝到一个空白的.tex文件, 然后用latex编译, 再用dvi2pdf生成pdf文件, 而且下面基本没一句话都有解释, 值得研究. 复制内容到剪贴板 代码: % a4paper - A4纸 11pt -字体 twoside -双面 openany -新章节可在偶数页开始 \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,openany]{article} %------------------------------纸张大小 ---------------------------------- % 定义转换成pdf文档的纸张大小,应与\paperwidth \paperheight一致 %\special{pdf: pagesize width 20cm height 30cm} % true的含义是保持尺寸不会随一些参数的变化而变化,具体可见Knuth的TeXbook %\paperwidth 20 true cm % 纸张宽 %\paperheight 30 true cm % 纸张高 %------------------------------页面布局 ---------------------------------- %\textwidth 10 true cm % 正文宽 %\textheight 20 true cm % 正文高 %\headheight 14pt % 页眉高 %\headsep 16pt % 页眉距离 %\footskip 27pt % 页脚距离 %\marginparsep 10pt % 边注区距离 %\marginparwidth 100pt % 边注区宽 %----------------------------页边空白调整 ------------------------------- \def\marginset#1#2{ % 页边设置 \marginset{left}{top} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{#1} % 左边(书内侧)装订预留空白距离 \iffalse % 如果考虑左侧(书内侧)的边注区则改为 \iftrue \reversemarginpar \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparsep} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparwidth} \fi \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0mm} % 置0 \iffalse % 如果考虑右侧(书外侧)的边注区则改为


\documentclass[CJK,notheorems,mathserif,table]{beamer} \useoutertheme[height=0.1\textwidth,width=0.15\textwidth,hideothersubsections]{sidebar} \usecolortheme{whale} % Outer color themes, 其他选择: whale, seahorse, dolphin . 换一个编译看看有什么不同. \usecolortheme{orchid} % Inner color themes, 其他选择: lily, orchid \useinnertheme[shadow]{rounded} % 对box 的设置: 圆角、有阴影. \setbeamercolor{sidebar}{bg=blue!60} % sidebar的颜色, 50%的蓝色. \setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=blue!9} % 背景色, 9%的蓝色. 去掉下一行, 试一试这个. \setbeamertemplate{background canvas}[vertical shading][bottom=white,top=structure.fg!25] %%背景色, 上25%的蓝, 过渡到下白. \usefonttheme{serif} % 字体. 个人偏好有轮廓的字体. 去掉这个设置编译, 就看到不同了. \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %% 去掉页面下方默认的导航条. %%------------------------常用宏包--------------------------------------------------------------------- %%注意, beamer 会默认使用下列宏包: amsthm, graphicx, hyperref, color, xcolor, 等等 \usepackage{CJK} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts,amssymb,bm} %\usepackage{ntheorem} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{subfigure} %%图形或表格并排排列 \usepackage{xmpmulti} %%支持文中的\multiinclude 等命令, 使mp 文件逐帧出现. 具体讨论见beamer 手册. \usepackage{colortbl,dcolumn} %% 彩色表格 \usepackage{graphicx} %\logo{\includegraphics[height=1in\textwidth]{ustc.eps}} %左上角科大logo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%重定义字体、字号命令%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\songti}{\CJKfamily{song}} % 宋体 \newcommand{\fangsong}{\CJKfamily{fs}} % 仿宋体 \newcommand{\kaishu}{\CJKfamily{kai}} % 楷体 \newcommand{\heiti}{\CJKfamily{hei}} % 黑体 \newcommand{\lishu}{\CJKfamily{li}} % 隶书 \newcommand{\youyuang}{\CJKfamily{you}} % 幼圆 \newcommand{\sihao}{\fontsize{14pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置 \newcommand{\xiaosihao}{\fontsize{12pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置 \newcommand{\wuhao}{\fontsize{10.5pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置 \newcommand{\xiaowuhao}{\fontsize{9pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置 \newcommand{\liuhao}{\fontsize{7.875pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置 \newcommand{\qihao}{\fontsize{5.25pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置 \newcommand{\bahao}{\fontsize{4.5pt}{\baselineskip}\selectfont} % 字号设置%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \begin{CJK*}{GBK}{kai}


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除latex,经济学论文,模板 篇一:latex模板 latex模板(中国运筹学会年会论文模板) %%papertemplateforoRscacademicconference %%中国运筹学会年会论文模板 %% %%createdbyling-yunwu %% %%$id:template.tex,v1.520xx/06/1506:51:07alofte xp$ %%中文论文 \documentclass{oRsc} %%英文论文请使用 %%\documentclass[english]{oRsc} %% %%其他可用选项: %%dvips如果必须使用dvips,例如使用了psfrag宏包%%dvipdfm使用dvipdfm,这个是缺省选择

%%config=Filename使用Filename.cfg代替oRsc.cfg 作为配置文件 %% \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%中文标题和摘要 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{chinesetitle} \title{中国运筹学会学术论文模板}{本文的作者得到中国国家自然科学基金(\#12345678)的支持。} \author[1]{吴凌云}{通讯作者。电子邮件:} \author[1,2]{刘德刚}{电子邮件:} \author[1,2]{胡洁}{} \address[1]{应用数学所\\中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京~100080} \address[2]{中国运筹学会\\中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京~100080} \maketitle \begin{abstract} 本文是中国运筹学会学术会议论文的~latex~模板,同


LATEX模板(中国运筹学会年会论文模板) %% Paper Template for ORSC Academic Conference %% 中国运筹学会年会论文模板 %% %% Created by Ling-Yun Wu %% %% $Id: template.tex,v 1.5 2006/06/15 06:51:07 aloft Exp $ %% 中文论文 \documentclass{ORSC} %% 英文论文请使用 %% \documentclass[english]{ORSC} %% %% 其他可用选项: %% dvips如果必须使用dvips,例如使用了psfrag宏包 %% dvipdfm使用dvipdfm,这个是缺省选择 %% config=FILENAME 使用FILENAME.cfg代替ORSC.cfg作为配置文件 %% \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% %% 中文标题和摘要%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%% \begin{chinesetitle} \title{中国运筹学会学术论文模板}{本文的作者得到中国国家自然科学基金(\#12345678)的支持。} \author[1]{吴凌云}{通讯作者。电子邮件:lywu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e8922145.html,} \author[1,2]{刘德刚}{电子邮件:dliu@https://www.360docs.net/doc/4e8922145.html,} \author[1,2]{胡洁}{} \address[1]{应用数学所\\ 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京~100080} \address[2]{中国运筹学会\\ 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京~100080} \maketitle \begin{abstract} 本文是中国运筹学会学术会议论文的~LaTeX~模板,同时也是一个排版格式指南。 中国运筹学会是中国运筹学工作者的学术性群众团体, 是依法成立的社团法人,是发展中国运筹学事业的一支重要社会力量, 是中国科学技术协会的组成部分。 \keywords{运筹学;年会;论文;模板;LaTeX} \end{abstract} \end{chinesetitle}


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除latex,article,最简单的模板 篇一:latex教程--新手入门 20xx.5.19于百度文库搜寻到,将作者文中提到的文章 全部搜寻集中,放置于百度文库,方便自己在我初学latex 时,我自己有着很强烈的感受,对于新人来说,latex其实 不缺少长篇的系统论述的manual,但是缺少简短的stepbystep的一个example接一个example的有操作价值的tutorial。 我想大多数人接触latex的原因都和我一样,只是论文需要,并不是有多么想去当一个杂志编辑。 因此这一篇tutorial的起点为零,终点到满足写一个proposal就为止了。同时这一篇tutorial的内容只涉及信 息的撰写和录入,不涉及排版美化。我提倡的是新人们先开始跟着这个教程用latex来写起来,在把内容放进去之后,遇到怎么让版面更加规范美观的问题的时候,可以从容地去翻manual或者问google。 这篇教程中涉及的以及被我有意过滤掉的latex的功能,都是我仔细斟酌过的,我确保文章的内容对于新人来说完全

够用。 从proposal到paper当然还有一点距离,最重要的台阶是模板的应用,其次是做参考文献。 不过有了这篇文章垫底,至少能用latex编辑点东西了,也就不怕了,单独去google需要的部分的教材就可以了。 那么我个人对于即将接触latex的新人的教材建议是,先从这一篇出发,掌握这一篇里的内容之后,就可以开始着手撰写和编辑自己的latex文本了,比如自己的proposal 或者论文的提纲,一边写一边可以去看一下我学latex的时候觉得最简短有指导意义有操作价值的《一份不太短的 latex介绍》,那一篇教材里基本就涵盖了以写paper为目的全部latex功能需求了。 另外感谢朋友留言提醒了我另外一篇当初在我入门时 对我帮助非常大的教程,它名字很简单朴素叫做《latexnotes》。这个note和《不太短的》都是内容合理实用,没有多余的废话,没有职业编辑才可能用到的高端内容,而且充满了清爽的examples的教程。我也要强烈推荐出来。它可以通过搜索“latexnotes包老师”获得。我写的这一篇教程,从一定意义上说,可以算是那两个简短教程的再简短的节选。因为这篇文章中的内容,就是当我在初学latex的第一天,看着这两篇教程学会的,当时认为我最需要的技能。因此我将这些技能拿出来,带上我安排和精简过的例子,单


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 latex模板下载 篇一:latex模板 latex模板(中国运筹学会年会论文模板) %%papertemplateforoRscacademicconference %%中国运筹学会年会论文模板 %% %%createdbyling-yunwu %% %%$id:template.tex,v1.520xx/06/1506:51:07alofte xp$ %%中文论文 \documentclass{oRsc} %%英文论文请使用 %%\documentclass[english]{oRsc} %% %%其他可用选项: %%dvips如果必须使用dvips,例如使用了psfrag宏包%%dvipdfm使用dvipdfm,这个是缺省选择

%%config=Filename使用Filename.cfg代替oRsc.cfg 作为配置文件 %% \begin{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%中文标题和摘要 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{chinesetitle} \title{中国运筹学会学术论文模板}{本文的作者得到中国国家自然科学基金(\#12345678)的支持。} \author[1]{吴凌云}{通讯作者。电子邮件:} \author[1,2]{刘德刚}{电子邮件:} \author[1,2]{胡洁}{} \address[1]{应用数学所\\中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京~100080} \address[2]{中国运筹学会\\中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,北京~100080} \maketitle \begin{abstract} 本文是中国运筹学会学术会议论文的~latex~模板,同


一个简单的LaTeX+CJK论文模板 作者:于江生(北京大学计算机系) 声明:允许未经作者的同意进行非商业目的的转载,但必须保持原文的完整性。 中文TeX使用者一般的选择是在Windows下用CTeX,在UNIX下用teTeX+laTeX-CJK。CJK是德国人Werner Lemberg 研发的,和几乎所有的宏包都能“和平相处”。下面介绍一个简单的LaTeX+CJK论文模板。 唯一要说明的是,命令\CJKcaption{GB} 是实现章节标题的中文化,但是在FreeBSD下用teTeX编译通不过。感谢aloft的贡献,他修改的GB.cpx真正实现了章节标题的中文化,使得\CJKcaption{GB}在UNIX和Windows下都没有问题。UNIX用户可以用aloft的GB.cpx替换 /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/GB/GB.cpx文件。 从一个简单的LaTeX+CJK论文模板出发,你会发现用TeX写作是一件非常令人愉悦的事情。以下模板在FreeBSD下用teTeX编译通过,在Windows下用CTeX也编译通过。欢迎测试和使用,任何方面的改进都是鼓励的。你可以对照本模板生成的pdf文件。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% 目的: LaTeX+CJK中文论文模板%% %% 文件: Template4CJK.tex %% %% 日期: 10-01-2008 %% %% 整理: 于江生%% %% 系统: FreeBSD+teTeX %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \iffalse % 块注释 如果要注释一块文字,用\iffalse ... \fi 界定住要 注释的文字。特别提醒:以下设置的次序不能乱,否则 会引发冲突,影响到编译是否成功。 \fi


一个简单的LaTeX+CJK论文模板 中文TeX使用者一般的选择是在Windows下用CTeX,在UNIX下用teTeX+laTeX-CJK。 CJK是德国人 Werner Lemberg 研发的,和几乎所有的宏包都能“和平相处”。下面介绍一个简单的LaTeX+CJK论文模板。 唯一要说明的是,命令 \CJKcaption{GB} 是实现章节标题的中文化,但是在 FreeBSD下用teTeX编译通不过。感谢aloft的贡献,他修改的GB.cpx真正实现了章节标题的中文化,使得\CJKcaption{GB}在UNIX和Windows下都没有问题。 UNIX用户可以用aloft的GB.cpx替换/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/CJK/GB/GB.cpx文件。 从一个简单的LaTeX+CJK论文模板出发,你会发现用TeX写作是一件非常令人愉悦的事情。以下模板在FreeBSD下用teTeX编译通过,在Windows下用CTeX也编译通过。欢迎测试和使用,任何方面的改进都是鼓励的。你可以对照本模板生成的pdf文件。 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% 目的 : LaTeX+CJK中文论文模板 %% %% 文件 : Template4CJK.tex %% %% 日期 : 10-01-2008 %% %% 整理 : 于江生 %% %% 系统 : FreeBSD+teTeX %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \iffalse % 块注释 如果要注释一块文字,用\iffalse ... \fi 界定住要 注释的文字。特别提醒:以下设置的次序不能乱,否则


系统工程理论与实践的模版为什么要用“\SUB{1\ \ 引言}%一级标题”,这样不能自动编号啊! \documentclass[twoside]{cctart} \usepackage{headrule,vatola,amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx,multirow,bm} \usepackage{booktabs,dcolumn}%关于小数点对齐 \newcolumntype{z}[1]{D{.}{.}{#1}}%关于小数点对齐 \usepackage{tabularx}%关于表自动折行 \usepackage{slashbox}%表格加斜线 %=========================Page Format (此部分定义请勿修改)================================ \setlength{\voffset}{-5mm} \headsep 0.3 true cm \topmargin 0pt \oddsidemargin 0pt \footskip 2mm \evensidemargin 0pt \textheight 24.5 true cm \textwidth 16.5 true cm \setcounter{page}{993} \parindent 2\ccwd \nofiles \TagsOnRight\baselineskip 12pt \catcode`@=11 \long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to 0pt{\hss$^{}$}#1} \catcode`\@=12 \catcode`@=11 \def\evenhead{} \def\oddhead{} \headheight=8truemm % \footheight=0pt \def\@evenhead{\pushziti \vbox{\hbox to\textwidth{\rlap{\rm\thepage}\hfil{\evenhead}\llap{}} \protect\vspace{2truemm}\relax \hrule depth0pt height0.15truemm width\textwidth }\popziti} \def\@oddhead{\pushziti \vbox{\hbox to\textwidth{\rlap{}{\oddhead}\hfil\llap{\rm\thepage}} \protect\vspace{2truemm}\relax \hrule depth0pt height0.15truemm width\textwidth }\popziti} \def\@evenfoot{} \def\@oddfoot{} \catcode`@=12 \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} \def\d{\displaystyle} \def\n{\noindent}


% a4paper - A4 纸 11pt - 字体 twoside - 双面 openany - 新章节可在偶数页开始 \documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,openany]{article} % ----------------------------- 纸张大小 ------------------------------------- % 定义转换成 pdf 文档的 纸张大小,应与 \paperwidth \paperheight 一致 %\special{pdf: pagesize width 20cm height 30cm} % true 的含义是保持尺寸不会随一些参数的变化而变化,具体可见 Knuth 的 TeXbook % 纸张宽 % 纸张高 页面布局 -------- % 正文宽 %\textheight 20 true cm %\headheight 14pt %\headsep 16pt %\footskip 27pt %\marginparsep 10pt %\marginparwidth 100pt % --------------------------- 页边空白调整 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0mm} % 置 0 \iffalse % 如果考虑右侧(书外侧)的边注区则改为 \iftrue \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\marginparsep} \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{\marginparwidth} \fi % \paperwidth = h + \oddsidemargin+\textwidth+\evensidemargin + h \setlength{\hoffset}{\paperwidth} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-\oddsidemargin} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-\textwidth} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-\evensidemargin} \setlength{\hoffset}{0.5\hoffset} \addtolength{\hoffset}{-1in} \setlength{\voffset}{-1in} \setlength{\topmargin}{\paperheight} %\paperwidth 20 true cm %\paperheight 30 true cm % ------------------------ %\textwidth 10 true cm % 正文高 % 页眉高 % 页眉距离 % 页脚距离 % 边注 区距离 % 边注区宽 \def\marginset#1#2{ \marginset{left}{top} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{#1} \iffalse \iftrue \reversemarginpar \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparsep} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{\marginparwidth} \fi % 页边设置 % 左边(书内侧)装订预留空白距离 % 如果考虑左侧(书内侧)的边注区则改为 % h = \hoffset + 1in % 0 = \voffset + 1in


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除latex中文幻灯片模板 篇一:最简单的latex做中文ppt的模板 \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{ctex}%这个是为了用汉字的 \usetheme{cambridgeus}%这个是采用的模板 \hypersetup{cjkbookmarks=true}%没有这一句,章节里不要看到汉字\begin{document} \section{第一章} \subsection{1.1} \begin{frame}{一、} 定义 \end{frame} \end{document} 篇二:latex幻灯片模板 \documentclass[cjk,notheorems,mathserif,table]{beam er}

\useoutertheme[height=0.1\textwidth,width=0.15\text width,hideothersubsections]{sidebar}\usecolortheme{ whale}%outercolorthemes,其他选 择:whale,seahorse,dolphin.换一个编译看看有什么不同. \usecolortheme{orchid}%innercolorthemes,其他选择:lily,orchid \useinnertheme[shadow]{rounded}%对box的设置:圆角、有阴影. \setbeamercolor{sidebar}{bg=blue!60}%sidebar的颜色,50%的蓝色. \setbeamercolor{backgroundcanvas}{bg=blue!9}%背景色,9%的蓝色.去掉下一行,试一试这个. \setbeamertemplate{backgroundcanvas}[verticalshadin g][bottom=white,top=structure.fg!25]%%背景色,上25%的蓝,过渡到下白. \usefonttheme{serif}%字体.个人偏好有轮廓的字体.去掉这个设置编译,就看到不同 了.\setbeamertemplate{navigationsymbols}{}%%去掉页面下方默认的导航条. %%------------------------常用宏包 ---------------------------------------------------

latex 英文模板

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\documentclass{icmmcm} \usepackage{url} % For formatting URLs and other web or % file references. \usepackage{mflogo} % Provides the METAFONT logo; you % won't need it for your report. \usepackage{graphicx} % For importing graphics. \usepackage{natbib} %%% Sample ICM/MCM Contest Submission %%% %%% Based on sample senior thesis document %%% Last modified by Jeremy Rouse %%% Summer 2000 %%% %%% and on the LaTeX Hints document %%% created by C.M. Connelly %%% Copyright 2002-2012 %%% --------------- %%% Local Command and Environment Definitions %%% If you have any local command or environment definitions, put them %%% here or in a separate style file that you load with \usepackage. % \newtheorem declarations \newtheorem{Theo1}{Theorem} \newtheorem{Theo2}{Theorem}[section] \newtheorem{Lemma}[Theo2]{Lemma} % Each of the above defines a new theorem environment. % Multiple theorems can be done in the same environment. % Theo2's number is defined by the subsection it's in. % Theo3 uses the same numbering counter and numbering system as % Theo2 (that's the meaning of [Theo2]). %%% Y ou probably won't want any of the following commands, which are %%% here to allow various the names of commands, make examples typeset %%% properly, and so on. Y ou can, of course, use them as examples for %%% your own user-defined commands. \newcommand{\bslash}{\symbol{'134}}%backslash \newcommand{\bsl}{{\texttt{\bslash}}} \newcommand{\com}[1]{\bsl\texttt{#1}\xspace} \newcommand{\file}[1]{\texttt{#1}\xspace}


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