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1.Putin(普京), a pro-market democratic reformer, was elected president of Russia in 2000 after enjoying a meteoric rise within the ranks of the Kremlin.

Upon graduating from Leningrad State University in 1975, Putin served in the K.G.B. as a spy stationed in East Germany until 1989. He then joined his alma mater's international affairs department, though many K.G.B. watchers speculate that he remained a spy, keeping tabs on the democratic movement. He went to work as an aide for his former mentor, Anatoly Sobchak, a Leningrad politician. Sobchak was elected mayor in 1991, and Putin joined his administration, becoming first deputy mayor. Although he worked behind the scenes, Putin's influence was nevertheless palpable, especially in luring Western investment.

Putin was recruited from a position in Leningrad's city government to the Kremlin in 1996 as an aide to property manager Pavel Borodin. In 1998, President Boris Yeltsin appointed Putin head of the Federal Security Service, the successor to the K.G.B., and called on him in March 1999 to head Russia's security council. In August 1999 Yeltsin fired Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and his entire cabinet, and promoted Putin, making him

heir-apparent to the presidency. It was the fourth time in 17 months that Yeltsin had sacked Russia's government.

On New Year's Eve 1999, Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned, and Putin was elevated once again, this time to acting president. The political neophyte had been enjoying tremendous popular support, notably in the wake of his heavy-handed campaign to suppress Islamic militants in Chechnya, who continue their drive for independence.

2.普希金Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (June 6 1799 – February 10 1837) was a Russian Romantic author who is considered to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature. Pushkin pioneered the use of vernacular speech in his poems and plays, creating a style of storytelling—mixing drama, romance, and satire—associated with Russian literature ever since and greatly influencing later Russian writers. Because of his liberal political views and influence on generations of Russian rebels, Pushkin was portrayed by Bolsheviks as an opponent to bourgeois literature and culture and a predecessor of Soviet literature and poetry.Tsarskoe Selo was renamed after him.

3.列夫托尔斯泰Leo Tolstoy was born in 1828 in Russia. Many people think that he is the greatest 19th century Russian writer. His most famous works are War and Peace and Anna Karenina and he also wrote many shorter works. We can watch the two films War and Peace and Anna Karenina on TV. Tolstoy believed in God, and he loved peace very much. The bad society made him very unhappy, so he wanted to do something to changed it but he failed.He often gave poor people help. In 1910 he left the world.Now readers all over the world like to read his great books very much.
