陕西省宝鸡中学、西安三中等五校2020届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题 Word版含答案

陕西省宝鸡中学、西安三中等五校2020届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题 Word版含答案
陕西省宝鸡中学、西安三中等五校2020届高三上学期第一次联考英语试题 Word版含答案


















1. What is the man going to do first?

A. Feed the dog.

B. Walk the dog.

C. Clean the dog house.

2. What is the woman related to Mr. Collins?

A. His secretary.

B. His client.

C. His manager.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. A public service.

B. A restaurant.

C. The man’s friend.

4. When will the man see Dr. Owen?

A. On Tuesday morning.

B. On Wednesday afternoon.

C. On Friday morning.

5. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a bakery.

B. In a rose garden.

C. In a clothes store.




6. What does the woman think of the yellow earrings?

A. Too big.

B. Expensive.

C. Perfect.

7. What will the man buy for the woman?

A. The red earrings.

B. The blue necklace.

C. The yellow necklace.


8. What happened to the woman?

A. She lost the cleaner.

B. She damaged the fridge.

C. She couldn’t get on the Internet.

9. What did the robot do for the woman?

A. It repaired the computer.

B. It cleaned the outside windows.

C. It picked up the dirt in the room.


10. Why does the man call the woman?

A. To get some directions to her office.

B. To confirm the meeting place.

C. To ask her to pick him up.

11. How much does it cost the man by taxi?

A. About $5.

B. About $20.

C. About $30.

12. What time will the speakers have a meeting?

A. At 2:30.

B. At 3:00.

C. At 3:30.


13. When will the man meet Tanya Dolan?

A. On Monday.

B. On Tuesday.

C. On Wednesday.

14. Why is the man going to Paris?

A. To conduct business.

B. To meet his manager.

C. To take a vacation.

15. How will the man go to Paris?

A. By train.

B. By car.

C. By air.

16. What do we know about the man’s flight back to LA?

A. It is a non-stop flight.

B. It will be by way of Paris.

C. It has a stopover during the journey.


17. What did the man study in university?

A. Law.

B. Medicine.

C. Economics.

18. What fruit has something in common with cocoa beans?

A. Apples.

B. Bananas.

C. Grapes.

19. What is the most difficult part of making chocolate?

A. Melting it correctly.

B. Cooling it in time.

C. Testing it regularly.

20. What is the speaker’s key to success?

A. Growing high-quality cocoa beans.

B. Keeping a diary of his experiments.

C. Trying to test various chocolate.






Each applicant to Harvard College is considered with great care.We consider each applicant to Harvard College as a whole person, and put enormous care into evaluating every application.We hope you will explore the information in this section to understand what we lookfor in our admissions process.

How to Apply

Submit your application through the Common Application, the Coalition Application, or the Universal College Application.Each is treated equally by the Admissions https://www.360docs.net/doc/5017913781.html,plete and submit your materials as soon as possible to ensure full and timely consideration of your application.View our Application Tips for step-by-step information.

When to Apply

We seek promising students who will contribute to the Harvard community during their college years, and to society throughout their lives.

While academic accomplishment is the basic requirement, the Admission Committee considers many other factors—strong personal qualities, special talents or excellences of all kinds, perspectives formed by unusual personal circumstances, and the ability to take advantage of available resources and opportunities.

We outline everything you need to apply to Harvard.

Click https: //https://www.360docs.net/doc/5017913781.html,/admissions/apply to get detailed requirements.

21. Where can you find step-by-step information of how to apply?

A. Common Application.

B. Coalition Application.

C. Universal College Application.

D. Application Tips.

22. Which is the final day for Financial Aid Application?

A. November 1.

B. January 1.

C. March 1.

D. May 1.

23. What is the basic requirement to apply for Harvard University?

A. Academic accomplishment.

B. Strong personal qualities.

C. Special talents.

D. Unique perspectives.


Literature is an important part of a total language arts program at all grade levels because of the many benefits it offers.

Literature provides pleasure to listeners and readers. It is a relaxing escape from daily problems, and it fills leisure moments. Making time for recreational reading and using high-quality literature help to develop enthusiastic readers and improve achievement. Developing a love of literature as a recreational activity is possibly the most important outcome of a literature program.

Literature builds experience. Through reading, children expand their horizons through vicarious (引起共鸣的) experiences. They visit new places, gain new experiences, and meet new people. They learn about the past as well as the present and learn about a variety of cultures, including their own. They discover the common goals and similar emotions found in people of all times and places. Nory Ryan’s Song by Patricia Reilly, Giff, a hard survival story, is set in Ireland during the potato hunger of 1845, and Patricia Polacco’s The Butterfly, deals with Nazis, resistance, and Jewish persecution (迫害) during World War II.

Literature provides a language model for those who hear and read it. Good literature exposes children to correct sentence patterns, standard story structures, and varied word usage. Children for whom English is a second language can improve their English with the interesting context, and all children benefit from new vocabulary that is woven into the stories.

Literature develops thinking skills. Discussions of literature bring out reasoning related to sequence; cause and effect; character motivation; predictions; visualization of actions, characters, and settings; critical analysis of the story;

and creative responses.

Literature helps children deal with their problems. By finding out about the problems of others through books, children receive insights into dealing with their own problems, a process called bibliotherapy. Children might identify with Gilly, living angrily in a foster home in Katherine Paterson’s The Great Gilly Hopkins, or with Mary Alice, a city girl forced to live with her grandma in a “hick town” in Richard Peck’s A Year Down Yonder.

24. What is likely to be the most significant consequence of a literature program?

A. The habit of reading for pleasure.

B. The lessons learned from works.

C. The achievements of language skills.

D. The ways of thinking developed by reading.

25. Why are Nory Ryan’s Song and The Butterf ly mentioned in paragraph 3?

A. To introduce two great masterpieces.

B. To expand children's horizons in literature.

C. To prove literature includes a variety of cultures.

D. To give examples of books that provide such experiences.

26. From the last paragraph we know that literature can be_______.

A. educational

B. practical

C. changeable

D. reliable

27. What could be the best title of the text?

A. Power of Books

B. Ways of Reading

C. Source of Human Progress

D. Benefits of Literature


There are billions of people on this planet, and many of us love to eat meat. Can the demand be filled in a sustainable(可持续的) and affordable way? A bunch of businessmen are not only optimistic but are working to make this happen sooner than you may think.

The environmental effects caused by meat consumption (食用)—waste, animal treatment, health problems and even the greenhouse gas effects that are potentially caused by methane gas produced by cows—have given rise to a number of startups(新

兴公司)looking to develop meats in different ways.

For example, San Francisco-based Memphis Meats is developing cell-based meats in its labs without requiring any animals. Israel’s Future Meat Technologies is doing the same by producing fat and muscle cells that are being tested by chefs in Jerusalem. All of these companies use special processes to harvest cells from animals and grow them in a lab.

But don’t worry if you’re not a meat lover. Startups such as Jet Eat, which is also based in Israel, are working on food products grown in labs that are plant-based and replicate (复制) meats using natural elements while still keeping flavor, consistency and the “overall sensory experience”, according to a report on NoCamels. Jet Eat, which was founded in early 2018, aims to 3D-print their lab-grown products by 2020.

As you can imagine, there are plenty of barriers facing the industry. Educating the public is a big one. Another controversial issue is the labeling of the products. Recently both the USDA and the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) announced that they will begin jointly controlling the new “cell-based meat” category.

Many of us have concerns about the challenges facing future generations as our global population increases and the earth’s natural resources decreases. The good news is that there are plenty of businessmen around the world—like those producing lab-grown meats—who are working to solve some of these problems and make a little money in the process. Nothing wrong with that.

28. Why do some companies begin to develop new kinds of meats?

A. To analyses the causes of air pollution.

B. To stress the importance of protecting wild animals.

C. To make people less interested in eating meat and more healthy.

D. To meet people’s demand for meat in environmentally friendly ways.

29. What’s special about the lab-grown meats of Jet Eat?

A. They cost less.

B. They are plant-based.

C. They are more delicious.

D. They are available on the market now.

30. Which of the following is a barrier lab-grown meat industries must deal with?

A. How to let people accept the meat.

B. How to give the meat an elegant name.

C. How to produce the meat in large amounts.

D. How to reduce the cost of making the meat.

31. What’s the author’s attitude towards lab-grown meats?

A. Supportive.

B. Opposing.

C. Ambiguous.

D. Cautious.


Jim McGee was once an Air Force pilot in Vietnam. In 2017, he was seriously ill because his kidneys(肾)were gone.

Jim immediately started dialysis(透析),but a person of his age on dialysis usually lives only about four years. Transplants are a long-shot alternative. The National Kidney Foundation estimates that 13 people die every day while waiting for a donor with the right blood and tissue types. Jim’s wife, Shirley McGee, and some family friends offered but weren’t a match.

Desperate, Shirley had T-shirts made that said “I’m in need of a donor.” Her husband would wear one whenever he went to downtown Sarasota. No luck.

In early 2018, Jim didn’t feel like attending a reunion of some Air Force buddies in Monte rey, California. "I said, ‘Is it really worth going to Monterey to sit in dialysis for two days?’”Jim recalls. "And my wife said, ‘ Yeah,come on. You really want to see your friends.’And I am glad I made that decision.”

In California, Jim reunited with six fellow airmen, including one he hadn’t seen in nearly 50 years: Doug Coffman. The two had met when they both were learning Vietnamese before they went overseas. Jim told Doug and his other comrades about his predicament(困境).

Doug, then 70, happened to have the right blood type and immediately decided to help. But could he? Shirley’s guess was that doctors would tell Doug what they had told her: You’re too old. He immediately had his doctor send his medical records to Georgetown Medical Center, where Jim was being treated.

Within a month, Doug was cleared for major testing. The testing revealed not only that Doug’s tissue type matched Jim’s but also that he had the kidneys of a 35-year-old. When the doctors gave him the OK to donate, Doug immediately called Jim, and asked for the first surgery date available. On September 18,2018,Doug went into surgery at 7:30 a. m.; Jim followed at 9:30 a. m. By noon, they were both in the recovery room. The transplant was a success.

32. Which of the following can best describe Shirley?

A. Knowledgeable and talkative .

B. Reasonable and energetic.

C. Outgoing and thankful.

D. Helpful and considerate.

33. How did Jim feel about his illness just before going to Monterey?

A. Discouraged.

B. Satisfied.

C. Ashamed.

D. Nervous.

34. Why did Jim McGee decide to go to Monterey?

A. To seek help.

B. To practice Vietnamese.

C. To meet his fellow airmen.

D. To have a thorough examination there.

35. What can we know about Doug Coffman?

A. He was too old to help.

B. He acted without delay in helping Jim.

C.He seldom visited his doctor.

D. He was 35 years younger than his age.



Being Left-handed in a Right-handed World

The world is designed for right-handed people, but why does a tenth of the population prefer the left? 36

The answer to it remains a bit of a mystery. Since scientists have noticed that left-handedness tends to run in families, it's assumed that left-handedness has a genetic(基因的) component to it 37 In fact, identical twins, who share the same genes, can sometimes prefer to use different hands. There are also plenty of theories

on what else might determine which hand you write with, but many experts believe that it's kind of random.

Historically, the left side and left-handedness have been considered a negative thing by many cultures. 38 In some areas, the left hand became known as the "unclean" hand. In many religions, the right hand of God is the favored hand. For example, Jesus sits at God's right side. God's left hand, however, is the hand of judgment. Various activities and experiences become rude or even signs of bad luck when the left hand becomes involved. In some parts of Scotland, it is considered bad luck to meet a left-handed person at the start of a journey. 39 A person giving directions will put their left hand behind them and even physically try to point with their right hand if necessary. In some Asian countries, eating with the left hand is considered impolite.

40 People come to realize that left-handedness is natural. People even noticed that many famous people are left-handed, including Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Charlie Chaplin. Some researchers find out that lefties are more creative and can deal with abstract thinking better. The left-handedness is more easily adaptable to the right-handed world as well. Being left-handed is no longer a sad story now; instead, it is a wonderful gift or maybe it is something you should take pride in.

A. In other words, left-handers are born that way.

B. Left-handedness used to be regarded as a disability.

C. The unfavorable associations of the use of the left hand among cultures are varied.

D. Why do they prefer to use their left hand rather than their right hand for routine activities?

E. Why do some parents force their left-handed children to become right-handed when writing?

F. In Ghana, pointing, gesturing, giving or receiving items with the left hand is considered rude.

G. Fortunately, nowadays most societies and cultures no longer reject left-handedness like before.





I learned about life from an ant farm. When I was seven years old, my family 41 an ant farm at home. First, we put clean sand in a thin glass box, and then we brought some ants from the backyard and placed them into the 42 home.

Shortly after the new 43 were dropped into the glass structure, they got to work making tunnels. I was amazed that each one knew 44 what to do. After hours of staring, I realized that the ants had assigned jobs. With my mom ' s help, I kept a diary of what happened each day and 45 the ants. My favorite was the biggest , Cinderella. I drew a picture of her in my diary, which I still have .

One day a tragedy 46 the ant farm.While I was observing the ants , I had put my face so close to the structure that I accidentally 47 it over. Unfortunately, my carelessness caused all the tunnels to 48 . Although the ants 49 their earthquake, one by one they began to die. I was 50 as I watched them give up their tunnel-building to carry the bodies to a corner of the farm. My mother reported that the ants were actually dying of "frustration"--- the feeling annoyed and disappointed as they couldn’t control the situation . They simply could not 51 the reality that their tunnels had been destroyed. Cinderella was the last to die ---she did so while carrying a dead ant on her back .

Although much time has passed, I still think of that ant farm. Mom had hoped it would teach me about the natural world, 52 it taught me much more. 53 the years, I came to realize the ants were a study in the benefits of 54 . Working together, they were able to create a(an) 55 world for themselves. I also learned that they should be 56 for their hard work. Day in and day out, each labored at their task. The ant farm showed that teamwork and perseverance are indeed two key 57 for success. But there was an even larger lesson that I did not 58 until recently: Disaster is a natural part of life, and must be 59 . Unlike the ants, humans cannot give up when they face 60 . Unlike the ants, we have to realize that

if a tunnel caves in , we just have to build another.

41.A. created B. bought C. ran D. laid

42.A. empty B. new C. strange D. distant

43.A. guests B. settlers C. friends D. members

44.A. probably B. roughly C. exactly D. normally

45.A. named B. trained C. compared D. measured

46.A. affected B. struck C. kicked D. beat

47.A. split B. took C. tipped D. handed

48.A. rush out B. break in C. drop out D. cave in

49.A. experienced B. predicted C. faced D. survived

50.A. annoyed B. astonished C. moved D. thrilled

51.A. reflect B. ignore C. confirm D.stand

52.A.and B. but C. so D. or

53.A. In B. For C. From D. Over

54.A. teamwork B. devotion C. responsibility D. organization

55.A. relaxing B. amusing C. moving D. amazing

56.A. supported B. inspired C. admired D. admitted

57.A. conclusions B. solutions C. recipes D. circumstances

58.A. give B. realize C. take D. adopt

59.A. accepted B. suffered C. escaped D. managed

60.A. challenges B. barriers C. pressure D. disappointment



It is expected 61 over 100,000 people will take part in a massive parade

at Beijing’s Tian’an men Square on the morning of Oct 1, National Day, 62 (celebrate) the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

“ 63 (participate) from all walks of life and ethnic groups will attend 64 ceremony, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots(同胞), overseas Chinese and foreigners 65 (include)”, said Du Feijin, head of the publicity department

of the Beijing Committee of the Communist Party of China. “Tian’anmen Square will

feature red decorations representing the 66 (glory) history of the Party as it led the Chinese revolution to victory”, he said, 67 (add) that 70 red lanterns would be hung parallel 68 the east and west sides of the square. Starting next month, a series of activities like raising the national flag, singing the national anthem and commemorating revolutionary martyrs(烈士) will be held nationwide to let 69 (many) people take part in celebrating the birthday of the motherland. Besides, a documentary which features highlights during the 70-year journey 70 (broadcast) on TV.







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

A recent survey shows most students communicate with their parents regularly, and there are still some who think it embarrassed to share their feelings with their parents. Actually, everyone should attach important to family communication, because not only does it strengthen the bond of the family but also bridge the gap between parents and children. In addition to, sharing your personal problems and emotions will great help reduce the pressure on you. As a result, our confidence will be built up. As for my family, we have special dinner together every Saturday evening, over that everyone present takes turns to sharing one problem and the others try to offer solutions. In this way the whole family can enjoy every single bit of life.


假如你是李华,最近你所在城市设立了“汉字书写日”。你的美国笔友John 对此很感兴趣,写信向你询问,请你给他写一封信。内容包括:





Dear John,

I’m writing to tell you something about Chinese Character Writing Day in our city.


Li Hua

2020届高三第一次五校联考英语试题答案1~5CABCA 6~10ABCBA 11~15BBBCA 16~20CACAB


21-23 DCA 24-27 ADBD 28--31. D B AA 32-35 DACB

七选五:36-40 DACFG


41-45 ABBCA 46-50 BCDDB 51-55 DBDAD

56-60 CCBAD


61. that 62. to celebrate 63. Participants

64. the 65. included 66. glorious

67. adding 68. to 69. more

70. will be broadcast









(8) 在have和special之间加a




Text 1

M: Before feeding the dog, I’m going to clear up its house.

W: It’s about time. Look at t he mess! It smells terrible.

Text 2

M: Make one copy of this document for me and twenty for other managers.

W: OK, Mr. Collins. As soon as I send the e-mail to the important client, I will go to deal with this.

Text 3

M: The food in this restaurant is pretty good. And they also give the best service. W: That’s right. Have you been here before?

M: No, but my friend Bob often comes here.

Text 4

M: I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Owen on Tuesday morning.

W: But he’s not free then. What about W ednesday afternoon or Friday morning?

M: I can’t come any afternoon. I suppose I’ll have to have the morning appointment then.

Text 5

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, I’d like to buy a birthday cake for my mother.

W: We have three sizes, small, medium and large with different styles. Which would you prefer?

M: The size doesn’t matter. But I want something special. Do you have one in the shape of a rose?

Text 6

M: Oh, look at those earrings, Maria. They’re perfect for you.

W: These red ones? Red isn’t a good co lor for me.

M: No, ⑥the yellow ones.

W: ⑥Oh, these? Hmm, it’s too big for me.

M: Well, ⑦that necklace looks nice.

W: Which one?

M: ⑦That blue one right there. How much is it?

W: It’s $1, 200. That’s too expensive.

M: ⑦Hey, let me get it for you. It’s your birthday present.

Text 7

W: What a day! First, I forgot to put the chicken into the fridge.

M: What happened?

W: I found it went bad when I prepared for my lunch. ⑧Then I tried to use my computer, but I couldn’t get a Wi-Fi signal.

M: Oh, no!

W: After that, I tried to use the cleaner.

M: Let me guess. It didn’t pick up the dirt.

W: Worse! It spread dirt around the room instead of picking it up.

M: Did you have your robot help?

W: Of course. ⑨It helped me clean the outside windows.

M: That’s reall y amazing!

Text 8

M: Hi, Cathy. How are you doing?

W: I’m well, thanks Paul. How are you?

M: I’m fine. (10)I’m just calling to get some directions from the airport for when I come to meet you next week.

W: O K, well … when you arrive, there is a taxi stand straight outside. It is probably your best choice in terms of getting to my office from the airport. There is a bus as well which costs you only $5.

M: OK, (11)but you’d recommend a taxi, would you?

W: (11)Yeah.

M: (11)OK, and how much do you think that would cost?

W: About $20. And it should take you more than 30 minutes to get to the office. M: (12)So I will have plenty of time to make our three o’clock meeting, then. W: Oh, yes.

M: Great! Thanks very much. Bye!

W: No worries. Look forward to seeing you.

Text 9

W: When are you going to Europe? Next week?

M: Y es. (13)I’m leaving Los Angeles on Monday. Then I’ll work with Tanya Dolan in the London office the next day. I’m meeting my manager Sue Redman on Wednesday, and then I’m going to Paris.

W: Really? (14)Why are you going to Paris? On business?

M: No. (14)I’m taking a break. I’m having two days off.

W: Good idea. So, (15)how are you traveling to Paris? Are you driving?

M: No, (15)I’m taking a train.

W: Oh, right.

M: Then I’m staying in Paris fo r two nights.

W: Great. So how will you go back to LA from Paris?

M: I’m going back to London on the train first. Then I’m flying home on Saturday afternoon.

W: OK.

M: I’m arriving in LA at midnight.

W: So is it a non-stop flight between LA and London?

M: No, I’m not flying direct. I’m by way of LA, New York, and London. Then, (16)on the flight home, I’m changing in Chicago.

Text 10

M: Hi, my name’s Sam Conti and my job is making and selling chocolate. People often ask how I got into this business. Well, my parents wanted me to study medicine or economics at university, (17)but at the time I thought law might open more doors, so that’s what I did. But life doesn’t always work out the way you plan it. After college, I spent one year in South America, where I fell in love with growing cocoa beans. It is not an easy job, because cocoa beans can be easily affected by weather—much more than other fruit like apples or bananas. (18)In fact, the beans are more like grapes, so each year’s crop is of a different q uality.

When I came home, I decided to open a small shop making and selling my own chocolate. That was hard work I can tell you, because so much can go wrong with chocolate. (19)The hardest bit is melting it in the right way, but cooling it correctly isn’t easy either.

To learn the trade, I set about testing all the chocolate I could find. (20)Another thing I like to do is write up my experiments. I keep a diary for this. It’s the key to my success.


2021届陕西省西安中学高三第一次模拟考试 数学(理)试题 一、单选题 1.设集合{ } 2 90A x x =-<,{} B x x N =∈,则A B =( ) A .{}0,1,2,3 B .{}1,2 C .{}0,1,2 D .{}2,1,0,1,2-- 【答案】C 【解析】求出集合A ,与集合B 取交集即得. 【详解】 解不等式290x -<,得33x -<<, {}33A x x ∴=-<<. {}B x x N =∈,{}0,1,2A B ∴?=. 故选:C . 【点睛】 本题考查集合的运算,属于基础题. 2.已知命题P :x R ?∈,sin 1x ≤,则p ?为( ) A .0x R ?∈,0sin 1x ≥ B .x R ?∈,sin 1x ≥ C .0x R ?∈,0sin 1x > D .x R ?∈,sin 1x > 【答案】C 【解析】根据全称量词命题的否定是存在量词命题,即得答案. 【详解】 全称量词命题的否定是存在量词命题,且命题P :x R ?∈,sin 1x ≤, 00:,sin 1p x R x ∴??∈>. 故选:C . 【点睛】 本题考查含有一个量词的命题的否定,属于基础题.

3.已知(,)a bi a b R +∈是11i i +-的共轭复数,则a b +=( ) A .1- B .12 - C .12 D .1 【答案】A 【解析】先利用复数的除法运算法则求出11i i +-的值,再利用共轭复数的定义求出a +bi ,从而确定a ,b 的值,求出a +b . 【详解】 ()()21(1)21112 i i i i i i ++===-+-i , ∴a +bi =﹣i , ∴a =0,b =﹣1, ∴a +b =﹣1, 故选:A . 【点睛】 本题主要考查了复数代数形式的乘除运算,考查了共轭复数的概念,是基础题. 4.已知双曲线22 221x y C a b -=:的一条渐近线与直线350x y -+=垂直,则双曲线C 的离心率等于( ) A B C D . 【答案】B 【解析】由于直线的斜率k 3=,所以一条渐近线的斜率为1 3k '=-,即13b a =, 所以e = =,选B. 5.下列函数中,既是奇函数,又是R 上的单调函数的是( ) A .()() ln 1f x x =+ B .()1 f x x -= C .()() ()222,02,0x x x f x x x x ?+≥?=?-+ ???? ?

西安市高新第一中学物理电压 电阻单元测试卷(解析版)

西安市高新第一中学物理电压电阻单元测试卷(解析版) 一、初三物理电压电阻易错压轴题(难) 1.某实验小组探究金属丝电阻大小与横截面积的关系,实验室提供了下列器材:小灯泡、电压表、电流表、电池组、滑动变阻器、刻度尺、开关和导线若干。 (1)为了完成实验,还需要选择什么规格的金属丝。 (2)请你选择合适的器材,设计一个实验方案(电路图配合文字叙述) (3)分析可能出现的实验现象并得出结论 【答案】(1)选择材料相同、长度相等,横截面积不同的金属丝若干(2)见解析(3)见解析 【解析】 【详解】 (1)在不考虑温度变化的情况下,影响电阻大小的因素有导体的材料、长度和横截面积。要探究金属丝电阻大小与横截面积的关系,根据控制变量法的原则,需要选择材料相同、长度相等,横截面积不同的金属丝若干,为了实验现象明显可选择电阻率较大的镍铬合金丝。 (2)实验方案: 选择电池组、电流表、小灯泡、开关和若干导线连接串联电路,图中AB两点间接入材料相同、长度相等,横截面积不同的金属丝,从小灯泡的亮度可以粗略比较电阻的大小,还可以防止出现短路,通过电流表示数可以准确比较电阻的大小,电路图如下: (3)实验现象:接入AB两点间的导体横截面积越大时,闭合开关后,小灯泡越亮,电流表示数越大; 实验结论:在导体的材料和长度相同时,横截面积越大,导体电阻越小。 2.某同学为了探究“电阻丝的电阻R与长度L、横截面积S和材料的关系”,进行了如下操作: (1)在实验中,先保持电阻丝的横截面积S和材料不变,探究电阻丝的电阻R与长度L的

关系,这种方法叫做________法。 (2)为了探究电阻丝的电阻R 与L 的关系,实验室备有以下实验器材: A .电源E (电压U =1.5V) B .电流表A 1 (量程 0-100mA) C .电流表A 2 (量程 0-0.6A) D .电阻箱R 0(阻值 0~999.9Ω) E.待测电阻丝R (阻值约为10Ω) F.开关一个,导线若干,则: ① 为了提高实验的精确程度,在实验中电流表应选的是_______ (选填器材前的字母代号) ② 把电阻丝拉直后,将其两端固定在刻度尺的接线柱a 和b 上,电阻丝上夹一个金属夹 P ,移动金属夹 P 的位置,就可改变接入电路中金属丝的长度 L ,把这些实验器材按图甲连接起来。闭合开关 S 前,电阻箱的阻值应调整到________Ω。 ③ 闭合开关 S 后,将电阻箱调到适当位置不动,多次改变金属夹 P 的位置,得到多组 I 、L 的数据。根据实验测量数据在坐标平面内,以电流的倒数1I 为纵坐标、电阻丝的长度 L 为横坐标,得出图像如图乙所示,根据实验图像说明,横截面积S 相同的同种材料的电阻丝,接入长度L 越长,电流I 越小,电阻R _____________。 ④ 该电阻丝 lcm 长度的阻值为 _____Ω 【答案】控制变量 B 999.9 越大 0.3 【解析】 【详解】 (1)[1]在实验中,先保持电阻丝的横截面积S 和材料不变,探究电阻丝的电阻R 与长度L 的关系,这种方法叫做控制变量法; (2)[2]由题意可知,当只有待测电阻丝R 接入电路时,电路中的电流最大,大小是 1.5V 0.15A 10Ω U I R === 为了提高实验的精确程度,电流表A 2的量程是0到0.6A ,这个精确程度不够好,应该选择电流表A 1,量程是0到100mA ; [3]为了保护电路,闭合开关S 前,电阻箱的电阻值应该调到最大,即调到999.9Ω; [4]从图乙可以看到,接入长度L 越长, 1I 越大,即电流I 越小,电路中的总电阻越大,而电阻箱阻值大小不变,那么电阻R 越大; [5]当电阻丝0L =时,电流1A 10 I = ,此时电阻丝接入电路中的阻值大小为0,根据欧姆定律可求得电阻箱大小是 00 1.5V 15Ω1A 10 U R I ===


西工大附中,,,交大附中,铁一中,,师大附中,西安中学,西安高级中学,高薪一中,长安一中,西安市83中学,这是前九位,,以后的就比较差了!! 先说重点中学排名吧。按照实力来排应该是:西工大附中、高新一中、铁一中、交大附中、师大附中、西安中学。后面的都差不了多少。长安一中因为在中考招生时是和城六区的学校分开招的,所以不太好比较, 但其实力大概和师大附中差不多。 长安一中农家子弟居多,学风很刻苦,你得考虑自己受不受得了。但是长安一中的优质师资很多都去了市里,在其他方面也受了一些打击,所以实力比以前有些下降。总体来说市里的重点中学要强,其中西工大、高新、铁一和交大四个学校比长安一中强的不是一点而是很多。自己权衡吧,要是能咬牙努力三年,能受得了那份苦,在长安一中也不会差到哪里去。不过要是能去市里,确实在学习上可以不那么刻苦但是取得 同样的成绩。 新城区灞桥区 1、西安市第八十九中学(省市两级) 1、西安市第三十四中学(省市两级) 2、陕西省西安中学(省市两级) 2、五环中学(省市两级) 3、西安铁三中(省市两级) 3、西安市第六十四中学(市级) 4、黄河中学(省市两级) 4、唐华四棉纺织厂子弟中学(市级) 5、西安市第八十三中学(省市两级) 5、西安庆华电器厂子弟中学(省市两级) 6、西光中学(省市两级)未央区 7、西安市第三十中学(市级) 1、西安市第七十五中学(市级) 8、西安市第三十八中学(市级) 2、西安航空发动机公司一中(市级) 9、西安东方机械厂子弟中学(省市两级)3、陕西第十棉纺厂子弟中学(市级) 10、西安华山机械厂子弟中学(市级) 4、陕西重型机器厂子弟学校(市级) 碑林区 5、车辆厂子中(市级) 1、西安市第二十六中学(省市两级)雁塔区 2、西工大附中(省市两级) 1、西安市第八十五中学(省市两级) 3、西安交通大学附中(省市两级) 2、西安市育才中学(省市两级) 4、西安铁一中(省市两级) 3、西安高新第一中学(省市两级)


2020届陕西省西安中学高三第一次模拟考试数学(理)试题 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、单选题 1.设集合{}290A x x =-<,{}B x x N =∈,则A B =( ) A .{}0,1,2,3 B .{}1,2 C .{}0,1,2 D .{}2,1,0,1,2-- 2.已知命题 :p x ?∈R ,sin 1x ,则 A .:p x ??∈R, sin 1x B .:p x ??∈R, sin 1x C .:p x ??∈R, sin 1x > D .:p x ??∈R, sin 1x > 3.已知(,)a bi a b R +∈是 11i i +-的共轭复数,则a b +=( ) A .1- B .12- C .12 D .1 4.已知双曲线22 221x y C a b -=:的一条渐近线与直线350x y -+=垂直,则双曲线C 的离心率等于( ) A B C D .5.下列函数中,既是奇函数,又是R 上的单调函数的是( ) A .()()ln 1f x x =+ B .()1 f x x -=

C .()()()222,02,0x x x f x x x x ?+≥?=?-+ ???? ? 6.若()cos cos2f x x =,则()sin15f ?=( ) A .12 B .12- C . D .2 7.某调查机构对全国互联网行业进行调查统计,得到整个互联网行业从业者年龄分布饼状图,90后从事互联网行业岗位分布条形图,则下列结论中不正确的是( ) 注:90后指1990年及以后出生,80后指1980-1989年之间出生,80前指1979年及以前出生. A .互联网行业从业人员中90后占一半以上 B .互联网行业中从事技术岗位的人数超过总人数的20% C .互联网行业中从事运营岗位的人数90后比80前多 D .互联网行业中从事技术岗位的人数90后比80后多 8.将4名大学生分配到3个乡镇去当村官,每个乡镇至少一名,则不同的分配方案种数是( ) A .18种 B .36种 C .54种 D .72种 9.赵爽是我国古代数学家、天文学家,大约在公元222年,赵爽为《周髀算经》一书作序时,介绍了“勾股圆方图”,亦称“赵爽弦图”(以弦为边长得到的正方形是由 4

2020年陕西省西安市碑林区铁一中学中考数学模拟试卷(三) (解析版)

2020年中考数学模拟试卷 一、选择题(共10小题). 1.﹣的倒数是() A.﹣B.C.D.﹣ 2.下列不是三棱柱展开图的是() A.B. C.D. 3.如图,直线BC∥AE,CD⊥AB于点D,若∠BCD=40°,则∠1的度数是() A.60°B.50°C.40°D.30° 4.如图,在矩形OACB中,A(﹣2,0),B(0,﹣1),若正比例函数y=kx的图象经过点C,则k值是() A.﹣2B.C.2D. 5.下列运算中,正确的是() A.(﹣x)2?x3=x5B.(x2y)3=x6y C.(a+b)2=a2+b2D.a6+a3=a2 6.如图,在△ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=30°,AB的垂直平分线分别交AB、AC于点D、E.则以下AE与CE的数量关系正确的是()

A.AE=CE B.AE=CE C.AE=CE D.AE=2CE 7.已知直线y=﹣x+8与x轴、y轴分别交于点A和点B,M是OB上的一点,若将△ABM 沿AM折叠,点B恰好落在x轴上的点B′处,则直线AM的函数解析式是() A.y=﹣x+8B.y=﹣x+8C.y=﹣x+3D.y=﹣x+3 8.如图:在四边形ABCD中,E是AB上的一点,△ADE和△BCE都是等边三角形,点P、Q、M、N分别为AB、BC、CD、DA的中点,则四边形MNPQ是() A.等腰梯形B.矩形C.菱形D.正方形 9.如图,在⊙O中,弦AC∥半径OB,∠BOC=48°,则∠OAB的度数为() A.24°B.30°C.60°D.90°

10.若二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象与x轴有两个交点A和B,顶点为C,且b2﹣4ac=4,则∠ACB的度数为() A.30°B.45°C.60°D.90° 二.填空题(共4小题,每小题3分,计12分) 11.比较大小:﹣﹣3.2(填“>”、“<”或“=”) 12.如图,正五边形ABCDE中,对角线AC与BE相交于点F,则∠AFE=度. 13.如图,已知,在矩形AOBC中,OB=4,OA=3,分别以OB、OA所在直线为x轴和y轴,建立如图所示的平面直角坐标系,F是边BC上的一个动点(不与B、C重合),过F点的反比例函数y=(k>0)的图象与AC边交于点E,将△CEF沿E对折后,C 点恰好落在OB上的点D处,则k的值为. 14.如图,已知平行四边形ABCD中,∠B=60°,AB=12,BC=5,P为AB上任意一点(可以与A、B重合),延长PD到F,使得DF=PD,以PF、PC为边作平行四边形PCEF,则PE长度的最小值. 三、解答题[共11小题,计78分,解答应写出过程) 15.计算:÷+8×2﹣1﹣(+1)0+2?sin60°. 16.解分式方程:﹣1=.


2020-2021西安市高新第一中学初一数学下期末试卷(及答案) 一、选择题 1.如图,直线BC 与MN 相交于点O ,AO ⊥BC ,OE 平分∠BON ,若∠EON =20°,则∠AOM 的度数为( ) A .40° B .50° C .60° D .70° 2.下列各式中计算正确的是( ) A .93=± B .2(3)3-=- C .33(3)3-=± D .3273= 3.已知关于x 的不等式组 的解中有3个整数解,则m 的取值范围是( ) A .3

7.在实数0,-π,3,-4中,最小的数是( ) A .0 B .-π C .3 D .-4 8.已知32x y =-?? =-?是方程组1 2ax cy cx by +=??-=? 的解,则a 、b 间的关系是( ) A .491b a -= B .321a b += C .491b a -=- D .941a b += 9.下列图中∠1和∠2是同位角的是( ) A .(1)、(2)、(3) B .(2)、(3)、(4) C .(3)、(4)、(5) D .(1)、(2)、(5) 10.对于两个不相等的实数,a b ,我们规定符号{} max ,a b 表示,a b 中较大的数,如 {}max 2,44=,按这个规定,方程{}21 max ,x x x x +-= 的解为 ( ) A .1-2 B .2-2 C .1-212+或 D .1+2或-1 11.若点(),1P a a -在x 轴上,则点()2,1Q a a -+在第( )象限. A .一 B .二 C .三 D .四 12.已知a ,b 为两个连续整数,且a<191-


陕西宝鸡中学2012—2013学年度下学期期末考试 高一物理试题 说明:1.本试题分Ι、Ⅱ两卷,第Ⅰ卷的答案要涂到答题卡上,第Ⅰ卷不交;注意:第Ⅰ卷 分A.B 卷型 2. 全卷共四个大题 21小题,满分110 分,100分钟完卷 第Ι卷(共52分) 一、单项选择题:(本大题共8小题,每小题4分,共32分,在每小题给出的四 个选项中,只有一个选项正确。) 1.第一个准确测量出万有引力常量的科学家是( ) 2.下列关于曲线运动的说法中正确的是( ) A 、变速运动一定是曲线运动 B 、曲线运动一定是变速运动 C 、速率不变的曲线运动没有加速度 D 、曲线运动一定是匀加速运动 3.做平抛运动的物体,每秒钟的速度增量是( ) A.大小相等,方向相同 B.大小不等,方向不同 C.大小相等,方向不同 D.大小不等,方向相同 4.—个物体以恒定角速度ω做匀速圆周运动时.下列说法中正确的是( ) A .轨道半径越大线速度越大 B .轨道半径越大线速度越小 C .轨道半径越大周期越大 D .轨道半径越大周期越小 5.大小相等的水平拉力分别作用于原来静止﹑质量分别为M 1和M 2的A 、B 两个物体上,使A 沿光滑水平面运动了位移L ,使B 沿粗糙水平面运动了相同的位移,则拉力F 对A ﹑B 做的功W 1和W 2相比较( ) A . W 1>W 2 B. W 1


西安五大名校高中部录取分数线:西工大附中585分,铁一中583分,高新一中580分,交大附中580分,师大附 西安五大名校高中部录取分数线:西工大附中585分,铁一中583分,高新一中580分,交大附中580分,师大附中570分,西安中学570分——金博士英语学校小升初班 最新消息西工大附中:分数线:2012年西工大附中统招分数线585左右,低于这个分数按择校生录取,收择校费,估的基本准确。583分咨询工大说6000一学期,所以说今年整体低,正常统招交五万四,本校生570分左右的交六到七万,575分可到学校咨询。交大附中:网友574,2万,交大的,说明各校的分数线都降了师大附中:据说师大附中561-575分铁一中:刚听一朋友说今年铁一本部587,辅轮566高新一中:刚才咨询了高新一中,说580以上肯定可以上本部,还说学费减到7000,590以上,每学期3000,三年18000 西安中学:分数线570分对外线,校内生降20分,550分。 以下分数线随时更新,祝愿考生们进入理想高中!往年的经验,找关系上五大名校高中,大原则是:要在分数线下5-10分以内,花钱才有希望,差的多于10分,花再多的钱也办不成!找关系要早,越晚越被动!!越难办!! 2012.7.10截止:陕西省省级示范高中达34所其中西安占13所— 记者7月10日从省教育厅获悉,陕西省目前共有普通高中510所(其中西安172所),省级标准化高中289所(含省级示范高中,其中西安97所),省级示范高中34所(其中西安13所)。 陕西省省级示范高中名单(34所): 西安(13所):陕师大附中、西安中学、高新一中、西安市83中、西工大附中、西安铁一中、西安交大附中、西安市一中、西北大学附中、长安一中、西安市85中、西安市89中、户县一中。 宝鸡市(4所):宝鸡中学、凤翔中学、眉县槐芽中学、扶风县扶风高中。 咸阳市(4所):咸阳市实验中学、三原南郊中学、彩虹中学、兴平西郊中学。 渭南市(7所):瑞泉中学、象山中学、合阳中学、渭南高级中学、澄城县澄城中学、蒲城县尧山中学、渭南市杜桥中学。 榆林市(2所):陕西省神木中学、陕西省榆林中学。 安康市(1所):陕西省安康中学。 商洛市(2所):陕西省商洛中学、商南县高级中学。 铜川市(1所):铜川市 第一中学。 2012年西安中考重学校名称 2009年 (含体育, 不包括英 2010年 (含听 力体 2011年 2012年 预测分 数线 2012 年中 考分


2021年陕西省西安中学高三第一次仿真考试物理试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.如图所示,在光滑的水平面上有一质量为M 、倾角为θ的光滑斜面,一质量为m 的 物块从斜面上由静止下滑,下面给出的物块在下滑过程中对斜面压力大小F N 的四个表 达式中,只有一个是正确的,你可能不会求解 ,但是你可以通过分析,对下列表达式 做出合理的判断,根据你的判断,合理的表达式应为( ) A .2sin cos Mmg M m θθ+ B .2cos sin mg M m θθ+ C .2cos sin Mmg M m θθ+ D .2cos sin Mmg m M θθ + 2.如图所示,一根铁链一端用细绳悬挂于A 点,为了测量这个铁链的质量,在铁链的 下端用一根细绳系一质量为m 的小球,待整个装置稳定后,测得两细绳与竖直方向的夹 角为α和β,若tan :tan 1:3αβ=,则铁链的质量为( ) A .m B .2m C .3m D .4m 3.一位蹦床运动员仅在竖直方向上运动,弹簧床面与运动员间的弹力随时间变化的规 律通过传感器用计算机绘制出来,如图所示,取当地的重力加速度2 10/g m s =,根据 图像,可以得到( ) A .人上升的最大高度距离蹦床为10m B .运动员的最大加速度为40m/s 2

C.3.6s到6.0s人和蹦床组成的系统机械能守恒 D.8.8s到9.4s运动员和蹦床的势能之和增加 4.一带负电的粒子只在电场力作用下沿x轴正向运动,其电势能E p随位移x变化的关系如图所示,其中0﹣x2段是关于直线x=x1对称的曲线,x2﹣x3段是直线,则下列说法正确的是() A.x1处电场强度最小,但不为零 B.x2~x3段电场强度大小方向均不变,为一定值 C.粒子在0~x2段做匀变速运动,x2~x3段做匀速直线运动 D.在0、x1、x2、x3处电势φ0、φ1、φ2、φ3的关系为φ3>φ2=φ0>φ1 5.如图甲所示的电路中,理想变压器原.副线圈匝数比为10:1,原线圈接入图乙所示的不完整的正弦交流电,副线圈接火灾报警系统(报警器未画出),电压表和电流表均为理想电表,0R和1R为定值电阻,R为半导体热敏电阻,其阻值随温度的升高而减小.下列说法中正确的是() A.R处出现火警时电压表示数增大 B.R处出现火警时电流表示数增大 C.图乙中电压的有效值为220V D.电压表的示数为22V 6.2021年12月10日,我国成功将中星1C卫星发射升空,卫星顺利进入预定转移轨道。如图所示是某卫星沿椭圆轨道绕地球运动的示意图,已知地球半径为R,地球表面重力加速度g,卫星远地点P距地心O的距离为3R,则()


西安市高新第一中学物理欧姆定律单元测试卷(解析版) 一、初三物理欧姆定律易错压轴题(难) 1.小明同学用如图甲所示的电路,探究“电流与电压和电阻的关系”,电源电压15V保 持不变,滑动变阻器的规格是“50Ω1A”,满足测量需求的电流表、电压表各一个,阻值为10Ω、20Ω、30Ω、40Ω的定值电阻各1个。 (1)连接电路时开关应处于_____(填“断开”或“闭合”)状态。 (2)根据图甲所示的电路图,将图乙所示的实物图连接完整,要求闭合S后,滑片P向左移动时电流表示数变大。 (________) (3)小明先探究“电阻R一定时,电流与电压的关系”,他将阻值为10Ω的定值电阻作为R接入电路,闭合开关S,调节滑动变阻器滑片P,测出电阻两端电压及对应电流,记录0 在下表中。 实验次序1234 U 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 V I0.300.410.59 A ①第3次实验时,电流表的读数如图丙所示,则此时流经电阻的电流为_____A。 ②分析数据,可以得出结论:在电阻一定的情况下,通过导体的电流和导体两端的电压成 _____。 (4)小明再探究“电压U0一定,电流与电阻的关系”。 ①他将10Ω的电阻接入电路,闭合开关S,调节滑片P到适当位置,读出电流表示数记入下表中。 ②断开开关S,小明用20Ω的电阻代替10Ω的电阻,闭合开关S,移动滑片P使滑动变阻器接人电路的阻值_____(填“增大”或“减小”),他这样做的目的是:_____。 实验次序1234

R/Ω10203040 I/A0.600.300.200.15 ③老师指出上表的数据中有一组数据不符合实际,你认为这是实验次序_____的数据。 ④若不更换实验器材和电路,在实验过程中小明为了能够利用上述4个定值电阻,顺利得到4组I、R数据、完成实验,所保持不变的电压U0的取值范围应满足_____。 【答案】断开;; 0.5;正比;增 大;控制定值电阻两端的电压一定; 4; 6.67V~10V; 【解析】 【详解】 (1)[1]连接电路时开关应处于断开状态; (2)[2]滑片P向左移动时电流表示数变大,即电阻变小,故变阻器左下接线柱连入电路中,由表中数据,电压表示数为: U IR =?, =0.60A10Ω=6V 故电压表选用大量程与电阻并联,连接如图所示: (3)[3]第3次实验时电流表的读数如图丙所示,电流表选用大量程,分度值为0.1A,则此时流经电阻的电流为0.5A;


陕西省宝鸡中学2019-2020学年高一生物下学期期中试题 说明:1.本试题分I、II两卷,请将答案按照A、B卷的要求涂到答题卡上;2.全卷共两大题44小题,满分100分,考试时间100分钟。 第I卷(共64分) 一、单选题:(1-36每题1.5分,37-41每题2分,共64分) 1.下列有关酶的叙述中,正确的是( ) A.酶是活细胞产生的在细胞内外均可起调节作用的有机物 B.检测蛋白酶的催化作用可用双缩脲试剂检验反应物是否完全水解 C.较弱光照条件下,因与光反应有关的酶的活性降低,光合作用的速率会减小 D.淀粉酶经高温烘干制成药剂后会因空间结构遭到破坏而失活 2.20世纪80年代科学家发现了一种RNaseP酶,该酶是由20%的蛋白质和80%的RNA组成。如果将这种酶中的蛋白质除去,并提高Mg2+的浓度,他们发现留下来的RNA仍然具有与这种酶相同的催化活性,这一结果表明( ) A.RNA具有生物催化作用 B.酶是由RNA和蛋白质组成的 C.酶的化学本质是蛋白质 D.绝大多数的酶是蛋白质,少数是RNA 3.如图甲表示过氧化氢酶活性受pH影响的曲线,图乙表示在最适温度下,pH=b时H2O2分解产生的O2量随时间的变化。下列叙述正确的是( ) A.温度降低时,乙图中的e点不变,d点右移 B.H2O2量增加时,乙图中的e点上升,d点左移 C.最适温度下,pH=c时,乙图中e点的值为0 D.最适温度下,pH=a时,乙图中e点下移,d点左移 4.下列关于酶与ATP的叙述,正确的是( ) A.人体成熟的红细胞既能产生酶又能产生ATP B.酶的形成需要消耗ATP,ATP的形成需要酶的催化


市一中大学区 2016-2017学年度第一学期期中考试 高三生物试题 一.选择题(共60分) 1、生物体内某些重要化合物的元素组成和功能关系如图所示。其中X、Y代表元素,a、b、c 是组成A、B、C三种生物大分子的单体,这三种单体的结构可用d或e表示。据图分析,下列叙述正确的是( ) A.人体细胞中单体a、b的结构可用d表示,人体中d的种类有4种 B.大肠杆菌细胞内单体c的结构可用e表示,e的种类约有20种 C.a、b是生物体内遗传信息的携带者,C是生命活动的主要承担者 D.A、B的多样性由d中的m充分体现,C的多样性由e中的R充分体现 2.颜色变化常作为生物实验结果观察的一项重要指标,下面是一些学生在实验中遇到的问题,其中的错误 ..操作或想法有几项 ①用滴管在花生子叶薄片上滴加苏丹III染液,发现满视野都呈现橘黄色,于是滴1-2 滴50%盐酸洗去浮色 和无水乙醇,研磨液呈黄绿色。于是判断是菠菜叶用量 ②取新鲜的菠菜叶,加少许SiO 2 太少导致 ③在纸层析法分离叶绿体中色素的结果中,蓝绿色带最宽,可判断叶绿素a含量最多 ④乳酸菌、酵母菌和蓝藻的细胞内都有核糖体和染色体 A.一项 B.二项 C.三项 D.四项 3、如图所示为物质出入细胞的方式(其中a表示生物膜上的糖蛋白,①~③表示物质运输的三种方式),下列有关叙述不合理的是( ) A.①方式可表示肌细胞从组织液中吸收氧气 B.①②③运输方式均能体现细胞膜的选择透过性 C.此图若表示神经元的细胞膜,则静息电位恢复过程中涉及③方式 D.糖醋蒜腌制过程中,蔗糖和醋进入细胞的过程与 ②和③有关 4、下列关于酶的叙述,错误的是( ) A.溶酶体本身不能合成和分泌多种酸性水解酶 B.激素都是通过影响细胞内酶的活性来调节细胞代 谢的 C.同一个体内的各类活细胞所含酶的种类有差异,数量也不同


西安市高新第一中学初一上册历史期中试卷带答案 一、选择题 1.《史记》记载,禹年老时推荐伯益为继承人。禹的儿子启却举兵杀死伯益,继承了父亲的位置,开始了“家天下”的历史。材料所反映的是我国哪个王朝的事件? A.夏朝 B.商朝 C.西周 D.东周 2.青铜器反映了我国古代高度发达的文明。后母戊大方鼎(又称司母戊鼎)是迄今世界上出土的最重的青铜器,它铸造于 A.商朝 B.西周 C.秦朝 D.汉朝 3.下图是汉代海上丝绸之路示意图,今天我国南海的海域当时被过往的商旅命名为“涨海”这说明 A.汉代中央政府已经对南海进行有效管辖B.汉代丝绸之路以海上路线为主 C.当时只有汉朝商人来到南海D.这一史实是今天我们声索南海主权的历史依据 4.“工匠精神”是中华优秀传统访华的精华之一。正是古代工匠的追求极致、追求品质的精神,造就了绝世青铜精品。它们铸造于() A.夏朝B.商朝 C.西周D.东周 5.下列人物与事件搭配错误的一项是( ) A.禹——建立夏朝B.启——建立商朝C.桀——夏朝灭亡D.纣——商朝灭亡6.图示法有助于我们对历史知识的记忆和理解。下图反映的是哪一朝代的疆域四至 A.西周 B.秦朝 C.西汉

D.东汉 7.小明查阅了“春秋争霸形势图”和“战国形势图”,发现在“战国形势图”中找不到晋国,这是由于战国初期发生了 A.三家分晋B.田氏代齐C.晋楚争霸D.国人暴动 8.钱穆在《国史大纲》中写道:“商鞅在秦,亦严行以军功代贵族之新法……以前是贵族任战士,现在是战士为贵族。”材料中“以军功代贵族之新法”起到的作用是()A.保护了世袭贵族利益B.加强了对地方的管辖 C.增强了国家经济实力D.提高了军队的战斗力 9.陕西西安栎阳城遗址是“2017年度全国十大考古新发现”之一,经考古认定是商鞅变法的发生地。该遗址位于战国时期的 A.齐国 B.赵国 C.秦国 D.楚国 10.孔子曾经编了一部记载当时鲁国历史的史书,名叫《春秋》;而这部史书记载的时间跨度与东周的前期大体相当,所以后人就将东周的前期称为春秋时期。该时期始于 A.舜禅让于禹B.国人暴动C.平王东迁D.三家分晋11.《孟子?告子》记载“天子适诸侯,曰巡狩…诸侯朝于天子,曰述职,…一不朝,则贬其爵;再不朝,则削其地;三不朝,则六师移之。”该材料说明诸侯对周天子有什么义务? A.纳贡 B.朝觐 C.作战 D.分封 12.商朝的建立者是 A.桀B.汤C.盘庚D.纣 13.迄今所知世界上内涵最丰富、材料最齐全的直立人遗址是() A.北京人遗址B.元谋人遗址C.蓝田人遗址D.马坝人遗址14.西汉初年,统治者面临的首要问题是 A.消灭项羽的残余势力 B.恢复和发展社会生产 C.加强中央集权制度 D.解除朝中大将兵权 15.目前世界上出土最重的青铜器是 A.司母戊鼎 B.四羊方尊 C.兽面纹方鼎 D.青铜爵 16.2006年7月,第30届世界遗产大会通过中国安阳殷墟入选世界文化遗产名录。“殷墟”为我们研究哪一朝代的历史提供了依据() A.夏朝B.商朝C.西周D.东周 17.小明同学在暑期游学时,参观一处原始聚落遗址博物馆,看到了下边文物和原始居民的房屋复原图。他参观的是

陕西省宝鸡中学2020┄2021学年高二上学期期中考试化学试题Word版 含答案

陕西省宝鸡中学2020┄2021学年高二上学期期中考试化学试题可能用到的相对原子量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 Al—27 Na—23 Cl—35.5 K—39 Ca—40 Cr—52 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共40分) 一、选择题(每题只有1个正确答案,共20个小题,每小题2分,共40分) 1.化学与生产、生活密切相关,下列叙述错误的是() A.用热的的纯碱溶液清除灶具上的油污 B.用硫酸清洗锅炉中的水垢 C.用明矾[KAl(SO4)2·12H2O]作净水剂,除去水中悬浮的杂质 D.用Na2S作沉淀剂,除去废水中的Cu2+和Hg2+ 2.某学生的实验报告所列出的下列数据中合理的是() A.用10mL量筒量取8.16mL稀盐酸 B.用托盘天平称量25.20g NaCl C.用广泛pH试纸测得某溶液的pH为2.3 D.用25mL碱式滴定管进行中和滴定时,用去某浓度的碱溶液21.70mL 3.下列解释事实的方程式不正确的是() A.测0.1mol/L氨水的pH为11:NH3·H2O NH4++OH— B.将Na块放入水中,产生气体:2Na+2H2O=2NaOH+H2↑ C.用CuCl2溶液做导电性实验,灯泡发光:CuCl2 Cu2++2Cl— D.Al片溶于NaOH溶液中,产生气体:2Al+2OH—+2H2O=2AlO2—+3H2↑ 4.在加入铝粉能产生氢气的溶液中,下列各组离子可能大量共存的是() A.Na+、 Ba2+、Cl—、NO3—

B. Fe2+、 K+、NO3—、Cl— C.Na+、NH4+、AlO2—、SO42— D.NH4+、ClO—、SO42—、Na+ 5.在常温下,下列各组溶液的c(H+)一定等于1×10-7mol/L的是(溶液混合时忽略体积的变化)() A.将pH=5的CH3COOH溶液稀释100倍 B.0.10mol/L H2SO4与0.10mol/L NaOH溶液等体积混合 C.pH=2和pH=12的两种溶液等体积混合 D.pH=1的H2SO4与0.05mol/L 的Ba(OH)2溶液等体积混 6.25℃时,在饱和氯水中存在平衡:Cl 2+H2O H++Cl-+HClO,下列叙述中正确的是()A.用pH试纸测得溶液pH<7 向水中加入稀氨水,水的电离程度增大 B.向其中加入AgNO3溶液,平衡向右移,溶液的pH变小 C.向其中加入NaOH使pH=7,所得溶液中微粒浓度的关系如下:c(Na+)>c(Cl-)>c(ClO-)=c(HClO) D.若氯水久置pH会逐渐增大 7.下列说法正确的是() A.25℃时,0.1mol·L-1的硫化氢溶液比等浓度的硫化钠溶液的导电能力弱 B.稀醋酸中加入少量醋酸钠能增大醋酸的电离程度 C.AlCl3溶液和NaAlO2溶液分别加热、蒸发、结晶、灼烧所得固体的成分相同 D.0.1mol·L-1AgCl和0.1molAgI混合后加入1L水中,所得溶液中c(Cl-)=c(I-) 8.已知下面三个数据:7.2×10-4、4.6×10-4、4.9×10-10分别是下列有关的三种酸的电离常数,若已知


西安市第一中学 2020┄2021学年度第二学期期中 高二年级化学(选修5)试题 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 一、选择题(每小题只有一个..选项符合题意.... 。每小题2分,共50分) 1.用于制造隐形飞机的物质具有吸收微波的功能,其主要成分的结构如图,关于该分子的说法正确的有 A .分子中含有碳碳双键,属于烯烃 B .从碳骨架形状分析,应该属于环状烃 C .该分子属于高分子化合物 D .该分子中即有极性键,也有非极性键 2、 2021年北京奥运会的“祥云”火炬所用燃料的主要成分是丙烷,下列有关丙烷的叙述中不正确的是 A .分子中碳原子不在一条直线上 B .光照下能够发生取代反应 C .比丁烷更易液化 D .是石油分馏的一种产品 3、制取较纯的一氯乙烷,用下列哪种方法最好 A .乙烷和氯气取代 B .乙烯与氢气加成,再用氯气取代 C .乙烯和氯化氢加成 D .乙炔和氯化氢加成 4、在光照下,将等物质的量的CH 4和Cl 2充分反应,得到产物的物质的量最多的是 A .HCl B .CH 3Cl C .CHCl 3 D .CCl 4 5、下列各分子式只表示一种纯净物的是 A .C 2H 2Br 2 B . C 3H 8 C .C 4H 10 D .C 5H 10 6、①丁烷,②2-甲基丙烷,③戊烷,④2-甲基丁烷,⑤2,2-二甲基丙烷等物质按沸点的顺序排列正确的是

A.①>②>③>④>⑤ B.⑤>④>③>②>① C.③>④>⑤>①>② D.②>①>⑤>④>③ 7、下列关于煤、石油、天然气等资源的说法正确的是 A.石油裂解得到的汽油是纯净物 B.石油产品都可用于聚合反应 C.天然气是一种清洁的化石燃料 D.水煤气是通过煤的液化得到的气体燃料 8、目前冰箱中使用的致冷剂是氟里昂(CF2Cl2),下面关于该氟里昂的说法正确的是 A 没有固定的熔沸点 B 分子中的碳原子是饱和的碳原子 C 属于正四面体的空间结构 D 可能有两种结构 9、下列物质的类别与所含官能团都正确的是 A.酚类–OH B.CH3CHCH3 COOH羧酸–CHO C.醛类–CHO D. CH3-O-CH3醚类C O C 10、可以用来鉴别甲烷和乙烯, 又可以用来除去甲烷中混有的少量乙烯的操作方法是 A.混合气通过盛酸性高锰酸钾溶液的洗气瓶 B.混合气通过盛水的洗气瓶 C.混合气通过盛足量溴水的洗气瓶 D.混合气跟氯化氢混合 11、下列物质中一定属于同系物的是 A.C4H10和C5H12 B.C2H6和C3H6 C.C2H2和C4H6 D.C3H6和C4H8 12、2000年诺贝尔化学奖授予两位美国化学家和一位日本化学家,以表彰他们在导电塑料领域的贡献,他们首先把聚乙炔树脂制成导电塑料。下列关于聚乙炔的叙述错误的是 A.聚乙炔是以乙炔为单体发生加聚反应形成的高聚物 B.聚乙炔的化学式为分子中所有碳原子不可能在同一直线上


中学高2016 届高三第一次仿真考试 英语 (时间: 120 分钟满分:150 分) 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题,100 分) 和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,50 分) 两部分。 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,请你务必将自己的、号用2B 铅笔和钢笔准确涂写在答 题卡上。 2.当你选出每小题的答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的选项标号涂黑。如 需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选其他选项,在.试.题.(.卷.).上.作.答.无.效.。 3.考试结束后,将第Ⅱ卷和答题卡一并交由监考老师收回。 第I 卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来 回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What was the man doing when the phone rang? A. Taking a shower. B. Cleaning the floor. C. Doing the laundry. 2. How long can the man keep the book? A. For three weeks. B. For two weeks. C. For one week. 3. What will the speakers do first? A. Have a cup of tea. B. Watch the dolphin show. C. See the elephants. 4. Why is the man happy? A. He got a good evaluation. B. He received an award for his work. C. He learned some interpersonal skills. 2016 届高三第一次仿真考试(英语)第2页共14页 5. What are the speakers talking about in general? A. A CD of Johnny Holden. B. A present for Molly. C. A musician. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将 有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。 每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。 6. How did Jim get hurt? A. He was kicked by a boy. B. He was hit by a football. C. He fell down on the ground. 7. When can Jim play sports again? A. In 48 hours. B. In 4 days. C. In a month. 听第7 段材料,回答第8 和第9 题。 8. What color shirts does the man’s team get?
