

The English alphabet is a set of 26 letters, each of which roughly represents a phoneme. The word "alphabet" comes from alpha and beta, the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.

The 26 letters of the alphabet are: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. Each comes in both an upper and lower case. The letters of the alphabet in lower case are a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, and z.

Of these 26 letters, there are two kinds: consonants and vowels. The consonants of the alphabet are: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z. The vowels are a, e, i, o, and u. Note that the letter y is classified as a consonant, but sometimes acts like a vowel.

Each letter is like an animal. Each has a name, but also makes a certain sound. For example, a cat says "meow." These sounds are called phonemes.

Consonant Sounds

Consonants are the letters which stop or limit the flow of air from the throat in speech. These are the sounds, or phonemes, of single consonants: ?/b/ sound as in bonfire, black, bathtub, and balcony

?/d/ sound as in dry, draw, design, and duet

?/f/ sound as in fossil, fail, frame, and fingerprint

?/g/ sound as in greeting, grill, goose, and grapefruit

?/h/ sound as in hail, hieroglyphics, hostage, and hit

?/j/ sound as in magician, syringe, jeep, and message

?/k/ sound as in key, knock, kangaroo, and kayak

?/l/ sound as in lizard, learn, lamp, and library

?/m/ sound as in mug, money, maze, and mechanical

?/n/ sound as in night, newspaper, nightmare, and noodle

?/p/ sound as in panda, pie, pen, and potato

?/r/ sound as in rose, restaurant, run, and reporter

?/s/ sound as in safe, sunset, sand, and seat

?/t/ sound as in tile, thermometer, tongue, and toy

?/v/ sound as in violin, volcano, vaccination, and vote

?/w/ sound as in waterfall, wagon, windmill, and watch

?/y/ sound as in yoke, yawn, yacht, and yoga

?/z/ sound as in zebra, zoo, and zipper

Sometimes the vowel u takes upon itself the consonant sound of w, as in quick or suave. This is usually the case when q is followed by u, as in quiet and quaint.

Vowel Sounds

A vowel is a sound made by the relatively free movement of air through the mouth, usually forming the main sound of a syllable. The vowels are a, e, i, o, and u.

Each vowel has two sounds: a long sound and a short sound. The long sound is the same as its name. Every vowel also makes a third sound: the schwa. This is the sound of a vowel that is unstressed in an unstressed syllable. There are also some more advanced vowel sounds besides the long, short, and schwa. For instance, the a in father is different than the a in cat.

When a single vowel letter is in the middle of a word (or syllable), it usually says its short sound (e.g., got, bed.) But there are many exceptions to this rule, such as irregular vowels. When a single vowel letter is in the end of a word (or syllable), it usually says its long sound (or its name), as in go and be. When two vowels go hand in hand in the same word (or syllable), the first vowel is usually long, and the second vowel is usually silent. e.g., bake makes the ay sound (long a) and the e is silent; goal makes the oh sound (long o) and the a is silent. But there are many exceptions to this rule, such as irregular vowels.

The following is a list of vowel sounds, shown along with their diacritical marks:

?Long a (ā) sound as in ape, snail, ache, explain, and reindeer

?Long e (ē) sound as in eat, agony, needle, pianist, and electricity ?Long i (ī) sound as in eye, cry, tightrope, tile, and violin

?Long o (ō) sound as in oh, domino, ghost, pillow, and


?Long u (ū) sound as in you, salute, toothbrush, goose, boot, and costume

?Short a (?) sound as in at, taxi, anniversary, laboratory, and tackle

?Short e (?) sound as in elm, elevator, jellyfish, pentagon, and dentist

?Short i (?) sound as in it, gift, inflate, spinach, and cereal

?Short o (?) sound as in hop, camouflage, garage, chop, father, paw, and binoculars

?Short u (?) sound as in up, cut and subtract

?Schwa (?) sound as in about, item, gallop, and circus

The letter y sometimes substitutes for i and is a vowel when it does so. Likewise, the vowel w sometimes substitutes for u and is considered a vowel when it does so. However, y sometimes appears as the only vowel in a syllable, such as in gym and why, whereas w never appears as a vowel all by itself. When w acts as a vowel, it always follows a (as in paw), e (as in new), or o (as in grow).

Consonants are letters that are not vowels. Specifically, consonants are speech sounds (phonemes) made by partially or completely blocking the vocal air stream, and letters (graphemes) that represents such sounds. When y is not acting as a vowel, it is a consonant. Most consonants have only one sound, but a few have multiple sounds. For instance, c can make both the /k/ and the /s/ sound.

A comprehensive list of consonant sounds follows:

?b makes the /b/ sound as in bat; also, when b follows m in the same syllable, it is silent as in lamb.

?c makes the /k/ sound as in cat and the /s/ sound as in cease—see Spelling With C and G.

?d makes the /d/ sound as in dog.

?f makes the /f/ sound as in fat.

?g makes the /g/ sound as in get, and the /j/ sound as in gem—see Spelling With C and G.

?h makes the /h/ sound as in hat; also, sometimes h is silent, as in honesty.

?j makes the /j/ sound as in jam.

?k makes the /k/ sound as in kite.

?l makes the /l/ sound as in lap, and the /l?/ sound as in glad and cycle.

?m makes the /m/ sound as in mad.

?n makes the /n/ sound as in nap.

?p makes the /p/ sound as in park.

?r makes the /r/ sound as in race. When r follows a vowel, it makes

a special sound: see R-Controlled Vowels.

?s makes the /s/ sound as in sit, and the /z/ sound as in has.

?t makes the /t/ sound as in tap; also, sometimes t is silent, as in whistle.

?v makes the /v/ sound as in van.

?w makes the /w/ sound as in wet. w placed before a single vowel will usually modify its sound, as in wash.

?x makes the /ks/ sound as in box, the /gs/ sound as in exact, and the /z/ sound as in xylophone.

?y makes the /y/ sound as in yet. y can also act as a vowel.

?z makes the /z/ sound as in zip.

Note that the consonant q is almost always followed by the vowel u. The u in this case takes on the /w/ sound, so qu together make the /kw/ sound. In some French-derived words, -que makes the /k/ sound as in torque and plaque.

When a vowel is followed by a consonant, the vowel is short. The diacritical mark for a short vowel is called a breve (?), which is in the shape of a downturned arc.

A vowel is usually short when there is only one vowel in a word or syllable, as in cat, bed, and hot. However, there are exceptions to this rule, such as with irregular vowels.

There is both a long and short sound to “oo”. The short sound appears as in the words book, booth, and took.

The following is a list of short vowel sounds, shown along with their diacritical marks:

?Short a (?) sound as in at, taxi, anniversary, laboratory, and tackle ?Short e (?) sound as in elm, elevator, jellyfish, pentagon, and dentist

?Short i (?) sound as in it, gift, inflate, spinach, and cereal

?Short o (?) sound as in hop, camouflage, garage, chop, father, paw, and binoculars

?Short u (?) sound as in up, cut and subtract

For a complete list of long, short, and other sounds, see letter sounds.

A long vowel sound is the same as its name. The diacritical mark for a long vowel is called a macron (ˉ), which is in the shape of a line above the vowel.

When a single vowel letter is in the end of a word (or syllable), it usually says its long sound (or its name), as in go and be. When two vowels go hand in hand in the same word (or syllable), the first vowel is usually long, and the second vowel is usually silent. e.g., bake makes the /ay/ sound (long a) and the e is silent; goal makes the /oh/ sound (long o) and the a is silent. However, there are many exceptions to this rule, such as with irregular vowels.

When there are two adjacent vowels in a word, the first one is long and the second one is silent. The first vowel is marked with a long line and second one is crossed out. Examples of this rule are in coat, ride, and read.

There is both a long and short so und to “oo”. The long sound appears as in the words boo, food, smooth, and moose.

The following is a list of long vowel sounds, shown along with their diacritical marks:

?Long a (ā) sound as in ape, snail, ache, explain, and reindeer

?Long e (ē) sound as in eat, agony, needle, pianist, and electricity ?Long i (ī) sound as in eye, cry, tightrope, tile, and violin

?Long o (ō) sound as in oh, domino, ghost, pillow, and stethoscope ?Long u (ū) sound as in you, salute, toothbrush, goose, boot, and costume

For a complete list of long, short, and other sounds, see letter sounds.

A digraph is a single sound, or phoneme, which is represented by two letters. A trigraph is a phoneme which consists of three letters. However, many people will simply use the term 'digraph' generally to describe both combinations. In digraphs, consonants join together to form a kind of consonant team, which makes a special sound. For instance, p and h combine to form ph, which makes the /f/ sound as in phonemic.

When two or more letters appear together and you hear each sound that each consonant would normally make, the combination is called a blend. For instance, the word blend has two consonant blends: bl, for which you hear the sounds for both b and l, and nd, for which you hear the sounds for both n and d.

Two-Letter Blends

?bl, which blends the /b/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /bl/ sound as in blend and blight

?br, which blends the /b/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /br/ sound as in break and brown

?cl, which blends the /c/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /cl/ sound as in cluster and class

?cr, which blends the /c/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /cr/ sound as in crash and cross

?dr, which blends the /d/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /dr/ sound as in drive and drab

?fl, which blends the /f/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /fl/ sound as in flu and flake

?fr, which blends the /f/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /fr/ sound as in freedom and frost

?gl, which blends the /g/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /gl/ sound as in glad and glory

?gr, which blends the /g/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /gr/ sound as in green and gravy

?nd, which blends the /n/ and the /d/ sounds together to make the /nd/ sound as in blend and send

?pl, which blends the /p/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /pl/ sound as in play and plow

?pr, which blends the /p/ and the /r/ sounds together to make the /pr/ sound as in prime and prowl

?sl, which blends the /s/ and the /l/ sounds together to make the /sl/ sound as in slogan and sloppy

?sm, which blends the /s/ and the /m/ sounds together to make the /sm/ sound as in small and smart

?sn, which blends the /s/ and the /n/ sounds together to make the /sn/ sound as in snail and snore

?sp, which blends the /s/ and the /p/ sounds together to make the /sp/ sound as in special and spackel

?st, which blends the /s/ and the /t/ sounds together to make the /st/ sound as in stop and start

Three-Letter Blends

?shr, which blends the /sh/ digraph and the /r/ sound together to make the /shr/ sound as in shroud

?spl, which blends the /sp/ blend and the /l/ sound together to make the /spl/ sound as in splash and splendid

?spr, which blends the /sp/ blend and the /r/ sound together to make the /spr/ sound as in spring and spray

?squ, which blends the /s/ sound and the /sq/ digraph together to make the /squ/ sound as in squid and squelch

?str, which blends the /st/ blend and the /r/ sound together to make the /str/ sound as in struggle and strap

?thr, which blends the /th/ digraph and the /r/ sound together to make the /thr/ sound as in throw

When two or more consonants appear together and you hear each sound that each consonant would normally make, the consonant team is called a consonant blend. For instance, the word blend has two consonant blends:

bl, for which you hear the sounds for both b and l, and nd, for which you hear the sounds for both n and d.


?ch, which makes the /ch/ sound as in watch, chick, chimpanzee, and champion

?ck, which makes the /k/ sound as in chick

?ff, which makes the /f/ sound as in cliff

?gh, which makes the /g/ sound as in ghost and ghastly

?gn, which makes the /n/ sound as in gnome and gnarled

?kn, which makes the /n/ sound as in knife and knight

?ll, which makes the /l/ sound as in wall

?mb, which makes the /m/ sound as in lamb and thumb

?ng, which makes the /ng/ sound as in fang, boomerang, and fingerprint

?nk, which makes the /nk/ sound as in ink, sink and rink

?ph, which makes the /f/ sound as in digraph, phone, and phonics

?qu, which makes the /kw/ sound as in quick

?sh, which makes the /sh/ sound as in shore, shipwreck, shark, and shield

?ss, which makes the /s/ sound as in floss

?th, which makes the /th/ sound as in athlete, toothbrush, bathtub, thin, and thunderstorm

?th, which makes the /th/ sound as in this, there, and that

?wh, which makes the /hw/ sound as in where and which

?wr, which makes the /wr/ sound as in write

?zz, which makes the /z/ sound as in fuzz and buzz


?chr, which makes the /chr/ sound as in chrome and


?dge, which makes the /g/ sound as in dodge and partridge

?tch, which makes the /tch/ sound as in catch, match

Besides long vowel sounds, short vowel sounds, and the schwa sound, there are some other special sounds in English that are represented by vowels. They are as follows:

?/aw/ sound as in awful and awe

?/oi/ sound as in boil, poison, toilet, and annoy

?/ou/ sound as in lighthouse, cow, flower, and fountain

?/oo/ (?) sound as in took, pulley, platypus, pull, and football

Note that "oo" makes two different sounds in different words, having the ? sound as in hook, or the ū sound as in boot.

When a vowel is followed by an r, it makes a special sound. These are called r-controlled vowels, or r-colored vowels. These phonemes are as follows:

?/ar/ sound as in car, guitar, Arthur

?/ar/ sound as in care, bear, mare, scare, aquarium

?/?r/ sound as in pier

?/ir/ sound as in turnip, spider, certificate, and beaver

?/or/ sound as in manor, observatory, author, brought, and orchard ?/er/ sound as in butter, cutter, and mother

Usually, /ar/ always sounds like the ar in car, and /or/ always sounds like the or in for. The ir, er, and ur, sound the same as in bird, her, and fur. These all make a /?r/ sound.

Sometimes, the basic rules of phonics do not apply. Each of these instances must be memorized. Common examples include, but are not limited, to:

?IGH as in "high" or "sight"

?-NG as in "sing," "song," "sung"

?OST as in "most" (but not "lost" or "cost") uses the long sound instead of the normal short sound.

?OW has two different sounds as in "low" and "cow." (or, "sow"

and "sow.")

?ED has three different sounds as in "lifted," "played," and "walked"

?OI does not follow the two vowels rule, e.g., "moist" or "boil."

?Double O has two different sounds, as in "book" and "loose."

?OUS as in "nervous."

?AU as in "fault" or "haul."

?-SION, -TION, and -CION are all pronounced "shun."

?OUGH has at least seven different sounds, as in "bough," "cough,"

"hough," "tough," "thorough," "thought," and "through."


A word consists of a series of letters. Every word must have at least one vowel in it. Each syllable is made by blending the sounds of each component, that is, reading the word by adding one sound at a time, as in -e, -ed, bed. The following are some rules for spelling and pronouncing words.

1.c followed by e, i or y usually has the soft sound of s. Examples:

cyst, central, and city.

2."G" followed by "e, i or y" usually has the soft sound of "j".

Example: "gem", "gym", and "gist".

3.When two consonants a joined together and form one new sound,

they are a consonant digraph. They count as one sound and one

letter and are never separated. Examples: "ch,sh,th,ph and wh".

4.When a syllable ends in a consonant and has only one vowel, that

vowel is short. Examples: "fat, bed, fish, spot, luck".

5.When a syllable ends in a silent "e", the silent "e" is a signal that

the vowel in front of it is long. Examples: "make, gene, kite, rope,

and use".

6.When a syllable has two vowels together, the first vowel is usually

long and the second is silent. Examples: "pain, eat, boat, res/cue,

say, grow". Diphthongs don't follow this rule.

7.When a syllable ends in any vowel and is the only vowel, that

vowel is usually long. Examples: "pa/per, me, I, o/pen, u/nit, and


8.When a vowel is followed by an "r" in the same syllable, that

vowel is "r-controlled". It is not long nor short. "R-controlled

"er,ir,andur" often sound the same (like "er"). Examples: "term, sir, fir, fur, far, for, su/gar, or/der".

Words may have prefixes or suffixes added to them, which will modify their meaning. For example, the root word use and the suffix -able combine to create the word usable.

Sometimes, the letter y is a consonant, and other times it is a vowel. The rule for telling the two apart is simple: The letter y is a consonant when it is the first letter of a syllable that has more than one letter. If y is anywhere else in the syllable, it is a vowel.

Examples of Y as a Consonant






Examples of Y as a Vowel







A vowel combination is a combination of two or three vowels, or of a vowel and at least one consonant, that is associated with one or more specific single sounds. For example, ea has the sounds /long e/ and /long a/; ay has the sound /long a/, and igh has the sound /long i/. These vowel combinations are sometimes called digraphs, diphthongs, trigraphs, and triphthongs.

Vowel combinations occur in three different forms in written English:

1.Vowels often appear in clusters within a single syllable. This is the most

common form.

2.Vowels often appear in combination with a particular consonant or

consonants which, together, represent a sound unit that is different from what you would expect if you didn't know the specific combination. For

example, the o in old has the /long o/ sound, but if you didn't already

know that already, you would think that the o in cold was short.

3.Another common combination in English is one or two vowels followed

by gh. The gh is usually silent. It is usually easier to decode the whole unit (igh, eigh) than to process the vowel and the gh separately.

A Vowel Combinations


Together, ai or ay make a /long a/ sound.

Example words: aim, rain, braid, paint, ray, say, stay, tail, twain, praise, stain, and main

Other a vowel combinations

?ay as in day, say, play, spray, and tray

?au as in fault, gaunt, fraud, launch, pause, and sauce

?aw as in saw, paw, claw, dawn, and crawl

?augh as in caught, taught, daughter, naughty, haughty, and slaughter

?wa /w?/ as in want, wash, swamp, squash, squat

?wa/w?/ as in wax, wag, swam, and quack

?all as in ball, tall, hall, and small

?ald as in bald, scald, and alder

?alk as in talk, walk, chalk, and stalk

?alm as in alms, calm, palm, and psalm

?alt as in halt, malt, and salt

E Vowel Combinations

ee and ea

Together, ee or ea make a /long e/ sound. Sometimes, ea together makes a /short e/ sound or a /long a/ sound instead.

Example words (ee): peek, see, queen, sleep, cheese, street, meet, and team

Example words (ea /long e/): eat, sea, each, leaf, peach, mean, team, ease, and please

Example words (ea /short e/): dead, head, spread, health, and meant

Example words (ea /long a/): break, great, steak, and yea

Other e vowel combinations

?eu/ew as in sleuth, deuce, few, new, and shrewd

?ei/ey/eigh /long a/ as in veil, beige, they, whey, eight, and weigh

?ei/ey/eigh /long e/ as in seize, key, money, valley

?ei/ey/eigh /long i/ as in heist, eye, geyser, height

I Vowel Combinations

?ie /long e/ as in brief, field, grieve, and piece

?ie/ye /long i/ as in die, tie, dye, and rye

?igh as in high, thigh, night, flight, and wright

?ign as in sign, align, assign, and benign

?ind as in bind, kind, mind, grind, and behind

O Vowel Combinations

?oo as in boo, food, smooth, and moose

?oo as in book, look, good, and stood

?oa /long o/ as in oat, loam, groan, loathe, and loaves

?oe /long o/ as in doe, and hoe

?oi/oy /y/ as in oil, coin, voice, boy, and ploy

?old/olk/olt /long o/ as in gold, scold, folk, yolk, bolt, and volt

?oll/ost /long o/ as in roll, knoll, scroll, ghost, most, and post

?oll/ost /short o/ as in doll, loll, cost, lost, and frost

?ou/ow as in out, round, bounce, how, down, and browse

?ou/ow /long o/ as in soul, poultry, own, glow, snow, and owe

?ou as in you, soup, group, and rouge

U Vowel Combinations

?ue /long u/ as in cue, due, hue, rue, sue, blue, clue, flue, glue, and true

?ui /long u/ as in suit, fruit, cruise, juice, and sluice

Most English words used today were not originally English. These words were adapted from other language, such as Latin and Greek. It can be helpful to know some of these roots of English vocabulary. It may be possible to guess the meaning of an unknown word when one knows the meaning of its root. Knowing prefixes and suffixes can also help.

An English word can consist of three parts: the root, a prefix, and a suffix. The root is the part of the word that contains the basic meaning, or definition of the word. The prefix is a word element placed in front of the root, which changes the word's meaning or makes a new word. A suffix is a word element placed after the root, which changes the word's meaning as well as its function.

When adding a suffix to a one-syllable word, if the root word ends in only one consonant and has only one vowel before it, and if the suffix begins with a vowel, then the consonant ending the root word will be doubled. For example, when adding -ing to can, we double the n to end up with canning. The rule for multisyllable words is the same, but applies only when the last syllable of the root is accented, like in beginner and concurring, but not in begins or forgetful.

For words ending in silent e, when the suffix begins with a vowel, that silent e is usually dropped before adding the suffix. For example, in take and -ing, we drop the silent e off of take, then add the suffix, and end up with taking.

When adding a suffix to a word ending in y, if there is a vowel before the y, just add the suffix. For example, obey + -ed becomes obeyed. If there is a consonant before the y, we will usually change the y to an i before adding any suffix (except -ing and -ish.) For example, angry + ly becomes angrily, and baby + -ign becomes babying.

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Example

pre-before They will show a sneak preview of the movie.

un-not The cafeteria will be unavailable tomorrow morning.

dis-not Mark disagreed with John's philosophy.

re-again Are you going to renew your subscription?

mis-not He has mismanaged the company.

im-not With hard work and determination, nothing is impossible. bi-two Henry recently received his first pair of bifocals.

de-not Many ecologists are concerned about the deforestation of

our world's rain forests.

Common Suffixes

Suffixes Meaning Example

-er doer I work as a computer programmer.

-able able These glass bottles are recyclable.

-ous full of Driving on the freeway can be dangerous.

-ness state of being At night, the earth is covered in darkness.

-ful full of The witness gave an honest and truthful testimony.

-ly or -y like James whistled happily on his way home from school.

-ment state of Mary sighed with contentment.

A compound word is a word composed of two or more words that are spelled normally and retain their usual meanings. It is easy to recognize the short, known words within compound words, and each of those short words is accented, which makes them less confusing to a beginning reader. For these reasons, compound words are often the first set of multisyllable words taught to a beginning reader.

Examples of Compound Words

?backpack (back + pack)

?newspaper (news + paper)

?knapsack (knap + sack)

?lipstick (lip + stick)

?mouthwash (mouth + wash)

?sunlight (sun + light)

?raindrop (rain + drop)

?sandpaper (sand + paper)

?groundhog (ground + hog)

?afternoon (after + noon)

?motorcar (motor + car)

?eyebrow (eye + brow)

?butterfly (butter + fly) — This is one example in which the original words do not convey their usual meanings well.

A noun is a type of word which refers to a person, place, or thing. Nouns can be conjugated in either singular or plural form. A singular noun refers to just one person, place, or thing (for example, a bat or a ship). A plural noun refers to multiple people, places, or things (for example, bats or ships).

The majority of English count nouns are regular and predictable in the spelling of the plural form1. However, other nouns have irregular plural spellings. Both of these kinds of nouns will be covered here.

Rule #1: Add -s

Most nouns can be pluralized simply by adding an -s at the end of the word. For example:








Rule #2: Add -es to nouns ending in s, z, ch, sh, and x

Nouns which end in the letters s, z, ch, sh, and x-es at the end. For example:








Rule #3: Nouns ending in o

For words ending in the letter o, sometimes they are pluralized by adding s, while other words must be pluralized by adding es. These words must be memorized, because there is no simple rule to explain the differences.2

Examples (es):










Examples (s):

Most nouns ending in o preceded by a vowel are pluralized by simply adding s3. Some other o nouns do this, too:


















Rule #4: Nouns Ending in a consonant Y

For nouns ending in the letter y, replace the ending y with ies. For example:







Note that for words ending in y preceeded by a vowel (a complex vowel sound), an s is simply added, as usual. For example:











(Irregular) Some nouns Ending in -F or -FE

For some nouns ending in f or fe, replace the ending f or fe with ves:
















(Irregular) Some nouns change the vowel sound in becoming plural: ?fireman/firemen







(Irregular) Some Old English plurals are still in use:



Nouns adopted from other languages4

Singular ends in -IS

For nouns in which the singular form ends in is, the plural form will end in es. For example: ?hypothesis/hypotheses














Singular ends in -UM

Plural ends in a:











Singular ends in -ON

Plural ends in -a



?automaton/automata Singular ends in -A

Plural ends in -ae









Singular ends in -ex or -ix

Plural ends in -ices:









Singular ends in -us

Plural ends in -i:










?terminus/termini Singular ends in -us:

Plural ends in -a:



Singular ends in -eau

Plural ends in -eaux:





Other irregular plurals, retained from different languages: Italian









Other Irregular Plurals















Possessive Plurals

For plural nouns ending in the letter s, add only the apostrophe. For example: ?The Johnsons' farm

?Singers' voices


英语自然拼读法 一.英语自然拼读学习的六阶成功法 第一阶:建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系。 第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:c-a ca a-t at 第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-g dog 第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-er sweater 第五阶:能够听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。 第六阶:单词量大量扩充,能够阅读英语文章。 1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音(Letter Sou nds).其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。 2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如:Sam, cat, mat,等等. 3. 第三步,是固定读音的单词:the, a, is, to, have等. 4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音,后边一个元音不发音,如:make, made, sea, five, nine, road 等等. 5. 第五步,是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读,如:bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,女口:ghost, comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和"h"联在一起的发音:ch, sh, th, wh。 6. 第六步,是特殊读法: 单音节词,以元音结尾,这个元音发字母音. 女口:me, hi, go等等 Irregular: ar (car), ay (hay, may, say), igh (high, ni ght, might), ew (n ew), er (sister, brother), ur (bur n, hurt), ir (girl, fir, firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy (boy), ow 等有其特别的发音."c"和"k"在 一起时,发一个音:quick, black等. 经典示例: 学过问学堂自然拼读法之后,任何年龄的孩子对即使长达20个字母的诸如:internationalization LJ1 _ 11__II ____ U LILJI _____ I 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 的长单词数秒便可默写朗读。问学堂自然拼读的方法是将单词划分音节,然后逐个音节根据音图读出单词,能读便能立刻准确默写。 二.直接拼读法的基本原理 1 .英语是一种拼音字母。英语是一种拼音( phono logical)文字,英语单词是以字母组成,字母或 字母组合构成了单词的读音。如: (1)辅音字母的读音: 音形一致的拼音:b[b],p [p], m[m], f[f],d[d],t[t], n[n ],l[l],g[g],k[k],h[h],l [I] ,r [r], v [v], w [w], z[z], 音形不一致的拼音:c[k] [s] , g [g] [ ] , j [ ], x [ks] ,y [j], s [s] [z] 最常见的辅音字母组合的拼读sh [. ], ch[ '], th [ 0 ],] ph [f], (2.)元音字母的读音: 元音字母的拼读,首先我要学生先了解什么是开音节?(以元音字母结尾的音节为开音节) ,什么是闭音节?(以辅音字母结尾的音节为闭音节) ,并和学生一起寻找发音规律,规律找到了,当学生了 解了音节的规律,元音字母的发音就迎刃而解了。如: ★开音节的拼音:

小学英语|自然拼读法基本规则和小窍门 (经典收藏)

小学英语|自然拼读法基本规则和小窍门(经典收藏) 英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是由26个字母拼出来的,而在成千上万的不同拼法中,基本发音因素却只有39-47个,这说明26个字母与基本音素间是有着一定的关联的。 但是,英语是属于比较深奥的拼音文字,也就是说26个字 母与基本音素之间没有一对一的对应关系,而是一对多和多对一的复杂关系,这对学习英语词汇的发音和拼写无疑增加了难度。尽管如此,人们还是总结出了很多发音规律,这些规律对于绝大多数英文词汇都是适用的,这就是自然拼音法。英文的26个字母,分为元音和辅音,其中元音只有5个, 即a,e,i,o,u,其余字母均为辅音。对于大多数辅音来说,它们的发音是一对一的,而有少数几个辅音字母,每个字母有两个或以上的发音。1字母与发音一一对应的辅音b -- ball d -- dogf -- fish h -- hatj -- jumpk -- kite l -- legm -- mann -- not p -- penq – quickr -- run s -- sunt -- tenv -- vest w -- waterz -- zoo (注意q与u总是连在一起的)2有多个发音的辅音:字母发

音例词 c字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound”cat, cap, call, coat, cup当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound”city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent,voice, pencil, juice 有时在e或i前面,c会发/sh/音ocean, racial, social g字母g后面接a,o,u的时候,所发的音叫做“hard g sound” girl, gas, get,give, go 当字母g后面接e,i,或y的时候,有时g的发音与字母j 的发音相同,叫做“软g音”age,change, ginger, Egypt, gentle, giraffe, badge 特例:forget, give, girl中的g发hard sound x x在单词中间或结尾时发/ks/音box, next, mix, six,fox x在单词中间时有时发/gz/音exit, exam, exact x在单词起始位置时发/z/音xylophone, xerox y y在单词起始位置时发音为辅音yes, you, yard, year, yell y在单词或音节中间或结尾时被当做元音 y在结尾,单词只有一个音节时y发长/i/音, y在结尾,单词有两个或以上音节时y发长/e/音 y在单词或音节中间时,发短/i/音小测试:my, cry, fly, sky3辅音字母组合辅音字母组合的发音很简单,就是把每个辅音


一、循序渐进,逐步掌握自然拼读法 对于小学生而言,自然拼读法的掌握并不是一蹴而就的事情,而是一个循序渐进,逐渐积累熟练的过程,因此,作为小学英语教师,在引导学生掌握自然拼读法时,一定要由简到繁,由易到难。在自然拼读法的教学中,我一直坚持采用“五阶段分解法”,将自然拼读法的学习分成五个阶段,层层递进。第一阶段:引导学生建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系,让学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合,比如掌握单辅音(p,d,k…)、辅音字母组合(c h,sh,th…),元音包括短元音(a,e,i…)、长元音(ai,ee,ie…)和其他元音(er,or,oi…)的发音等等;第二阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:m-ymy,g-ogo等等;第三阶段:引导学生能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-gdog,h-o-thot;第四阶段:引导学生成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-ersweater;第五阶段:引导学生听音辨字,即听到单词读音就能拼出该单词。所以说在教学中,教师一定要分清层次,引导学生逐步去学习,一步步的打牢基础。 二、强化练习,熟练运用自然拼读法 学习是一个持续推进,反复强化的过程,最忌三天打鱼、两天晒网。不管哪一门学科,要想掌握相关知识,都必须不断的学习、练习、强化记忆。尤其是关于语言的学习,一定要不断回顾,不断练习。小学自然拼读法的学习,同样如此。在教学中,笔者发现许多教师在教学过程中,只传授给学生最基本的方法,然而却忽视引导学生进行认真的练习,导致学生学过之后,遗忘率很高,影响了教学效果。笔者认为,对于教师而言,一定要将强化练习融入自然拼读法的教学中,比如,在讲解字母和字母组合的基本音时,如果教师讲过之后,没有督促学生进行练习,加深记忆,学生肯定记不清、记不牢、容易混淆,只有不断加强督促,加强检查,引导学生去记忆,去练习,才能将44个字母和字母组合的基本音刻印在学生的脑子里。此外,掌握了基本的字母和字母组合的发音后,教师就应该引导学生进行单词的拼读和拼写练习。在教学过程中,在引导学生掌握字母和字母组合的发音后,我首先会组织学生进行拼读练习,每天都会在黑板上写出很多


小学英语自然拼读阶段性小结 在我校开展了县级课题《自然拼读法在小学英语单词拼读教学中的应用策略与方法研究》的引领下,我们对如何在词汇教学中运用自然拼读提高学生的词汇学习进行了一些尝试,并取得了一定的效果。 在学习中,教师可以给学生介绍一些常见的构词法,让优生更自主地学习和阅读,继续巩固见词读音,听音写词的成果。结合音标教学,指导学生学习不符合发音规则的生词。同时能进行快速大量的阅读,扩大词汇量。通过学习,学生也取得了较好的成绩,在本学期中六年级学生王佳雪参加镇级“小学英语单词拼读大赛”荣获一等奖,同时在“2013年霍城县首届小学生英语单词拼读大赛”荣获县级优胜奖,马艳同学参加镇级“自然拼读法”主题手抄报比赛中荣获一等奖,学生取得这些成绩,作为老师,我感到非常欣慰,让学生学会了记忆单词有效地方法,帮助他们更好地学习。 在读音方面我采取的教学形式是课前5分钟分散教学,每天渗透一点点、关键在持之以恒地训练,刚开始我则利用学生拼音学习的正迁移、讲故事、Phonics 小课等简单快捷的方法让学生掌握26个字母的发音,选择题型听辩音题目进行巩固。这种方式的优点是:一两周以后就可进行单词拼读与拼写练习,且含盖的单词量可以多一些。通过你追我赶的组合拼读训练后,给出一些十个单词为一组的小海报,分组限时拼读,或让学生制成单词卡片,用盖棉被方式两人竞读,鼓励学生查字典掌握已会读的生词的意思。让单词拼读从无意识地组合练习过度到有意义学习记忆。把字母组合发音、常见发音等编成自然拼读小诗,让学生每节课前几分钟滚动朗读,熟练掌握它们的发音。让学生比赛朗读,气氛可紧张、活跃了,同时也增加了自然拼读的学习的难度和趣味性。丰富多样的教学方法是提高拼读教学质量的关键。结合“玩中学,歌中练,画中学”的理念,我们运用多种英语教学方法,开展形式多样的教学活动。 把英语的音素、音标、单词、小故事、歌谣等很好地结合起来学习。根据学生的接受能力,允许他们按自己的情况选择以下三种拼读方法之一:对拼读单词不熟练的学生用具体拼读法:如cake,a [ei ] k [ k ] ake [eik ] c[ k ] c-a-k-e cake ,反复读几次,让学生明白单词的基本拼读方法;二、对拼读单词较熟练的学生用直呼元音法:[ei ] [ei ] cake ;三、对拼读单词很熟练的学生用直呼法:cake。 让学生学会听音写词,利用自然拼读来教学字母的目的之一是记学生掌握通过其音形一致的规律去记忆单词的方法。基本步骤包括听音、辩音、写音。也就是教师由慢到快说一个词几次,让学生辩出其中含有的音素,当学生正确听出单词含有的音不后,教师就可以指导学生把听到的音转后尝试双音节,听音写词并不是非要到等某个年级才能开始的训练,我觉得它可以与拼读练习同时但必须循序渐进地开展。我就看见过一本书上把学生练习过的新词、书中的例词等弄成一


自然拼读法在小学英语教学中的应用 摘要:在小学英语教学中运用自然拼读法的教学,能够帮助学生掌握字母及字母组合的发音与拼写之间的对应关系,把英语单词的读音与拼写统一起来,从而有效地提高学生学习和记忆单词的效率。 关键词:自然拼读法字母发音单词拼写 一、引言 与课程改革前的小学英语教材相比,课改后的教材其容含量和单词量都增加了很多。记忆单词成为学生和教师最头疼的问题,相当一部分学生靠死记硬背记单词,其效果可想而知。长此下去,不但学生学习英语的兴趣会下降,学习英语的自信心也将受到不小的打击。笔者认为,从小学低年级开始就利用自然拼读法(Phonics)进行语音和单词教学,是将学生从死记硬背的沉重负担中解脱出来的好办法。 二、自然拼读法的概述 自然拼读法,又称“Phonics”,是以英语为母语的小朋友阅读时普遍使用的一种学习方法。这种学习方法比较先进,它是通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,先让学生感受到字母及字母组合与发音的关系,通过系统的训练,再让学生能够做到“看词读音”、“听音拼词”,从而快速记忆单词并进行阅读理解的拼读方法。学生学会了此法,掌握了发音与拼写之间的对应关系,就可以自己进行阅读,学习和记忆单词就会事半功倍。正如自然拼读法教学专家Blevins(1996)认为的那样,自然拼读法包含了字母音和形之间的关系,是向学生讲授英语中最普遍的音形关系,使之能够解读或拼读单词。这种解读单词的能力是阅读成功的关键因素。 三、自然拼读法的优越性 (一)入门简单,对初学英语的低年龄段孩子来说这是一大有力条件。

自然拼读法是英语母语国家的儿童从学英语伊始便普遍使用的一种方法,它是幼儿英语学习的突破口。自然拼读教学是解决儿童英语读音问题的最佳途径。 (二)有效利用汉语拼音的正迁移作用 小学低年级(一般从二年级起)的学生已掌握汉语拼音,用拼音朗读和阅读的能力基本形成。由于汉语拼音中有许多音与英语的发音相似,如英语中的辅音与汉语拼音中的声母发音都很相似,汉语拼音的ao 与英语中的元音/au/的发音基本相同等等,及早采用自然拼读法进行语音教学,就可以利用汉语拼音对音素教学产生的正迁移作用,有效地帮助学生掌握英语字母和字母组合的发音。 (三)避免学习国际音标带来的干扰 传统的运用国际音标学习英语,对小学生不适合。小学生心智的发展水平一般低于中学生,过早涉及音标,易和拼音混淆;另外小学生的专注力一般也弱于中学生,进行枯燥的音标学习,会打消其学习兴趣。总之,对小学生而言,音标教学又是一套全新的知识系统,要重新认识其发音,形态等,其要求高于学生现有能力,易于造成新的学习困难。因此,在小学英语教学阶段自然拼读法完全可以取代国际音标的教学。 (四)提高学生学习和记忆单词的效率 自然拼读法是任何年龄段、任何学生学习单词最快、最简单、最有效的一种方法。教育学者认为英语词汇中,有80%的规则单词可以利用自然拼音法拼写出来。学生一旦学习了自然拼读法,掌握了单词中字母的发音,学习单词就再也不用靠模仿来记住单词的发音,即可做到见词可读;了解了英语拼写和读音之间的关系,就可利用这些规律记住单词的拼写,做到听音可写。 (五)促进学生的阅读能力和写作能力的发展。 运用自然拼读法教学单词,能够帮助学生认识到单词是由一些单元(字母或字母组合)构成的,也能让他们理解字母的音与形的一致性。据研究表明85%的英语单词能够通过字母音形对应的规则来拼写。学生在掌握了英语字母的这种音形对应关系之后,就能很快地进行


创作编号: GB8878185555334563BT9125XW 创作者:凤呜大王* 2015年3月28日,我通过教育局组织的“自然拼读法”的主题培训,使我对phonics教学有了一个更清晰、系统的认识,对我的教学实施起着指导作用。这次培训通过以鲜活的课例和丰富的知识内涵及精湛的理论阐述,使我对自然拼读法得到进一步得到理解。通过这个课程的学习,给我最大的启示是在小学英语教学中通过自然拼读法来培养学生的拼读、拼写以及阅读能力是非常有效而且必不可少的。自然拼读法又称phonics,是根据语言发音的自然规则归纳而成的一种发音学习方法。它主要是建立一种单词与发音之间的直觉关系,让孩子做到不借助音标就能见字拼音,听音拼字。自然拼读法的基本原理是要求学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合以及一些英语拼写和读音关系的基本规律,让学生看到一个英语单词,就能读出来;或者,想到一个单词,就能按照规律拼写出来,按发音记单词,从而大大提高了认单词和记单词的速度,帮助更好地朗读。一旦掌握了这种方法,在英语单词学习方面将会达到事半功倍的效果。进而,对学生的阅读、书写和学习信心和策略产生积极的影响和作用。

因此,通过自然拼读法来培养学生的拼读、拼写以及阅读能力是可行而且必要的。 在自然拼读中,我们教师在课堂上重点要教的是: 1、渗透26个字母的常规发音。2、学会元音字母a、e 、i 、o、 u 在开闭音节中的发音。 3、教学生常见的元音及辅音字母组合的发音规律以及一些常见的词缀。 4、指导学生掌握正确的音标发音部位和发音方法,教字母发音“先辅后元”,使学生感到Phonics 并不难学。 5、从词汇中寻找字母及其组合的发音规律,自主认读。教师引导学生自主感悟并发现英语字母的发音规律后,可以进一步引导学生去发现单词内部字母组合发音的一般规律和单词拼读规律。 6、在教学中将音素与单词相结合,并配以图、身体语言、表情动作、歌谣、游戏及小故事,激发学生的拼读兴趣,拼读效果好。 除此之外我们的教师在课堂教学中要采用各种有效的教学方法,如听读音选单词,找出字母之间关系密切的朋友,标出清浊辅音字母,按规律划分音节,标出弱读音节的读音,按读音归类单词等等。通过系统有趣的拼读练习便于学生熟悉和掌握复杂的规律。英语自然拼读法是一种完整的英语学习法,从语音入手,直接学习字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,通过潜移默化的教育方法培养学生举一反三的思考能力。孩子们掌握了英语自然拼读技巧,就可以很快学会拼读不认识的单词,提前进入阅读领域,使英语学习变得简单、快乐、有趣。


自然拼音法(Phonics)教案 第一节: 1)先来认识26个字母所代表的发音AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhLlJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQq RrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 2)认识5个元音字母与21个辅音字母。 五个元音字母(a,e,i,o,u),每个发两种音:长音(其字母音)和短音,y不在单词开头时,一般被看做元音 字母发音——字母组合发音——单词发音层层递进,简单易学 第二节: 短元音aeiou的发音规律 ※如果一个英语单词或音节里只有一个元音,且元音不在末尾,这个元音一般发短 音. 1)短元音:a[?]:b a gc a tm a tm a p a ppleb a th a tf a n h a ndSt a nh a ppy 2)短元音:e[e]e ggw e llr e dp e nn e th e nb e db e llb e st 3)短元音:i[i]l i cks i xb i bp i gp i nk i ss i nkh i ll 4)短元音:o[?]p o t o xt o pd o gf o xb o xl o stt o p 5)短元音:u[?]s u n u mbrellac u pb u sn u tg u n u ncle u nder ※y在末尾(作为元音处理): 1) 单音节词,没有其他元音,y发[ai] y[ai]:m y,wh y,fl y sp y sk y sh y cr y m y t y pedr y 2) 多音节词,y发[i] y[i]pupp y dirt y rain y sunn y happ y bab y dizz y pon y


浅谈小学英语自然拼读法 偶然的机会,在今年暑假的国培课程中,接触到了英语自然拼读法。关于这一语音教学法,以前也曾听说过,但并未做过多了解,甚至认为就是在新授单词的过程中渗透音标的教学与拼读,仅此而已。通过暑假的课程培训,特别是看了瑞格叔叔的课堂实录,让我对此大为改观,同时也促使我对自然拼读做了一些深入了解。 一、简介 英语自然拼读法是以英语为母语国家的小朋友阅读时普遍使用的一种学习方法。它通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,建立字母及字母组合与发音的感知,从而达到“看字读音,听音辨字”的神奇效果。自然拼读法的基本原理是要求学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合以及一些英语拼写和读音关系的基本规律,让学生看到一个英语单词,就能读出来;或者,想到一个单词,就能按照规律拼写出来,即做到见其形,知其音;听其音,知其形。学生学会了此法,掌握了发音与拼写之间的对应关系,就可以自己进行阅读,学习和记忆单词就会事半功倍。自然拼读法包含了字母音和形之间的关系,是向学生讲授英语中最普遍的音形关系,使之能够解读或拼读单词。 二、自然拼读的优势 1.把枯燥的字母、音标学习生活化 音标拼读法的最大弊端在于:单词拼读与单词拼写相分离,没有把两节有机的联系起来。由于单词拼读与单次拼写{形与意}的不一致,学生只能依靠死记硬背每个单词的发音和拼写,甚至给单词注上汉语拼音才能记住几个单词,但是没有几天就忘干净了。这是一种简单易行的教学方法,很容易做到“听音能写、见此能读、一听就明、一读就懂”的状态。直接拼读法降低了学生学习和掌握英语单词的难度,学生不用死记硬背单词,扫除了单词难记这个拦路虎,也就能增强学生的学习英语的兴趣和学习英语的信心 如:字母的学习。26个字母以元音分类,对有些初学英语的孩子来说,是


自然拼读在小学英语教学中的应用 在中国英文学习考试的大环境下,过分强调死记硬背单词,学生在中高年级依然不能够快速拼读词汇,而小学英语教学中自然拼读的出现及盛行逐渐打破现有枯燥慢速学习模式,学生能够快速拼读词汇,提高阅读能力。 标签:自然拼读英语教学阅读能力 一.自然拼读(phonics)概述 自然拼读(phonics)单词源于希腊词根“phon”,表示声音。通过26个英文字母及字母组合来学习发音规则,共有44个音素(phoneme),84%的单词都可以通过自然拼读法拼读出来。1690年,美洲大陆东北部新格兰地区初级读本(The New England Primer)中强调自然拼读学习方法,以韵律儿歌学习为主,强调韵律中练习发音,至语音音节,再到字母组合学习,最后学习文章阅读,并达到提高阅读能力的效果。60-70年代之间,美国逐渐兴起自然拼读教学方法,到80年时,自然拼读盛行美国各个学校家庭,但却被诸多教育专业诟病,直到10年后,自然拼读效果显现出来并令人震惊。学生学习过程异常轻松,能够通过拼读学习发音,单词拼写直至阅读能力的提高,体现了“马修效应”。2002年,美国政府出巨资推广自然拼读,使用50亿元投入自然拼读教育。而在我国,2002年广州教研组专家就已经引进并研究自然拼读在我国小学等阶段学习的策略与必要性。2010年,自然拼读在中国逐渐推广至各地,各地学校,培训机构都开始积极使用自然拼读学习策略。2012年,北京及重庆的诸多小学将自然拼读课程设置入小学课程中。 英文是一种拼音文字,它是字母与语音之间的连接,能够通过字母对应出相应的发音,同样,也可以用语音对应写出字母。自然拼读的学习过程是从26个字母到短元音,长元音,辅音及各个字母组合的学习过程,它不仅能够促进学生的认读能力,同时能够提高学生对于单词的拼写能力,最终想要实现并达到的目标还是提高学生英文整体阅读能力。学生能够通过快速拼读单词而提高閱读速度,猜测词义,提高阅读理解能力,扩大词汇量。而不像过去学习的死记硬背词汇,学生学到初高中依然不能够清楚的对应每个字母的发音,拼写单词时候常常忽略某个字母或将字母顺序颠倒写出,这都缘于对字母及字母组合发音的不熟悉。 二.自然拼读的学习 自然拼读是学习英文的第一步或者基础阶段。英语拼写都是基于字母规律的。在字母书写体系中,字母用来代表语音或语素。例如,字母cat是由三个字母c,a,t 组成的,每一个字母都代表了一个语素,分别是英语语言的字母组合规律稍复杂,每个字母单独的发音和字母组合都略显不同。而世界上很多国家语言都是字母与语音一一对应的,例如西班牙语。


小学英语自然拼读法 P h o n i c s教学教案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

小学英语运用phonics自然拼读法学习元音”a”和”e”的教学教 案

Step5: 元音字母”e”的发音与拼读。 (1) Show some singer words with “e”sound. Then let the students to spell. Eg: bed, bet, dest, get, hen, let, lend, met, nest… (2) Play the spelling game in group . T: You are very good at pronunciating the words and the letter groups ,this time ,Let’s play the spelling game in group ,(在实物投影上向学生展示如何玩这个拼读的游戏),Put he word here ,the spell it out ,if it is right ,say pass,the stick the word on the card ,let’s see which group can spell more words in 2 minutes . S: ( Spell the words in the box out ,then stick the word in the card ) (3) .check the groups achievement then ask the winner to stand up ,show the others how they spell the words out and check whether it is right or wrong . ) Step5: Try to write down down the word by listening T:Just now ,all of you can spell the words so well ,but what about your listening Can you write the words out just by listening ,你能够听音写词吗? Today ,Miss Lin has three challenges for you ,Let’s see who can pass all the three challenges and be the king and the last winner in the end . Are you ready? (1)Challenges1: listen to the tape, then finish the words with “a” or “e” on the screen. Eg: b d c t (2)Challenges2: Exercise Listen to teacher, write down the words on the paper. Finish the words with “a” or “e” sound. Step6: Conclusion.


小学英语课堂中开展自然拼读法教学的尝试 俞兰 内容提要:单词难认难记的问题困扰着很多师生。国外的教育学者针对这个问题提出了用自然拼读法来学习单词,而国内除了港台地区,有关这方面的研究还不多。本文介绍如何从确定内容要求,趣味的教学方法来入手进行尝试和摸索,在小学英语课堂中开展自然拼读教学,以提高学生认读和拼读能力。 关键词:自然拼读教学法 问题的提出和研究综述: 一.问题的提出 在进行pep小学英语教学过程中,伴随着词汇量的增加和书写、阅读要求的提高,许多学生对英语学习会感到紧张,有困难。这些不良情绪又会进而影响其学习效能,产生不良循环。而老师在教学中尽管采取了很多方法和手段,也常感到不能彻底解决这个问题。在同一些学生和英语老师的谈话中,可明显感觉到老师最头疼的就是听写效果差;而学生面临最根本的困难就是单词难读、难记,有的甚至会注谐音汉字来帮助记忆。另一方面,词汇的掌握又对小学生后期的阅读和写作有着重要的意义。 有的老师建议使用音标进行教学。但小学生心智的发展水平一般低于中学生,过早涉及音标,易和拼音混淆;另外小学生的专注力一般也弱于中学生,进行枯燥的音标学习,会打消其学习兴趣。总之,对小学生而言,音标教学又是一套全新的知识系统,要重新认识其发音,形态等,其要求高于学生现有能力,易于造成新的学习困难。 分析英语单词的发音和书写规律,可以发现英语单词主流是规则的,少部分的所谓不规则发音也都有一定的发音模式,这些模式随着更多词汇的学习是可以有效掌握的。phonics(自然拼读法)就是根据这一语言现象产生的。这种发音学习法利用5个元音字母本身代表的发音及各种字母组合产生的音来学习字母和单词,系统的归类,最终让初学英语的人建立字母与发音的直觉音感。它不同于音标教学,无需重新学习一套新的知识体系,而是去学习如何发现和掌握单词音、型的内在关联和规律。学生如果通过这样的学习和训练,能做到看到任何的字母组合就会立即直觉反应应该如何发音;听到任何发音,也立即拼写出单词。那前面提到的难题就迎刃而解了。进而,对学生的阅读、书写和学习信心和策略产生积极的影响和作用。因此我们需要探索如何在小


自然拼读法在小学英语中的应用 一、引言 记忆单词成为学生和教师最头疼的问题,相当一部分学生靠死记硬背记单词,其效果可想而知。长此下去,不但学生学习英语的兴趣会下降,学习英语的自信心也将受到不小的打击。笔者认为,从小学低年级开始就利用自然拼读法(Phonics)进行语音和单词教学,是将学生从死记硬背的沉重负担中解脱出来的好办法。 二、自然拼读法概述 自然拼读法的基本原理是要求学生掌握代表英语44个基本音的字母和字母组合(即这些字母和字母组合在单词中的发音,而不是它们的名称音,如在自然拼读法中,辅音字母b代表/b/,而不是读/bi:/;元音字母组合ai、ay等代表/eI/),以及一些英语拼写和读音关系的基本规律,让学生看到一个英语单词,就能读出来;或者,想到一个单词,就能按照规律拼写出来,即做到见其形,知其音;听其音,知其形。 在英国、美国、加拿大等英语为母语的国家和新加坡、中国香港等英语为官方语的国家和地区,自然拼读法是小学语文课程的必修内容。学生学会了此法,掌握了发音与拼写之间的对应关系,就可以自己进行阅读,学习和记忆单词就会事半功倍。正如自然拼读法教学专家Blevins(1996)认为的那样,自然拼读法包含了字母音和形之间的关系,是向学生讲授英语中最普遍的音形关系,使之能够解读或拼读单词。这种解读单词的能力是阅读成功的关键因素。 三、自然拼读法的优越性 (一)有效利用汉语拼音的正迁移作用 小学低年级(一般从二年级起)的学生已掌握汉语拼音,用拼音朗读和阅读的能力基本形成。由于汉语拼音中有许多音与英语的发音相似,如英语中的辅音与汉语拼音中的声母发音都很相似,汉语拼音的ao 与英语中的元音/a/的发音基本相同,等等,及早采用自然拼读法进行语音教学,就可以利用汉语拼音对音素教学产生的正迁移作用,有效地帮助学生掌握英语字母和字母组合的发音。 (二)避免学习国际音标带来的干扰 国际音标与自然拼读法采用的都是音素(phonemic)教学,但前者学习48个音素,是以另外一套书面符号来代表音素。这对小学生而言,无疑加重了负担。自然拼读法则学习国际音标48个音素中的44个,是以字母和字母组合来代表音素,学习者只要记忆一套符号(英语字母)即可。这样就可以弥补因学习国际音标而需兼顾音、形两组符号的缺陷。掌握了自然拼读法,小学生就可以不需要借助音标就能认读单词,从而少学一套符号,减轻学习负担。因此,在小学英语教学阶段自然拼读法完全可以取代国际音标的教学。 (三)提高学生学习和记忆单词的效率 教学实践研究发现,自然拼读法是任何年龄、任何学生学习单词最快、最简单、最有效的方法。运用自然拼读法教学,学生只要掌握了单词中字母的发音,学习单词就再也不用靠模仿来记住单词的发音,可以做到见词可读;了解了英语拼写和读音之间的关系,即可利用这些规律记住单词的拼写,做到听音可写。 (四)促进学生的各项语言技能的发展 运用自然拼读法教学单词,能够帮助学生认识到单词是由一些单元(字母或字母组合)构成的,也能让他们理解字母的音与形的一致性。据研究表明85%的英语单词能够通过字母音形对应的规则来拼写。学生在掌握了英语字母的这种音形对应关系之后,就能很快地进行单词的拼读与拼写。英语的拼读能力是阅读能力的基础,当学生拼读与拼写单词的能力达到见


小学英语教学中融入自然拼读法 小学英语教学关键词:自然拼读法 Phonics)的概述一、自然拼读法(个字母及其组合在单词中26自然拼读法(phonics)是指看到一个英语单词,通过学习把这个单词读出来的一种方法。它主要是按照英语字母与语音之间的对应关系,的发音规律,拼读英语词汇。通过自然拼读的学习,可以形成单词与发音之间的直觉联系,即知道单词可以反应发音,知道发音也可直觉反应单词的拼写。从而学生能快速记忆单词,并进行广泛阅读。自然拼读法是美国,加拿大等以英语为母语的国家,语言启蒙所采用的常用方法,也是国际上最为推崇的英语教学法。二、自然拼读法的优越性(一)、减轻学生负担通过自然拼读法学习英语,如同我国小学生学了汉语拼音,就能认识许多汉字一样,学生学会了此法,知道了发音与拼写之间的对应关系,就会事半功倍地学习和记忆单词,从而自己进行阅读。向学生讲授英语中最普遍的音形关系,使之能拼读单词,这种解读单词的能力是能否广泛阅读的前提。小学生从二年级起已把握汉语拼音,用拼音朗读的能力也已基本形成,因为汉语拼音中有许多音与英语的发音相似,因此可以把汉语拼音迁移到自然拼读法进行教学。自然拼读法是全世界最快、最简单、最有效的英语拼读学习法,它与传统英语学习法相比,大量减轻了学生的负担,它只须学习基础发音,就能让所有学习者见词能读,听音能写。(二)、无须学习音标避开了孩子学习音标的烦恼,直接从语音入手,学习字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则,通过潜移默化的教育,培养学生触类旁通的拼读能力,新课程标准没明确小学阶段国际音标教学,并且国际音标是另外一套书面符号来代表音素,这对小学生而言,无疑是加重了负担。由于国际音标与自然拼读法二者既有共同点又有不同点。共同点就是两种方法都是进个。自然拼读个音素中的个音素;而自然拼读法则学习行音素教学,国际音标学习484844法是字母和字母组合来代表音素,小学生只要记忆一套符号(英语字母)即可,这就可以弥补学习国际音标需兼顾音、形两组符号的缺陷。因此在小学阶段自然拼读法完全可以代替国际音标的教学。(三)、提高学生学习和记忆单词的效率 运用自然拼读法教学,学生把握了单词中字母的发音,学习单词再也不用靠模仿来记住 单词的发音,可以做到见词可读,学生了解英语拼写和读音之间的关系,使用这些规律就可记住单词的拼写,做到听音可写。试验证明,一个学过自然拼音学习法的人,再学习音标课音标,相反,它还是学习程可得事半功倍的效果,所以,自然拼音学习法不仅不排斥音标的最佳前奏曲,更是英语入门的利器。(四)、能够促进学生的各项语言技能的发展运用自然拼读法教学单词,能够帮助学生认识到单词是由一些单元(字母或字母组合) %的英语单词能够通过字母音组成的,也能让他们理解字母的音与形的同等性。研究表明85形对应的规则来拼写。英语的拼读能力是阅读能力的基础,当学生拼读与拼写单词的能力达到“见词能读,听音能写”的程度后,就可以很快地进行阅读教学,在大量的阅读中扩充单词,熟习语法,培养语感,从而进一步促进听说能力的发展。自然拼读学习法是一种完整的英语学法。自然拼读法是建立在单词拼写组合基础上的发音体系,也就是自然拼读法体系,两个学习过程,因此,自然拼读法和拼写能够帮助学生直接拼写出单词,不必重复发音已经成为国际上主流的英文单词及句型的学习方法。三、小学英语教学中融入自然拼读法第一阶段:字母教学,夯实基础。每个字母有它的发音,任何英文单词、文章都是透过,为后续的学习打下扎实name和sound26这26个字母不同的排列组合而来。掌握个字母的个基本的基础。引导学生建立字母与字母自然发音之间的直接联系,让学生掌握代表英语44个字母本身的音和形。音的字母和字母组合,外研版三年级下册的教材中要求学生学习掌握26。既然如此,利用自然拼读而拼写教学就是要指导学生了解如何把字母的“音”转变成“形”个字母的学习,26法来教学字母的目的之一是要让学生掌握通过其音形一致的规律去学英语,之间的对应关系,学生一旦掌握了此方法,记忆与


英语自然拼读法基本规则和小窍门(附教学视频) Phonics Song系列采用美国流行的一种教学方法,提倡让小孩子通过多唱,多练,多用,逐渐掌握英语的读音规则,目的是让小孩在通过一两年的学习后,能够具备基本的听读能力,对于不认识的单词,也能通过学过的规律认读出,并能基本写出单词的构成,这也是一种帮助小孩记单词的方法,避免刚刚接触英语的孩子只能靠死记硬背来记单词,提高孩子学习英语的热情。 自然拼读比较适合低龄小朋友(一般是小学三年级以下), 通过直接学习26个字母及字母组合在单词中的发音规则, 从而达到看到单词就会读,听到单词就会拼的学习目的。自然拼读能够解决80%的单词发音规律,而另外剩下的20% 就要靠音标来解决了。 虽然自然拼读对于孩子来说比较有趣易学,但在学习自然拼读前也需要有大量的听力基础以及基本的常用字的了解。学习自然拼读目的是为了孩子更好的阅读,遇到陌生的单词能做到见字会读,所以需要通过大量的阅读去运用才会更有效。接下来,就来收听不同风格的Phonics Song歌谣喽~既然 提到了自然拼读,再给大家在推荐八部关于自然拼读的动画片:1BBC Cbeebies Alphablocks PhonicsAlphablocks(字母积木)是BBC Cbeebies的一套自然拼读动画片,声情并茂,

是让孩子接触phonics自然拼读并产生拼读意识的一系列非常不错的动画片。 每集大概3分钟,建议一次看个5-8集,短平快的节奏,虽然每次最多看二十几分钟,但信息量很大。每个字母都是一块小积木人,各有自己的个性和声音。这26个字母看似简单,组合在一起却变化无穷,衍生出一个又一个有趣的小故事。里面的歌曲都很好听,孩子们听的多了,自然都会唱了。第一季有26集,每集针对一个字母,但并不是按字母顺序一个个来设计动画的。有些字母可能没单独出现,主要是以元音字母为重点,辅音字母在每集里面多次重复,让孩子慢慢习得辅音字母的发音,毕竟辅音字母的发音比较简单,不会造成太多混淆。总的来说,这套动画片很适合系统看,跟着来就能把字母表学活了。 2Leap Frog Letter Factory跟Alphablocks的英国腔对应,Leap Frog Letter Factory(跳跳蛙字母工厂)是标准的美国范儿,在美国流行极了。至听过一个夸张的说法,“看完Letter Factory字母教学的,没有一个人不会英文字母发音”。冲着这句话,也建议大家试试。 这套动画片的学习方式就是老美那种特别地道的字母拼词 的方法,具体来说,建议孩子跟着开口唱,最好还能同时搭配一套例如:字母A到Z的磁铁,用来让小朋友加深印象。这里也要特别说说Leap Frog 系列,跳跳蛙个系列共有很


浅谈小学英语自然拼读法的教学策略 小学英语自然拼读法是以英语为母语的所有国家都使用并全力推广的一种单词拼读法之一。这种方法能有效的培养孩子的词汇认读、拼寫能力。然而鉴于外语与母语习得等方面的差异,我们教师在教授学生自然拼读规律的同时要采用恰当的教学策略,不能让学生死记硬背这些拼读规律,使之变成填鸭式的教学。 标签:自然拼读小学英语系统教学 一、大量听、说语言输入,打好自然拼读的基础 我们知道自然拼读法的核心目标是培养孩子做到音、形对应拼读英语单词的能力。学习顺序应该是已“知音”,后“学形”。但对于初学英语的中国孩子们来说即不知“音”,也不知“形”。因此,要想实现“音”“形”的正确匹配,孩子们应先进行大量的听力输入学会说知道单词的读音,然后进行技能延伸(即学习自然拼读规律)才能做到“音”“形”结合知道单词的写法,继而理解单词的意思。只有这样我们才能避免自然拼读仅仅成为拼读生词发音的工具,而不发挥在母语教学中学习新词的作用。给我们的启示有三个方面: 1.小学实施自然拼读法首先要进行大量的听说训练(听:英文音频、英文动画片说:跟读、模仿。只学发音规则,忽视听说---事倍功半,大量听说+自然拼读—事半功倍)。让孩子在未开始真正规则前头脑中储备一定量的英语词汇和情景对话,使自然拼读学习接近母语习得规律,这样就能降低规则学习的压力。具体操作办法:在教授自然拼读规律前应至少有半年获一年的“磨耳朵”训练,包括英文歌曲、日常对话、英语小故事等的学习,还要着重培养孩子每日听英文的习惯,目的是培养孩子音素意识并逐步积累英语词汇,鉴定自然拼读学习的基础。 2.开展自然拼读时,应充分考虑到外语学习的特点和语言环境。即初级阶段做到音、形、画(单词图片或句子情景图片、故事)对应。这样孩子们在学习和运用拼读规律的同时也可以掌握该词的意思和应用情景。 3.自然拼读课程需进行大量的听、口语输出练习,而不是单纯的读和写的练习。具体操作办法:展示图片-教授发音-把归纳好的一类词利用图片和动作引导孩子跟读或自己说出这些写句子。- 接着让孩子分组表演-然后是拼写练习-最后故事阅读(先看图了解大意-圈出故事中含有字母发音的单词-利用图画和动作猜新词的词意-进行全文阅读或故事表演。) 二、由易到难、系统教学,将自然拼读内容进行知识建构 系统教学指的是自然拼读的教学要有计划、有系统。既要符合认知规律,也要符合自然拼读规律。以学期为单位具体操作如下: 1.第一学期:先进行26个字母基本音的学习,按照由易到难的顺序:1.字母


人教部编版小学英语自然拼读法基本规则和小窍门总结 人们总结出了很多发音规律,这些规律对于绝大多数英文词汇都是适用的。英语是拼音文字,所有的词汇都是由26个字母拼出来的,而在成千上万的不同拼法中,基本发音因素却只有39-47个,这说明26个字母与基本音素间是有着一定的关联的。 1、字母与发音一一对应的辅音 b -- ball d -- dog f -- fish h -- hat j -- jump k -- kite l -- leg m -- man n -- not p -- pen q – quick r -- run s -- sun t -- ten

v -- vest w -- water z -- zoo (注意q与u总是连在一起的) 2、有多个发音的辅音: 字母发音例词 c字母c后面接a,o,u的时候,c的发音与字母k发音相同,叫做“hard c sound”cat, cap, call, coat, cup 当字母c后面接e,i,或y的时候,通常c的发音与字母s发音相同,叫做“soft c sound”city, ice, rice, face, cell, cent, voice, pencil, juice 有时在e或i前面,c会发/sh/音ocean, racial, social g字母g后面接a,o,u的时候,所发的音叫做“hard g sound”girl, gas, get, give, go 当字母g后面接e,i,或y的时候,有时g的发音与字母j的发音相同,叫做“软g音”age, change, ginger, Egypt, gentle, giraffe, badge 3、辅音字母组合 辅音字母组合的发音很简单,就是把每个辅音字母的发音连在一起就可以了。之所以要把它们单独列出来,一个重要的原因就是,每个辅音字母组合是作为一个整体来看待的,在划分音节的时候是不能把这些辅音字母组合分开的。
