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半导体器件失效分析的研究Research on Semiconductor Device Failure Analysis


半导体失效分析在提高集成电路的可靠性方面有着至关重要的作用。随着集成度的提高,工艺尺寸的缩小,失效分析所面临的困难也逐步增大。因此,失效分析必须配备相应的先进、准确的设备和技术,配以具有专业半导体知识的分析人员,精确定位失效位置。在本文当中,着重介绍多种方法运用Photoemission 显微镜配合IR-OBIRCH精确定位失效位置,并辅以多项案例。


IR-OBIRCH(Infrared Optical beam Induced Resistance Change)主要是由两部分组成:激光加热器和电阻改变侦测器。电阻的改变是通过激光加热电流流经的路径时电流或者电压的变化来表现的,因此,在使用IR-OBIRCH时,前提是必须保证所加电压两端产生的电流路径要流过defect的位置,这样,在激光加热到defect位置时,由于电阻的改变才能产生电流的变化,从而在图像上显现出相应位置的热点。

虽然Photoemission和IR-OBIRCH可以很好的帮助我们找到defect的位置,但良好的电路分析以及微探针(microprobe)的使用在寻找失效路径方面是十分重要的,只有通过Photoemission的结果分析,加上电路分析以及微探针(micr oprobe)测量内部信号的波形以及I-V曲线,寻找出失效路径后,IR-OBIRCH才能更好的派上用场。因此,在失效分析中,各个步骤缺一不可。



Technology of failure analysis is extremely important for reliability of IC.Due to advance of IC, failure analysis is more difficult.Advanced equipment,rational methods and professional of failure analysis is needed. How to use Photoemission and

IR-OBIRCH to find defect location will be performed in this article.

The abnormal emission site can be acquired by Photoemission(e.g reverse biased junction, silicon leakage currents, MOS transistors saturated mode and so on). Then the abnormal emission site is showed on IC image. Photoemission is very important in failure analysis, we can study the IC schematic and layout overlay base on Photoemission result, and sometimes the abnormal emission site is just the defect location.

The IR-OBIRCH(Infrared Optical beam Induced Resistance Change) method simultaneously uses two main processes: laser-beam heating and resistance-change detection. The resistance change appears as current change or voltage change only when the laser beam irradiates a line where a current is flowing.This results in imaging current paths.

Photoemission and IR-OBIRCH can help us to find the defect location, but professional of circuit analysis and usage of microprobe is also important. Base on Photoemission result, after IC schematic and layout overlay study, then microprobe is performed to trace the internal signal and find the abnormal IV-Curves. IR-OBIRCH can be used to find the defect location at last.

Keywords: failure analysis; Photoemission; IR-OBIRCH; microprobe;


第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 引言 (1)

1.2 失效分析的概述 (1)

第二章失效分析的基本流程 (2)

2.1 失效分析流程遵循的基本规律 (2)

2.2 失效分析的步骤 (2)

2.3 失效分析应用到的技术 (3)

2.4 失效分析流程实例 (4)

第三章失效分析中的封装检查 (6)

3.1 封装介绍 (6)

3.2 外观检查 (10)

3.3 X射线检查(X-ray) (7)

3.4 超声波扫描显微镜检查(C-SAM) (11)

3.4.1 C-SAM概述 (11)

3.4.2 C-SAM原理 (12)

3.4.3 C-SAM应用实例 (14)

第四章 Photoemission显微镜介绍 (16)

4.1 半导体物理的一些基本知识 (16)

4.2 Photoemission显微镜的介绍 (17)

4.3 Photoemission显微镜的物理机理 (18)

4.4 Photoemission显微镜的正面分析和背面分析 (19)

4.5 Photoemission显微镜光学系统 (20)

4.5.1 Photoemission探测器(PEM Detector) (21)

4.5.2 光谱探测率 (22)

4.5.3 影响灵敏度的因素 (23)

4.6 Photoemission光谱学 (24)

4.6.1 Photoemission光谱学的设备 (24)

4.6.2 Photoemission光源分类 (25)

第五章失效分析中的激光感应技术 (25)

5.1 激光感应技术介绍 (25)

5.2 IR-OBIRCH介绍 (25)

5.3 IR-OBIRCH原理 (26)

5.4 IR-OBIRCH的实践应用 (27)

5.5 SDL技术 (32)

5.5.1 SDL技术介绍 (32)

5.5.2 案例研究 (33)

第六章失效分析的实际案例 (38)

6.1 案例1 (38)

6.2 案例2 (41)

第七章结论 (43)

参考文献 (44)
