


1. daily 1 adj. 每天的,日常的

daily 2adv. 每日,每天

Daily3n. 日报

2. dam n. 堤,坝,水闸v. 建水坝于

3. damage 1 n.[U] 损失,损害

短语: do damage to sb./ sth

E.g. The storm caused great damage to the trees last night. 昨夜的暴风雨使树木遭到巨大损害. damages n. 损害赔偿金

damage 2vt. E.g. damage relations between two countries损害两国的关系

4. damp adj. 潮湿的n. 潮气,湿气

5.danger n. 危险短语: in danger 在危险中

短语: in danger of sth./ doing sth. 有…的危险

E.g. He was in danger of losing his life. 他有失去生命的危险。

out of danger 脱离危险

同根词: endanger vt.危及,危害,使遭到危险

E.g. Smoking endangers your health. 吸烟危害健康.

E.g. The giant panda is an endangered species.大熊猫是濒临绝种危险的动物.

dangerous adj. 危险的

6. Danish adj. 丹麦的,丹麦人的n. 丹麦人,丹麦语

7. dark 1adj. 黑暗的, 颜色深的,隐藏的,难理解的,(比喻)忧郁的

dark 2n. 黑暗

短语: in the dark ①在黑暗中②不知,一无所知

E.g. We were kept completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company.


同根词: darken vt. 使…变黑暗darkness n. 黑暗

8. dash vi. & n. 猛冲dash for sth.

9. data n. (复数)数据合成词:database 数据库

10. date 1n. 日期,约会

短语:out of date 废弃的,过时的up to date 时新的,现代的

date 2v. 短语:date back to (时间)追溯到…= date from

E.g. The castle dates from the 14th century. 这座城堡是14世纪建的.

同根词:dated adj. 过时的

11. dawn 1n. 破晓,黎明短语: at dawn在拂晓,在黎明

dawn 2v.


E.g. When day dawned, we could see the damage the storm had caused.


②dawn on sb. 某人逐渐明白

E.g. The truth began to dawn on him. 他开始弄明白真相.

12. day n. 白天

短语: day after day 日复一日,连续地day by day 一天一天地,逐日

the other day 前几天,前些时候

13. deadline n. 截止期限,最后期限

14. deaf adj. 聋的短语: deaf to sth. 对…听不进

E.g. be deaf to all advice 对一切劝告充耳不闻

短语: turn a deaf ear to sb./ sth 对…充耳不闻

E.g. She turned a deaf ear to our warnings and got lost.



短语: deal in sth. 经营/卖(某物) deal with sb.对待/应付某人

deal with sth. 处理,解决某事 E.g. deal with difficulties/challenge克服困难/应对挑战deal 2n. 协议,交易

同根词: dealer n.商人

16. dear1adj.


②(Brit. 英国用法,通常作表语)昂贵的

E.g. Houses are getting dearer and dearer. 房子越来越贵.

dear2n. 可爱的人,亲爱的人

17. debate n. & v. 辩论,讨论

18. debt n. 债务,欠款

短语: be in/ out of debt 欠/不欠债

be in one’s debt欠某人之情

E.g. You saved my life: I’m forever in your debt. 你救了我的命,我永远感激不尽.

19. decade n. 十年 E.g. the first decade of the 21st century

20. decide v.


E.g. The judge will decide ( the case) tomorrow. 法官明天判决此案.

②decide on sth./ sb. 考虑后作出决定,下决心

E.g. They have decided on National Day as the wedding day.

decide ( not ) to dosth.决定(不)做某事

同根词: decision n. 决定,决心

短语: arrive at/ come to/ make/ each a decision 作出决定

decisive adj. 决定性的 E.g. play the decisive role 起决定性作用

21.declare v.

①正式宣布(某事),郑重地说(某事) E.g. declare war on 向…宣战

declare for/ against sth./ sb 表示赞成/ 不赞成…

E.g. The commission declared against the plan. 委员会反对那项计划.

同根词: declaration n. 宣言,正式声明

22. decline 1n. decline in sth.消减,降低

E.g. the decline in population/ popularity 人口的减少,声望的降低

decline 2v.

①谢绝,拒绝 E.g. decline an invitation to dinner 谢绝宴请

②降低,减少 E.g. declining sales 销售量下降

23. decorate vt. 装修,装饰短语:decorate sth (with sth)

同根词: decoration n. 装饰,装潢

24. decrease v. 下降( 反义词increase 上升)

25. deed n. (fml.文) 行动,行为

短语:in deed 真正,实际上

E.g. A friend in need is a friend in deed. 患难之交才是真正的朋友.

26. deep adj.

①深的,专心于, 博学的,渊博的 E.g. deep in thought/study深思/专心于学习

②深陷于 E.g. deep in difficulty/ debt

同根词: deepen vt. 加深,变深depth n. 深度

27. deer n. 鹿

28. defeat n. 击败,失败 E.g. suffer defeat 遭受失败


①战胜(某人), 击败


29. defense(defence) n.保卫,辩护

同根词: defend vt.

①保护,保卫短语: defend sb./ sth. from/ against sb. /sth

E.g. defend sb. from attack 保护某人免受攻击


defensive adj. 隐藏缺点的,防备批评或攻击的

30. degree n. ①度,度数②学位③程度,等级

E.g. She shows a high degree of skill in her work. 她在工作中表现出高度的技巧.

短语:to… degree 在…程度上

E.g. She has also been affected, but to a lesser degree. 她也受到波及,但程度较轻.

31. delay 1v.

①vi & vt. 耽搁,延误

E.g. She delayed ( for) two hours and missed the train. 她耽搁两小时误了火车.

②vt. 推迟,延期dalay sth./ doing sth.

E.g. Why have they delayed opening the school? 他们为什么延期开学?

delay 2 耽搁,延误,推迟,延期 E.g. We must leave without delay. 我们必须立即离开.

32. delete v. & n. 删除或删略

33. deliberately adv. 故意地

34. delicacy n. 佳肴

35. delicate adj.


36. delight1n. 高兴,快乐

短语: give delight to sb./ give sb. delight使某人快乐

to one’s delight 另某人(感到)高兴的是

E.g. To our great delight, the day turned out fine. 我们感到高兴的是天气转晴了.

delight2vt. 给某人乐趣,使某人愉快 E.g. Her singing delighted everyone.

同根词:delightful adj. 另人愉快的

delighted adj. ( 感到) 非常高兴的,愉快的

37.deliver vt.


E.g. mail carriers will be delivering some good news and some bad news this week.


②授课,讲话,讲道 E.g. deliver a talk/ speech 发表讲话/演讲

同根词: delivery n. 投递,交付


①[ C] 要求,请求

E.g. It’s impossible to satisfy all your demands. 不可能满足你所有的要求.

②[U] 需求,需要

短语: demand for sb./ sth.

E.g. Demand for skilled workers is high. 非常需要技术熟练的工人.

in demand 非常需要的,受欢迎的

E.g. Her books are in great demand. 她的书很受欢迎.

demand 2 v.

注: demand that (should )+原形

39. deny vt.


短语: deny sth./ doing sth./ that

E.g. He denied knowing anything about it. 他否认知道此事.

②deny sth. ( to sb. )拒不给予某人所求或所需之物

E.g. He denied this good opportunity to his family. 他拒不把这个好机会留给家人.

40. depart vi. (fml) 走开,离开

同根词: departure n. 短语: on departure 离开的时候(反: on arrival 到达的时候)

41. department n. 部门,系,部

42.depend v. E.g. That depends./ It ( all) depends. 看情况在说

短语:depend on( upon)

同根词:dependent adj. 依赖的(反: independent 独立的)

dependable adj. 可信赖的,可靠的 E.g. dependable service可靠的服务

43.deposit n. 存款,押金,保证金v. 将钱存入银行

44. depress vt. 使某人忧愁,沮丧

E.g. Wet weather always depresses me. 我在阴天时总是心情郁闷.

同根词: depressing adj. 另人沮丧的depressed adj.沮丧的,忧愁的depression n. 忧愁,消沉,抑郁

45.describe vt.描述,叙述同根词: description n.

46.descend v. 下来,下降

47.desert 1 vt. 离弃(一地方), 放弃,遗弃 E.g. desert pets 抛弃宠物

desert 2 n. 沙漠,荒漠

同根词:deserted adj. 无人的,被遗弃的desertification n. (土地的)沙漠化

48. deserve vt.


短语: deserve sth.

E.g. She deserves a reward for her efforts. 她积极努力,应得到奖赏.

deserve to be sth./ deserve to be done

E.g. They deserve to be sent to prison.他们应该入狱.

49. design 1v. 设计,计划,谋划

短语:be designed for sb./ sth. ; be designed as sth. ; be designed to do sth.


E.g. The experiment was designed to find out why many humanities students find science hard.


design 2n.


②目的,打算,意象短语:by design 故意地

E.g. We don’t know if it was done by accident or by design.我们不知道那是偶然的还是故意的. 同根词:designer n. 设计者

50. desire 1n. 欲望,渴望短语: desire for sth. desire to do sth.

desire 2vt. 希望,愿望,渴望

短语: desire sth.

desire ( sb) to do sth. E.g. I have long desired to meet them.

注:desire that ( should) + 原形 E.g. She desires that you come at once.

同根词:desirable adj. 称心的,合意的(反义词:undesirable 不称心的)

51. desktop n. 桌面

52. despair n. 失望,绝望短语: in despair

53. desperate adj. 绝望的

54. despite prep. 不管,不顾

55. dessert n. 甜点

56. destination n. 目的地 E.g. arrive at/ reach one’s destination 到达目的地

57. destroy vt. 摧毁,毁坏

58. destruction n. 毁坏(反义词:construction 建议)

59. detective n. 侦探

60. determine v.

①(fml文) 决定(某事物),确定, (意义= decide)

E.g. determine a date for a meeting 确定会议日期

短语: determine on/ upon sth./ doing sth. 对某事下定决心

E.g. We determined on an early start. = We determined that we’d make an early start.

determine to do sth.= determine on doing sth.

E.g. He determined to learn Greek. 他决定学希腊语.


E.g. The exam results could determine your career. 考试成绩可能决定你的前途.


E.g. Mercer determined Moscow is 34.4 percent more expensive including….


同根词: determined adj. 意志坚定的,坚决的短语: determined ( to do sth. ) 决定做某事determination n. 决心,坚定性

61.develop v.发育,发展,开发,研发,形成

E.g. develop a good habit/attitude 养成好习惯/ 树立正确的态度

E.g. Other fruit companies developed similar pineapples. 其他水果公司也研发出类似的菠萝. 同根词: development n. developing a 发展中的developed adj.发达的

E.g. highly developed senses 极其发达的感官

62. devote v.

短语: devote oneself/ sth. to sb./ sth. 把(时间、精力、生命等)全用在…上,致力于/献身于…

同根词: devoted adj. 短语: devoted to sb./ sth. 热爱的,非常忠实的

devotion n. 短语: devotion( to sb./ sth. ) 深爱,挚爱;献身,忠心

63. diagram n. 图表,图解

64. dial v. 拨号

65.dialect n. 方言

66. diamond n. 钻石

67. diary n. 日记

68. dictation n. 听写

69. dictionary n. 词典

70. die v. 死,消亡,消失

短语: die away减弱 E.g. The noise of the car died away in the distance.

die down 逐渐减弱,降低

die of 死于( an illness, hunger, grief) die from死于( a wound受伤等外因) die off一一死去die out 灭绝,绝迹

E.g. Dinosaur has already died out. 恐龙已经灭绝了.

71. diet n. 通常吃的食物,规定食谱短语: be/ go on a diet 节食

vi. 节食

72. differ v. differ from sb./ sth 与…有区别,不一样

同根词: difference n. 差异,差别,变化

短语:make a /no/ some/ great…difference (to sb./ sth.) 对…要紧/不要紧

E.g. It makes no difference to me whether you go or not.你去不去对我都无所谓

different adj. 不同的短语:different from sb./ sth.

73. difficulty n. 困难

短语: have difficulty in sth./ doing sth. = have trouble/ problem in doing sth.

E.g. I had the greatest difficulty in persuading her. 我费了很大的劲才说服他.

74. dig v. (dug, dug ) 挖

75. digest v. 消化n. 摘要,文摘

76. digital adj. 数码的,数字的

77. dignity n. 尊严

78.dilemma n. 进退两难的境地

79. dimension n. 大小,体积,范围

80.dinosaur n. 恐龙

81.dioxide n. 二氧花物

82. dip v.

①将某物放入或伸入液体中,浸,泡 E.g. dip the pen into the ink


83.diploma n. 文凭,毕业证书

84. direct 1adj. 径直的,率直的,直接的

direct 2adv. 径直地,直接地 E.g. go direct to Paris 直达巴黎

direct 3v. 指引,指挥,给某人指路,担任导演

E.g. Can you direct me to the station? 你能告诉我到车站怎么走么?

同根词: direction n. 方向,指导短语: in …direction 朝…方向

directly adv.

①径直地,直接地,坦率地,直爽地 E.g. directly in front of me 在我的正前方

②立即,马上 E.g. I’ll be there directly. 我很快就到.

85. director n. 导演,懂事

86. directory n. 名录,指南 E.g. telephone directory 电话簿

87. dirt n.尘土,泥土同根词: dirty adj. 污秽的,脏的v. 弄脏,变脏

88. disable vt. 使某人丧失能力,使某人残废 E.g. the disabled adj. 残疾人

同根词: disability n. 失去能力,伤残

89. disadvantage n. 不利条件( 反: advantage n. 优势)

90. disagree v. 与某人观点/意见不一致,有分歧

短语: disagree with sb. on / about sth.

同根词: disagreeable adj. 另人不愉快的,讨厌的 E.g. a disagreeable person disagreement n. 分歧,意见不合

91. disappear v. 消失,遗失,失踪同根词: disappearance n. 失踪,丢失

92.disappoint vt. 使某人失望

同根词: disappointed adj. 失望的disappointing adj. 另人失望的disappointment n. 失望,沮丧短语: to one’s disappointment另人失望的是

93. disaster n. 灾,灾难

94.discount n. 折扣

95. discourage vt.

①使某人丧失信心,使某人泄气(反义词:encourage )


短语: discourage sb. from doing sth.劝某人不做某事

E.g. Parents should discourage their children from smoking. 做父母的应该劝子女不要抽烟.

96. discover v. 发现同根词:discoverer n. 发现者discovery n. 发现

97. discrimination n. 歧视 E.g. racial/sexual discrimination 种族歧视

98. discuss vi. 讨论,探讨短语: discuss about sth. with sb.

同根词: discussion n.

99. disease n. 疾病

100. disgust vt. 使(某人)觉得恶心,使厌烦/反感

同根词:disgusting adj. 恶心的,讨厌的disgusted adj. 感到厌恶的/反感的101. disk n. 磁盘

102. dismiss v. 开除,解雇

103. disobey v. 不服从

104. display v. & n. 陈列,展览短语: on display 在陈列,在展览

105.distance n. 距离,间距短语: in the distance 在远处from a distance从远处同根词:distant adj. 遥远的

106. distinctive adj. 与众不同的同根词: distinction n. 区分,差别

107. distinguish vt. 区别,辨别

108. distribute v. 分发,分配,(书报的)发行同根词:distribution n. 分发,分配109. district n. 区,行政区

110. disturb vt. 搅乱,打扰 E.g. disturb the peace 扰乱治安

同根词:disturbance n. 打扰,骚乱disturbing adj. 另人不安的

111.ditch n. 沟v. (口语)抛弃,摆脱ditch sb./ sth

112.dive v. 潜水同根词:diver n. 潜水员

113.diverse adj. 各不相同的

同根词:diversity n. 多样性 E.g. a wide diversity of opinion 观点上众说纷纭diversify v. 使多样性

114.divide v. 除,划分同根词:division n. 部分

115.divorce n.& vt. 离婚

116.dizzy adj. 头晕的,眩晕的

117. do(did, done)

短语:have ( got) something/ nothing/ a lot to do with 与…有关系

do away with sth. 摆脱某事物,废除某事物

E.g. The death penalty has been done away with in many European countries.


118.document n. 文件

119. doll n. 洋娃娃

120.donate vt. 捐赠

E.g. donate large sums to relief organization 向救济组织捐赠巨款

同根词:donation n. 捐赠物,捐赠donator n. 捐赠人

121. door n.

短语:( from) door to door 逐门逐户next door to…与…隔壁

out of doors 在户外,在露天

122. dormitory n. 宿舍

123. dot n. 小圆点

124.double-decker n. 双层公共汽车

125. doubt n. 怀疑,不信任

短语:doubt about sth.

E.g. There’s some doubt about his suitability for the job.


no doubt 无疑地without ( a) doubt 无疑地,确实地

beyond a/ any/ all doubt 无疑地

126.dove n. 鸽子

127.down 1adv. 向下,倒下

短语:down and out穷困潦倒

down 2prep.从高处向下 E.g. Tears ran down her face.

down 3 v . ①vt. 将某人打倒在地②很快喝下

128. download v. 下载

129.dozen n. 打,12个短语:dozens of 几十个

130. draft n. 草稿v. 起草

131.drag vt.

①拖,拉,拽短语:drag sth. out 使某事物不必要地拖延


132. draw v. (drew,drawn)


②向某方向移动 E.g. The train drew in / into the station. 火车进站.

短语:draw near 来临( 比喻) E.g. Christmas is drawing near.圣诞节日渐临近.

draw to close 结束

E.g. His life was drawing peacefully to its close .他的生命正平静地走向结束.

③拉,拖 E.g. I tried to draw him aside. 我想把他拉到一边.

④吸引某人,使某人感兴趣短语:draw sb. ( to sth. )

E.g. New Orient English draws students from all over the country.


draw one’s attention to sth. 另某人注意某事物

draw up ( of a vehicle) ( 指车辆等)停下来

E.g. The taxi drew up outside the house. 出租车停在房子外面.

draw sth. up 草拟,写出

133. drawback n. 不利因素

134. drawer n. 抽屉

135.dream1v. (dreamt,dreamt或dreamed, dreamed)

短语: dream of/ about sth./ doing sth.梦见某事物,梦想或想像某事物

dream2n. beyond one’s wildest dreams 远远超出想像或希望

136. dress1n. 衣服,连衣裙

dress2vt. 短语: dress sb./ oneself给…穿衣服

(be) dressed in sth. 穿着…衣服dress up穿上盛装

dress (sb./ oneself)up as sb.化妆成

137. drill n. ①钻,钻机②操练,练习

v. 操练,练习

138. drink v. (drank, drunk ) 喝

139. drive1v.


E.g. A man driven by jealousy is capable of anything. 嫉妒心可使人什么都做得出来.

短语: drive ( sb. ) off 开走,离开, 把…赶走/送走



140. drop v. 降落,落下,滴下

短语: drop in on sb. 顺便拜访

E.g. I thought I’d drop in on you while I was passing. 我曾想路过时就来看看你.

drop sb. (off )让某人下汽车

E.g. One August afternoon, Richard Allen dropped off his last passenger, Mrs. Carey.

八月的一天下午, Richard Allen让他的最后一位乘客Mrs. Carey下了车.

drop out ( of sth. ) 从…退出 E.g. drop out of school 退学

141.drown vi. 淹死,溺死

vt. 溺死( 人或动物) E.g. drown a kitten 淹死小猫

同根词:drowning adj. 快要淹死的

E.g. He dived into the river and saved the drowning child. 他潜入水中救出落水儿童. 142. dryer n.脱水机 E.g. clothes dryer 甩干机

143.drug n. ①药物,药剂②麻醉药,毒品

144. drum n. 鼓

145. duck n. 鸭子

146. due( 做表语)

短语: due ( to do sth. )预定,约定,预期

E.g. The train is due ( in ) in five minutes. 火车预定在5分钟后到达.

E.g. His book is due to be published in October. 他的书预定在10月份出版.

短语:due to sb. /sth. 由于某人/ 某事

Due to( = Owing to) the heavy traffic, he was late.因交通拥挤,他迟到了. 147. dull adj. 枯燥的,沉闷的

148. dumpling n. 饺子

149. dusk n. 黄昏,傍晚

150. dust 1n. 灰尘

dust 1vt. 除去…的灰尘 E.g. dust the furniture 拭去家具上的灰尘同根词:dusty adj. 满是灰尘的合成词:dustbin n. 垃圾桶151. dynamic adj. ①动力的②精力充沛的,有力的

152. dynasty n. 朝代


【初中英语】七年级英语语法填空首字母填空练习题 一、七年级英语单词的适当形式填空 1.阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单同的适当形式填空(未提供单词的.限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Many students have hobbies, like reading, painting and looking.________animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are creative. Hobbies can make you ________(grow)as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills. David Smith is a student, and his hobby ________ writing. During the summer of 2011, he spent four weeks on a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, such ________ sailing, biking and mountain climbing, there was a writing workshop with a professional writer. "She asked us ________(imagine) that we were in a story. Then we wrote about our experiences at the camp. " In senior high school David ________ (write)a book about teenage life. Many teenagers love his book, and as a result, David has become a ________(success) young writer. David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought enjoyment and success to________ (he), but he is also interested in many other things. "I like playing volleyball too," says David. "I spend some of my free time ________ (play)volleyball for my school team. Maybe I'll write more books in the future, ________ I'm not sure. " There are many other interesting things to do in life, and we should try to do something new or different. 【答案】 after;grow;is;as;to imagine;wrote;successful;himself;playing;but 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文讲述了一个叫大卫的孩子喜欢读书习作,并出版书的故事,同时也给他带来了快乐。 (1)句意:许多学生有爱好,像读书、画画还有照看动物。look after 照看,属于固定搭配,故答案是after。 (2)句意:爱好可以帮助你长大成人,发展你的兴趣而且帮助你学习新的技能。help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事,固定短语,故答案是grow。 (3)句意:大卫·史密斯是个学生,他的爱好是写作,hobby是单数可数,需要使用is连接主语和表语,故答案是is。 (4)句意:跟一些平常的活动,像帆船,骑行爬山一样有写作工作室。such as例如,固定搭配。故答案是as。 (5)句意:她让我们想象我们就在故事中。ask sb. to do sth,请某人做某事,让某人做某事。固定结构。故答案是to imagine。 (6)句意:在高中,大卫写了一本关于青少年的书。根据In senior high school David,可知句子使用一般过去时。故答案是wrote。 (7)句意:大卫成了一个成功的年轻作家。success作定语修饰young writer,故使用形容词形式,故答案是successful。 (8)句意:大卫很幸运因为他的爱好给他自己带来了快乐和成功。他自己,himself,反身代词。故答案是himself。


高考核心词汇大全 口诀:英语高考变化大,词汇越来越称霸;标准要求三千五,八百词汇是关卡; 字形词义熟练记,保证考场是赢家。 一、语法角度归纳词汇: 1.只能接动名词,而不能接不定式作宾语: 口诀:建议避免冒险;介意错过训练;厌恶推迟完成;承认逃脱抵抗;考虑保持忍受;想象宽恕欣赏。suggest, avoid, risk, mind, miss, practise, dislike, delay, finish, admit, escape, resist, consider, keep, stand, imagine, forgive, enjoy 2.只能接不定式,而不能接动名词作宾语: 口诀:打算将来负担起一切,就得尝试失败,拒绝假装努力。要学会选择,决心设法完成计划。 父母会同意提供帮助,要承诺达到他们的期望要求。 want, intend, mean, afford, attempt, fail, refuse, pretend, try, learn, choose, decide, determine, manage, plan, agree, offer, help, promise, hope, wish, expect, ask 3.既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,意义不同: 口诀:go on 表继续,接doing 同一事,接to do 换一个; regret,forget , remember, 接doing 表做过,跟to do 要去做; mean doing 意味着,mean to do 打算做;try doing 试着做,try to do设法做 4.既可接动名词也可接不定式作宾语,意义相同: 口诀:need, want, require, 还有一个deserve, 接不定式用被动,接doing 主动就能表被动; Worth后接doing, 也用主动表被动,worthy 则不同,改用被动用被动。 need, require, want, deserve + doing / to be done (需要做) be worth doing, be worthy of being done, be worthy to be done (值得做) 5.接动名词作宾语,接不定式作宾补: 口诀:禁止、建议和允许,接doing作宾语,接to do 作补语。 forbid / advise / allow / permit doing sth; forbid / advise / allow / permit sb. to do sth. (禁止,建议允许某人做某事) 6.接宾语从句,从句使用虚拟语气: 1). 在动词order / demand / insist/ command / advise / suggest / request / require 等词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用(should)+ 动词原形,使用虚拟语气。 口诀:每词有特点,宾语从句中,(should) + 动词原形会出现。insist, suggest谨慎用,还要把词义细分辨。 insist (坚持要某人做某事用虚拟;坚持说、坚持认为,则不用), demand, desire, require, request, order, propose, command , ask (要求), advise, prefer, suggest(建议用虚拟,暗示,表明则不用)。 2).动词wish后接的宾语从句一律使用虚拟语气: 口诀:wish后的从句用虚拟,三种情况要梳理。主句时态不用管,从句时间是关键。



重点词汇精讲 一、重点词汇列表 动词search, murder, support, exist 名词creature, witness, research, possibility, case, evidence, progress, treasure, strength 形容词puzzled, puzzling, convincing, disappointed, similar 重点词组run into, step up, due to, go missing, show up, according to, put on, rule out, look into, make up, take charge of, so far, be similar to, be said to do, run after, on average 二、精选词汇讲解 1. search (1) search vt./vi. 搜索,搜寻,搜查 search sb 搜(某人的)身;search somewhere 在某处搜查 search somewhere for sth. 在某处搜寻某物;search for sth. 搜寻/寻找某物 They searched him without any reason.他们毫无理由地搜了他的身。 They searched every part of the temple for the murderer. 他们对这座寺庙进行了全面搜查,以便找出凶手。 Scientists are searching for a cure for the disease. 科学家正在寻找治愈这种疾病的办法。He is searching for the missing key. 他正在寻找失踪的钥匙。 (2) search n. 搜寻,寻找in search of … 寻找/寻求某物 The villagers continued their search for the lost child in the forest. 村民们继续在森林里寻找那个迷路的孩子。 Migrant workers moved from city to city in search of work. 流动工人为找工作从一个城市移居到另一个城市。 He went in search of a doctor for his sick wife. 他去为他生病的妻子找医生。 2. support (1) support vt. 支撑;支持,拥护;维持, 赡养;证实 2 / 7


Module 6 Unit 1 1 comedy / ?k?m?d?/ n.喜剧 2 weekly n.周刊;周报adj.每周的 3 crosstalk n.相声 4 stand up for 支持,维护 5 stand-up n.单口喜剧adj.(喜剧)单人表演的 6 stage / ste?d?/ n.舞台;阶段,时期 7 comedian / k??mi?d??n / n.喜剧演员 8 tease / ti?z/vt.取笑;揶揄;戏弄 9 previous / ?pri?v??s / adj.先前的,以往的 10 variety/ v??ra??t?/ n.不同种类;多种样式 11 style/ sta?l/ n.风格;方式;样式 12 behave / b??he?v/ vi.&vt.表现 13 visual / ?v??u?l/ adj.视觉的 14 hammer / ?h?m?(r)/ n.锤子,榔头vt.敲,捶打 15 trip vi.&vt.绊,(使)绊倒 16 trip over 绊倒 17 performance n.表演,演出;表现,业绩 18 make fun of 拿……开玩笑;取笑,嘲弄 19 affection/ ??fek?n;/ n.喜爱,钟爱 20 have affection for 喜爱,钟爱 21 performer n.演员;表演者 22 academy/ ??k?d?m?/ n.研究院,学会;专科院校 23 perform vi.&vt.表演;做,履行;运转 24 little-known adj.鲜为人知的 25 come up with 想出;拿出 26 technical / ?tekn?kl/ adj.技术的,技能的 27 lip/ l?p/ n.嘴唇 28 silent film n.无声电影 29 howl / haul/ vi.大叫,嚎叫n.嚎叫, 嚎叫声 30 amuse / ??mju?z/vt.逗笑,逗乐;(使)娱乐 31 saying n.格言,谚语,警句 32 cigar / s??gɑ?(r)/n.雪茄烟 33 bathtub n.浴缸,浴盆 34 pass away 去世,亡故 35 mourn / m??n/vi.&vt.衷悼,忧伤 36 fitness / 'f?tn?s/ n.健壮,健康;适合37 strengthen / ?stre?θn/ vi.&vt.增强;巩固 38 yoga / ?j?ug?/ 瑜伽术 39 muscle/ ?m?sl/ n.肌肉 40 participate / pɑ??t?s?pe?t/vi.参加,参与 41 deep-breathing adj.深呼吸的 42 positive /?p?z?t?v/ adj.积极的,正面的;肯定的 43 drive away 赶走;驱赶 44 negative/?neg?t?v/ adj.消极的/否定的;有害的 45 guarantee / ?g?r?n?ti?/vt.&n.保证;担保 46 foolishness / ?fu?l?n?s ?/ n.愚蠢 47 foreigner n.外国人 48 instruct / ?n?str?kt/ vt.教授;指示,命令 49 take on 接纳;呈现;承担;雇佣 50 initial/ ??n??l/ adj.最初的,初始的n.首字母 51 attain / ??te?n/ vt.(通常经过努力)获得;达到 52 polish / ?p?l??/ vt.提高;修改;润色 53 invisible / ?n?v?z?bl/ adj.看不见的;无形的 54 bench / bent?/ n.长凳,长椅 55 setting n.(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景 56 make room for 为……腾出地方 57 textbook n. 教科书;课本 58 cosy / ˋk?uz?/ adj.暖和舒适的,惬意的 59 invitation /?nv?'te??n/ n.邀请 60 alongside prep.&adv.在……旁边;与……一起 61 crowded adj.拥挤的 62 castle /?kɑ?sl/ n.城堡;堡垒 63 armchair n.扶手椅 64 yell / jel/ vi.&n.叫喊,大喊,吼叫 65 pile / pa?l/ n.摞;垛;堆 66 official-looking adj.貌似官方的 67 anger / ???g?(r)/ n.怒,怒火,怒气 68 bow / bau/ vi.&vt./ n.鞠躬;低头; 69 dash / d??/ vi.急驰,猛冲n.猛冲;匆忙 70 tear / te?(r)/ vt.撕,扯 71 burst vi.猛冲,突然出现;爆裂 72 burst in 闯进;突然闯入 73 empty-handed adj.空手;一无所获


accumulator 蓄能器 Acryl ate 丙烯酸盐;丙烯酸酯 Annular groove 环形凹槽 anvil 砧座 Assembly line 装配(生产线)Asymmetrical 不均匀的,不对称的 Ball catch 门碰球;球擎 bar stock 棒坯,棒料 Basic geometric character 基本单元,基本图素 BDC—bottom dead center 下止点 Bind 绑,镶边,约束 blank holder slide 压边滑块 Blanking 冲裁 Bulging 胀形 Bulky runner 大流道;大横流道 CAD/CAM--- Computer-aided Design and Computer-aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助设计与制造 CADD--- Computer-aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计与绘图 CAE--- Computer-aided engineering 计算机辅助工程(分析) CAPP--- Computer-aided Process Planning计算机辅助工艺规划 Categorize 分类 Ceramic 陶瓷制品;陶瓷的 CG--- Computer graphics 计算机图形学Chrome 铬,铬合金 Clamping force 夹紧力,合模力clearance 间隙;公差 close-die presses 模锻压力机 close-tolerance 小公差Competitiveness 竞争力 Compound 复合模 compression mold 压模;压铸模thermosetting热固性的,热成型的compression-molding compound压塑件pellet小球,圆球 demoulding脱模 ejection脱模,出坯;挤出,推出 finishing work 精整工作,精加工 draft angle脱模角,模锻斜度 material residue料渣ejector pin推杆,顶杆 multitude 大量,众多 aforementioned 上述的,前述的 lathe 车床 milling machine 铣床 profiler仿形铣床 spark erosion machine电火花加工铣床Jammping 堵塞,干扰 epoxy resin环氧树脂 high-walled part 高壁零件 allowance 加工余量 trouble-free ejection 顺利脱模 cavity model 型腔模型 glass-hard 特硬的,玻璃化硬度 stylus 指示笔,触针,测头 tough core 强韧的心部 milling 研磨,铣削,铣削加工, rib 肋,加强筋,筋 automatic tracing 自动跟踪 carburizing steel 渗碳钢 milling head 铣刀头 shaped-giving mold part 成型模具零件Compression spring 压缩弹簧 continuous blow 连续打击 Continuous-path machine 轮廓控制机床Contouring machine 轮廓控制机床contour外形,轮廓,弧面,周线 copy milling 靠模铣 corner( fillet) radius 外(内)圆角半径Cornstarch 玉米淀粉 Curling 卷曲 Deep draw 深拉伸(延);深冲压 die wear 模具磨损 Display terminal (计算机的)显示终端double-acting steam hammer 双作用蒸汽锤Double-action presses 双动压力机 Dowel 定位销;轴销 down stroke 向下行程 draft 拔模斜度 Drill 钻孔 Drive mechanism 驱动机构 EIA---Electronic Industries Association 美国电子工业协会 Ejector rod 顶料杆,出料杆


高考核心单词----动词精讲(高考动力站) 1. abandon vt. = give up = throw 1.离开,遗弃 2.放弃,停止做(某事) 3.放纵,放任 派生abandoned a. -ed结尾:动词/形容词 I abandon myself in wasting time. 我让我自己放纵于浪费时间。 2. abolish vt. 废除,废止(+ certain system某些系统/ certain practice某些行动)PK cancel vt. 取消 abuse 滥用 abnormal 不正常的 ab-开头表示否定 3. absorb vt. “吮” 1.吸收(某事物),吸进 2.将(某物)合并,并吞 3.完全吸引住(某人)的注意力或兴趣 派生be absorbed in sth. 沉浸于sth. I am absorbed in the party, so I forget anything. 4. ac commod ate vt. 来自com mod ity n. 日用品 -ity -ment -hood -ness –on名词 mode模式model模型module模块 -mod-样子 = put up sb. 1.供给某人住宿或房间 2.适应,迁就,迎合 派生accommodation n. 旅馆 5. ac company vt. company n. 公司;朋友=friend I accompany him. = I keep company with him 我伴随着他。 1.伴随或跟随(某人),陪伴 2.与某事物同时存在或发生 派生accompany A by/ with B 用B来伴随A I accompany him with swim.(错) I accompany him with swimming. 我让他天天游泳。 3.给某人伴奏 派生accompany sb. at / on sth. 在sth.给sb.伴奏 I accompany him at the party. 6. accuse vt. 指责某人有错;犯罪或犯法;指控;控告;谴责 派生accuse sb. of sth. 因为sth.谴责sb. 7. accustom vt. 使……习惯于 custom n. 习俗 派生accustom A to B 使A习惯B I accustom myself to wearing glasses .

译林牛津版高中英语选修9:U1 重点词汇讲解教案

U1 重点词汇讲解 (一)重点动词讲解 1. rank vi. & vt. 属于某等级,将……归为某等级 He ranks among the best pupils of his grade. 他是他们年级最好的学生之一。 n. (尤指较高的)等级,级别 He is a physicist of the first rank. 他是一流的物理学家。 2. associate vt. 联想,联系 Many people associate dark clouds with depression. 许多人把乌云与沮丧联系起来。 【拓展】 association n. 联合, 结合;协会, 社团 Our long association with your company has brought great benefits. 我方和贵公司的长期合作带来了巨大的利益。 The association is/are having its/their annual conference next week. 该协会在下个星期举行年度会议。 3. owe v. 欠,应向……付出;得感谢,应归功于 I will owe nearly a hundred pounds on that car. 我为买车还将欠将近100英镑。 We owe everything to you, doctor. 多亏了您,医生。 【拓展】 owing to由于,因为 Now his crops completely failed, owing to a disease that had broken out last month. 由于上周爆发的病害,他的庄稼全部欠收。


完形填空阅读理解首字母填空专题 一.完形填空(共11小题) 1.It is not rare to hear of a family who is keeping a young dog for a seeing﹣eye dog(导盲犬).However,it is (1)to hear of a family who is keeping a monkey for the Helping Hands Organization. The same as young dogs,young monkeys need to be socialized before they(2)be trained as human helpers.One difference is that monkeys live longer than dogs do.This means that a monkey's "childhood" is also (3)than a dog's.Monkeys may spend 4 to 6 years in a family(4)they are ready to begin training. After a monkey begins training,it usually takes about a year for it to learn enough tasks to be a good (5).When a monkey is learning a task,it is (6)with a treat.If the monkey makes a (7),it is not punished,it just does not get a treat for that task.One thing that monkeys need to learn is (8)to follow orders.For example,if a person wants to have the lights turned on,he or she might give the order "sun".The monkey will know what its owner(9)by the order and it completes the task.Then it will get a reward.Some monkeys can (10)learn how to use a computer. (1)A.common B.unusual C.important D.necessary (2)A.can B.will C.need D.must (3)A.sadder B.happier C.shorter D.longer (4)A.while B.after C.before D.when (5)A.teacher B.worker C.helper D.reporter (6)A.rewarded B.connected C.helped D.compared (7)A.difference B.mistake C.face D.wish (8)A.what B.when C.where D.how (9)A.hears B.sees C.does D.means (10)A.even B.ever C.yet D.still 2. You have probably heard the expression,"It's raining cats and dogs outside." It means that it's raining very hard but not that (1)cats and dogs are falling from the sky.(2),one day in June,1882,it really did rain (3)over Dubuque,Iowa.The frogs began falling along with hailstones(冰雹)during a(4)storm. Hail is (5)when drops of rainwater are caught by heavy winds and are carried high up into the air.There the raindrops become (6).Many drops may freeze together to form (7)of ice;these ice balls,or hailstones,then (8)to earth.During the storm in Dubuque,the strong winds(9)small frogs from nearby ponds into the air along with raindrops.When some of these frogs became covered(10)ice,both hailstones and "frog﹣stones" fell onto the ground (1)A.blind B.real C.dead (2)A.And B.So C.However (3)A.cats B.frogs C.dogs (4)A.common B.terrible C.weekly (5)A.formed B.failed C.fixed



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必修一 Unit1. Friendship友谊 1. add up 合计 2. upset vt&vi 弄翻,使…不安,使心烦,扰乱adj. 心烦意乱的,不舒服的,不适的,难过的. 3. ignore不理睬、忽视 4. calm (使)平静、(使)镇定 calm down 平静/镇定下来 5. have got to 不得不、必须 6. concern (使)担忧、涉及、关系到 be concerned about…关心,挂念 7. go through 经历、经受 8. set down 记下、放下、登记 9. a series of 一系列 10. on purpose 故意 11. in order to 为了…… 12. at dusk 在黄昏时刻 13. face to face 面对面地 14. no longer/not…any longer 不再…… 15. settle 安家、定居、停留 16. suffer 遭受、忍受、经历 17. suffer from 遭受、患病 18. recover 痊愈、恢复、重新获得 19. get/be tired of 对……厌烦20. pack 捆扎,包装/包裹 21. pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包 22. get along with 与……相处 23. fall in love 爱上 24. disagree 不同意 25. join in 参加 Unit2. English around the world世界各地的英语 1. because of 因为、由于 2. come up 走近、上来、提出 3. actually 实际上、事实上 4. base 以…为基础,根基 5. at present 目前 6. make use of 利用 7. such as 例如 8. command 命令、指令、掌握 9. request 请求、要求 10. play a part in 扮演一个角色 11. recognize 辨认出、承认、公认 12. straight 直接、挺直、笔直的 Unit3. Travel journal 1. transport 运输、运送 高中英语全部重点单词短语大合集 版权归Jason.Weng所有,装载请注明出处 3

8B首字母填空1 答案

八年级英语下册首字母填空练习 1 Have you ever h_______ of e-books ? E-books are eletronic books. They are no larger than an ordinary book., with a screen which you can r______. How does e-books work ? First, you call up websites on your computer and select books that you want. There are t________ of books provided by different websites on the Internet. Then d_______ the books you like to your e-book. You can download 10 books at a time. Now you can sit back and enjoy y_______ reading. Compared with ordinary books, e-books have many advantages. First of all, e-books save space. You can put as many as 10 books into a thing not b______ than a pocket radio. Second, e-books are usually small and light, so it’s easy for you to carry e-books e_________. You can renew books in your e-book any time you like. With the development, probably an e-library will appear. If this idea comes t______, you just take your e-book there and download what you want to read. You no l_______ need to worry about whether your books are over-due (过期的) or not. I think this new way of reading may make people who don’t want to bookshops to read happy. In fact, our lifestyles often c________ with the development. 2 What are you going to do if you are in a burning house ? Do you know how to s______ yourself ? Please read the following passage. K_____ what to do during a fire can save your life. It’s important to know the right way to escape(逃跑) , such as exits and stairways, but not lifts. From the lower floors of buildings, escaping from the windows is p________. Leaving from windows may get the least chance of being hurt.When you are on the second floor, it’s usually not high from the ground. It’s about the h______ of an adult. (成人). Of course, it’s s______ to jump out of the house than to stay in it. It’s important to p_______ yourself when you’re waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door c_______. If you don’t do that, smoke may come into the room where you are. It’s harmful to you. In that condition, you had b______ keep your head low to make sure that you can breathe(呼吸) fresh air rather than smoke. If you on high floors, you can go up till the roof. You can try your b_____ to attract (吸引) people’s attention. Don’t shout all the time because you need to save e______ and wait for rescue(救援). 3 Once a little boy was sad all day. His mother told him to go out to look for love. He knew it may cost him much time to find w_______ love was. So he prepared many things w______ with pizzas and drinks and started off. When he walked p_____ a park, he found an old woman sitting there and watching birds. She looked hungry. The boy gave her a pizza.She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again. He gave her a coke. The woman smiled again.The boy was happy because he felt love. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and s________. But they said nothing.When it grew dark, he decided to leave. Before l______, he turned around and hug(拥抱) the woman. She gave her the biggest smile ever. When he arrived home, his mother was s________ at his look of joy on his face and asked what m_____ him so happy. He told his mother he got the m______beautiful smile. At the same time, he also found his mother’s p_______ and asked why. She said: “I had lunch with love in the park.” If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a b______ life. 4 Henry graduated from a famous university and found a good job in the bank. As he thought he was successful, he sometimes looked down on o_______. He couldn’t get on w______ with workmates and often made mistakes. Soon he was sent away. Then he found a job in a post office. He still couldn’t change his attitude(态度). He couldn’t be competent at it and he had to leave.After he lost his jobs, his life got w______ than before. He was very w_______ about his future. Luckily, a friend of his uncle’s f_____ pity(可怜的) for him and asked him to work in the restaurant. Of course he didn’t like the work at a____ , but he had no choice but to a______ it. After he worked there two months, he grudually(逐渐的) liked the work and learned much experience and was u_____ to the life in the restaurant. During that time,the most important thing for him is that he realized why he was not p______ with others in the past and what he needs to do later.


高中英语重点短语大全 词组在高考英语各类题型中随处可见,对理解句子和文章起着非常重要的作用,另外,如果写作中能够适当运用词组,也会加分不少,所以,千万不要忽视对词组的记忆和运用哦! drop off 下降,减少;睡着,入睡 find out 查明,找出,发现 clear up 清理;澄清,解决;(天)放晴 die down 逐渐消失,变弱 at will 随心所欲 and yet 然而 anything like 像……那样的东西 be confined to 限制在,局限于 to some extent在一定程度上 long-term interest 长远利益 make friends (with) 与...交朋友 little by little 逐渐地,一点点地 no matter 无论 in the mood for 有情绪去做..,有心境做 no more...than 和...一样都不... without accident 安全地 get down (从...)下来;写下;使沮丧 do without 没有...也行,用不着 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5511252988.html,pany 陪伴 take effect 生效,起作用

make a face 做鬼脸 by nature 天生的, 生来 be of the opinion 持有...的看法 by mistake 错误地 in the mood for 有心境做 at most 最多, 至多 object to 反对 participate in 参加 be patient with 对...耐心 peculiar to... 特有的, 独具的 be opposed to... 反对... account for 解释,说明 have the advantage of... 知道...所不知道的事in agreement 同意,一致 in person 亲自, 当面 prohibit...from 禁止, 阻止 on purpose 故意 beyond the reach of 无法达到 in place of 代替 take pride in 以...自豪 proceed from 由…发出 in progress 进行中
