

中国古典园林classical Chinese gardens

苏州园林Suzhou Gardens

拙政园The Humble Administrator’s Garden

塔影亭the tower shadow Pavilion

留听阁the Stay and Listen Pavilion

浮翠阁the Floating Green Pavilion

笠亭the Li Pavilion

与谁同坐轩the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion 宜两亭Both Families Pavilion

三十六鸳鸯馆the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks’Hall

十八曼陀罗花馆the 18 Stramonium Flowers’Hall

枇杷园Loquat Garden

海棠春坞Malus spring castle

听雨轩the “Listen to the rain”Pavilion

玲珑馆Exquisite Hall

小飞虹the Small Flying Rainbow

得真亭the Get Reality Pavilion

小沧浪The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation

听松风处the place for listening to the pine wind

香洲the Boat-like Structure

玉兰堂the Magnolia

远香堂Drifting Fragrance Hall

荷风四面亭the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes

倚玉轩the Listening on Jade Pavilion

待霜亭the Orange Pavilion

雪香云蔚亭the Prunus Mume Pavilion

柳阴路曲the zigzag pathway with willow shade

绣绮亭the Peony Pavilion

见山楼the Mountain in View Tower

别有洞天the Moon Gate

留园The Lingering Garden

华步小筑 A Scene in the Lingering Garden

绿荫the Green Shade Pavilion

小蓬莱the Samll Fairy Isle

舒啸亭the Shuxiao Pavilion

浣云沼the Huanyun Billabong

明瑟搂the Pellucid Tower

涵碧山房Hanbi Mountain Villa

可亭Ke Ting Pavilion

五峰仙馆the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks

林泉耆硕之馆the Old Hermit Scholars’House

闻木樨香轩the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion

揖峰轩the Yifeng Pavilion

又一村“another village”

冠云峰the Cloud Capped Peak

冠云台the Cloud Capped Terrace

冠云亭the Cloud Capped Pavilion

曲溪楼the Zigzag Stream Tower

濠濮亭the Haopu Pavilion

曲廊the Zigzag Walkway

清风池馆the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake 活泼泼地the Place of Liveliness

网师园The Master-of-Nets Garden

小山丛桂轩the Small Hill and Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion

云窟月洞门the Yunku Moon Gate

看松读画轩the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paitings Studio 射鸭廊the Duck Shooting Corridor

月到风来亭the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion

冷泉亭the Cold Spring Pavilion

殿春簃the Peony Study

万卷堂the Hall of Scrolls

撷绣楼the Bueaty Within Reach Tower

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五峰书屋the Five Peaks Library

真意门the True Feeling Gate

环秀山庄The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty

问泉亭the Putting a Question to the Spring Pavilion 飞雪泉the Spring of Flying Snow

水涧the Gully

边楼the Side Tower

补秋山房the Make-up Autumn Gallery

狮子林The Lion Forest Garden

燕誉堂the Yan Yu Hall

海棠门洞the Chinese Flowering Crabapple Gate 指柏轩the Zhi Bai Pavilion

九狮峰the Nine Lions Peak

古五松园the Ancient Five Pines Garden

花篮厅the Flower Basket Hall

真趣亭the True Delight Pavilion

石舫the Stone Boat-Like Structure

湖心亭the Mid-Lake Pavilion

问梅阁the Putting a Question to the Wintersweet Pavilion 文天祥碑亭Wen Tianxiang Stele Pavilion

扇面亭the Fan-Shaped Pavilion

修竹阁the Practising Buddhism Pavilion

立雪堂the Li Xue Hall

艺圃The Garden of Cultivation

博雅堂the Bo Ya Hall

乳鱼亭the Fry Pavilion

香草居the Sweetgrass House

响月廊the Sound of Moon Verandah

耦园The Couple’s Garden Retreat

吾爱亭the Wu Ai Pavilion

听橹楼the Ting Lu Tower

城曲草堂the Cheng Qu Thatched Cottage

载酒堂the Carrying Wine Hall

还砚斋the Giving Back Inkstone Studio

沧浪亭Surging Waves Pavilion

明道堂the Ming Dao Hall

看山楼the Looking at Mountains Tower

翠玲珑the Jade and Exquisite Study

清香馆the Prue Fragance Hall

康熙御碑亭the Kangxi Imperial Stele Pavilion

退思园The Garden of Quiet Meditation

揽胜阁the Viewing Landscape Pavilion

水香榭the Water Fragance Pavilion

退思草堂the Thatched Cottag of Quiet Meditation 闹红一轲the Boat-Like Structure with Goldfish

菰雨生凉 A Tower View by the Water

眠云亭the Sleeping Cloud Pavilion

畹香楼the Wan Xiang Tower

怡园The Garden of Pleasant

岁寒草庐the Sui Han Thatched Cottage

四时潇洒亭the Four Seasons Fine Pavilion

石轩the Bai Shi Pavilion

石听琴the Shi Ting Qin Music Studio

小沧浪亭the Small Surging Waves Pavilion

锁绿轩the Locking Green Pavilion

云墙the Cloud Wall

画舫斋the Painted Boat Studio

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螺髻亭the Luo Ji Pavilion

碧梧?风the Bi-Wu-Qi-Feng Pavilion

北京故宫former imperial palace

北海beihai lake

濠濮涧Pavilion for quiet meditation

画舫斋painted boat studio

五龙亭five-dragon Pavilion

琼华岛qionghua isle

九龙墙nine-dragon wall

静心斋tranquil heart studio

圆明园the yuanmingyuan(garden of gardens)

玉泉山jade spring(yuquan hill)

方壶胜境Wonderland on Fanghu Ishand

三潭印月Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

西洋楼景区European Palaces

黄花阵The Labyrinth

谐奇趣Harmonious Wonder



龙凤水法the Dragon-Phoenix Fountain

五竹亭Five Bamboo Pavilions

海晏堂Hall of National peace

线法山Hill of Perspective

方河Square Lake

线法画Perspective Landscapes

蓬岛瑶台Pengdao Yaotai (Immortal Abode on Penglai Island) 正觉寺Zhengjue (Enlightenment) Temple

绮春园宫门Palace Gates of Qichunyuan

鉴碧亭Jianbi Pavilion(Pavilion in a Blue Mirror)

绮春园石残桥Remnants of a Stone Bridge

涵秋馆Three-Arch Bridge of the Hanqiu(Embracing Autumn)Study

仙人承露台Xianren Chenglu (Platform of Immortal Receiving Heavenly Dew) 浩然亭Haoran (Noble Spirit) Pavilion

会心桥Huixin Bridge (Bridge of Understanding)

别有洞天Bieyou Dongtian(Place of Unique Beauty)

含经堂Hanjingtang(Tripataka Hall)

颐和园the summer palace

苏州街Suzhou Street

仁寿殿the Hall of benevolence and longevity

德和园the Garden of harmonious delights

排云殿cloud dispelling hall

佛香阁the tower of the fragrant buddha

万寿山the Longevity Hill

昆明湖kunming lake

长廊the long corridor

十七孔桥 a 17-span bridge

听莺阁Pavilion for listening to orioles

恭王府花园the mansion of the prince of gong

景山公园Jingshan Park

观妙亭the Guanmiao Pavilion

南京瞻园the zhanyuan garden in nanjing

花竺厅Hall of flower and bamboo

静妙堂jingmiao hall

南京煦园the xiyuan garden in nanjing

夕佳楼Xijia Pavilion

不系舟anchor less boat

承德避暑山庄the summer mountain resort at chengde

上帝阁Pavilion of God

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芳洲亭the Fangzhou Pavilion

水心榭shuixin chamber

淡泊敬诚厅the Danbojingcheng Hall

烟雨楼Pavilion of mist and rain


金山寺jinshan temple

上海豫园yuyuan garden in shanghai

玉玲珑yulinglong rock

殿春堂the dianchun Pavilion

龙墙the dragon wall

万花厅the ten thousand flower Pavilion

香山公园xiangshan park

古漪园guyi garden

艺圃yipu garden

虎丘tiger hill

瘦西湖slim west lake

个园geyuan garden

鹤园heyuan garden

天坛the temple of heaven

西湖west lake

沈园shenyuan garden

杜甫草堂du fu’s thatched hut

中国风景名胜区scenic resort and historic site in China

五岳Five Famous Mountains

佛教四大名山Four Buddhist Holy Mountains

岩洞风景karst landescape

石林风景forest of rock

太湖风景区Taihu Lake scenic resort

杭州西湖West Lake,Hangzhou

雁荡山风景区Yandangshan Mountain scenic spot 黄山风景区Huangshan Mountain scenic spot 武夷山风景区Wuyishan Mountain scenic spot

庐山Lushan Mountain

武当山风景区Wudangshan Mountain scenic spot 桂林山水landscape of Guilin

日月潭Riyue Pool

国家公园national park

休养胜地place for resort

意大利传统园林Traditional Italian garden

法尔奈斯庄园Villa Palazzina Farnese

埃斯特庄园Villa Deste

兰特庄园Villa Lante

波波里花园Boboli Garden

加尔佐尼庄园Villa Garzoni

冈贝里亚庄园Villa Gamberaia

阿尔多布兰迪尼庄园Villa Aldoblandini

伊索拉"贝拉庄园Villa Isola Bella

玛达玛庄园Villa Madama

西赛罗Marcus Cicero

小普林尼 C. Caecilius Plinius Secundus

科西莫"德"美第奇Cosimo de Medici

罗伦佐"德"美第奇Lorenzo de Medici

阿尔贝蒂Leon Battista Alberti

多纳托"布拉曼特Donato Bramante


吉阿柯莫"达"维涅奥拉Giacomo da Vignola

利戈里奥Pirro Ligorio

法国传统园林Traditional French garden

谢农索庄园Chenonceaux Castle

维兰德利庄园Villandry Castle

卢森堡花园Luxembourg Garden

沃-勒-维贡特庄园Vaux-Le-Vicomte Castle

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枫丹白露宫苑Fontainebleau Palace

凡尔赛宫苑Versailles Palace

丢勒里宫苑Tuileries Palace

商蒂伊庄园Chantilly Castle

索园Sceaux Park

蒙梭公园Moceau Park

肖蒙山丘公园Buttes-Chaumont Park

皮埃尔"德"迈柯利阿诺Pasello da Mercogliano

弗朗索瓦一世Francois ler

杜塞尔索家族Les Du Cerceau

莫莱家族Les Mollet

雅克"布瓦索Jacques Boyceau de la Baraudi 路易十四Louis Xiv

安德烈"勒"诺特尔Andre Le Notre

让"雅克"卢梭Jean Jacques Rousseaux

吉拉丹侯爵Louis-Rene,le marquis de Girardin

阿尔方Jean Charles Adolphe Alphand 爱德华"安德烈Edourd Andre

英国传统园林Traditional English garden


布伦海姆风景园Blenheim Palace



霍华德庄园Castle Howard

皇家植物园邱园Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 尼曼斯花园Nymans

汉普顿宫苑Hampton Court

约翰"罗斯John Rose

乔治"卢顿和亨利"怀斯Gorge Loudon and Henri Wise

威廉"坦普尔Willian Temple

约瑟夫"艾迪生Joseph Addison

亚历山大"蒲柏Alexander Pope

斯梯芬"斯威特则Stephen Switzer

凡布高和查理"布里奇曼John Vanbrugh and Charles Bridgeman 威廉"肯特William Kent

朗塞洛特"布朗Lancelot Brown

威廉"钱伯斯William Chambers

胡弗莱"雷普顿Humphry Repton

德国传统园林Traditional Germany garden 慕尼黑宫廷花园Hofgarten Muenchen







英国园Englischer Garten




孔雀岛和蒂尔加腾Pfaueninsel and Tiergarten 慕斯考Muskau


慕尼黑奥林匹克公园Olympiapark Muenchen

波恩莱茵公司Rheinpark Bonn

慕尼黑西园Westpark Muenchen


斯开尔Friedrich Ludwig von Sckell

莱内Peter Josef Lenne

平克勒Ludwig Heinrich Fuerst von Pueckler Muskau

西雅图自由大道公园Freeway Park,Seattle

意大利广场Plazzad Italia

威尔榭广场Wilshire Plaza

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派利公园Paley Park

佩讯广场Pershing Square

圣琼斯市广场公园San Jose Plaza Work

墨西哥城新遗址公园New Mexico City New Park 喷泉广场Fountain Plaza

RIO购物中心RIO Shoppong Center

太平洋贝尔公司行政中心Pacific Bell Administration Center

油库公园Gas Works Park

蟾蜍楼花园Toad Hall

沃特里奇公司工业广场Wateridge Corporate Business Park

罗宾逊广场Robinson Square

哈乐昆广场Harlequin plaza

冬园—尼亚加拉瀑布Winter Garden-Niagara Fall

弗雷德里克奥姆斯特德Fredrick Law Olmsted

罗伯托伯利马克斯Roberto Burle Marx

路易斯巴拉干Luis Barragan

丹基利Dan Kiley

佐佐木英夫Hideo Sasaki

彼特沃克Peter Walker

乔治哈格里夫斯George Hargreaves

人类生态环境human ecological environment

自然系统natural system

自然资源natural resource

自然保护conservation of nature

自然保存natural preservation

环境保护environmental protection

环境容量environment capacity

环境适宜性environment fitness

环境空气质量标准ambient air quality



公害public nuisance

生态绝灭ecological extinction



生态灾难ecological disaster

环境质量environmental quality

环境压力environment stress

生命维持系统life-support system

反馈系统feedback system





濒危植物endangered plant, threatened plant

主体群落major community

人工群落artificial community

绿色革命green revolution

户外娱乐资源outdoor recreation resource

原始环境系统wilderness environment system

近代环境系统modern environment system

乡村生活模式country life-pattern

烟害smoke pollution, fume pollution

雾害fog pollution

霜害frost injury

水污染water pollution

土壤污染soil pollution, soil contamination

园林小气候garden microclimate

环境保护植物environmental conservation plant 引气候调节climatic regulation


生态平衡ecological homeostasis

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森林生态系统forest ecosystem

草原生态系统prairie ecosystem

滞尘植物dust holding plant

自然式园林Natural garden style

混合式园林Mixed garden style

近代巴洛克式园林Modern Baroque style 马克斯抽象园林R.B. Marx abstract garden

园林区划Garden area division

园林分区规划Garden block planning

庭院花园Courtyard garden

前庭Front yard, forecourt

后庭Back yard, rear yard


厨园Kitchen yard

沉[床]园Sunken garden

窗园Window garden

墙园Wall garden

宅园Home garden

台地园Terrace garden

冬园Winter garden

切花园Cut flower garden

屋顶花园Roof garden

后花园Back yard garden

园林地形改造Topographical reform of garden 土山Earth piled hill, mound artificial

假山rockery, artificial rockwork

太湖石Taihu Lake stone, water modelled stone

黄石Yellowish brown stone

人造假山石Artificial stone, man-made stone 孤赏石monolith, standing stone

掇山Piled stone hill, hill making

叠石Stones laying

板石Flag stone

散点石Scattered stone

抱角石Corner stone

屋基石Foundation stone

排衙石Guard stone

屏石Screen stone

石岸Rock bank

石阶Stone steps

汀步Stepping stone on water surface

附壁石Stone appended to wall

石花台Stone flower bed

石凳Stone bench

假山石挡土墙Rock retaining wall

干砌石Dry stone wall

假山石楼梯Rock Stairway

石亭Stone Pavilion

石洞Stone cavern


置石Stone arrangement, stone layout

拱石Arch stone

拱顶石Key stone

园林水景Water scenes of garden 水体Water body

水面Water surface




喷水池Fountain pool

涉水池Wading pool

倒影池Mirror pool, reflecting pool

睡莲池water-lily pool

喷水管布置Piping schema

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钓鱼塘Fishing pond

高水位池塘High water table pond

池边坐人矮墙Seat wall surrounded pool

隐头喷泉Secret fountain

岛园Island garden

半岛园Peninsula garden





矶Rock projecting over water

水帘洞Water curtain cave

园桥Garden bridge

拱桥Arch bridge

石板桥Stone slab bridge

木板桥Plank bridge

圆木桥Log bridge

亭桥Pavilion bridge

曲桥Zigzag bridge

壁泉Wall fountain

饮水喷头Drinking fountain

植物配植Plant arrangement

树木配植Arrangement of trees and shrubs 群植Group planting, mass planting

孤植Specimen planting, isolated planting

丛植Clump planting

组植Group planting

林植Forest planting

列植Linear planting

对植Opposite planting, coupled planting

环植Circular planting

带植Belt planting

散植Scattered planting, loose planting

边缘种植Edge planting

边界种植Boundary planting

整形种植Architectural planting

基础种植Foundation planting

角隅种植Corner planting

景框种植Planting as enframent

门卫种植Guard planting

篱恒种植Fence planting

障景种植Screen planting

背景种植Background planting

林下种植Underwood planting

路边种植Roadside planting



庭荫树Shade tree

园景树Specimen tree

风景林Amenity forest,ornamental forest

行道树Avenue tree, street tree

纪念林Memorial forest

整型树Topiary tree

花篱Flower hedge'

刺篱Thorny plants hedge

常绿绿篱Evergreen hedge

落叶绿篱Deciduous hedge

高篱High hedge

沟中边篱hah-hah fence

图案矮篱Pattern dwarf hedge

迷宫绿篱Labyrinth hedge

整剪绿篱Clipped hedge

自然式花篱Natural flowering hedge 边篱Boundary fence

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园篱Garden fence, garden hedge

纯林Pure forest

混交林mixed forest

林间隙地open space in woodland


树冠覆盖面tree canopy


整形草坪formal lawn

开花草坪flowering lawn

牧场草坪meadowy land

花坛flower bed

路边花坛roadside flower bed

带状花坛ribbon flower bed

时钟花坛flower clock

盆栽花坛potted flower bed, basined flower bed 高设花台Raised flower bed

毛毡花坛carpet bed

镶嵌花坛mosaic bed

铺石花坛paved bed

灌木花坛shrub bed


草药花坛herbaceous flower bed

花结花坛knot bed

整形花坛formal flower bed

花境flower border

花桶Flower tub

植树箱Planting box

活动花坛Movable flower bed

瓶饰Garden vase

灌木花境Shrub border

混合花境Mixed border

园林道路设计Garden road design, garden path design

漫步路trail, footway

小径alley, path

川草坪岛Lawn island

安全岛Traffic island, refuge island

转弯曲度Turning curvature

转弯半径Turning radius

踏面Landing pitch

步石Stepping stone

涉水踏步Wading step

错铺路Crazy paving path

随意组合方石板路Flag stone path paved at random 花纹路Pattern path




林间小道Path in woodland

种植池Planting bed

树池保护格栅Tree grate

树干保护套栏Tree guard

树池坐凳矮墙seatwall-surrounded planting

路面线纹Score line

传统园林建筑traditional garden building

凉亭summer shelter

活树亭arbor, tent arbor

蘑菇亭mushroom Pavilion

茅亭thatched Pavilion

竹亭bamboo Pavilion

茶亭tea booth, tea kiosk


水廊corridor on water

曲廊zigzag veranda

扒山廊sloping gallery

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楼廊two-storied gallery

画舫painted pleasure boat

石舫stone boat

不击舟immovable pleasure boat

诗条石poem-engraved stone slab

月洞门moon gate


坐凳栏杆seat rail

石碑stone tablet, stele

园林露天剧场open garden theater

园林露天舞池open garden dancing place


露天音乐台outdoor music stand

眺望台prospect deck

繁殖温室plant propagation greenhouse

展览温室public conservatory

月池new-moon pool

园林小品small garden ornaments

磁砖壁画painted tile mural tablet

园椅garden chair, garden seat

园凳garden bench

园桌garden table

园灯garden lamp


鸟浴bird bath

鸟舍bird cottage, nestle box

鸟笼bird cage, bird coop

悬篮hanging basket

野鸟喂食器bird feeder

额匾horizontal inscribed board

楹联couplet written on scroll, couplet on pillar 引露天烤炉open barbecue

树棚living-tree pergola


花格架trellis, treillage

点景牌楼naming pailou, decorated archway

园林施工garden layout, garden construction

种植工程planting engineering

大树移植big tree transplanting

裸根移植bare root transplanting

土球移植ball transplanting

沟植trench planting

假植heeling in, temporary planting

播种草坪seeding lawn

铺草皮块草坪sodding lawn

假山工程rockery engineering

掇山五法five methods”of rock piling

等分平衡法method of making the rock equa-tional and balanced

前轻后重法method of making the front part of rock lighter than the back part 上轻下重法method of lowering the center ofgravity of rocks

纹理统一法method of unifying the rock veins

石料统一法method of unifying the rock mate-rials

观赏树木ornamental tree and shrub

观叶植物foliage plant

观果植物fruit-effect plant

观枝干植物plants with ornamental trunks and branches

指示植物indicating plant

主景植物accent plant

耐湿植物damp tolerant plant

抗风植物wind-resistant plant

耐盐碱植物saline-alkali tolerant plant

市花city flower

市树city tree

国花national flower

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国树national tree

芳香植物fragrant plant

抗污染植物pollution resistant plant

环保植物environment protecting plant

高山植物alpine plant

岩生植物rock plant

攀缘植物climbing plant, climber

地被植物ground cover plant

阴生植物shade plant

装饰植物decorative plant

装缘植物edging plant

绿蓠植物hedge plant

草坪植物lawn plant, lawn grass

花坛植物bedding plant

球根植物bulbous plant

宿根植物perennial plant, perennial

水生植物aquatic plant, hydrophyte


沼泽植物bog plant, swamp plant

室内装饰植物indoor decorative plant, house plant 切花cut flower

垂枝植物pendulous plant, weeping plant

缠绕植物twiner, twinning plant

针叶植物needle-leaved plant

阔叶植物broad-leaved plant

斑叶植物variegate-leaved plant


常绿植物evergreen plant

半常绿植物semi-evergreen plant

不耐寒植物tender plant

半耐寒植物half-hardy plant

耐寒植物hardy plant

耐旱植物drought enduring plant

山石材料stone material

昆山石Kunshan stone


灵壁石Lingbi stone

英德石Yingde stone

青石Qing stone

宣石Xuan stone

房山石Fangshan stone

观赏动物ornamental animal

观赏鸟类ornamental bird

观赏兽类ornamental beast

观赏昆虫类ornamental insect

园林机械Garden machine

园林工具Garden instrument,garden implement 园林设备Garden equipment

花坛分界隔板Plastic bed divider

种植容器Planting container

圆木桩Log peg

喷射装置Jet bubbler

滴灌Trickle irrigator,drip irrigator

环动喷灌器Circle sprinkler

圆筒喷灌器Totor sprinkler

自控器Automatic controller

管端喷灌器Hose end sprinkler

固定喷灌器Stationary sprinkler

喷雾喷灌器Mist sprinkler,spray head sprinkler

喷灌覆盖面Sprinkler coverage

草坪加肥器Lawn feeder

施肥喷灌器Combined feeder and sprinkler

液肥混合调配器Liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner


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水土保持塑料网Erosion control plastic net

苗木包装材料Nursery stock package material

麻布袋Burlap bag

铁丝篮Wire basket

篮状种植器Basket container

塑料苗木桶Plastic nurserican

播种盘Seed tray

网孔盆Mesh pot

含肥泥炭盆Fertile peat pot

盆栽机Potting machine

换盆机Repotting machine

再生纸种植器Reclaimed paper container

纤维育苗器Wood fiber plant grower

泥炭压制播种机Peat seeding pellet ,peat seeding starter 松土除草机Cultivator

旋转锄Rotary hoe

切叶机Foliage cutter

翻地犁Uncovering plough

盖土机Mounted spreader

前悬装土机Front mounted loader

后缀装土机Rear mounted loader

旋轴剪草机Spindle mower

栽植机Planting machine

植物覆盖Plant mulching

覆盖物分散机Mulch spreader

种子液肥喷洒机Hydro seeder

修枝剪Pruning shear

播种器Garden seeder

球根种植器Buld planter

土壤酸度探测器pH-value computer

肥效分析器Fertilizer analyzer

嫁接刀Grafting knife

温室设备Greenhouse equipment

盆栽灌水系统Pot watering system

温室气候控制器Greenhouse climate controller

温室覆盖Greenhouse covering

喷雾自控系统Automatic mist control system

二氧化碳发生器CO2 generator

温度警报钟Temperature alarm

游览车Park sightseeing bus

剪草机Lawn mower

动力剪草机Power lawnmower

畜力剪草机Horse lawnmower

手推剪草机Hand lawnmower

游人调查Visitors investigation

游人统计Visitors statistics

游人分析Garden visitors analysis

游人管理Visitors management

导游图Tourist map

导游解说Tour description

劳动管理Labour management

物资管理Material handlingl,goods handling

设备管理Equipment management,facility management 财务管理Financial management

安全管理Safety management

环境监测Environmental monitor

植物养护管理Plant maintenance and management

园林技术管理Garden technical management

质量管理Quality management

园貌维修Garden feature maintenance

植物整形修剪Plant trimming and pruning

植物病虫防治Disease and insect control

园林管理规划Management plan

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园林景观专业英语词汇 规划planning 草图sketch;rough map 平面plan 剖面section 立面elevation 透视perspective 示意图diagram 容积率coverage 城市设计urban design; civic design 区域规划regional planning 步行轴ped axis 总体规划general planning; master planning 分区规划district planning 近期建设规划immediate plan 城市详细规划detailed planning 控制性详细规划control detailed planning 修建性详细规划site plan 居住区规划residential district planning 城市化urbanization 城市生态urban ecology 可持续发展sustainable development 历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities 旧城改建urban redevelopment 开发区development area 城市化水平urbanization level 城市群agglomeration 城镇体系urban system 卫星城satellite town 城市基础设施urban infrastructure 居民点settlement 市municipality; city 生态基础设施ecological infrastructure 牧场pasture 市域administrative region of a city 商业区commercial district 行政中心administration center 商业街commercial street 科技园technological region 校园规划campus planning 城市中心区urban center district 居住单元flat 历史地段history district


项目背景分析ProjectBackground 1.1 规划用地分析Analysis ofland use planning 1。2区位及项目背景分析Location and projectbackground 1、3 场地现状分析Venues situationanalysis 1。4 项目定位Project orientation 1、5 项目设计说明description of project design 总图部分General Plan section 2.1 总平面图general plan/layout 2.2 总平面示意图totalschematic plan 2。3 功能分区与交通分析图Functional zoning andtraffic analysischart 分区大样部分Largepartsofthe partition sample 3、1设计手法展示Designtechniques 3。2参考意向Intention 3。3 主入口部分节点放大意向图Mainentrance node amplifyintention 3、4 次入口部分节点放大意向图Parttime entrance nodeenlargement intention 3.5 景观元素意向图The elements of landscape intention 3。6 植物配置分析Plant configuration analysis 3。7植物配置意向图Plantconfiguration intention 儿童嬉水池Children Water Play 特色凉亭/栏杆/雕塑/灯笼/景墙Typical/Feature[Pavilion/Fence/Scul pture/Lantern/Wall 木质平台WoodenPlatform 棋牌活动中心Board Games Area 汀步Step Stone 木平台Wood Deck 草坪Lawn 功能分区图Functional Zoning 交通分析图Traffic Analysis 标高分析图LevelAnalysis 景观节点图Nodes Analysis 剖面图Section 主入口Main Entrance 次入口SecondaryEntrance 人行道Sidewalk 车行道Driveway 观景方向/视线方向DirectionOf View 视线轴线View Corridor 绿化缓冲带Green Buffer 保安亭Guard House 中心广场CentralPlaza 停车场区Parking Area 用地红线SiteLimits 游客中心VisitorCenter


园林学landscape architecture, garden architecture 园林garden and park 绿化greening, planting 城市绿化urban green, urban planting 城市绿地urban green space 公园绿地public park 公园park 儿童公园children park 动物园zoo 植物园botanical garden 墓园cemetery garden 盆景园penjing garden, miniature landscape 盲人公园park for the blind 花园garden 历史名园historical garden and park 风景名胜公园famous scenic park 纪念公园memorial park 街旁绿地roadside green space 带状公园linear park 专类公园theme park 岩石园rock garden 社区公园community park 生产绿地productive plantation area 防护绿地green buffer, green area for environmental protection 附属绿地attached green space 居住绿地green space attachéd to housing estate, residential green space 道路绿地green space attached to urban road and square 屋顶花园roof garden 立体绿化vertical planting 风景林地scenic forest land 城市绿地系统urban green space system 城市绿地系统规划urban green space system planning 绿地覆盖面积green coverage 绿地覆盖率percentage of greenery coverage 绿地率greening rate, ratio of green space 绿带green belt 楔形绿地green wedge 城市绿地boundary line of urban green space 园林史landscape history, garden history 古典园林classical garden 囿hunting park 苑imperial park


园林景观专业英语词汇 园林景观专业英语词汇 规划planning 草图sketch;rough map 平面plan 剖面section 立面elevation 透视perspective 示意图diagram 容积率coverage 城市设计urban design; civic design 区域规划regional planning 步行轴ped axis 总体规划general planning; master planning 分区规划district planning 近期建设规划immediate plan 城市详细规划detailed planning 控制性详细规划control detailed planning 修建性详细规划site plan 居住区规划residential district planning 城市化urbanization

城市生态urban ecology 可持续发展sustainable development 历史文化名城保护规划Plan of Preservation of Historic Cities 旧城改建urban redevelopment 开发区development area 城市化水平urbanization level 城市群agglomeration 城镇体系urban system 卫星城satellite town 城市基础设施urban infrastructure 居民点settlement 市municipality; city 生态基础设施ecological infrastructure 牧场pasture 市域administrative region of a city 商业区commercial district 行政中心administration center 商业街commercial street 科技园technological region 校园规划campus planning 城市中心区urban center district


Landscape Design Development Package 景观扩初设计图册 Drawing Schedule 图纸目录 Sheet No 纸页号码 Description 图画说明 Sheet Size 纸页尺寸 Revision Reference 修正参考 Additional Drawing 图纸附加 Deleted Drawing 图纸册除 Remarks 备注 Drawing File Name 图画名词 Internal Drawing Date 内部绘图日期 Internal Revision Date 内部修正日期 封面纸页 Materials Schedule 物科目录 General Legend 一般图例 Standard Symbols & Abbreviations 标准象微及简写 Landscape Plans (LP-) (Bound Separately) 景观设计平面图(分开缚装)Reference Plan 指引图 Part 01 第一部分 Client 业主 Project 项目 Scale 比例 Designed By 设计者 Drawn By 绘图者 Checked By 检查者 Approved By 批核者 Setting-Out Plan 定位图 Levels/Drainage/Irrigation Plan 标高和给排水图 Materials Plan 物科图 Lighting Plan 照明配置图 Landscape Sections 景观设计部面图 Typical Planter Details 标准种植槽详图 Typical Overflow/Planter Drain Detail 标准溢流/种植槽排水详图Typical Waterpoint Detail 标准灌溉供水口详图 Typical Planter Wall Detail 标准种植槽墙详图 Typical Driveway/Planter Curb Detail 标准车道/种植槽道牙详图Floating Tree Collar Detail 01 (Typical) 悬浮树环详图 Typical Flushed Planter Detail 标准及地面种植槽详图Typical Trench Drain Detail 标准排水沟详图 Typical Step & Wall Details 标准台阶和墙壁详图 Steps Detail 台阶详图 Step Lawn Detail 台阶草坪详图 Typical Wheel Guard Detail 标准保安轮详图 Typical Gate Detail 标准闸门详图 Seatwall Detail 座墙详图 Railing Detail 栋杆详图 Typical Fence Detail 标准围墙详图 Endpost detail 端柱详图 Paving Details (LD-3) 铺地详图 Paving 01 铺地


园林机械garden machine 园林工具garden instrument, garden implement 园林设备garden equipment 花坛分界隔板plastic bed divider 种植容器planting container 圆木桩log peg 喷射装置jet bubbler 滴灌trickle irrigator, drip irrigator 环动喷灌器circle sprinkler 圆筒喷灌器rotor sprinkler 自控器automatic controller 管端喷灌器hose end sprinkler 固定喷灌器stationary sprinkler 喷雾喷灌器mist sprinkler, spray head sprinkler 喷灌覆盖面sprinkler coverage 草坪加肥器lawn feeder 施肥喷灌器combined feeder and sprinkler 液肥混合调配器liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner 滴水喷头emitter, dripper 水土保持塑料网erosion control plastic net 苗木包装材料nursery stock package material 麻布袋burlap bag 铁丝篮wire basket 篮状种植器basket container 塑料苗木桶plastic nurserican 播种盘seed tray 网孔盆mesh pot 含肥泥炭盆fertile peat pot 盆栽机potting machine





中国古典园林classical Chinese gardens 苏州园林Suzhou Gardens 拙政园The Humble Administrator’s Garden 塔影亭the tower shadow Pavilion 留听阁the Stay and Listen Pavilion 浮翠阁the Floating Green Pavilion 笠亭the Li Pavilion 与谁同坐轩the “With Whom Shall I Sit?”Pavilion 宜两亭Both Families Pavilion 三十六鸳鸯馆the 36 Pairs of Mandarin Ducks’Hall 十八曼陀罗花馆the 18 Stramonium Flowers’Hall 枇杷园Loquat Garden 海棠春坞Malus spring castle 听雨轩the “Listen to the rain”Pavilion 玲珑馆Exquisite Hall 小飞虹the Small Flying Rainbow 得真亭the Get Reality Pavilion 小沧浪The small Pavilion of Quiet Meditation 听松风处the place for listening to the pine wind 香洲the Boat-like Structure 玉兰堂the Magnolia 远香堂Drifting Fragrance Hall 荷风四面亭the Pavilion in the Lotus Breezes 倚玉轩the Listening on Jade Pavilion 待霜亭the Orange Pavilion 雪香云蔚亭the Prunus Mume Pavilion 柳阴路曲the zigzag pathway with willow shade 绣绮亭the Peony Pavilion 见山楼the Mountain in View Tower 别有洞天the Moon Gate 留园The Lingering Garden 华步小筑 A Scene in the Lingering Garden 绿荫the Green Shade Pavilion 小蓬莱the Samll Fairy Isle 舒啸亭the Shuxiao Pavilion 浣云沼the Huanyun Billabong 明瑟搂the Pellucid Tower 涵碧山房Hanbi Mountain Villa 可亭Ke Ting Pavilion 五峰仙馆the Celestial Hall of Five Peaks 林泉耆硕之馆the Old Hermit Scholars’House 闻木樨香轩the Osmanthus Fragrance Pavilion 揖峰轩the Yifeng Pavilion 又一村“another village” 冠云峰the Cloud Capped Peak 冠云台the Cloud Capped Terrace 冠云亭the Cloud Capped Pavilion 曲溪楼the Zigzag Stream Tower 濠濮亭the Haopu Pavilion 曲廊the Zigzag Walkway 清风池馆the Refreshing Breeze Pavilion by the Lake 活泼泼地the Place of Liveliness 网师园The Master-of-Nets Garden 小山丛桂轩the Small Hill and Osmanthus Fragance Pavilion 云窟月洞门the Yunku Moon Gate 看松读画轩the Watching Pines and Appreciating Paitings Studio 射鸭廊the Duck Shooting Corridor 月到风来亭the Moon Come with Breeze Pavilion 冷泉亭the Cold Spring Pavilion 殿春簃the Peony Study 万卷堂the Hall of Scrolls 撷绣楼the Bueaty Within Reach Tower 五峰书屋the Five Peaks Library 真意门the True Feeling Gate 环秀山庄The Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty


园林专业外语词汇大全 主入口大门/岗亭main entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian) 次入口/岗亭2nd entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian) 商业中心入口entrance to shopping ctr. 水景water feature 小型露天剧场mini amphi-theatre 迎宾景观welcoming feature 观景木台timber deck (viewing) 竹园bamboo garden 漫步广场walkway plaza 露天咖啡廊out door café 巨大迎宾水景-2 grand welcoming feature -2 木桥timber bridge 洞穴grotto 吊桥hanging bridge 休憩台地(低处) lounging terrace(lower) 休憩台地(高处) lounging terrace(upper) 特色踏步feature stepping stone 野趣小溪river wild 儿童乐园children's playground 旱冰道slide 羽毛球场badminton court 旱景dry landscape 日艺园Japanese garden 旱喷泉dry fountain 观景台viewing deck 游泳池swimming pool 极可意Jacuzzi 嬉水池wading pool 儿童泳池children's pool 蜿蜒水墙winding wall 石景雕塑rock sculpture 中心广场central plaza 健身广场exercise plaza 桥bridge 交流广场meditating plaza 趣味树阵tree battle formation 停车场parking area 特色花架trellis 雕塑小道sculpture trail (高尔夫)轻击区putting green 高尔夫球会所golf clubhouse 每栋建筑入口entrance paving to unit 篮球场basketball court


保留地 reserved land 步行街 pedestrian street 仓储区 warehouse district 仓储用地 warehouse land 城市(城镇) city 城市布局 urban layout 城市道路面积率 urban road area ratio 城市道路网 urban road network 城市道路网密度 density of urban road network 城市道路系统 urban road system 城市对外交通 intercity transportation 城市发展方向 direction for urban development 城市发展目标 goal for urban development 城市发展战略 strategy for urban development 城市防洪 urban flood control 城市防洪标准 flood control standard 城市防洪工程 flood control works 城市防空 urban air defense 城市防灾 urban disaster prevention 城市防震 earthquake hazard protection 城市给水 water supply 城市给水工程 water supply engineering

城市给水系统 water supply system 城市工程管线综合 integrated design for utilities pipelines 城市功能分区 functional districts 城市供电电源 power source 城市供电系统 power supply system 城市供热系统 district heating system 城市规划 urban planning 城市规划法规 legislation on urban planning 城市规划管理 urban planning administration 城市规划建设管理 urban planning and development control 城市规划区 urban planning area 城市规划用地管理 urban planning land use administration 城市规模 city size 城市化 urbanization 城市化水平 urbanization level 城市环境保护 city environmental protection 城市环境污染 city environmental pollution 城市环境质量 city environmental quality 城市环境质量评价 city environmental quality assessment 城市基础设施 urban infrastructure 城市集中供热 district heating 城市建成区 urban built-up area


澳大利亚五贝设计景观专业英文词汇基本要求汇总2007年5月 General words 常用词汇 园林=营造景观学Gardening=Landscape architecture 城市景观规划和设计Urban landscape planning and design 城市绿地系统规划Urban green space system planning 规划设计Urban design 住宅区residential area 公寓apartment 酒店式公寓hotel apartment 服务式公寓service apartment 联排别墅townhouse 独立别墅house 双拼别墅duplex 商业用房commercial building 用地面积site area 建筑面积GFA (gross floor area) 容积率 F.A.R (floor-area ratio) 建筑密度building density 绿化率green coverage ratio 集中绿化面积central green area 景观设计landscape design 景观规划概念设计landscape planning 景观方案设计landscape conceptual design 景观扩初设计landscape development design 景观施工图设计landscape construction design 土地利用规划land-use planning 地形图topography plan 交通流线分析图traffic flow analysis plan 交通岛(转盘)traffic island 密度density 循环circulation 高速公路highway 消防车道 E.V.A emergency vehicle access(Fire-truck access)消防登高面fire-landing space 人体尺寸human scale 交通与停车traffic and parking 步行道(园路)footpath 钢化玻璃tough glass 不锈钢stainless steel 管子/管道pipe

园林景观学英文词汇-Garden Academical Terms

Garden Academical Terms1 主入口大门/岗亭main entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian) 次入口/岗亭2nd entrance gate/guard house (for vehicle & pedestrian) 商业中心入口entrance to shopping ctr. 水景water feature 小型露天剧场mini amphi-theatre 迎宾景观welcoming feature 观景木台timber deck (viewing) 竹园bamboo garden 漫步广场walkway plaza 露天咖啡廊out door café 巨大迎宾水景-2 grand welcoming feature -2 木桥timber bridge 洞穴grotto 吊桥hanging bridge 休憩台地(低处) lounging terrace(lower) 休憩台地(高处) lounging terrace(upper) 特色踏步feature stepping stone 野趣小溪river wild 儿童乐园children's playground 旱冰道slide 羽毛球场badminton court 旱景dry landscape 日艺园Japanese garden 旱喷泉dry fountain 观景台viewing deck 游泳池swimming pool 极可意Jacuzzi 嬉水池wading pool 儿童泳池children's pool 蜿蜒水墙winding wall 石景雕塑rock sculpture 中心广场central plaza


建筑build; architecture; construct; architectural; architectural & industrial ceramics 建筑安装工程量construction work quantity 建筑板材building board 建筑材料表list of building materials 建筑材料检验building material testing 建筑材料行building material dealer 建筑材料运输列车construction train 建筑草图architectural sketch 建筑朝向building orientation 建筑成本预算construction cost estimate 建筑承包商building contractor 建筑尺度architectural scale 建筑处理architectural treatment 建筑创作architectural creation 建筑大五金architectural metalwork 建筑大样architectural detail 建筑单元building unit 建筑费construction cost 建筑风格architectural style 建筑辅助系统building subsystem 建筑钢construction(al) steel 建筑钢板building sheet 建筑高度building height; height of building 建筑高度分区building height zoning; height zoning 建筑工程升降机builder's lift 建筑工地选择siting 建筑工羊角锤头builder's claw hammer head 建筑工业building industry; construction industry 建筑工种building trades 建筑构思architectural conception 建筑构图composition on architecture; architectural composition 建筑构造building construction 建筑估价building cost estimate 建筑管理architectural control 建筑规程building regulations 建筑规范building code 建筑机械construction machinery; building machinery 建筑及维护规则recommendation 建筑结构building structure 建筑结构分析语言structural engineering system solver (STRESS) 建筑立面elevation of building; building elevation 建筑沥青bitumen for building; building asphalt No. 10 建筑力学architectural mechanics 建筑铝型材生产线architectural aluminum profile production line 建筑毛面积gross floor area 建筑毛造价gross building cost 建筑面积area of structure; covered area 建筑面积比floor-area ratio (F.A.R.) 建筑面积指标floor-space index (F.S.I.) 建筑模数building module


园林机械 garden machine 园林工具 garden instrument, garden implement 园林设备 garden equipment 花坛分界隔板 plastic bed divider 种植容器 planting container 圆木桩 log peg 喷射装置 jet bubbler 滴灌 trickle irrigator, drip irrigator 环动喷灌器 circle sprinkler 圆筒喷灌器 rotor sprinkler 自控器 automatic controller 管端喷灌器 hose end sprinkler 固定喷灌器 stationary sprinkler 喷雾喷灌器 mist sprinkler, spray head sprinkler 喷灌覆盖面 sprinkler coverage 草坪加肥器 lawn feeder 施肥喷灌器 combined feeder and sprinkler 液肥混合调配器 liquid fertilizer mixer-proportioner 滴水喷头 emitter, dripper 水土保持塑料网 erosion control plastic net 苗木包装材料 nursery stock package material 麻布袋 burlap bag 铁丝篮 wire basket 篮状种植器 basket container 塑料苗木桶 plastic nurserican 播种盘 seed tray 网孔盆 mesh pot 含肥泥炭盆 fertile peat pot 盆栽机 potting machine


园林常用词汇中英文对照表 园林中英文对比 1.0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing 2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture 2.0004 观赏园艺学orn amental horticulture 2.0005 园林艺术garden art 2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics 2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture 2.0008 园林建筑garden buildin g 2.0009 园林工程garden engineering 2.0010 园林植物landscape plant 2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant 2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, pen jing 2.0013 园林garden and park 2.0014 园林学史history of garden archi tecture 2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning 2.0016 园林设计garden design 2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machin e 2.0018 园林治理garden management 2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology 2.0020 绿化greening, planting 2.0 021 环境绿化environmental greening 2.0022 绿地面积green area 2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space 2.0024 都市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage 2.0025 工厂绿化factory greening, factory garden-ing 2.0026 街道绿化street greening, street planting 2.0027 车行道绿化drive way greening 2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening 2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening 2.0030 群众绿化mass planting mo vement 2.0031 郊区绿化suburban greening 2.0032 公路绿化highway greening 2.0033 铁路绿化railway greening, ra ilway planting 2.0034 堤岸种植bank planting 2.0035 阳台绿化balcony greening 2.0036 窗台绿化window-sill greening 2.0037 屋顶绿化roof greening


0001 园林学landscape architecture, garden ar-chitecture 2.0002 造园学garden making, landscape garden-ing 2.0003 环境园艺学environmental horticulture 2.0004 观赏园艺学ornamental horticulture 2.0005 园林艺术garden art 2.0006 园林美学garden aesthetics 2.0007 园林建筑学garden architecture 2.0008 园林建筑garden building 2.0009 园林工程garden engineering 2.0010 园林植物landscape plant 2.0011 观赏植物ornamental plant 2.0012 盆景miniature landscape, penjing 2.0013 园林garden and park 2.0014 园林学史history of garden architecture 2.0015 园林规划garden planning, landscaping planning 2.0016 园林设计garden design 2.0017 园林机具设备gardening machine 2.0018 园林管理garden management 2.0019 园林生态landscape ecology 2.0020 绿化greening, planting 2.0021 环境绿化environmental greening 2.0022 绿地面积green area 2.0023 绿地率ratio of green space 2.0024 城市绿化覆盖率urban green coverage 2.0025 工厂绿化factory greening, factory garden-ing 2.0026 街道绿化street greening, street planting 2.0027 车行道绿化driveway greening 2.0028 分车带绿化dividing stripe greening 2.0029 人行道绿化sidewalk greening 2.0030 群众绿化mass planting movement 2.0031 郊区绿化suburban greening 2.0032 公路绿化highway greening 2.0033 铁路绿化railway greening, railway planting 2.0034 堤岸种植bank planting 2.0035 阳台绿化balcony greening 2.0036 窗台绿化window-sill greening



safety and security 安全和保安 salt tolerant plants 耐盐植物 saltwater intrusion 咸水(海水)侵入 sand filters 砂滤池,砂滤层 scheduling 制定日程表 schematic studies 方案研究 Schueler’s Shortcut Method 许勒尔捷径法,斯库勒快捷方式 scope of services 服务范围 scope of work 工作范围 screening and circulation 屏障和组织交通 SCS Runoff Curve Number Method土地保护局水土保持局的径流曲线数值法 seatwalls 坐椅式矮墙 Section 10 Permit 第10条许可 Section 404 Permit 第404条许可 seeding 种草 segmental and stack wall retaining systems 护土段墙和垒墙系统 seismic conditions 地震状况 selective demolition 选择性破坏 sensory stimuli 感官刺激 septic systems 净化系统 settlement at the toe 在坡底建房 sewer systems municipal 市政排水系统 shadow calculations 投影计算 sheet flow地表水膜,水膜浅流,层流,片流 shop drawing 产品安装图 shrubs 灌木 shut-downs 暂时停工 signage 标志 silhouette lighting 轮廓照明 single-family attached homes 独户式联排住宅 single-family detached home 独户式独立住宅 site clearing 场地清理 site furnishings 场地美化 site selection 场地选择 sites, large-scale大型的场地 sliding 滑动,移动 small scale sites 小型场地 Small Storm Hydrology Method 小型暴雨水文法 social impact 社会影响 sodding 铺草皮 soil characteristics 土壤特征 soil pressure forces 土壤压力 soil, colloidal 胶质土壤soil, granular 粒状土壤 soil, weight of 土壤质量,土壤重量 span tables 跨度表 spatial scale 空间尺度 Spatial Standards 空间标准 specifications 说明书,具体要求 spotlighting 射灯照明 spouting fountains 喷射喷泉 spray displays 喷射装置 spread lighting泛光灯照明 sprinkler systems, conventional 传统的喷水系统 drip system, low-volume 耗水量低的滴灌系统 container plants 盆栽植物 head selection and layout喷头选择和布置 precipitation rate 沉淀率,喷水速率 square meter cost estimate 平方米造价估算 square unit 平方单位 stability testes 稳定性检测 stage-storage curve stairway楼梯 staking 定桩 standard billing rates 标准记帐率 state regulations 州规范 trenching 挖沟 U U.S. Customary Scale 美国惯用比例 unauthorized changes 未经同意的变更 uniformity 均匀,一律,一致性 unit costs 单位造价 unit pavement 单体铺装,单位路面 unit price cost calculation 单位标价造价计算updating 最新式的 uplighting 向上照明 urban streams 城市河流 urban street 城市街道 V vegetation, existing 现状植被 vehicular circulation systems 机动车交通系统vehicular standards 机动车标准 verification 证实 vertical alignment 纵断面 Visual Criteria 视觉标准 W walks 步行道路 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢11
