
第41卷 第2期

煤田地质与勘探 Vol. 41 No.2 2013年4月 COAL GEOLOGY & EXPLORA TION Apr. 2013

收稿日期: 2012-03-29

基金项目: 国家能源局全国煤矿瓦斯地质编图项目(国能煤炭[2009] 117号)

作者简介: 王 英(1959—),男,陕西蒲城人,教授,从事煤地质和矿井地质教学与研究工作. 文章编号: 1001-1986(2013)02-0012-04


王 英1,范立民2,安秀煜3

(1. 西安科技大学地质与环境学院,陕西 西安 710054;

2. 陕西省地质调查院,陕西 西安 710065;

3. 陕西煤业化工技术研究院,陕西 西安 710065)

摘要: 瓦斯地质规律和瓦斯地质区划研究是煤矿瓦斯宏观管理和瓦斯资源科学利用的基础和依据。根据陕西省“三级”瓦斯地质编图成果,系统分析和研究了陕西省瓦斯地质规律。结果显示:陕西省瓦斯地质条件复杂,多样化特点明显;瓦斯赋存与分布受多种地质因素影响,其中地质构造是主控因素。文章还根据陕西瓦斯地质条件和瓦斯分布与变化特征,在全区划分出榆林单斜低瓦斯带、延安单斜低瓦斯带、黄河断褶高瓦斯带、渭北断隆高瓦斯带和秦巴构造系高瓦斯带等5个区域性瓦斯地质带。这不仅对全省煤矿瓦斯管理与煤层气开发利用具有重要的现实意义,而且对于全国瓦斯地质规律研究和丰富瓦斯地质理论与方法也有一定的理论意义。

关 键 词:瓦斯;瓦斯地质分带;构造控气;瓦斯地质图;陕西省

中图分类号:P618.11 文献标识码:A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2013.02.003

Regional gas geological zonation in Shaanxi Province

W ANG Ying 1, FAN Limin 2, AN Xiuyu 3

(1. College of Geology and Environment, Xi'an University of Science and Technology , Xi'an 710054, China ;

2. Shaanxi Geological Survey , Xi'an 710065, China ;

3. Shaanxi Coal and Chemical Technology Institute , Xi'an 710065, China )

Abstract: Study on gas geological regularities and gas geologic zoning is foundation and basis of coal mine gas resources macro-management and scientific utilization. Based on the achievements of compiling gas geological maps of three levels of Shaanxi Province, the paper analyzed systematically and studied deeply the gas geological regularities in Shaanxi Province. It came to the conclusion that in Shaanxi Province gas geological conditions are complex and have significant various features. Gas occurrence and distribution have been influenced by many geological factors, among them geological structure is dominant controlling factor. On the basis of gas geological conditions and gas distribution as well as variation characteristics, 5 regional gas zones have been divided in the province. It has not only important practical significance for management and development of coal mine gas, but also some theoretical importance for research on gas geological regularities and enrichment of gas geological theo-ries and methods in China.

Key words: gas; gas geological zonation; structural control of gas; gas geological map; Shaanxi Province









类型的含煤岩系;瓦斯地质背景复杂,多样化特点明显,各煤田(矿区)瓦斯地质条件和瓦斯危害程度差异很大。 长期以来,陕西省内的瓦斯地质规律和区划研究仅局限于矿井和矿区层面,缺乏全省系统性宏观研究,这给相关主管部门和规划部门宏观管理煤矿瓦斯与规划利用瓦斯(煤层气)资源带来了一定困难。本文以2009年(国家能源局部署的)全国煤矿瓦斯地质编图工作为基础,根据陕西省矿区、矿井、采掘工作面三级瓦斯地质图编制成果,在系统研究和深入分析瓦
