



1.An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根

An Apple of Discord直译为“纠纷的苹果”,出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事

传说希腊阿耳戈英雄(Argonaut)珀琉斯(Peleus)和爱琴海海神涅柔斯的女儿西蒂斯(Thetis)在珀利翁山举行婚礼,大摆宴席。他们邀请了奥林匹斯上(Olympus)的诸神参加喜筵,不知是有意还是无心,惟独没有邀请掌管争执的女神厄里斯(Eris)。这位女神恼羞成怒,决定在这次喜筵上制造不和。于是,她不请自来,并悄悄在筵席上放了一个金苹果,上面镌刻着“属于最美者”几个字。天后赫拉(Hera),智慧女神雅典娜(Athena)、爱与美之神阿芙罗狄蒂(Aphrodite),都自以为最美,应得金苹果,获得“最美者”称号。她们争执不下,闹到众神之父宙斯(Zeus)那里,但宙斯碍于难言之隐,不愿偏袒任何一方,就要她们去找特洛伊的王子帕里斯(Paris)评判。三位女神为了获得金苹果,都各自私许帕里斯以某种好处:赫拉许给他以广袤国土和掌握富饶财宝的权利,雅典娜许以文武全才和胜利的荣誉,阿芙罗狄蒂则许他成为世界上最美艳女子的丈夫。年青的帕里斯在富贵、荣誉和美女之间选择了后者,便把金苹果判给爱与美之神。为此,赫拉和雅典娜怀恨帕里斯,连带也憎恨整个特洛伊人。后来阿芙罗狄蒂为了履行诺言,帮助帕里斯拐走了斯巴达国王墨涅俄斯的王后---绝世美女海伦(Helen),从而引起了历时10年的特洛伊战争。不和女神厄里斯丢下的那个苹果,不仅成了天上3位女神之间不和的根源,而且也成为了人间2个民族之间战争的起因。因此,在英语中产生了an apple of discord这个成语,常用来比喻any subject of disagreement and contention;the root of the trouble;dispute等意义

这个成语最初为公元2世纪时的古罗马历史学家马克·朱里·尤斯丁(Marcus Juninus Justinus)所使用,后来广泛的流传到欧洲许多语言中去,成为了一个国际性成语。

eg: He throwing us an apple of discord,we soon quarrelled again.

The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them.

This problem seems to be an apple of discord between the Soviet union and the USA.

2.The Heel of Achilles 亦作The Achilles' Heel唯一弱点;薄弱环节;要害

The Heel of Achilles直译是“阿基里斯的脚踵”,是个在欧洲广泛流行的国际性成语。它源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。


因此,the heel of Achilles,也称the Achilles' heel,常用以表示a weak point in something that is otherwise without fault;the weakest spot等意思。

eg:The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles.

His Achilles' heel was his pride--he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work.

3.Helen of Troy

Helen of Troy 直译"特洛伊的海伦",源自源自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事。


此事激起了希腊各部族的公愤,墨涅俄斯发誓说,宁死也要夺回海轮,报仇雪恨。为此,在希腊各城邦英雄的赞助下,调集十万大军和1180条战船,组成了希腊联军,公推墨涅俄斯的哥哥阿枷门农(Agamemnon)为联军统帅,浩浩荡荡,跨海东征,攻打特洛伊城,企图用武力夺回海轮。双方大战10年,死伤无数,许多英雄战死在沙场。甚至连奥林匹斯山的众神也分成2个阵营,有些支持希腊人,有些帮助特洛伊人,,彼此展开了一场持久的恶斗。最后希腊联军采用足智多谋的奥德修斯(Odusseus)的“木马计”,里应外合才攻陷了特洛伊。希腊人进城后,大肆杀戮,帕里斯王子也被杀死,特洛伊的妇女、儿童全部沦为奴隶。特洛伊城被掠夺一空,烧成了一片灰烬。战争结实后,希腊将士带着大量战利品回到希腊,墨涅俄斯抢回了美貌的海轮重返故土。这就是特洛伊战争的起因和结局。正是由于海轮,使特洛伊遭到毁灭的悲剧,真所谓“倾国倾城”,由此产生了Helen of Troy这个成语。

特洛伊战争的真实性,已为19世纪德国考古学家谢里曼在迈锡尼发掘和考证古代特洛伊古城废墟所证实。至于特洛伊城被毁的真正原因,虽然众说纷纭,但肯定决不是为了一个美女而爆发这场战争的,与其说是为了争夺海轮而打了起来,毋宁说是为了争夺该地区的商业霸权和抢劫财宝而引起战争的。所谓“特洛伊的海伦”,实质上是财富和商业霸权的化身。中国历史上也有过“妲己亡商”,“西施沼吴”等传说,以及唐明皇因宠杨贵妃而招致“安史之乱”,吴三桂“冲冠一怒为红颜”等说法。汉语中有个“倾国倾城”的成语(语出《汉书·外戚传》:‘一顾倾人城,再顾倾人国’。)这里的“倾”字一语双光,既可指美艳非凡,令人倾倒;也可纸倾覆邦国。其含义与Helen of troy十分近似。

在现代英语中,Helen of Troy这个成语,除了表示a beautiful girl or woman;a beauty who ruins her country等意义外,还可以用来表示a terrible disaster brought by sb or sth you like best的意思。

eg:It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to Helen of Troy.

She didn't think of the beautiful umbrella bought the day before should become a Helen of Troy in her family.Because of this she and her husband quarreled for a long time.

4.The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细

The Trojan Horse直译"特洛伊木马",是个国际性成语,在世界各主要语言中都有。来自拉丁语equns Trojanus.这个成语甚至还进入到汉语词汇中,毛泽东同志在《矛盾论》中,谈到《水浒传》中宋江三打祝家庄时,就用了“木马计”这个典故。


因此,The Trojan Horse经过不断引用而成为一个广泛流传的成语,常用来比喻the hidden danger;the covert wreckers(内奸);to engage in underhand activities等的意义。eg:The superpowers are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world. They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country.

5.Greek Gift(s)阴谋害人的礼物;黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心

Greek Gift(s)直译是“希腊人的礼物”,出自荷马史诗《奥德赛》以及古罗马杰出诗人维吉尔(Publius Virgilius Maro,公元前70-前19年)的史诗《伊尼特》(Aeneis)中关于特洛伊城陷落经过的叙



维吉尔的史诗《伊尼特》,写的是特洛伊被希腊攻陷后,王子伊尼斯从混乱中携家属出走,经由西西里、迦太基到达意大利,在各地漂泊流亡的情况。史诗第2卷便是伊尼斯关于特洛伊城陷落经过的叙述,其中情节除了模拟荷马史诗的描述外,还做了更详细的补充。当特洛伊人要把大木马拖进城的时候,祭司拉奥孔(Laocoon)劝说不要接受希腊人留下的东西。他说:“我怕希腊人,即使他们来送礼”这句话后来成了一句拉丁谚语:“Timeo Danaos,et dona ferenteso."(原文的达奈人Danaos,即泛指希腊各部族人)译成英语就是:I fear the Greeks ,even when bringing gifts.其简化形式就是Greek Gifts.可惜特洛伊人不听拉奥孔的警告,把木马作为战利品拖进城里。木马里藏着希腊的精锐部队,给特洛伊人带来了屠杀和灭亡。由此,Greek gift成为一个成语,表示a gift with some sinister purposes of the enemy;one given with intent to harm;a gift sent i norder to murder sb等意思,按其形象意义,这个成语相当与英语的俚谚:When the fox preaches,take care of your geese;也与汉语“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年--不安好心”十分类似

eg:He is always buying you expensive clothes,I'm afraid they are Greek gifts for you.

Comrades,be on guard against the Greek gifts!

6.A Penelope's Web亦作The Web of Penelope故意拖延的策略;永远做不完的工作

A Penelope's Web或The Web of Penelope,直译为“珀涅罗珀的织物”,典故出自荷马史诗《奥德赛》卷2。


由于这个故事,英语中的Penelope一词成了a chaste woman(贞妇)的同义词,并产生了with a penelope faith(坚贞不渝)这个短语。而 A Penelope's Web这个成语比喻the tactics of delaying sth on purposel;the task that can never be finished的意思

eg:Mr Jones made a long speech at the meeting.Everyone else thought it a Penelope's we b.

My work is something like the Penelope's web,never done,but ever in hand.

7.Swan Song最后杰作;绝笔

Swan Song字面译做“天鹅之歌”,源于希腊成语Kykneion asma.

天鹅,我国古代叫鹄,是一种形状似鹅而体形较大的稀有珍禽,栖息于海滨湖畔,能游善飞,全身白色。因此,英语成语black swan,用以比喻稀有罕见的人或物,类似汉语成语“凤毛麟角”之意。


西方各国就用这个典故来比喻某诗人,作家,作曲家临终前的一部杰作,或者是某个演员,歌唱家的最后一次表演。即a last or farewell appearance;the last work before death之意;偶尔也可指某中最后残余的东西。

Swan Song是个古老的成语,源远流长。早在公元前6世纪的古希腊寓言作家伊索(Aisopos)的寓言故事中,就有“天鹅临死才唱歌”的说法。古罗马政治家、作家西塞罗(Cicero,公元前106-前43)在其《德斯肯伦别墅哲学谈》等论文中,就使用了“天鹅之歌”来比喻临死哀歌。在英国,乔叟,莎士比亚等伟大诗人、剧作家,都使用过这个成语典故。如:莎翁的著名悲剧《奥噻罗》(othello)中塑造的爱米莉霞的形象,她在生死关头勇敢得站出来揭穿其丈夫的罪行。她临死时把自己比做天鹅,一生只唱最后一次歌。

eg:All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in London this week--the public clearly believes that this will be her swan song

The Tempest was W.Shakespeare's swan song in 1612

8.Win/Gain Laurels获得荣誉;赢得声望

Look to One's Laurels爱惜名声;保持记录

Rest on One's Laurels坐享清福;光吃老本



因此,古希腊人把月桂树看做是阿波罗的神木,称为"阿波罗的月桂树"(The Laurel of Apollo).起先,他们用月桂枝叶编成冠冕,授予在祭祀太阳神的节目赛跑中的优胜者.后来在奥林匹亚(Olympia)举行的体育竞技中,他们用桂冠赠给竞技的优胜者.从此世代相传,后世欧洲人以"桂冠"作为光荣的称号.

由于阿波罗是主管光明.青春.音乐和诗歌之神,欧洲人又把源自"阿波罗的月桂树"的桂冠,献给最有才华的诗人,称"桂冠诗人".第一位著名的"桂冠诗人"就是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义的先驱者.意大利诗人彼特拉克(Francesco Petrarch,1304-1374).他的代表作<抒情诗集>,全部为14行诗体,系诗人献给他心中的女神劳拉的情诗(彼特拉克喜欢了劳拉一辈子,但是劳拉从来都不知道),抒发他对恋人的爱情,描写大自然的景色,渴望祖国的统一.这部被称为西方"诗三百'的诗集,虽不能与我国古代<诗经>相提并论,但不失为世界文学的瑰宝.


作为专名的"桂冠诗人"(The Poet Laureate,也称The Laureate),系英国王室赐予御用诗人的专用称号,从17世纪英皇詹姆士一世(James I,1566-1625)开始,延续到现在,已历三个世纪了.凡获得"桂冠诗人"称号者,可领取宫廷津贴,每遇到王室喜庆或官方盛典时,都要写作应景诗以点缀和宣扬喜庆事件,歌功颂德,粉饰升平.17世纪,在英国被封为第一位"桂冠诗人"的是约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden,1631-1700),他一生为贵族写作,美化君主制度,不过他创造的"英语偶句诗体",成为英国诗歌的主要形式之一.从1670到1972这三百年间,英国王室相继封了17位"桂冠诗人"年限最长的是19实际的浪漫诗人阿弗里德·丁尼生(Alfred Tennyson,1809-1892),他从1850年获得这个称号一直到逝世,长达42年,算是"终身桂冠诗人"了.英国最近的"桂冠诗人"是约翰·本杰明(John Benjamin).其实,所谓"桂冠诗人"大部分是徒具虚名


eg:Shakespeare won laurels in the dramatic world.

The student gained laurels on the football field,as well as in his studies.

Tom won the broad jump,but he had to look to his laurels Getting an A in chemistry almosst cause Mike to rest on his laurels

9.Under the Rose秘密地;私下得;暗中

Under the rose直译"在玫瑰花底下",而实际上却表示in secret; privately confidentially的意义,语言外壳与内涵,似乎风马牛不相及.它源自古罗马的神话故事和欧洲的风尚.


古罗马人对维纳斯非常尊崇,不仅奉为掌管人类的爱情.婚姻.生育的爱与美的神,而且尊为丰收女神.园艺女神.罗马的统治者恺撒大帝甚至追搠维纳斯是罗马人的祖先.由于上述神话传说,古罗马人把玫瑰花当作沉没或严守秘密的象征,并在日常生活中相尚成风.人们去串门做客,当看到主人家的桌子上方画有玫瑰,客人就了解在这桌上所谈的一切行为均不应外传.于是在语言中产生了Sub rosa在玫瑰花底下这个拉丁成语. 据<牛津英语词典>解释,英语under the rose系源自德语unter der Rosen. 古代德国的宴会厅.会议室以及旅店的餐室,在天花板上常画有或雕刻着玫瑰花,用来提醒在场者要守口如瓶,严守秘密,不要把玫瑰花底下的言行透露出去.这个流行于15至17世纪的德语成语反映了这种习俗.


under the rose 是个状语性成语,在句中修饰动词,其含义因所修饰的动词的不同而略有不同.如:born under the rose"私生的""非婚生的";do under the rose"暗中进行"

eg:The senator told me under the rose that there is to be a chance in the cabinet.

The matter was finally settled under the rose.

Do what you like undeer the rose,but don't give a sign of what you're about...

10.The Augean Stable(s)肮脏的地方;藏垢纳秽之所;积弊

The Augean Stable(s)直译"奥吉亚斯的牛圈",源自古希腊神话中关于赫拉克勒斯的英雄传说.

奥吉亚斯(Augeas)是古希腊西部厄利斯(Elis)的国王。他有一个极大的牛圈,里面养了2000头年(一说3000匹马),30年来未清扫过,粪秽堆积如山,十分肮脏。因此,the Augean stable=very dirty place. 古希腊神话中的英雄赫拉克勒斯(Heracles),亦称海格立斯(Hercules),是宙斯同底比斯国王之女阿尔克墨涅所生的儿子,自幼在名师的传授下,学会了各种武艺和技能,神勇无敌,成为遐迩闻名的大力士。他因受到心胸狭窄的天后赫拉的迫害,不得不替迈锡尼国王欧律斯透斯服役十几年。赫拉克勒斯拒绝了“恶德”女神要他走享乐道路的诱惑,而听从了“美德”女神的忠告,决心在逆境中不畏艰险,为民除害造福。他在十二年中完成了12项英勇业绩,其中之一就是在一天之内将奥吉亚斯的牛圈打扫干净。赫拉克勒斯先在牛圈的一端挖了深沟,引来附近的阿尔裴斯河和珀涅俄斯河的喝水灌入牛圈,而在另一端开一出口,使喝水流经牛圈,借用水利冲洗积粪。这样,他在一夜之间将30年没有打扫过的肮脏不堪的牛圈,打扫的干干净净。奥吉亚斯曾许诺事成之后把牛群的十分之一给赫拉克勒斯,作为劳动报酬,后来当他获悉赫


这个神话传说反映了古代人民苦干加巧干的精神,体现了人类征服自然的力量和智慧。伟大的革命导师马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林在他们的著作中,多次引用够这个典故。在马列主义经典中,这个成语有时译为“肮脏的马厩”,有时译为"奥吉亚斯的牛圈"。在这里,stable除了泛指地点外,还可代表某些不良的制度,下流的习俗和恶劣的作风等等。由此,人们用the Augean stable这个成语来比喻非常的地方或长期形成的积弊。它常比to clean,to cleanse,to reform等动词连用,表示to bring about a drastic reform in some public evil的意思

eg:how to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem.

Although they know it is not easy to reform the Augean stables of ths sociey,they are still trying to do it.

11.A Procrustean Bed

A Procrustean Bed直译是“普洛克路斯贰斯的床”,源自古希腊神话的典故。


由此,在英语中遗留下来 a Procrustean bed这个成语,亦做the Procrustes' bed或the bed of Procrustes,常用以表示an arrangement or plan that produces uniformity by violent and arbitrary measures之意。按其形象意义,这个成语与汉语成语“削足适履”、“截趾穿鞋”颇相同;也类似俗语“使穿小鞋”、“强求一律”的说法

eg:I didn't put forth the plan as a Procrustean bed,to which exact conformity is to be indi spensable.

Don't stretch the facts to fit the Procrustean bed.

12.A Gordian Knot难解的结;难题;难点

A Gordian Knot直译“戈耳迪之结”。


由此,人们常用 a Gordian knot比喻a knot difficult or impossibe to unite;the difficult problem or task.

eg:We must try to solve the problem even if it is really a Gordian knot.

The knot which you thought a Gordian one will untie it before you.

13.Cut the Gordian Knot

Cut the Gordian Knot直译“斩断戈耳迪之结”,源自上篇的同一典故。

佛律基亚(Phrygia)的国王戈耳迪,用乱结把轭系在他原来使用过的马车的辕上,其结牢固难解,神谕凡能解开此结者,便是亚洲之君主。好几个世纪过去了,没有人能解开这个结。公元前3世纪时,古希腊罗马的马其顿国王亚历山大大帝(Alexander the Great,公元前356-323),在成为希腊各城邦的霸主后,大举远征东方。公元前334年,他率领进入小亚细亚,经过佛律基亚时,看到这辆马车。有人把往年的神谕告诉他,他也无法解开这个结。为了鼓舞士气,亚历山大拔出利剑一挥,斩断了这个复杂的乱结,并说:“我就是这样解开的”因此,to cut the Gordian knot 就是意味着to solve a complicated difficulty by quick and drastic action;to end a difficulty by using a vi gorous or violent method;to solve a problem by force.按其形象意义,这个成语与汉语成语“快刀斩乱麻”,“大刀阔斧,果断处置”十分相似。

eg:They have decided to cut the Gordian knot to wipe out the enemy at a blow.

Jean is afraid of everything,How can she cut the Gordian knot in her work?


14.Bone of The Bone and Flesh of the Flesh

Bone of The Bone and Flesh of the Flesh直译"骨中之骨,肉中之肉",出自<圣经>中关于上帝造人的神话.


天他才创造了各种陆上动物,然后他按照自己的形象用地上的尘土造出一个男人,名叫亚当(Adam),这就是神话中人类的始祖.后来,耶和华见押当独居无伴侣帮助他,于是,趁亚当沉睡的时候,从他身上取下一根肋骨造成了一个女人叫夏娃(Eve),领到他面前,亚当说:"This is bone of my bone and flesh of my fles h"(这是我骨中之骨,肉中之肉)。从此两人结为夫妻

Bone of The Bone and Flesh of the Flesh常用来比喻血缘上的亲属关系或思想上的团结一致,即a s close as flesh and blood;to be inseperately linked to each other等的意思。

eg:Our army is bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the people.

The I.W.W was bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the floating workers.(W.Fost er:Pages from a Worker's Life.)

15.Adam's Apple喉结

亚当是圣经中人类的始祖,而苹果的历史比人类的历史还悠久。在世界各文明古国的民间故事和神话传说中,苹果都是受人喜爱的一种果实。英语中有个谚语:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.但据圣经故事上说,苹果也给人类带来了麻烦,男人的喉结就是因吃苹果引起的。


eg:Your Adam's apple isn't apparent.

Adam's apple can be more clearly seen on men than women's throats.

16.Sell One's Birthright for a Mess of Pottages因小失大;见利弃义

Sell One's Birthright for a Mess of Pottages直译是:“为了一碗红豆汤而出卖了长子继承权”。《旧约.创世纪》第25章记述了这样一个故事传说:犹太族长以撒的妻子利百加怀孕期间,感觉到2个胎儿在她腹内互相踢打,就去问耶和华,耶和华对她说:“两国在你腹内,两族要从你身上出来,这族必强于那族,将来大的要服小的。”


由此,人们用to sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage短语,来比喻to exchange something of lasting value for something that is of value for a short time only; to suffer a big loss for a little gain.这个成语常缩略为for a mess of pottage的形式。有时也可用to sell one's birthrights.

eg:It was argued that joining the Common Market...would be giving away her national ri ghts and advantages for a mess of pottage.

There are many,many people who are willing to prostitute their intelligence for a mess of pottage.

17.The Apple of Ones' Eye

The Apple of Ones' Eye的字面意思是“某人眼里的苹果”,在这里,apple指的是the pupil(瞳孔,眼珠),大概因眼珠圆的象苹果之故。瞳孔是眼睛最重要的部分,失去瞳孔,光线就无法通过虹膜中心的圆孔进入眼内而变成了瞎子。所以,这个成语常用来比喻象爱护眼珠一样爱护某个最心爱的人或珍贵的东西,即表示a cherished person or object;sth extrmely precious to one; sb dearly loved等意

这个成语来字《旧约。申命记》(Deuteronomy)第32章“耶和华遇见他在旷野荒凉、野兽吼叫之地,就环绕他,看顾他,保护他如同保护眼里的瞳人。”在圣经其他地方也有类似的话。英文版《旧约。诗篇》(Psalm)第17章有这样的句子:"Keep me as the apple of the eye,hide me under the shadow of the wings"

成语the apple of one's eye是固定结构,不得写成the apple of the eye of…的形式;在搭配上,它常与动词be,keep,care for等连用。按其想象意义,它与汉语成语“掌上明珠”颇相似,但其比喻的对象较汉语“掌珠”更广,因“掌珠”通常指心爱的女儿,而不能用与其他场合。

eg:Little Mary is the apple of her father's eye

Mind the reputation of your school as you care for the apple of your eye.

18.The writing/Finger on the Wall不详之兆;大祸临头

这个成语的字面意思是“墙上的文字(或手指)”,而实际含义是a sign or warning of impending disaster(迫在眉睫的凶兆);

a sign that sth bad will happen; a feeling that ones number is up;等等。其语言外壳与内涵是怎样联系起来的呢?还是出自《圣经》



依次,“墙上的文字(或手指)”就表示身死国亡的凶兆。英语中这个成语有几种表达方式:the writing/handwriting on the wall或a finger on the wall,通常与be,like等系动词连用;有时写成see/read the writing on he wall的句型,表示提出警告,such as :Don't you see the writing on the wall, 有时候也可省略on the wall,只说Don't you see the writing?意思也是一样的。

eg:This inexplicable incident seemed,like the Babylonian finger on the wall,to be spelling o ut the letter of my judgement...

In this house of his there was writing on every wall.His business-like temperament prote sted against a mysterious warning that she was not made for him.

John's emplyer had less and less work for him;John could read the writing on the wall. The writing on the wall is clear:if man behaves like an animal and allow hs population to increase while each nation steadily increases he coplexity and range of its environment,nat ure will take her course and the law of the Jungle will prevail.

When Bill's team lost four games in a row,he saw the handwriting on the wall.

19.The Salt of the Earth社会中坚;民族精华;优秀份子

The Salt of the Earth这个成语,字面意思“世上的盐”


The Salt of the Earth一词出自《圣经》,据《新约。马太福音》(Matthew)第5长记载:耶稣对他的门徒说:"Ye are the salt of the earth:but if the salt have lost his savor,wherewith shall it be salte d? " 在这里,salt用于转义,表示flavor;of the earth即of the world。这是耶稣登山垂训论"福",所讲福音结尾的话,他把门徒比做“世上的盐”,这是极高的称赞。这句话在后世不断引用变成了一个典故性成语,转义为the most valuable members of sociey;the finest type of humanity;a person or a group of p eople having the best character 之意

eg: He does a lot of good jobs and is considered to be the salt of the world.

You all are the salt of the earth.Our hope is placed on you.

20.Not an iota of没有一点点,丝毫也不

iota是希腊字母表中第9个字母“I”的名称。not an iota of 出自《新约。马太福音》第5章:“律法的一点一画都不能废去,都要成全。”因为iota是希腊字母表中最小的一个字母,它有时可以写作一短横置于其他字母之上;遗漏这一点点对发音并无什么影响,只按规则不能减少而已。《福音书》所说的律法,系指“摩西律”,意即无论何人都不允许随便废去这戒律哪怕是最小的一条,甚至其中的一个字母,一个小小短横也不得更动或遗漏。

由此,在语言中遗留下来这个成语,转义表示not a bit of ;not one jot or little;not at all等意思。


Eg:Science deals with things in a practical way.Science means honest,solid knowledge,all owing not an iota of falsehood,and it involves herculean efforts and gruelling toil.

There is not an iota of truth in the story.

21.Cast pearls before swine对牛弹琴;白费好意

To Cast pearls before swine的意思是“珍珠头在猪猡前面”。swine是个旧词,书面词,即今为pigs,不过swine单复同行,本句为复数。

这个成语源自《新约。马太福音》第7章:“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs,neither cast ye your pearls before swine,lest th ey trample them under their feet,and turn again and rend you”.由于to cast pearls efore swine,比喻确切,在后世不断引用中而成为一个国际性成语,常用来表示to offer sth valuable or beautiful to those who can't appreciate it;to give what is precious t o those who are unable to understand its value等意思,含有轻蔑嘲笑色彩。按其字面意义,这个成语与汉语成语“明珠按投”相似,但是寓意不同,基本上不对应;按一比喻意义,它相当于“对牛弹琴”,“向驴说经”“一番好意给狗吃”“狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心”等。

She read them Shakespeare,but it was casting pearls before swine

I won't waste good advice on John any more because he never listens to it.I won't cast p earls before swine.

...and when I let the upper floor to Cap'en Cuttle,oh i do a thankless thing,and cast pearl s before swine

22.a wolf in sheep's clothing批着羊皮的狼;貌善心恶的人

耶稣在加利利一带传道布教,收了很多信徒。有一天,他对门徒说:"Beware of false prophets,which c ome to you in sheep's clothing,but inwardly they are ravening wolves"

eg:Mrs.Martin trusted the lawyer until she realized that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing One who teaches morality and practises immorality is a wolf in lamb's skine

23.separate the sheep from the goats区别好坏,分清良莠

《新约。马太福音》记述:“And before him shall be gathered all nations:and he shall separa te them one from another,as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats”

由于《圣经》的影响,sheep和goat在英语中的形象截然不同,前者比喻好人,后者比喻坏人。英语中有关goat的成语,大多贬义。如:to play the goat=play the fool(瞎胡闹);to get sb's goat (触动肝火);等等。《圣经》说牧羊人要分辨绵羊和山羊,“把绵羊安置右边,山羊左边”。据说野山羊常混进羊群里,引诱绵羊,故牧养人必须把它们区分开来,以免混淆。

由此,人们用to separate the sheep from the goats这个成语,来比喻to separate the good fr om the wicked; to divide good or useful people from bad or useless

eg:We'll go through the list of members,and separate the sheep from the goats

Have faith in me,please.I can separate the sheep from the goats


24.a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎的人

出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables),有一篇狗站马槽的故事,说的是一头狗躺在堆满稻草的马槽里,狗是不吃草的动物,而当马或牛一走进稻草时,这头狗却朝着马,牛狂哮,不准食草动物享用。因此,“狗站马槽”就成了一个家喻户晓的成语而进入英语中,常用来比喻a person who prevents others from e njoying sth that is useless to himself; a churlish fellow who will neither use a thing himsel

f nor let others use it,讽刺那些占据说职位或某些物质却不做事的人。

a dog in the manger是个名词性短语,常与系动词连用,充当表语(主语补足语)

eg:He borrowed a lot of books from the library,but he didn't read a book.He was reall

y a dog in the manger.

There are some officials who are only the dogs in the manger.

Smith was a dog in the manger over that roll of wire;it was no use whatever to him,bu

t he wouldn't let us have it.

25.bell the cat自告奋勇去冒险;老虎头上拍苍蝇

bell the cat系成语to hang the bell about the cat's neck的简略,愿意是“给猫的脖子上挂铃”。它来自《伊索寓言》(Aesop's Fables)中的《老鼠会议》(The Mice in Council)

这篇寓言讲的是:一群老鼠在鼠洞里举行会议,讨论如何对付凶狠的猫。白胡须老鼠提出:“我有个方法,在猫的脖子上挂一个铃。这样,猫一走动铃就响,我们就可以闻铃声而逃避了”,群鼠一致同意这个建议,欢呼:“That's a capital idea.We will bell the cat!No more fear of the cat!”但是,谁去给猫挂铃铛呢?没有一只老鼠敢去,一个个都溜掉了。老鼠会议豪无结果,它们不安全的境况当然也无法改善。

寓言所寄托的意思很明白:遇到困难的问题时候,既需要有出谋献策的人,更需要有挺身而出的实干家。 bell the cat常用来比喻to do sth dangerous in order to save others;to step forwar bravely to face the danger;to ta ke a risk for the good of others.

eg:Everybody made suggestion,but no one actually offered to bell the cat.

We didn't know who would put him this delicate question when my friend offered to bell the cat.

26.cry wolf虚发警报;慌报险情;危言耸听

cry wolf来自《伊索寓言》:《牧童和狼》(The Shepherdboy and the wolf)

有个牧童在离村子不远的山坡上放羊,有一次,他为了开心作乐,突然大喊:“Help!Help!The wolf!”全村的人都闻声跑来援助他时,才知道这只是开玩笑。如此恶作剧搞了两三次。后来,狼真的来了,那个牧童再呼号求救时,谁也不理会他了。于是,狼把他的羊吃了。

这篇寓言的意义很清楚:爱说谎话的人,即或在他说真话时,也没人相信他。由此,人们用to cry wolf 来概括这篇寓言的基本情节及其教诫意义,用以比喻to give false alarms;to warn of danger where there is none之意。按其比喻意义,这个成语相当与汉语中出自《东周列国志》的典故:烽火戏诸侯。周幽王为博得宠妃褒泥一笑,竟然把军国大事当儿戏,烽火报警戏诸侯,使各路诸侯仓促发兵,驰援京师,结果收到嘲笑。后来犬戎进犯,幽王再举烽火调兵,谁也不来了,结果周幽王遭到杀身亡国之祸。这2个典故的情节虽不同,寓意却完全不一致,都是表示“一朝说假话,一世无人信”

eg:Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times.

Is she really sick of is she just crying wolf?

The newspaper placards that had cried "wolf" so often,cried "wolf" now in vain.

27.Fish in Troubled Waters浑水摸鱼;趁火打劫;陷于混乱

Fish in Troubled Waters直译是:“浑水里捕鱼”,出自《伊索寓言·渔夫》


因此,人们常用to fish in trouble waters 比喻to try to win advantages for oneself from a disturbed state of affairs; to make use of sb's misfortune to serve one's own ends.并因此产生了谚语it’s good fishing in troubled waters(混水好摸鱼)。

在英语中,to fish in troubled waters 也可写成to fish in the muddy waters,而且water必须做waters。

eg:The man who interferes in South American politics is fishing in troubled waters

I refused to let them come here because i knew they only wanted to fish in troubled w aters

Those who made large profits out of illegally selling rationed goods during World War I I were fishing in troubled waters.

28.cat's paw 被他人利用的人;受人愚弄者

cat's paw 也坐cat's-paw或catspaw,字面意思“猫爪子”,出典17世纪法国著名的寓言作家拉·封丹的《猴子与猫》。讲的是狡猾的猴子哄骗头脑简单的猫儿,替它从炉火中取出烤熟的栗子来。猫儿应命去做,结果猫爪子被火烧伤了,而取出的栗子却被猴子吃光了。


cat's paw常用来比喻a person used as a tool by another;one who is used merely for the convenience of a clever er or stronger person之意。按其内涵,这个成语与汉语成语“为虎作伥”所比喻的意义相似,仅是动物的形象不同

cat's paw除了单独做复合名词使用外,还构成to make a cat's paw of sb(利用某人做为工具或爪牙)

eg:It is easy for him to be used as a cat's paw of evil-doing.

I am afraid that he is making a cat's paw of you.

29.Pull the chestnuts out of the fire火中取栗;替别人冒险

Pull the chestnuts out of the fire来自法国著名的寓言作家拉·封丹的《猴子与猫》。

cat's paw与Pull the chestnuts out of the fire是同源成语,但两个成语无论在结构上或意义上都不相同,前者比喻充当别人的工具或爪牙,后者常用来表示to do sth dangerous for others的意思。

这个成语也作to pull sb's chestnuts,或者to put the chestnuts for sb.

eg:I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwillin g to do it again.

They are pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the imperialists without knowing it

You can't make me your catspaw to pull your chestnuts out of the fire...

30. attic salt优雅的俏皮话;妙语

attic salt的字面意思是“阿提卡的盐”。阿提卡洲(attica)是希腊东南部的一个州,其首府是雅典。阿提卡州是个半岛,工商业发达,特别盛产海盐,相传,阿提卡州的盐比希腊其他地方出产的盐精细有味,深受欢迎。阿提卡人机智风趣,善于说俏皮话,以幽雅的诙谐著称于世。

这个成语出自古罗马著名的作家和演说家西塞罗(Marcus Tullius Cicero,公元前106-前43)。他的论文和演讲词,都是文体和标准拉丁语的典范,在其作品中论述了古希腊人精心研究的雄辩术理论,特别提到以口齿锋利著称的阿提卡人。公元前55年,西塞罗以文艺对话形式写的主要著作《辩论》(De oratore),探讨了演讲艺术中的诙谐问题。他说,妙语应当含有“盐味”,象“阿提卡的盐”那样有味。

在现在英语中,salt一词含有“风趣”,“兴味”等转义。成语attic salt常用来表示poignant delicate wit;wit of a refined quality。因此也可写attic wit.

eg: Yesterday Mrs Williams gave a talk to the Women's Institute on her travels in Asia.It was full of Attic Salt.

A talk full of attic salt is worth listening to.

They are in the habit of speaking with attic wit.

32.one's pound of flesh残酷榨取;割肉还债

相信大家都看过莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》。这里就不加以介绍。one's pound of flesh比喻to insist c ruelly on repayment of what was borrowed,常用在have,demand,exact,want,ask for 等之后。 eg:If you borrow from the scoundredl,you may be sure he'll demand hhis pound of flesh. Their boss pays the highest wages,but he wants his pound of flesh in return and make s them work very hard.

33.john bull(s)约翰牛;英国佬

“约翰牛”是英国人的绰号,意义是english nation,the typical englishmen.这个雅号是英国人自己取的,出自16世纪英国著名作家兼宫廷御医约翰·阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot,1667--1735)的政治讽刺作品。

阿布斯诺特在1712年写了一本讽刺小说,名叫《约翰牛的生平》(The History of John Bull),该书的主人公约翰牛就是英国的人格化、形象化。



John Bull这个颇古的典故成语,19世纪的著名作家狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812--1870)就曾引用过。随着时间的推移,“约翰牛”的形象发生了耐人寻味的变化,由最初那个身强力壮、满脸横肉的中年船长想象,变成了一个年过半百、五短身材的矮胖子。于是漫画上出现的”约翰牛“,是个头戴宽边礼帽,足蹬翻口皮鞋,身穿茄克衫的绅士摸样。当年那种杀气滕滕的气概收敛不少,其原来的贬义似乎变成了褒义。”约翰牛“逐渐变成了一位饱经事故的实干家形象,他的行为成了英国的人的标准行为。这样一来,john bull这个成语就成了英国人或者英国的代名词了;而与之相关的john bullism 就指”英国精神“”英国习气“或”英国的典型性格“,john bullist则常指”英国迷“

eg:By some he is called..."a thoroughbred englishman",by some,"a genuine john bull"... John bulls belong to the white race.

34.Grin like a cheshire cat咧嘴傻笑;露齿嬉笑

Grin like a cheshire cat字面意思是“象柴郡猫那样咧开嘴笑”,这个成语也可写成to wear/have a grin like a Cheshire cat,或to smile like a Cheshire cat。关于这个成语有2种说法Cheshire是英格兰西部的一郡,当地出产一种颇有特色的干酪,叫“柴郡干酪”(Cheshire cheese),曾经一度作成象笑脸猫的形状。另一种说法是:柴郡有位画家,他给当地旅馆绘画的招牌上,都画了一只咧着嘴笑的狮子。

艾里克·帕特里奇先生(Mr. Eric Partridge)认为,这个成语大约从1770年开始就作为贬义词使用。英国《朗曼英国成语词典》等辞书,认为这个成语源自维多利亚女王时代(1835--1901),英国数学家和童话作家刘易斯·卡洛尔(Lewis Carroll,1832--1898)在他所写的童话《阿丽思漫游奇境记》(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)中详细的描述了公爵夫人家中的一只柴郡猫。《阿丽思漫游奇境记》第6章有段这样的对话:

"Please,would you tell me,"said Alice a little limidly..."why your cat grins like that?"

"It's a Cheshire cat,"said the Duchess,"and that's why."

卡洛尔的童话,通过虚幻离奇的情节,嘲讽了19世纪后半期英国的社会现象。《阿丽思漫游奇境记》在1865年7月问世后,轰动了全英国。作者由此一举成名。“柴郡猫”的生动想象,是否他所创造,有待于进一步考证,但to grin like a Cheshire cat是随着该书的风行而被广泛使用,应无疑义。根据书中的描述,这个成语常用来表示to grin broadly,showing great amusement; to laugh at nothing that is amusing;to smile widely,in such a way that on shows all one's teeth.

eg:Poor little Hans only grinned like a Cheshire cat when he was scolded.

Mamma is smiling with all her might.In fact Mr. Newcome says..."that woman grins like a Cheshire cat."Who was the naturalist of the cats in Cheshire?

It is no good smiling at me like a Cheshire cat,Mr.Lubin.

35.A storm in a Teacup杯水风波;小题大做;大惊小怪

A storm in a Teacup字面意思“茶杯里的风暴”;美国英语为“a tempest in a teapot/barrel”,也作tea-pot tempest.

A storm in a Teacup出自法国著名作家巴尔扎克(Honore de Balzac,1799-1850)记述,这句话出自18世纪法国哲学家和思想家孟德斯鸠的名言。有一次,他听说圣马力诺发生了政治动乱,就用“茶杯里的风暴”来评论。因为圣马力诺是欧洲最小的共和国,只有一万人口,孟德斯鸠认为那里的动乱对整个欧洲局势无足轻重。

探源搠流,远在公元前古希腊了罗马的名人著作中就有过类似的形象比喻。如古罗马著名作家和演说家西塞罗(Cicero)在其著作《论法律》中就有这样的话:excitare fluctus in simpulo,意即to stir up waves in a ladle。此外,还有a storm in a cream-bowl;a storm in a wash-hand basin 等说法。尽管它们比喻的形象不同,但都是用来表示much excitement about something trivial;a lot of fuss about a trifle之意。按其比喻意义,相当与“小题大做”大惊小怪。

The people next door are continually quarreling ,but it is usually a storm in a teacup.

What is it all about?Nothing serious,just a tempest in a teapot.

36. a tower of ivory 或an ivory tower象牙之塔;世外桃源

a tower of ivory常用来比喻一种与世隔绝的梦幻境地,即the place of seclusion or retreat from realisties of life.

She lives in a tower of ivory apart from her friends.

They view college as an ivory tower.

37.have an axe to grind别有用心;另有企图;怀有私心

have an axe to grind是个源自美国的成语,字面意思是“让斧头磨一磨”,寓意是to have private interests to serve;to have sth to gain for oneself;to have a selfish reason等之意。

据英国《朗曼英国成语词典》等记述。这个成语出自美国著名的政治家、科学家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin,1706--1790)所写的一则故事。富兰克林幼年时,在院子里遇到一个带有斧头的陌生人,那人称赞院子里那个磨石(grindstone)很好,想看看它好不好使,便花言巧语的让他转动磨石,而那人就在上面磨利自己的斧头。



He may offer you a post in his firm,but he has an axe to grind, he wants to stand well with your father.

His interest in our venture cannot be sincere,because i knew he has an axe to grind.

In the first place,let me assure you,gentlemen,that i have not an axe to grind













用英语讲中国成语故事 成语故事之一 对牛弹琴 古时候,有一个人琴弹得很好。一次,他对着牛弹了一段曲子,希望牛也能欣赏他的技巧。曲子虽然很好听,但是牛却丝毫不理会,只顾埋头吃草。这个人只好叹了口气离开了。“对牛弹琴”这个成语,比喻对不懂道理的人讲道理。也用来讥笑说话的人不看对象。 Playing the Lute to a Cow In ancient times there was a man who played the zither(古筝)very well.Once,he played a tune in front of a cow, hopping that the cow would appreciate it. The tune was melodious(悦耳的),but the cow showed no reaction, and just kept on eating grass. The man signed and went away. This idiom is used to indicate(显示;象征)reasoning with stubben(顽固的;固执的)people or talking to the wrong audience. 成语故事之二 刻舟求剑 战国时期有个楚国的人,得到一把宝剑,非常珍爱。一天,他坐船过江,不小心把宝剑掉到江中去了。他急忙在剑掉下去的船舷上刻了一个记号。船靠岸后,他就从刻有记号的地方跳下水去找他的剑。 “刻舟求剑”这个成语讽刺那些办事迂腐,不知道变通情况的人。 Notching the Boat to Find the Sword In the Warring States Period, a man in the State of Chu had a sword which he cherished(珍爱;珍惜)very much. One day, when he was crossing a river in a boat, the sword suddenly fell into the water. The man the made a mark on the side of the boat at the spot where the sword had fallen overboard. When the boat reached the shore, he jumped from the spot he marked into the water to look for his sword. This idiom satirizes(讽刺)those who stick to rigid rules instead of taking changed circumstances(情况)into account. 一箭双雕 南北朝时代,有个名叫长孙晟的人,聪明敏捷,特别善于射箭。一天他同朋友一起去打猎,忽然看见两支雕在空中争夺一块肉。他的朋友立即给了长孙晟两只箭,说:“你能把两只雕都射下来吗?”长孙晟不慌不忙拉开弓,只射了一箭,就把两只雕同时射下来了。朋友直夸他好箭法。英语小故事尽在英语学习网 这个成语比喻用一种办法同时得到两种收获或效果。英语小故事尽在英语学习网 Killing Two Birds with One Stone 英语文章尽在英语学习网 In the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties(420-589) there was an expert archer named Zhan sun Shang. One day he went hunting together with a friend. Suddenly they saw two vultures fighting for a piece of meat high in the air. His friend handed him two arrows, and said, “Can you shoot down both vultures?” Zhangsun Sheng effortlessly killed both vultures with only one arrow. Mao Sui Recommending Himself in the Warring States Period, the State of Qin besieged the capital of the State of Zhao. Duke


Saiwong and his lost horse 塞翁失马 Traditional Chinese life philosophy on nutrition draws heavily from Taoism theory. In an ancient China Taoism book,"Huainan Zi 淮南子", there is a famous story about "blessings" and "misfortune". Near China's northern borders lived a man well versed in the practices of Taoism. His father was named Saiwong, which means "old man who lives near the border. One day, his horse, for no reason at all, found itself in the territory of one of the northern tribes. Everyone commiserated with him. "Don't be so upset, it's just a horse, please take care of yourself." "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a blessing," said his father, Saiwong. The neighbors didn't understand what Saiwong's meant and gossip spread about this "weird old man". After a few months, the lost horse came back, leading a fine horse from the north. Everyone congratulated him. "Perhaps this will soon turn out to be a cause of misfortune," said Saiwong. People were annoyed by this. Since Saiwong's son was well-off and kept good horses he became fond of riding, and eventually broke his thigh bone falling from a horse. It caused a massive problem at the time because


1、守株待兔: 相传在战国时代宋国,有一个农民,日出而作,日入而息.遇到好年景,也不过刚刚吃饱穿暖;一遇灾荒,可就要忍饥挨饿了.他想改善生活,但他太懒,胆子又特小,干什么都是又懒又怕,总想碰到送上门来的意外之财。 奇迹终于发生了。深秋的一天,他正在田里耕地,周围有人在打猎。吆喝之声四处起伏,受惊的小野兽没命的奔跑。突然,有一只兔子,不偏不倚,一头撞死在他田边的树根上。 当天,他美美地饱餐了一顿。 从此,他便不再种地。一天到晚,守着那神奇的树根,等着奇迹的出现。 成语“守株待兔”,比喻亡想不劳而得,或死守狭隘的经验,不知变通。 staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it this story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the warring states period(475-221 b.c.).tradition has it that in the state of song at that time there was a man who was famous for staying by a stump waiting for more hares to come and dash themselves against it. he was a yong farmer,and his family had been farmers for generations.year after year and generation after generation, farmers used to sow in spring and harvest in autumn,beginning to work at sunrise and retiring at sunset.in good harvest years,they could only have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear.if there was a famine due to crop failure,they had to go hungry. this young farmer wanted to improve his life.but he was too lazy and too cowardly.being lazy and cowardly over everything,he often dreamed of having unexpected blessings. a miracle took place at last. one day in late autumn,when he was ploughing in the field,two groups of people were hunting nearby.as shoutings were rising one after another,scared hares were running desperately.suddenly,a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died. that day,he ate his fill.


简短的英语成语故事附中文 导读:本文简短的英语成语故事附中文,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 夜郎自大 Once, the Han Dynasty dispatched an emissary to the State of Dian (now Yunnan Province)and the State of Yelang (now Guizhou Province). 一次,汉朝派遣使者出使滇国(今云南)和夜郎国(今贵州)。 The King of Dian asked the emissary from the Han Dynasty: "The Han Dynasty and the Stateof Dian, which is bigger?" 滇国的国王问汉朝的使者: “汉朝和滇国,哪一个大?” The King of Yelang also asked the emissary in the same way: "The Han Dynasty and the Stateof Yelang, which is bigger?" 夜郎国的国王也这样问汉朝的使者: “汉朝和夜郎国,哪一个人?” As a matter of fact, the territories of the State of Dian and the State of Yelang were only as bigas a prefecture of the Han Dynasty, but they closed their states to the external contact, shuttheir eyes and stopped their ears, and didn't understand the conditions of the outside world.


【成语来源】 food handed out in contempt嗟来之食 One year during the Spring and Autumn Period (春秋时期,770-476 BC), there was a the Qi State (齐国) was severely strickend by a famine. 春秋时代,有一年齐国发生大饥荒。 Qian Ao (qián ào 黔敖), a very rich but arrogant man took the occasion to showcase his generosity through preparing food by the roadside and giving it to the passing refugees in charity. 有一位叫做黔敖有钱贵族,在街边准备食物分发给来往的难民,以显示自己的慷慨。 A man with shabby clothes happened to walk by with his shoes trailing along, he was so hungry as not to open his eyes. 有一个饥民,用衣袖蒙着脸,拖着鞋,饿得眼睛都睁不开的样子,慢慢地走过来。 Seeing the poor man, Qian Ao held the food by left hand and the drink by right hand, and shouted at him,"Hi, come to eat !” 黔敖见了,就左手拿着吃的,右手捧着喝的,向他喊道:“喂,来吃吧!” Hearing the word, the man glared his eyes and said, “It is because I am not willing to eat the food handed out in contempt that I have been famished to such a degree. " 那人一听这话,立即瞪着眼睛,说道:“我就是因为不吃…嗟来之食,才饿到这般地步的。" Though Qian Ao made an apology to him for that, the man still resolutely refused to eat the food and thus he died of hunger in the end. 尽管黔敖向他道歉,那人仍然坚决不吃,终于饿死了。 This set phrase now extensively denotes the disrespectful aims. This story means that a person who has a strong sense of self-respect would rather die of hunger than be despised. 此故事讲的是一个怀有强烈自尊心的人,宁可饿死也不肯接受人轻视。现在这个成语泛指带有侮辱性的施舍。 【文化链接】 中文中“嗟来之食”的意思就是“带有侮辱性的施舍”,英语直译就是“something handed out in contempt”,那如果是“主动去乞求帮助或是施舍”的话,英语该如何表达呢? 英文中常用惯语有“come hat in hand”,也就是是乞求或请求别人“施舍”,求人给一些原本不属于你的东西,源自英国民俗,根据当时英国的民间习俗,当一个人穷困潦倒、无以为生时,就可以手持帽子,低声下气地向别人乞讨,以获取他人的同情,这是一种非常丢脸的行为,所以一般人除非迫不得已,否则是不会这样做的。 所以,come hat in hand 常用来比喻“走投无路”、“穷困潦倒”、“有求于人”。 例如: Retired workers need not come hat in hand to ask for supplementary allowance. (退休工人就不必卑躬屈膝地请求追加补助费了。) 精彩英语:


背道而驰成语故事(中英文版) 背道而驰,意思就是背道而驰。故事中的那个人,思想不仅糊涂,而且顽固。以下是小编整理的背道而驰成语故事(中英文版),欢迎阅读。 背道而驰成语故事(中文版)从前有一个人,从魏国到楚国去。他带上很多的盘缠,雇了上好的车,驾上骏马,请了驾车技术精湛的车夫,就上路了。楚国在魏国的南面,可这个人不问青红皂白让驾车人赶着马车一直向北走去。 路上有人问他的车是要往哪儿去,他大声答复说:“去楚国!”路人告诉他说:“到楚国去应往南方走,你这是在往北走,方向不对。”那人满不在乎地说:“没关系,我的马快着呢!”路人替他着急,拉住他的马,阻止他说:“方向错了,你的马再快,也到不了楚国呀!”那人仍然毫不醒悟地说:“不要紧,我带的路费多着呢!”路人竭力劝阻他说:“虽说你路费多,可是你走的不是那个方向,你路费多也只能白花呀!”那个一心只想着要到楚国去的人有些不耐烦地说:“这有什么难的,我的车夫赶车的本领高着呢!”路人无奈,只好松开了拉住车把子的手,眼睁睁看着那个盲目上路的魏人走了。 那个魏国人,不听别人的指点劝告,仗着自己的马快、钱多、车夫好等优越条件,朝着相反方向一意孤行。那么,他条件越好,他就只会离要去的地方越远,因为他的大方向错了。 这个故事告诉我们,无论做什么事,都要首先看准方向,才能充

分发挥自己的有利条件;假如方向错了,那么有利条件只会起到相反的作用。 背道而驰成语故事(英文版)Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north. A passer-by asked him:"If you are going to south, why is your chariot heading north?" The ma answered, "My horse is good at running, My driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, ad I have enough money."The man didint consider that the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, ther further he was away from his destination. The idiom derived froim this story indicates that one's action was the opposite effect to one's intention. 【拓展延伸】 【原文】 魏王欲攻邯郸。季梁闻之,中道而返。衣焦不申,头尘不去,往见王曰:今者臣来,见人于太行,方北面而持其驾,告臣曰:我欲之楚。臣曰:君之楚将奚为北面?曰:吾马良!臣曰:马虽良,此非楚之路也。曰:吾用多!臣曰:用虽多,此非楚之路也。曰:吾御者善!此数者愈善,而离楚愈远耳。今王动欲成霸王,举欲伸于天下。恃王国之大,兵之精锐,而攻邯郸以广地尊名。王之动愈数,而离王愈远耳。犹至楚而北行也! 【字释】


南辕北辙成语故事(中英文版) 南辕北辙,意思就是背道而驰。故事中的那个人,思想不仅糊涂,而且顽固。以下是小编整理的南辕北辙成语故事(中英文版),欢迎阅读。 南辕北辙成语故事(中文版)从前有一个人,从魏国到楚国去。他带上很多的盘缠,雇了上好的车,驾上骏马,请了驾车技术精湛的车夫,就上路了。楚国在魏国的南面,可这个人不问青红皂白让驾车人赶着马车一直向北走去。 路上有人问他的车是要往哪儿去,他大声回答说:“去楚国!”路人告诉他说:“到楚国去应往南方走,你这是在往北走,方向不对。”那人满不在乎地说:“没关系,我的马快着呢!”路人替他着急,拉住他的马,阻止他说:“方向错了,你的马再快,也到不了楚国呀!”那人依然毫不醒悟地说:“不要紧,我带的路费多着呢!”路人极力劝阻他说:“虽说你路费多,可是你走的不是那个方向,你路费多也只能白花呀!”那个一心只想着要到楚国去的人有些不耐烦地说:“这有什么难的,我的车夫赶车的本领高着呢!”路人无奈,只好松开了拉住车把子的手,眼睁睁看着那个盲目上路的魏人走了。 那个魏国人,不听别人的指点劝告,仗着自己的马快、钱多、车夫好等优越条件,朝着相反方向一意孤行。那么,他条件越好,他就只会离要去的地方越远,因为他的大方向错了。 这个故事告诉我们,无论做什么事,都要首先看准方向,才能充 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

分发挥自己的有利条件;如果方向错了,那么有利条件只会起到相反的作用。 南辕北辙成语故事(英文版)Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north. A passer-by asked him:"If you are going to south, why is your chariot heading north?" The ma answered, "My horse is good at running, My driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, ad I have enough money."The man didint consider that the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, ther further he was away from his destination. The idiom derived froim this story indicates that one's action was the opposite effect to one's intention. 【拓展延伸】 【原文】 魏王欲攻邯郸。季梁闻之,中道而返。衣焦不申,头尘不去,往见王曰:今者臣来,见人于太行,方北面而持其驾,告臣曰:我欲之楚。臣曰:君之楚将奚为北面?曰:吾马良!臣曰:马虽良,此非楚之路也。曰:吾用多!臣曰:用虽多,此非楚之路也。曰:吾御者善!此数者愈善,而离楚愈远耳。今王动欲成霸王,举欲伸于天下。恃王国之大,兵之精锐,而攻邯郸以广地尊名。王之动愈数,而离王愈远耳。犹至楚而北行也! 【字释】 魏──战国时代国名,疆域在现今河南省北部、山西省西南部一


优秀经典英语成语故事带翻译 成语寓言故事:Genuine and Fake Tripods of the Han Dynasty真假汉鼎 A civilian named Shentu Dun in Luoyang obtained an unearthed tripod of the Han Dynasty from Shenchuan, Chang' an. 洛阳,有一位平民叫申屠敦,他从长安深川得到了一尊出土的汉鼎。 On the tripod, the crisscross designs of clouds and ancient hornless dragons were bright and clear. Lu Sheng, his neighbour on the west, took a fancy to it instantly. He asked a coppersmith to cast a tripod in imitation, soaked and dyed it with a strange decoction, dug a pit and buried it underground. 鼎上,云和蝠交错的花纹,灿烂清晰。申屠敦家西边的一位邻居鲁生一见到就十分喜爱,让铜匠模仿着也铸了一尊,用一种奇特的药浸染之后,挖了一个坑,把它埋在地下。 After three years, he dug it out. Owing to the decoction and corrosion of the earth, the copper surface of the tripod changed and looked very much like Shentu Dun's genuine tripod. 过了三年,他把鼎从地下挖出来一看,由于药物和泥土的锈蚀,表面的铜质起了变化,跟申屠敦的真的汉鼎极其相似。 One day, Lu Sheng presented this fake tripod to an influential official, who was so pleased as if he had got a treasure that he invited guests to a banquet to appreciate it together. 一天,鲁生将这尊假汉鼎献给了一位权贵。权贵如获至宝,便大宴宾客,请大家共同 欣赏。 At the time, Shentu Dun was also present. He knew in his heart that Lu Sheng's tripod was a fake. He said: 当时,申屠敦也在座。他心里头最明白,鲁生的那尊是假的,就说: "I also have a tripod of about the same shape as this one. But I don't know which one is genuine." “我也有一尊汉鼎,形状和这尊差不多,但不知哪一尊是真的。” The influential official asked him to fetch it at once. After he examined it for a long time, he said:


英语经典成语故事带翻译 成语寓言故事:Flying High and Far to Distant Places远走高飞 Tian Rao had served Ai Gong, King of the State of Lu, for many years, but he was never appointed to any important position. 田饶虽然服侍鲁哀公多年,但是仍然没有受到重用。 One day, Tian Rao said to Ai Gong of Lu: 有一天,田饶对鲁哀公说: "I am going to leave Your Majesty, and fly high and far to distant places like the swan goose." “我要离开大王,像鸿雁那样远走高飞。” "What do you mean?" asked Ai Gong. 鲁哀公说:“你这是什么意思?” Tian Rao replied: 田饶回答说: "Haven't Your Majesty seen a rooster before? It has a red cockscomb on its head and looks very elegant. It has sharp claws on its feet and is of martial bearing. When facing enemies, it is very brave and vigorous and fights to the bitter end. When it fords food, it will call its pals to enjoy together, and is very kind. It keeps watch during the night and crows at dawn, never bungles matters and is very honest. Though the rooster has these five merits, Your Majesty still order your subordinates to cook it for food. Why is that so? Because it is near to Your Majesty." “大王难道没有见过雄鸡吗?它头上戴着红冠,非常文雅;脚上有锋利的爪子,格外英武;面对敌人敢打敢拼,十分勇猛;看见食物就呼唤同伴一道享用,多么仁义;晚上守夜,黎明报晓,从来不会误事,极其诚实!雄鸡虽然有这五种长处,可是大王还是命令手下人把它煮了吃。为什么会这样呢?因为它就在大王身边啊!” Tian Rao paused and then continued: 田饶顿了顿,接着说:


成语故事的中英文版 During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), prince Zhou Xu of the State of Wei killed his brother and became the new emperor. Zhou Xu was a tyrant. He oppressed his people and indulged in wars of agGREssion. By launching wars, he tried to divert the people's attention and reduce their discontent with him in order to consolidate his dictatorship. The Duke of the State of Lu leant about Zhou Xu's usurpation of state power and his ambitious plan, he asked a senior official, "What do you think about Zhou Xu's move? "The official answered, "He indulges in wars , bringing his people much disaster. He won't get their support. And he's capricious, so few of his close friends follow him. He can never achieve his success. In addition, war is like fire. If one launches wars endlessly without restraint, he'll eventually burn himself. " Sure enough, the people of Wei with the help of the State of Chen overthrew Zhou Xu and killed him in less than a year.


铁杵成针 Perseverance spells success Born in the 8th century, Li Bai is probably one of the most prolific poets in Chinese history. This Tang Dynasty poet is so well-known in China that even today, a kindergarten child can recite one or two of his poems. But when the literature giant was a child, he was very naughty. One day, he played hookey and found himself at a nearby stream. He saw an old woman grinding an iron rod on a big stone. Driven by curiosity, he asked: "What are you doing, granny?" "Grinding an iron rod," said the old woman without stopping her work. "But what for?" "To make a sewing needle." "What?! Did you say you're grinding a big iron rod into a small sewing needle?!" "Why not? There's nothing in the world you can't achieve." "But it'll take many years!" "That doesn't matter. What's important is perseverance. If I put in a great deal of effort, I'm sure I can grind the iron rod into a needle." The old woman ground on and on. Li Bai was deeply moved by the old woman's words and actions. He felt ashamed of himself. He ran back to his study and since then worked very hard at his books. After years of hard work, he achieved great success as a poet. He traveled around the world and wrote poems to praise local beauty and as a result, his fame spread far and wide. When he came back to his hometown, Li Bai met that old lady again, still grinding the iron rod. But this time, the iron was almost a needle; the old lady's perseverance had brought her success.


中国成语故事的英文版 熟能生巧 Although Chen Yaozi was a civil official in Song Dynasty, he loved archery very much, and was pretty good at it. 宋朝大臣陈尧咨虽然是进士出身,却爱好射箭,而且技艺不俗。 One day he was practicing in his own field, and eight or nine times out of ten he hit the target. He became quite complacent. 一天,他在自家的场地上演习,中靶率高达百分之八九十,心中大为得意。 Looking around, he found an old man who sells oil standing nearby. And the old man only nodded slightly towards his skills, not amazed. Angered by this, he called the old man to come over and asked him, “Do you also know archery? Aren’t my skills brilliant?” The old man took out a gourd from the wicker-basket and placed it on the ground. He covered the opening of the gourd with a copper coin. And then he scooped a spoon of oil and began to pour the oil into the gourd through the hole in the coin drop by drop without wetting the coin. 四周一看,发现旁边站了很久的一位卖油的老头对此只是微微点点头,并不特别惊讶,顿时无名火起,将老头叫过来,问道:“你也懂射箭吗?我的技术难道不高明吗?”老头从 筐里取出一只葫芦,放在地上,用一枚铜钱盖住葫芦口,舀出一勺油,通过钱眼,一滴一 滴倒进葫芦里,铜钱上一星油迹也没有。 The old man said to Chen Yaozi, “This is only practice makes perfect, nothing so brilliant.” Chen Yaozi laughed and sent him away. 老头对陈尧说:“我这不过是熟能生巧,谈不上什么高明。”陈尧咨笑笑,将老头打 发走了。 世外桃源 During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there was an old fisherman in Wuling. One day, he took his boat out to go fishing. As the boat floated downstream, the fisherman lost his way. Suddenly, a beautiful forest of peach trees with flowers in full bloom caught his eyes. He carried on sailing to the end of the forest where he found a mountain


简短英语成语故事带翻译 成语寓言故事:The Clever Way to Get Rich致富妙法 There lived a rich man named Guo in the State of Qi and a poor man named Xiang in the State of Song. 齐国有个姓“国”的富人,宋国有个姓“向”的穷人。 The poor man came to the State of Qi to visit the rich man, and asked him about the way to get rich. 穷人到齐国去拜访那位富人,向他请教致富的方法。 The rich man in the State of Qi told him: 齐国富人告诉他: "I was also very poor before, but now I am quite well-off. The only reason is that I can steal and rob. But it is very painstaking. By stealing and robbing, I could make a living in the first year, and in the second year I had more than enough to eat and wear. In the third year, my family's storehouse was truly filled with grain and millet." “我原来也很贫穷,可是现在日子过得很好。原因只是我会偷、会抢罢了。不过太辛 苦了。我偷呀抢呀,第一年生活就够维持了,第二年就已经吃不完穿不完了,第三年我家 里真是粮满囤、谷满仓。” The man of Song only heard him talk profusely about stealing and robbing, but did not find out clearly how to steal and rob. The minute he returned home, he got dizzy with imagined success and started to steal and rob. 宋国人只听见他满口的偷呀抢呀,却没有问清楚究竟怎么个偷法、怎么个抢法。他一 回到家就得意忘形地动手去偷、去抢。 As soon as it was dark, he climbed over the wall of the family on the east, and dug a hole in the wall of the family on the west. He stole whatever he saw. After some time, his family actually began getting rich. But just when he was immensely proud of himself, the bailiffs from the yamen government office came and arrested him. He was declared guilty and put in prison. All the things he had stolen and robbed, together with his own old and worn-out stuff, were confiscated.
