


Richard. E. Caves

















选自: Management and Administration, Macmillan Press Ltd., 2005

Going International

Richard. E. Caves

Business enterprises have become increasingly international but most of them go international by a process of creeping "incremental-ism" rather than by strategy choice. Some firms are first attracted to foreign markets by unsolicited export orders and, after discovering new opportunities, move through a series of stages to the establishment of foreign production facilities. Other firms initiate international activities in response to threats to an oligopoly position. Still others respond to specific opportunities for developing supplies of resources, acquiring foreign technology, or achieving greater production efficiency through foreign operations. And at some stage of becoming a global enterprise, many firms could be best characterized as a portfolio of diverse and separate country companies tied together by a network of ad hoc relationships.

Rarely are these early moves part of a comprehensive global strategy. But as pressures arise from competition in an international scale and from country control programs, and as firms become increasingly aware of synergistic benefits, more and more are building global strategies and adopting global planning procedures. A global strategy is a plan expressing an enterprise's strategy for maximizing its chosen objectives through geographical allocation of its limited resources, taking into account competition from whatever geographical source and the geographical opportunities and constraints.

A global strategy encompasses the planning, timing, and location of a firm's activities and resources as well as its strategies for how it will enter new markets, what it will own, and how it will manage the global operation. The construction of a global strategy on a rational basis requires a careful assessment of the global alternatives and the risks involved for each. To build a global strategy, the decision maker must be free of any national blinders and consider world markets and world resource locations and now simply the markets or resources of a particular country in isolation. A global strategy aims at maximizing results on a multinational basis rather than treating international activities as a portfolio of separate country business.

The basic reasons for having a global strategy are that most product and factor markets extend beyond the boundaries of a single country and the competition that ultimately determines performance is not constrained to individual locations and country markets. To remain competitive, or to become competitive, the strategy horizon for most firms must, therefore, encompass threats and opportunities of both domestic and foreign origin. If its domestic competitors extend their horizons to include a broader scale base, the firm could find itself unable to maintain the same pace of research or product development given its smaller scales base. Even where domestic competition is not moving rapidly to other markets, foreign firms may be developing strategies that pose a threat. European and U. S. firms in a number of industries were largely unprepared for the competitive challenge when the Japanese firms broke into their traditional markets x>n a significant scale. Automotive firms that had failed to build global coverage in the price segments the Japanese attacked were at an intermediate cost disadvantage. In the motorcycle industry the effects of leaving rapidly growing markets to Japanese competitors were even more dramatic. Many well-known firms disappeared completely.

Many U. S. firms did not need in the past to think globally at the early stages of a product's life because leadership coincided with achievement in the U. S. market. With its large population, high-wage rates, high discretionary spending power, and high propensity to innovate, the U-S. market was for many years the leader in adoption and growth rates for many products. Conversely, firms outside the United States had more need to plan

globally from the beginning of any product development. A U. K. firm introducing a technological advance was likely to find that U. S. demand grew more rapidly than U. K. demand. If U. K. demand was left to U. S. competitors, the sales and experience of U. S. competitors soon outpaced that of the U. K. firm. Now that U. S. wage rates and per capita GNP no longer have such a lead over Europe, perhaps, U. S. firms in their turn should be designing products against European markets that might lead the United States in adoption of those products.

Absence of global thinking also shows up where firms have been left behind in the competitive race because they failed to tap the cheapest sources of supply. In still other cases, firms may have achieved global market share and cheapest supplies, but at the expense of their financial strength or flexibility relative to foreign competitors. Assisted by a fluctuation in demand or technological changes, smaller competitors have been able to overtake them.

Since there are so many countries in the world, the multinational firm must establish priorities for selecting those markets against which it will make this strategic evaluation and choice of its business mission. It must decide whether strategic evaluation is carried out against one major single market, many single markets, or some segments of many markets. It must also decide how it is going to organize the responsibility for carrying through this strategic assessment. Will it be done by central headquarters, by multinational committees, or by national units?

In the major single market, or central market, approach, the firm selects its mission based on one national market and establishes a marketing mix, and later expands to other national markets. This approach reduces decision problems and can bring high profits because of the low marginal cost of geographic extensions. But which central market should the firm choose? Normally, the firm begins with its home market, but this may not be the best choice. Some Japanese and European firms have selected the high-income, sophisticated U. S. market for selected product lines. The sizes of the U. S. market have both advantages and disadvantages. Many Europeans see the cost of communications and coordination efforts in such a large market as a deterrent to producing products first in the United States as part of their world product strategy.

The multiple market approach implies a high degree of decentralization. It may be the best strategy in situations where special local conditions require particular products, such as fertilizers and pesticides, where economies of large-scale production are not important, and where the firm's competitive advantage depends upon capabilities other than advanced product design. In the case of an industrial product such as aluminum ingots, for example, the market characteristics such as product usage patterns, customer attitudes, and target customer groups may be quite similar for many countries, and the best strategy may be to focus on developing a more economical production process to bring a competitive cost advantage.

In the market segment approach, the firm identifies segments of national markets that could profitably be given separate treatment across national boundaries. Small market segments in individual countries may be insufficient for any one country unit to justify development of an appropriate product or to make the necessary investment in market development. World-wide or for a number of countries, however, such a segment may readily justify the expense.

In the last analysis, developing a global strategy depends upon the way executives think about doing business around the world. The design and implementation of a global strategy require that managers in both headquarters and subsidiaries follow a worldwide approach which considers subsidiaries as neither satellites nor independent city-states but as parts of a whole, the focus of which is on worldwide as well as local objectives. And

each part of the system makes its unique contribution with its unique competence. This approach, which has been popularized as "egocentrism", involves collaboration between subsidiaries and headquarters to establish universal standards and permissible local variations on the basis of which key decisions are made. However, egocentrism requires a reward system for subsidiary a manager that motivates them to work for worldwide goals and not just to defend country objectives.

In international enterprises, there are three general types of headquarters' orientation toward subsidiaries; ethnocentric (home-country oriented), polycentric (or host-country oriented) , and geocentric (world oriented).

The ethnocentric attitude can be characterized as: "We, the home-country nationals, are superior to, more trustworthy than, and more reliable than any foreigners in headquarters or the subsidiaries.” In such firms, performance criteria and decision rules are generally based on home-country standards. Ethnocentrism works against a global strategy because of a lack of good feed back and because the experience and views of managers familiar with local conditions in the areas of operation do not carry appropriate weight in decision making.

Polycentric firms go to the other extreme by assuming that local people always know what is best for them and that the unit of the multinational enterprise located in a host country should be as local in identity and behavior as possible. A polycentric firm is more akin to a confederation of quasi-independent subsidiaries. A polycentric management philosophy is likely to sacrifice most of the unification and synergistic benefits of multinational operation. The costs of polycentrism are the waste due to duplication of effort and inefficient use of home-country experience. The approach has the advantage of making intensive use of local resources and personnel but at the cost of global growth and efficiency.

Egocentrism also has costs, largely-related to communication and travel expense, time spent in decision making because of the desire to educate personnel about global objectives and to secure consensus, and the expense of a relatively large headquarters bureaucracy. But the payoffs are a more objective total enterprise performance, worldwide utilization of resources, improvement of local company management, a greater sense of commitment to worldwide goals, and, last but not least, more profit. A globally oriented enterprise, of course, depends on having an adequate supply of managers who are globally oriented.

选自: Management and Administration, Macmillan Press Ltd., 2005


摘要: 建筑工程在施工过程中,施工组织方案的优劣不仅直接影响工程的质量,对工期及施工过程中的人员安全也有重要影响。施工组织是项目建设和指导工程施工的重要技术经济文件。能调节施工中人员、机器、原料、环境、工艺、设备、土建、安装、管理、生产等矛盾,要对施工组织设计进行监督和控制,才能科学合理的保证工程项目高质量、低成本、少耗能的完成。 关键词: 项目管理施工组织方案重要性 施工组织设计就是对工程建设项目整个施工过程的构思设想和具体安排,是施工组织管理工作的核心和灵魂。其目的是使工程速度快、质量好、效益高。使整个工程在施工中获得相对的最优效果。 1.编制施工组织设计重要性的原因 建筑工程及其施工具有固定性与流动性、多样性与单件性、形体庞大与施工周期长这三对特点。所以,每一建筑工程的施工都必须进行施工组织设计。这是因为:其它一般工业产品的生产都有着自己固定的、长期适用的工厂。而建筑施工具有流动性的特点,不可能建立这样的工厂,只能是当每一个建筑工程施工时,建立一个相应的、临时性的,如同工厂作用性质的施工现场准备,即工地。施工单件性特点与施工流动性特点,决定了每一建筑工程施工都要选择相应的机具和劳动力组织。选择施工方法、拟定施工技术方案及其劳动力组织和机具配置,统称为施工作业能力配置。施工周期的特点,决定了各种劳动力、机具和众多材料物资技术的供应时间也比较长,这就产生了与施工总进度计划相适应的物资技术的施工组织设计内容。由此可见,施工组织设计在项目管理中是相当重要的。 2.施工组织设计方案的重要性 建筑产品作为一种商品,在项目管理中工程质量在整个施工过程中起着极其重要的作用。工程建设项目的施工组织设计与其工程造价有着密切的关系。施工组织设计基本的内容有:工程概况和施工条件的分析、施工方案、施工工艺、施工进度计划、施工总平面图。还有经济分析和施工准备工作计划。其中,施工方案及施工工艺的确定更为重要,如:施工机械的选择、水平运输方法的选择、土方的施工方法及主体结构的施工方法和施工工艺的选择等等,均直接影响着工程预算价格的变化。在保证工程质量和满足业主使用要求及工期要求的前提下,优化施工方案及施工工艺是控制投资和降低工程项目造价的重要措施和手段。 2.1施工组织方案在很大程度上影响着工程质量,因此合理的施工组织方案不仅是确保工程顺利完成的基础,也是工程安全的依据。施工组织设计是建筑工


外文翻译 原文 The development of e-commerce Material Source:The Economist, 2003 Author:Laudon, K.C When the technology bubble burst in 2000, the crazy valuations for online companies vanished with it, and many businesses folded. The survivors plugged on as best they could, encouraged by the growing number of internet users. Now valuations are rising again and some of the dot-cons are making real profits, but the business world has become much more cautious about the internet’s potential. The funny thing is that the wild predictions made at the height of the boom—namely, that vast chunks of the world economy would move into cyberspace—are, in one way or another, coming true. The raw numbers tell only part of the story. According to America’s Departme nt of Commerce, online retail sales in the world’s biggest market last year rose by 26%, to $55 billion. That sounds a lot of money, but it amounts to only 1.6% of total retail sales. The vast majority of people still buy most things in the good old “brick s-and-mortar” world. But the commerce department’s figures deal with only part of the retail industry. For instance, they exclude online travel services, one of the most successful and fastest-growing sectors of e-commerce. InterActiveCorp (IAC), the owner of https://www.360docs.net/doc/593550579.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/593550579.html,, alone sold $10 billion-worth of travel last year—and it has plenty of competition, not least from airlines, hotels and car-rental companies, all of which increasingly sell online. Nor do the figures take in things like financial services, ticket-sales agencies, pornography (a $2 billion business in America last year, according to Adult Video News, a trade magazine), online dating and a host of other activities, from tracing ancestors to gambling (worth perhaps $6 billion worldwide). They also leave out purchases in grey markets, such as the online pharmacies that are thought to be responsible for a good proportion of the $700m that Americans spent last year on buying cut-price prescription drugs from across the border in Canada. And there is more. The commerce department’s figures include the fees earned


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 外文翻译--稻草到能源--它可能是个有价值的尝试一项华盛顿州立大学的研究已经发现华盛顿东部的小麦、大麦和草生产的播种栽培者依靠农作物残渣每年可以激发电力的大约400-425个百万瓦电力; 比Snake River上的任何一个大坝的能量都要多。 但是来自稻草生产的能源比水电和核子更贵,不过综合考虑所制定的价格、环境的利益和不稳定的电力市场,显然稻草能源更具有吸引力。 长久以来,世界各个区域的研究人员都在寻找一种能替代野外燃烧稻草的处理方法来减少污染。 尽管有许多种可供选择的使用方法,但是能源部门对于潜在的能够消耗大量的稻草这个市场表现的非常可观。 在一些区域,比如说加利福尼亚州,现存的产生能源的设备是随着稻子的生产而产生的,使他们吸引人利用稻草。 不幸的是,当谷粒收获时的稻草如果在传统的发电厂点燃将会产生一种含有矽石和钾的的渣,稻草中的氯进入火炉和煮器也会加速腐蚀。 钾和氯会迅速的和来自包括稻草在内的生物中的水一起被过滤。 当稻草被暴露在雨水中时,这种过滤自然就发生了。 过滤也能通过各种机械的处理方法产生。 1 / 16

无论如何,对于能够得出在燃烧中能导致的较高的灰熔性温度和较低的碱和卤素的挥发,这一结果本身就是一个显著的进步。 通过过滤燃烧稻草这种进步已经成功的在实验室里得到证明。 华盛顿东部的栽培者生产小麦、大麦和草种子等丰富农作物。 依照这样下来,他们生产了数以百万计的大量的稻草。 多余的农作物残渣能导致农作物产量减少,繁殖更多对农作物有害之物, 而且为种植下一轮农作物形成一个障碍。 多余的农作物残渣的处理, 尤其在田地最多的乡村中,确实是一个问题。 秸秆焚烧, 过去大多数的解决方法, 不再被社会所接受。 西北能源计划委员会的报告表明,在过去的十年内, 能量的需求在华盛顿、奥勒冈州和爱达荷州已经增加了 24% 但是当地的能量的产量增加只有区区4 %。 当要求已经超过补给的时候用于购买能源的费用已经急速增长。 结果,地方税纳税人已经在用电的帐单中看到了费用的增加。 加利福尼亚州的能源危机已经导致了西北地区的能源供给短缺。 依靠着有利的天气情况,华盛顿和奥勒冈州从加利福尼亚进口和出口能源。 2019年的暖湿气流留下的低强度的雪层补给了水源增加了水电站的发电能力。


顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销 原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction 》自20世纪八十年代末以来, 顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额, 获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。 一、顾客满意策略是现代企业获得顾客“货币选票”的法宝随着时代的变迁, 社会物质财富的极大充裕, 顾客中的主体———消费者的需求也先后跨越了物质缺乏的时代、追求数量的时代、追求品质的时代, 到了20世纪八十年代末进入了情感消费时代。在我国, 随着经济的高速发展,我们也已迅速跨越了物质缺乏时代、追求数量的时代乃至追求品质的时代, 到今天也逐步迈进情感消费时代。在情感消费时代, 各企业的同类产品早已达到同时、同质、同能、同价, 消费者追求的已不再是质量、功能和价格, 而是舒适、便利、安全、安心、速度、跃动、环保、清洁、愉快、有趣等,消费者日益关注的是产品能否为自己的生活带来活力、充实、舒适、美感和精神文化品位, 以及超越消费者期望值的售前、售中、售后服务和咨询。也就是说, 今天人们所追求的是具有“心的满足感和充实感”的商品, 是高附加值的商品和服务,追求价值观和意识多元化、个性化和无形的满足感的时代已经来临。 与消费者价值追求变化相适应的企业间的竞争, 也由产品竞争、价格竞争、技术竞争、广告竞争、品牌竞争发展到现今的形象竞争、信誉竞争、文化竞争和服务竞争, 即顾客满意竞争。这种竞争是企业在广角度、宽领域的时空范围内展开的高层次、体现综合实力的竞争。它包括组织创新力、技术创新力、管理创新力、产业预见力、产品研发力、员工向心力、服务顾客力、顾客亲和力、同行认同力、社会贡献力、公关传播沟通力、企业文化推动力、环境适应力等等。这些综合形象力和如何合成综合持久的竞争力, 这就是CSft略所要解决的问题。CS寸代,企业不再以“自己为中心”,而是以“顾客为中心”;“顾客为尊”、“顾客满意”不再是流于形式的口号, 而是以实实在在的行动为基础的企业经营的一门新哲学。企业不再以质量达标, 自己满意为经营理念, 而是以顾客满意, 赢得顾客高忠诚度为经营理念。企业经营策略的焦点不再以争取或保持市场占有率为主, 而是以争取顾客满意为经营理念。因此, 营销策略的重心不再放在竞争对手身上而是放在顾客身上, 放在顾客现实的、潜在的需求上。当企业提供的产品和服务达到了顾客事先的期望值, 顾客就基本满意;如果远远超越顾客的期望值, 且远远高于其他同行, 顾客才真正满意;如果企业能不断地或长久地令顾客满意, 顾客就会忠诚。忠诚的顾客不仅会经常性地重复购买, 还会购买企业其它相关的产品或服务;忠诚的顾客不仅会积极向别人推荐他所买的产品, 而且对企业竞争者的促销活动具有免疫能力一个不满意的顾客会将不满意告诉16-20个人, 而每一个被告知者会再传播给12-15个人。这样, 一个不满意者会影响到二、三百人。在互联网普及的今天, 其影响则更大。据美国汽车业的调查, 一个满意者会引发8笔潜在的生意, 其中至少有一笔会成交。而另一项调查表明, 企业每增加5%的忠诚顾客, 利润就会增长25%-95%。一个企业的80%的利润来自20%的忠诚顾客;而获取一个新顾客的成本是维持一个老顾客成本的6倍。所以,美国著名学者唐?佩 珀斯指出: 决定一个企业成功与否的关键不是市场份额, 而是在于顾客份额。 于是, 企业纷纷通过广泛细致的市场调研、与消费者直接接触、顾客信息反馈等方式来了解顾客在各方面的现实需求和潜在需求。依靠对企业满意忠诚的销售、服务人员, 定期、定量地对顾客满意度进行综合测定, 以便准确地把握企业经营中与“顾客满意” 目标的差距及其重点领域, 从而进一步改善企业的经营活动。依靠高亲和力的企业文化、高效率的人文管理和全员共同努力, 不断地向顾客提供高附加值的产品, 高水准的亲情般的服


专业资料 学院: 专业:土木工程 姓名: 学号: 外文出处:Structural Systems to resist (用外文写) Lateral loads 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 抗侧向荷载的结构体系 常用的结构体系 若已测出荷载量达数千万磅重,那么在高层建筑设计中就没有多少可以进行极其复杂的构思余地了。确实,较好的高层建筑普遍具有构思简单、表现明晰的特点。 这并不是说没有进行宏观构思的余地。实际上,正是因为有了这种宏观的构思,新奇的高层建筑体系才得以发展,可能更重要的是:几年以前才出现的一些新概念在今天的技术中已经变得平常了。 如果忽略一些与建筑材料密切相关的概念不谈,高层建筑里最为常用的结构体系便可分为如下几类: 1.抗弯矩框架。 2.支撑框架,包括偏心支撑框架。 3.剪力墙,包括钢板剪力墙。 4.筒中框架。 5.筒中筒结构。 6.核心交互结构。 7. 框格体系或束筒体系。 特别是由于最近趋向于更复杂的建筑形式,同时也需要增加刚度以抵抗几力和地震力,大多数高层建筑都具有由框架、支撑构架、剪力墙和相关体系相结合而构成的体系。而且,就较高的建筑物而言,大多数都是由交互式构件组成三维陈列。 将这些构件结合起来的方法正是高层建筑设计方法的本质。其结合方式需要在考虑环境、功能和费用后再发展,以便提供促使建筑发展达到新高度的有效结构。这并

不是说富于想象力的结构设计就能够创造出伟大建筑。正相反,有许多例优美的建筑仅得到结构工程师适当的支持就被创造出来了,然而,如果没有天赋甚厚的建筑师的创造力的指导,那么,得以发展的就只能是好的结构,并非是伟大的建筑。无论如何,要想创造出高层建筑真正非凡的设计,两者都需要最好的。 虽然在文献中通常可以见到有关这七种体系的全面性讨论,但是在这里还值得进一步讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论。设计方法的本质贯穿于整个讨论中。 抗弯矩框架 抗弯矩框架也许是低,中高度的建筑中常用的体系,它具有线性水平构件和垂直构件在接头处基本刚接之特点。这种框架用作独立的体系,或者和其他体系结合起来使用,以便提供所需要水平荷载抵抗力。对于较高的高层建筑,可能会发现该本系不宜作为独立体系,这是因为在侧向力的作用下难以调动足够的刚度。 我们可以利用STRESS,STRUDL 或者其他大量合适的计算机程序进行结构分析。所谓的门架法分析或悬臂法分析在当今的技术中无一席之地,由于柱梁节点固有柔性,并且由于初步设计应该力求突出体系的弱点,所以在初析中使用框架的中心距尺寸设计是司空惯的。当然,在设计的后期阶段,实际地评价结点的变形很有必要。 支撑框架 支撑框架实际上刚度比抗弯矩框架强,在高层建筑中也得到更广泛的应用。这种体系以其结点处铰接或则接的线性水平构件、垂直构件和斜撑构件而具特色,它通常与其他体系共同用于较高的建筑,并且作为一种独立的体系用在低、中高度的建筑中。


中英文对照外文翻译文 电子商务时代企业文化的再造 随着网络时代电子商务大规模发展,电子商务企业文化随之产生,它在一个企业在产生的一种新的价值观,使企业内部资源得到从新整合,在为企业带来降低交易成本,提高效率,缩短生产周期等诸多好处的同时,也对已有的企业文化发起了挑战。电子商务的兴起是一场由技术手段飞速发展而引发的商业运作模式的变革,传统经济活动的生存基础、运作方式和管理机制均发生了彻底改变,传统的企业文化也面临着巨大的冲击。 一、企业文化对企业价值的贡献 文化现象是一个国家和民族文明的主要见证。广义的文化,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗和任何人作为一名社会成员而获得的能力和习惯在内的复杂整体。作为“亚文化”的企业文化,对企业的生存与发展亦起着举足轻重的作用。企业文化是商品经济和市场经济的产物,符合市场经济的客观规律,体现企业的竞争实务、竞争精神和整体形象。所谓企业文化就是企业的经营管理哲学,企业面对所处的社会和商业环境,在长期的生产经营活动中,形成全体员工所接受和认同信守的、为争取事业成功的一套非正式规则。它表明企业奉行何种管理哲学,以及企业通过管理要达到一个什么样的目标。是经济管理的重要内容之一。企业文化意味着一个公司的价值观,而这些价值观成为公司员工活动和行为的规范。 企业文化的本源问题是如何增加企业利润,降低企业的成本和费用。它的要义就是怎么使企业能够有效的整合资源,以达到对外部的适应性,使公司在竞争中生存,进而实现持续发展。企业文化建设为企业开展文化管理指出一个明确的方向。企业文化建设的根本目的是建设能够对外竞争环境具有高度适应性,并能根据环境变换做出迅速反应的行为方式能力,这种能力其实就是企业所拥有的根据外部竞争的环境需要而对内部资源进行整合运用的能力。企业文化建设应促进这一能力系统的形成,并维持好这一能力系统。中国的许多企业例如海尔、联想等企业成功的秘诀之一就是发展了一整套公司理念、经营哲学,形成了自己独特的企业文化。 1、企业文化体现企业的形象和精神。树立良好的企业形象,需要企业文化的支撑。现


Positioning in Practice Strategic Role of Marketing For large firms that have two or more strategic business units (SBUs), there are generally three levels of strategy: corporate-level strategy, strategic-business-unit-level (or business-level) strategy, and marketing strategy. A corporate strategy provides direction on the company's mission, the kinds of businesses it should be in, and its growth policies. A business-level strategy addresses the way a strategic business unit will compete within its industry. Finally, a marketing strategy provides a plan for pursuing the company's objectives within a specific market segment. Note that the higher level of strategy provides both the objectives and guidelines for the lower level of strategy. At corporate level, management must coordinate the activities of multiple strategic business units. Thus the decisions about the organization's scope and appropriate resource deployments/allocation across its various divisions or businesses are the primary focus of corporate strategy.Attempts to develop and maintain distinctive competencies tend to focus on generating superior financial, capital, and human resources; designing effective organizational structures and processes; and seeking synergy among the firm's various businesses. At business-level strategy, managers focus on how the SBU will compete within its industry. A major issue addressed in business strategy is how to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. Synergy for the unit is sought across product-markets and across functional department within the unit. The primary purpose of a marketing strategy is to effectively allocate and coordinate marketing resources and activities to accomplish the firm's objectives within a specific product-market. The decisions about the scope of a marketing strategy involve specifying the target market segment(s) to pursue and the breadth of the product line to offered. At this level of strategy, firms seek competitive advantage and synergy through a well-integrated program of marketing mix elements tailored to the needs and wants of customers in the target segment(s). Strategic Role of Positioning Based on the above discussion, it is clear that marketing strategy consists of two parts: target market strategy and marketing mix strategy. Target market strategy consists of three processes: market segmentation, targeting (or target market selection), and positioning. Marketing mix strategy refers to the process of creating a unique


2.2 移动电子商务的服务质量 移动电子商务的文献资料显示,几乎没什么直接衡量移动电子商务服务质量的文章。很多对电子服务的研究通过研究消费者行为来调查移动电子商务的服务质量。比如,Turel and Serenko(2006) 修改了美国顾客满意度模型来研究加拿大的顾客满意度。在他们的模型中,感知质量,即感知服务质量,被定义为对服务经验的市场评估。通过该服务的个性化和可靠性来衡量。早期研究中有六个服务质量衡量方法,包括电话服务质量,定价结构,移动设备,增值服务,手续简便以及客户的支持度。通过对因素的探索性分析,他们派出了移动设备、手续简便以及客户支持度等因素,因为这些因素的因素负荷很低。因此,他们采用剩下的三个因素衡量服务质量。类似的还有,Lim也认为顾客对移动电子商务的感知质量有5个方面,包括定价规划,网络服务质量,数据服务,广告系统和顾客服务,这些都是Lim通过探索性分析确定的。 也有人认为服务质量与各种各样的移动电子商务的应用程序有关。Chae et al 在调查移动电子商务信息质量的时候,他延伸了先前一个信息质量的框架,将移动电子商务(比如移动设备和背景)的特点结合了起来。他们从四个方面来测量移动电子商务信息质量。

1)连接质量,其受稳定性和反应性的影响;2)内容质量,其受客观性,可信性和数量的影响;3)互动质量和情境质量,其受结构,导航,介绍,时间性以及准时性的影响。另外,他们认为顾客的预期目标缓和了四个信息质量的衡量标准和用户满意度之间的关系。在另一份研究中,Kar et al认为移动电子商务所在的环境具有不稳定性,并采取了电子商务的质量衡量方法。他们的测量方法包括可靠性,反应性,用户界面,信任以及定制化。还有一份关于移动电子服务质量的感知的研究,Yun et al检验了八项移动数据服务,包括短信服务,来电铃声,振铃声,背景图像服务,游戏,多媒体信息服务,基于语境的服务,电视点播,以及关键的质量属性(包括声音质量,游戏时间和图像质量)。 总而言之,研究学者都是从不同的角度来研究移动电子商务,所以对其衡量方法也各持己见。现在,在中国电信市场中,移动电信的竞争日益激烈。为了能在这高度竞争的市场中占有一席之地,服务提供者需要准确评估顾客对移动电子服务的感知质量。前面有提过,我们知道SERVQUAL和SERVPERF在衡量服务质量时都有不足之处,这两项都没有反映出移动电子商务市场的特点。在本论文中,我们提出了一个


XXXXXXXXX 毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 学生姓名: 院(系): 专业班级: 指导教师: 完成日期:

施工组织设计的重要性 摘要: 建筑工程在施工过程中,施工组织方案的优劣不仅直接影响工程的质量,对工期及施工过程中的人员安全也有重要影响。施工组织是项目建设和指导工程施工的重要技术经济文件。能调节施工中人员、机器、原料、环境、工艺、设备、土建、安装、管理、生产等矛盾,要对施工组织设计进行监督和控制,才能科学合理的保证工程项目高质量、低成本、少耗能的完成。 关键词: 项目管理施工组织方案重要性 施工组织设计就是对工程建设项目整个施工过程的构思设想和具体安排,是施工组织管理工作的核心和灵魂。其目的是使工程速度快、质量好、效益高。使整个工程在施工中获得相对的最优效果。 1.编制施工组织设计重要性的原因 建筑工程及其施工具有固定性与流动性、多样性与单件性、形体庞大与施工周期长这三对特点。所以,每一建筑工程的施工都必须进行施工组织设计。这是因为:其它一般工业产品的生产都有着自己固定的、长期适用的工厂。而建筑施工具有流动性的特点,不可能建立这样的工厂,只能是当每一个建筑工程施工时,建立一个相应的、临时性的,如同工厂作用性质的施工现场准备,即工地。施工单件性特点与施工流动性特点,决定了每一建筑工程施工都要选择相应的机具和劳动力组织。选择施工方法、拟定施工技术方案及其劳动力组织和机具配置,统称为施工作业能力配置。施工周期的特点,决定了各种劳动力、机具和众多材料物资技术的供应时间也比较长,这就产生了与施工总进度计划相适应的物资技术的施工组织设计内容。由此可见,施工组织设计在项目管理中是相当重要的。 2.施工组织设计方案的重要性 建筑产品作为一种商品,在项目管理中工程质量在整个施工过程中起着极其重要的作用。工程建设项目的施工组织设计与其工程造价有着密切的关系。施工组织设计基本的内容有:工程概况和施工条件的分析、施工方案、施工工艺、施工进度计划、施工总平面图。还有经济分析和施工准备工作计划。其中,施工方案及施工工艺的确定更为重要,如:施工机械的选择、水平运输方法的选择、土方的施工方法及主体结构的施工方法和施工工艺的选择等等,均直接影响着工程预算价格的变化。在保证工程质量和满足业主使用要求及工期要求的前提下,优化施工方案及施工工艺是控制投资和降低工程项目造价的重要措施和手段。 2.1施工组织方案在很大程度上影响着工程质量,因此合理的施工组织方案 不仅是确保工程顺利完成的基础,也是工程安全的依据。施工组织设计是建筑工程设计文件的重要组成部分,是编制工程投资概预算的主要依据和编制招投标文件的


太阳能发电外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) Design of a Lead-Acid Battery Charging and Protecting IC in Photovoltaic System ZENG De-you,LING Chao-dong,LI Guo-gang 1.Introduction Solar energy as an inexhaustible, inexhaustible source of energy more and more attention. Solar power has become popular in many countries and regions, solar lighting has also been put into use in many cities in China. As a key part of the solar lighting, battery charging and protection is particularly important. Sealed maintenance-free lead-acid battery has a sealed, leak-free, pollution-free, maintenance-free, low-cost, reliable power supply during the entire life of the battery voltage is stable and no maintenance, the need for uninterrupted for the various types


市场营销策略外文文献及翻译 Marketing Strategy Market Segmentation and Target Strategy A market consists of people or organizations with wants,money to spend,and the willingness to spend it.However,within most markets the buyer' needs are not identical.Therefore,a single marketing program starts with identifying the differences that exist within a market,a process called market segmentation, and deciding which segments will be pursued ads target markets. Marketing segmentation enables a company to make more efficient use of its marketing resources.Also,it allows a small company to compete effectively by concentrating on one or two segments.The apparent drawback of market segmentation is that it will result in higher production and marketing costs than a one-product,mass-market strategy.However, if the market is correctly segmented,the better fit with customers' needs will actually result in greater efficiency. The three alternative strategies for selecting a target market are market aggregation,single segment,and multiple segment.Market-aggregation strategy involves using one marketing mix to reach a mass,undifferentiated market.With a single-segment strategy, a company still uses only one marketing mix,but it is directed at only one segment of the total market.A multiple-segment strategy entails


附录 附录1:英文文献 Line Balancing in the Real World Abstract:Line Balancing (LB) is a classic, well-researched Operations Research (OR) optimization problem of significant industrial importance. It is one of those problems where domain expertise does not help very much: whatever the number of years spent solving it, one is each time facing an intractable problem with an astronomic number of possible solutions and no real guidance on how to solve it in the best way, unless one postulates that the old way is the best way .Here we explain an apparent paradox: although many algorithms have been proposed in the past, and despite the problem’s practical importance, just one commercially available LB software currently appears to be available for application in industries such as automotive. We speculate that this may be due to a misalignment between the academic LB problem addressed by OR, and the actual problem faced by the industry. Keyword:Line Balancing, Assembly lines, Optimization


跨境电商外文文献综述 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 译文: 本地化跨境电子商务的模型 摘要 通过对国际供应链的B2B电子商务交易量的快速增长和伊朗快速增加的跨境交易业务,跨境电商过程的有效管理对B2B电子商务系统十分重要。本文对局部模型的结构是基于B2B电子商务的基础设施三大层,消息层、业务流程层和内容层。由于伊朗的电子商务的要求,每一层的需要适当的标准和合适的方案的选择。当电子文件需要移动顺利向伊朗,建议文件的标准为文件内容支持纸质和电子文件阅读。验证提出的模型是通过案例研究方法呈现一到四阶段的情景。本文试图通过交换商业文件在贸易过程中这一局部模型,实现在全球电子贸易供应链更接近区域单一窗口建设的关键目标。 关键词:电子商务;跨境贸易;电子文档管理;国际供应链

1.简介 电子商务是关于在互联网或其他网络电子系统购买和销售产品或服务。术语B2B(企业对企业),描述了企业间的电子商务交易,如制造商和批发商,或批发商和零售商之间。本文的研究目标是上两个不同国家贸易商之间的通信。今天的世界贸易组织的主要目标之一是建立区域单一窗口,可以提高世界各地的贸易便利化。建立区域单一窗口需要跨境海关,可以有效地交换贸易文件。因此,首先,简化跨境贸易文件的关键在于朝着国家单一窗口移动。然后,区域单一窗口可以授权国家之间的通信。电子商务模型是基于三个主要逻辑层的研究。这三个层消息传输层,业务处理层和内容层。本文的局部模型是一种能够自动交换读取文件的过程。通过与东亚和中东国家的建立区域单一窗口可以在将来得到改善的更多的互操作性,从而建立伊朗国家单一窗口 在本文的第二部分讨论引进国际供应链中的跨境B2B模式所需的基本概念和标准。第三部分介绍在大的模型中引入的组件功能和范围。第四部分讨论了B2B交易层模型的定位,最后结束本文。 2.背景 在本节中,除了了解B2B电子商务在伊朗的情况,还有参考模型的背景等概念以及讨论B2B电子商务跨境模式的本土化。 2.1 B2B电子商务在伊朗 如今伊朗在贸易进程的变现是一个关键的贸易成功点。伊朗和许多其他国家接壤,它的进口和出口过程可以通过公路,铁路,海上和空中的方式来完成。因此,这个国家的中部和战略作用,使得它在亚洲和中东地区货物运输的主要贸易点。今天,在伊朗海关几乎所有的贸易过程通过纸质表格完成,由商务部提供的电子服务仅限于谁该国境内交易的商人。今天,伊朗海关几乎所有的贸易流程都是通过纸质表格来完成的,商务部给出的电子服务只限于该国的商人。介绍了模型试图简化在伊朗交易的跨境电子商务供应链交换电子文件的过程。这里提到的一些系统,由商务部在伊朗的电子服务被提及:进口订单管理系统。贸易统计制度。伊朗法典伊朗。这些电子系统的主要使用,以促进在伊朗贸易过程。这里提到的系统作为独立的贸易者可与建议本文模型在未来的作用。在亚洲的区域性单


公共建筑能源效率与室内空气质量中英文2018 原文 Energy efficiency – indoor air quality dilemma in public buildings Liva Asere, Andra Blumberg Abstract The energy efficiency –indoor air quality dilemma is a common predicament in many buildings undergoing energy efficiency improvements. The main goal of this research is to study the impact of this dilemma on national final energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction. A simulation using a system dynamics model was carried out. The stock of public buildings was split into four sub-categories based on when the buildings were constructed. Natural ventilation is used in all buildings before renovation. After implementing energy efficiency measures, two scenarios are simulated: one with and one without mechanical ventilation. Buildings constructed between 1940 and 1992 exhibit the greatest increase in both floor areas with energy efficiency measures and profitability ratio. The simulation results show that if ventilation is operated according to national building standards, total energy consumption in public buildings increases by 1.3 % in 2014 and by 2 % in 2040 compared to the situation where there is no mechanical ventilation. If the implementation of the energy efficiency measures is increasing at higher rate, the difference between both
