


英语总复习虚拟语气难点、易错点(1) 一、初中英语虚拟语气 1.If I ____ a candle, I would light the world bright. A.am B.are C.be D.were 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果我是一根蜡烛,我将点亮这个世界。if I were 如果我是…,were虚拟语气,be动词都用were,故选D 考点:if条件句的虚拟语气 点评:if条件句的虚拟语气,是中考要求掌握的知识点,分为三种情况: 表示与现在事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用一般过去式(be用were),主句谓语动词用should/would/could/might +do;2.表示与过去的事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用过去完成时,主句谓语动词用should/would/could/might+have done;3.表将来的事实相反的情况,从句谓语动词用should+动词/did/were to do,主句谓语动词用should/would/could/might +do。 2.If I _____ one million dollars, I________ travel around the world with my parents. A.have; will B.had; will C.had; will D.had; would 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:如果我有一百万美元,我要和我的父母环游世界。结合语境可知主句描述的是将来动作,用将来时态。从句中是对将来的虚拟,故用过去时态。选D。 考点:if引导的条件状语从句 点评:虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话并不是事实,而是一种假设、愿望、怀疑或推测。其主要有三种结构: 1、与现在事实相反 若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形” 2、与过去事实相反 若与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词” 3、与将来事实相反 若与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形”: 3._______ in order to sit for the college entrance exam? A.What did she suggest he read B.What did she suggest he reads C.Did she suggest for him to read D.Did she suggest what he read 【答案】A


情态动词和虚拟语气难点解析 一、 Shall 的用法 :表示请求、允诺、允许 当对方是决策者时,你代表你(们自己(I , we ,或代表第三者(he , she , they 向对方(you 请示或提出建议时用 (用于第一、三人称, 构成疑问句, 征求对方意见,此意不用 will :① shall I/we… ?② shall he/she/they(也可以是表示第三人称的名词…? ③would/can you… ? …… 好吗?要不要…… ? 如: Shall we begin our class ? Shall I open the window ? Shall the boy wait ? 你要那孩子等吗? Let’s sit here ,shall we ? 我们坐在这里,好吗? When shall my father be able to leave hospital ? Would you do me a fovor ?你能帮我一个忙吗? 当你自己(I 是决策者时,给对方(you 或第三者(he , she , they 以命令、警告、允诺或威胁时, 要用 shall 。此外, 当宣布法律、规定时, 也用 shall 。如: You shall leave the room at once ,and he also shall .(= I order you and him to leave the room at once . It has been anounced that candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers


中国法制史复习重点 一、夏商法制 (一)夏 1、夏代法律内容:统称为禹刑,泛指夏代所有的法律。 2、奴隶制五刑制度:是通行于中国古代奴隶社会的一种刑罚体系,即墨、劓、刖、宫、大辟五种。其中,前四种为肉刑,即身体刑,大辟为死刑,即生命刑。这种刑罚体系野蛮而又残酷,一直到南北朝时方为封建制五刑所取代。 3、司法制度: (1)夏代中央最高司法官称为“大理”,地方法官称“士”,基层则称“蒙士”。他们分掌夏代中央、地方乃至基层的司法审判工作。 (2)夏代监狱称之为“圜土”,中央监狱称为“夏台”。 4、夏代的法律规范:昏、墨、贼、杀。(也许有案例) (二)商 1、“商有乱政,而作汤刑”:《汤刑》是商代奴隶制法的泛称。《汤刑》是商代的立法思想。 2、商代婚姻继承制度: (1)明确确定一夫一妻制; (2)继承制度:商时为“兄终弟及,父死子继”的继承制度,且“弟及为主,子继为辅”,亦即兄殛弟继,无弟子继,弟死兄子继。直至商王武丁时始立太子制,即商代末年确立嫡长子继承制。 3、司法机构: (1)商代中央最高审判机关为“司寇”,位列六卿;下设正、史等审判官,地方与基层司法审判官则称“士”与“蒙士”。 (2)商代监狱承夏制仍称为“圜土”,另设有专门关押要犯之狱,称为“囹圄”。 二、西周法制 1、法律思想:承夏商“天讨”、“天罚”神权法思想,提出“以德配天”、“明德慎刑”的政治法律主张。在法律形式上主张“礼”、“刑”并用,在这里,德等同于礼。并同时体现民之所欲,天必从之的思想,这是“民本”思想的雏形。其礼的核心是尊尊、亲亲。 2、宗法制度:是中国古代社会中存在的一种以血缘关系为纽带的家庭组织与国家制度相结合,以保证血缘贵族世袭统治的政治形式。宗法制度是西周时期基本政治制度。 3、法律形式: (1)周公制礼——尊尊、亲亲。西周时期的“礼”是法律规范的重要组成部分,具有国家强制性。 (2)“吕刑”、“九刑” 4、刑罚:仍以墨、劓、刖、宫、大辟五刑为主,并形成以“圜土之制”、“嘉石之制”为名的徒刑拘役等刑罚,以及赎刑、流刑等制,作为五刑的补充,这是封建制刑罚的萌芽。 5、刑法原则 (1)三赦之法:老幼犯罪减免刑罚; (2)三宥之法:区分故意与过失、惯犯与偶犯; 6、刑事正策——“刑罚世轻世重” 《尚书?吕刑》:“轻重诸罚有权。刑罚世轻世重”。“权”是权衡、度量。主张“刑罚世轻世重”就是说要根据时势的变化,根据国家的具体政治情况、社会环境等因素来决定用刑的宽


虚拟语气: 表示说的话不是事实,不可能发生或者说可能性很小的情况,表达一种愿望、建议、假设。 if were/did, would do if had done, would have done if were to do/should do, would do 举例: If I were you, I would do nothing about it. If you had taken your teacher’s advice, you wouldn’t have made such a mistake. If it were to/ should rain tomorrow(表示降水率很低),they wouldn’t go shopping. 附注: 虚拟语气,条件状从倒装 状语从句中,去掉if,提前were/ had/ should 如:If I were you, I would give up. →Were I you, I would give up If you had taken the advice, you would have…. →Had you taken the advice, you would have… If the world shou ld come to an end,…… →Should the world come to an end…… 另外,without, but for, otherwise构成的条件状语从句中,也有含蓄的虚拟语气But for the popularization of electricity, we would lead a whole different life today. (popularization 普及,publicity 宣传) Without your help, I would have failed. We’ll go earlier, otherwise we wouldn’t get a seat.(表示可能性小)


虚拟语气易错点汇总及练习测试题经典 一、初中英语虚拟语气 1. ---What if I have to go there and know nothing about it? --- If I______ you, I would try to find some information about it on the Internet. A.am B.was C.will be D.were 【答案】D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:——倘若我必须去那儿而且对那里一无所知,该怎么办?——如果我是你,我会在网上查找一些有关那里的信息。根据I would try to find可知主句用的是would+do,可知这是对现在事实的假设的虚拟语气,因此If引导的条件状语从句用一般过去时,根据虚拟语气的用法be动词在If引导虚拟语气中用were .故选 D。 考点:考查虚拟语气的用法。 2.The air pollution is worse and worse. The government suggests that people ____ to work by subway or by bus. A.go B.goes C.going D.to go 【答案】A 【解析】 【详解】 句意:空气污染越来越糟糕。政府建议人们乘地铁或者乘公交车去上班。 考查谓语动词。A. go 去;B. goes 去;C. going 在去;D. to go 为了去。这是一个that引导的宾语从句,suggest后跟的宾语从句应用虚拟语气(should)do结构,should可省略。故选A。 3.If I _______ you, I _______ go there. A.is; will B.is; would C.were; would D.was; will 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查虚拟语气,if引导的与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。从句用一般过去式,主句用过去将来时。句意:如果我是你的话,我会去那儿的。 1.57.---What would you do if you a million dollars? ---If I you, I’d give it to medi cal research. A.got, were B.win, am C.won, am D.get, were 【答案】A 【解析】本题是考查的虚拟语气,对于将来的假设,主句用过去将来时,从句用一般过去

复习专题 虚拟语气难点汇总

复习专题虚拟语气难点汇总 一、初中英语虚拟语气 1.If I were invited to the party,I _______ a red skirt. A. will wear B. wear C. would wear 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:如果我被邀请参加聚会,我会穿红色的裙子。此处考查虚拟语气。句中,主句和从句的谓语都要用虚拟语气,与现在事实相反的假设,从句(条件句)动词过去式(be 一般用were);主句(结果句) should /would/ could/ might +动词原形。故答案为C。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 2.If I______ you, I would take a small present.. A.am B.was C.were D.are 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果我我你,我会那个小的礼物。句中用虚拟语气,系动词用were,故选C。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 3. If I __you . I__study harder. A.am , will B.was, would C.were, would D.were, will 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果我是你,我会更努力学习。这个句子要用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反。所以用过去式were, would,故选C。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 4.If I ______ you, I ______invite him to go to see a movie. A.am;would B.were;will C.were;would D.was;will 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果我是你,我会邀请他去看电影。go to see a movie去看电影;invite sb to do邀请某人做某事;在表达与现在事实相反的虚拟语气中,Be用were,主句用would。 考点:考查虚拟语气。 5.If I ___ you, I ___ be afraid . A.was, wouldn’t B.were, won’t C.were, wouldn’t 【答案】C


名词解释 1.楔形文字法 指古代西亚两河流域地区各奴隶制国家以楔形文字镌刻而成的法律的总称。它产生于公元前3000年左右,到公元前6世纪,随着新巴比伦王国的灭亡而逐渐走向消亡。 2.《汉穆拉比法典》 公元前19世纪,同一两河流域的古巴比伦王国第六代国王汉穆拉比在吸收原有楔形文字法的基础上制定的一部法典。其原文镌刻在一块黑色玄武岩石柱上,又称“石柱法”。法典分为序言、正文和结语三部分,基本上适应了当时巴比伦国家奴隶制经济的影响,具有较大的历史影响。 3.吠陀 印度最古老神圣的法律渊源,约成于公元前1500-公元前600年,分为《梨俱吠陀》、《赞颂吠陀》、《娑摩吠陀》、《耶柔吠陀》四部,以诗歌体裁写成。它们充满了神话和幻想,反映了当时印度社会的政治经济状况,其中许多涉及当时人们的行为规范和社会习惯。 4.摩奴法典 约成于公元前2世纪-公元2世纪,是古印度第一部较为正式的法律典籍,它较全面地论述了吠陀的精义,规定了以种姓制为核心的基本内容。它对印度法制史产生了深远的影响,并传播至东南亚及远东地区,从而形成了以它为基础的印度法系。 5.印度法系 世界五大法系之一,指随着古代印度法的发展,以《摩奴法典》为基础的古代印度法律制度广泛影响而形成的,包括了当时东南亚各国。至15世纪最后一个印度化王国灭亡,印度法系也成了死法系。 6.解负令 公元前594年雅典梭伦立法的一项改革内容,规定拔除立在债务人份地上的记债碑,作为债务抵押品的土地无偿归还原主,禁止人身奴役和买卖奴隶,因债务抵押为奴者一律恢复自由,因债务而卖身到外国为奴的自由人由国家出金赎回。7.市民法 又称公民法,是古代罗马国家固有的法律,包括民众大会和元老院通过的带有规范性的决议、法律以及习惯法规范,仅适用于罗马市民(公民)。其内容主要是有关罗马共和国的行政管理、国家机关以及一部分诉讼程序的问题,涉及土地等财产方面的不多。其特点是体系不完整、带有保守性、形式主义比较浓厚等。8.万民法 万民法是规范罗马公民和非公民之间以及非罗马公民之间的纠纷的法律体系,是


虚拟语气在as if/as though引导的方式状语从句中1.表示与现在事实相反或对现在情况有怀疑,谓语动词用过去式。 He treats the boy as if he were his own son. 2.表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用过去完成时。 He spoke as if he had known about it. 3.表示与将来事实相反,(表示将来的可能性不大),用would (might, could)+动词原形 He acts as if he could win in the game . 注意:1.在as if/as though 句中,如果有可能成为事实,用陈述语气。 例:He looks as if he going to be ill. 2.as though或as if引导的状语从句,从句主语和主句主语相同时,从句中可省略主语和部分谓语。 虚拟语气用在lest,for fear that,so that及in order that引导的目的状语从句中表示“以防,以免”等意思谓语动词多用should/could/might+动词原型构成 For fear that it may rain tomorrow, we should bring an umbrella. 由“providing(that) /provided(that)/on condition that/suppose (that)/supposing (that)”引导的条件从句根据情况,1.可以用虚拟语气。 例:suppose/supposing that it rained,we shouldn’t go out. 2.也可以用陈述语气。 例:They are willing to surrender provided they are given free pardon..


高考英语虚拟语气知识点易错题汇编附答案 一、选择题 1.I wish I ___ able to tell him all about it last night. A.should be B.were C.had been D.was 2.Had electronic computers not been invented, many problems of space flight . A.could not have solved B.could not be solved C.can not have been solved D.could not have been solved 3.—Oh, dear. I’m really very busy now. —Would you rather that I to you about my experience at school? A.shouldn’t speak B.didn’t speak C.don’t speak D.won’t speak 4.I wish I ________ an architect because then I ________ be able to design my own house. A.am, will be B.were, would C.will be, could D.was, could 5.I strongly suggest that the information ____ in my report ____ to Mr Brown without delay. A.to be referred to; to be e-mailed B.referring to; e-mail C.referred to; be e-mailed D.being referred to; being e-mailed 6.It is time that we ________ a decision on how to approach this problem. A.make B.made C.to make D.will make 7.It is recommended that the project ______ until all the preparations have been made. A.is not started B.will not be started C.not be started D.is not to be started 8.I can’t thank you more, Tony. But for your timely warning, I into great trouble yesterday. A.had got B.got C.would have got D.would get 9.I missed the chance to meet the movie star in the flesh. How I wish I ________ ill yesterday!A.didn’t fall B.weren’t falling C.hadn’t fallen D.haven’t fallen 10.She looks as if she _____ ten years younger. A.is B.was C.were D.had been 11.In the bright sunlight the surface of the lake looks as if it____dotted with shining diamonds. A.is B.were C.will be D.would be 12.-You came second in the running race. Congratulations! -Thanks. But practising more, I _______ a different result. A.might get B.may get C.may have got D.might have got 13.—Would you mind if I ______ the window? —Not at all. In fact, I was going to suggest you ______ it. A.open; did B.opened; to do C.open; doing D.opened; do 14.Sam insisted that he______the law and______. A.didn't break;mustn't be punished B.doesn't break;shouldn't punish C.hadn't broken;be not punished D.hadn't broken;not be punished 15.This computer is of good quality. If it ___________ break down within the first three months, we would repair it at our expense.


中国法制史 绪论 一、关于中国法制史学科 (一)中国法制史是法律史学科的一个重要分支 (二)中国法制史的研究范围 (三)中国法制史的发展历程 二、关于中国法制史的基本线索 (一)夏商西周春秋时期法制的萌芽和成长 (二)战国秦汉三国两晋南北朝时期中央集权君主专制法制的形成和发展 (三)隋唐法制的完善 (四)宋、元、明、清法制的成熟及演变 (五)中国近代法制的演变 (六)新民主主义法制实践及其转型 (七)中华人民共和国初期法制的建设 三、关于中华法系 【中国传统法制的基本特征】 (一)以儒家学说为法制的基本的指导思想和立论基础 (二)引礼入法、礼法结合 (三)家族本位的伦理发占有重要地位 (四)鲜明的专制特性? (五)融合了以汉族为主题的各民族的法律意识和法律原则 (六)刑事、行政、经济立法比较发达,民事立法相对薄弱 (七)无讼是求,调处息争 论述中华法系及特点: 中华法系是指以中国古代法律制度为母体,在东南亚早期封建国家之间形成的一个影响广泛的法系。中华法系的母法就是经千年积累而成的中国古代法律制度。中华法系的子法系统,主要有封建时期的日本、朝鲜、越南等仿效中国古代法而建立起来的法律体系。 中国法系的特点表现在:从立法和法典结构上看,是“诸法合体,民刑不分”;从司法体制上看,是“行政兼理司法”。但是,中华法系的基本特点应该是“礼法合一”。礼法合一”是指在中华法系法律制度中,中国传统的论理道德规范与法律规范完全融为一体,法律的评判标准与道德的评判标准完全一致。 第一章夏商西周的法律制度 司考考点: 明德慎罚、出礼入刑、五刑、契约、婚姻继承、大司寇、五听、五过、三刺。

·神话传说时代——习惯法 ·夏商周——形成了礼刑结合的国家法体系 ·西周的法制思想已形成一个较为完备的体系,其内容趋于成熟,促进了礼刑结合的法律制度得到进一步发展,并建立起比较完善的司法制度。 第一节中国法律的起源 一、原始人的法 ·法人类学的基本观点 (一)法是社会生活需要的产物 (二)无论原始社会还是文明社会都有其法律制度 ·中国原始人的法表现为礼与刑两个方面 二、礼来源于原始人的祭祀 三、刑始于兵,兵狱同制 (一)刑起源于部落战争----刑始于兵,兵狱同制 (二)战争产生了刑罚---- 奴隶制五刑的产生是战争的需要和结果; (三)一些罪名产生于战争----弗用命.不从誓言罪等; (四)刑官产生于战争----皋陶作士. 第二节夏商西周的礼 一、周公制礼★ 西周的重大立法活动.西周初期在周公的主持下,以周族原有的习惯法为基础,结合 现实需要,对夏商的礼进行全面的整理增删,重新厘订了一套完备的典章制度和礼节 仪式,史称周公制礼. 二、周礼的分类 (一)可分为“本”和“文”;“本”指精神原则;“文”指礼节仪式。 (二)可分为“五礼”、“六礼”或“九礼”。(五礼:吉、凶、军、宾、嘉) 三、周礼的实质 ·西周的礼法制度以差序为基础,所谓差序就是强调人与人之间不平等的等级秩序。 ·礼的实质就是“别”,反映了西周的社会秩序是一种等差秩序。 四、周礼的内容 (一)土地所有权 1、土地王有制度:“溥天之下,莫非王土”; 2、分封制度:“授民授疆土”; 3、贡赋制度:“公食贡、大夫食邑、士食田,庶人食力”。 (二) (三)婚姻 1、婚姻形式:贵族实行一夫一妻多妾制,民间实行一夫一妻制。 2、婚姻条件:(1)禁止性条件:同姓不婚、五不娶。 (2)成立条件:父母之命,媒妁之言。


高考英语虚拟语气知识点易错题汇编附答案(1) 一、选择题 1.His suggestion that she ________ in his home suggested he ________ very warm-hearted. A.would stay; was B.stayed; be C.should stay; be D.stay; was 2.If penicillin available, many people from sickness or even small wounds in World WarⅡ. A.was not; would die B.were not; would have died C.had not been; would died D.had not been; would have died 3.What do you think of the proposal that improvement ____ in the type of vacuum cleaner? A.be made B.will be made C.would be made D.has to be made 4.louder, all the students would hear. A.If the teacher had spoken B.If the teacher will speak C.Had the teacher spoken D.If the teacher spoke 5.The snowstorm sweeping across California delayed my flight, otherwise I _____ in Hawaii sunbathing on the beach now. A.would be B.could have been C.will be D.might have been 6.How I wish I ______ my mouth before I shouted at my mum! A.shut B.have shut C.had shut D.would shut 7.It is recommended that the project ______ until all the preparations have been made. A.is not started B.will not be started C.not be started D.is not to be started 8.The board thought it urgent that these files _____ right away. A.printed B.had been printed C.would been printed D.be printed 9.--- Are you happy now? --- If only I _____ slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever. A.am B.were C.had been D.should be 10.It’s requested that a lecture ______ on this subject. A.is given B.should be given C.will be given D.has been given 11.Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam _____ at the age of six months old. A.was B.be C.were D.is 12.-You came second in the running race. Congratulations! -Thanks. But practising more, I _______ a different result. A.might get B.may get C.may have got D.might have got 13.She wou ldn’t have flown off the handle _____the fact that you didn’t intend to hurt her. A.were she to know B.had she known C.did she know D.should she have known 14.They demanded that the right to vote ___________ to every adult. A.was given B.was giving C.be giving D.be given


高考英语虚拟语气知识点专项训练及答案 一、选择题 1.She wouldn’t have flown off the handle _____the fact that you didn’t intend to hurt her. A.were she to know B.had she known C.did she know D.should she have known 2.-You came second in the running race. Congratulations! -Thanks. But practising more, I _______ a different result. A.might get B.may get C.may have got D.might have got 3.You can download it and rewrite your report using your own words you acknowledge where you got your information by attaching a list of websites you got your information from. A.should B.may C.would D.could 4.Recent years have seen a growing increase in the emergence of cyber terms, without which our life _____ so colorful nowadays. A.won’t be B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t be D.can’t be 5.With the help of the detective Sam, Justin was found, so Justin's mother insisted an amount of money as a reward. A.to give B.on his giving C.he was given D.he be given 6.—Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be complerely ruined. —I wish they always late. A.weren’t B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t be D.wouldn’t have been 7.That was not the first time he ____ us. I think it's high time we ____ strong actions against him. A.betrayed, take B.had betrayed, took C.has betrayed, took D.has betrayed, take 8.It is recommended that the project ______ until all the preparations have been made. A.is not started B.will not be started C.not be started D.is not to be started 9.Studies show that historical barriers on women acceptance in organizational environments, the development of the company would already be way ahead. A.were it not for B.if there being no C.hadn't it been for D.if it is not for 10.--- Are you happy now? --- If only I _____ slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever. A.am B.were C.had been D.should be 11.What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ___________ it better. A.need have done B.must have done C.can have done D.might have done 12._____, the student insisted that he _____ separated from his desk mate, who is very naughty. A.To avoid being affected; be B.To avoid to be affected; would be


中国法制史“首”“最早”“第一次”汇总 1.赎刑最早出现于夏朝; 2.中国古代文献记载最早的一条军法见于《甘誓》(夏启) 3.商朝晚期最早确立了嫡长子继承制; 4.我国最早的劳役刑规定也是最早的强制劳动改造出现在西周; 5.郑国“铸刑书”是中国历史上第一次公布成文法的活动; 6.《法经》是我国第一部比较系统的封建成文法典,首创编纂封建成文法典的先河; 7.《法经》首创封建成文法典总则篇; 8.《法经》是最早规定对贪污犯罪进行惩处的封建成文法典; 9.《秦律》是我国第一部以“律”命名的封建成文法典; 10.最早颁布的令是商鞅的《分户令》; 11.监察制度来源于战国(御史),创建于秦朝(御史大夫),确立于西汉(御史台)。西汉末年,御史大夫更名为大司空,御史府改作御史台,由御史中丞主管监察事务,东汉时御史台称为宪台,西晋政权首次以御史台作为中央最高监察机关; 12.法律儒家化始于汉朝;《晋律》是中国历史上第一部儒家化的成文法典; 13.录囚制度、“亲亲得相首匿”(汉宣帝)始于汉朝; 14.《曹魏律》(《新律》)首次将“八议”入律; 15.《曹魏律》首次将类似于后现代封建成文法典总则的篇目置于律首; 16. 曹魏政权首创死刑复奏制度; 17.《晋律》(《泰始律》|《张杜律》)首次规定“准五服以治罪”制度; 18.西晋首设“登闻鼓”直诉; 19.《北魏律》首次将“官当”正式入律;“官当”正式规定在《北魏律》与《陈律》中;元朝开始废用“官当”; 20.北魏政权“以格代科”,首次创立“格”这一法律形式; 21.北魏政权首创杖刑; 22.西魏《大统式》是中国历史上最早的一部式;格成为一种法律形式始于东魏《麟趾格》; 23.西魏政权最早下诏废除宫刑;北齐时最终废除宫刑; 24.《北齐律》首次使得篇章体例定型化; 25.《北齐律》首创以“名例律”命名刑法典总则,并沿用至清末,确定12篇结构; 26.《北齐律》首次规定“重罪十条”; 27.北齐政权首次以大理寺作为中国古代中央最高审判机关; 28.《开皇律》首次使封建制五刑制度化; 29.《开皇律》首次区分公罪与私罪; 30.《开皇律》首次规定“十恶”;《大业律》内容上删除了“十恶”条款; 31.《贞观律》增设加役流;《贞观律》标志着唐代基本法典即告定型; 32.唐律首创疏议; 33.《唐律疏议》是到目前为止保存下来的最早、最完整的封建成文法典; 34.《永徽律疏》是中华法系的代表性法典,在元代以后称为《唐律疏议》; 35.唐律首次对自首、共同犯罪、比附、化外人相犯、六赃、六杀等作出完整规定; 36.《唐六典》是我国第一部经过系统编纂的封建行政法典; 37.两宋最频繁(最经常性)的立法活动是编敕; 38.《大中刑律统类》(唐宣宗时颁) 首创“刑统”的法典编篡方式; 39.《宋刑统》是我国第一部刊版印行的封建成文法典; 40.凌迟刑首次出现于五代时期,但属法外刑;宋代确立为法定刑(《庆元条法事类》);《大明律》首次使凌迟正式入律;至清末废除(《大清现行刑律》); 41.宋朝首创刺配刑; 42.宋朝首创条法事类;至今只保留下一部宁宗朝编订的《庆元条法事类》; 43.宋代所有权分为动产所有权和不动产所有权,《宋刑统》对动产所有权做了明确规定; 44.宋朝宋慈编纂的《洗冤集录》是我国、也是世界上最早的法医学专著; 45.宋朝首创“糊名”(弥封)、“誊录”、和回避等考试方法和规则; 46.宋仁宗首创《窝藏重法》;宋神宗颁行《重法地法》(《盗贼重法》); 47.元代第一部较为系统的成文法典:《至元新格》;


高考英语新虚拟语气知识点易错题汇编附答案(4) 一、选择题 1.But for the belief that things better soon, many people couldn’t have survived the rough time. A.had got B.got C.would get D.will get 2.—What a pity! You missed my birthday party. —Terribly sorry!___________my uncle not visited me unexpectedly. A.Should B.Would C.Had D.Did 3.—Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be complerely ruined. —I wish they always late. A.weren’t B.hadn’t been C.wouldn’t be D.wouldn’t have been 4.The board thought it urgent that these files _____ right away. A.printed B.had been printed C.would been printed D.be printed 5.--- Are you happy now? --- If only I _____ slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever. A.am B.were C.had been D.should be 6.They both look as if they ______ ten years younger after a heart-to-heart talk. A.are B.were C.have been D.had been 7.Eye doctors recommend that a child’s first eye exam _____ at the age of six months old. A.was B.be C.were D.is 8.Yesterday, Jane walked away from the heated discussion. Otherwise, she _____ something arbitrary that she would regret forever. A.must have said B.said C.might say D.might have said 9.—How impressive China’s 70th anniversary of National Day parade is! —Definitely. If only I ________ on the scene! A.was B.were C.have been D.had been 10.Don't you think it is time you ______ the plan?It is_______ the managers wanted to see________ soon. A.set out discussing; that ;to be carried out B.should set about discussing; that ; to carry out C.should set out to discuss ;what; to be carried out D.set about discussing, what; carried out 11.Look at the trouble you are in!_______your parents’ advice. A.If only you would have followed B.If only you followed C.If only you would follow D.If only you had followed 12.I wish I ________ an architect because then I ________ be able to design my own house. A.am, will be B.were, would C.will be, could D.was, could 13.(2018·江苏)There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _______ a second
