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1.1一般术语General Definition

①主要船级社Major Classification Societies

中国船级社China Classification Societies(CCS)

美国船级社American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)

劳氏船级社Lloyd’s Register of Shipping(LR)

法国船级社Bureau Veritas(BV)

挪威船级社Det Norske Veritas(DNV)

意大利船级社Registro Italiano Navale(RINA)

日本海事协会Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NKK)

俄罗斯船舶登记局Russia Register of Shipping (RR)

德国劳氏船级社Germanischer Lloyd (GL)

波兰船级社Polski Rejestr Statkow (PRS)


入级检验classification survey

入级规范classification rules

入级标志classification designation

入级申请request for classification

入级条件classification condition

入级证书classification certificate, certificate of class

入级平台classed platform


完工检验survey after completion

建造后检验survey after construction

装船前检验survey before shipment

轮流检验survey in rotation

损坏检验survey of damage

改装检验alteration survey

年度检验annual survey

锅炉检验boiler survey

水下部分检验bottom survey

完整检验complete survey

临时检验contingent survey

循环检验continuous survey

破损检验damage survey

坞内检验docking survey

干坞内检验dry-docking survey

一般检验general survey

不完全检验incomplete survey

中间检验intermediate survey

水上检验in-water survey

负载检验loading survey

载重线检验load line survey

部分检验partial survey

定期检验periodical survey

延期检验postponement survey

特殊检验special survey

法定发证检验statutory and certificate survey ④验船师ship surveyor

总验船师principal surveyor

⑤平台类型type of platform

固定式平台fixed platform

导管架式平台jacket platform

移动式平台mobile platform

自升式平台jack-up platform

elevating platform

沉垫自升式平台mat-supported jack-up platform

桩腿自升式平台self-elevating jack-up platform with leg

桩鞋自升式平台self-elevating jack-up platform with shoe 单桩自升式平台monopod jack-up platform

桩稳式平台column stabilized platform

半潜式平台semi-submerged platform

坐底式平台bottom-submerged platform

浮船式平台floating platform

张力腿式平台tension-leg platform

重力式平台gravity platform

重力塔式平台gravity tower platform

牵索塔式平台guyed tower platform

钻井平台drilling platform

生产平台production platform

井口平台well head platform

油井平台well platform

缆系平台tethered platform

系泊平台mooring platform

储油平台oil storage platform

油气处理平台process(ing) platform

集输平台gathering of pumping platform

居住平台accommodation platform

quarters platform

living platform

⑥浮态afloat [floating] condition

浮心center of buoyancy

纵倾longitudinal trim

纵倾力矩trim moment

纵稳心longitudinal metacenter [LGM]

纵稳心半径longitudinal metacenter radius

纵稳心高longitudinal metacenter height [LMH]纵稳性longitudinal stability


横倾力矩heeling moment

横稳心transverse metacenter [TGM]

横稳心半径transverse metacenter radius

横稳心高transverse metacenter height [TMH]横稳性transverse stability

⑦总纵弯曲overall longitudinal bending

总纵强度longitudinal strength

总重gross weight

总载荷overall loading

总体设计overall system design

总体性能overall performance

总吨位gross tonnage [GT]

净吨位net tonnage [NT]

漂心center of floatation

重心center of gravity

方形系数block coefficient [CB]

舱容系数coefficient of stowage
