四川大学网络教育学院 大学英语(二) 模拟试题3 及参考答案

四川大学网络教育学院 大学英语(二) 模拟试题3 及参考答案
四川大学网络教育学院 大学英语(二) 模拟试题3 及参考答案


Ⅰ. Use of English (5%)

Directions: In this part there are 5 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the dialogue.

1. —Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?

—_________________ .

A. Don?t ask that

B. Sorry, I?m a stranger here

C. No, I can?t say that

D. No, you?re driving too fast

2. —Mom, someone is knocking at the door.

—_________________ .

A. What is it?

B. Who is it?

C. Who is he?

D.Which one is it?

3. — This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so?

—_________________ .

A. You?re wrong

B. I don?t think so, I?m afraid

C. Not at all

D. No, that?s not real

4. —Mike, I?m sorry to say that I won?t be able to keep my 10:30 appointment.

—_________________ .

A. Let?s make it 11:30 then

B. What happened?

C. You disappoint me.

D. You can?t do so.

5. —I want to go to New York. What?s the fare?

—_________________ .

A. I beg your pardon?

B. I?m sorry

C. Yes, I don?t understand.

D. I?m not understanding.

Ⅱ. Reading Comprehension(40%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

Passage 1

If you are an immigrant, the first thing you will do when you come into this country is to find a place to live. Usually you need to rent a furnished room or an apartment.

The amount of rent you pay depends on the size of the apartment. The rent you pay also depends on the floor on which the apartment is located.

Elevator service adds to the cost. The location of the apartment makes a difference in the rent.

In many cases an agreement to rent the apartment is signed for a certain length of time. This agreement is called a lease(租房合同). The rent you agree to pay is written into the lease. So are the services the landlord agrees to give you.

It?s often a big problem to find a ro om, an apartment or a house. Walking through a neighborhood is one way of finding a place to live. The signs, “To let,” “For Rent”, “Rooms,” and “Vacancy”, will show you which places can be rented. Looking through the classified ads in the newspaper is helpful too. Real estate offices and even your church will do their best to help you.

6. The first thing an immigrant has to do when he or she come into a new country is to _________.

A. rent a room or an apartment

B. find furniture for his room

C. buy a house

D. rent a hotel

7. Which of the following is one of the factors that influence the amount of the rent?

A. The size of the family renting the house

B. The distance of the house from the market

C. The location of the apartment

D. The length of the renting time

8. What should be written into a lease according to the passage?

A. The owner?s reason for letting the house

B. The tax the owner has to pay

C. The cost of food the owner supplies

D. The services agreed to be provided

9. The last paragraph of the passage tells us _________.

A. how to find a house to be let

B. what is a good house you can rent

C. why it is difficult to find a house

D. where to get a cheap apartment

10. The best title of the passage should be “_________.”

A. How Much You Should Pay

B. How to Find a Place to Live

C. What to be Included in a Lease

D. What Furniture is Provided

Passage 2

During the summer holidays there will be a revised schedule of services for the students. Changes for dining-room and library service hours and for bus schedules will be posted on the wall outside the dining-hall. Weekly film and concert schedules, which are being arranged, will be posted each Wednesday outside the student club.

In the summer holidays, buses going to the town center will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour during the day. The dining-room will serve three meals a day from 7:00 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. during the week and two

meals from noon to 7:00 p. m. on weekends. The library will continues its usual hours during the week, but have shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon to 5:00 p. m.

All students who want to use the library borrowing services must have a new summer card. This announcement will also appear in the next week?s student newspaper.

11. The main purpose of this announcement is to _________.

A. tell students of important schedule changes

B. tell students of new bus and library services

C. show the excellent services for students

D. ask students to renew their library cards

12. At which of the following times will the bus leave the main hall?

A. 8:00, 9:00,10:00,11:00

B. 8:30, 9:30,10:30,11:30

C. 8:30, 9:30,8:30,10:30

D. 8:00, 9:30,11:00,12:30

13. Times for films and concerts are listed in this announcement because


A. they are not to be announced

B. they are hard to arrange

C. the full list is not ready

D. the full list is too long

14. In the summer holiday, the library will have _________.

A. no special hours

B. special hours on weekdays

C. special hours on weekends

D. special hours both on weekdays and weekends

15. We may infer that during the summer holidays _________.

A. the student newspaper will sell more copies

B. there will be a concert or a film once a week

C. many students will stay in the university

D. no breakfast will be served on weekends

Passage 3

Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an undersea volcano(火山)broke out. The hot liquid rock piled higher and higher and spread wider and wider. In this way, an island rose up in the sea.

As time went on, hot sun and cool rains made the rock split and break into pieces. Sea waves dashed against the rock. In this way, soil and sand came into being.

Nothing lived on the naked soil. And then the wind and birds brought plant seeds, spiders and other little creatures there. Only plants could grow at first. Only they, in sunlight, could produce food from the minerals of the soil,

water and air. While many animals landed on the island, they could find no food. A spider spun its wed in vain, because there were no insects for its web to catch. Insects couldn?t stay until there were plants for them to eat. So plants had to be the pioneer life on this new island.

16. The main point of the passage is _________.

A. how an island formed

B. how a volcano broke out

C. how plants were brought to the island

D. how plants and animals began to live on an island in the sea

17. According to the passage, _________ made the island rise up in the sea.

A. hot liquid rock from the undersea volcano

B. sand brought by the wind

C. rock from the nearest island

D. sea waves

18. The word “dash” (in Para. 2) means _________.

A. smash

B. destroy

C. perform

D. rush

19. Why couldn?t animals live on the island before plants?

A. Because it was too hot on the bare island.

B. Because it rained too much.

C. Because there was no water.

D. Because they couldn?t find food.

20. Which order of coming into being on the volcano-produced island is right?

A. Hot liquid rock, animals and plants.

B. Soil, hot liquid rock and plants.

C. Spiders, birds and plants.

D. Soil, plants and animals.

Passage 4

The first English window was just a slit in the wall. It was cut long, so that it would let in as much light as possible, and narrow, to keep out the bad weather. However, the slit let in more wind than light. This is why it was called “the wind?s eye.” The world window itselft comes from two Old

Norse(挪威语)words for wind and eye.

Before windows were used, the ancient halls and castles of northern Europe and Britain were dark and smoky. Their great rooms were high, with only a hole in the roof to let out the smoke from torches and cooking.

As time went on , people wanted more light and air in their homes. They made the wind?s eyes widerr so as to admit air and light. They stretched canvas(粗帆布)or tapestry(挂毯)across them to keep out the weather.

21. The first window was a _________.

A. large hole in the wall

B. hole covered with canvas

C. slit in the wall

D. slit with a piece of paper over it

22. The word window meant _________.

A. opening to look thro ugh

B. light given

C. wind

D. wind?s eye

23. The window got its name because it _________.

A. kept out the wind

B. blew out the smoke

C. let in more wind than light

D. let in mostly light

24. In the ancient castles, smoke went out through _________.

A. the windows

B. the doors

C. the chimney

D. a hole in the roof

25. It seems true that the larger, canvas-covered windows _________.

A. were not as good as the first windows

B. let in more light and kept out more wind

C. did not let any air in

D. were as good a s today?s windows

Ⅲ. Vocabulary and structure(25%)

Section A Multiple Choice

Directions: In this section, there are 15 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the One Answer that best completes the sentence.

26. Li Hong speaks good English, which will be an ______ for her in hunting job.

A. burden

B. advantage

C. advance

D. offence

27. An astronaut will ______ to leave the spaceship and then return to it.

A. attempt

B. tempt

C. attend

D. template

28. People who ______ large amounts of animal fats are more likely to get cancer and heart disease.


B. companion

C. shop

D. consume

29. Fresh air, enough exercise and nutritious food ______ to good health.

A. add

B. attribute

C. distribute

D. contribute

30. Working as a teacher will ______ much patience.

A. call on

B. call for

C. call in

D. call out

31. All ______ you have to do is to press the button.

A. what

B. that

C. which

D. how

32. I remember the whole thing ______ it happened yesterday.

A. like

B. seems

C. as if

D. as

33. You had better ______ what he has to say.

A. hear

B. heard

C. hearing

D. to hear

34. ______ on the tower, we could see the whole city.

A. Standing

B. Stand

C. Stood

D. To stand

35. The sun ______ in the east and ______ in the west.

A. rise, set

B. rises, sets

C. is rising, is setting

D. rose, set

36. Tom, you ______ play with the knife. You ______ hurt yourself.

A. won?t; can?t

B. mustn?t; may

C. shouldn?t; must

D. can?t; shouldn?t

37. Although he?s only 16 years old, ______ h e has been a college student for two years.

A. but

B. /

C. however

D. and

38. ______ you don?t like him is none of my business.

A. What

B. Who

C. That

D. Whether

39. His wish of returning to his homeland grew stronger ______ the days passed.

A. with

B. when

C. as

D. that

40. On Sundays I prefer ______ at home to ______ out.

A. stay; going

B. to stay; go

C. staying; going

D. staying; go

Section B Close

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one answer that best completes the passage.

From Monday until Friday, most people are busy working or studying, but in the evening and on weekends they are free to relax and enjoy themselves. Some watch television 41 go to the cinema, others take part in sports. It 42 on individual interests. There are many different 43 to spend our spare time.

Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. Some hobbies are very expensive, but others are valuable 44 to their owners.

I know a man who has a coin collection worth several thousand dollars.

A short time ago, he bought a 45 fifty cent piece worth $250! He was very happy about his purchase and thought the price was reasonable. On the other hand, my youngest brother 46 match boxes. He has almost 600 of them but I doubt if they are worth 47 money. However, to my brother, they are extremely valuable. Nothing 48 him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

That' s what a hobby is, I guess. It is something we like to do 49 our spare time simply for the fun of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives 50 .

41. A. and B. but C. so D. or

42. A. lies B. works C. depends D. waits

43. A. ideas B. ways C. places D. periods

44. A. only B. especially C. fully D. totally

45. A. common B. usual C. rare D. new

46. A. gathers B. picks up C. chooses D. collects

47. A. some B. any C. no D. much

48. A. makes B. lets C. keeps D. helps

49. A. for B. to C. on D. in

50. A. does B. do C. is D. are

Ⅳ. Translation(20%)

Section A: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

51. The novel is written from a child?s perspective.

52. The amount you earn depends on the kind of work you?re doing.

53. Unless we commit ourselves, self-doubt will ferment and block our way.

54. A person who desires to meet potential mates online must be prepared to meat offline as well.

55. That?s why textbooks vary greatly from school to school, and from teacher to teacher even though they are all teaching the same subject in the same grade.

Section B: Translate the following sentences into English.

56. 小孩比成人更容易生病。(tend to do sth.)

57. 这是一个值得仔细考虑的问题。(worthy of)

58. 她第一次认识到了自己处境的潜在危险。(potential)

59. 过去十年间失业率一直在上升。(on the rise, unemployment)

60. 汤姆花了好几天时间才弄清楚到底发生了什么事。(figure out)

Ⅴ. Writing(10%)

Directions: Write one paragraph of no less than 80 words by …cause and effect?. Use the following sentence as its topic sentence.

Owning a car can be expensive.


I. Use of English


II. Reading Comprehension

6-10 Passage 1 ACDAB

11-15 Passage 2 ABCCD

16-20 Passage 3 DAADD

21-25 Passage 4 CDCDB

Ⅲ. Vocabulary and structure

Section A Multiple Choice

26-30BADDB 31-35BCAAB 36-40 BBCAC

Section B Close


Ⅳ. Translation

Section A:

51. 这部小说是站在孩子的角度来写的。

52. 你挣多少钱取决于你干什么类型的工作。

53. 假如我们不全心投入,自我怀疑就会膨胀并阻挡我们前进。

54. 一个想在网上结识未来伴侣的人必须作好在现实生活中与之见面的准备。

55. 这就是为什么不同学校之间的教科书大不相同,而且即使用教同一年纪、同一门课的老师使用的教材书也不一样的原因所在。

Section B:

56. Young children tend to get sick more ofthen than adults.

57. This is a question worthy of careful consideration.

58. For the first time she realized the potential danger of her situation.

59. The rate of unemployment has been on the rise during the past decade.

60. It took Tom a couple of days to figure out what had happened.

Ⅴ. Writing

Owning a car can be expensive. First, you have to purchase the car itself. If

you get the cheapest new car in the showroom, you will end up paying about $6000. Before you can drive the car home, you have to finance the car. Unless you have $6000 in cash, you will have to get a loan with high interest rates and pay a monthly note of around $200. Buying the car, however, is just the beginning of your expenses. Next, you have to buy gasoline at over a dollar a gallon. If you drive an average of 100 miles a week and get 35 miles per gallon, you will end up spending $6 to $10 a week on gas. That is about $40 a month. Add to that the expenses you have for maintenance, such as tune-ups and lubrication, and you have another $35 per month. All of these add up to about $300 a month—a big chunk of anyone?s paycheck!


大学英语四级模拟题四 Part One Reading Comprehension (2’×10 = 20’) Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Passage One Air pollution can spread from city to city. It even spreads from one country to another. Some northern European countries have had “black snow”from pollutants that have traveled through the air from other countries and have fallen with the snow. So air pollution is really a global problem. Air pollution can kill babies, older people, and those who have respiratory(呼吸的)diseases. As found in cities, air pollution increases the risks of certain lung diseases. Air pollution can cause both airplane and car accidents because it cuts down visibility (能见度). There are other possible health dangers from air pollution that we don’t know much about. For example, scientists are trying to find out whether chemicals that reach us from the air may cause changes in our cells. These changes might cause babies to be born with serious birth defects. Scientists are trying to learn how all the many chemicals are apt(易于的)to take into our bodies from air, water, food, and even medicines act together to affect our health and the way our bodies work. That is another reason why it is so important to begin to control pollution now instead of waiting until we learn all the answers. Air pollution costs us a lot of money. It corrodes(腐蚀)our buildings. It damages farm crops and forests. It has a destructive effect on our works of art. The cost of all this damage to our government is great. It would be much more worthwhile, both for us and for the government, to spend our tax dollars on air pollution control. 1. Air pollution may lead to airplane accidents because . A. it may cause pilots to be ill B. engines may fail from the air-borne dirt C. visibility is reduced D. it brings a lot of black snow 2. Scientists are trying to find a link between pollution and . A. intelligence levels B. birth problems C. man’s behavior D. the nervous system 3. Scientists have not yet determined . A. all of the effects of pollution on the human body B. how pollution can be controlled successfully C. when the atmosphere first became polluted D. how some snow becomes black 4. The author suggests that before air pollution becomes more serious, . A. factories will be forced to stop operating B. buildings should be protected C. the earth will begin to grow colder D. more money should be spent to solve the problem 5. We can conclude that . A. civilization may be ruined if pollution is not controlled B. pollution is more serious in Europe than it is in America C. most people do not know that pollution is a serious problem D. we should learn all the answers before we begin to control pollution Passage Two Stiletto heels could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons, according to British Trade Union bosses. The Trade Union Congress, predominantly male, has proposed a motion arguing that high heels are disrespectful to women while they also contribute to long term injuries. They propose instead that women wear “sensible shoes”with an inch heel limit in an attempt to avoid future foot and back pain as well as injuries. The motion is due to be debated at next month’s conference. The motion states: “Congress believes high heels may look glamorous on the Hollywood catwalks but are completely in appropriate for the day-to-day working environment. Feet bear the burden of daily life, and for many workers prolonged standing, badly fitted footwear, and in particular high heels can be a hazard. Around two million days a year are lost through sickness as a result of lower limb disorders. Wearing high heels can cause long-term foot problems and also serious foot, knee and back pain and damaged joints. Many employers in the retail sector force women workers to wear high heels as part of their dress code. More must be done to raise awareness of this problem so that women workers and their feet are protected.” Nadline Dorries, the Tory Member of Parliament, however criticized the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace. “I’m 5ft 3in and need every inch of my Christian Louboutin heels to look my male colleagues in the eye,”she said. “If high heels were banned in Westminster, no one would be able to find me. The Trade Union leaders need to get real, stop using obvious sexist tactics by discussing women’s


2001年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) 2 hours. B) 3 hours. C) 4 hours. D) 5 hours. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish


2010上半年大学英语(3)第2次作业大学英语(三) 第一部分:交际英语(每题3分,共15分) 1. — _____A_______________ — Well, they got there last Wednesday. So about a week. A. How long have your parents been in Paris? B. When did your parents arrive at Paris? C. Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday? D. When will your parents go to Paris? 2. —My mother is pretty sick. —____C______________. A. Good for her. B. Oh, it’s not true. C. That’s too bad. D. Why s 3. — I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. My plane leaves at 7:25. — Well, ______C________________. A. sounds great B. good for you C. goodbye and have a good trip D. it’s emergent 4. — Good morning, sir. Can I help you? — _______B__________. A. Yes, why not? B. Yes, is there a bank near here? C. Are you kidding? D. You are welcome! 5. — Please help yourself to some seafood. — ______D_________. A. No, I can’t. B. Sorry, I can’t help. C. Well, seafood don’t suit. D. Thanks, but I don’t like seafood. 第二部分:阅读理解(每题3分,共30分) Passage 1 A new study suggests that the more teenagers watch television, the more likely they are to develop depression as young adults. But the extent to which TV may or may not be to blame is a question that the study leaves unanswered. The researchers used a national long-term survey of adolescent health to investigate the relationship between media use and depression. They based


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 Model Test 1 Part One Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said - Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C)and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a line through the centre. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) At the office is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the centre. 1. A) She is not interested in the article. B) She has given the man much trouble. C) She would like to have a copy of the article. D) She doesn't want to take the trouble to read the article. 2. A) He saw the big tower he visited on TV~ B) He has visited the TV tower twice. C) He has visited the TV tower once. D) He will visit the TV tower in June. 3. A) The woman has trouble getting along with the professor. B) The woman regrets having taken up much of the professor's time. C) The woman knows the professor has been busy. D) The woman knows the professor has run into trouble. 4. A) He doesn't enjoy business trips as much as he used to. B) He doesn't think he is capable of doing the job. C) He thinks the pay is too low to support his family, D) He wants to spend more time with his family. 5. A) The man thought the essay was easy. B) They both had a hard time writing the essay. C) The woman thought the essay was easy. D) Neither of them has finished the assignment yet. 6. A) In the park. B) Between two buildings C) In his apartment. D) Under a huge tree. 7. A) It's awfully dull. B) It's really exciting.


大学物理上作业2 单项选择题 第1题保守力作功与过程无关,与参考系的选取无关,以上说法: A、正确 B、错误 C、不确定 D、无意义 答案:A 第2题若质点所受的合力矩为零,则质点的角动量不随时间改变。是___ A、质点的角动量守恒定律 B、动量守恒定律 C、质点系的动量定理 D、质点的机械能守恒定律 答案:A 第3题有关质点系的规律都可用于刚体,以上说法: A、正确 B、错误 C、不确定 D、无意义 答案:A 第4题任何时刻绕定轴转动的刚体不只有一个角速度,以上说法: A、正确 B、错误 C、不确定 D、无意义 答案:B 第5题在下列四个实例中,你认为哪一个实例中物体和地球构成的系统的机械能不守恒

A、物体作圆锥摆运动 B、抛出的铁饼作斜抛运动(不计空气阻力) C、物体在拉力作用下沿光滑斜面匀速上升 D、物体在光滑斜面上自由滑下 答案:C 判断题 第6题功是力作用对空间的积累,不受空间性质的影响 答案:错误 第7题摩擦力作功与路径有关 答案:正确 第8题动量与参考系选择无关, 但冲量、动量的增量与惯性系的选取有关。 答案:错误 第9题在任意时刻,平动刚体上各点的速度、加速度都相同。 答案:正确 第10题力矩的功就是力所作的功的一部分。 答案:错误

填空题 第11题若质点在某空间内任一位置都受到保守力作用,该空间存在___。 答案:保守力场 第12题冲量的定义是___。 答案:力与力作用时间的乘积 第13题刚体内各点都绕同一直线作圆周运动。则这种运动叫___。 答案:定轴转动 第14题决定转动惯量J大小的三个因素___,___,___。 答案:转轴位置、刚体质量、质量对轴的分布 第15题绕定轴转动刚体的动能定理是___。 答案:绕定轴转动刚体动能的微分,等于作用在刚体上所有外力之功的代数和 问答题 第16题平行轴定理。 答案:刚体对任意已知轴的转动惯量,等于刚体对通过质心并与该已知轴平行的轴的转动惯量加上刚体的质量与两轴间垂直距离d平方的乘积。 第17题保守力的特点? 答案:(1)保守力沿闭合路径一周所做的功为零,(2)保守力作功与过程无关,与参考系的选取无关。第18题质点系机械能守恒定律。 答案:若运动过程中,作用于质点系的所有外力和非保守内力都不作功,或其元功之和恒为零时, 质点系内各质点间动能和势能可以互换,但它们的总和(即机械能)保持不变。 第19题质点系动量沿坐标轴投影的守恒定律。 答案:系统在某个方向上所受的合外力为零,则总动量沿此方向的分量守恒。

大学英语四级第 套真题及答案

2016 年 6 月大学英语四级考试真题(第三套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to your parents or any family members upon making memorable achievement. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Directions: 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 上作答。 Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 Not until the 1980's, when the company was taken over by Eisner, ________ an advantage in the hot competition. A、had it gained B、did it gain C、it gained D、gained it 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:2 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 ________extremely fashionable clothes and ________ by reporters, the famous actress picked up the microphone. A、Wear,surrounded B、Wearing,surrounded C、Wearing, surrounding D、Wear, surrounding 学员答案:b 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:3 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The bank manager asked his assistant if it was possible for him to _______ the investment plan in a week. A、work out B、put out C、point out D、set out 学员答案:a 说明: 本题得分:2 题号:4 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)本题分数:2 The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes. A、having seated B、seating




习题2 2.1 选择题 (1) 一质点作匀速率圆周运动时, (A)它的动量不变,对圆心的角动量也不变。 (B)它的动量不变,对圆心的角动量不断改变。 (C)它的动量不断改变,对圆心的角动量不变。 (D)它的动量不断改变,对圆心的角动量也不断改变。 [答案:C] (2) 质点系的内力可以改变 (A)系统的总质量。 (B)系统的总动量。 (C)系统的总动能。 (D)系统的总角动量。 [答案:C] (3) 对功的概念有以下几种说法: ①保守力作正功时,系统内相应的势能增加。 ②质点运动经一闭合路径,保守力对质点作的功为零。 ③作用力与反作用力大小相等、方向相反,所以两者所作功的代数和必为零。 在上述说法中: (A)①、②是正确的。 (B)②、③是正确的。 (C)只有②是正确的。 (D)只有③是正确的。 [答案:C] 2.2填空题 (1) 某质点在力i x F )54( (SI )的作用下沿x 轴作直线运动。在从x=0移动到x=10m 的过程中,力F 所做功为 。 [答案:290J ] (2) 质量为m 的物体在水平面上作直线运动,当速度为v 时仅在摩擦力作用下开始作匀减速运动,经过距离s 后速度减为零。则物体加速度的大小为 ,物体与水平面间的摩擦系数为 。 [答案:2 2 ;22v v s gs ] (3) 在光滑的水平面内有两个物体A 和B ,已知m A =2m B 。(a )物体A 以一定的动能E k 与静止的物体B 发生完全弹性碰撞,则碰撞后两物体的总动能为 ;(b )物体A 以一定的动能E k 与静止的物体B 发生完全非弹性碰撞,则碰撞后两物体的总动能为 。


2004年1月大学英语四级考试试题及参考答案 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation Θ?▆ ? ?https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b8709248.html,/?版权所有沪江网? ? ▆? Θ and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) At the office. B) In the waiting room. C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This conversation is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefore, A) "At the office" is the best answer. You should choose [A] on the Answer Sheet ??鱕? 砝骔 https://www.360docs.net/doc/5b8709248.html,/podcast.htm?版权所有沪江网骔砝 ?鱕??and mark it


班级___ ___学号____ ____姓名____ _____成绩______________ 一、选择题 1. m 与M 水平桌面间都是光滑接触,为维持m 与M 相对静止,则推动M 的水平力F 为:( B ) (A)(m +M )g ctg θ (B)(m +M )g tg θ (C)mg tg θ (D)Mg tg θ 2. 一质量为m 的质点,自半径为R 的光滑半球形碗口由静止下滑,质点在碗内某处的速率为v ,则质点对该处的压力数值为:( B ) (A)R mv 2 (B)R mv 232 (C)R mv 22 (D)R mv 252 3. 如图,作匀速圆周运动的物体,从A 运动到B 的过程中,物体所受合外力的冲量:( C ) (A) 大小为零 (B ) 大小不等于零,方向与v A 相同 (C) 大小不等于零,方向与v B 相同 (D) 大小不等于零,方向与物体在B 点所受合力相同 二、填空题 1. 已知m A =2kg ,m B =1kg ,m A 、m B 与桌面间的摩擦系数μ=0.5,(1)今用水平力F =10N 推m B ,则m A 与m B 的摩擦力f =_______0______,m A 的加速度a A =_____0_______. (2)今用水平力F =20N 推m B ,则m A 与m B 的摩擦力f =____5N____,m A 的加速度a A =_____1.7____. (g =10m/s 2) 2. 设有三个质量完全相同的物体,在某时刻t 它们的速度分别为v 1、v 2、v 3,并且v 1=v 2=v 3 ,v 1与v 2方向相反,v 3与v 1相垂直,设它们的质量全为m ,试问该时刻三物体组成的系统的总动量为_______m v 3________. 3.两质量分别为m 1、m 2的物体用一倔强系数为K 的轻弹簧相连放在光滑水平桌面上(如图),当两物体相距为x 时,系统由静止释放,已知弹簧的自然长度为x 0,当两物体相距为x 0时,m 1的速度大小为 2 2 121 Km x m m m + . 4. 一弹簧变形量为x 时,其恢复力为F =2ax -3bx 2,现让该弹簧由x =0变形到x =L ,其弹力的功为: 2 3 aL bL - . 5. 如图,质量为m 的小球,拴于不可伸长的轻绳上,在光滑水平桌面上作匀速圆周运动,其半径为R ,角速度为ω,绳的另一端通过光 滑的竖直管用手拉住,如把绳向下拉R /2时角速度ω’为 F m A m B m M F θ A O B R v A v B x m 1 m 2 F m R


2019年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷 Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A) 2 hours. B) 3 hours. C) 4 hours. D) 5 hours. From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they will start at 9 o’clock in the morning and have to finish at 2 in the afternoon. Therefore, D) “5 hours” is the correct answer. You should choose [D] on the Answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center. Sample Answer [A] [B] [C] [D] 1. A) Get some change form Jane. B) Use the woman’s phone. C) Go look for a pay phone. D) Pay for the phone call. 2. A) At a bookstore. B) In a workshop. C) At an art gallery. D) In a department store. 3. A) She’s bought the man a pair of glasses today. B) She will help the man to catch up. C) She is worried about the man’s health.


新大学英语(2)第三次网络作业 (三次网络作业的平均成绩占期末考试总评成绩30%,作业一经批改评分,将不能修改;此次作业完成后应交到“在线作业”一栏本次作业界面中;作业必须按最后一页答卷表格格式作答,并且不要以附件形式缴交) 一.阅读: I arrived in the United States on February 6,1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyline(轮廓)of Manhattan (曼哈顿)for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me unpack at the hotel and then left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the next day. Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaurant near the hotel to get something to eat. Because I couldn’t speak a word of English, I couldn’t tell the waiter what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures(手势), but the waiter didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights(霓虹灯), and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to talk around the city. I wanted to see everything on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wanted to try. When I returned to the hotel, I was exhausted(筋疲力尽), but I couldn’t sleep because I kept hearing the fire and police sirens(警笛声)during the night. I lay awake and thought about New York. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildings and big cars, and full of noise and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to speak English. 1. On the way to his hotel, the writer______. a. was silent all the time


大学英语四级模拟题十 Part I Listening Comprehension (35’) Section A Directions:In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations and 1 long conversation. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上对应题号作答。 1. A) At 9:15. B) Before 9:15. C) At 9:30. D) Before 9:50. 2. A) He does not understand it. B) He does not like it. C) He is used to it. D) He does not have to take it. 3. A) They were in a doctor’s office. B) They worked in the same office. C) They were in a workshop. D) They were talking in the weight lifting room at the gym. 4. A) Carry the suitcase with the woman. B) Carry the suitcase upstairs. C) Carry the suitcase up to the plane. D) Carry the suitcase down to the ship. 5. A) At eight o’clock. B) At nine o’clock. C) At ten o’clock. D) An hour later. 6. A) He broke his leg. B) He caught a cold. C) He had a car accident. D) He didn’t like to go to dance with the girl. 7. A) He doesn’t know what he wants to do. B) He likes to work this summer. C) He wonders whether the woman has a job. D) He can’t decide where to go on vacation. 8. A) At a hairdresser’s. B) At a tailor’s C) At a photographer’s. D) At a butcher’s. 9. A) The content of the note book. B) What the woman wrote in the note. C) Why people are not allowed to talk in the library. D) Whether people can smoke in the library. 10. A) Because it’s bad for her health. B) Because it had bad influences on children. C) Because it makes him smell. D) Because it makes him cough. Questions 11 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 11. A) He is not satisfied with his present job. B) He worries too much about his grandmother. C) People dislike his food. D) He is going to be fired. 12. A) He learned it in a training center of cooking. B) He learned it from his grandmother. C) He learned it from his mother. D) He learned it from his wife. 13. A) He dislikes other businessmen. B) He wants to have more chance to go on business. C) He doesn’t want to trouble others. D) He wants to be self-employed. 14. A) Whether he would have enough funds. B) Whether his food is to the customers’ taste. C) Whether his family members would support him. D) Whether he can pay less tax to the government. 15. A) Daniel gets encouragement from his friend Misha. B) The two speakers haven’t seen each other for a long time. C) Daniel wants to be in the food business. D) Daniel’s grandmother is an experienced businesswoman. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 2 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡上对应题号作答。 Questions 16 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 16. A) His age and appearance. B) His personality. C) His scholarship. D) His relationship with students. 17. A) No. Because he knows what he says in class will affect his students all their lives. B) Yes. But he never fails to apologize if he does. C) No. Because he is always well prepared before stepping onto the platform.
