

工业工程专业英语翻译(3)工业工程专业英语翻译 2008-04-26 19:15:06 阅读1753 评论3 字号:大中小

Real IE Value


Industrial engineers are great at solving problems. Ironically enough, there is still one age-old problem they unable to solve-identity. And the problem is not getting any to solve. In fact,“ identity” is just one of several challenges currently facing the IE profession.


Today’s competitive global economy and tighter corporate budgets are forcing IEs to deal with issues that were barely mentioned a decade ago. Companies are flattening corporate structures; IE departments are being eliminated or renamed; and universities and colleges are under even greater pressure to provide industry with graduates who are better trained to handle a much wider variety of job responsibilities.


On the other hand, today’s IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined. New technologies have improved accuracy and speed and generally have increased the IE’s ability to cover a more diverse set of interests.


In addition, the IE now has a greater opportunity to concentrate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many companies now recognize as individual departments-including simulation, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.



The name game


What problems could possibly throw a shadow on such a bright array of opportunities? For starters, as new opportunities have developed for the IE, new questions have formed about what types of jobs the industrial engineer is qualified to perform.


At one time, it was easier to define what an IE did .” Industrial engineering was simple in those days when we dealt with methods, work standards and work simplification,” says Carlos Cherubin, director of engineering for The Limited Co. “But there has to be some way to get past the old industrial engineering definition.”


Even today, in many companies, IEs are still performing type of work that makes up what is now considered classical IE.”“The big change is that the commercialization of a lot of these areas have turned them into ‘niche thrusts,’”says John Powers, director of the management service department at Eastman Kodak Co. While IEs have always been very adaptable to these “thrusts” as a skill set, he says ,they are now competing for the headlines.


Says Jerry Zollenberg, director of IE for United Parcel Service, “If a person loses slight of the total job and stars looking at the individual pieces, it comes out a little hairy.” For example, Zollenberg says that he has an operations research(OR) group of 40 to 50 individual who are working on the cutting edge of computer technology. At one time these

people were designated as IEs. But Zollenberg says that even through they are not called IEs, the job they are doing is certainly IE-oriented and could be IE, depending on how you set up the organization.


Like it or not, the trend today is specialization, and companies are following suit. Tough economic times are forcing many companies to redefine corporate structures, with a primary goal of flatting their organization in an attempt to cut costs and speed the decision-making process. In the case of the IE department, that trend has moved departmental names from the generic “IE” to special functions or areas that are being performed. Former IE departments have been decentralized or renamed and are now described using such terms as Quality Improvement Engineering, Management Service or Engineering Service, just to name a few.


“What I see is companies getting away from the IE name and trying to have names that are more descriptive of the broader set of skills,” says Powers.


For many, including Rebecca Ray, IE manager at Glaxo Inc., it is a step in the right direction. Her department will soon carry the title Performance Improvement Engineering.”IE is probably the only engineering profession that insists on wearing its degree on its departmental door,” she says. “we have focused too much on maintaining our degree, instead of identifying our function within our company.”



Dr. Vinod Sahney, corporate vice president at Henry Ford health Syste engineering department,” he says, “I have never seen a mechanical engineering department. “One of our biggest difficulties is we equate industrial engineering department, but they are hired and get a wide-range of jobs.”


Tony Vieth, IE manager at Boeing Georgia Inc., believes that the individual person, depending on how they are trained, can bring the rights skills to the right job and they do not need to be in a department called industrial engineering. He also thinks IEs have gotten hung up on what over the years. On the other hand, the decentralized type of environment appears more threatening to others. “If we assume that decentralized will continue to the point of transferring IE responsibilities to others, as seen in the Volvo organization, we will see a profound impact upon the profession, namely unemployment,”predicts Donald Barnes of Barnes Management Training Services.


But, a centralized IE department does not guarantee employment for the industrial engineer. Many large companies have “IE” departments where only a handful of industrial engineers can be found. An example is Boeing. Boeing has some very large IE departments, but often less than two or three people within the department have IE degrees. According to Vieth, it is because some of the functions within the department are so diverse.


Problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the

actual job being performed. While IEs actually perform many of the specialized jobs, little credit is given to IE principles used in the approach. In fact, it often turns out that many of the individual functions and skills used by IEs are viewed by management as industrial engineering. As a result, individuals who can master one of those skills are mistakenly referred to by management as “industrial engineers.”


Yet, those who understand the real value of industrial engineering still realize that the degreed IE brings to the job a unique way of thinking.


“There are things you can teach non-degreed people that are basic repetitive tasks,” says Vieth. “But what you can’t teach is how to take what you see, translate it and recognize there is a problem, and then come up with a solution to that problem.”


Erin Wallace, director of IE at Walt Disney World Co., would not hire anyone who was not a degreed IE. “I insist on it,” she says. “When you’ve got a group of people who are distinctly IEs, they carry with them what we like to refer to as distinct competencies. Those distinct competencies for an IE at Walt Disney World include their ability to do quantitative analysis. You need an IE degree to be able to do that type of work.”


Wallace says that when someone hires IE technology-type majors, they do not get some of the rudimentary problem solving skills acquired from taking engineering courses.





Since there is a favorable consensus about the technical qualification of degreed IEs, universities and colleges must be doing all industry believes is necessary to prepare today’s IE students. Appearances may be deceiving.


In fact, even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States, there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs. Evidence of the fact can be found in a recent Australian study undertaken by the Industrial Engineering/Management (IE/M) group of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Swinburne Institute of Technology (SIT).


The school initiated a set of promotional activities to rejuvenate the industrial engineering name and status. One of the school’s goals was to help convince managers and government to reconsider the role of industrial engineering.


In preparation for the events, the IE / M group surveyed more than 150 U.S. universities with accredited IE programs at the undergraduate and graduate level. Of those universities that answered <37 were randomly drawn for analysis.


The main purpose was to analyze the quantity and quality of the IE subjects. According to Shayan and Hamadani at SIT, the most important point is that coverage of IE is not yet standardized.


Other steps


Two key projects currently working toward helping academia improve the overall IE curriculum include the Southeastern University and College Coalition for Engineering Education (SUCCEED) sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NFS), and IIE’s joint effort between the Council on Industrial Engineering (CIE ) and the Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads (CIEADH).


SUCCEED, which is aimed at all engineering disciplines, is an engineering education coalition established by NSF in March 1992. The coalition has proposed a new curriculum model, CURRICULUM 2 1, as a mechanism to focus its efforts on specific goals such as restructuring the engineering curriculum and improving the quality and quantity of graduates.

在1992年3月由美国自然科学基金委员会资助的东南大学和学院工程联合会,旨在提高工程类本科教育的水平.这个联合会开创了一个新的学科模式,课程2 1,目标主要集中在诸如调整课程和提高毕业生的数量和质量方面.

The second project, between CIE and CIEADH, has been ongoing since the Fall of 1990. Specifically, CIE (corporate-level directors whose span of control includes IE functions) meets with CIEADH (98 academic department heads from universities and colleges) at scheduled times during the year to better define what industry needs from academia. IIE acts as a facilitator between the two groups to help inform academia. The ultimate goal of these meetings is the development of a clearly defined set of output characteristics that will help academia design an improved undergraduate IE curriculum.



This is not to say that these organizations are attempting to standardize the IE curriculum, rather, they are trying to provide basic guidelines. The question of whether the IE curriculum, should be standardized throughout every university is not an issue. Leaders in industry and academia readily agree that there is no possible way for every curriculum at every college to be identical.


“I don’t think you can require every IE curriculum to be cookie cutter of each other,” says Glaxo’s Ray.


What appears to be a problem is the perceived gap between what types of students academia is providing compared with the types of students industry seeks. Most industry leaders acknowledge that the majority of universities and colleges should provide, and do provide, students who are technically competent .To expect that IE students be highly knowledgeable about every possible aspect of industrial engineering upon graduation may be unrealistic, says Zollenberg. Students are required to take a broad range of IE course to help them understand the principles of IE and provide a solid academic foundation. A graduate student can then go on to specialize in a particular area if he or she desire to do so.


Zollenberg insists that it is impossible to learn everything they need to know about the jobs they will encounter. “I’m not sure anybody coming out is going to learn all of the required skills in four years of school.

I don’t think it’s fair to the universities and I don’t I don’t think it’s fair to the kids,” he says.




What industry leaders to expect, however, are students who have the ability to operate in the environment in which they are placed. These areas where there appears to be a deficiency include interpersonal skills, knowledge of computers, nontechnical/business skills, quality management skills, and an appreciation for the plant floor. Depending upon what industry the new graduate is placed, the need for certain skills will vary.


Wallace, who works for a service-oriented company (Walt Disney World), thinks today’s students are well-trained in most areas, with the exception of computer shills. She says she still sees a lot of students who came out of school without very good computer skills. “Nowadays, that should be a prerequisite.”


In the manufacturing sector, Jack Broadway, director of corporate IE for Reynolds Metals, believes today’s students are probably better educated than in the past, but they have some misconception about the types of jobs they will perform. “A lot of (students) coming out today want to sit behind a computer and they think that is their job. Well, a computer is just another tool. It’s just something you use to do something else,” he says. He suggests that on-the job training while in school may be one of the best ways to prepare students.


On healthcare side, Sahney (Henry Ford Health Systems) thinks that in general terms, schools are providing properly trained students, but they often are not given the opportunity to become well-rounded in other areas. Because what he says is the profession’s “roots of accreditation,” the curriculum is too tightly controlled. He does not think individual institutions have enough variety. In other words, he says, the electives are very limited by the time all of the required courses are finished. This problem is often exhibit as a lack of writing and presentation skills in many of the new graduates.


Most IEs eventually must sell their ideas and plans to management, which often requires above-average communication skills. For many IE graduates, this is a tough challenge. Russell Cartmill, IE director at The Coca-Cola Co., says he is frequently confronted with hiring recent graduates who lack basic communication skills. He says Coca-Cola ends up having to teach people things once they get in the areas of public speaking and report writing, “some of the basic things that you really need to have in industry in order to make a good presentation.”


One way schools are combating this problem, which is also a problem with students in other engineering disciplines, is semester-long undergraduate and graduate-level courses directed at familiarizing engineering students from all disciplines with the non-technical aspects of engineering. These courses focus on topics such as financial management, project management, business planning and business development.


Other schools have even gone as far as offering graduate degrees that are a combination of an IE degree and business degree in an attempt to target students seeking manufacturing engineering jobs.


But Vieth is not the business route is the best path for the industrial engineering curriculum to follow. “I think if we lose track of the technical knowledge, we’re just going to look like a high-priced business graduate,” he says.


Another option IE departments at universities and colleges might consider is specializing in a particular function of IE (i.e. operations research, material handling, ergonomics, human factors, etc.), and market their program accordingly. For example, says Cherubin, if a college student wants to be an IE and has a particular interest in material handling, that student should be able to choose certain schools whose charter is very specific. In addition to helping the student, he says, it provides an important service to a potential employer. “Don’t put students out in the work environment and, at that point, let them start defining their career,” says Cherubin.


Vieth has similar views. “Maybe the IEs that our universities train today should be trained to be part of a specific department,” he says.


Ray thinks that the problem might not be what is taught, but the way it

is taught. IE classes and departments at universities are structured in a way that teaches students to work alone, she says.


Students model themselves after the people they admire, Ray states. “While student are in college, they are looking at their professors. If they see their professors operating autonomously--- on their own island --- and not interrelating across other disciplines, the IE is going to come out of that program thinking they don’t need anybody’s help to solve a problem, “ she says.


She says it takes her up to 18 months to put a newly hired graduate through “boot camp” to make them realize that they have to work as a member of a team to facilitate the flow of information within her organization.


Future directions


With all of these challenges facing the IE profession, there may be some who doubt the IEs’ future. But if the individual IE will assume the role as a change implementer --- not a change follower --- broad opportunities are on the horizon.


Some see a renewed interest in traditional IE functions, specifically, cost estimation and analysis. E. Rranklin Livingston, senior industrial engineer at Weber USA Inc. , a manufacturer of carburetors and fuel injectors cites a recent request from General Motor’s vice president of world-wide purchasing, J. Ignacio Lopez de Amortua, as proof. “he is

expecting drastic cost reductions from suppliers over the next five years, “ says Livingston.

有人发现传统的工业工程中的价值也在更新,但是需要分析和评估.美国沃博公司的高级工程师 E.富兰克林.莱温斯顿作为一个汽化器和加油器的制造师应用通用汽车世界收购公司副总裁J.纳西欧.罗伯茨的话说:”他希望未来的5年中将大幅度削减购买所需的资金.”

Livingston points out that Chrysler and Ford will probably follow suit and make similar demands on their suppliers. If that is true, Livingston foresees in the next 10 years that probably more emphasis will be placed on conventional industrial engineering. “but I don’t think it will ever go back to the way it was 25 years ago, “ Livingston says.


Others see the IE heading in the direction of large processes and systems. Process thinking has become widespread in recent years, due largely to the quality movement. Industrial engineers seeking to expand their opportunities and improve the quality of operations are now looking at the entire process, rather than just a particular task or business function.]


Two areas that may be of special importance to IEs in the coming years include information technology (IT) and business process redesign. As IT continues to evolve, technological advancements will have a big impact on how companies look at business processes of the next decade. Working together, IT and BPR has the potential to create a new type of industrial engineering, changing the way the discipline is practiced and the skills necessary to practice it.


This whole area of business process re-engineering offers a great opportunity that many IEs have been unwilling to explore. As a result,

managers have been reluctant to look to the IE to carry the banner, powers says. “ if we’ve got a problem, it’s of our own doing and our own unwillingness to take the lead in a lot of these major improvement activities,” he states.


On area where IEs have not been so reluctant to get involved is the systems integration arena. If the systems integration function continues to develop at its current rate, this particular role --- that of systems integrator --- will most likely get so sophisticated that it will requite someone with technical knowledge who can look at the bigger picture. “this is a function for which industrial engineers are uniquely trained,”says Thonmas Hodgson, with the design and manufacturing division at NSF.


As a result, many of the traditional IE functions could be handled by IE technology individuals, while degreed IEs would serve in the consultant role. In this scenario, IEs could have the responsibility of training others, who would then apply it.


However, many of those opportunities in systems integration are already opening up and if IEs do not step up to the current challenge of systems integration, others may step in and take that function from the IE, says Hodgson.


“we need to grow in our understanding of the other engineering disciplines so as to better do our job. We need to grow in our capability to make use of the rapidly improving computational capabilities that are available, “ he says.



More challenges


Whatever the future holds, the biggest threat to IE may be what people

do not know about the profession. In an economy where every company is cutting costs and looking for ways to trim excess “fat,” one might think CEOs and managers would be snatching up every available IE. Instead, many corporate executives and human resource managers are turning to other disciplines to fill jobs ideally suited for IEs. “it’s really quite silly,

since IEs are the people who save you money,: says Wallace.






Why is this happening? Because IEs need to do a better job of showing management all of their abilities and talents. While TOM and business process reengineering may pose big challenges, the IE’s broad, fundamental background has provided them with the training and education

found in no other profession. Sadly, the specialized tasks that companies

are asking individuals from other disciplines to perform are tasks that

IEs have always been trained to perform! It is time for IEs to market those abilities accordingly.


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2009年工业工程专业推免硕士生复试试题 英语翻译 一篇设施布置的英语短文要求翻译成汉语。 基础工业工程部分 1、某一给定时期的产出量与投入量之比() 2、一个工人操作一台机床的时间是15s,机器工作时间是30s,则一个工人可以操作几台机 器() 3、以下哪个属于辅助性动素() 4、经过100次观测,求得某设备的开动率为75%,若取绝对精度为±3%,求观察次数() 5、伸手向50cm处取M20的螺栓,MOD值为() 6、工作抽样需要对操作者或机器进行() 7、以下哪个不属于动作经济原则() 8、以下哪个不属基础工业工程的应用范围() 9、把物品分门别类放置,属于5s中的() 10、 工程经济 1、在实际经济生活中,有些产品的市场价格不能反映项目的真实投入和产出,在这种情况 下,要进行工程经济分析,需采用() 2、差额投资内部收益率小于基准收益率,则说明() 3、常用的不确定分析方法有盈亏平衡分析、敏感性分析和() 4、价值工程的目的在于提高产品的() 5、从利润总额中扣除的税属于() 6、利息支出属于()费用 7、生产成本控制必须实行() 8、盈亏平衡点越低表明() 9、15年中每年年末应为设备支付350元维修费,年利率为12%,现应存入多少钱?应用哪 个公式求解() 10、 系统工程 1、控制论的发展经历了三个阶段,请指出以下选项中不属于控制论范畴的选项() 2、系统工程方法的特征包括:先总体后详细的设计程序、综合即创造的思想以及() 3、切克兰德系统工程方法论的核心是:() 4、不确定型决策分析的一般解决方法有:乐观法、悲观法以及,() 5、霍尔的三维体系结构指包含了知识维、时间维,还包括:() 6、系统工程的特点包括() 7、系统的特性包括() 8、系统生命周期的阶段可以划分为发展期、实现期以及() 9、以下哪个说法正确(全部都正确)


Lesson eight 第八课 Ⅱ.翻译句子,并注意remain和above的词类和词义 2. In this case the voltage applied must remain unchanged. 在这种情况下,那个应用电压必须保持不变 4. If you take 3 from 8, 5 remain. 如果从8中拿走3,剩5. 6. The above property was discovered by Faraday. 法拉第发现以上性质。 8. Lenz states that the self-induced emf impedes any change of current and tends to support the former current value. The above is known as Lenz’s law. 楞茨陈述自感电动势阻止电流的变化而保持先前电流的值。上面就是我们所知的楞 次定律。 Ⅲ.翻译句子,注意some的词义 2. That radio receiver weighs some five kilograms. 那个无线接收器重五公斤。 4. Some element in the substance is not known. 物质中的一些元素是人们不知道的。 Ⅳ.翻译句子,注意句中one 的不同用法和词义。 2. This concept was discussed in Chapter One. 这个概念在第一张讨论过。 4. No one can lift this equipment. 没人能举起这件设备。 6. This chapter will deal with one of the three functions of a turning circuit. 这章我们将介绍螺旋电路三个功能中的一个。 8. Before one studies a system, it is necessary to define and discuss some important terms. 在研究一个系统之前,确定且讨论一些重要的术语是有必要的。 Ⅴ.画出句中的名词从句,说明其种类,并将句子译成汉语。 2. These experiments do not show which particles. 这些实验不能显示他们的粒子结构。 4. The operating point is determined by how much bias is used. 操作要点是被用多少偏压决定的。 6. It is not important how this voltage is produced. 这个电压是怎么产生的并不重要。 8. It may be questioned whether this approach is the best for the physicist. 这种方式最适合于医生可能会被质疑。 10. This ball may be used to determine whether that body is charged. 这个球可能用于检测是否身体是带电的。 12. It is known that charged particles emit electromagnetic waves whenever they are accelerated. 众所周知的当电子被加速他们就会发射电磁波。 14. The value of this factor determines how fast the amplitude of the current


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


P1 二、复合难句: 1、Mining may well have been the second of humankind's earliest endeavors--granted that agriculture was the first. The two industries ranked together as the primary or basic industries of early civilization 如果说农业是人类最早的产业(文明)的话,那么采矿就理所当然地排在第二。这两种产业作为人类早期文明最原始或最基本的产业联系在了一起。 2、If we consider fishing and lumbering as part of agriculture and oil and gas production as part of mining , then agriculture and mining continue to supply all the basic resources used by modern civilization 如果我们把捕鱼业和伐木业作为农业的一部分,而石油和天然气产业作为采矿的一部分,那么农业和采矿业至今仍是现代文明所使用的基础资源的支柱 3、Here the term mining is used in its broadest context as encompassing the extraction of any naturally occurring mineral substances-solid , liquid , and gas-from the earth or other heavenly bodies for utilitarian purposes. 这里所说的采矿是指广义上的,因为它包括为实利目的而从地球或其他天体岩石中获取任何天然形成的固态、液态和气态矿物的开采 4、Mine:An excavation made in the earth to extract minerals 采矿:为了开采矿物而在地球上进行的一种挖掘 5、Mining: the activity , occupation , and industry concerned with the extraction of minerals 采矿业:一种与开采矿物有关的活动、职业和产业 6、Mining engineering: the practice of applying engineering principles to the development , planning , operation , closure and reclamation of mines. 采矿工程:运用工程原理生产、规划、运作和关闭(充填)以及对矿山再利用(复垦)的一种实践 7、Mineral:A naturally occurring inorganic element or compound having an orderly internal structure and a characteristic chemical composition , crystal form , and physical properties. 矿物:一种天然形成的无机元素或化合物(无机物),它有着有序的内部构造、特有的化学成分、结晶形式和物理性质。 8、Rock:Any naturally formed aggregate of one or more types of mineral particles


1 总论 采矿mining 地下采矿underground mining 露天采矿open cut mining, open pit mining, surface mining 采矿工程mining engineering 选矿(学)mineral dressing, ore beneficiation, mineral processing 矿物工程mineral engineering 冶金(学)metallurgy 过程冶金(学)process metallurgy 提取冶金(学)extractive metallurgy 化学冶金(学)chemical metallurgy 物理冶金(学)physical metallurgy 金属学Metallkunde 冶金过程物理化学physical chemistry of process metallurgy 冶金反应工程学metallurgical reaction engineering 冶金工程metallurgical engineering 钢铁冶金(学)ferrous metallurgy, metallurgy of iron and steel 有色冶金(学)nonferrous metallurgy 真空冶金(学)vacuum metallurgy 等离子冶金(学)plasma metallurgy 微生物冶金(学)microbial metallurgy 喷射冶金(学)injection metallurgy 钢包冶金(学)ladle metallurgy 二次冶金(学)secondary metallurgy 机械冶金(学)mechanical metallurgy 焊接冶金(学)welding metallurgy 粉末冶金(学)powder metallurgy 铸造学foundry 火法冶金(学)pyrometallurgy 湿法冶金(学)hydrometallurgy 电冶金(学)electrometallurgy 氯冶金(学)chlorine metallurgy 矿物资源综合利用engineering of comprehensive utilization of mineral resources 中国金属学会The Chinese Society for Metals 中国有色金属学会The Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2 采矿 采矿工艺mining technology 有用矿物valuable mineral 冶金矿产原料metallurgical mineral raw materials 矿床mineral deposit 特殊采矿specialized mining 海洋采矿oceanic mining, marine mining 矿田mine field


Professional English for Industrial Engineering Chapter1 Unit3翻译 姓名: 专业:工业工程 班级: 学号: 完成日期:2015-10-31

Chapter 1 Unit 3 Academic Disciplines of Industrial Engineering 五大主要工程学科和它们的发展 在美国,有五个主要工程学科(土木、化学、电工、工业、机械),它们是早在第一次世界大战时就出现的工程分支学科。这些进步是世界范围内发生的工业革命的一部分,并且在技术革命的开始阶段仍在发生。 随着第二次世界大战的发展导致了其他工程学科的发展,比如核工程,电子工程,航空工程,甚至是电脑工程。太空时代导致了航空工程的发展。最近对环境的关注使得环境工程和生态工程也得到了发展。这些更新的工程学科经常被认为是专长学科包含“五大”学科,即土木,化学,电工,工业,和机械工程里的一种或多种。 和美国的情况不同,工业工程在中国属于第一层级管理科学和工程学科下面的第二级别的学科。 IE学科的开端 学科后来演变成工业工程学科是最初在机械工程系被作为特殊课程教的。首个工业工程的分部在1908年的宾夕法尼亚州大学和雪城大学被建立。(在宾夕法尼亚州的项目是短期存在的,但是它在1925年又重建了)一个在普渡大学的机械工程的IE选科在1911年被建立。一个更完整的工业工程学院项目的历史可能在资料中被找到。 在机械工程部有一个IE选科的实践是主要的模式直到第二次世界大战的结束,并且分离出来的IE部在整个上个世纪里的文理学院和综合大学里被建立。 早在第二次世界大战的时候,在工业工程方面,只有很少的毕业生水平的研究。一旦分开的学部建立之后,学士和博士级别的项目开始出现。 现代IE的教育—分支学科 今天,与过去相比,工业工程对于不同的人来说意味着不同的东西。实际上,一个发展一个突出的现代工业工程的方法是通过获得在它的分支学科和它怎么联系到其他领域的理解。如果在分支学科和工业工程相关联的领域之间有清楚的


果粒橙 图解:译文“蓝色” Unit 6 The Principle of PCM PCM原理 Pcm is dependent on three separate operations, sampling, quantizing, and coding. Many different schemes for performing these three functions have evolved during recent years, and we shall describe the main ones. In these descriptions we shall see how a speech channel of telephone quality may be conveyed as a series of amplitude values, each value being represented, that is, coded as a sequence of 8 binary digits. Furthermore, we shall prove that a minimum theoretical sampling frequency of order 6.8 kilohertz(khz) is required to convey a voice channel occupying the range 300 HZ to 3.4 Khz. Practical equipments, however, normally use3 a sampling rate of 8 khz, and if 8-digits per sample value are used, the voice channel becomes represented by a stream of pulses with a repetition rate of 64khz. Fig .1-1 illustrates the sampling, quantizing, and coding processes. PCM的构成依赖于三个环节,即采样、量化和编码。近年来,人们对这三个环节的实现提出了许多不同的方案,我们将对其中的一些主要的方案进行讨论。在这些讨 论中,我们会看到话路中的语声信号是如何转换成幅值序列的,而每个幅值又被编码,即以8位二进制数的序列表示。而且,我们将证明,为了转换频率范围为300HZ— 3.4KHZ的话路信号,理论上最小采样频率须为6.8khz。但是,实际设备通常用8khz 的采样速率,而如果每个样值用8位码的话,则话路是由一个重复速率为64khz的脉 冲流来表示的。图1-1表示了采样、量化、编码的过程。 Reexamination of our simple example shows us that the speech signal of maximum frequency 3.4khz has been represented by a signal of frequency 64khz. However, if only 4-digits per sample value had been used, the quality of transmission would drop, and the repetition rate of the pulses would be reduced to 32khz. Thus the quality of transmission is dependent on the pulse repetition rate, and for digital communication systems these two variables may be interchanged most efficiently. 让我们再研究一下上面提到的简单例子。可以看出,最高频率为3.4khz的话音信号适用64khz的(脉冲流)信号来表示的。但是,如果每个样值中用4位(码)表示,则传输质量会下降,而脉冲的重复速率也将减小到32khz。因而传输质量是取决于脉 冲重复速率的。对于数字通信系统,这两个量之间极明显的互相影响着。 Digital transmission provides a powerful method for overcoming noisy environments. Noise can be introduced into transmission patch in many different ways : perhaps via a nearby lightning strike, the sparking of a car ignition system, or the thermal low-level noise within the communication equipment itself. It is the relationship of the true signal to the noise signal, known as the signal-to-noise ratio, which is of the most interest to the communication engineer.Basically, if the signal is very large compared to the noise level, then a perfect message can take place; however, this is not always the case. For example, the signal received from a


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


采矿工程专业英语词汇 册 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

采矿工程专业英语词汇手册 (Glossary of Special English in Mining Engineering ) 采矿工程专业内部讲义 二零零七年三月 Content Chapter 3 .1 Mining method (2) Chapter 3.2 Mine preplanning (3) Chapter3.3 Mine development (4) Chapter 4.1 Wall mining introduction (5) Chapter 4.2 Ground control aspects ..... (6) Chapter 4.3 Roof support system (7) Chapter 4.4 Longwall coal-getting machine (8) Chapter 4.5 Convey system (8) Chapter 4.6 Mine Vetilation (10) Chapter 5 Pillaring system (11)

Chapter 6 Roadway excavation and support (12) Chapter 7 Novel methods of mining (16) Chapter 3 .1 Mining method

mining method 采矿方法;mining operation 采矿作业;transportation 运输;ventilation 通风; ground control 顶板管理;the cost of per ton of coal 吨煤成本; recovery 回采率; subside v. subsidence n.地表沉陷; subsidence control 地表沉陷控制 cover 覆盖层; overburden 上覆地层;immediate roof 直接顶; floor 底板; dip (Pitch)倾角;hardness 硬度; strength 强度; cleavage 解理;gas,methane 瓦斯 daily operation 日常工作single operation 单一工序unit operation 单元作业auxiliary operation辅助作业cutting n. 切割,掏槽;blasting n. 爆破 loading n. 装煤 haul v. 运输,搬运 drainage n.排水 power n. 动力 power Supply 动力供应 communication n. 通讯lighting n.照明。 disruption in production 停产; reduction in production 减产; compromise 折衷 room and pillar 房柱式


《工业工程专业英语》 课文翻译 专业:工业工程 学号:11208401 姓名: 指导教师:赵,, 2014年12月

4.2 ERP系统的发展过程 现在,ERP系统无处不在,不仅应用在大型业务中,目前还由运营商们改良后应用在中小企业中。我们需要通过理解ERP系统及其当前体系结构的历史和发展来说明其发展变迁的成果。ERP的优点和缺点会影响它对市场的渗透,系统供应商已经为ERP的推动做好了市场定位和总体策略方面的准备。ERP系统在新的世纪中的应用和发展将依赖于其对客户关系管理、供应链管理一起其他拓展功能的扩充,还有与网络应用的结合。 简介 由微电子、电脑硬件和软件系统驱动的信息和交流的前所未有的增长影响了各种组织的电脑应用的方方面面。同时,公司环境与职能部门日益结合,需要为决策提供越来越多的内部功能数据流,包括及时有效的产品部件的供给、库存管理、清算账目、人力资源以及产品和服务分配等。在这样的条件下,组织管理者需要一个有效的信息系统来降低成本并优化物流,从而提高竞争力。无论是大企业还是中小企业,大家一致认为在复杂的全球化竞争中,及时获得正确的信息的能力能够给企业带来巨大的回报。 从19世纪80年代末到90年代初开始的新的软件系统作为企业资源规划应用在复杂的大型商业企业中从而在工业界中被人们所周知。这种复杂而昂贵,强力而专有的系统供不应求,而且需要根据企业的需求量身定制。很多情况下,ERP实施人员要企业重新设计他们的商业流程来调节软件模型中的物流,从而得到整个企业的数据流。与旧的、传统的自我内部设计的企业专门系统不同,这种软件解决方案结合了多种模型的商业附加包,在需要的时候可以作为附件添加到系统中或者从中删除。 电脑性能的显著提高以及网络给ERP的供应商和设计者们带来的前所未有的挑战,打破了企业与客户定制的隔阂,还包含超出企业内部网络的合作,外部系统需要通过网络来无缝连接。供应商已经许诺了许多的附加功能包,他们中的一些人已经在市场上表现出对这些挑战的接受态度。将产品不断再设计以及在ERP市场中推出新产品和方案是一个永不终止的过程。ERP运营商和客户以及认识到了将其附件按照开放的原则设计,提供可互换的模型,以及容许更简单的定制和客户交流的必要性。 ERP系统定义 企业资源规划系统或企业系统是业务管理软件系统目前,包括模块配套功能区,如计划,制造,销售,市场营销,分销,会计,金融,人力资源管理,项目管理,库存管理,服务,维修,运输和电子商务,架构软件便于模块的透明集成,提供企业内的所有功能之间信息。在运输和电子商务。该架构软件便于模块的透明集成,提供数据流包括良好的企业内的所有功能之间的信息以及与合作公司与通过更换或重新设计实现一个单一的集成系统,其大多是不兼容的传统信息系统。美国生产与库存管理协会(2001)这样定义了ERP系统:“针对物资资源管理、人力资源管理、财务资源管理、信息资源管理集成一体化的企业管理软件。”我们从出版物中摘录了几种定义来更好的解释这个概念:“ERP包含了一个商业软件包,它可以通过企业的财务、清算、人力资源、供应链和客户信息来使数据流无缝结合”(Davenport,1998)。“ERP是将一个组织中的财务和其他信息以及基于信息的流程整合在一起的信息配置系统。”(K&VH,2000)。“一个数据库、一个应用和一个贯穿整个企业的统一界面”(Tadjer,1998)。“ERP系统是为了运作一个组织的业务方便的集成和实时计划、生产,以及客户反馈而设计的基于电脑的系统(OLeary,2001)”。 ERP系统的发展


A business survives and thrives on information: information within the organization and information changed with suppliers, customers,and regulators. Moreover, the information needs to be consistent, accessible, and at the right location. We consider information in four forms-voice, data, image, and video-and the implications of distributed requirements. The term voice communications refers primarily to telephone related communications. By far the most common form of communication in any organization and for most personnel is direct telephone conversation. The telephone has been a basic tool of business for decades. Telephone communications has recently been enhanced by a variety of computer-based services, including voice mail and computerized telephone exchange systems. V oice mail provides the ability to send, forward , and reply to voice messages nonsimultaneously , and it has become a cost-efficient tool even for many midsize organizations. It provides saving on answering machines and services as well as more responsive service to customers and suppliers. Advances have also been made in computerized telephone exchange systems, including in-house digital private branch exchanges(PBX) and Centrex systems provided by the local telephone company. These new systems provide a host of features, including call forwarding, call waiting, least-cost routing of long-distance calls, and a variety of accounting and auditing features. The term data communications is sometimes used to refer to virtually any form of information transfer other than voice. It is sometimes convenient to limit this term to information in the form of text(such as reports, memos, and other documents) and numerical data(such as accounting files). The rapid changes in technology have created fresh challenges for management in making effective use of data communications. We will briefly outline the changes in technology in transmission, networks, and communications software that present the manager with new powerful business tools but also the necessity of making choices among complex alternatives. 一个企业生存和蓬勃发展的信息:在改变与供应商,客户和监管机构的组织和信息的信息。此外,对信息的需求是一致的,访问,并在合适的位置。我们认为,在四种形式的语音,数据,图像,视频和分布式需求的影响的信息。 长期的语音通信,主要是指以电话相关的通讯。迄今为止最常见的沟通形式中的任何组织和大多数工作人员是直接的电话交谈。电话已几十年来的基本的业务工具。电话通讯最近已加强各种以计算机为基础的服务,包括语音邮件和程控电话交换系统。语音信箱提供的能力,发送,转发和回复语音邮件nonsimultaneously,它已成为一个成本效益的工具,甚至许多中小型组织。提供节省答录机和服务,以及更快捷的服务客户和供应商。程控电话交换系统,包括内部数字专用分支交换机(PBX)和本地电话公司提供的Centrex系统也取得了进展。这些新系统提供主机的功能,包括呼叫转接,呼叫等待,长途电话的最低成本路由,各种会计和审计功能。 长期的数据通信有时被用来指几乎任何其他信息传输比语音形式。有时可以很方便限制这个术语在文本形式的信息(如报告,备忘录和其他文件)和数字数据(如会计档案)。已创建管理新的挑战,在有效地利用数据通信技术的迅速变化。我们将简要概述在传输技术的变化,网络和通信软件,经理提出新的强大的商业工具,但也使复杂的替代品之间的选择的必要性。
