

[ei ] lake cake make take wake name date gate late made case face grade plane plate safe save skate tape wave sale game base space age place snake

[ei ] day may play pay stay way lay relay display hay

[ei ] wait rain train raise pain paint main fail mail email remain rail afraid

[?] bag hat black bad can glad has hand man map match fat that back fact crash track trap thanks and path hang snack

[i:] see week green keep meet jeep sleep sweet street deep feet teeth free greet tree seed sheep beef feel agree

[i:] sea beat clean east seat speak teach weak tea team pea bean read eat cheap deal steal meal dream least leaf real beach please meat mean

[e ]bread dead deaf health heavy ready weather meant

[e ]pen pencil beg bell sell net ten tent then set shelf rest pet next neck men lend less spend mend left bed best egg get west red smell check vet end press pet best fell felt [ai] like nice bike side line mine drive fine knife life ride rise white while write bite

kite time wife size shine dive wine prize pride hike

[ai ]by try fly sky spy cry dry why my shy fry

[ai ]light bright might night sight right fight sign high

[ i ]in hit sit bit chick dig fish if milk miss quick rich ship tip wind fit lift list pick sick

trip stick

win kid silk print pig fridge

[ il] ill fill will drill hill bill still pill kill till

[?u ]note nose hope phone rode woke hole smoke stone whole close joke

[ ?u ]boat coat goat road load soap throat goal

[?u] slow blow grow row yellow show low throw snow know below bowl

[?u] old hold told cold sold

[u:] too tooth food tool goose room stood pool cool shoot

[ u] look took good book cook cookie wood wool

[?]dog lock mop stop top spot rob pop pot knock job hot drop block lot soft shop sock top got cost shot rock cross across crop

[?: ]all hall wall fall fallen small tall chalk mall call

[?: ]want watch wash what warn warm

[u: ]rule blue June ruler rude

[∧]nut must duck truck bus but cup cut just jump run sun gun luck rush brush hug shut such sunny

[a: ]car cart card part park far farm hard large dark arm March chart yard mark hardly shark

[a:] class glass past pass grass last fast

[?:] or for forty storm store sore more score pork orange north force nor horse born more short sport fork form score corn

[?: ]birth girl shirt skirt bird thirty dirty thirteen first thirsty

[? : ]world word work worker worst worse worth

[ ?: ]turn nurse purse Thursday burn return surf

[au] house loud about cloud mouth round ground count shout found south sound proud mount mountain

[au ]how now brown flower crowd power town allow

[?i ]boy boil voice toy joy join coin point noise noisy moist

[i ? ]ear dear hear near nearly tear clear

[ε? ]air chair hair pair repair

[ε?] pear wear bear appear


cake 糕点gate 大门plane 飞机make 制造late 迟到plate 碟子take 拿、带made 制造(过去式)safe 安全的wake 醒、叫醒case 箱子save 挽救name 名字wave 波浪skate 溜冰tape 录音带face 脸sale 出售game 游戏base 基地、基础snake 蛇space 太空age 年龄place 地方lake 湖泊date 日期grade 年级

[ei ]

day 日may 可以play 玩pay 付款stay 逗留way 道路、方法lay 下蛋relay 接力display 展出

[ei ]

afraid 害怕、担心wait 等待rain 下雨、雨train 火车raise 提高、升起pain 疼痛paint 油漆main 主要的fail 失败、不及格mail 邮件email 电子邮件remain .保持逗留rail 铁轨


hang 悬挂snack 小吃快餐bag 包hat 帽子black 黑的bad 坏的can 能够glad 高兴的has 有(第三人称)hand 手man 男人map 地图match 比赛fat 肥的that 那back 背部、后面fact 事实crash .碰撞坠落track .轨迹车辙trap 圈套陷阱thank 感谢sand 沙子path 小道

[i: ]

see 看见week 星期green 绿色的keep 保持meet 遇见、会见jeep 吉普车sleep 睡觉sweet 甜的street 街道deep 深的feet 脚(复数)teeth 牙齿(复数)free 空闲的greet t.问候tree 树seed 种子sheep 绵羊beef 牛肉feel 感觉steal 偷agree 同意


mean 意思、用意sea 海beat 打clean 干净的east 东面seat 座位speak 讲teach 教weak 弱的tea 茶team 队pea 豌豆bean 豆read 阅读eat 吃cheap 便宜的deal .处理、交易meal 一餐dream 发梦least 最少leaf 树叶real 真正的beach 海滩please 请meat 肉

[e ]

meant 用意(过去式)weather 天气bread 面包dead 死的deaf 聋的health 健康heavy 重的ready .有准备的

[e ]

west 西方pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔bell 铃sell 卖net 网beg .请求乞求ten 十neck 脖子next 下一个pet 宠物rest 休息shelf 架子set 树立、一套then 然后tent 帐篷men 男人(复)lend 借给less 较少bed 床left 左边spend 花费mend 修理best 最好egg 蛋get .获得、到达felt 感觉(过去式)fell 跌下(过去式)vet 兽医press .压按end 末端、结束red 红色的check 检查smell 闻

prize 奖赏、奖品wine 葡萄酒like 喜欢nice 好的、和蔼的bike 自行车line 线、绳、排队drive 驾驶side 边mine 我的knife 刀ride 骑fine 美美好的、优良的while 一会儿rise 上升增加write 写white 白色的life 生活kite 风筝time 时间wife 妻子bite 咬shine 照耀pride .自豪size 尺寸尺码hike 远足dive 潜水

[ai ]

by 在附近fly 飞sky 天空spy 间谍my 我的fry 油炸油煎shy 害羞的why 为什么dry 干燥的cry 哭try 尝试

[ai ]

light 轻的bright 明亮的might 可能night 晚上sight 视力right 右边、对的fight 战斗、.打架sign 标志、签名high 高的


in 在…中bit 一点sit 坐miss 怀念、错过milk 牛奶if 如果fish 鱼、钓鱼dig 挖掘chick 小鸡hit 打击、碰撞rich 富裕的ship 轮船quick 迅速的list 目录、名单lift 提起、电梯pick 摘、拣起wind 风fit 合适tip 小费win 赢trip 旅行sick 病的print 印刷kid 小孩silk 丝绸pig 猪fridge 冰箱stick 棍子

[i ]

fill 装满注满ill 病的will 将来时助动词drill 钻孔、操练till 直至kill 杀害pill 药片still 仍然bill 帐单hill 小山


note 记录笔记nose 鼻子hope 希望whole 整个joke 开玩笑close 关stone 石头smoke 抽烟hole 洞woke 醒(过去式)rode 骑(过去式)phone 电话u load 装载、重担soap 肥皂boat 小船coat 外衣goat 山羊road 道路goal 目标、球门throat 喉咙


slow 慢的bowl 碗below 在…下面know 知道snow 雪、下雪throw 扔、抛low 低的show 演出、引导yellow 黄色的row .排行grow 生长blow 吹u sold 卖(过去式)cold 冷的old 老的told 告诉(过去式)hold .拿着、举行[u: ]

goose 鹅too 也tooth 牙齿(单数)tool 工具food 食物cool 凉爽的shoot 射击pool 池塘stood 站(过去式)room 房间


look 看took 拿(过去式)good 好的book 书cook 煮、厨师wool 羊毛wood 木头、木材cookie 曲其饼

[?]stop 停止top 顶部lock 锁mop 拖把crop 庄稼across 横过、越过cross 横过rock 岩石shot 射(过去式)cost 价值shop 商店got 得到(过去式)sock 短袜block 街区、堵塞soft 柔软的lot 很多hot 热的drop 滴下、落下job 工作pot .罐壶knock 敲pop 流行的dog 狗spot .班点、污点rob 打劫

[?: ]

all 全部、所有wall 墙壁fall 跌下tall 高的mall 大商场chalk 粉笔hall 大厅small 小的call 讲、打电话

[?: ]

want 想watch 观看、手表wash 洗what 什么warn 警告warm 暖和的

rule 规则blue 蓝色的June 七月ruler 尺子rude 粗鲁的


bus 公共汽车truck 卡车nut 果仁must 必须duck 鸭子sunny 阳光灿烂的such 这样shut 关上闭上hug 巨大的brush 刷子rush 冲、奔luck 幸运gun 枪sun 太阳run 跑步jump 跳just 刚cut 割、剪cup 杯子but 但


far 远的cart 手推车car 小车card 卡part 部分park 公园shark 鲨鱼hardly 几乎不mark .标志分数yard 院子chart 图表March 三月arm 手臂dark 黑暗的large 大的hard 硬的、刻苦的farm 农场

[a: ]

pass 通过、及格class 班级glass 玻璃杯past 过去的last 最后的fast 快的grass 草

[o: ]

or 或者forty 四十storm 暴风雨pork 猪肉corn 玉米score 得分form 表格fork 叉子sport 运动short 短的、矮的more 更born 出生horse 马nor 也不force .力量、.强制north 北方orange 橙子for 为sore .疼痛的store 商店[ ?: ]

thirsty 口渴birth 出生girl 女孩shirt 衬衫first 第一thirteen 十三dirty 肮脏thirty 三十bird 鸟skirt 裙子

[ ?: ]

worst 最坏的world 世界word 单词work 工作worker 工人worth 值得worse 较坏的: Thursday 星期四turn .转动旋转nurse 护士purse 钱包surf 冲浪return 归还、.回来burn 燃烧


house 房子loud 大声的about 大约、关于mount 山峰mountain 山proud 骄傲的、自豪sound 声音south 南方found 找到(过去式shout 喊count 数、计算ground 地面round 环绕mouth 嘴cloud 云


how 怎样now 现在brown 棕色的flower 花朵allow 允许town 城镇power 动力权力crowd 人群


joy .欢乐喜悦toy 玩具boy 男孩boil 煮voice .声音嗓音moist .潮湿的noisy .吵杂的noise .吵杂声point 点、指出coin 硬币join 加入

[i ?]

ear 耳朵hear 听见near 在。。附近clear 清晰的tear 眼泪nearly 几乎dear 亲爱的appear 出现disappear 消失εpear 梨子wear 穿上bear 熊


air 空气hair 头发pair 双、对chair 椅子repair 修理


1. a bottle of water

2. a glass of milk

3. a little money

4. a lot of friends

5. a pair of shoes

6. a piece of paper

7. agree with sb

8. all day

9. all kinds of fruits 10.all over the world11.arrive in Beijing 12. arrive at a small village13. as usual 14. at dinner15. at first 16. at last17.at night 18. at noon19.at once 20 at present21.at the moment 22.at

the same time23.at work 24.attend a meeting25.be afraid 26.be angry with sb.27.be born 28.be busy with something29.be careful 30.be close to31.be covered with 32.be different from33.be good at 34.be good bad for35.be interested in 36.be late for school37.be tired 38.belong to39.break the rule 40.burn down41. by air plane 42.by bike43.by the way 44.call on45.catch a bus 46.catch a cold47.catch up with my classmates 48.change ones mind49.Childrens Day 50.Christmas Eve51.climb a mountain https://www.360docs.net/doc/6015448555.html,e https://www.360docs.net/doc/6015448555.html,e into use https://www.360docs.net/doc/6015448555.html,plain about55.do ones best 56.do ones homework57.do sport 58.do some cleaning59.do some shopping 60.do some washing61.each other 62.enjoy oneself63.fall asleep 64.fall off65.family name 66.family tree67.far from my home .
