



Henry James (Henry James, April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916), the 19th century, the United States following Hawthorne, Melville after the greatest novelist, but also the history of the United States and the world literature writer. James's main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write about the intercourse between Americans and Europeans; how adult sins affect and destroy pure, intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the artist, the life of the writer and the artist. There are novels: "an American", "a portrait of a woman", "pigeon", "envoys" and "gold bowl" and so on. His creation has had a tremendous impact on the rise of modernism and postmodernism in the twentieth century.

Henry James is one of the pioneers of American novelists, literary critics, playwrights and essayists, who are considered to be psychoanalytic novels. His knowledge of human behavior is unique in the twentieth century The pioneer of writing skills in novels.

Henry James (Henry James, April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916, at the age of 73 years)

British - American writer. He was born in New York's upper class of intellectuals, his father is a self-reliant philosopher and fantastic religiousist, brother William James is the first famous

American psychologist and the most influential philosopher. James's childhood was spent in New York City, but James himself at the age of 12 with their parents to Europe and long-term living in Europe. His father asked him to receive a wealth of aesthetic education, take him to visit galleries, libraries, museums and theaters,

Involved in the United Kingdom, Switzerland and France and other places, which lasted four years. He did not accept the system of school education, but quickly mastered the French, and began to read the French literature, fully accepted the influence of the old European environment. He grew up to realize the complexity of traditional social structures. In his youth, he was more interested in literature and creation. He was bustling between the United States and Europe several times, determined to engage in literary creation, and in the early days of adulthood. He often communicates with his family and keeps in close contact. He is good at social, familiar with the literary and art circles of many contemporary literati, many people become his confidant. On the late 19th century the United States and Europe, the upper life of a nuanced observation. But he was unmarried, James is gay. He and his contemporary American writer Edith Wharton maintained a long-term friendship. His emotional life is rich, creative passion, wrote a lot of masterpieces handed down.

James's main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write the question of the interaction between the Americans and the Europeans; how the evil of adults affects and destroys the pure and intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the artist, the life of the writer and the artist: Indicating that the writer's interest in personal moral

James works with novels "An American", "Washington Square", "Portrait of a Lady", "Pigeon Wing", "Envoy", "Golden Bowl" and so on. In the short stories are "Daisy Miller", "Aspen manuscript", "screw in the tight", "jungle beast" and a group of writers, artists living in short stories such as "real things", "carpet On the pattern "and so on. James wrote a lot of very insightful commentary on British, American and French writers such as George Eliot, Stevenson, Anthony Trollope, Hawthorne, Emerson, Balzac , George Sang, Flaubert and Turgenev and so on. There are three kinds of autobiography: "childhood and other", "as a son and brother" and "middle age".

Henry James created a psychological analysis of the novel precedent, his pen, there seems to be like a maze of ordinary people in the inner world. In The Wings of the Dove (1902), he explores the "faint and dull" thoughts and feelings of the characters, transforming the "beating in the space" into the image.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, James published three consecutive novels of "pigeon", "envoys" and "gold bowl", so that his creation reached a peak. In the Random House in 1996 selected the 20th century PARKnSHOP English novels, James by virtue of these three novels on the list, and are ranked front. Most of these novels celebrate the virtues of the American bourgeoisie. They are basically subtle inner activities, sometimes cumbersome and cumbersome and seem obscure. James's works are "Boston people", "Princess Casablanca", "American", "Poeton's collection" and so on. In addition to the novel, but also wrote some important literary criticism and script, travel and so on. James is known as the pioneer of modern Western psychological analysis


Born in New York on April 15, 1843;

1862 was admitted to Harvard Law School;

From 1864 onwards began to literary creation;

In 1869 traveled the United Kingdom, France and Italy and other countries, decided to leave the United States, moved to Europe;

1875 ~ 1876 living in Paris, met the blessing worship, Turgenev, Zola, Tudor and other writers;

After 1878 moved to London;

In 1879 the novel "Daisy Miller" made him famous;

Published in 1881, "a woman's portrait", is his early creation of the most representative works;

At the beginning of the 20th century, he returned to the United States and created three novels, namely, "pigeon wings", "envoys" and "gold bowls". These three novels were recognized as James's masterpieces. All three were selected in the 20th century. Novels and rank the forefront;

1915 due to dissatisfaction with the United States in the early days of the First World War "neutral" attitude to join the British nationality.



Born in New York, a rich family of intellectuals. The father is a philosopher, the theologian, but the man is rude. The long brother of William was as athletic as the athlete, and later became an awesome philosopher and professor of psychology at Harvard University. James's childhood was very unpleasant, he grew up in fear of his brother. James had nothing to do with the family, but

later patched the relationship. How he grew up under the shadow of his brother, how he influenced his inner world, and thus influenced his creation, because James was too sensitive. Laughter rarely comes from James, thanks to his early death with his friendly man, including his sister Alice, his cousin Minnie Temple, who has been very heavy to live. James has used the succession of these people as a material, in the novel "Daisy Miller", "a woman's portrait", "pigeon", "envoys" and "gold bowl" to create a series of distinctive The heroine image.

James has always wanted to be a playwright, and finally with his initiative away from the theater and ended. James had been worried about the success of his new play, "Gay Tomwell", but because he was so nervous that he did not catch the right opportunity. He is not good at dealing with the theater. The book tells the story that one night when he approached the theater, Oscar Wilde "ideal husband" is staged, he decided to give up to watch the gaudy gay wandime script performance. Because "he thinks these people in the theater seem to enjoy the pleasure of their own, he felt in his life he never had this look.He did not know in these so happy, so triumphant, so happy among the people How to spend that three hours. "So James went back again.

Most of the tension in James's life comes from his alienation of what he cherishes. In fact, he has entered the upper class in Europe, rich writer to be able to contact him and be proud of, but he still feel that he is an outsider: is a bachelor, there is a tendency to homosexuality, although he suppressed this desire. At the same time he was an American, because then the United States has just developed, advocating European culture and worship of Europeans was a kind of atmosphere of the American upper class.

He felt humiliated, began to look away from the public's attention, reduced contact with family and friends, traveled to Rome and Florence, where he intended to spend the rest of his life quietly. And later in England to buy a house with a garden, so settled down and dedicated to writing. Between 1902 and 1905, James published three of the 20th century's most promising novels: "Pigeon Wing", "Envoys", "Golden Bowl". In 1915 James joined the British. James's writing is very focused and very devoted, he put the novel as a subtle "comprehensive art" to seriously. T oo seriously, so he is always in life and creation is intertwined with psychological anxiety and tension, so that the psychological balance is often broken.

亨利-詹姆斯 介绍简介-亨利-詹姆斯 简历-亨利-詹姆斯,名人故事

精心整理亨利?詹姆斯介绍简介-亨利?詹姆斯简历-亨利?詹姆斯,名人故事 亨利·詹姆斯(HenryJames,1843年4月15日-1916年2月28日),英国-美国作家。他出身于纽约的上层知识分子家庭,父亲老亨利·詹姆斯是着名学者,兄长威廉·詹姆斯是知名的哲学家和心理学家。詹姆斯本人长期旅居欧洲,对19世纪末美国和欧洲的上层生活有细致入微的观察。詹姆斯是同性恋者。他与同时代的美国女作家伊迪丝·华顿保持着长期的友谊。詹姆斯的主要作品是小说,此外也写了许多文学评 、《作 1902)中,他发掘了人物“最幽微,最朦胧”的思想和感觉,把“太空中跳动的脉搏”转化为形象。在兰登书屋1996年评选的20世纪百部最佳英文小说中,亨利个人就占了三部。美国作家。1843年4月15日生于纽约,1916年2月28日卒于伦敦。父兄都是美国颇具声望的哲学家。由于家境富裕,从小受到良好的教育,掌握多种语言。1862年考入哈佛大学法学院。1869年游历了英国、法国和意大利等国后,决定离开

美国,移居欧洲。1875~1876年住在巴黎,结识了屠格涅夫、左拉、都德等作家。2年后迁居伦敦。1904~1905年曾回美国,1915年因不满美国在第一次世界大战初期的“中立”态度而加入英国籍。詹姆斯从1864年起开始文学创作。1879年中篇小说《黛西·密勒》使他一举成名。小说描写美国姑娘黛西·密勒游历欧洲时的遭遇。她的天真浪漫、热情开朗的性格招来了许多误解和麻烦。最后客死他乡。小说将美 1881 世纪峰。《使 、詹姆斯被誉为西方现代心理分析小说的开拓者。作品列表RoderickHudson(1875)


詹姆斯得分王英文介绍 Introduction to James - The 'King of Score' James, whose real name is James Edward Bosch, is one of the greatest players in basketball history. He is widely known as the “King of Score”, who has been a dominating presence over the NBA since entering in 2003. James is a four-time NBA champion, three-time NBA Finals MVP, two-time Olympic Gold medalist, 14-time NBA All-Star and 12-time All-NBA selection. He has been named the AP NBA Most Valuable Player four times in 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013. His talents extend beyond basketball, as James is also a successful entrepreneur. He has become a global icon and a household name across the world, and is one of the most recognizable and influential athletes of our time. James is a great role model and philanthropist, launching the LeBron James Family Foundation to provide educational opportunities for inner-city children. He is a major advocate for those in need and has used his platform to help those in need. The “King of Score” has rewritten what is possible in basketball, and his legacy will continue to be felt for

henry james

PORTRAIT OF A LADY是澳大利亚导演JANE CAMPION继THE PIANO钢琴课之后的又一部女性主义电影,演员包括NICOLE KIDMAN,JOHN MALCOVICH,BARBARA HURSEY和CHRISTIAN BALE。不过该片并非原创,而是根据现实主义大师HENRY JAMES的同名小说改编的。 HENRY JAMES(1843-1916)是一位杰出的小说家,文体家和文艺评论家。他生于美国,父亲是宗教和哲学问题作家,哥哥WILLIAM JAMES就是美国著名的哲学家和心理学家。他家境富裕,从幼年起便得以漫游欧洲各国,见识颇广;家里来往的客人又都是美国文化界的一些名人(EMERSON,THOREAU...),因此HENRY是在一种文化气息浓郁的环境中成长起来的,虽然他受到的正规教育不多,后来还是成为文学大家。1862年他进入HA V ARD UNIV学法,但不久即发现他的兴趣在文学,随即开始创作短篇小说。1875年他出版了第一部短篇小说集,1976年定居LONDON。此后40年,他一直勤奋写作,创作颇丰。1904年HENRY返回美国探亲讲学,翌年返回LONDON,开始编辑他著名的24卷本的纽约版文集。他将以前的许多作品重新修改,并撰写了18篇重要的评论性序言(这些序言包括了对小说这门艺术的不少精辟论述,由后人汇编成THE ART OF THE NOVEL:CRITICAL PREFACES一书)。1915年为了抗议美国政府在一战中长期保持中立不对德作战,HENRY入了英国籍,一年后去世。 其实HENRY JAMES并不算一个很容易POPULAR起来的作家----这位心理现实主义(PSYCHOLOGICAL REALISM)的奠基人之作品往往都是砖头一样的厚,充满对人物心理细致入微的刻画和描写,而情节方面并不很强;另外他的后期作品又太过艰涩难读,含蓄得要人命(人称THE POST-JAMESIAN STYLE后期占姆斯风格)----关于这一点,我是这样认为的:HENRY的书的确不适合懒人阅读,但一旦你有耐心有毅力深入其中,就会发现他其实是一个超级伟大的作家,并不像人们所说的那么可怕。他的作品细腻,幽雅;包含着精敲细打的词句,贴切完美的幽默,微妙之极的含蓄,很适合在深夜一个人阅读。 HENRY主要作品的主题多为他所熟悉的美国和欧洲这两种不同文化和价值体系间的冲突即所谓的“国际主题”(THE INTERNATIONAL THEME)。他的创作生涯可以大致分为三个阶段:第一阶段1863-1886,作品包括THE AMERICAN美国人,DAISY MILLER戴西米勒,THE EUROPEANS欧洲人,WASHINGTON SQUARE华盛顿广场*(即电影“情感的禁区”)和THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY*淑女本色;第二阶段1886-1901,作品包括:THE BOSTONIANS 波士顿人,THE TURN OF THE SCREW螺丝在拧紧和THE BEAST IN THE JUNGLE丛林猛兽;第三阶段从1901年开始,又称“主要阶段”(THE MAJOR PHASE),作品包括他最成熟的三部小说:THE WINGS OF THE DOVE*鸽翼(我的最爱),THE AMBASSADORS专使和THE GOLDEN BOWL*金碗。(*已有电影改编) 说到THE PROTRAIT OF A LADY,首先要谈一下HENRY年轻时遇到的两桩不幸----它们对HENRY造成的影响极其深远:他后来的生活和创作都被这两道阴影笼罩。一是南北战争期间,1861年,当时在当兵的HENRY在一次救火过程中受了难言的"重伤";二是在他20多岁时,他热爱的表妹MINNIE TEMPLE早逝。这两件事情促成他早年就决定当一个生活的观察者和评论者而非一个积极的参与者(或许这正是他走上文学之路的原因之一);而MINNIE TEMPLE这个天真,妩媚,聪慧,对生活冲满激情的少女也化身为HENRY众多作品的女主人公(DAISY MILLER里的DAISY,THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY里的ISABELLE,THE WINGS OF THE DOVE里的MILLIE----连名字都像!)得以不朽,而HENRY对她痛苦的思念之情则在中篇THE ALTAR OF THE DEAD里暴露无疑。生活真是创作最好的源泉... THE PORTRAIT OF A LADY里父母双亡,由美国来英国投奔姨妈的ISABELLE应该有MINNIE TEMPLE的影子,而那位因身患绝症无法爱她,所以将财产分一半给她的表哥RALPH也可以被理解为HENRY自己(生活的旁观者嘛)----美丽的ISABELLE(NICOLE KIDMAN)以为有了钱,就可以在生活中自由选择,但正是她的这笔财富使她成为一对欧洲大阴谋家(BARBARA HURSEY,JOHN MALCOVICH)逐猎的目标并最终陷入不幸。偏偏她又是个极高尚的人,为了自己“每个人都要为自己的行为承担后果”的信条,为了那对阴谋家无辜的女儿PENSY,ISABELLE在RALPH 死后,不顾始终爱她如一并能够带她脱离苦海的美国企业家CASPER(CHRISTIAN BALE)的追求,最终还是选择了回到丈夫身边。但我们可以相信,既然她愿意以新的勇气和毅力来面对命运,从今以后她的生活将绝对不会是被动无助的了。毕竟她已为学会生活付出了高昂的代价。 HENRY 在小说序言中说:“整个小说的主旨是,一个可怜的姑娘向往自由精神,追求高尚情操,自以为头脑清楚,行事慷慨而合乎情理,到头来却发现自己在常规的磨盘里遭到碾轧。”可以看到,其主题仍是THE INTERNA TIONAL THEME,仍是无辜与腐蚀的对抗。“常规的磨盘”即是当时欧洲社会自私与诡诈的普遍风尚,天真单纯者的地狱。其实这种磨盘又何止只有当时的欧洲才有...HENRY今日的大受欢迎,或许正是因为他作品里所表达的真善美与残酷现实和各种阴谋的冲撞在当今这个物欲横流,人心不古的社会里显得特别有现实意义八。 我个人并不是很喜欢JANE CAMPION,或许是因为她的电影总是对我触动很大----太大了一点的缘故。但这部改编片拍得还是较为成功的:原著的精神通过所有演员的精良演技基本上得到了反映。有一些镜头很美,令人过目不忘:


人物传记詹姆斯 An early entry candidate for the 2003 NBA Draft. Consensus 2003 National High School Player of the Year. Named PARADE High School Boys Basketball Player of the Year for the second consecutive season as a senior, becoming the first repeat winner in the 47-y ear history of the award. Named USA Today boys’ high school basketball Player of the Year following junior and senior seasons. Named Gatorade Player of the Year as a junior and senior. High School Career Highlights: Led St. Vincent-St. Mary (SVSM) to three state championships in four seasons. Named Mr. Basketball for the state of Ohio by AP for three straight seasons beginning with sophomore year. Named to USA Today All-USA First Team for three consecutive seasons beginning with sophomore season. Posted four-year high school career totals of 2,657 points, 892 rebounds and 523 assists. 2003 Postseason All-Star Games: Named MVP of McDonald’s High School All-American Game, the EA Sports Roundball Classic and the Jordan Capital Classic. In the McDonald’s Gam e, led East to 122-107 victory with 27 points, seven rebounds


威廉·詹姆斯 [编辑本段] 一、生平 威廉·詹姆斯(William James, 1842-1910),美国本土第一位哲学家和心理学家,也是教育学家,实用主义的倡导者,美国机能主义心理学派创始人之一,以及美国最早的实验心理学家之一。他出生于美国纽约市一个有科学精神的牧师家庭,病逝于美国新罕布什尔州巢可乐(Chocurua)。 威廉·詹姆斯于1842年1月11日出生在美国纽约市,1910年8月26日卒于罕布什尔。詹姆斯的祖父是爱尔兰人。1798年移居美国,因投资开发伊利运河而成富豪。詹姆斯的母亲叫玛丽-罗伯逊·沃尔什(Mary Robertson Walsh)。父亲老亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James Sr.,1811-1882)童年时因一次事故而失去一条腿,但未因此沮丧消沉。1830年毕业于纽约州协和神学院后,曾在商界和法律界工作。1835-1837年又在普林斯顿神学院学习,后来成为一名哲学神学家,因反对正统的新教,没有参加任何教会组织。1844年以后,信奉施维登博格学说(Swedenborgianism),并接受法国社会哲学家C·傅立叶(CharlesFourier, 1772-1837)的社会改革理论。1885年,詹姆斯出版的第一本书就是他的父亲的著作选。书名是《亨利·詹姆斯遗著》(T he Literary Remains of Henry James)。詹姆斯在该书的序言中表述了自己的宗教观,认为生动的宗教经验比宗教教条更重要。 詹姆斯有三个弟弟和一个妹妹,弟弟亨利·詹姆士是一位有名的作家,和父亲同名。老亨利十分重视子女的教育,从小培养他们独立求知的精神,鼓励他们进行批判性的讨论,并让他们在欧洲和美国学校之间交替受教育。因为他认为美国学校在观点上太狭隘而把他们送到欧洲学习,又因为他深信孩子应在本国人中受教育而让他们回到美国。詹姆斯幼年在纽约的私立学校接受启蒙教育,后随家庭漂居欧洲各地,在瑞士、法国、德国、英国接受最好的教育,因此使他有丰富的幼年生活和掌握五种语言。早年爱好绘画和科学,1858 年回美国罗得岛州新港市随亨特(William Morris hunt, 1824-1879)习画一年,1859-1860 年全家迁往瑞士日内瓦,他在日内瓦科学研究院学习科学,当时他希望成为画家,因此不久即返回新港市继续习画,但后来发现自己缺乏做画家的天分遂放弃了。1861 年进入哈佛大学劳伦斯理学院在埃利奥特(C


经典的英文男子名字及其历史渊源在过去的几个世纪里,英语世界广泛使用的男子名字有着丰富的历 史渊源。这些名字不仅代表传统和家族血统,还传承了许多文化和历 史的意义。本文将介绍一些经典的英文男子名字及其历史渊源。 1. William(威廉) 威廉是一个源自德语的名字,意为“保护”,是英语世界中最经典的 男子名字之一。威廉这个名字早在中世纪就开始流行,源于德国的威 尔海姆。由于英国国王威廉一世在1066年的诺曼底征服中取得了巨大 胜利,威廉成为了一个备受推崇的名字。 2. Henry(亨利) 亨利是一个具有皇室背景的名字,源于德国的海因里希。这个名字 在英格兰历史上非常常见,并在不同的历史时期享有盛名。著名的亨 利包括亨利八世和亨利五世,他们对英国国家发展产生了深远的影响。 3. Edward(爱德华) 爱德华是另一个重要的英文男子名字,在英语世界中非常常见。这 个名字源于古英语,意思是“幸运的守护者”。爱德华这个名字被许多 英国国王选择作为自己的名字,如爱德华一世、爱德华二世和爱德华 三世等。这些国王在英国历史上留下了深刻的烙印。 4. John(约翰)

约翰是一个源自希伯来语的名字,意为“上帝是仁慈的”。这个名字在英语世界中非常常见,被广泛运用于各个历史时期。约翰是一个重要的圣经人物,也是许多英国国王和历史上杰出的人物的名字,如约翰·肯尼迪和约翰·洛克菲勒等。 5. Richard(理查德) 理查德是一个古老而受欢迎的英文男子名字,源自德语。这个名字的意思是“强大的统治者”。英国历史上有许多重要的理查德,比如理查德一世、理查德二世和理查德三世等。此外,理查德也在莎士比亚的戏剧作品中扮演了重要角色,如《理查三世》。 6. Thomas(托马斯) 托马斯是一个古老的希腊名字,在英文世界中广泛使用。这个名字的意思是“雄壮的”或“孪生”。托马斯在英国历史上非常常见,例如托马斯·杰斐逊和托马斯·艾迪生等。此外,托马斯也是著名的圣经人物,他对基督教历史产生了重大影响。 7. Charles(查尔斯) 查尔斯是一个来自德语的名字,意为“自由人”。这个名字在英语世界中非常流行,代表了王室和贵族气质。查尔斯是许多英国国王和王子的名字,如查尔斯一世,也是英格兰国内外许多英雄人物的名字,如查尔斯·狄更斯。 8. James(詹姆斯)


nba詹姆斯名言英文 LeBron James, commonly known as King James, is a basketball superstar who has won four NBA championships and numerous accolades. He is considered by many to be one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Throughout his career, he has inspired millions with his actions on and off the court. From his leadership skills to his talent on the court, LeBron James has given us numerous inspiring quotes that are sure to motivate anybody who reads them. Here are some of LeBron James famous quotes that have become an inspiration to many: 1. "I'm taking my talents to South Beach." - This quote is from LeBron James' infamous decision to leave his hometown team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, and join the Miami Heat in 2010. Despite the controversy surrounding his move, James emphasized that it was for his personal growth and career development.


LeBron Raymone James was born on December 30, 1984, in Akron, the only child of young single mother, Gloria James. The tiny family struggled financially and moved frequently within the Akron area.

LeBron attended High School in Akron. He excelled

in sports, setting basketball records and helping his team win the Division III championship in his freshman year. In his sophomore and junior years, he was named Ohio's "Mr. Basketball." The multi-talented James was also chosen All-State 1st team wide receiver in football his junior year. James was chosen the first draft pick by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003. The 19-year old was immediately offered a $90 million contract by Nike, before he even played a single game. He didn't disappoint. He was named NBA Rookie of the Year in 2003/2004, the first Cavalier and the youngest player to win that honor. In the 2007 regular season, he averaged 26.2 points per game, with 7.90 rebounds.


关于勒布朗詹姆斯的英文演讲稿 Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here today to talk about one of the greatest basketball players of all time - LeBron James. LeBron not only mesmerizes us with his incredible skills on the court but also inspires us off the court with his philanthropic endeavors and leadership qualities. Throughout his career, LeBron James has proven time and again that he is much more than just an athlete; he is a role model and a game-changer. LeBron James was born on December 30, 1984, in Akron, Ohio. Coming from humble beginnings, he faced numerous challenges growing up, but that never deterred him from pursuing his dreams. He was introduced to basketball at a young age and showed exceptional talent from the start. LeBron dedicated himself to honing his skills and improving his game, which ultimately led him to become a high school basketball phenom. In 2003, LeBron James made the groundbreaking decision to skip college and directly enter the NBA Draft. This decision was met with skepticism and criticism, but LeBron silenced the doubters by making an immediate impact in the league. He was the first overall pick by the Cleveland Cavaliers and quickly became the face of the franchise. Throughout his career, LeBron has played for multiple teams, including the Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Lakers, but it was his return to the Cavaliers in 2014 that cemented his legacy. Beyond his athletic achievements, LeBron James is a catalyst for change and social justice. He has been an outspoken advocate for


亨利·詹姆斯和伊迪丝·华顿在主题和创作技巧的相似性比较亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James,1843-1916)和伊迪丝·华顿(Edith Wharton,1862-1937)同为英美文学史上知名作家,相互也是挚友。诚然,前者不论是从影响力还是被认可度上明显高于后者。 但是,几乎国内外提到华顿文献中均会出现詹姆斯的名字,评论家们倾向提及两者的文学联系。早期关于二者的评论中不乏偏激言论,如一位匿名的评论家曾在Critic杂志上公开宣称华顿剽窃詹姆斯;或称其为詹姆斯这位大师最伟大的小学生。 随后也有中立的评论说华顿是詹姆斯忠实的追随者,是大师的女继承人,她精湛、细腻的写作技巧得益于大师的指导。后期也有为华顿辩护的言论,如强调她有着自己的特点,并非每部著作均效仿詹姆斯的风格或主题,詹姆斯作品缺乏华顿作品中独特的女性主义视角。 诸如此类言论不胜枚举,从评论家们的关注度上可见詹姆斯对华顿的影响一直被强调。然而,就笔者所持资料来看,国内外关于詹姆斯对华顿如何影响以及具体影响层面分析甚少,国外大多数谈及影响或相似的评论仅仅就两作家各自的作品中故事线索或相似主人公甚至故事的寓意来剖析;而国内的书籍或文献在谈及此问题时,更是寥寥数语带过二者的文学联系。 鲜有文献全面,系统,客观地拿出令人信服的论据来论证前者对后者的影响或者两作家的相似性。基于此研究现状,本论文立足于剖析两作家在文学创作上的相似性来补充前人研究的不足之处。 本论文分为四部分,第一章阐明了本论文的研究意义和目的以及对两作家之间文学关系的国内外研究做了回溯与综述,并由此得出对于上述观点和论证不足

之处;第二章以六部小说为例证,从主题方面剖析两作家各自关心的能延伸为文本主题意义的基点;第三章从艺术手法层面来比较两作家是怎样实现各自作品独特之风格的,六部作品同样被逐一做例证分析;第四章为论文结论部分,论文中研究得不够深入和论证过程不严谨的地方被提及并指出了进一步研究的可能之处。两作家各自的文艺观理论中关于自己创作的心得总结或强调点被归纳为两条主线,即基于主题和艺术手法范畴中的相似。 在结合作家各自文艺观理论为切入点,以六部中长篇小说为引证文本的前提下,詹姆斯和华顿如何实现文本创作和审美意识上的相似性被具体而细致的论述。在实现文本主题方面,两者对作家经验于文学创作重要性的关注,对文本中道德 说教意义重要性的强调,对人物心理活动深层剖析之意义的关注都被一一结合具体文本论证;在小说的艺术手法方面,两者共同关注的基本点有叙述视角,文本对话对于实现小说主旨性的重要性,小说场景系统的完美契合以及修辞手法的运用等等。 这些于文本艺术效果至关重要的实现手法也被一一论述并结合文本进行佐证。本论文旨在尽量全面,系统,科学地论述两作家在文学创作上的相似性以对透视二者之间的文学联系提供一个新的视角。


The chronology of Henry James (1843-1916) 1843 He was born in New York, the second child of weathy, somewhat, aristocratic parents. 1862 At his nineteen, he attended Harvard Law School and began his friendship with William Dean Howells. 1864 He graduated from Harvard and published a comment in American Review.《美国评论》1865 He published his first short story. 1871 the Atlantic Serialized his first novel, Watch and Ward 1875 A Passionate Pilgrim and Other Tales 《虔诚的朝圣者及其他》;Transatlantic Sketches《大洋彼岸见闻随笔》 1876 Roderick Hudson 《罗德里克.哈德孙》;He decided to settle in London. 1877 The American 《美国人》 1878 The Europeans 《欧洲人》 1879 Daisy Miller;WhatMaisie Knew《梅吉的见闻》 1881 The Portrait of a Lady; Washington Square 1884 The Art of Fiction 1886 The Bostonians 1890 The Tragic Muse《悲惨的缪斯》 1897 The Spoils of Poynton 1898 The Turn of the Screw 1899 The Awkward Age 1901 The Sacred Fount 《神圣的源泉》 1902 The Wings of the Dove 1903 The Ambassador 1904 The Golden Bowel 1907 The American Scene《美国见闻》 1911 获哈佛大学名誉学位 1912 获牛津大学名誉文学博士称号 1913 A Small Boy and Others《少年及其他》 1915 He became a British citizen(加入英国国籍);He showed his support of England in World War I. 1916 英王乔治五世授予他最高文职勋章,2月在伦敦病故。 1917 The Middle Years 《中年》 参考: 1.《美国文学史及选读》吴伟仁编1990年8月第2版 2.《美国文学宣读》常耀信 3.《外国文学名著赏析词典》浙江文艺出版社

亨利詹姆斯英文简介 黛西米勒英文简介

亨利詹姆斯英文简介黛西米勒英文简介 亨利詹姆斯人物履历 Born in New York on April 15, 1843; 1862 was admitted to Harvard Law School; From 1864 onwards began to literary creation; In 1869 traveled the United Kingdom, France and Italy and other countries, decided to leave the United States, moved to Europe; 1875 ~ 1876 living in Paris, met the blessing worship, Turgenev, Zola, Tudor and other writers; After 1878 moved to London; In 1879 the novel Daisy Miller made him famous; Published in 1881, a womans portrait, is his early creation of the most representative works; At the beginning of the 20th century, he returned to the United States and created three novels, namely, pigeon wings, envoys and gold bowls. These three novels were recognized as Jamess masterpieces. All three were selected in the 20th century. Novels and rank the forefront; 1915 due to dissatisfaction with the United States in the early days of the First World War neutral attitude to join the British nationality. 亨利詹姆斯成长经受


The Portrait of a Lady--- Henry James The Portrait of a Lady is a novel about the failure fate of a Lady whose dream did not come true. It is about the contrast between wish and failure, the hope and disillusion. The main character Isabel Archer, a young, clever, quick , decent and charming American girl, across the Ocean of Atlantic escorted by her aunt who wanted to present Isabel a noble, classy and old English world. Her aunt thought she was the kind of clever girls who just need hope and opportunity. Isabel is that kind of girl full of imagination as well as longing for knowledge. Her intimate friend Miss Stackpole is a correspondence of the Interview, a modern type of woman, who had great influence on Isabel. No sooner Isabel came to England than an English noble man Lord Warburton and another rich American man Casper Goodwood who followed Isabel to England had both proposed to Isabel out of pure love, however, Isabel refused their proposes, she wanted to see more of her life. She wanted to surf in it


亨利詹姆斯英文简介 Henry James, born on April 15, 1843, in New York City, was an American writer who is considered one of the greatest novelists in the English language. He is known for his complex and psychological novels, which explore the themes of innocence, experience, and the clash between American and European culture. James' works have had a significant influence on modern literature, and he is often praised for his unique writing style and meticulous attention to detail. James came from a wealthy and intellectual family. His father, Henry James Sr., was a philosopher, and his brother, William James, became a famous psychologist and philosopher. James received his early education in New York and attended Harvard Law School for a short period before deciding to pursue a career in literature. James began his writing career by publishing reviews and short stories in various magazines and newspapers. His first novel, "Watch and Ward," was published in 1871, but it was his novel "Daisy Miller" (1878) that brought him significant recognition. "Daisy Miller" tells the story of a young American woman in Europe who defies societal norms, and it explores the clash between American and European values and social conventions. In the following years, James continued to produce a series of successful novels. One of his most famous works, "The Portrait of a Lady" (1881), tells the story of a young American woman, Isabel Archer, who travels to Europe and becomes involved in a complicated web of relationships and choices. The novel examines


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亨利詹姆斯简介 Henry James (Henry James, April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916), the 19th century, the United States following Hawthorne, Melville after the greatest novelist, but also the history of the United States and the world literature writer. Jamess main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write about the intercourse between Americans and Europeans; how adult sins affect and destroy pure, intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the artist, the life of the writer and the artist. There are novels: an American, a portrait of a woman, pigeon, envoys and gold bowl and so on. His creation has had a tremendous impact on the rise of modernism and postmodernism in the twentieth century. Henry James is one of the pioneers of American novelists, literary critics, playwrights and essayists, who are considered to be psychoanalytic novels. His knowledge of human behavior is unique in the twentieth century The pioneer of writing skills in novels. Henry James (Henry James, April 15, 1843 - February 28, 1916, at the age of 73 years) British - American writer. He was born in New Yorks upper class of intellectuals, his father is a self-reliant philosopher and fantastic religiousist, brother William James is the first famous American psychologist and the most influential philosopher. Jamess childhood was spent in New York City, but James himself at the age of 12 with their parents to Europe and long-term living in Europe. His father asked him to receive a wealth of aesthetic education, take him to visit galleries, libraries, museums and theaters, Jamess main works are novels, in addition to writing many literary reviews, travels, biographies and scripts. His novels often write the question of the interaction between the Americans and the Europeans; how the evil of adults affects and destroys the pure and intelligent children; the contradiction between material and spiritual; the loneliness of the artist, the life of the writer and the artist: Indicating that the writers interest in personal moral quality. Henry James created a psychological analysis of the novel precedent, his pen, there seems to be like a maze of ordinary people in the inner world. In The Wings of the Dove (1902), he explores the faint and dull thoughts and feelings of the characters, transforming the beating in the space into the image. 亨利詹姆斯人物履历 Born in New York on April 15, 1843; 1862 was admitted to Harvard Law School; From 1864 onwards began to literary creation;
