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1( )Jenny is a nurse and ______in Town Hospital.



C.had worked

D. working

2. ( ) Bob______nearly two hours doing his work yesterday.





3. ( )The young man broke his arm in the accident and had to ______his job.

A.pick up

B.put up

C.get up

D.give up

4. ( )The woman hasn’t heard from her son for months. It______her a lot.

interests B.moves C.worries D.pleases

5 ( ).It’s rather cold outside. Here’s a coat. ______, please.

A.Pick it up

B.Put it on

C.Take it off

D.Turn it down

6. ( )---What are you doing, Emily?

----I’m ______the radio. The music is so beautiful.

A. watching

B.listening to



7. ( )He ______the bus and found a seat next to the window.

A.got down

B.got off

C.got on

D.got out

8. ( )----Do you think Jim will pass the Chemistry exam?

----Sure. He ______a lot of time on it.





9. ( )We enjoy______the moon in the open air on the Mid-autumn Day.

A. to see


C.to watch


10 ( ). A lot of meetings were ______because of the dangerous disease.

A taken off B.put off C.turned off

11 ( ) What are you doing there?

----Listen, Mum! I hear somebody______upstairs.




D.to go

12-( )---Hello! Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight?

----I’m sorry I can’t. Mother won’t ______me to go out in the evening.

A. let




13. ( )It took us a long time ______Hawaii but we thought the journey was enjoyable.

A. to get


C.to reach


14. ( )The teacher asked us to stop______because she wanted to tell us something.

A. talking

B.to talk


D.to hear

15. ( ).The car ______and stopped at the red traffic light.

A.got on

B.got off

C.slowed down 16..I think this is the best way to solve the problem. Do you ______me?

A.play with

B.hear of

C.agree with

D.get on well with

.17( ) Don't rush. There's still ______ time left.

A. more

B. little

C. a little

D. a few

18. ( ) Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, ________?

A. did he

B. couldn't he

C. didn't he

D. could he

19. ( )You 've got a new dress, too"

" Yes. Mine is _______ , but not so _______ as yours."

A. better, cheap

B. more better, expensive

C. better, more expensive

D. good, cheaper

20. ( )She didn't tell me ________.

A. which room she lived

B. she lived in which room

21( )At weekends I prefer _______ at home to _______out.

A. stay, going

B. staying, go

C. staying, going

D. to stay, go

C. which room did she lived

D. which room she lived in

22( )The tree must ________ three times a week.

A. water

B. is watering

C. be watered

D. waters

23. ( ) They _______ some books from the liarary last week.

A. lend

B. lends

C. buy

D. borrowed

24-( )--Most hotels are very full today.

--- Don't worry! I have ______ a room already in the Changjiang Hotel.

A. bought

B. booked

C. visited

D. seen

25( )---Our English teacher often _____ us stories in class.

--- Yes, he's so popular.

A. tells

B. asks

C. says

D. speaks

26( ). They were all out _________ the missing child.

A. found

B. to look for

C. find out

D. to look after


1. —Why do you like Mary?

—Because she is honest girl.

A. a

B. an

C. the

2. —How heavily it rained this early morning.

—Yes. But of the students in our class was late for school.

A. some

B. none

C. all


备课日期:2017 5月 5 日主备人:李冬来周东栋第49 课时审核:学案达人:所教班级:150 151 152 153 :
