




How to keep yourself safe from new virus?

After a new-type coronavirus was detected in viral pneumonia cases in Central China's Wuhan city a month ago, more cases have been reported in recent days. _____1_____:

1. Wear masks outdoors

●Wearing a mask is one of the most effective ways to protect you from getting infected.

●Make sure to wear it properly by tightening up the nose clip and pulling the bottom of it over your chin.

●_____2_____, a mask is also needed to prevent you from spreading germs to others.

2. Cover your coughs and sneeze with tissue

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or you can cough or sneeze into your sleeve, but avoid covering with your hands directly.

3. _____3_____

Wash your hands with soap and running water thoroughly for at least 15 seconds.

● Before eating and after using the toilet

● After returning home

● After touching trash or garbage

● After contacting with animals or handling animal wastes

4. Strengthen your immune system and exercise regularly

● Exercise regularly is one of the most important ways to help you stay away from catching any infections.

● Make sure that shared spaces have good air flow and avoid going to crowded places such as hospitals, railway stations and airports. _____4_____.

● Seek prompt medical attention if you have symptoms of fever and respiratory infection.

● Avoid close contact with people who have flu or cold-like symptoms.

●_____5_____. Avoid contact with wild animals or farmed livestock without any protection.

A. If your hands are not visibly dirty

B. Eat thoroughly cooked meat and eggs

C. Wash your hands frequently and properly

D. Protect yourself and others from getting sick

E. Wear a mask if transport or movement is necessary

F. If you’re not feeling well or have symptoms of fever

G. To prevent catching the infection, here’s what you can do



Q&A: Top health expert on latest virus developments

Renowned Chinese respiratory expert Zhong Nanshan shares his views on the latest developments in the novel coronavirus outbreak in an interview with Beijing Television on Friday.

Q: Should people get tested for the coronavirus infection if they have symptoms of __1__ cold or fever?

A: If they have a fever, they should go to get tested for the virus, because the most common symptom for the novel coronavirus is fever. Other symptoms include fatigue and coughing. If they have such symptoms, they should go to the fever clinics to get tested.

If they have had contact ___2___ people from Wuhan, they should get tested even if they do not have such symptoms, since some people do not show any symptoms at the early stage.

Q: People will soon return to work and they are wondering ___3____ they will get infected if they have touched things__4____( use) by coronavirus patients?

A: People will not get infected if they only touched things used by patients. The virus is transmitted ___5_____(main) through droplets and feces.

Q: Some patients have been discharged from the hospital. Will they have

any side effects?

A: I have not noticed any obvious side effects. The disease now has a mortality rate of 2.5 percent. We are trying everything to save patients, especially those in critical condition, by giving them medical and life support.

Q: How does the virus compare with SARS? Which one is more dangerous?

A: The new coronavirus is less dangerous.

Q: Many elderly people have chronic diseases and need to go to the hospital regularly to get medicine. If they run out of medicine, should they go to the hospital?

A: We found that elderly people ____6___ chronic disease have higher chances to get infected. It's better for them to ask their children to go to the hospital to get medicine.

Q: Are there any new treatment methods you want to share with us? A: The two main treatment methods are still early deetection and early isolation. They are the most primitive and____7____( effect) ways.

Q: Your eyes were filled with tears during an early interview with Xinhua News Agency. Could you tell us what happened?

A: Medical workers in Wuhan have worked very hard and patients are also very ___8____(depress). I talked to many of my students who are medical staff in Wuhan and they are not __9__ a good mood.

One of my students told me that people were singing the national anthem on the street, "The Chinese nation _______( enter) a critical stage." It shows that people have high morale. I was deeply touched. When dealing with infectious patients in critical situation, morale, solidarity and cooperation are very important.

Q: When will the epidemic end?

A: The country has taken strong epidemic prevention and containment measures. Other than Wuhan, we have not seen large-scale infections in other places. I think it will not last as long as the SARS epidemic in 2003.

高考专项练习(七选五 语法填空 改错)(附答案)

七选五 1. It’s natural to greet friends with a smile and a wave. ____1__But what happens if your face and body send mixed messages? Would someone be more likely to believe the look on your face or the way you hold your body?Scientists have recently tackled these questions. They found that when a person is looking at your face, she might not believe what she sees of your body language doesn’t match the feeling that your face shows. 2 Previously, they had found that the tone of a person’s voice can be more important than the words that are spoken. For example, most people tend not to believe a person who says in a flat voice, “I’m so excited.” When it came to emotions conveyed by facial expressions and body language, most scientists suspected that the face was more important. To test if this was true, psychologists from the Netherlands and Boston showed people a number of pictures of isolated faces and isolated bodies(with faces blurred out)that showed anger or fear. ___3____ An angry face had low eyebrows and tight lips. A scared face had high eyebrow and a slightly open mouth. ____4____ A scared body had arms forward and shoulders square, as if ready to defend. These results told the researchers that mixed signals can confuse people. Even when people pay attention to the face, body language subtly influences which emotion they read. 5 And if you want to be understood, it helps to avoid sending mixed messages. A. Studying such mixed messages is nothing new for scientists. B. So, your body language is important for telling people how you feel. C.Scientists feel new to study the mixed message that confuses people. D.An angry body had arms back and shoulders at an angle, as if ready to fight. E.Body language can sometimes be misunderstood in different culture backgrounds. F.When you do this, your face and body work together to show your friends that you’re happy to see them. G.They also showed pictures in which angry or scared faces were paired with angry or scared bodies. 2. Dear Seth, You’re only three years old, and at this point in your life you can’t read, much less understand what I’m going to try to tell you in this letter. But someday, when you’re ready, I hope you w ill find some wisdom and value in what I share with you. Life can be cruel 1 They’ll tease you or try to hurt you because you’re different. There’s not much you can do except learn to deal with them, and learn to choose friends who are kind to you and who make you feel good about yourself. When you find friends like this, treasure them, spend time with them and love them. Be open to life anyway Yes, you’ll find cruelty and suffering in your journey through life, but


2015-2016福建省长乐第一中学高三新题型训练14 班级______________ 姓名______________ 建议完成时间25分钟 阅读七选五(建议用时8min) This Way to Dreamland Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant, especially when this makes them forget what they should be doing. Daydreamers have a bad reputation for being unaware of what’s happening around them. They can seem forgetful and clumsy.__1__They annoy us because they seem to be ignoring us and missing the important things. But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in human history. __2__ Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and inventions? So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool? First, understand that some opportunities(机会) for daydreaming are better than others. Feeling safe and relaxed will help you to slip into daydreams.__3__ And if you want to improve your chances of having a creative idea while you’re daydreaming, try to do it while you are involved in another task—preferably something simple, like taking a shower or walking, or even making meaningless drawings. It’s also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really nee d to concentrate. “Mindfulness”, being focused, is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep.__4__ Finally, you never know what a wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowly away.___5__ Always remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds. A. Having interesting things to think about also helps. B. They stare off into space and wander by themselves. C. Without wandering minds, we wouldn’t have relatively, Coke or Post-it notes. D. At one time, daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses. E. It involves slow, steady breathing for self-control that helps people stay calm and attentive. F. Daydreams are often very simple and direct, quite unlike sleep dreams, which may be hard to understand. G. Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you’re in the daydream zone.


早读七选五 Trust has been considered as the basis of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long with a lack of trust. Not many of your friends will have real faith in you as you would like to believe. ____1____ Sometimes, it takes years, even a complete lifetime, to trust someone. However, how do we know if our friends have faith in us? ____2____ With whom will you share things that you don?t want everyone to know? It would be with a close friend, whom you trust as much as you trust yourself. While a few of your friends may be fiercely protective of their privacy and may not tell their secrets to anyone, those who do, surely find you trustworthy and reliable. Whom do you look up to for advice when you need it the most? It has to be either your parents or your friends. ____3____ This is a shining example of trust. You only seek advice from people you hold in high regard and find dependable. The friends who trust you will never forget to include you in the important decisions of their life. Arguments and heated discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship. ____4____ While some people find it difficult to forgive and forget, your friends will never have problems moving on. It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose. There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier. ____5____Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand for you when you need encouragement. You can determine that they trust you and believe in your beliefs, if they side with you when you need them the most. A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes. B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion. C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships. D. Two people cannot have identical reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist. E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted. F. If your friends share their secrets, there?s a good possibility that they have much faith in you. G. However, people who are fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle. 早读七选五 Trust has been considered as the basis of any relationship, including friendship. No relationship can last long with a lack of trust. Not many of your friends will have real faith in you as you would like to believe. ____1____ Sometimes, it takes years, even a complete lifetime, to trust someone. However, how do we know if our friends have faith in us? ____2____ With whom will you share things that you don?t want everyone to know? It would be with a close friend, whom you trust as much as you trust yourself. While a few of your friends may be fiercely protective of their privacy and may not tell their secrets to anyone, those who do, surely find you trustworthy and reliable. Whom do you look up to for advice when you need it the most? It has to be either your parents or your friends. ____3____ This is a shining example of trust. You only seek advice from people you hold in high regard and find dependable. The friends who trust you will never forget to include you in the important decisions of their life. Arguments and heated discussions are a part of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship. ____4____ While some people find it difficult to forgive and forget, your friends will never have problems moving on. It is because they trust you and believe that you will never cause any pain to them on purpose. There are times in life when you find yourself a lonely soldier. ____5____Your friends will never let you down and will strongly stand for you when you need encouragement. You can determine that they trust you and believe in your beliefs, if they side with you when you need them the most. A. People can be extraordinarily jealous sometimes. B. You know they will never pass on a wrong suggestion. C. In fact, winning trust is, by far, the most challenging aspect of relationships. D. Two people cannot have identical reactions to a situation and different opinions do exist. E. No matter how close you are to your friends, you cannot take that comfort level for granted. F. If your friends share their secrets, there?s a good possibility that they have much faith in you. G. However, people who are fortunate to have been blessed with true friends are never alone in any battle.


36 .C;37.F;38.A;39.D;40.G; 【2016汕头中英文学校高三期中试题】 41. are admitted 42. as 43. probably 44. Failing 45. If / though 49. graduates 50. which 【2016湖南株洲二中高三第2次月考题】 As a popular saying goes, “one man is not good enough to live lonely (→alone) in the world.” We all need friends to share our secrets and problems with. Friends can help us out when we got (→get) into trouble. Friends can make us smile when we cry. Here are (→is) some advice (→或tips / suggestions) on how to make friends. First of all, we should always be friendly with (→to) the people around us, (→或加and) it (→which) will leave a favorable impression on others and help us win their trust in the long run. Second, we should be unwilling (→willing) to lend a hand when we see someone is in trouble. Besides, we’d better to (→去掉to) join more group activity (→activities) where we can meet people with the same interesting (→interest). Someone says “A friend is a gift you give yourself”, but (→and) we should learn to make friends.

第三组 1阅读理解+1阅读七选五+1完形填空

第三组1阅读理解+1阅读七选五+1完形填空 (限时:30分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2019·北师大附中模拟)My family lived in Triumph,Idaho,the USA,an old mining town with a population of 33.All of the kids at my age were boys.People of all ages always looked out for me,but they also brought me some embarrassment. I was born at home.The doctor overseeing my arrival was a family friend.Dad had then been a soldier serving in the navy and figured we should save some money. At first,my parents didn’t have a name for me.My name on my birth certificate still read B aby Girl.And that’s what they called me until I was almost 4.When they planned our first train trip to Mexico for vacation,we needed passports,which made it easier to come up with a name.My father liked the sound of Picabo,an old Native American settlement in the south.My mother and father agreed on Picabo. As a child,I was afraid of the dark,but it was manageable.Another fear was the Rhode Island Red.Each time I went out to the hen house to get eggs,he always pecked (啄) me as if I had stolen the eggs laid by his lover.I began carrying a stick to keep him away.However,he was always following https://www.360docs.net/doc/627641100.html,ter we became good friends.I also liked playing hide-and-seek with him. Our house was one of four that stood next to each other on an upper street in town.It was a one-story white cottage with no basement and no foundation,but Dad dug a cellar (地窖).All of our heat came from a wood-burning stove,where our food was cooked over an open flame.Both of my parents were great cooks. 【语篇解读】本文是作者的个人回忆。作者童年时生活的小镇总人口33人,而作者那时是全镇同龄人中唯一的女孩。于是,作者处处受到关照。出生以来,作者一直没有名字,直到4岁时,作者父母要带她去坐火车,才为她取名。1.Why did the parents decide to name the author?


高中英语优质素材七选五语法填空选编 高考"七选五"原创试题 ?Americans often try to say things as quickly as possible. So, for some expressions, we use thefirst letters of the words instead of saying each word.1.____ ?B-Y-O-B is a short way of saying, "Bring Your Own Bottle." The letters BYOB are often found at the bottom of a written invitation to a simple social event or gathering of friends. For example, let's say I had a New Year's Eve party. I might include on the invitation, "Please come to my party and BYOB." The bottle each person brings is what the person wants to drink at the party or wants to share. 2______. ?3____.The letters are R-S-V-P. These letters represent the French expression, "Repondez S'il Vous Plait." In English the words mean, "Respond If It Pleases You." Americans use the letters as a short way to say, "Please answer this invitation." ?Another expression usually used for business and not parties is A-S-A-P. So, a colleague might say she needs something done ASAP. 4____. She might also need something done by C-O-B. That means she wants to finish it by "Close Of Business" or the end of the work day.


高考英语语法填空、七选五、短文改错练习 (1) According to a recent survey, violence did exist in schools. Students showed their fear and parents and teachers also expressed their great concern about it. Experts hope the whole society pay more attention to the mental health of adolescents. Nowadays, school violence is hot issue. I think this is a phenomenon, calls for our great concern. We should try every effort (prevent) violence happening at school for more a nd more students would drop out of school their personal safety could not (guarantee). I n fact, violence can (learn). Children learn violent behavior from adults or from they see on television or on the Internet. If I meet with school violence, I will not answer violence 38 violence, for it will result in (much) fighting. I will tell my teachers or parents about it. I think they will help me deal with it well and they will protect me from the bad guys. All in all, every student should behave (he) and keep away from violence (1) Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit(利润)—that is, they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. Commonly called nonprofits, these organizations are primarily nongovernmental serviceproviders. Business management is a term used to describe the techniques of planning, direction, and control of the operations of a business. One is the establishment(制定)of broad basic policies with respect to production; sales; the purchase of equipment, materials and supplies; and accounting. The third relates to the establishment of standards of work in all departments. Direction is concerned primarily with supervision(监管)and guidance by the management in authority. A.Control includes the use of records and reports to compare actual work with the set standards for work. B. In this connection there is the difference between top management and operative management. C. Examples of nonprofit business include such organizations as social service agencies and may hospitals. D. However, some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs. E. The second aspect relates to the application of these policies by departments. F. In the theory of business management, organization has two main aspects. G. Planning in business management has three main aspects. (1) ①I hardly remember my grandmother.②She used to holding me on her knees and sing old songs. ③I was only four when she passes away. ④She is just a distant memory for me now. ⑤I remember my grandfather very much.⑥He was tall, with broad shoulder and a beard that turned from black toward gray over the years.⑦He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful.⑧In a fact, he even scared my classmates away during they came over to play or do homework with me.⑨However, he was the gentlest man I have never known. _______________________________________________________________________________

高考英语新题型 7选5 语法填空 改错专练(7-8)

2015年高考英语新题型 7选5 语法填空改错专练(7-8) 一、七选五 A Four Habits of the Wisest People Intelligence may be somewhat innate, but wisdom can most certainly be learned. Here’s how to wise up at any age. (1)_____ Studies show that people who stay connected to others demonstrate higher levels of wisdom than those who are more isolated. Make an effort to join a new club, connect with friends on Face-book, or invite an old friend or a new co-worker for coffee. Next time you’re at a party or gathering, choose someone who’s sta nding alone and make a conversation. (2)_____ (3)_____ A wise person understands that it is impossible to know everything and that life can take unexpected turns. Recognizing your errors can lead only to greater wisdom. Admitting that there are times when you could be mistaken will go a long way in improving your reputation as someone whose advice can be trusted. They read the news. You cannot make balanced choices unless you understand world circumstances and the experiences of others. If you haven’t read a daily paper or news online yet, start by going through a single front-page article from a major respected news source, such as The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post, from start to finish, every day. (4)_____ Eventually, try to get through the main articles of a full newspaper every day. They tap into their self-knowledge. You’ve learned a lot just by being alive, but have you taken time to review all that you’ve learned? Try this exercise: writer down your three biggest failures and three greatest successes. For each, review the events that led up to it and what lesson you took away from experience. (5)_____ A. They practice being open-minded. B. They work at being social. C. They’ve learned how to say, “I could be wrong.” D. While current events are important, both fiction and nonfiction books can allow you to explore new ideas and points of view E. This is not time for regret or pride; the goal is to look at each experience, good or bad, as more fuel to enrich your wisdom. F. Don’t j ust scan or skip over it; read every word. G. People generally love to talk about themselves; you, on the other hand, have a harder job: to listen closely. B Laptop computers give us easy access to our emails, the Internet, or anything else you would use a computer. (6)_____ Here are some suggestions on how to select a laptop or a notebook computer: (7)_____ You are looking for a laptop that suits your needs well, so if you are frequently traveling or are going to be transporting your laptop to different locations frequently, you must want to get a laptop that is light and not one that is big and bulky. Consider what kinds of computer software programs you will be using on your laptop or notebook computer. This will help you determine what kind of operating system would be best for you. Options include getting the Windows operating system on your laptop or getting a Mac notebook. (8)_____ If you are performing more simple applications such as surfing the Internet and creating World documents, you don’t need a computer with the most processing power. These lower processing power computers are often referred to as netbooks. Consider how you will be connecting to the Internet. If you’ll be using an Ethernet cable to connect to a home network, you will want a notebook with a wired Ethernet port. (9)_____ Consider the battery life. If you will be moving around frequently and need to use your computer in places where you can’t plug it in, be sure to get a laptop with a longer battery life. Consider the security features. Some notebooks come with additional security features. (10)_____ If you will be multi-tasking and using multiple computer programs at the same time, be sure to get a notebook with more RAMs and a faster processor than normal. A. If you plan on connecting to the Internet from multiple places such as cafes or libraries, choose a computer that is Wi-Fi compatible. B. Consider how you plan on using the laptop. C. Laptops have many different sizes and features so you have to focus on what is important to you as a user. D. Consider the size of the notebook computer E. It is likely that other notebook and laptop users will have opinions about available products, so try to take them to heart when weighing your options. F. Consider upgrades and limitations. G. I t’s possible to require an extra password to gain access to the operating system.二.语法填空 On December 4th, 2006, an airbus took off on time from the capital airport of Saudi Arabia. After about an hour’s (1)______ (fly), something strange happened in the plane. The passengers (2)______ (enjoy) themselves when a small rat stole out from the bag of a young man, which made the young woman nearby (3)______(alarm) with loud screaming. Then more and more rats came out of the bag. All the passengers became out of order, especially the women and the children. The steward(机长)managed to get in touch with (4)______control center on the ground. With the order from the ground, the plane(5)_______ (succeed) landed at the nearest airport. As soon as the plane landed on the ground, all the passengers got off. Then seven specialists got on (6)______ (catch) these small creatures. Many means had been tried At last they tried to fill in the plane (8)______ carbon-dioxide, (9)______ poisoned all the eighty rats by the poisonous gas. It (10)______ (report) that the young man wanted to carry these rats to another city and sell them as pets but no one had expected that these small creatures succeeded in escaping from the bag. 三.短文改错 A. We feel very much honoring to invite you to take part in our trip to Zigui County, Hubei Province, that is the hometown of Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet. Our class has planned to make it a six-days trip, from July 20th to 25th. It was aimed to help learn more about the Dragon Boat Festival, one of the tradition Chinese festivals, which is observed in the honor of memorizing the great poet. During the trip we will hold such activities that visiting Zigui County, taste Zongzi with the villagers and listening the stories about Qu Yuan. We will meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m. on July 20th then take a train there. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. B I like reading very much . When I am a little girl, I was interested in reading picture books in science. My mother is a Chinese teacher. She is always encouraging me read more. She believes it reading is a good habit, but it can help develop my thinking and learning
