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family are enjoying this holiday season in
excellent health.
My family, who are well and happy, join me
in my good wishes. May every year unite our
hearts more closely.
The Higher Education Department of China’s Commission of Education
STAMP Date: Sept.1, 1999 Number: 996421743040272
Translation of English Letters
Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us.
It will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples.
him to be successful in whatever calling in life he
may enter.
With best wishes for his success and
sincerely yours,
Myra. Clark
Dear Anne and Jerry,
Office Box 1507
Department of Mechanical Engineering Nanjing University Nanjing,China July 9th,1999 The Registrar of Admission The Graduate School The Pennsylvania State University University park, Pennsylvania 16802 U.S.A Dear Sir/ Madam, Having graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Nanjing University in June,1999, I am deeply interested in your graduate school in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. I would now like to apply for admission and a tuition scholarship at your university for the spring term of 2000. I would appreciate your sending me catalog and application forms. As soon as I receive your letter, I shall forward you all my supporting documents. I am looking forward to your response at your earliest convenience. Respectfully yours,
A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to
you! Allow me to offer you Season’s Greetings on
the advent of what will surely be a bright and
prosperous New Year. I trust that you and your
is doubtlessly a pride of your family.
We are very happy for you and wish to
extend to you our utmost congratulations. I believe
that the knowledge ha has acquired will enable
of grief.
Stan was one of those extraordinary people who
will never be forgotten. His life was like a sunbeam that lit
up the world around. Now we can bask in the rainbow of
Dear Mrs. Taylor,
We hear that your son Paul has graduated
from the notable M.I.T with honors. You must be
quite happy with his splendid accomplishment. He
due to a projected trip to Australia and the
Far East.
yours sincerely
Alden Ade
参加十一月十五日活动的邀请函已经 收到。由于我已预定前往澳大利亚和远 东地区一行,恕届时不能前往,谨表歉 意。此致
奥尔登.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ德
Yours faithfully /truly/sincerely
汉语常用敬辞有: “贵方、贵公司、阁下、惠请、惠顾、奉告、
承蒙、莅临、恭候、垂询、包涵、感激”; 汉语常用谦辞有: “愚见、拙见、敝人、敝公司、过奖、错爱、
A quick refund will be highly appreciated. 贵方如能尽快退款,我们将不胜感激。
商务英语中的委婉表达与翻 译
Zhao Junsheng, a student of Grade 1999 from the International Trade Department of Shanghai University, who took the College English Test Band-4 in June, 1999, has met the requirements for CET Band-4 with an Excellent score and is hereby awarded the Certificate of CET Band-4.
占线,无法和你取得联系。故写此信, 望你能立刻给我答复。
Dear Mr. Wang,
I acknowledge receipt of your invitation for the 15th November and regret
to inform you that I shall be unable to attend
the memories that we’ll nurture in the years ahead.
No,it won’t be the same without him by any means,
but we will go on as best as we can and look forward to the
1)heading 信头 2)inside address 信内地址 3)salutation 称呼 4) body 正文 5)complimentary close 信尾套语 6)signature 写信人签名 7)enclosure (encl) 附件 8)postscript (P.S.) 再启/又及
time and I was unable to make contact with
you, and therefore, I am writing this letter,
to which I wish you would give me a
prompt reply.
Wang Li
Tianjin Tanggu Foodstuff Company Limited Hubei Lu No.17, Tianjin, China May 12,2004
Network Food Limited Beursplein 373001 DD Rotterdam, Netherlands ATTN: Export Department Dear Sirs,
商务信函(Business correspondence): Establishment of Business Relations Inquiry Quotations and Offers Making Counter-offers and Declining Orders Acceptance and Orders Terms of Payment Letter of Credit Packing and Shipment Insurance Complaints and Claim Agency
yours truly,
Dear Gloria,
I am most grieved to hear the news of the passing
away of your beloved grandfather. Heartfelt sympathy and
much love to you,dear friend, as you go through this time
事务信函(personal matters; official matters) job applications; recommendation diplomatic letters; etc
Dear Frank,
I repeatedly tried to telephone you
yesterday, but your line was busy all the
Subject(or RE): Canned Fruits we are ……..
yours truly, (signature) Wang Bin
2、英语信函的语言特点:Four Cs原则
Clearness Conciseness Correctness Courtesy
1) ABCD原则 Accuracy Brevity Clarity Difference
day we will meet again in eternity.
获悉你深爱的爷爷去世的消息, 我万分难 过。在历经悲痛 的时刻,亲爱的朋友,请接受
斯坦是个了不起的人,我们永远不会忘记 他。他的一生就像一束阳光,照亮了他周围的
世界。在未来的岁月里,让我们在记忆的彩虹 里永远珍藏着对他的怀念。
原样,但我们一定要尽可能努力地生活下去, 并期望在天国有重逢的一天。
(1)重复、省略、否定、转换等技 巧的灵活使用。
(2)掌握分寸,体现原文文体,尽 力保持“公事公办”的慎重态度
(3)酌情使用一些常用套语, 如:贵,乞谅,承蒙,为盼,赐复 等。Dear Sir(s)/ Madam尊敬的阁下 /先生/女士/谨启者/执事先生/台鉴
pay attention to the difference between English letters and Chinese letters
3) Different types of English letters 社交信函(Goodwill correspondence): invitation; congratulation; acknowledgement; condolence; apology,etc.