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摘要............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。ABSTRACT (3)

目录 (1)

1 绪论............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

1.1本课题的研究内容和意义 ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2国内外的发展概况 (5)

1.3本课题应达到的要求 (1)

2 法兰盘的工艺分析及生产类型的确定 (3)

2.1法兰盘零件的用途 (3)

2.2法兰盘零件的工艺分析 (3)

2.3确定生产纲领和生产类型 (5)

3 确定毛坯绘制毛坯图 (6)

3.1选择毛坯 (6)

3.2确定尺寸公差及加工余量 (6)

4拟定法兰盘工艺路线 (7)

4.1精基准的选择 (7)

4.2粗基准的选择 (7)

4.3加工阶段的划分 (7)

4.4 工序集中及分散 (7)

4.5 工艺路线的选择 (7)

4.5.1 工艺路线方案一 (7)

4.5.2 工艺路线方案二 (7)

4.6工艺方案的分析 (8)

4.7最终的加工工艺过程 (8)

5 加工余量,工序尺寸及公差的确定 (9)

5.1加工余量的确定 (9)

5.2工序尺寸和公差的确定 (9)

5.3 Φ320mm外圆加工余量,工序尺寸和公差的确定 (10)

5.4Φ248MM 外圆加工余量,工序尺寸和公差的确定 (11)

5.5 Φ320mm左端面加工余量,工序尺寸和公差的确定 (12)

6 确定切削用量及基本工时 (16)

6.1合理选择切削用量 (16)

6.1.1 背吃刀量ap的选择 (16)

6.1.2 进给量f的选择 (16)

6.1.3切削速度VC的选择 (16)

6.2粗加工切削用量选择原则 (17)


6.2.1切削深度选择 (18)

6.2.2进给量选择 (18)

6.2.3切削速度选择 (18)

6.3精加工时切削用量的选择原则 (18)

6.3.1切削深度选择 (18)

6.3.2进给量选择 (18)

6.3.3切削速度选择 (18)

7孔的夹具设计 (19)

7.1研究原始资料,确定夹具的设计方案 (19)

7.1.1分析工件并确定定位方案 (19)

7.2确定夹具总装配图的设计 (19)

7.2.1钻模的选择 (19)

7.2.2钻模板的选择 (20)

7.2.3钻套的选择与设计 (20)

7.2.4夹具体定位元件的确定 (21)

7.2.5工件定位元件的确定 (21)

7.2.6回转分度装置 (23)

7.2.7对定分度装置机构 (23)

7.2.8定位器原理 (23)

7.3夹具的总装配与原理 (24)

8法兰盘的夹具设计 (25)

8.1定位基准的选择 (25)

8.1.1选择定位基准的基本方法 (25)

8.1.2粗基准的选择 (25)

8.1.3精基准的选择 (25)

8.2确定切削用量及基本工时 (25)

8.2.1车Φ320MM端面和外圆 (26)

8.2.2半精车Φ320MM端面和外园 (26)

8.2.3钻Φ3-12MM孔 (27)

8.3定位误差分析 (27)

8.4夹具设计及操作的简要说明 (27)

致谢 (29)

参考文献 (30)

附录 (31)






Flange is a discoid parts, flanges, also called flange, used in pairs. In order to ensure product quality, improve processing efficiency, it is needed to optimize the processing technology, and the use of special machine tool for processing in the critical process. This issue is based on the background, ask the students to production and processing enterprises need and a support body parts requirements, complete the components processing technological process design first, on this basis, choose one of the key process of special fixture design, and completes the essential design calculation. Through access to relevant information, understand the flange uses, properties, characteristics, understand the part drawing, determine blank, drawing blank map, formulate flange process route, process cards etc.. In recent years, China has made certain breakthrough in the field of manufacturing and flange. Machinery manufacturing industry is to provide all kinds of machinery and equipment of the Department for the society, play a very important role in the development of the nation, the development scale and level reflects the symbol of economic strength of a country's scientific and technological level. This design is in the University before the end of the finished all the work of school curriculum and a study faced after practice, is a theoretical and practical training session. To strengthen our on the basic knowledge and skills to understand and apply, cultivate our analysis the theory, design and operation ability, reasoning ability, ability to collect information. Plays an important role in our four years of University life.

Key words: flange; process card; rough map; fixture design
