


插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考的考点。通常与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。插入语在句中有时是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表达说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子衔接得更紧密一些。掌握这一语言现象不仅有利于对英语句子等的理解,还有利于提高写作等的水平。插入语的类型较多,常见的如下几种:一、形容词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的形容词(短语)常见的有:true ,wonderful ,excellent ,strange to say ,most important of all ,sure enough 等。如:True ,it would be too bad. 真的,太糟了。Wonderful ,

we have won again. 太好了,我们又赢了。Strange to say ,he hasn 't got

my letter up to now. 说来也奇怪,他到现在还没有收到我的信。Most important of all ,we must learn all the skills. 最重要的是,我们必须掌握所


二、副词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的副词(短语)有:indeed ,surely ,still ,otherwise ,certainly ,however ,generally ,personally ,honestly ,fortunately ,luckily ,though ,besides ,exactly ,perhaps ,maybe ,probably ,frankly ,or rather 等。如:When he got to there ,he found ,however ,that the weather was too bad.


了。Otherwise ,he would still be at home. 不然的话,他还会在家的。

三、介词短语作插入语能用作插入语的介词短语有:in fact ,in one ' s opinion ,in general ,in a word ,in other words ,in a few words ,of course ,by the way ,as a result ,for example ,on the contrary ,on the other hand ,to one 's surprise ,in short ,as a matter of fact ,in conclusion ,in brief 等。如:You can 't wait anymore-in other words ,you should start at once. 你不能再等了——换言之,你得立即出发。On the contrary ,we should strengthen our corporation with them. 相反,我们应该加强和他们


四、V-ing (短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的V-ing (短语)常见的有:

generally speaking ,strictly speaking ,judging from by ,talking of ,considering 等。如:Generally speaking ,the weather there is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer. 一般来说,那儿的气候冬天不太冷,

夏天不太热。Judging by his clothes ,he may be an artist. 从衣着来判断,


五、不定式短语作插入语。能用作插入语的不定式短语有:to be frank ,to

be honest ,to be sure ,to tell you the truth ,to make matters worse ,to sum up ,to start with ,to begin with 等。如:To be frank ,I don ' t quite agree with you. 坦率地说,我不太同意你的意见。To tell you the truth ,I'm not

so interested in the matter. 跟你说实话,我对这件事情的兴趣不大。To sum up ,success results from hard work. 总而言之,成功是艰苦努力的结


sure ,I believe ,I think ,I know ,I suppose ,I hope ,I 'm afraid ,you see , what 's more ,that is to say ,as we know ,as I see , believe it or not 等。 如: Some animals only half-hibernate

, that is to say , their sleep is not such a deep one. 有些动物只是半冬眠,就是说,它们的睡眠并不是深度睡

眠。 I believe , China will catch up with the developed countries sooner or later. 我确信,中国迟早会赶上发达国家。 He can ' t pass the exam , because he doesn 't study hard. What ' s more ,he isn ' t so clever. 他 不能通过这次考试,因为他学习不认真,更何况他又不太聪明。


插入语(句)是说话者对所表达意思的补充、强调、解释或者说话的态 度,其位置灵活,常常用逗号或破折号与其他成分隔开,并且在语法上不影 响其他成分。例如:

I think , she has no feeling for your trouble. / She

, I think , has no

feeling for your trouble. 我想,她对你的遭遇无动于衷。 一 . 常见的插入语和插入句。

1. 插入语常以副词(副词短语) 、形容词(形容词短语) 、介词短语、非 谓语动词短语等形式出现。

( 1 )常见的副词及短语: indeed , surely , however , obviously ,

frankly , naturally , luckily / happily for sb. certainly 六、句子(陈述句和一般疑问句)作插入语 能用作插入语的句子有: I am 等。

(2 )常见的形容词及短语:funny ,needless to say (不用说),most important of all 等。

(3 )常见的介词短语:by the way ,in a few words / in sum / in short (简而言之),in other words ,in general ,in one's opinion / judgment (按照某人的意见),in fact ,in the first place ,of course ,to one's knowledge / surprise / regret /satisfaction / mind / joy / disappointment 等。

(4 )常见的现在分词短语:strictly / generally / honestly / personally / exactly / physically / speaking (严格地/ 一般地/ 坦诚地等)说;judging from / by…(根据判


(5 )常见的动词不定式短语:to be sure (无疑地),to sum up (概括地说),to tell the truth ,to be honest ,to be short ,to conclude ,to put it briefly ,to put it in another way ,to begin (start )with 等。


(1 )Frankly ,he'd like to listen to music.


Here you should speak frankly.


2 )True ,your daughter is at home now. 形容词作插入语)

hungry and tired. (形容词作状语)

He came back

(3 )Judging from what he said ,he does look down his elder brother. (现在分词作插入语,其主语不是句中的主语,只是说话者的附加说明)

Seeing from the window ,he can see the lake. (现在分词作状语,逻辑主语是句中的主语he )

(4 )To tell you the truth ,he doesn't quite agree with this idea. (不定式作插入语,动作主体不是句中的主语,只是说话者的附加说明)

To buy the machine ,he went to Beijing. (不定式作目的状语,逻辑主语是句中的主语he )

2. 插入句为简短的、具有完整意义的句子。常见的插入句如下:I think / hope / guess / know / believe / suppose ,I am sure (我可以肯定地说)

that is (to say )(也就是说),it seems (看来是),as I see it (照我看来),what's more ,what's worse ,what is important / serious (重要/ 严重的是),I'm afraid (恐怕),it is said (据说),as we all know (众所周知)等。


1 ) What should I do first ?

What do you think I should do first ?(被插入的疑问句原来为倒装语


(2 )Who is singing ?

Who do you think is singing ?(被插入的疑问句原来就是陈述语序,不需要做调整)


一.问路句型 (一)问路大多从“对不起”(Excuse me)开始。 例如: Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?对不起,你知道邮局在哪里?Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?对不起,你能告诉我最近的加油站怎么走? Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre? 请问到电影院最快的路怎样走? Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?打扰一下,你知道从这里怎样去大型购物中心? Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?请问,从这里怎样去高速公路?Excuse me. I'm looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?打扰一下,我正在找美国银行,我认为它就在附近,你知道它在哪里吗?Excuse me. I'm looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?打扰一下,我正在找邮局,你知道怎样走吗? Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?请问,去西雅图最近的路怎么走?有时往往更客气,用“请问”引出问路的句子。“请问”最常的表示方法是: Excuse me. May I ask you a question? Excuse me. May I ask you for directions? Could you help me? 然后开始说: I'd like to go to TianAnMen Square.我想去天安门广场。 I'd like to go to the supermarket.我想去超市。 Where is——? ——在哪儿? Excuse me, do you know where … is,(please)? Excuse me, where is the ……,(pleas e) Excuse me,is there a/an…near here? Where is the nearest…? Where can I find …? Excuse me,can you direct me to…? Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favour. I’m looking for…? Would you show me the way?怎么走? Could you show me how to get there?怎么走? Excuse me,which is the way to…? Can/could you tell me the way to …,(please)? Could/Can you tell me how to get/go to…,(please)? Excuse me,would you please show me the way to…? Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way to…?



英语十大词类讲解 什么是英语十大词类呢?能够自由运用的最小语言单位叫词,根据词的形式、意义及其在句中的作用所作的分类叫词类(parts of speech)。英语中,词又分为十大类,即名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词和感叹词。下面我们一起来学习英语十大词类讲解。学好英语十大词类,是学好英语这门课程的基础,只有基础学扎实了,以后学习句型和语法才会更轻松。 一、名词(n = noun):表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。 名词的概念很好理解,可以从名词的类和名词的数来讲解。名词的类可分为专有名词和普通名称,同时名词的数又可分为可数名词和不可数名词两种。具体介绍如下: 1、普通名词:表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念的名称。

family家庭、air空气、boy男孩、desk 桌子、work、职业 2、专有名词:指特定的某人、地方或机构的名称。专有名词的第一个字母必须大写。 Hemingway海明威、China中国、New York纽约、United Nations联合国 3、可数名词:表示名词的单数(一个、一本一只等),要在名词前加冠词a或an。 4、复数名词:表示两个或两个以上的概念时要用名词的复数形式,一般情况下,名词的复数形式是在单数名词后加上词尾-s或-es构成的,也有特殊情况,以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,先变y为i,再加es 等等。 book——books, dog——dogs, pen——pens, boy——boys

beach——beaches, brush——brushes, bus——buses, box—boxes(es读音为/iz/〕 二、冠词(art = article):这是一个虚词,不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面帮助指明名词的含义。冠词分为不定冠词a(an)和定冠词the两种。 1、不定冠词a(an):用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物的“一个”。a用在以辅音开头的名词之前,an用在以元音开头的名词之前。 a boy、a book、a map an honor 、an egg、an umbrella This is a pencil case. I met an old man on my way home. 2、定冠词the:即the,表示某一类人或


英语中插入语讲练完整版 一、插入语概述 1、概念:在日常交际用语和书面表达中,插入语频频出现。英语中的插入语(Parenthesis)是插在句子中的一个词,短语或从句,通常被逗号、破折号或句子的其他部分隔开,它与句子的其他部分之间没有语法上的关系,因此,有的语法学家将其归为独立成分。 2、作用:插入语在句中通常是对一句话的一些附加解释,说明或总结;有时表示说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子与前面的语句衔接的更紧密一些。 二、插入语10种类型: 1. 形容词或形容词短语作插入语 如:worst still, sure enough, strange, most important of all等。 Strange, there is nobody in the classroom. 很奇怪,教室里没人。 2. 副词或副词短语作插入语 如:personally, honestly, fortunately, luckily, for us, though, besides, exactly, surely, frankly, still otherwise 等。 Luckily for you, I happen to have the key. 你很运气,我正好带了钥匙。 3. 介词短语作插入语 如:of course, in short, as a matter of fact, by the way, on the other hand, in my opinion, in conclusion等。 In short, we should not stop halfway. 简言之,我们不能半途而废。 As a result, they suffered heavy losses. 结果,他们受到了严重损失。 On the contrary, we should strengthen our ties with them. 相反,我们还应加强和他们的联系。 4. 现在分词短语作插入语 如:generally speaking, judging from/ by …, talking of…, considering…等。 Considering his age, he did very well. 从年龄考虑,他干得挺不错。 Frankly speaking, I don’t like the job. 坦率地说,我不喜欢这份工作。 Talking of singing, will you go to the concert with me tonight? 说到唱歌,你今晚愿意和我一块去音乐会吗?


英语中的插入语 插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考的考点。通常与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。插入语在句中有时是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表达说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子衔接得更紧密一些。掌握这一语言现象不仅有利于对英语句子等的理解,还有利于提高写作等的水平。插入语的类型较多,常见的如下几种: 一、形容词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的形容词(短语)常见的有:true,wonderful,excellent,strange to say,most important of all,sure enough等。如:True,it would be too bad.真的,太糟了。Wonderful,we have won again.太好了,我们又赢了。Strange to say,he hasn’t got my letter up to now.说来也奇怪,他到现在还没有收到我的信。Most important of all,we must learn all the skills.最重要的是,我们必须掌握所有的技巧。 二、副词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的副词(短语)有:indeed,surely,still,otherwise,certainly,however,generally,personally,honestly,fortunately,luckily,though,besides,exactly,perhaps,maybe,probably,frankly,or rather 等。如:When he got to there,he found,however,that the weather was too bad.可是到了那儿之后他发现,那儿的天气太坏了。Otherwise,he would still be at home.不然的话,他还会在家的。 三、介词短语作插入语。能用作插入语的介词短语有:in fact,in one’s opinion,in general,in a word,in other words,in a few words,of course,by the way,as a result,for example,on the contrary,on the other hand,to one’s surprise,in short,as a matter of fact,in conclusion,in brief等。如:You can’t wait anymore-in other words,you should start at once.你不能再等了——换言之,你得立即出发。On the contrary,we should strengthen our corporation with them.相反,我们应该加强和他们的合作。 四、V-ing(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的V-ing(短语)常见的有:generally speaking,strictly speaking,judging from by,talking of,considering等。如:Generally speaking,the weather there is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.一般来说,那儿的气候冬天不太冷,夏天不太热。Judging by his clothes,he may be an artist.从衣着来判断,他可能是个艺术家。 五、不定式短语作插入语。能用作插入语的不定式短语有:to be frank,to be honest,


用英语问路句型大全 一、问路常用句型? 在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me以示礼貌,然后再问路.如: 1. Excuse me.ls there 地点near here? 2. Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to 地点? 3. Excuse me.How can I get to 地点,please? 4. Excuse me.Where is 地点? 5. Excuse me.Which is the way to 地点,please? 6. Excuse me.Where is the nearest 地点? 7. Excuse me,would you like to tell me the way to 地点? 8. D0 you know the way to 地点? 9.1 wonder where 地点is? 10.1 w onder the way to 地点. 11. Is 地点is from here? 12. Would you please tell me where 地点is?

13. Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to 地点 14. Excuse me, but rm trying to find 地点.。 15. Would you please tell me if there is 地点nearby? 16. Will it take long to get to 地点? 二、问距离及交通方式句型? 1. How far is it from here?离这儿有多远? 2. Can I take a bus?我可以坐公共汽车吗? 3. Which bus shall I take?我应该坐那一路车? 4. How can I get there?我怎么去那里? 三、指路常用句型? (1)当别人向你问路,并且你知道这条路时,可以根据实际情况用下面的句子来指路: 1. 地点is between 地点and 地点. 2.It's next to 地点. 3.You'd better take No.92. 4.I t's about ten minu tes' walk. 5.It's about 700 metres from here. 6. Walk along the road,and turn to the left at the third turning. 7. Go along the street un til you come to the traffic lights.


在英语学习中,插入语是一个比较重要的知识点。因为插入语是一种独立成分,通常与句中其他成分没有语法上的关系,很多同学在学习过程中会有一定的困难。其实,插入语大都是对一句话实行附加说明或解释,通常由一个词、一个短语或一个句子构成,常置于句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。下面举例归纳插入语的几种用法。 例1 _____the more expensive the camera,the better its quality. A.General speaking B.Speaking general C.Generally speaking D.Speaking generally 解析:本题答案为C.generally speaking为分词短语,意思是“一般来说”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:很多分词短语能够用作插入语,这样的分词短语有:strictly speaking(严格地说),generally considering(一般认为),judging from……(根据……判断)等。 例2 Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. ____,neither of them could swim. A.In fact B.Luckily C.Unfortunately D.Naturally 解析:本题答案为C.unfortunately为副词,意思是“令人遗憾地,不巧,可惜”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:常用作插入语的副词或副词短语有:indeed(的确),surely(无疑),however(不过),frankly(坦率地说),obviously(显然),naturally(天然地),luckily (happily)for sb.(算某人幸运),fortunately(幸好),strangely(奇怪),briefly(简单地说)等。 例3 Your performance in the driving test didn’t reach the required standard,_____,you failed. A.in the end B.after all C.in other words D.at the same time 解析:本题答案为C.in other words为介词短语,意思是“换句话说”,在句中用作插入语。 小结:常用作插入语的介词短语有:in conclusion(总来说之),in a word(简来说之),in short (简来说之),in general(一般说来),in a sense(在某种意义上),in my view(在我看来),in his opinion(按照他的看法),in fact(事实上),at first(首先),in addition(此外),of course (当然),to my surprise(使我惊奇的),to her regret(使她遗憾的),for example(例如)等。 例4 It is so nice to hear from her._____,we last met more than thirty years ago.


英语中的插入语插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重点,也是高考的考点。通常与句中其它部分没有语法上的联系,将它删掉之后,句子结构仍然完整。插入语在句中有时是对一句话的一些附加解释、说明或总结;有时表达说话者的态度和看法;有时起强调的作用;有时是为了引起对方的注意;还可以起转移话题或说明事由的作用;也可以承上启下,使句子衔接得更紧密一些。掌握这一语言现象不仅有利于对英语句子等的理解,还有利于提高写作等的水平。插入语的类型较多,常见的如下几种: 一、形容词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的形容词(短语)常见的有:true,wonderful,excellent,strange to say,most important of all,sure enough等。如:True,it would be too bad.真的,太糟了。Wonderful,we have won again.太好了,我们又赢了。Strange to say,he hasn’t got my letter up to now.说来也奇怪,他到现在还没有收到我的信。Most important of all,we must learn all the skills.最重要的是,我们必须掌握所有的技巧。 二、副词(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的副词(短语)有:indeed,surely,still,otherwise,certainly,however,generally,personally,honestly,fortunately,luckily,though,besides,exactly,perhaps,maybe,probably,frankly,or rather等。如:When he got to there,he found,however,that the weather was too bad.可是到了那儿之后他发现,那儿的天气太坏了。Otherwise,he would still be at home.不然的话,他还会在家的。 三、介词短语作插入语。能用作插入语的介词短语有:in fact,in one’s opinion,in general,in a word,in other words,in a few words,of course,by the way,as a result,for example,on the contrary,on the other hand,to one’s surprise,in short,as a matter of fact,in conclusion,in brief等。如:You can’t wait anymore-in other words,you should start at once.你不能再等了——换言之,你得立即出发。On the contrary,we should strengthen our corporation with them.相反,我们应该加强和他们的合作。 四、V-ing(短语)作插入语。能用作插入语的V-ing(短语)常见的有:generally speaking,strictly speaking,judging from by,talking of, considering等。如:Generally speaking,the weather there is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.一般来说,那儿的气候冬天不太冷,夏天不太热。Judging by his clothes,he may be an artist.从衣着来判断,他可能是个艺术家。 五、不定式短语作插入语。能用作插入语的不定式短语有:to be frank,to be honest,to be sure,to tell you the truth,to make matters worse,to sum up,to start with,to begin with等。如:To be frank,I don’t quite agree with you.


用英语问路句型大全 一、问路常用句型 在问路之前,我们一般要先说上一句Excuse me 以示礼貌,然后再问路.如: 1.Excuse me.Is there 地点near here? 2.Excuse me.Could you tell me the way to 地点? 3.Excuse me.How can I get to 地点,please? 4.Excuse me.Where is 地点? 5.Excuse me.Which is the way to 地点,please? 6.Excuse me.Where is the nearest 地点? 7.Excuse me,would you like to tell me the way to 地点? 8.Do you know the way to 地点? 9.I wonder where 地点is? 10.I wonder the way to 地点. 11. Is 地点is from here? 12. Would you please tell me where 地点is? 13.Excuse me, but please tell me how to get to 地点? 14.Excuse me, but I'm trying to find 地点. 。 15.Would you please tell me if there is 地点nearby?

16.Will it take long to get to 地点? 二、问距离及交通方式句型 1.How far is it from here?离这儿有多远? 2.Can I take a bus?我可以坐公共汽车吗? 3.Which bus shall I take?我应该坐那一路车? 4.How can I get there?我怎么去那里? 三、指路常用句型 (1)当别人向你问路,并且你知道这条路时,可以根据实际情况用下面的句子来指路: 1. 地点is between 地点and 地点. 2.It's next to 地点. 3.You'd better take No.92. 4.It's about ten minutes' walk. 5.It's about 700 metres from here. 6.Walk along the road,and turn to the left at the third turning. 7.Go along the street until you come to the traffic lights. 8.. Turn right / left at the second crossing. (Take the second turning on the right / left.) 9. Take a number 46 bus, and get off at the square. 10. It's on the corner of地点and地点.


词类(parts of speech) 英语中有十大词类: 1.名词:n. (Noun) 表示事物或人得名称 1).可数名词cn. :有单数形式和复数形式,可以用a/an来修饰 2).不可数名词un. 没有复数形式,不可以用a/an来修饰 2.数词:num. (Numeral) 表示数目或顺序 1).基数词:one ,two .three,four 2).序数词:first ,second ,third 3.形容:adj. (Adjective) 表示人或事物的特征或状态 1).表语形容词:asleep ,alive, awake 2).定语形容词:funny 4.副词:adv. (Adverb) 表示动作的特征或状态的特征 5.动词:v. (Verb) 表示一种动作或状态 1).及物动词vt. 可以直接加宾语,而且必须有宾语(可以用于被动语态)Like ,eat, hit, teach see, watch, know, 2).不及物动词vi. 不可以直接加宾语,宾语须由介词引出(不可以用于被动语态) :agree ,arrive,get,go , 3).情态动词:modal v. ;can,should, will,shall等,其后面直接跟动词原形 4).助动词:aux v. :do ,have 5) .系动词: link v. :be ,seem, sound, feel,smell 等,其后加adj.&n.做表语 6.代词:pron. (Pronoun).代替名词,数次等 1).指示代词:this,that,these,those 4).关系代词和连接代词:whenever,that,whenever,whoever, 以上六种词是英语中的实词,即能独立充当句子的成分 7.冠词:art. (Article) 用在名词前用于帮助说明其意义 1).定冠词:the 2).不定冠词:a / an 8.介词:prep. (Preposition) 用在名词或代词前说明其与其他词的关系 例如:at ,in ,of , with ,on , by , to, over, about,


英语中常见的8种插入语形式1.介词短语用作插入语常作插入语的介词短语有:in fact(事实上),in one’s opinion(在某人看来),of course(当然),above all (首先,最重要的是), first of all (首 先),by the way (顺便), in short, as a matter of fact, on the other hand, , in conclusion 等。如:Above all, you must follow your teacher’s advice. As a result, we must water the crop fields. In my opinion, he is an honest boy. 2.副词用作插入语常作插入语的副词有:certainly(当然),surely(无疑),indeed(的确),however(然而),fortunately(幸运的是),luckily(幸运的是),probably(大概),personally(就个人来讲) , honestly, though(可是,倒是), besides,also(而且) , exactly, , frankly, otherwise 等。如:Unfortunately, I was caught in the rain. Personally, I’d rather go to the opera theatre. Surely, you must finish the task by yourself. ▲3.不定式作插入语常作插入语的不定式有:to be frank(坦率地说),to tell(you )the truth(老实说),to be sure(当然),to make matters worse, so to speak (可以说)等。如:To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to go with you. ▲4.V-ing 分词短语作插入语常作插入语的V-ing分词短语有:generally speaking(一般来讲),strictly speaking(严格地说),judging from/by (根据……来判断),talking of…(谈到...), considering…等。如:Judging from your accent , you must be from England. Generally speaking, this is a rule for protecting our school. 5.分句作插入语常作插入语的分句有:I think(我认为),I hope (我希望),I’m aftaid(恐怕),What’s more(而且),What’s worse(更糟的是),You see (你清楚)等。如:You see, they didn’t trust me . He will come on time, I think. 6. 常见的作插入语的形容词或其短语有sure enough果然; worse still更糟糕的是; true真的,funny真可笑,strange to say说也奇怪,needless to say不用说,most important of all最为重要的是等,表现了说话人的情感或态度等。 a.Strange to say (或True),I was just thinking that myself.说也奇怪(或真的),我自己刚才也正想着那件事呢。 b.Most important of all,you each over fulfilled your own task.更为重要的,你们各自超额完成了自己的任务。 7. 过去分词短语作插入语 Painted white, we like the house better. 漆成白色,我们更喜欢这房子。注意:之所以称它为插入语,是由于这种过去分词是独立的,没有逻辑主语。 8. 用标点符号引导插入语如:He was (strange as it seems)an excellent sportsman. 他(尽管还显得令人不解)是个出色的运动员。 He was -to me at least, if not to you-a figure that was worth having pity on.至少 我觉得如此,即使你不这样认为,他是一个值得同情的人。 .1. ________ the truth, this is all Greek to me. A. Tell B. To tell C. Telling D. Told [Key: B] 2.You can, ____, come to join us in the game. A. if you please B. if you possible C. if you happy D. if you necessary [Key: A] 3.He made another wonderful discovery, ________of great importance to science. A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is [Key: A]


英语问路与指路的常用句型 1.常用的问路句型: Excuse me,where is the.... 请问...在哪里 how do/can I get to the....请问如何到..../请问到....怎么走 Is there a ....near here / nearby请问附近有...吗 could you tell me how I can get to...你能告诉我到...怎么走吗could you tell me which is the way to ...请问去...该怎么走 2.常用的问距离和交通方式句型: How far is it from here 离这儿有多远 is it far from here离这里远吗 Can I take a bus 我可以坐公共汽车吗 Which bus shall I take 我应该坐那一路车 3.常用的表示方向/方位的短语: go straight ahead 一直走 go through --(内部)穿过 cross --(表面)横穿动词.{例如:桥、马路}=go/walk across turn left= take the +(序数词)turning on the left 左拐turn right…. =take the +(序数词)turning on the right 右拐next to --紧挨着=close to/ beside between...and -- 在···中间 opposite … -- 在···正对面 in front of --在外部的前面

in the front of --在内部的前面 in the middle of = in the center of --在中央 behind... 在...后面 4.常用的回答问路及位置的句子: 1) Go along the ...and turn left/right at the...crossing.沿着...(街道)往前走,在第..个路口往左/右转. 2) It's next to the.../behind the.../ between...and ... 它就在..旁边/在...后面/在..和...之间 3) first,take a bus to ...,then walk along...,it's next to the ...on your left/right.首先,乘坐公共汽车去...(街道/站),然后沿着...步行往前走,它就在你左/右手边紧挨着.... 4) you can take a bus/subway/taxi there.你可以乘坐公共汽车/地铁/出租车去那里 5) You can’t miss it 你不会错过它。(你会找到的) 英语提建议或征求意见的句子 在英语中我们可以用多种表达方式来提出我们的建议或征求对方的意见. 不同的表达方式会带来不同的效果, 你知道该用哪种方式吗 1. may ,can可用来表示提出建议或征求对方的意见. May I take this book home to read ---No, you can’t. 我可以把这本书拿回家看吗不可以. You can read English in the morning . 你可以在早上读英语。 2. 可以用“Let’s…”来提出建议或征求对方意见. Let’s make it a little earlier, OK 我们早一点吧, 好吗 Let’s speak English in class .让我们在课堂上说英语。 3. 可以用What about / How about… 来提出建议, about是介词, 后面要接名词或动词的-ing形式. What about writing a letter in English 用英语写一封信怎样 4. 可以用“Why not…” 来提出建议, 表示“为何不……” not 后面接动词原形. “Why not… 实际上是“Why don’t we/ you…的简略形式.


一、名词(n.)1.分为普通名词和专有名词,其中普通名词包括可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词可用作单数,也可用作复数,专有名词表示个人、地方、机构、组织等。如:Tom,the Great Wall,the Spring Festival,France,the United States) 2.②结尾是两个元音字母的加s,zoos,radios⑤zero变复数时zeros/zer oes 3.wife——wives thief--thieves(roof的复数为roofs;scarf的复数为scar fs/scarves) (二)代词1.请翻译:我,你和她都是好朋友。.You, she and I are good f riends. 2.请翻译:我们,你们和他们都喜欢音乐。We, you and they all like music. 注意:当I与其他词语一起并列作主语时,I要放在后面,但承认错误时,I要放在前面 如:She and I are in the same school.她和我在同一个学校。 I and he make mistakes.我和他犯了错误。 (三)反身代词 say to oneself自言自语. learn...by oneself自学… leave one by oneself把某人单独留下 hurt oneself伤了自己 dress oneself自己穿衣服 come to oneself苏醒过来 (四)相互代词 ①表示相互关系,可用作动词或介词的宾语,用法区别不大。 eg.For years,the two sisters looked after one another(each o ther).多年来姐妹俩互相照顾。 We should learn from each other.我们应当互相学习。


英语中常见的8种插入语形式 1.介词短语用作插入语常作插入语的介词短语有:in fact(事实上),in one’s opinion(在某人看来),of course(当然),above all (首先,最重要的是), first of all (首先),by the way (顺便), in short, as a matter of fact, on the other hand, , in conclusion等。如:Above all, you must follow your teacher’s advice. As a result, we must water the crop fields. In my opinion, he is an honest boy. 2.副词用作插入语常作插入语的副词有:certainly(当然),surely(无疑),indeed(的确),however(然而),fortunately(幸运的是),luckily(幸运的是),probably(大概),personally(就个人来讲) , honestly, though(可是,倒是), besides,also(而且) , exactly, , frankly, otherwise 等。如:Unfortunately, I was caught in the rain. Personally, I’d rather go to the opera theatre. Surely, you must finish the task by yourself. ▲3.不定式作插入语常作插入语的不定式有:to be frank(坦率地说),to tell(you )the truth(老实说),to be sure(当然),to make matters worse, so to speak (可以说)等。如:To tell you the truth, I didn’t want to go with you. ▲4.V-ing 分词短语作插入语常作插入语的V-ing分词短语有:generally speaking(一般来讲),strictly speaking(严格地说),judging from/by (根据……来判断),talking of…(谈到...), considering…等。如:Judging from your accent , you must be from England. Generally speaking, this is a rule for protecting our school. 5.分句作插入语常作插入语的分句有:I think(我认为),I hope (我希望),I’m aftaid(恐怕),What’s more(而且),What’s worse(更糟的是),You see (你清楚)等。如:You see, they didn’t trust me . He will come on time, I think. 6. 常见的作插入语的形容词或其短语有sure enough果然; worse still更糟糕的是; true真的,funny真可笑,strange to say说也奇怪,needless to say不用说,most important of all最为重要的是等,表现了说话人的情感或态度等。 a.Strange to say (或True),I was just thinking that myself.说也奇怪(或真的),我自己刚才也正想着那件事呢。 b.Most important of all,you each over fulfilled your own task.更为重要的,你们各自超额完成了自己的任务。 7. 过去分词短语作插入语 Painted white, we like the house better. 漆成白色,我们更喜欢这房子。注意:之所以称它为插入语,是由于这种过去分词是独立的,没有逻辑主语。 8. 用标点符号引导插入语如:He was (strange as it seems)an excellent sportsman. 他(尽管还显得令人不解)是个出色的运动员。 He was -to me at least, if not to you-a figure that was worth having pity on.至少我觉得如此,即使你不这样认为,他是一个值得同情的人。
