9B Unit3 Reading1 学案

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学校:_____________ 班级:_____________ 姓名:______________ 家长签字:____________ 【板块要点】


1. 学习并掌握本课词汇。

2. 通过阅读理解文章的意思,了解机器人是怎样改变蒋先生的生活。

3. 了解拥有机器人的利与弊。




1. He is always too busy to have any time to relax.

2. I have to buy a robot so that I can have more free time.

3. It seems that in general the robot satisfied Mr. Jiang’s needs.

4. The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly.

5. When Mr. Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed…;

paper was spread all over the floor.

6. Mr Jiang didn’t know what to do with it.

7. In the end, Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop.


学校:_____________ 班级:_____________ 姓名:______________ 家长签字:____________【课前导学】



1. 出故障

2. 下班回家

3. 一塌糊涂

4. 被放置在床上

5. 感染病毒

6. 被洒地满地

7. 对….满意8. 被熨烫平整

9. 满足某人的需求10. 允许某人做某事


Step1. Free talk.

Ask: What can robots do for us?

Step2. Pre-reading.

1.Type of the passage

A. Narration记叙文

B. Science fiction科幻故事

C. Expository writing说明文

2.Two main characters

Mr Jiang, a manager of a company and a home robot.

3.Let’s predict

(1) What would the robot do for Mr Jiang?

iron his business suit smoothly (通过图片来理解短语意思)

The robot would do lots of housework for him. It would satisfy Mr Jiang’s needs. Mr Jiang would be satisfied with the robot. Be satisfied with means be pleased with.

(2) What would happen finally?

They may be close friends.

The robot may hurt Mr Jiang.

They may be angry with each other.

Step 3 . Fast Reading

1. Read and choose

T: Read through the article and choose the best answer.

Did the robot really change Mr Jiang’s life finally? Why?

A. Yes, because it was able to do lots of housework.

B. No, because a robot can only work for a few weeks.

C. No, because it caught a virus and made many stupid mistakes.

Step4. Careful-reading

Para 1 1. Read and answer

T: Read the first paragraph quickly and answer the question.

(1) Where does Mr Jiang work?

(2) What was his problem?

(3) What did he do to solve his problem?

(4) What does the phrase“order a robot”mean?

order a robot: pay for the robot first and then the shop send it to you.

3. Read paragraph5 and answer the following questions.

1) Is it always good for Mr Jiang to have the robot?

2) What happened to the robot?

3) What stupid mistakes did the robot make?

4. Finish Part B2 on page40.

5. Read the last paragraph together and answer.

1)What did Mr Jiang do with the robot?

2) How does the writer feel about having a robot?

Step5. Post-reading

Owning a robot at home is helpful at the moment. Mr Jiang is too ________ to have any time to ________. So he _________ a robot form a robot shop last month.

The robot changed Mr Jiang’s life a lot. It made his life much _________. When he got up in the morning, his business suit was _________ _________. When he came back from work, his flat would look as ________ as new. That _________ Mr Jiang to do whatever he liked. It seemed that the robot could _________ Mr Jiang’s ________.

Unluckily, something was wrong with the robot several weeks later. I couldn’t work _________. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a __________ _________. For example, coins, bills and private papers were _________ _________ the floor. Moreover, the robot moved too fast on its wheels and often _________ things _________. The robot made so many _________ mistakes and Mr Jiang didn’t know h ow to _________ with it. Mr Jiang made a _________ to __________ the robot back to the robot shop.

Robots can also be too much _________, although they can help people a lot.



1. Mr. Jiang’s shirts are ___________ (熨烫) by the robot every day.

2. H is robot can’t work ______________ (正确地). It doesn’t talk.

3. My computer caught a _____________ (病毒) and caused a lot of problems.

4. The robot made my life much ___________ (easy) and ___________ (comfortable).

5. The books ____________ (spread) everywhere just now.

6. China has become the third country __________ (have) spacemen walk in outer space.

7. _________ (have) more free time, I need to buy a washing machine.

8. He is careless. He even ___________ (lay) food on his bed yesterday.
