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现代英语的特色之一,是力求以简单的结构,表达复杂的思维。以名词作修饰语,简称“名词定语”(attributive nouns),便是朝向这目标的手段之一。

所谓名词修饰名词,就是以名词直接修饰另一名词,其作用和形容词相似。例如:Science students; the Clinton Administration; dinner-time; oil industry; Christmas party 等。



●country life→rural life

●China-U.S. relations→Sino-American relations

●a launch pad→a launching pad

●cube sugar→sugar formed in the shape of a cube.


●good rapport between consumer and producer countries →good rapport between consumers' and producers' countries.

●a proposal for a ceiling on ASEAN commodity imports→a proposal for a ceiling on ASEAN's commodity imports.


● a tool box→a box for tools.

● a television programme→ a programme on television.

● apple seeds →the seeds of an apple.


● his bank manager son→his son,(who is) a bank manager.

● an ASEAN joint conference report→a report to be jointly made by ASEAN (members).



a. labour intensity(劳工密集)

b. labouring people(劳动的人民)

a. a space rocket(宇宙火箭)

b. a spacious room(宽敞的房间)

a. an art gallery(艺术馆)

b. artistic effects(艺术的效果)

a. a history department(历史系

b. a historic relic(历史遗迹)

a. riot police(防暴警察)

b. riotous police(闹事的/暴动的警察)



a diamond necklace

a bamboo pole

paper money

a stone bridge


London hotels

Beijing University

body temperature

the spaceship floor

the kitchen window

作定语用的名词一般没有与之相应的同根形容词。它既可以是有生命的,也可以是无生命的;既可以是可数的,也可以是不可数的。它能表明被修饰的名词的A.地点、B.时间、C.目的或用途、D.种类、E.原料或来源等等。例如:A.city streets 城市街道,a corner shop 街道拐角的商店,a kitchen table 厨房桌子,a roof garden 屋顶公园;B.summer holidays 暑假,Sunday papers 星期日报纸,November fogs 十一月的雾季;C.a tennis court 网球场,a tennis club 网球俱乐部,a peace conference 和平会议,milk bottles 牛奶瓶;D.a love story 爱情故事,a murder story 凶杀案故事,traffic lights 交通管理用的红绿灯,a train driver 火车司机;E.stone walls 石墙,straw hats 草帽,rubber boots 胶鞋,pineapple juice 菠萝汁,plant fat 植物脂肪。

名词作定语时,一般用单数形式,但在个别情况下也有用复数的。例如: goods train 货车, sports meeting 运动会, machines hall 展览机器的大厅。 注意:被修饰的名词变复数时,一般情况下,作定语用的名词不需要变为复数形式,但由man 或woman 作定语修饰的名词变成复数时,两部分皆要变为复数形式。例如: man doctor —men doctors 男医生 woman singer —women singers 女歌手

有的作定语用的名词有与之相应的同根形容词。一般情况下,名词作定语侧重说明被修饰的名词的内容或性质;同根形容词作定语则常常描写被修饰的名词的特征。例如:"bold watch"指手表含有金的性质;而"golden watch"则表示手表是金色的特征,不一定含有金。再举两例:

stone house 石头造的房子 stony heart 铁石般的心肠

peace conference 和平会议 peaceful construction 和平建设

⒉用途 a meeting room the telephone poles the railway staion trade union water pipe welcome speech eye drops ⒊时间 a day bed the dinner party the Apring and Autum Period evening suit midday lunch ⒌内容 a story book piano lessons the sports meet oxygen supply the air pressure the grammar rules ⒍类别 children education enemy soldiers a bus driver
