


一.后面可跟动词的ing 形式的情况

1. 动词:

finish doing sth .完成做某事;enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事;practice doing sth. 练习做某事;imagi ne doi ng,想象做某事;avoid doi ng sth.避免做某事;con sider doi ng sth.考虑做某事;suggest doi ng sth建议做某事;mind doi ng sth.介意做某事; keep doing sth 持续做某事

2. 固定短语:

feel like doing sth.喜欢做某事;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事;be worth doi ng值得做某事;spe nd time (in )doi ng sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事;have difficult/trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难;have fun doing.做某事高兴

3. 介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by 等)


be good at doing sth.;thank you for doing sth.;give up doing sth.;stop sb.from doing sth.;do well in doing sth.;be afraid of doing sth.;be interested in doing sth.;be proud of;instead of;be fond of

4. to 作介词的情况look forward to doing sth 期望做某事;prefer doing sth.to doing sth 与…相比较更喜欢…;pay attention to doing 注意做某事;be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事;make a contribution to 为…做贡献


1. 动词:

agree to do 同意去做;afford to do 买得起;decide to do 决定去做某事;hope to do 希望去做;wish to do 希望去做;fail to do 做某事失败去;plan to do 打算去做;pretend to do 假装去做;refuse to do 拒绝去做;would like to do 想

要去做;want to do 想要去做某事;learn to do 学做;prefer to do sth. 喜欢

(爱)做某事;sb.seem to do sth 好像做某事;want/would like to do sth. 想做.. ;used to do sth过去常做某事

2. 句型.

allow sb. to do sth.允许某人去做某事

asked sb. (n ot) to do sth.叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事)

tell sb. (not) to do sth.叫某人去(不要)做某事

follow sb. to do sth. 跟随某人去做某事

get sb. to do sth让某人做某事

warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人做某事(或不要做某事)

be amazed to do sth对做某事感到惊讶

be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事

be excited to do sth.对做?…感到兴奋

be frightened to do sth. 害怕去做某事

be glad/happy to do sth.高兴去做某事

be/get ready to do sth. 准备做某事

be sorry to do sth.对做某事感到抱歉

be surprised to do sth.对做某事感到惊奇

can ' t wait to do st迫不急待地去做某事

get/have a cha nee to do sth得到一个做某事的机会

It ' s + adj.+(fbr)sto do sth.做某事(对某人来说)怎么样

It ' s+adj. +(of sb.) to do sth.

It takes sb. some time/mo ney to do sth.花费某人多长时间做某事(常考)

It ' s best for sb. to do对h某人来说做某事是最好的

It ' s time for sb. to do s是某人做某事的时候了

too …(for sb.) to 太以致不能.... ==not …eno ugh to do

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿?…而不愿... (常考)

something to eat/drink 一些吃/喝的东西(词不定式放在something 等后修

饰这些Sth. is hard/difficult/easy to do 做好某事很难/容易

take turns to do sth.轮流做...

There is no time (for sb. ) to do sth对(某人来说)没时间做某事了

There is no need (for sb.) to do sth对某人来说没必要做某事try/do one ' s best to de尽力去做某事



有些动词接doing和to do意义相近像like(喜欢),love(喜欢),hate(憎恨), prefer(宁可),beg in(开始),start(开始),contin ue(继续)。如:等词后加不定式或动名词区别不大:

女如:like to do表示想要做某一具体的动作like dong表示一般或抽象的多次动作它们在实际使用中区别很小。


rember to do(记住去做)rember doing(记得做过)

forget to do(忘记去做) try to do(设法做)forget doing(忘记做过)

go on to do(接着做另一事)go on doing继续做同一事)

stop to do(停下来去做)stop doing(停止做)

can ' t help to d不能帮助做)can ' t help doin情不自禁做)

四、后跟不带to 的不定式(动词原形)的情况。


feel,hear,listen to,watch,look at,see,notice ,make,let,have 等后跟动词不定式作宾语补足语时应省去不定式符号to 。注意:

将此句改为被动句时,省去的不定式符号to 应加上。在动词help 后跟不定式作宾语或宾语补足语时,既可带to,也可不带to。

2. 助动词或情态动词后:

do, did, does, will, shall, would, should, can, may, must等后面接不带to 的动词不定式。

3. 某些固定句型中

1)Will (Would)you please(not)...?请(不要)做某事好吗?

2)had better 最好做某事

3)Why not. . . ?为何不做某事

4)would rather(not)... 宁可(不);宁愿(不)此句型也可以扩展成:would rather...than...=would...rather than... 。


五. 既可跟动词原形又可跟动词ing 形式的情况。


see/watch sb. do sth.看至U某人做过(经常做)某事see/watch sb. doing sth.

看到某人正在做某事hear sb. do sth听到某人做过(经常做)某事hear sb. doing sth .听到某人正在做某事


非谓语动词(不定式、动名词) 【考点概述】 非谓语动词的本意是不能做谓语的词性,但是它具有谓语动词的性质。非谓语动词是英语中特有的,在汉语中没有此概念。所以在掌握此语法是比较困难的,在平时的备考之中应注意多多练习。 【考点释义】 考点一:不定式 (1)构成:to+动词原形(do)如: I like to swim. 注意:不定式有省“to”的不定式和不省“to”的不定式两类,但多数以不省“to”的不定式为主。如:I heard him (to)sing. 我听到他在唱歌。 (2)句法功能: 1. 作主语 在英语中为了避免头重脚轻,当不定式作主语时有时主语太长时我们用形式主语“it”来作“形式主语”,将真正主语移植动词不定时之后。形式主语也就是我们所说的“不定式的复合结构”。其构成为“It +be +(for/of sb) to do sth. 如: ① It is very important ( us) to study English. = To study English is very important for us. 学英语对我们来说是很重要的 ② It is very kind ( you) to help me. = To help me is very kind of you. 你帮助我太好了。 【易错警示】我们在区别“of”和“for”的方法如下: 当介词“of”或“for”后面接的代词与前面形容词之间能否构成主谓逻辑关系就决定是用介词“of”或“for”。如果能够成主谓逻辑关系时我们使用介词“of”,反之则用介词“for”。例如上述两个例子。 ①It is very important (for us) to study English. Us is very important.(不成立) 由于不能构成主谓关系,所以用介词“for”。 ②It is very kind (of you) to help me. You are very kind. (成立) 由于构成主谓关系,所以用介词“of”。 2. 作宾语 当动词不定式作宾语是表示的是一种打算、希望、命令等。如: ① I want to read English magazines every day. 我每天想读英语杂志。(表想,希望) ② I determine to go for a long holiday. 我决定去度一个长假。(表打算,决定)【归纳】常接不定式作宾语的动词有如下: want determine decide hope plan except would like 等。 3. 作宾补 当动词不定时作宾补即宾语补足语时宾补与宾语之间就会构成主谓的逻辑关系,宾补成立的条件唯此一条。 接不定式作宾补的动词有:“advice”、“ask”、“force”、“persuade”、


初中英语分类练习 ——非谓语动词 Ⅰ. 填空 (A) 用括号中的动词适当形式填空 are so glad ________ (hear) the news. saw him ________ (cross) the road safely and ________ (run) away. can’t make him ________ (do) what you want. don’t know where ________ (meet) him. ] makes you ________ (th ink) I’m a farmer you see him ________ (go) upstairs is better ________ (put) your money in a bank. is difficult for the boy ________ (swim) across the river. let him ________ (go) early as he wanted ________ (meet) his uncle at the station. you help me ________ (move) the bed he doesn’t know, how ________ (use) the recorder, you’d better ________ (show) him. is the last one ________ (leave) the office every day. ) ’s bad manners ________ (shout) in public. boy is old enough ________ (dress) himself. is too ill ________ (go) to school. (B) 填入动名词的适当形式. you imagine yourself ______in a lonely island (stay) can't understand your ______at that poor child.(laugh) didn't mind _______overtime.(work) make a living, he tried _______, ________,and various other things, 《 but he had failed in all .(write; paint) are looking forward to Mary's________. (come) . was praised for _______ the life of the child.(save) ought to be praised instead of ______ (criticize). there any possibility of our ______the championship(win) came to the party without _______(invite) 10. Don’t keep me __________(wait) for a long time. 11. Knives are used for ______________(cut) things. ¥ 12. Can you finish ___________(read) the book in three days 13. The doctor was busy ____________(operate) on the boy at that time. 14. Stop ___________(talk) and listen to me carefully. 15. Thank you very much for ____________(help) us. 16. Granny is very ill and she doesn’t feel like ___________(eat) anything. 17. The girl enjoys ___________(listen) to light music. 18. Do you remember ___________(buy) me a beautiful skirt on my 13th birthday 19. We couldn’t help _________(laugh) after we heard the funny story.


必备英语非谓语动词难点、易错点 一、动词被动语态 1. The 31st Olympic Games _______ in Rio de Janeiro of Brazil in 2016. A. is held B. will hold C. will be held D. is going to hold 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:第31届奥运会将于2016年在巴西里约热内卢举行。举办奥运会,The 31st Olympic Games在句中作主语,用被动语态。2016年将要发生的动作,用一般将来时态。故选C。 2.— I enjoy walking on the clean streets in the morning. — You know they by the hard-working cleaners every day. A. clean B. are cleaned C. are cleaning D. will clean 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——我喜欢早上在干净的街道上散步。——你知道他们每天都被辛勤工作的清洁工打扫。A一般现在时主动语态,B一般现在时被动语态,C现在进行时,D一般将来时,根据by the hard-working cleaners every day,可知是一般现在时被动语态,故选B。 【点评】考查时态和语态,注意一般现在时被动语态的用法。 3.Over $30,000 ______ for a children's hospital by a British girl several months ago. A. is raised B. was raised C. will be raised D. has been raised 【答案】B 【解析】【分析】句意:几个月以前,一个英国女孩为一所儿童医院筹集了三万多美元。ago 多久以前,过去的时间,根据several months ago可知用一般过去时态;主语和谓语动词之间是动宾关系,所以用被动语态。所以选择一般过去时态的被动结构,故选B。


最新英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Students surf the internet _______ more information about the university they are dreamt of. A.found B.finding C.having found D.to find 【答案】D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们上网是为了找到他们理想大学的更多的信息。此处表示目的用不定式,指上网的目的。故选D。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed C.To expose D.Exposed 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。 4.The lecture, _______at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A.starting B.being started C.to start D.to be started 【答案】A 【解析】 选A start与逻辑主语the lecture之间为主动关系,故排除B、D两项。不定式作定语时,常表示动作尚未发生,故排除C项,此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示主动。 第四步:根据与谓语动词的先后关系确定时态 非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前用过去分词或v.-ing形式/不定式的

高三英语复习 非谓语动词考点总结归纳讲义

非谓语动词考点总结归纳 非谓语动词包括不定式,动名词和分词。它们是高中所学的基础语法,也是高考必考内容。既是高考的难点又是高考的热点。真正领悟非谓语动词的用法要具备以下基础知识: ①具有句子结构的知识,会分析句子成分。 ②具有简单句最基本的五种句型的知识,要分得清双宾语和复合宾语。 ③具有扎实而丰富的动词知识,要分得清及物动词和不及物动词。 ④具备各种复合句的知识,能够拆析复合句和长难句。 1.三种非谓语动词的构成及变化形式。 To ●过去分词 done (无变化) ●所有非谓语动词的否定形式都是把否定副词not,never放在非谓语动词的前面。 2. 三种非谓语动词形式句法功能比较

考点一:非谓语作主语。 1. 在很多情况下没有明显的不同. Seeing is believing.=To see is to believe. 2. 不定式做主语表示某一次具体的,特定的或有待实现的动作, 而动名词则表示通常的情况. eg:To tell him the truth would be the best. / Painting is an art. 动词不定式(短语)作主语时,另一种形式是在句首用先行代词it作形式主语,而将动词不定式(短语)移到谓语之后作真正主语。用于这种形式是一些特定形容词,动词和名词 1)形容词作表语It is adj/n.(for sb.) to do sth. (常见的形容词是:necessary,important,possible等) It is adj./n.(of sb.) to do sth. (常见的形容词是clever,stupid,foolish,wise,cruel等) 2)常见的动词有:require, cost, amuse, delight, annoy等 eg: It takes much time to do sth./ It didn’t occur to me to ask him to help me. 3)一些名词作表语 eg: It seems a pity to waste them./It is a great pleasure to do this./It is a good idea to think this way 动名词做主语时常用的句型有: It is nice doing sth./It’s foolish doing sth./It is useless doing that/It’s a waste of time doing this. /It’s worth one’s while doing sth./ It’s no good (use) doing that. It’s an awful job doing this. /It’s fun doing this. There is/ was no sense in doing/no point in doing 考点二:非谓语动词作宾语详细见5+3 P70-72页 补充:1.begin和start在下列三种情况下, 通常跟不定式, 不跟动名词 1) 当begin和start的主语是无生命之物时. eg: Snow began to melt. 2) 当begin和start用于进行时时. eg: He is beginning to study English. 3) 当begin和start后面跟着一些表示心理状态的词时. eg: I began to believe his story. 2. be afraid to do 不敢去做…… be afraid of doing 害怕发生某事


必备英语非谓语动词知识点总结 一、非谓语动词 1.I look forward _____ you soon. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. to seeing 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】句意:我盼望尽快见到你。look forward to doing sth盼望做某事,故答案为D。 【点评】考查固定搭配,注意look forward to中的to是介词,后跟动名词。 2.My friend invited me ______ the Art Club , and I accepted it with pleasure. A. join B. to join C. joined D. joining 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友邀请我参加艺术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。A.动词原形;B.动词不定式;C. 动词过去式;D.动词的ing形式。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。结合句意及结构,故选B。 3.一What should we take when going birdwatching? 一 We should take a pair of binoculars ____________the birds clearly. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:一去看鸟应该带什么?一为了看得清楚,我们应该带一副望远镜。带上望远镜的目的是看得清楚,用带to的不定式作目的状语。故选C。 4.The workers were made from morning to night in the past. A. worked B. to work C. work D. working 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:在过去工人们被迫从早晨工作到晚上make sb do sth让某人做某事,其被动语态形式sb be made to do sth所以选B。 5.Jane was shy. She would not invite her classmates____speaking English.


非谓语动词总结 一.后面可跟动词的ing形式的情况 1.动词:finish doing sth.完成做某事;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事;practice doing sth. 练习做某事;imagine doing,想象做某事;avoid doing sth.避免做某事;consider doing sth.考虑做某事;suggest doing sth.建议做某事;mind doing sth.介意做某事; keep doing sth.持续做某事 2.固定短语: feel like doing sth.喜欢做某事;be busy doing sth.忙于做某事;be worth doing 值得做某事;spend time (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事; have difficult/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难;have fun doing.做某事高兴 3.介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等) 如:be good at doing sth.;thank you for doing sth.;give up doing sth.;stop sb. from doing sth.;do well in doing sth.;be afraid of doing sth.;be interested in doing sth.;be proud of;instead of;be fond of 4.to作介词的情况look forward to doing sth期望做某事; prefer doing sth. to doing sth与…相比较更喜欢…; pay attention to doing注意做某事; be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事;make a contribution to为…做贡献 二.后面可跟动词的不定式形式的情况 1.动词:agree to do同意去做;afford to do买得起;decide to do决定去做某事;hope to do希望去做;wish to do希望去做;fail to do做某事失败去;plan to do打算去做;pretend to do假装去做; refuse to do拒绝去做;would like to do想要去做;want to do想要去做某事;learn to do 学做;prefer to do sth. 喜欢(爱)做某事;sb. seem to do sth好像做某事;want/would like to do sth. 想做……;used to do sth. 过去常做某事 2.句型. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人去做某事 asked sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人做事某事(叫某人不要去做某事) tell sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人去(不要)做某事 follow sb. to do sth. 跟随某人去做某事 get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人做某事(或不要做某事) be amazed to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶 be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 be excited to do sth. 对做……感到兴奋 be frightened to do sth. 害怕去做某事 be glad/happy to do sth. 高兴去做某事 be/get ready to do sth.准备做某事 be sorry to do sth. 对做某事感到抱歉 be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊奇 can’t wait to do st h. 迫不急待地去做某事 get/have a chance to do sth. 得到一个做某事的机会 It’s + adj.+(for sb.) to do sth. 做某事(对某人来说)怎么样 It’s +adj. +(of sb.) to do sth. It takes sb. some time/money to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做某事(常考)


初中非谓语动词最全总结 1、动词: finish doing sth、完成做某事;enjoy doing sth、喜欢做某事;practice doing sth、练习做某事;imagine doing,想象做某事;avoid doing sth、避免做某事;consider doing sth、考虑做某事;suggest doing sth、建议做某事;mind doing sth、介意做某事; keep doing sth、持续做某事 allow 允许resist抵抗miss错过advise建议stand(忍受)risk冒险forgive escape admit 2、固定短语: feel like doing sth、喜欢做某事;be busy doing sth、忙于做某事;be worth doing 值得做某事;spend time (in) doing sth、花费时间(金钱)做某事; have difficult/trouble in doing sth做某事有困难;have fun doing或have a good/great time doing做某事高兴prevent…from d oing阻止be busy doing忙着做help sb with doingkeep on持续 put off推迟feel like想要 3、介词后(on, in, of, about, at, with, without, for, from, up, by等)如:be good at doing sth、;thank you for doing sth、;give up doing sth、;stop sb、 from doing sth、;do well in doing sth、;be afraid of doing sth、;

复习专题 非谓语 动词难点汇总

复习专题非谓语动词难点汇总 一、非谓语动词 1.—What should I do, doctor? —_____ healthy, you should do more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. To be kept 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——我应该做什么,医生?——为了保持健康,你应该多锻炼。keep healthy,保持健康,固定搭配,排除D。多锻炼的目的是保持健康,所以用to do不定式表目的,故选C。 【点评】考查to do不定式表目的,注意平时识记其用法,理解句意。 2.To my surprise, Daniel's parents allowed him ___________ Shanghai Disneyland with me. A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visits 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:让我吃惊的的,戴尔的父母允许他和我去上海迪士尼乐园。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,固定短语,故选A。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语allow sb. to do sth。 3.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你累的时候,在农村放松是一个奇妙的体验。所填动词在句中作主语,该用动名词形式,所以选A。 4.We should do what we can our English. A. improve B. improved C. to improve D. improving 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该做我们能做的事提高我们的英语。句子主语是we, 谓语是should do,宾语是what we can,后边的部分作目的状语,用不定式形式,故选C。 5.It was raining. My father asked me _______ a raincoat. A. take B. takes C. took D. to take 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:正下雨。我父亲要我带上雨衣。根据关键词 asked me,再结合选项,可判断出此处考查的是 ask sb. to do sth.的用法,故答案选 D。 【点评】考查固定搭配ask sb. to do sth.。




非谓语动词知识要点概括以及难点和考点分析 1.“非谓语动词”这个名称是什么意思 在做非谓语动词题目之前,首先要搞清楚这个名称的意义。在英语中,很多语法名称在我们中国人的母语中是不存在的,所以,只有我们了解了这个语法的本质,或者说英语中使用这个语法的目的,才能更好的理解和运用这个语法知识。 首先,英语句子从结构上说,大致和中文相差不多,基本上都是“主谓宾”这个顺序,但英语句子和中文句子最大的不同点在于,英语句子里只能有一个谓语动词,而且逗号不能作为分割句子的连词使用。比如这句话:他生病了,他不能来了。在中文中,这句话没有问题,但如果翻译成英语:He is ill, he is not coming.就错了,因为逗号后面没有连词,这句话里出现了两个谓语动词“is”,产生了冲突。如果要修改的话,可以加上连词so,也可以把逗号变成分号(分号等于连词,后面he的首字母还是要小写),也可以索性把逗号变成句号,变成两句话。当然,如果用英语中所特有的技巧来处理的话,可以使用从句,可以改为Because he is ill, he is not coming. 这样操作的话,就等于把一个谓语动词放入了从句中,它就不和主句里的另一个谓语动词形成冲突了。其实这也是“从句”------这个英语中所特有的语法现象存在的道理。这句话最后一种修改方法就是使用非谓语动词,可以改为“Being ill, he is not coming.”。所以各位现在就明白了,非谓语动词这个语法现象存在的意义就是为了使一句英语句子保持只有一个谓语动词。非谓语动词如果能灵活运用,在有些情况下能代替从句(非谓语动词做状语和定语时候,可以代替原来的状语从句和定语从句),可以让句子更加精简。 2.非谓语动词的形式 非谓语动词主要可以分为三种形式:1. 分词 2. 动词不定式 3. 动名词。其中,分词又可以分为现在分词和过去分词。它们的具体形式如下: 现在分词:being, doing, having done(现在分词表示主动) 过去分词: done, being done , having been done (过去分词表示被动) 不定式: to do (表示主动), to be done (表示被动)。某些题目中还会出现to have done/to have been done和to be doing等特殊形式,下面重点解析里会谈到。 动名词:doing(表示主动),being done(表示被动)某些情况下having done和having been done也可以做动名词,下面重点解析里也会谈到。 本质上说,非谓语动词是谓语动词变过来的,具体变化形式如下: 主动被动 谓语动词非谓语动词谓语动词非谓语动词 be being do doing be done done be doing doing be being done being done will do to do will be done to be done have done having done have been done having been done


动词不定式和动名词作主语 一,作主语 ⒈不定式作主语 动词不定式作主语时,句子的谓语动词常用单数,其位置有以下两种: (1)把不定式置于句首, 不定式作主语侧重于将来特定的某一次, 如: To get there by bike will take us half an hour. (2)用it作形式主语,把真正的主语不定式置于句后,常用于下列句式中.如: ①It+be+名词+to do It's our duty to take good care of the old. ②It takes sb + some time +to do How long did it take you to finish the work ③It+be+形容词+for sb +to do It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour. ④It+be+形容词+of sb +to do It is stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says. ⑤It seems(appears)+形容词+to do It seemed impossible to save money. 在句型③中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:difficult, easy, hard, important, impossible, necessary 等;在句型④中,常用careless, clever, good, foolish, honest, kind, lazy, nice, right, silly, stupid, wise等表示赞扬或批评的词.在不定式前的sb,可看作其逻辑主语.这一句式有时相当于Sb is+形容词+to do句式,如:It's kind of you to help me with my English.=You are kind to help me with my English. ⒉动名词作主语 (1)把动名词置于句首, 侧重于经常性发生的动作. 如: Learning without practice is no good. 动名词作主语时,也常用It句式.如: ①It's +no good(no use, fun, a pleasure, a waste of time)+doing… It's no good reading in dim light. It's no use sitting here waiting.


中考英语非谓语动词知识点汇总 一、动词不定式 1.动词不定式作宾语。 1)在动词want ,hope,would like,decide,wish, choose,try ,need等后常用动词不定式作宾语。 I hope ______(hear)from you soon . 2)think/find /feel /make it + adj + to do sth He found it difficult _______(get) to sleep. 3).stop to do sth / stop doing sth stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth 停止正在做的事。 After working for a long time , He has to stop _______(have ) a rest . He was very tired , so he had to stop ______(work). 2.动词不定式作宾语补。 1).带to的不定式作宾补的动词有:ask / like /would like /teach /tell /want /help +sb +to do sth Please ask him _________(come) quickly. 2).省掉to的不定式作宾补的动词有:let /make / hear /see /notice /have/watch+sb +do sth 注:省掉to的不定式的句子变被动语态时,需要还原to . He made the baby _______(stop) crying . The baby was made ______ _____ crying. 3.动词不定式作主语 1).动词不定式常可用作句子的主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 2).常用it作形式主语,而将不定式放在句子后面。 To do sth +谓语动词+adj /n = It +谓语动词+adj / n + to do sth


初中非谓语动词短语集合 1.want to do = feel like doing=would like to do want/need doing…= want to be done 2.like doing \ to do like sb to do … dislike doing … 3.stop doing \ stop to do 4. have fun doing /enjoy doing./ have a good time doing 5. find sb. doing 6. help sb. do /make sb. do / let sb do/ see/watch/hear/listen to/notice 7.finish doing 8.start/begin doing \ to do 9.hate doing \ to do 10.go shopping \ swimming 11.tell sb. to do ask sb. to do 12.see sb. doing /watch/hear/notice 13.have a difficult time doing 14.mind doing 15.try to do \ try not to do try doing 16.take care to do \ take care not to do 17.have problems doing 18.have a hard time doing 19.stop/keep/prevent sb from doing… 20.be worth doing… 21.be afraid to do /be afraid of doing


英语:动词的非谓语形式 【重点难点提示】 一、重点是: 1 .动词不定式 (1)动词不定式的构成为:“to + 动词原形”(有时可不带to)。动词不定式没有人称和数和的变化。 (2)动词不定式既有名词的特性,又有动词的特性,它可以有自己的宾语和状语。它在句中可充当主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补足语。 2 .动词ing形式的用法。 3 .动词过去分词的用法。 二、难点是:(1)在有些动词后动词不定式作宾语补足语时不带to。(2)有些动词后只能接动词不定式作宾语。(3)有些动词后只能接动词ing形式(即动名词)作宾语。(4)有些动词后既可接动词不定式作宾语,也可接动词ing形式作宾语,但意思不同。 【同步达纲练习】 Ⅰ .用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 1 .Bill lives in a place called (call) Gum Tree . 2 .Let him have (have) a good rest . 3 .Li Ping made the baby laugh (laugh) at last . 4 .Miss Gao wants to take (take) these books to the classroom now . 5 .She is ill .So she had better stay (stay) in bed for a few days . 6 .You’d better not look (not ,look) out of the window in class . 7 .It was very nice to play (play) with you . 8 .They wake up their parents , called (call) :“Merry Christmas !” 9 .A lot of good land has gone with them , (leave) only sand . 10 .There was a fire (burn) in the fireplace . 11 .The policeman told the boys (not ,play) football near the road . 12 .Why not (go) to the park with us tomorrow ? 13 .We’re free now .How about (fly) kites ? 14 .We often hear our English teacher (sing) English songs . 15 .One day ,his father saw him (sit) on some eggs . 16 .Mr Wu have watched us (play) basketball for half an hour . 17 .This morning I kept on (think) about the Christmas party this evening . 18 .A lot of English people are good at (boat) . 19 .We’re very thirsty .Let’s stop (drink) some water . 20 .When the two boys saw the teacher ,they stopped (fight) at once . 21 .Kate is a little ill .She doesn’t feel like (eat) anything these days .


非谓语动词就是不能作句子谓语而具有其他语法功能的动词。 主语/表语: 不定式和ing分词均能作主语,二者有何区别? 1.表示某一具体的动作时,多用不定式;表示比较抽象的一般行为倾向的,多用动名词。 2.动名词作主语时通常位于句首;不定式作主语时常置于句末,用it作形式主语放在句首。 1) Smoking is prohibited(禁止)here. 2) It is not very good for you to smoke so much. Seeing is believing. To see is to believe. 若主语和表语都是非谓语动词, 应保持形式上的一致。

宾语: 1. 有些动词后只跟不定式作宾语,如: …… manage, promise, pretend, plan, offer, agree, ask, dare, choose, fail, help(帮助),want(想要) , refuse等。 决心学会想希望,拒绝设法愿假装。 主动答应选计划,同意请求帮一帮。 2. 有些动词后只跟动名词作宾语,如: ……practise, appreciate, dislike, excuse, forgive, keep, resist, risk, deny, advise, fancy, complete, forbid, permit, allow, stand, refer to, give up, lead to, take to, set about, get down to, object to, succeed in, have difficulty in... 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想。 避免错过继续练,否认完成就欣赏。 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意准逃亡。 3.有些动词如begin, start; love, like, hate, prefer后既可以跟不定式又可以跟ing分词作宾语,意义上无多大区别(但ing分词一般表示经常性的行为;不定式表示具体的行为)。 4.有些动词后既可以跟不定式,又可以跟动名词作宾语,但意义上有明显差别。go on (stop/remember/regret)to do/doing can’t help to do / doing try to do/ doing mean to do(打算)/ doing(意味)be used to do / doing ( get used to doing)(used to do) 5.动词need, require, want作“需要”,deserve作“应受,应得”,主动表被动 定语: 不定式、ing 分词和过去分词都可以作定语,主要区别在于它们的时态意义和语态意义。 分词作定语与动词不定式作定语的区别是:现在分词表示主动、进行之意;过去分词表示被动与完成;而不定式表示在谓语动词表示的动作之后即将发生的动作。 不定式用来修饰序数词、最高级或no, all, any等限定词的中心词,表主动关系。 E.g.: The car to be bought is for his sister. / He was the best man to do the job. The houses being built are for the teachers. Developing countries/ developed countries 补语: 1.能接带to的不定式作宾语补足语和主语补足语的动词有:ask, advise, tell, force, get, allow, want, wish, like, hate, prefer, intend,expect, encourage, persuade, permit, request,order, warn, cause等。 Think, consider, believe, suppose, feel等后常用“to be....”作补语。 E.g.: You are not allowed to smoke here. People considered him to be a great leader. 2.使役动词,感官动词接不带to 的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的使役动词有make, let, have等;感官动词有see, hear, watch, observe, notice, feel以及look at, listen to等。 ◆“吾看三室两厅一感觉”---5看(look at, see, watch, notice, observe)3使(make,
