

Session Thirteen

1. Phrase Reductions

2. Intonation Phrase

Hi, and welcome back. Again my name is Paul Gruber and this is the Pronunciation Workshops---Thirteenth Training Session. In this session, we will cover Phrase Reductions and Intonation. Ok, what do I mean by Phrase Reductions, well, in conversational English, words are often broken down or not fully pronunciated. Two and three words are sometimes squeezed together to create easy-to-say phrases. I’ll show you what I mean. Look at this phrase. Going to try. When we reduce the phrase. It becomes Gonna try. All we do is combine the words. I’m gonna try to finish this book. Repeat with me. Gonna try. “Want to eat” becomes “Wanna eat”. Do you wanna eat at 7 O’clock. Repeat with me. Wanna eat “Have to start” becomes “Hafta start”. I really hafta start studing for that text. Repeat. Hafta start. “Has to try” becomes “Hasta try”. He hasta try harder. Repeat. Hasta try. “Got to leave” becomes “Gotta leave”.I really gotta leave in fifteen minutes. Repeat. Gotta leave. “Ought to believe” becomes “oughta believe”.She really oughta believe what he is saying. Repeat. Oughta believe. “Out of bed” becomes “outa bed”.I got outa bed when I heard the alarm clock. Repeat. Outa bed.

“Did you go” becomes “Didja go”. D idja go to the store Repeat. Didja go. “Would he help” becomes “Woody help”. Woody help me move the furniture Repeat. Woody help. “Won’t you play” becomes “Woncha play”. And don’t forget about that correct O sound in the word Won’ t. Woncha play one more s ong on the piano Repeat. Woncha play. “Didn’t you know”becomes “Didincha know”Didincha know that she was coming home tomorrow Repeat. Donincha know “Is he” becomes “Izzy” Izzy the one that called Repeat. Izzy. “What do you want” becomes “whadaya want”. Repeat. Whadaya want. “Give it to me” becomes “Gividame”. Gividame right now. Repeat. Gividame.

Very good. You’ll find the better you’re good at speaking English, the more you’ll be using these phrase reductions. The key is to still be easily understood. Yo u’ll find that almost all of the rules that I have told you, especially the ones having to do with voicing remain the same.

In the last example Gividame. The only big change comes from the Ts being pronounced as Ds and this happens because the Ts fall between two vowel sounds. If you remember an American pronunciation when Ts fall between two vowels, they become voiced and are pronounced as Ds. Now even though you may at times to speak quickly and use these reduced phrases in your conversations, y ou’ll still be easily understood as long as you continue to use the pronunciation rules that I’ve been showing you throughout this program.

Ok, now we’re going to talk about Intonation. English is a very musical language. As we speak our words and phrases go all the way up and then they come all the way down, much like the mus ic does. Now as you can see. I’m trying to give you a good example of intonation. This keeps our speech interesting and it helps to get our message across. Now, listen to this.

Many foreign-borned speakers of English use a flat intonation pattern or in monotonous tone. This can create uninteresting and misunderstood speech. Everything is very flat.

Ok, I hope you ca n see from that example what I’m talking about. Monotonous speech can be very boring and difficult to listen to. Use correct intonation to make people want to listen to you. It’s generally easy to guess what country a speaker is from just by their accent. Each language has its own characteristic rhythm and melody. Some languages use a wide range of tones and change in pitch with the melody going up and coming down. And other languages sound very flat. These characteristics of languages called intonation. Even though they distinguish one language from another, they are rarely taught. Now in American English, words that carry the highest information of value in a sentence are given more emphasis with

increase loudness—a higher pitch and sometimes a longer duration. Listen to my intonation and notice how I slowly step up and then I work my way down again. Listen to the following made-up advertisement for Diane’s Donuts. Listen to how the words in each sentence are stressed.

Have you ever tried one of Diane’s Donuts They are so delicious. I have eaten many different kinds of donuts, from all over the country; however, I have never tasted anything, quite like Donuts made by Diane. I have been told that she uses the finest and freshest ingredients that money can buy. The best flour, the best eggs and the best milk. I am sure, that once you taste these incredible donuts, you will run and tell all of your friends.

Now I recommend that you practise that paragraph again along with me. Do your best and emphasize the important words by increasing your loudness as well as raising your pitch. Ok Very good. Now let’s talk about Asking Questions. Notice how my voice goes up at the end of a question, like this. Are you sleeping And notice how my voice comes down at the end of the sentence. That is not a question. He is not sleeping. Very often if you d on’t use proper intonation when asking a question. The person you’re speaking to won’t understand that you’ve even asked them question to begin with. So rising up at the end of a question is very important. Ok, now let’s talk about Syllable Stress. In words that contain more than one syllable. There’s always one syllable which receives the most stress or giving a higher pitch. Now although there are many exceptions, it is most common that 2 syllable words have stress on the 1st syllable. Let’s go over some examples. Repeat after me.

















Good. Now here are a few Two-Syllable words that are stressed on the second syllable.

















Very good. Now again. Although there are exceptions. Most Three -Syllable words are stressed on the second syllable.

















Very good. Practise using syllable stress in these sentences.

The pictures are fantastic.

He needs permission to find a solution.

The party is in honor of his retirement.

Her son exhibited bad behavior on their vacation.

Very good. You know stress and intonation can have a big impact on the meaning you’re trying to get across. Let’s compare some of these sentences.

Joe drinks cheap wine.

Sue only drinks expensive wine.

Don’t forget his birthday.

We would never forget his birthday.

She’s planning to leave tomorrow.

He made plans to leave a month ago.

The Teacher’s meeting is at 9:00.

The students announced that they will never have a meeting.

My telephone isn’t working.

The telephone needs to work by lunchtime.

He’s painting his house blue and green.

Your house would look terrible if it were green.

Very good. Well, I hope you have fun with this session. You may wanna watch this one again and go over it a few more times. Now when you’re speaking to people in English, try to bring more intonation into your conversations, you’ll find that you’ll be better underst ood. Thank you for watching. I’m Paul Gruber for the Pronunciation Workshop and I’ll see you at our next session. Goodbye!

美语发音视频教程Paul Gruber主讲全程15个系列教程文本

Session One 1. Consonant R 2. Consonant W Hi, I’m your instructor Paul Gruber and welcome to the Pronunciation Workshops---First Training Session. I am very excited that you have taken this first step to improve your English pronunciation and I do hope that you would enjoy this program and receive great benefits from it. Before we begin I wanna make sure that you have downloaded and printed out the training manual which accompanies this course. If you have not yet done so, please do it soon because you’ll definitely need it. Now you may be wondering how is it that I am going to help you change the way you speak. Well, basically, when you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. Y ou were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. And you know why? Well, because when you learned English, nobody ever showed you what the sounds and speech rules of English were until now. That’s why I’m coming . Because I am going to show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly. Knowing in using these rules will help you reduce or possibly even eliminate your accent. Now throughout the program you’re often going to see me point to my mouth to show you how to produce a particular sound. I want you to pay close attention and try to copy exactly what it is I am doing. I would be showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech. We’re going to practising and I recommend that you use the training manual and try to practise often. When you practise, I recommend that you start out speaking slowly out loud in a strong voice while exaggerating all the mouth movements. What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow. If you can pronunce words and sentences correctly speaking slowly, well, then you’ll have no problem in saying them fast. I believe practising is important, but I do not believe it’s the only key towards success. Being aware of your errors. That’ s the key. Being aware and also recognizing mistakes when you hear them will probably be the most important factors towards your improvement. Another thing I’d like you to keep in mind and I’m sure you may have noticed this already is that when most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements. Watch my mouth when I say something like “Wow, was there really raining on Wednesday!” Did you see how my mouth seemed to


英语国际音标 1. IPA音标 IPA是International Phonetic Alphabet的缩写,称为国际音标。中国英语学习者大部分习惯使用国际音标的标音体系。 2. D.J.音标 英式英语发音音标。D.J.是英国语音学家Daniel Jones的姓名缩写。他根据IPA编写的英国英语的发音辞典《English Pronouncing Dictionary》中所用的发音符号,就是一般通称的D.J.音标。 3. K.K.音标 美式英语发音音标。K.K.是两位美国语言学者J. S. Kenyan和T. A. Knott的姓氏缩写。他们根据IPA所编的描述美国英语的发音辞典《A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English》中所使用的发音符号,就是一般通称的K.K.音标。 概述 英语国际音标是狭义上的国际音标 先说国际音标 [1]国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,原义是“国际语音字母”简称IPA,由国际语音协会制定。 1888年,由英国的H~斯维斯特倡议,由法国的P~帕西和英国的D~琼斯等人完成,发表在《语音教师》上(“国际语音协会”前身“语音教师协会”的会刊),这是历史上第一个国际音标表。后经多次修订,现通行的是1979年修订的方案。 我们所说的国际音标一般来说有广义和狭义之分。如果区分不清的话,对学习英语的的朋友来说容易造成概念混淆和学习过程中的迷惑。 广义上的国际音标并不是指我们学习英语的过程中所见到的音标,而是指我们刚才说国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet,即“国际语音字母”IPA, 狭义上的国际音标就是指英语国际音标,更狭义地也就是指DJ音标。由于它用来标注英语的发音,一般都把它叫做英语国际音标,后来在国内干脆简称国际音标。这么一来,就容易和广义的国际音标IPA 造成混淆。 详细介绍 什么是DJ音标? DJ音标跟英国语音学家Daniel Jones有关。他根据IPA编了一本英国英语的发音辞典English Pronouncing Dictionary(第1版至第12版,最后一版的出版时间为1963)。他所编的英语发音字典代表了被称为“Received Pronunciation”(RP)(标准读音)的读音,这在受过教育的英国人尤其是南部英格兰人中通用。目前DJ音标符号共计有47个,其中辅音有24个﹔元音有23个。 标准


美语的发音规则 重读。通常句中的实义词(名词、实义动词、数词等)是句子的关键词,携带重要信息应重读。如在"Y ou have finished the job."一句中,"finished"和"job"一般重读;有时为表达特定的含义,把重读放在本不该重读的词上。如上一句话,把重音放在"have" 上,则含有说话人未料到你已完成了工作的意思。 弱读。英语中的介词、冠词、连词等虚词有两种读音:一种为强读形式,用于单念和连贯言语;另一种为弱读形式,用于言语的轻读。轻读表现在元音的弱化上,如"at"[?t]弱化为[эt]。口语中语气越随便,语流越快,弱化现象越频繁,也就越难懂。 同化。一个音受临音影响而变化的现象就是同化。如辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ],辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]。 英美发音差异。英美发音体系不尽相同,在某些方面差异很大。如当字母a位于辅音[s]、[θ]、[f]、[m]、[n]前时,美音为[?],英音为[a];在英音中,字母"r"只有在元音前是才发音,在元音后一般不发音,而美音中,一般均发卷舌音[r];字母组合"wh"在英音中,为[w],美音则为[hw]等。 五大发音要点 我们将复杂的(complicated)语音规则总结成五大发音要点,使一般人都能掌握(master)。 它们是:长元音和双元音饱满;短元音急促有力;连音;略音和咬舌头。 一、长元音和双元音饱满 鬼鬼祟祟的英文就是鬼鬼祟祟(sneaky; lousy)的元音造成的!只要把元音发饱满(full; plump),你的英语立刻会变得悦耳动听。那些英美流行歌手就是元音饱满的典范! 1. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. 2. Macao came back to China in 1999. 3. I like the shape of that mountain. 〔包含了四个容易混淆的元音〕 二、短元音急促有力 4. Jim must study a little bit more. 5. Let's get together again. 三、连音 6. I'm working on-it. 7. I'll think-it-over. 四、略音 第一条规则:以某音结尾的单词+同音开始的单词--只发一次即可! 8. Y ou ate-too much. 9. I don't know what-to-do. 〔两个辅音连接,只读后一个〕 第二条规则:以〔t〕,〔d〕,〔k〕,〔g〕,〔p〕和〔b〕+以辅音开始的单词前面的发音“点到为止”,舌头达到发音中位,但不送气! 10. Lend-me your black-bag. 11. I don't-like-people asking me for money.


元音 第一节前元音 1 国际音标[i:] 美国音标/i/ 经典外号: “穿针引线长衣音”,简称“长衣音”。 please IPA [spi:k] v.请:使高兴、满意 Please / speak English / with me. IPA [pli:z spi:k???ɡl??wiemi:] 请和我说英语。 实战对话 A:Please speak English with me. 请和我说英语。 B:OK. My pleasure. 好的,乐意之致。 2 国际音标[i]美国音标/?/ 经典外号: “经典收小腹减肥短衣音”,简称“短衣音”。 difficult IPA [?difik?lt] adj.困难的;艰难的 It’s not difficult / to speak English. IPA[?ts n?t ?difik?lt t?spi:k???ɡl?? ] 说英语不难。 实战对话 A:I t’s not difficult to speak English. 说英语不难。 B:You’re right. It’s pretty easy if you practice enough.说得对。如果练得足够多,就非常容易。

3 国际音标[e]美国音标/?/ 经典外号: “小开口45度“音,简称为”45度“音。 everything IPA [?evr?θ??] pron. 每件事;一切 Everything / is ready. IPA [ ?evr?θ???z ?red?] 一切都准备好了。 实战对话 A:Everything is ready. 一切都准备好了。 B:Great! Thanks for all your help. 太棒!了感谢你所有的帮助。 4 国际音标[?]美国音标/?/ 经典外号: “小开口90度”音,简称“90度大嘴”音。 practice IPA[?pr?kt?s] n.联系;实践;操作 Practice / makes perfect. IPA [ ?pr?kt?s meiks ?p?:f?kt ] 熟能生巧。 实战对话 A:Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 B:I totally agree! I just need to find more time to practice. 我完全同意!我只是需要找更多的时间去操练。


英式英语与美式英语的区别 一、拼写,美国人更注重实用性,因此美式英语的拼写比英式英语更简洁。



五、语法及表达 1. 名词 1-2. 集合名词做主语时,英国英语的谓语动词可以是单数形式或者复数形式,美国英语几乎是用单数形式英式:They are a family who has been very influential in the history of this country. 美式或英式:The committee has decided to look into the matter further. 1-3. 名词作定语时,美国英语多用单数形式,而英国英语则常用其复数形式 英式:The worker decided to form a new trades union. 美式:The worker decided to form a new trade union. 2. 动词 英语中的to have 是个词性不明确的动词。英国人既把它用作助动词又把它用作实义动词;美国人则一律将它当作实义动词来用。 当动词have有致使之意时,美国用have;英国对上级用get,对下级用make.英语中的to have 是个词性不明确的动词。 英式:I will get someone come. 美式:I will have someone come. 3. 形容词 在美国英语中,形容词的比较级可以跟在all the 之后,表示强调。而英国英语则使用any 加形容词比较级这一形式来表示强调 英式:Can’t you do any better than that? 美式:Is that all the better you can do? 4. 时态 表距现在不远的过去所发生或完成的事情,英国英语常用现在完成时,美国英语则倾向于使用一般过去时英式:I have studied your report already. 美式:I studied your report already. 英式:Now I know what it is! I’ve forgotten its name. 美式:Now I know what it is! I forgot its name. 5. 日期表达 英式用日月年,美式用月日年,且日期里的st,nd,rd不写出来 英式:20th March, 1998 读作the twentieth of March, nineteen ninety-eight 美式:March 20, 1998 读作March the twentieth, nineteen ninety-eight 6. 数字读法 6-1. 数字读法,如175 英式:a/one hundred and seventy-five 美式:one hundred seventy-five, 常省略and 6-2. 表述房间号,电话号时,英式多用double,triple,美式则直接读,三个连用时也用three +数字复数英式9224:nine double two four 美式9224:nine two two four 英式60009:six triple one nine 美式60009:six one one one nine;six three ones nine

【最新2019】ABC美式英语发音词典视频(英语初学者或要纠正发音者必看)-范文word版 (2页)

【最新2019】ABC美式英语发音词典视频(英语初学者或要纠正发音者必看)-范文word版本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == ABC美式英语发音词典视频(英语初学者或要纠正发 音者必看) 《 ABC 英文发音字典》( American English Pronunciation Dictionary ) 这是一个50分钟的美式英语读音视频教程,该教程循序渐进的教会你正确、清晰、有效的英语美式读音... Learn to speak English clearly with these helpful , step by step instructions . ● 边看边学!50分鐘学好自然发音 ● 特聘美加地区语言学家亲自教学,利用嘴型变化正确发音 ● 使用美式自然发音法,与 K . K .音标对照学习 ● 每个发音皆有完整口型及单字示范说明 荣获亚马逊书店五颗星★★★★★ 最高评价 ● 亚马逊书店语言图书类销售前三强 ● 美国连锁优良书店语言学习类销售第一名 ● 常春藤解析英语杂誌社社长赖世雄推荐 American English Pronunciation Dictionary ABC Pronunciary , an American English pronunciation dictionary , teaches the sounds of the alphabet in a logical and clear manner . Vowels , consonants , digraphs , blends and silent letters are presented with simplicity . A full description of the mouth formation , with word examples , is given for each sound . Practice sentences are included for reinforcement . This English - learning material is aimed at beginning - to - intermediate students , but it can benefit all who wish to improve their speaking abilities . In a group setting ( a class ), among friends or through self - study ,


作者有话说:这是小编在沪江做的一个美音小课程的文本资料,文库无法上传音频,课程附全部详细的语音讲解,请大家一定要对照音频学习才会有效果哦。音频资料请需要的童鞋到沪江找babylonsky索要哦~或者直接到沪江论坛口语板块资料下载中找韦氏音标系列课程的帖子(已加精) 韦氏音标对照发音 by babylonsky from hujiang 韦氏音标国际 音标 美语发音要点例词 ?? / ?英式英语中这两个音的发音有明显差别,但是美音中 虽然在语言学上区别对待,但是发音相同,被称为 shwa(非中央元音)。发音很轻松,嘴巴轻轻一张就 出来的声音。美音中大部分被弱化的音节都会发这个 音,一般出现在词头词尾,非重音的音节。 but, cut, about, upstairs, come, organization America ??或?这个注意和/?/放一起记。 英音中的三类音:1.原英音中发/?:/并且不带卷舌r 的音;2. 原英音中发成/?/的音;3. 原英音中发/ɑ:/ 但是不带卷舌r的少数特例,比如a在l前面(calm、 palm),或少数几个特殊例子(father、plaza、Chicago)。 第一类一般在美音中被发成?,多出现在单音节词 中;第二类和第三类一般在美音中被发成?。在很多 情况下,?和?是可以互相替代的,在有些发音书中 会只取其中一种标记表示这个两个音而不加以区分。 相比英音的/?/,美音的?发音部位更靠前,音更长, 音会明亮一些;而?没有英音的/ɑ:/那么硬,也没 那么长,口型主要是上下开口比较大,左右咧开没 有英音那么大。 boy, caught, tall, call, paw, daughter mop, policy, sorry, hot, father ō??美音的 ō与英音从?到?音不同,更像是从o到?的 音 soul, coat iΙ或i 这个音要注意的不是它本身的发音,而是在美音中很 多英音中应该为/i/的音,会被发成/?/。比如spirit / 'sp i r? t /,it也可以发成/?t/(一般是非重读音 节中的i会发成/?/,因为美国人是怎么省力怎么 发)。 spirit, sit, pitch īai 美音的ī要发短一些,不要太长(其实很好理解,因 为组成ī的双元音的前半部分的是美音中的?音, ice, site, pie, like


美式英语与英式英语在发音上的差异 一、舌音 1、过耳不忘之/r/音 但凡略微接触过英音和美音的同学都知道,英音和美音最大的区别就是卷舌音!有些同学认为idea读成美音就是idea(r),famous在美音里面就是famou(r)s,但是这种读法是错误的!那么,问题来了,美音什么时候才会出现卷舌?是否美音里只有出现“r”才会卷舌?这个说法也不全面,具体情况且听笔者娓娓道来。 在英音中,字母r在元音前才发音,如red (红色)、run(跑),而在辅音前或词尾时是几乎不发音的,如farm(农场),car(汽车),例外情况就是a beer or a coke中的连读。但在美语中,r在辅音前发明显的卷舌音,如park(公园),在词尾时亦发音,如star(星星)。但是美音中也有特殊单词不符合这种发音规律:例如Mistress该单词的缩写形式Mrs就不符合美音中r在辅音前发明显的卷舌音的规则。另外Colonel(上校)虽然没有“r”字母,但是在美音发音中却需要卷舌。由此可见,各位同学需要在掌握一般性美音卷舌规则的基础上,把握特殊情况,如此方能卷的正确,卷的好听! 2、似是而非之fast d弹舌音 这种发音是酸梅汤老师在课上经常作为“炫技唬人”的绝杀招数。在一部分非重读音节中(如ladder,cattle, letter,city,party),英音会清楚地发音“t”“d”两个音素,但在美音中“d”和“t”常常会被模糊成一个fast /d/音。就中文而言,南方某些地区的方言中就存在这种发音,同时就其它的语言而言,西班牙语或者俄语中的“rolling r”音就趋同于美音中此种特殊发音,我们称之为弹舌音。如果你既不身怀“绝技”,也不曾接触过西班牙语或俄语,那么你还是好好通过“原文链接”和酸老师好好学习或者规规矩矩按照音标念吧,可能不是很“美”,但至少不会很“乱”。 二、音变 3、销魂音变之/?/音 在/ss/, /st/, /th/, /ff/, /nce/, /s/, /l/, /m/, /n/等辅音之前的字母a,美国英语一般读作/ ? / 音,而英国音则发作/a:/。如:pass, last, path, staff, chance, castle, half, example, answer在美音中/a/音都会音变成/ ? /音。友情提示各位读者,calm和palm是例外,不发生音变。 4、销魂音变之/a/音 通常情况下,英音中短/?/音在美音中基本音变成/a/音。例如:pot, box, watch, popular等在美音中都符合此发音变化规则。此变化规则简单易懂,可操作性强,当然前提是你有足够的单词积累以及单词敏感度,可以瞬间反应出单词中的短音/?/,然后进行音变处理,如果你不具备此项功能,那么还是乖乖查字典积累单词吧! 5、销魂音变之短/?/音 英音中长音/?:/和短音/?/有相当明显的发音区别,比如horse和hot在英音中的发音对比就十分鲜明。美音在此时对长音/?:/进行了一个大胆变化,直接将长音/?:/处理成了短音/?/的发音方式,如pause在美音里的发音就趋同于pot在英音里的发音,talk在美音里的发音就趋同于tock在英音里的发音。聪明的你可能就会问,horse,pork也符合这种音变规则吗?笔者莞尔一笑,扔给你三个字加一个标点符号:不符合!Horse,pork这种在英音里面读作长音/?:/,但是在美音里面却需要处理成卷舌音的单词就不需要折腾音变,正常发长音/?:/,然后发好卷舌音就足够,可谓鱼和熊掌不可兼得。 6、低调省音之/j/音 字母u和字母组合ew出现在l, d, n, t, s, k 之后,美音会省略/j/音,只读/u/音, 而英音倾向读/ju/。如student会从/?stju:dnt/变成/?stu:dnt/。类似的单词还有stupid,opportunity,new,stew。


标准美音和英音 GA:General American,美语普通话,是为除东部及南部的一部分州以外绝大部分美国地区通用的口音。也是广泛应用于美国广播、电视、电影中的发音。 RP:Received Pronunciation,公认的发音,指的是Daniel Jones博士在1917年版English Pronouncing Dictionary序言中描述的:这是一种被接受过的英国公学教育的人所操持的南部口音.这种发音以英国南部发音为依据,也是在“预备”寄宿学校或“公学”中受过教育的人当中所通用的。这些学校中的发音相当统一,而且不受地方音的影响。这种发音的好处是英语国家中任何地区的人都容易听懂它,而且它可能比其他任何类型的发音都更广泛地为人们所听懂。 元音区别1 当字母r 出现在单词的元音字母(A,E,I,O,U)组合中时,美语会出现独特的卷舌音。 英国英语中r只在接续元音时发音,音节末尾的"r"不发生r音化 美:are /ɑ:r/ bird /?:r/ here /hi?/ hair /h??/ tour /tu?/ door /d??/ "car"[kɑ?]/[kɑ?r] "hard"[hɑ?d]/[hɑ?rd] "born"[b??n]/[b??rn] "water"[w??t?]/[w????r] 在做辅音时,其实差别也就是当r在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头,英语把r完全当作元音处理,而美语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音,如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear|animosity,而美语会读成clear-ranimosity。 元音区别2 英语元音/a:/ 当单独岀现在辅音[f], [s], [θ], [e], [n],[m]之前时, 美语发非圆唇前舌半窄宽元音[?]。但在字母组合lm前发音不变仍为/ɑ:/。 half , bath, pass,sample,dance,calm,palm 元音区别3 英语/?:/,美语发/ɑ/。 bought ,talk,ball,caught,saw,applaud 元音区别4 元音“o”英语发/?/,美语发非圆唇后舌宽元音/ɑ/。 cot,lock,shop,box,not,hot ,stop 元音区别5 英语/ ?/、/ ?/在美语中不再区分,读为/ ?/。 but ,touch,love,blood


中美口语发声习惯的区别 英语和汉语属于两个完全不同的语言系统,其发声习惯是有着很大区别的。(英语属于日耳曼语系而汉语属于汉藏语系)。 中国人讲话时主要是运用口腔和喉腔来发声的,而美国人除了口腔和喉腔之外,还运用了"胸腔"的力量,这样做的客观效果是很容易形成"胸腔共鸣",听起来具有磁性和穿透力,讲起英语来,非常悦耳动听。 这种现象和差别是如何产生的呢? 我们不妨从"发声学"的角度来看:众所周知,人说话的"声音"是依靠人体的共鸣产生的,一般地说,人体有五大"共鸣腔":口腔、喉腔、鼻腔、胸腔、脑腔。 那么"共鸣效果"的决定因素又是什么呢? 现代科学发声学认为:声音共鸣点的位置决定了"共鸣效果",由于不同的"共鸣点"对应着不同的"共鸣腔","共鸣效果"自然就不同。如果我们把"共鸣点"分为前、中、后三个点,大家马上就会发现它与"共鸣腔"的对应关系: 前-----口腔共鸣+喉腔共鸣(声音单薄、柔弱) 中-----口腔共鸣+喉腔共鸣+部分胸腔共鸣(声音洪亮、有力) 后-----口腔共鸣+喉腔共鸣+完全胸腔共鸣+鼻腔共鸣(声音饱满、磁性)在汉语语系中,我们可以发现典型的例子: 例1:我国东南沿海的广东人、上海人,他们讲话时的"共鸣点"的位置较靠前,以"口腔共鸣+喉腔共鸣"为主,声音听起来"温婉细腻、单薄柔弱",比较适合女同志讲,男同志就显得有些"娘娘腔"了。所以大家笑话"上海男人",其中语言形象是主要因素之一。 例2:我国中部的武汉人,他们讲话时"共鸣点"的位置居中,以"口腔共鸣+喉腔共鸣+部分胸腔共鸣"为主,声音听起来"粗犷豪迈、洪亮有力",比较适合男同志讲,女同志就显得有些"悍妇"之嫌了,全国流行一句笑话"宁听苏州人吵架,不听武汉人讲话",就很幽默地表达了这层意思。 ~~身为武汉人的我,听这话咋这不舒服呢 例3:我国北方的北京人,他们讲话时的"共鸣点"的位置典型靠后,以"口腔共鸣+喉腔共鸣+完全胸腔共鸣+鼻腔共鸣"为主,声音听起来"字正腔圆、饱满磁


Pronunciation Workshop Instructor:Paul Gruber Introduction:(01:17-02:27) When you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English、This is what gives you an accent、 You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English、This program will show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly and showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips、These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech、 How to Practice(02:35-03:15) Speak slowly Use a Loud Voice Exaggerate Your Mouth Movements What would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns、 These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow、 The Key to Success(03:15-05:15) Being aware of your errors Recognizing mistakes when you hear them When most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements、 Arrangement of this program(05:15-05:45) During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds、Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, like ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo、And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds、 Session One(05:55-22:34)


三:英语和美语在读音上的差异 英语和美语在读音上的差异主要反映在元音字母a, o 和辅音字母r 的不同读音上。 1.在ask, can't, dance, fast, half, path 这一类的单词中,英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[?],所以这些词在美国人口中就成了 [?sk][k?nt][d?ns][f?st][h?f]和[p?θ ]。 2.在box, crop, hot, ironic, polish, spot这一类单词中,英国人将字母o读作[?],而美国人则将o读作近似[a:]音的[a]。所以这些词在美国人读起来就成了[baks][krap] [hat][ai'ranik][paliJ] 和[spat]。 3.辅音字母r在单词中是否读音是英语与美语的又一明显差异。在英语的r音节中不含卷舌音[r],而美语的r音节中含卷舌音[r],如下列词在英语和美语中读音是不同的: 英语读音美语读音 car [ka:] [kar] door [d ?] [d ?:r] river ['riv ?] ['riv ?r] party ['pa:ti] ['parti] board [b ?:d] [b ?rd] dirty ['d ? :ti] ['d ? rti] morning ['m ?:ni ?] ['m ?rni ?] 英语中只有在far away, for ever, far and wide等连读情况下,字母r才明显的

读作卷舌音[r]: [fa:r' ? wei][f2'rev ?][far ? ndwaid]。 4.在以-ary或-ory结尾的多音节词中,英国人通常将a或o弱读,而美国人不仅不弱读,还要将a或o所在的音节加上次重音,所以这些词在英语和美语中不仅读音有差异,节奏也显然不同,例如:https://www.360docs.net/doc/6b3432968.html, 英语读音美语读音 schedule [' ?iedju:l] ['sked?u:?l] 以上关于英语和美语读音不同的比较,是仅就大多人的读音或标准读音而言的,不考虑地区或方言的影响。 dictionary [' 'dik??n?ri] ['dik??’nori] laboratory [l?'b?:r?t?ri] ['l?br?,tori] necessarily ['nesis?rili] [,nesi'serili] preparatory [pri'p?r?t?ri] [pri'p?r?,tori] secretary ['sekr?tri] ['sekr?,tori] 5.在以-ile结尾的另一类单词中,英国人将尾音节中的字母i读作长音[ai];而美国人则弱读作[?],例如: 英语读音美语读音 docile ['dousail] ['das? l] fertile ['f?tail] ['f?rtl] fragile ['fr?d?ail] ['fr?d??l] hostile ['hostail] ['hast?l] missile ['misail] ['mis?l] 除此之外,另有一些难于归类的单词在英语和美语中读音也各有不


48 英语口语的学习方法 我国的英语教学很长一段时间里都背着 “哑巴英语 ”的骂名。这一骂名的价值在于它使几乎每个 学英语的人(包括英语教师)都意识到了口语的重要性。在这里我们且不去探讨 “哑巴英语 ”产 生的原因、教师的无奈、体制的弊端等高深的问题,而是心平气和地坐下来好好谈谈更为实际 点儿的问题,那就是,有了学习口语的决心之后,我们应当怎么做才科学、才见效。本讲义的 提纲如下,今天只讲第一部分: 1.第一层:纠正发音 2.第二层:音标组词 3.第三层:连词成句 4.第四层:连句成篇 5.第五层:学习口语 口语学习第一层:纠正发音 一、为何要学习音标? 许多人英语学了 “好几遍 ”到头来连 48 个音标都读不出、列不全,当然还有些英语学习者尚不知 道英语共有 26个字母。这说明什么问题呢?首先,英语教师难辞其咎。你没有把音标的事情向 学生交待清楚,你没有找到行之有效的办法使学生改变其浓重的地方音,或者是你没有把纠音 的任务当成你的份内之事;其次,英语学习者也脱不了干系。你从没有认认真真地学习过这 个音标,你总想着一口气吃成个胖子,或者是你早早地就失去了耐性。 任何一个英语单词都由音、形、意三部分构成。音标标其声、字母合其形、定义传其意。如果 你只把握了形意部

分而搞不清发不准声音部分,那怎么能够算是学会了这个词呢?语言的主要目的是传达思想的,当思想需要口语来传达时,发音的规范性便开始左右传达的效率了。同时, 发音如写字一样代表着一个人的门面。你写得一手好字,人人都会对你有好感;你说一口流利而标准的英文,既便你的英语整体水平不高,人家也会认为你英语学得不错。 我也见过许多很有语言天分的人,他们知识渊博、思想深邃、词汇丰富、表达流畅、滔滔不绝。美中不足的就是五音不全,语音错误率令人瞠目结舌。就此现象而言,我想说的是,语言以达意为主,你说的别人听得懂,你能保持顺畅的交际便可以了;问题在于这种做法是退而求其次的一种无奈之举,是以损失交际效果及个人形象为代价的。 学音标的另一个优越之处是能够提高词汇的积累效率。汉语的拼音与汉字之间几乎没有什么联 系,可以说是两种语言系统,所以汉语是世界上最难学习的语言之一;而英语则不同,音标组 合与字母组合之间有相当多的规律可以遵循。我的学生都知道我给他们列出的记词标准:看到 生词便能发出其音,重读不错则不许有错;听到生词便能写出其形,允许有一至两个字母的差错。记单词的顺序在我这里因此就成了先记发音,再通过发音识记词形,最后才是把音形与意通过记忆、运用等方式牢牢掌握住。据学生的反映,这种方法使他们摆脱了每个词写上百八十遍的记词法、记单词不是很累、听力有所加强等等。当然也有负面的反映,有几个小学生向我告状,说他们的英语老师课上考单词是念汉语意思让他们写出英语单词来,所以写得都不好,要是读英语写英语,就准保没问题。 二、选择英语还是美语? 英语音标还有英式与美式之分,这给英语学习者带来了不小的混乱。所以首先我们来谈一下英美音的取舍问题。我国的英语教育在很长一段时间里是以标准的英国英语为准绳,因此以前所编著的小初中高及大学教材几乎无一例外的是英式英语的。随着近年来中国英语教育的大转向, 美语教材开始频频出现。这里多少有政治因素在里面,我们且不去谈,只要明白美语在你未来的英语学习中将占很大的部分就可以了。 针对这种情况,我的建议是,还是要先学习国际音标,然后在国际音标的基础上再学习美式音标。因为我的经验证明这样的做法比较简单可行。以后我会给大家列出英美语发音区别的一个 单子供大家参考。至于你是选择说英式英语还是美式英语,我觉得这个问题比较复杂,因为我连自己说的到底是


中小学英语教学应该怎样对待美式英语和英式英语的差别 既然有人提到这个问题,我就把我所知道的讲讲。标准现代英式英语(简称英语)和标准美式英语(简称美语)的区别说大不大,说小也不小,但是两者互相理解没有任何实质性的问题。此文的目的是对两者的区别进行一个大概的比较,给有兴趣的朋友一个参考,但并不能作为学习另一种口音的教材。其中也漏洞百出,若有不尽之处,还请高人指正补充。 元音: 英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a(如about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为[i], [i], [u:], [u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。 英语和美语的发音最具代表性的区别是对er的发音的不同。英语中,短音的er是如上所述的浑元音,但长音的er也不过是个拉长了的浑元音,听起来是一个很夸张的介于“俄”和“啊”的声音。而美语中,er听起来怎么都是个“儿”音(例外是一些俗语中发成浑元音)。 ar:除了轻读短音(如singular)和者后连元音(如clarity),英语的ar全部清一色的长音[a:],而美语中,是“阿尔”。事实上,凡是有r在一个音节尾部的时候,美英发音通常都是不一样的,如tour(英:吐啊,美:吐儿),tear(英:踢啊,美:踢儿),pair(英:pe啊,美:pe 儿)。甚至在刚才提到的clarity中,英语['kleriti],美语['kle儿r(er)ti] 元音的发音中还有一个比较重要的区别。一是[o]音:短音的o(如often),英语中发音仅仅为一个缩短了的长音o(如or),而美式的短音o听起来和英语的短音[/\]很像,同时长音o 后面如果有r都通常像上一段里说的那样儿化了,没有的话(如plausible, applause)就自动变成了一个短音的o的发音。 另外对u,i和其他元音组合的浑元音化,前面提到了一些,其他就靠大家自己体会了。 辅音: 英语的辅音和美语的辅音是基本一样的,但在使用习惯上有些差别。比较重要的也只有以下两个: r:字母r简直是代表了英美两国的所有差别,到处都是它。在做辅音时,其实差别也就是当r在第一个词的词尾,而第二个词以元音开头,英语把r完全当作元音处理,而美语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音,如词组clear animosity,英语会读成clear|animosity,而美语会读成clear-ranimosity。 另一个比较明显的区别是d和t。在一部分非重读音节中(如paddle,rattle, actuality),英语会清楚地发音这两个字母,但在美语中d和t常常会被模糊成一个很难解释的音,跟其它的语言比较,如果你知道西班牙语或者意大利语,它跟短弹音r很接近;如果你懂日语,那么らりるれろ行的辅音很像。如果你都不知道,那么最接近的解释就是边音l了,但是差了那
