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广东人饮早茶时,当 茶壶里没茶水时,顾 客无须叫喝,只要把 茶壶盖揭开,并放在 茶壶盖口上的半边架 着,服务员就会自动 过来加上开水的,这 是广东饮早茶文化之 中一条特定的条约, 或者有外省人会有担 心,其实只要是干这 一行的服务员都会注 意到这一点的,当然, 服务员太忙没留意的 时候也可以叫过来加 上开水。
• And morning tea having some comment food ,such as
Chicken feet (凤爪)
Steamed Shaomai Dumplings
Steamed Rice Rolls 肠粉
Shrium Dumplings 虾饺
Steamed BBQ Pork Bun
Black sticky rice pudding 黑糯米糕 • Egg and butter cake • 马拉糕
Steamed spareribs 蒸排骨
Sticky rice in lotus leaf 糯米鸡
• Stewed Milk Beancurd • 双皮奶
Ginger Mike 姜撞奶
Drinking morning tea can date back to Qing dynasty.
Line knocking the tea ceremony(行叩茶礼)
Guangdong traditionalists drink morning tea, can often see someone in pour tea, will accept pour tea with two fingers gently knocking on fire desktop, said thanks , in fact this line is a knock at the tea ceremony, and the etiquette also well. Repo rtedly, the qing emperor qianlong and the qing first wit, qing dynasty university ji' s morning mist cruise jiangnan incognito, went to a teahouse, as the emperor qia nlong 1:00 pleased, competition to name the courtiers ji's morning mist pour tea, this is very thing in the feudal era, is also as a servant to a great deal of grace, ji' s morning mist line should be three kneeling nine on etiquette, gift of three hoora y, but they are travel incognito, must not be exposed to the emperor, but can't los e this gift, ji's morning mist used his quick wits, fold two fingers like knees click d esktop represent three knelt down, and then closed fist tap desktop representativ e kowtow. Thanks, already so don't expose the identity of the emperor, and etiqu ette. Then spread to the people, because without such a gift, then changed to tw o fingers tapped on the desktop, as a sign of gratitude, and has been spread so f ar.
Morning Tea 早茶
We drinking morning tea together in free time. 得闲一齐饮茶。
You can often hear it in Guangdong. However,drinking morning tea are used to chat with family member and friends in the restaurant while drinking tea and eating some breakfast.
Egg Tart
Pan-fried Sponge Cake 香煎黄金糕
Sweet Heart Cake 老婆饼
• Sampan Congee • 艇仔粥
Mandarin and the porridge 状元及第粥
• Guangdong traditionalists drink morning tea, when no tea in the teapot, customers do not need to call to drink, as long as the lid open, and the mouth of the lid on the side frame, the waiter will automatically come with boiling water, it is the guangdong drink morning tea culture in a specific treaty, or have a mainlander there will be a worry, as long as it is actually do this line of attendant would have noticed this, of course, the server is too busy to can call add boiling water。
Dringking morning tea can date back to Qing dynasty.
Line knocking the tea ceremony(行叩茶礼)
• 广东人饮早茶时,会常看到有人在斟茶时,接受斟茶 的人会用两个手指轻轻的叩点着桌面,表示答谢,其 实这是行叩茶礼,而且这种礼仪还大有来头。据传, 清朝乾隆皇帝和大清第一才子、清朝大学士纪晓岚微 服巡游江南时,来到一家茶楼,作为皇帝的乾隆一时 高兴,竞给臣子纪晓岚斟起茶来,这在封建时代是不 得了的事情,也是作为臣子莫大的恩典,在礼仪上纪 晓岚应该是行三跪九拜,三呼万岁之大礼,但他们是 微服巡游,绝对不能暴露皇帝身份,但又不能失此大 礼,纪晓岚急中生智,屈起两指如屈膝状轻点桌面代 表三跪,然后合上拳头轻叩桌面代表叩头九拜,这样 既可不暴露皇帝的身份,又不失礼仪。后来传到民间, 因无须如此大礼,遂改为两个指头轻叩桌面,以示谢 意,而且一直流传至今。
• Guangdong people drink morning tea in Guangdong . Someone are all family number sitting around a table, sharing family happiness and eating a breakfast. And some people go to work after drinking morning tea , others are kill time.
广东人饮早茶,有的是当作早餐的,一般都是 全家老小围坐一桌,共享天伦之乐。有的喝完 早茶即去上班,有的则以此消闲时间。