






























































































【英语】高考英语快速阅读套题答案及解析 一、单项选择过去将来时 1.We made ____ clear when and where we ____ going to have the meeting. A.that; are B.it; are C.it; were D.that; were 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我们弄清楚了什么时间和什么地点召开会议。这里it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的从句;第二空谓语动词的时态根据主句的动词来确定,主句用了过去式,宾语从句也用过去式,故选C。 考点:考查代词及动词时态的用法。 点评:本题难度适中。代词是高中阶段要求掌握的语法项目,尤其是it的用法多,并且还是高考常考的知识点,需要考生在平时反复的练习中巩固掌握它的用法。动词的时态是高考必考的内容,考生必须会理解不同时态的用法。 即学即练:At the shop, they wanted to show me all the dresses, but I was interested only in ________ in the window. A. this B. that C. it D. the one 解析:D。the one替代the dress. 2.—The plane is leaving right now,but Jim hasn’t arrived yet. —Well,he said he________here on time. A.came B.would come C.can be D.will be 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查时态。句意:——飞机马上要起飞了,但是吉姆还没有到.——他说过他会准时到这儿。由答语可知应用过去将来时,故选B。 3.Nowhere else, as Tim said, _____ except to the small garden in the backyard after school. A.he has gone B.he did go C.had he gone D.would he go 【答案】D 【解析】


小学语文毕业考试试卷及答案 班级姓名分 数 一、抄写下面一段话,要求书写正确、端正、整洁:(3分) 如果地球上的各种资源都枯竭了,我们很难从别的地方得到补充。我们要精心地保护地球,保护地球的生态环境。 二、汉语拼音:(9分) 1.看拼音写词语。(6分) chóng shān jùn lǐng shēn lín qí jìng làn yú chōng shù ()( )() fān tiān fù dì bō tāo xiōng yǒng cuì sè yù liú ()()() 2.给下列带点字选择正确读音。(用“∨”标明)( 3分) 缩短(suō suò)病菌(jūn jǔn)魁梧(wǔ wú) 侮辱(wū wǔ)脊梁(jí jǐ)纯熟(chún cún) 三、字:(15分) 1.比一比,组成词语写下来。(4分) 殖()峻()澄()假 ()

值()骏()瞪()暇 () 植()俊()蹬()瑕 () 2.按要求填空。(2分) “谨慎”的“谨”用音序查字法,应查音序;按部首查字法,应先查部,再查画。“谨”在字典里有两种解释:①小心;②郑重。在这个词中应取第种中解释。 3.写出“花”字在下列不同句子中的意思。(5分) (1)灯会上,各式各样的彩灯把我的眼睛都看花了。 (2)学生不应当乱花钱。 (3)他在战场上挂了花,被送到了战地医院。 (4)我们不要被花言巧语所迷惑。 (5)桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情。 4.辨字组词。(4分) (记计纪)念、算、录、律 (历励厉)害、代、史、勉 四、词语:(7分) 1.选词填空。(3分) 继续陆续

(1)我们几个人()跳上一只小船。 (2)我们班()三年获得接力赛跑第一名。 (3)我们要()努力,争得更大成绩。 爱护热爱爱抚爱戴 (4)王校长经常教育我们要()祖国,()公物。他是受人()的好校长。 2.按要求写成语。(4分) (1)描写颜色的: (2)描写景色优美的: (3)描写人物品质的: (4)描写人物外貌的: 五、句子:(7分) 1.指出下列句子采用什么修辞方法,写在后面的括号里。(3分) (1)天空的星星快活地眨着眼。() (2)大虫吼一声,如同半天起了一个霹雳,震得山冈也动了。 () (3)大虫把铁棒似的尾巴倒竖起来。() 2.判断句子类型。(4分) (1) 我的诊所里再不要见到这样的胆小鬼!() (2) 快离开我,咱们两个不能都牺牲!() (3)《清明上河图》是宋代画家张择端的作品。() (4)难道这杯水不是甜的吗?() 六、用修改符号把下面的一段话在字、词、句、标点符号方面的错误改正过来:(5分)


(英语)高考英语快速阅读套题答案及解析 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.________ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. A.Being encouraged B.Encouraging C.Encouraged D.Having encouraged 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查过去分词做状语:句意:被科技的进步鼓舞着,很多农民在自己的土地上建起了风力发电厂。逗号前面的是非谓语动词做状语,encourage和这句话的主语many farmers是被动关系,用过去分词做状语,选C。 考点:考查过去分词做状语 2.______ to as much English as possible is a good way to learn English well. A.Exposed B.Being exposed C.Having exposed D.To expose 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:尽可能多的接触英语是学好英语的很好的办法。这里is是谓语,前面是主语,应该用动名词,而且be exposed to“暴露于,接触”,所以选B。 考点:考查动名词做主语 3.John always gets up early in the morning _____ energetic and ready to start a new day. A.feel B.to feel C.feeling D.felt 【答案】C 【解析】考查现在分词。句意:John总是一大早起床,感觉精力充沛并准备开始新的一天。现在分词做伴随状态。故选C。 4.Jack wasn’t appointed chairman of the committee, ______ not very popular with all its members. A.to be considered B.considering C.having considered D.considered 【答案】D 【解析】 考查非谓语动词。句意:杰克没有被任命为委员会主席,考虑到他的所有成员都不太受欢迎。句中主语Jack和动词consider是被动关系指被别人考虑,用过去分词作状语,不用不定式或-ing形式,故选D. 5.I got to the office earlier that day, ________ the 7:30 train from Paddington. A.caught B.to have caught


Key to Fast Reading (Book One) Unit 1 Festivals and Holidays In-Class Reading 1. Carnival in Brazil (502 words) Key: 1. N 2. Y 3. Y 4. NG 5. N 2. Valentine’s Day (480 words) Key: 1. the 5th century 2. lottery 3. married young men 4. recover her sight 5. Cupid After-Class Reading 1.Chinese Festivals: Keeping Traditions Alive (1,099 words) Key: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 2.The First Thanksgiving (1,073 words) Key: 1.C 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A Unit 2 Campus Life In-Class Reading 1. How to Deal with College Classes (500 words) Key: 1. books and notebooks 2. their reading 3. all their classes/every class 4. days or weeks 5. teachers and upperclassmen 2.The Virtual College (501 words) Key: 1. N 2. Y 3. Y 4. Y 5. NG After-Class Reading 1. The American Education System (945 words) Key: 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 2.Saying Goodbye (991 words) Key: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. D Unit 3 VIP & VIP’s Talks In-Class Reading


The Joy of SOHO: Making a Life While Making a Living A Better Choice The next time you overhear a friend or coworker chattering excitedly about SOHO, don't assume that they are talking about New York. In today's business world SOHO refers to “S mall Office, Home Office,” one of today's biggest explosions in the economy. The home-based business has been born out of necessity. In an era when large corporations always think of downsizing, what are your other choices? Your choices are usually limited: find a profitable field of investment in the small business world, stand in line at unemployment, or accept a cut in pay and benefits. We were all raised to give 9 hours work for 8 hours pay, and we are not backing away from that. Bosses don't understand that you just put braces on your child's teeth and now have to pay for them. In this economic climate, where cost-cutting measures are the order of the day, setting up a home office on your own may just be the ticket to beat the odds. So now, to configure your own small office, home office set-up can be a breeze. How to Start Let's congratulate on your decision to start your own business. But where do you go from here? Paper clips, memo pad, phone and table ---- almost but not quite. One of the faults committed by home-based business owners otherwise known as a small office/home office is that they fail to consider the possibilities of expansion. It is fine to start working from the kitchen table but what happens when things start to take off and you still do not want to have an office space? Where do you place the home office? If you have the space, I highly suggest a room to itself. This permits you to close the door and separate your personal life from business. You are able to leave everything you are working on right where it is instead of having to clean-up for dinner or to go to bed. These clean-up steps can lead to problems down the road. Where you anchor the home office is important for your future success. A corner in the living room, bedroom or attic is preferable if you do not have a room solely for your business. Reasons for the separation include fewer distractions and ability to think and focus more clearly. And you may have to have one or two clients come to your “office” in the lifetime of your business. Even though it is your home, you want to present the best professional atmosphere possible, which is very important if you have people working with you. Their productivity is important to your bottom line. Invest in the appropriate chairs, tables, lighting and ventilation(通风设备)before you invest in the paper clips and the stapler(订书机). If you are not comfortable, neither you nor your employees will stay there and finish the job. Bottom line: Your employees don't want to interact or become a part of your family issues. It is fine to have employees in your home but just make sure you supply them with the best working atmosphere possible. The Popularity of Being SOHO Today, researchers and marketers have identified a segment that is now labeled SOHO, small offices, home offices, whether they are high-tech start-ups or women selling Mary Kay… But they drive America's economic growth and have created most of the new jobs in the last 20 years. 3% of companies accounted for 6 million of the 7.7 million jobs that were added to the economy between 1991-1995. Small businesses represent over 90% of all businesses in the U.S. with an economic output greater than Germany or France or the UK. Reportedly, home-based workers earn more money. The 46 million home-based workers in the United States, including a large number of women, working at home in an attempt to better balance work and family, earn 28% more than the average office worker, and spend less time making their pay. Of course this could be due, in part, to the fact that more experienced and aggressive workers tend to start their own businesses.

2020年人教部编版小学语文小学毕业考试模拟试题 (含答案)

人教部编版小学语文毕业考试模拟试卷 本试卷,共100分。考试时间90分钟。 注意事项:1. 答题前,务必在答卷上规定的地方填写自己的年级、班级、学号、姓名等。 2. 答非选择题时,必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔在答卷的各题目指定区域内的相应位置上书写,在问卷上作答无效。如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案, 不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的,答案无效。 一、基础知识。(30分) 1.下列加点字(词语)注音不正确的是哪一项?( ) A.小圆晕 .(y ùn) B.悼.(di ào)念 C.晌.(sh ǎng)午 D.纤弱..(xi ān ru ò) 2.下列哪一项的读音与其他三项不同?( ) A.玲 B.铃 C.零 D.邻 3.“慕(mu)”的意思,最可能与下列哪一项有关?( ) A.草木 B.心情 C.太阳 D.大小 4.下列词语中有错别字的是哪一项?( ) A.辨别 辩论 B.历史 鼓厉 C.形态 脸型 D.必须 需要 5.“鲜为人知”中的“鲜”与下列哪一项中的“鲜”意思相同?( ) A.鲜血淋漓 B.鲜艳夺目 C.鲜有耳闻 D.光鲜亮丽 6.根据“斩钉截铁”这个成语的特点,可以推断“截”的意思是哪一项?( ) A.切断 B.截止 C.阻拦 D.一段 7.下列句子中,加点成语运用不恰当的是哪一项?( ) A.他初出茅庐就一鸣惊人....,果然是英雄出少年! B.下课铃响了,我和王明成群结队....地走出教室。 C.冲锋号响起,团长身先士卒....,走在队伍的最前面。 D.川流不息....的人群,灯火通明的街市,在诉说着家乡的繁荣。 8.将成语填入句子中,最恰当的是哪一项?( ) 对待学习我们要 ,不要虎头蛇尾。 A.有利可图 B.有根有据 C.有始有终 D.有备无患 学校: 班级 : 姓名: 考 号: 1


英语四级真题快速阅读题 Small Schools Rising This years list of the top 100 high schools shows that today, those with fewer students are flourishing. Fifty years ago, they were the latest thing in educational reform: big, modern, suburban high schools with students counted in the thousands. As baby boomers(二战后婴儿潮时期出生的人) came of high-school age, big schools promised economic efficiency. A greater choice of courses, and, of course, better football teams. Only years later did we understand the trade-offs this involved: the creation of excessive bureaucracies(官僚机构),the difficulty of forging personal connections between teachers and students.SAT scores began dropping in 1963;today,on average,30% of students do not complete high school in four years, a figure that rises to 50% in poor urban neighborhoods. While the emphasis on teaching to higher, test-driven standards as set in No Child Left Behind resulted in significantly better performance in elementary(and some middle)schools, high schools for a variety of reasons seemed to have made little progress. Size isnt everything, but it does matter, and the past decade has seen a noticeable countertrend toward smaller schools. This has been due ,in part ,to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has


快速阅读理解率的测试记录 快速阅读让我相信的确阅读速度是可以经过练习而提升的自然我并不会被书封面上最终可使你达到每分钟约10000字的有效阅读速度所蛊惑单独看这本书而没有长时间的实践尤其是难度逐渐加大的实践我相信10000字还是不容易达成的这本书属于引领让人明白阅读速度可以快到什么程度可以通过哪些观念的改变和技巧的锻炼来提升阅读速度但并不是一剂服后立现效果的仙药。 在阅读这本书的过程中我并不只是读书中有大量的练习尤其是数字方面的每一个我都认真地做了每一个测试也都认真地做了虽然有些还不是很熟练而且也不算适合自己比如使用引导物不过我相信按照循序渐进的练习方法、并且加大阅读量、有意识地提高阅读速度是可以让自己取得快速的进步的。 第一次时间:3分钟速度1323字理解度73%(这是我最早的一次测试也是我当时的起点); 第二次时间:2分钟速度1515字理解度64%; 第三次时间:2分钟速度 1500字理解度30%; 第四次时间:1.82分钟速度1659字理解度46%; 第五次时间:1.5分钟速度 2333字理解度40%; 第六次时间:1分钟速度2450字理解度60%; 理解度是个参考值这和文章内容有关系一般来说感兴趣的领域、以前有了解的领域理解度高些完全陌生且不感兴趣的理解度

低些好在平常要读的书基本都是感兴趣的所以理解度应该还算可以。 下面wtt再为大家介绍一下关于速读训练的训练方法供大家参考和学习。 传统的阅读方法一般是通过一个字一个字的默读 在看到文字的同时大脑中发出声音经过耳朵的感知然后达到理解 用一个简单的流程来表达传统的阅读方式:字---看---音---听---想---理解 人们通常说话的语速每分钟大概为160180个汉字快一些的可以达到250300字。 如果你用传统的方法来阅读由于受到语速的影响一般阅读速度通常不会超过300字/分钟 而快速阅读的主要原理就是直接从词语(句、段)入手整体的感知文字段最大限度的克服文字的发音直接在大脑中理解。 用一个简单的流程来表达传统的阅读方式:字---看---理解---想 这样通过扩大摄入量阅读不再受到说话语速的大脑所接收的信息更多、更快大脑的注意力会比普通阅读更高度集中因此理解率不仅不会下降反而会有所上升。 而普通的阅读方式由于阅读速度慢大脑容易走神 而且阅读时间过长后面忘了前面所以理解率反而会更低。


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Guide Dogs For most dog owners, the expression "work like a dog" doesn't make much sense. But some dogs happily perform very demanding jobs for much of their life, putting in a full day's work just like the rest of us. Guide dogs, one of the most familiar sorts of working dog, provide an invaluable service to humans. Every day, they help their masters get from place to place more safely. What Guide Dogs Do Guide dogs help blind or visually impaired people get around in the world. In most countries, they are allowed to anyplace where the public is allowed, so they can help their handlers be in any place they might want to go to. To do this, a guide dog must know how to: Keep on a direct route, ignoring distractions such as smells, other animals and people Maintain a steady pace, to the left and just ahead of the handler Stop at all curbs until told to proceed Turn left and right, move forward and stop on command Recognize and avoid obstacles that the handler won't be able to fit through (narrow passages and low overheads) Stop at the bottom and top of stairs until told to proceed Bring the handler to elevator buttons Lie quietly when the handler is sitting down Help the handler to board and move around buses, subways and other forms of public Vehicles Obey a number of verbal commands Additionally, a guide dog must know to disobey any command that would put the handler in danger. This ability, called selective disobedience, is perhaps the most amazing thing about guide dogs that they can balance obedience with their own assessment of the situation. This capacity is extremely important at crosswalks, where the handler and dog must work very closely together to navigate the situation safely. Dogs cannot distinguish the color of traffic lights, so the handler must make the decision of when it is safe to proceed across the road. The handler listens to the flow of traffic to figure out when the light has changed and then gives the command "forward". If there is no


小学语文升学考试试卷 班级 姓名 分数 一、看拼音,写词语。(10分) k ǒng b ù h óng m áo ch āi ch ú mi ǎo sh ì ku í w ú ( 恐怖 ) ( 鸿毛 ) ( 拆除 ) ( 藐视 ) ( 魁梧 ) j ìng m ì j ù ju é p ái hu ái l íng h ún k ān ch ēng ( 静谧 ) ( 拒绝 ) ( 徘徊 ) ( 灵魂 ) ( 堪称 ) 二、给加点的字选择正确的读音,在下面画上横线。(6分) 惩. 罚(ch éng ch ěng) 允.诺(r ǔn y ǔn ) 血泊.(b ō p ō) 精湛.(zh àn sh èn) 澎湃.(b ài p ài ) 脊. 梁(jǐjí) 友谊.(y íyì) 模.样(m ó m ú) 吮. 吸(sh ǔn y ǔn ) 僻.静(b ìp ì) 勉强. (qi ǎng qi áng ) 喷.香( p èn p ēn )— 三、用“——”画出词语中的错别字,然后在( )里改正。(4分) 自做自受( 作 ) 迫不急待( 及 ) 千军一发( 钧 ) 一言九顶( 鼎 ) 克苦学习(刻 ) 阴谋鬼计( 诡 ) 一忘无际( 望 ) 全神惯注( 贯 四、仔细辨别下列每个字,给它们各组一个词。(4分) 碗( ) 哄( ) 梯( ) 壁( ) 蜿( ) 烘( ) 涕( ) 璧( )

五.按要求完成下列各题:(5分) 1、按要求填空。(2分) “谨慎”的“谨”用音序查字法,应查音序J ;按部首查字法,应先查部,再查 11 画。“谨”在字典里有两种解释:①小心;②郑重。在这个词中应取第①种中解释。 2、下面的诗句依次填入花名。(2分) (1)春色满园关不住,一枝__红杏______出墙来。 (2)儿童急走追黄蝶,飞人___菜花_____无处寻。 (3)忽如一夜春风来,千树万树____梨花____开。 (4)竹外___桃花_____三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。 3.一个秋雨连绵的日子,安尼想观察一下,晶莹透明的雨水里有些什么,他看了一眼显微镜下的小水滴后,禁不住惊叫起来,“________”……你认为最恰当的一句应是(C._ )。1分 A.别看小水滴那么清澈,原来里边有小虫子呀! B.小虫子那么多,而且都在动! C.小虫子!那么多小虫子都在动! D.我真没想到,小水滴里是有虫子的。 六、给说法正确的句子打“√”,错误的打“×”。(7分) 1.“模糊(mó)、似乎(sì)、转身(zhuǎn)、分量(fèng)”这些加点的多音字的读音没有一个错的。(× ) 2.“辉”用部首查字法查“光”部,“光辉”的“辉”与“辉煌”的“辉”意思一样。(×) 3.“焕然一新、守株待兔、卧薪尝胆、胸有成竹”这一组词感情色彩相同,都是褒义词。(×) 4.“春天的杭州是一年四季中最美的季节。”与“两个新旧社会,真是鲜明的对比啊!”都犯了语序颠倒的错误。(√) 5.“海燕出版社出版的《世界文学名着漫画本》解决了少年朋友在阅读世界文学名着中所遇到的难题”若缩句,应该是“出版社解决了难题”。(×) 6.蔺相如对手下的人说:“秦王我都不怕,我会怕廉将军吗”改成间接转述应该是,


英语八级快速阅读理解试题及答案解析 TEXT C In Barcelona the Catalonians call them castells, but these aren't stereotypical castles in Spain. These castles are made up of human beings, not stone. The people who perform this agile feat of acrobatics are called castellers, and to see their towers take shape is to observe a marvel of human cooperation. First the castellers form what looks like a gigantic rugby scrummage. They are the foundation blocks of the castle. Behind them, other people press together, forming outward-radiating ramparts of inward-pushing muscle: flying buttresses for the castle. Then sturdy but lighter castellers scramble over the backs of those at the bottom and stand, barefoot, on their shoulders—then still others, each time adding a higher "story". These human towers can rise higher than small https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e7776635.html,apartment buildings: nine “stories”, 35 feet into the air. Then, just When it seems this tower of humanity can't defy gravity any longer, a little kid emerges from the crowd and climbs straight up to the top. Arms extended, the child grins while waving to the cheering crowd far below. Dressed in their traditional costumes, the castellers seem to epitomize an easier time, before Barcelona became a world metropolis arid the Mediterranean's most dynamic city. But when you observe-them tip close, in their street clothes, at practice, you see there's nothing easy about what the castellers do - and that they are not merely reenacting an ancient ritual. None of the castellers can-give a logical https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e7776635.html,answer as to why they love doing this. But Victor Luna, 16, touches me on the shoulder and says in English: "We do it because it's beautiful. We do it because we are Catalan." Barcelona’s mother tongue is Catalan, and to understand Barcelona, you must understan d two words of Catalan: seny and rauxa. Seny pretty much translates as common sense, or the ability to make money, arrange things, and get things done. Rauxa is reminiscent of our words “raucous” and “ruckus”. What makes the castellers revealing of the city is that they embody rauxa and seny. The idea of a human castle is rauxa—it defies common sense—but to watch one going up is to see seny in action. Success is based on everyone working together to achieve a shared goal. The success of Carlos Tusquets' bank, Fibanc, shows seny at work in everyday life. The bank started as a family concern and now https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e7776635.html,employs hundreds. Tusquets said it exemplifies how the economy in Barcelona is different. Entrepreneurial seny demonstrates why Barcelona and Catalonia—the ancient region of which Barcelona is the capital—are distinct from the rest of Spain yet essential to Spain's emergence, after centuries of repression, as a prosperous, democratic European country. Catalonia, with Barcelona as its dynamo, has turned into an economic powerhouse. Making up 6 percent of Spain’s territory, with a sixth of its people, it accounts for nearly a quarter of Spain's production—everything from textiles to computers—even though the rest of Spain has been enjoying its own economic miracle. Hand in hand with seny goes rauxa, and there's no better place to see rauxa in action than on the Ramblas, the venerable, tree-shaded https://www.360docs.net/doc/6e7776635.html,boulevard that, in gentle stages, leads you from the centre of Barcelona down to the port. There are two narrow lanes each way for cars and motorbikes, but it’s the wide centre walkway that makes the Ramblas a front-row seat for Barcelona's longest running theatrical event. Plastic armchairs are set out on the sidewalk. Sit in
