Chapter 4: The Vowels of English. An Articulatory Classification. Acoustic Correlates. The Description and Distribution of English Monophthongs

and Diphthongs

4.1.The Vowels. Criteria for Classification

4.2.The Cardinal Vowel Charts

4.3.English Vowels. The description and distribution of English

monophthongs and diphthongs

A. English simple vowels

a. English front vowels

b. English back vowels

c. English central vowels

B. English diphthongs

a. Centring diphthongs

b. Diphthongs to /w/

c. Diphthongs to / ?/

C. English triphthongs




4.1. The Vowels. Criteria for Classification

The chapter before has examined the consonant phonemes of English from an articulatory perspective. After trying to establish a general borderline between the two major classes of sounds – consonants and vowels respectively – by postulating some major articulatory distinctions between them, an attempt was made to analyze English consonants in detail, discussing the distinctions among them as well as contrasting them with the corresponding sounds of Romanian.

We will remember then that if consonants are distinguished from vowels precisely on the basis of an articulatory feature that all of them arguably share – a place along the speech tract where the airstream meets a major obstacle or constriction – it would be very difficult to describe vowels in the same terms as it will no longer be possible to identify a “place of articulation”. Articulatory criteria can be, indeed, used to classify vowels but

they will be less relevant or, in any case, of a different type than in the case of consonants. Acoustic and even auditory features on the other hand will play a much more important role in accurately describing vowels as vowels are sonorous sounds, displaying the highest levels of resonance of all speech sounds.

Vowels, like consonants, will differ in terms of quality – the acoustic features will differ from one vowel to another depending on the position of the articulators, but in a way which is distinct from what we have seen in the case of consonants where there is another type of interaction between the various speech organs – and in terms of quantity or duration – again in a way distinct from consonants as vowels are all sonorous, continuant sounds.

The quality of a vowel is given by the way in which the tongue – the main articulator, as in the case of consonants – is positioned in the mouth and by the activity of the lips. This position of the tongue modifies the shape of the resonating cavities above the larynx and decisively influences the quality of the resulting sound. The great mobility of the tongue and the absence of any definite place of obstruction – as in the case of consonants – accounts for the great variety of vowels that can be found in any language and for the fact that vowels rather than consonants are more intimately linked to the peculiar nature of each and every language. It will be therefore much more difficult for a student of a foreign language to acquire the correct features of the vowel system than those of the consonant system of the respective language.

Three will be then the criteria that can be used to distinguish among vowels on an articulatory basis: the position of the tongue in the mouth – high or low on the vertical axis and fronted or retracted on the horizontal axis – and the position of the lips. Many languages will also recognize a functional distinction between vowels produced by letting the air out either through the nasal cavity or through the oral one.

Tongue height. If we consider the position of the tongue in the mouth we can identify two extreme situations: one in which the body of the tongue is raised, almost touching the roof of the oral cavity and in this case we will be dealing with high or close vowels – the name clearly refers to the position of the tongue high in the mouth or close to the palate – and the opposite position when the body of the tongue is very low in the mouth leaving the cavity wide open as in the case when the doctor wants to examine our tonsils and asks us to say “ah”. The vowels thus produced will be called open or low vowels since the tongue is lowered in the mouth and the oral cavity is open. If the tongue is placed in an intermediate position, raised only halfway against the palate, we shall call the vowels mid vowels. A further, more refined distinction will differentiate between two groups of mid vowels: close-mid/mid close or half-close or high-mid/mid high vowels and open-mid/mid open or half-open or low-mid/mid low vowels.

Tongue frontness/backness. If we consider the position of the tongue along the horizontal axis we can identify three classes of vowels: front vowels – uttered with the

front part of the tongue highest, central vowels – if it is rather the central part of the tongue that is highest, modifying the shape of the articulator and back vowels – the rear part of the tongue is involved in articulation.

The position of the lips. As I have mentioned earlier, the position of the lips is another major criterion that is used o distinguish among vowels. When we pronounce a vowel, our lips can be rounded, and then the resulting sound will be rounded, or they can be spread and then we shall say that the vowel that we have articulated is unrounded. As we are going to see later, roundness may be more or less relevant, depending on the particular language we are talking about.

The cavity through which the air is released – oral or nasal establishes an important distinction between oral and nasal vowels. There are nasal or nasalized vowels in all languages, but again this distinction will be more important in languages like, say, French, where it has a functional, contrastive, phonemic value, than in English or in Romanian where the feature is just contextual. More will be said about that later.

As mentioned above, quantity is an important feature that we have to take into account when we discuss not only consonantal sounds, but vocalic ones as well. In fact, this is a feature that is much more important for vowels, because when we talk about duration in consonants we can contrast, for instance, non-durative sounds of the plosive type to continuant sounds of the kind fricatives are or simple to geminate consonants, while in the case of vowels much more refined distinctions can be established among various sounds. The fact that vowels vary in length is something we can intuitively become aware of if we contrast the vowel of peel [p i:l] for instance, to that of pill [p?l]. As we are going to see later, however, the contrast between the two vowels is not limited simply to duration and, moreover, vowel length is very much a contextual feature. Thus, what we consider to be members of one and the same phoneme, the long vowel [i:] will vary considerably in length in words like sea, seed and seat.It is obvious even for a phonetically less trained ear that the vowel is longer in case it occurs in syllable-final position and it becomes shorter and shorter depending on the voicedness or the voicelessness of the following consonant. The picture becomes even more complex if we compare the preceding contexts to seal,seen or seem. On the other hand all the occurrences of [i:] mentioned above will be kept apart from the variants of the short vowel [?] in words like Sid, sit, sill or sin which differ in their turn in length depending on the nature of the following consonant. We shall then say that vowel length is not always a reliable distinctive feature when we try to contrast vowels – since it is so much influenced by the context. Other features will be added to obtain a more refined and closer to reality representation. The next features we are going to examine will then be the degree of muscular tension involved in articulation and the position of the root of the tongue.

Muscular tension can vary considerably when we produce different vocalic

sounds and this is something we can easily become aware of when we contrast the long vowel [i:] in seat and the short one [?] in sit, the examples analyzed above. Long vowels – conventionally marked in the IPA alphabet by a colon – are always associated with a higher degree of muscular tension in the speech organs involved in their articulation. We will say that these vowels are tense, since the articulators are so when we utter them. Conversely, when we examine the way the vowel of sit is produced, the articulatory organs are less strained, laxer than in the previous case. We will consequently describe these vowels as being lax. As we shall see later, unlike in Romanian, vowel duration, associated with tenseness, has a phonemic, contrastive value in English.

The position of the tongue root. The more advanced or retracted position of the root of the tongue differentiates between vowels having different degrees of openness. The vowels pronounced with the root of the tongue pushed forward of its normal position will be specified as advanced tongue root (ATR) vowels. Conversely, non-advanced tongue root vowels will be articulated with the root of the tongue in its common, resting position. The first group of vowels will be comparatively tenser and higher than the vowels in the second group.

Vowel quantity – duration, length – combines with stability of articulation to make the distinction between simple or “pure” vowels or monophthongs on the one hand and diphthongs on the other. Monophthongs are comparatively shorter vowels that preserve the same quality throughout the entire duration of their articulation. A diphthong combines two different vocalic elements joined together in a unique articulatory effort and consequently being part of the same syllabic unit. In any diphthong one of the vocalic elements will be stronger than the other, from which or towards which the pronunciation glides. If the weaker element comes first and we have a glide towards the dominant vocalic element, the diphthong is a rising one: it is the kind of diphthong we have in Romanian words like iatac, iubire, iepure, iobag, meandre, boal? etc. This is a type of diphthong that does not exist in English, a language that only has falling diphthongs, that is diphthongs in which the glide is from the dominant vocalic element to the weaker one.

(e.g. boy, buy in English or boi, bai in Romanian – N.B. these examples do not suggest that the diphthongs in the two languages are identical!). It is often difficult to decide when we deal with a genuine diphthong (that is a sequence of two vowels pronounced together) and when we deal with a sequence of a vowel and a glide for instance. In other words, shall we describe the vocalic element in buy as the diphthong a? or shall we rather interpret it as the vowel a followed by the glide j? Many linguists opt for the second variant and some will go as far as interpreting long vowels like i: in beat for instance as a succession of ?+j. The duration of the glide can constitute the basis for a differentiation, since glides will arguably take shorter to pronounce than the second vocalic element in a falling diphthong. If the vowel is very short, however, it is often difficult do distinguish it from the glide. The scope of this study will not allow us to go into further detail, so for the sake of simplicity we will adopt the widely embraced approach that considers long vowels monophthongs and vocalic sequences as that of buy genuine diphthongs.


英语专业大学生的职业生涯规划范文 引言 古人说:“有志不在年高而无志空活百年。”其实人生何需百年?只要我们能像阿基米德寻找地球支点一样给我们的灵魂一个支点, 那么激跃生命的腾飞还不是易如反掌吗?这个支点就是规划人生。遗憾的是我们往往不能或者不敢给人生一个规划,前路迷茫,没有人 生规划这座灯塔的指引,我们能找到前进的方向吗?扑面而来的风风雨雨,我们能挺得过去吗?或者会误入歧途,一失足成千古恨呢?由 此可见,为我们的人生做一个正确的人生规划,那是必要的!它指引着我们通向光明的彼岸。 第一章:自我认知 自我认知是对自己进行全方位,多角度的分析 1.个人基本情况我是一个别开朗又不内向的人,与人交往融洽,细心有条理。不喜欢竞争和冒险,喜欢自由自在的生活,喜欢按自 己的生活方式做事。我乐意于与人交往。喜欢到各地······ 3.职业能力做口译能够做到帮助人与人之间的理解,让自己的能力达到完美的体现。做老师要对学生负责,将自己的知识毫无保留 的给学生。 5.职业价值观对于职业价值观,就是我帮助的人是否重视人才,能否对人才进行规划。能否给人才施展才华的机会和升职空间。 6.胜任能力认为自己安静、对事负责、反应力快、能力强 自我认知小结总之,我觉得自己现在已有的能力加上不断的强化会更优秀的,一定能胜任的。 第二章:职业生涯条件分析 职业分析是对影响职业选择的相关外部环境较为客观,合理的分析。

2.学校环境分析我所在学校为一所普通的二本院校。我所就读的英语专业是学校最好的专业之一,每年专八过级率超过了很多学校,甚至一些好的一本院校。所以我相信自己的选择还不错。 3.社会环境分析当然我所读的专业是英语,就现在形式来看,很多人读英语,但据我所知在口译这方面人才还是缺少··· 职业分析小结总之,家庭方面供我上学没有经济负担,而且父母很赞同很支持。学校方面,所学专业可以说是本学校最好的专业, 只要自己学得比别人精,相信不会找不到好工作的。 第三章:职业目标定位 综合第一章·自我认知与第二章·职业生涯条件分析的主要内容得出本人职业定位的SWOT分析: 内部环境因素优势因素(S)弱势因素(W) 1.细致耐心,有吃苦耐劳的精神 2.有爱心和默默奉献的精神 3. 做事执着低调,心态现实1.当缺少人际的支持时,缺少做事的动力2.对变化感到不安3.做事容易情绪化,易冲动 外部环境因素机会因素(O)威胁因素(T) 结论: 职业目标将来从事口译工作,或教育工作。 职业发展策略进入大城市的国企,或者私有企业,总之只要能施展自己才华的地方都可以。 第四章:具体执行计划 人宁可追求虚无,也不能无所追求。对于学业规划,我觉得我追求的应该是一种人生的价值,树立自己的人生目标和阶段目标,对 自己的未来做认真的规划,用心地规划,通过做此规划我深刻地感 觉到机会远比安稳重要,学业远比金钱重要,未来远比今天重要。 于是,我对我的人生航船作了精细的规划。坚持不懈的努力,一步 步落实和执行既定的规划并达到最终目标。


听力 NO.2 1. C. a grain of sand got into this 2. C. the boy’s mother and … 3. B. at a party. 4. B. Because he wants to invite.. 5. B. because he ….cheated. NO.4 1.A. She doesn’t find the food to her 2.B. She also thinks that their math 3.C. They are neighbors. 4.A.She thinks that her son is a bit to 5.B. Personally, he thinks highly NO.6 1. C.In NEW York 2. A. 2 3. B. Because he doesn’t want 4. C. Answer the question 5. A. because tom was eating NO.1 1. How much did the bicycle cost? c. 54.99 2. What attracted Tom to the shop? c. The advertisement 3. What made Tom so angry? a. There wasn’t a lamp… 4. How did the shopkeeper reply? b. calmly 5. Why did the shopkeeper mention.? c. To tell…. NO.3 1.Little Susie said she got a 100 in school because C. She had a mistaken… 2. L S wanted her dad to give her A. a reward 3. If LS really got a 100….. C. would do as promised 4 Why did LS run to … B Because she was used 5.As a result, her dad would… C. explain what…. NO.5 1.All the mice had a meeting one day because B, their lives were threatened 2.What conclusion can you make according to the story? C, None of the mice … 3.Mouse C was C. A lady mouse 4. offered the idea of tying … A.. Mouse D 5. An adolescent mouse expressed his doubt about the idea because C he was sure that none of them NO.7 1.What does “a father of five” probably mean? B. A father who has five children 2.Why did the father buy a toy? C.He wanted to reward… 3.How did he know who the best A .He asked his children 4.What did he mean by …? C.He meant…obedient 5.Why was there silence…? A.Because none of them.. NO.8 Dong Dong is a clever boy, but he doesn’t study hard enough at school. Every time he takes an exam, he feels worried .When school finishes, he feels happy again because he can playbasketball …..Next year he will finish his middle school studies. If he wants to go to university, he has to study very hard this year. However, if he does poorly in the final exam,…become a good sportsman. He runs fast . He plays ball games beautifully .Anyway… him very much and he will always live happily with them. NO.9 Yao Ling and Lu Xiang are both athletes. They are also good friend. Yao Ling is from Shanghai, a city much large than Lu Xiang’s hometown, but Lu Xiang can enjoy cleaner air in his hometown. Yao is stronger than Lu, but he isn’t as handsome as LU. Lu cannot play basketball as well as Yao ,but he runs much faster. Yao earns more money each year, but Lu spends less money on his cloths, for he is shorter and thinner than his friend . Lu has visited as manyforeign countries as Yao, but Yao speaks English better because he has more chances to chat with his American teammates. They both work hard for our country and we are proud of them. 读写 1.He was crippled with polio when he was only 5 years old. 2.With his head bare, he ran out of the room into the freezing wind. 3.With three year’s schooling, he could only find a part-time job as a porter at a railway station. 4.Very interested (很感兴趣)in the game, he was ready to give it a try. 5.She was very happy(她很高 兴),she dashed out of the house. 6.After reading Hemingway, Join was fired with ambition to become a writer. 7.My wife doesn’t really care for tea; she likes coffee better. 8.Don’t mix up those papers, or we’ll never find the ones we need. 9.Reluctantly Alice shared the chocolate with her younger brother. 10.The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind. 11.He took in the situation at a glance and apologized for his son’s behavior. 12. A motorcyclist was injured when a car pulled into his lane. 13.Simon beats me in chess, but I’m better in tennis. 14.My daughter sat down beside me on the carpet to play with her new Barbie doll. 15.I try to pay her off. But every time I agree to her terms, she comes back with higher demands. 16.Will you domea favor and turn off the TV? 17.The police are making enquiries and try to get the truth of the whole thing. 18.What sort of qualifications do I need for the job? 19.He was a household name in the 1950s, but now no one knows him. 20.It is impossible to define exactly what makes him so attractive. 21.Villagers feared her because they thought she was possessed by devil. 22.Is he aware of the latest style in pop music? 23.You must get rid of that annoying habit of cleaning you throat every time you speak. 24.Success, don’t come by accident. Only those who try hard enough will be rewarded. 25.She requested that I see her off(要我给她送行) at the airport. 26.The general ordered that the troops set out immediately部 队应立刻出发) to the front. 27.The doctor insisted thathe not eat meat(他不吃肉) 28.They advised that she not go to Hong Kong until next week(下 星期再去香港) 29.The headmaster maintained thatall the textbooks be distributed to the pupils immediately(所有的教科书必 须马上发给学生) 30.But you’re picking up the threads again now.


英语专业职业生涯规划书 【前言】 社会就像一个大染缸,每个人想在这个染缸中染出什么样的颜色一定要有自己的主张,否则,如果随波逐流的话,最终也不会成为一块色彩靓丽的画布。在现代这个竞争激烈的社会,每个人都想成为浴火的凤凰,能实现自己的理想创出一片天地。但理想的实现,事业的成功,都是在严谨的规划下,一步步认真履行而得到的。如果没有自己的职业生涯规划,那一个人在社会上无疑就如一只无人操纵的小帆船在大海上漂泊,在漂漂荡荡中走向灭亡。因此说,职业生涯规划对每一个立志成才的人来说,都有着重要的意义与影响,它是使一个人走向成功施展抱负的第一步。 【自我分析】 从小到大,我的家庭教育比较严格,在这种严谨的家庭教育下,使我养成了做事情不怕困难,比较有毅力,对想要做成的事不轻易放弃的性格。父母也给我足够的空间,让我独立地对自己的事情加以选择判断,发展自己的个性。但同时,父母也给了我太多的关爱呵护,让我有些时候总希望依赖他人,做决定时有些优柔寡断。 因此说,我的性格有着两面性。一方面,我比较开朗,喜欢和不同的人打交道,主动去了解一切新鲜的事物,对自己不喜欢的事情,会直接地说出来,并不在在它上面做过多留恋。另一方面,我性格有比较沉静,一些时候喜欢一个人独处,安静地看书或做别的事情,不善于和不太熟悉的人交往,也就导致在一些公开场合,我会显得比较拘束,不能自如地表达自己的想法和观点。

我的兴趣比较广泛,旅游,滑冰,游泳,上网,看书,听音乐,看电影,写毛笔字等都是我的爱好,这些爱好使我既能及时了解我身边的环境发生的变化,另一方面,有使我不断地更加了解自己,使自我不断完善。由于我的个人爱好,我也比较善于书法,对文字有一定的敏感度和感悟能力。而且现在我学的专业是英语,所以在英语方面我也有一定的沟通,阅读和写作能力。我个人也比较善于观察,有一定的洞察力,能及时感知我周围的变化和他人的需求,这使我在与别人交往时能够更加主动。 【专业就业方向及前景分析】 现在我所学的专业是英语(语言文学)。英语专业是语言专业中一门重量级的学科,它旨在培养英语方面的专业人才,使其从事外事、经贸、文化、新闻出版、教育、科研、旅游等领域的工作,满足社会对翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的相应语言高级专门人才的需求。该专业学生主要学习相应语语言、文学、历史、政治、经济、外交、社会文化等方面的基本理论和基本知识,受到英语听、说、读、写、译等方面的良好的熟巧训练,掌握一定的科研方法,具有从事翻译、研究、教学、管理工作的业务水平及较好的素质和较强的能力。 就业方向: 英语专业毕业生能在国家机关、外事、外贸、外企、各类涉外金融机构、商务管理公司、专业翻译机构、出版、新闻、旅游、高级宾馆酒店等部门,承担商务管理、商务翻译、外贸洽谈、经贸文秘、英语编辑、英语记者、驻外商务代理、涉外公关、涉外导游等工作;也可在中学、中专、职高、技校和英语语言培训中心、大中专院校及科研部门等从事教学和科研工作。 除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较多。不仅如此,学生如果在学习期间有了新的兴趣点,也凭借英语专业的基础,轻松地转到别的专业或考取其他专业的研究生。 就业前景: 现在,英语已经成为一种工具,越来越多的人能够自如地应用,社会对英语专业人才的需求就大大减少。但家长和学生对于英语专业的热情和投入一


1.I want to write a letter into your dream, but I never know the address. 我想写一封 信,寄到你的梦里,但却不知道地址。 2.The strongest man in the world is the man who stands alone. – Thomas H. Huxley 这世界上最强大的人,就是那些能一个人孤单生活的人。 3.Don‘t let the past steal your present. 别让过去悄悄偷走了你的当下 4.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? it is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.——你知道思 念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。 5.If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are. 心若没有栖息的地方,到哪里都是在流浪。 6.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world. 不管结 局是否完美,我的世界不允许你消失。 7.Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger.~~~ 与其祈求生活平淡点,还不如祈 求自己强大点。 8.Because of loving you so much that I stood aside. Although my figure left you away, my heart didn‘t. Today I have made up my mind to say ―I love you‖~~~ 正是因为爱才悄悄的躲开,躲开的是身影,躲不开的是默默的情怀;今天我终于鼓起勇气,向你说出"我爱你" 9.Help me out whenever I want you .别人欺负我时,你要在第一时间出来帮我。 10.Don‘t lie to me,ok?真心待我,好吗? 11.Sometimes you must let it go , to see if there was anything worth holding on to. 有 时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否它真的值得你拥有。 12.How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world?让我如何相信,这世界上 还有一尘不染的爱情。 13.It'd be better we don't meet again because of the skillful acting.即使再见面,成熟地 表演,不如不见。 14.Maybe for those that have been missed, they are fated to be this way.也许那些错过 的,是因为注定就要错过。 15.Everybody needs love, especially for those who don't deserve it.人人需要爱,特别是 不值得爱的人


一、英语专业 二、商务英语专业 职业生涯规划范文:英语专业 Don’t say impossible to yourself 我心中的职业理想——同声传译 其实在高考以前的很久很久,我就想学语言类专业了,我觉得自己对语言有着莫名喜爱,妈妈也说我有学语言的天赋。那时候也许是高看了自己,以为自己一定能去上想去的大学,学自己喜欢的专业。可是08年6月的高考让我的梦想碎成了一地的狼藉。我甚至无法表达出来当时有多么的难过。原来其实,成绩比想象中要差的很多很多。后来,我被语言类专业拒之门外。有那么一段时间,我甚至忽略了自己的梦想,就抱着自暴自弃的态度,学着自己不喜欢的专业,度过了大一的上学期。 寒假的时候我一直在思考,我应该干什么,我能干什么,我想干什么。梦想在模糊混沌中苏醒,我本不是个堕落的人,我应该向着梦想的方向去前进,让未来按着我憧憬的方向去发展。为了梦想,我必须开始奋斗。即使现在学的不是英语类的专业,但是我想,只要付出努力,总会有回报,哪怕只是一点点回报,哪怕我要付出多么艰辛的努力。3年,5年,10年……我还有那么多那么多的时间去努力,年轻真好。我最庆幸的是我现在刚大一,那意味这我还有很多的时间去学习自己想学的东西。 我的梦想是做一名同声传译者,呵呵,很高的梦想。好像现在语言类专业超级热门,很多很多的人在学英语,除了专业英语以外,还有很多非英语专业的人在学习。颇有一种学好英语可以走遍全天下的感觉。这是否意味着我将成为芸芸众生中最不起眼的一粒尘埃呢?我不要这样,我也不能这样。一旦决定了的事情就要去做好它,不管这条路有多难。千军万马度过独木桥的时候又来了,为了创出自己的一片天地,我已经准备好奋斗。 一,梦想定义


商务英语专业职业规划书 职业规划就是一种生活模式,是通过个人职业来实现的。下面是为你整理的商务英语专业职业规划书,希望你喜欢。 商务英语专业职业规划书古人云:预则立,不预则废。这句话不无道理。做事不能盲目行事,而是要有计划。有目标的做事。目标就像航海时的指南针。它指引着你朝着正确的方向前行。而我们在学校学习专业知识时,就首先要清楚我们自己今后工作的发展方向,让我们在今后的工作中更加得心应手。因此我们要制定好自己的就业方向。现在已经是大二的我要做出一个适合自己的就业方向规划,确定目标,以便脚踏实地为自己的理想奋斗前进!英语专业毕业生能在国家机关外事外贸、外企各类涉及外金融机构商务管理公司、专业翻译机构、出版、新闻、旅游、高级宾馆、酒店等部门,承担商务管理、商务翻译、外贸洽谈、经贸文秘、英语编辑、英语记者、驻外商务代理、涉外公关、涉外导游等工作。也可在培训中心、中学、职高等从事教学工作。除了就业,英语专业的学生出国的机会也相对较高。 我学的是商务英语,以后从事的工作必是和商务、英语分不开的。我希望我将来能够在商务这一领域能有所发展,但是我知道,因为学历的原因,我要是想在商务方面有个很好的发展,我必须得付出很大的努力,我必须的有信心去面对好一却所要遇到的挫折,所以,从现在起我必须的努力,我要增加我的专业知识,多看一些有关外贸

的书籍,以及进行一些课外实践。或者进行一些专门的商务实践活动。所以我想在我的规划中我希望能成为一位外贸公司的员工,做跟单或总经理助理,在开始的三年中,然后再后二年中我希望自己能成为外贸公司的经理,然后在一步一步的向上升,最后如果有机会的话在自己去开一家公司。 自我分析 在这样一点上,我觉得自己是一个相对来讲比较文静的那种女孩子,待人很真诚的那种,做事很诚恳,踏踏实实,一点也不马虎。虽然我不是很擅长交朋友,但是我交的朋友都是“质量”相当好的。而且,我觉得我这人虽然一般场合是那种默默无闻的,但是如果真的是和外国商人谈判的时候,我还是会拿出自己所有的勇气去和她们沟通交流的。而且在英语这方面我还是学的还可以的,所以和外国商人交流应该是没有多大的问题的。 朋友评价 为人比较真诚,够义气,在学习当中很认真,所以从这一点来看她也会在工作中很上进。比较内向,但是和她相处之后你会觉得她很健谈的。就是有时候会耍点小脾气。比较大方,善良。 职业分析 最近这几年,我国的经济发展的很迅速,外商投资也增加了很多。所以外贸的发展前景是很乐观的,而且因为现在经济形式是全球一体化的,这对我国的外贸发展是非常有利的。我现在的目标是想做一名外贸业务员,我知道做外贸业务员有很大的发展空间但是要对外贸实


1.The World's Best Cities for Students 全球十佳求学城市 2.Life Success Zone 追逐幸福 3.Animals Riding on Other Animals 动物骑动物 1.Get More Done In Less Time | Life Success Zone 如何让你事半功倍 2.Forced Friends: Want a Job? Give Up Y our Facebook Password 强迫交友:要工作吗?把你的Facebook 密码交出来 3.Should 3-Y ear-Olds Learn Computer Programming? 3岁大的孩子应该学电脑编程吗 Where there is a will there is way. 有志者事竟成。 1.Path’s Business Model: Selling The Means Of Self-Expression Path 的商业模式:给条路让你瞎得瑟 2.When to Wear Sunglasses | ReaderDigest 何时该戴太阳镜 3.What The Hell Is Project Management, Anyway? 项目管理,这货到底是什么东西? 4.Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere 学习是宝藏并会随时给你带来更多 The only way to suceed at something is to first give it a try.在成功的唯一方法就是先给它一试。 If it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger. Slow and steady wins the race如果不杀了你这只会让你更坚强。缓慢且持续的人会赢得比赛 like to have fun and enjoy the class as much as the student while finding the right method or tool to satisfy my student, because I believe nobody wants to learn from a person that is giving out any negative vibe. By keeping the lessons entertaining I usually would prepare lesson plans ahead of time which will help the student learn more effectively.喜欢玩得开心,享受班学生在尽可能多的方法或找到合适的工具来满足我的学生,因为我相信没有人愿意学习的人,送出任何负面的感觉。通过保持课有趣我通常会提前准备课程计划将帮助学生学习更有效率。喜欢有乐趣和享受尽学生在找到正确的方法或工具来满足我的学生,因为我相信没有人愿意学习的人,是给任何消极的氛围。通过保持课有趣我通常会准备教案提早将帮助学生更有效地学习。 5.I try to find out what type of learner my student is, so that I can present material in an appropriate manner for them to learn most efficiently. 我尝试着找出我的学生是什么类型的学习者,以致于我可以用适当方式呈现教材,这对他们来说是最有效的 假设你要到美国一所中学参观,你被邀请到一个班级去演讲,请写一篇简短的自我介绍,内容可以包括自己的学校,爱好,以及家乡等等。100字以内。 提示。家乡,广东省茂名市,沿海地区。学校,实验中学,高二12班。爱好 My hometown is Guangdong Maoming which lies in the south coast of China. I study in Shiyan High school and I'm in grade 2.Our campus is very beautiful and there are much charming view.I study hard every day and I wish to go abroad for further education.I have som e hobbies such as basketball,tennis,swimming and so on.I like making friends with others. Dear fellow students, May i have you attention,please?Now I'd like to a speech here. As we know, waste have become common scenes on campus.Som e pour the remauns of a meal when there is still much leave;others simply walk away after washing hands,leaving the water running;students leave and go to classroom everyday, regardless of whther fans are switched off.Has proxidence, the natonal tradition that descendes from long history gone?if so,then find it back! We don't have to attain a great cause of controlling waste, but actions and a grateful heart are more enough:be grateful for the water that runs through fingers ,and save it for poor Arabian or African coutries struggling in water shortage; be grateful for the lightness we have access to because in slums children share a faint lamp to read;be grateful for all the paper and sheets we are able to use, for trees were cut down to satisfy ouyr needs;be gratyeful for everything naturehas to offer and everything we can own. Live and act, the tradition of providence will never fade.


大学生职业生涯规划目录 引言 (3) 一、认识自我 (3) 1.个人特质 (3) 2.个人兴趣 (3) 3.职业优势 (4) 4.职业价值观 (4) 5自我分析小节 (4) 二、认识发展环境,把握形势变化 (4) 1.专业环境分析 (4) 2.社会环境分析 (5) 3.职业分析 (6) 4.企业分析 (6) 5.地域分析 (7) 三、职业目标定位以及其分解组合 (8)

1.职业目标的确定…………………………………………………8 个 2.个人的 SWOT 分析 (8) 3.评估调整 (9) 4.备选方案 (10) 备选方案Ⅰ (10) 备选方案Ⅱ (11) 四、结束语 (11) 姓名:刘丹丹 学院:外国语学院 班级:英语师范2班 学号:90 邮箱: 引言 今天,如果你不生活在当下和未来,那么明天你将生活在过去。步入大学生活,我们的生活空间自由、大了,便有可能会因无目标而迷失方向,或因目标不明确而困惑。给自己制定了目标,就像有了启航的方向和推进的风帆。成功的道路是目标铺成的,有一份合适自己的职业规划,能使自己能够有目标地学习,有目标地工作,有目标地生活,使自己每一天都过得那么有意义,那么实在!就不会因为虚度了美好年华而悔恨!这,就是我为什么写下这份职业规划的原因。 ?一、认识自我

做自己的伯乐,发现自己的优点,使之成为成功的基石! 我看重我所拥有的:观察力强,善于沟通,有责任心,有亲和力,有耐心,积极乐观,有较强的上进心;能够经常冷静、客观地审视自己,是个正面思考者;对工作热情,能够吃苦耐劳,重视能力培养,有较强的提升、发展意识;拥有较好的人际关系交往能力,善于处理矛盾和纠纷,能劝服他人;很少状态不好。而且在卡特尔16PF测试结果中,我在乐群性、聪慧性、交际性、想象性中得分较高。 1.个人特质 从测评结果中得出:我属于社会型,相近的是艺术型和企业型,偏好的活动和职业是助人、教学、治疗、咨询等通过人际交往服务他人方面的,而教师正是我所选择的感兴趣的职业。我所拥有的也支持我的选择,所以我是非常适合成为一名中学英语教师的。但是我做事还不够果断,独立工作能力有待加强,毅力仍然有些不足,有时做事会半途而废。根据测试建议应避免机械或技术活动;指导、训练、教育他人的技能有待提升。我认为自己明确职业兴趣,有一定的能力优势,但是也有一定的能力劣势,所以要发挥自己的优势,培养自己的能力,充分认识环境,才能更好为目标服务。 2、个人兴趣 我的兴趣很广泛,我喜欢听音乐、唱歌、跑步、朗诵、演讲,最近又爱上了辩论,为此而乐此不疲。我觉得当老师也是很有意思的,我已经把教书育人当做一种兴趣爱好,并愿意为此付出我的热情与真诚。 3.职业优势 外语人才被热捧,就业形势大好。外语,作为一种交流工具,显然比其他专业具有更广泛的适用范围。但由于受长期以来重文史、轻科技的外语教育的影响,外语人才难以满足当前经济科技等各项事业的迅猛发展。在每年的毕业生就业岗位中,英语类人才都处于就业率的榜首位置,是需求量很大的专业。在目前日趋激烈的就业形势面前,外语类人才仍然是各类人才中被


职业生涯规划设计书 梦想起步 青春无悔 姓名: 班级: 学号: 院系:外语系 联系电话(长+短号): 电子邮箱: 撰写时间:2014 年5 月19 日

职业生涯规划设计书 目录 1 、自我分析 职业生涯规划测评 (3) 360度评估 (5) 自我认知小结 (6) 2 、职业认知 外部环境分析 (7) 目标职业分析 (8) SWOT分析 (9) 职业认知小结 (10) 3 、职业生涯规划设计 确定目标和路径 (10) 反馈评估调整 (11) 备选规划方案 (12)

一、职业生涯规划测评 通过多种不同的测评方式,从而确定自身的职业定位,以便对自己有进一步深入的了解 1. MBTI性格测试: 通过MBTI职业测试,我测出我自己所属的类型是 ISFJ 照顾者型——值得信赖和依靠 ISFJ的人沉静,友善,有责任感和谨慎。能坚定不移地承担责任。做事贯彻始终、不辞劳苦和准确无误。忠诚,替人着想,细心;往往记着他所重视的人的种种微小事情,关心别人的感受。努力创造一个有秩序、和谐的工作和家居环境。

适合工作领域:医护领域,消费类商业,服务类领域。 2.霍兰德职业兴趣测试 我的职业兴趣类行为: S社会型,组合类行为:SEC型 S(社会型): 人格特征: 你潜意识里认为自己的人格特征为社会型。 你关心社会的公平和正义,责任感强,具有较强的人道主义倾向,社会适应能力强。你通常善于表达,善于与周围的人相处,喜欢处于集体的中心地位,喜欢周围有别人存在,对别人的事情很有兴趣,乐于帮助别人解决难题。在解决问题的过程中,你喜欢通过与他人讨论来解决存在的问题。同时,你喜欢与人而不是与事物打交道,“助人为乐、有责任心、热情、开朗、友好、善良、易于合作”是对你较好的描述。 职业特征: 这种类型的人关心社会的公平和正义,责任感强,具有较强的人道主义倾向,社会适应能力强。你这种类型的人通常善于表达,善于与周围的人相处,喜欢处于集体的中心地位,喜欢通过与他人讨论来解决存在的问题。你这种类型的人善于通过调整与他人的关系来解决存在的难题。你这种类型的人不喜欢


英语专业大学生职业生涯规划范文 (2012-01-05 17:19:03) 转载▼ 分类:职业规划 标签: 职业 定位 职业 规划 职业 规划 范文 职业 生涯 北森 生涯 大学 生 职业 发展 校园 引言未来掌握在自己手中,看清脚下的路,我的未来不是梦! 古人云:凡事预则立,不预则废。任何成功人士都有完整系统的人生规划,明确的人生目标。 早在初中我就立志成为一名翻译,可高考的失利让我对自己失去了信心,我曾一度认为自己以后只能待在家乡当一名乡村教师。但在学校的陪护外教工作中我发现自己挺有语言天赋,一位来学校参观的美国人曾对我说:“你的语音是我听到的所有中国人中最好的,一定要好好学习。”也许她是刚到中国没几天,没遇到几个会说英语的中

国人。但这却象一支强心剂一样激励着我,催发着我的斗志。现在我可以宣布我的目标就是成为一名翻译。下面我从自我分析,职业环境分析,职业定位,具体计划实施和评估调整这五个方面进行概述。一、自我分析 根据人才测评报告以及自评分析方法,我对自己进行了全方位、多角度的的分析。 1.职业兴趣——喜欢干什么; 我的人才素质测评报告中,职业兴趣前三项是管理型(7分)、社会型(6分)和常规型(5分)。我的具体情况是:乐观主动,好发表意见,有管理才能,为人热情,擅长于与人沟通,人际关系佳,忠实可靠,情绪稳定,缺乏创造力,遵守秩序。我从小就是特别喜欢当干部,进入大学也先后在社团及团组织担任职务,时刻要比别人奉献的多是我学到的东西,希望我以后从事的职业也是尽自己最大的努力为别人创造好的生活条件。 2.职业能力——能够干什么; 我的人才素质测评报告结果显示,信息分析能力得分较高(8分),人文素质得分较低(5分)。我的具体情况是:我一直认为我如果是个男生肯定会成为擅长侦破案件的警察。 3.个人特质——适合干什么; 我的人才素质测评报告结果显示支配稳健服从型,通常善于辞令,尤其适合做推销工作和领导工作。通常精力充沛、热情洋溢、富于冒险精神、自信、支配欲强。喜欢与人争辩,总是力求使别人接受


英语专业大学生职业规划书范文 英语专业的学生可以通过职业生涯规划书建立自己在职业生涯发展过程中的自信心。以下是小编为大家精心整理的英语专业大学生职业规划书范文,欢迎大家阅读,供您参考。更多内容请关注。 英语专业大学生职业规划书范文一、前言 习惯了让别人帮我做决定,小到购置衣物,大到选择专业,我都是听从父母的安排。幸运的是他们爱我,了解我,所以做出的决定一向合我心意,于是我渐渐的依赖他们,不喜欢自己动脑筋去做出难以取舍的抉择。习惯了做被安排好的事情,习惯了走早已设定好的路。就像是做作业,我自认为是一个听话的学生,老师留的作业我一定会做,即使有时我很清楚,它对我而言完全没有用。十多年来我一直像是一个没有自己的想法和灵魂,只知道服从命令的木偶。我的一切努力都只是为了让爱我的父母和关心我的人不要失望。 直到上了大学,我才意识到,这是我自己的人生,我该为自己的理想和生活而奋斗,而不是为了满足谁的期待。当我脱离了他们的保护,我就要学会独立和坚强,要为自己的未来负责任,我必须清楚自己将来要成为什么样的人。 职业生涯规划能够让我更清楚的了解自己,了解社会,

意识到自己的能力与理想职业的要求之间的差距,并在日后的学习中有目标的丰富和完善自己。通过进行职业生涯规划,我能够明确自己的奋斗方向,并在这一目标的指导下有针对性的提高自己的能力,让自己不断的进步,以适应社会需要,为将来的就业打好基础,不至于在面临机遇和挑战的时候毫无准备,束手无策。只有清楚自己的目的地和通向终点的路线,我们才不会迷失在追寻成功的路上。 二、自我分析 理想的职业不仅要满足自己物质方面的需求,更要考虑自己的精神追求。条件优越且合理可行的才是理想的职业。所以选择职业之前先要对自己有一个客观清醒的认识。 1、 我的性格: 我的性格属于开朗外向型,喜欢与人接触沟通,在与人交流的过程中往往积极主动;乐于帮助他人,希望能用自己的行动给他人带来快乐和温暖;善于观察,能够捕捉到易被忽略的细节,对自己所处的环境和氛围能快速把握,能很快察觉身边人情绪的变化;对专注的事情认真负责,不放松细节问题,争取做到尽善尽美。 可是我的性格方面也有一些缺陷。有时太过在意他人的感受,会强迫自己做一些本不愿做的事情。洞察力太过敏锐,有时过于敏感,会给自己增添一些不必要的烦恼。有时太过追求完美,导致做事速度慢,效率不高。


职业生涯规划书 目录 前言 第一章自我探索 1.1个人简历 1.2测评工具评估 第二章职业认知 2.1目标职业分析 2.2目标职业前景 第三章职业定位 3.1职业目标 3.2职业目标间的关系 第四章行动计划 4.1职业预备期 4.2职业初期 4.3职业成长期 结束语 规划人:郁扬 二○一一年九月二十一日

前言 作为一名新时代的大学生,今天若不是生活在未来,就是生活在过去。尽管我们涉世不深,但至少我们可以对职业生涯进行较为客观详尽的规划。这样,我们关于飞翔的梦想就不再是水中月,镜中花。 第一章自我探索 1.1个人简历


A、基本技能(basic skills):一个英文翻译员最基本的还是能牢固的掌握和运用自己的专业知识。这些技能包括听力理解、方案范文整理能力(listening),只有能够听懂外国人在说些什么才有可能跟他们沟通和交流,同时也要了解西方的应用文体;表达自己观点的技能(Speaking),一个有思想的人必须具备正确表达自己的能力;写作能力 (Writing);阅读并理解方案范文、整理文章的技能(Reading); B、提升技能(Skills for promotion):各种证书(Certifications),虽然有时候证书只是一中形式,但却起着极大的作用.各种等级证书是必须的,尤其是翻译证书,当然还有专业八级等证书;责任心 (Responsibilities),对于每个行业来说都是必须的.一个优秀的翻译员尤其要热爱翻译行业,责任心强,性格稳重细致.合作项目的洽谈、翻译及英文撰写等工作;交流沟通能力(Communication),翻译员被誉为“沟通的桥梁”,所以积极和人进行沟通,并参与相关活动等都是必须的.良好的人际沟通与组织协调能力;具有较强的公共能力;团队合作精神( Teamwork),人际交往能力强,和自己团队搞好关系;母语(Mother language)中文书写能力强,翻译员最终还是为了帮助中英双方的沟通,所以较好的中文是必须的;礼节,礼貌 (Manners),举止要得体,毕竟英文翻译员有时代表的不止是自己有时还代表着一定的团体甚至是一个国家的形象;谦虚( Be modesty or appreciate other’s perspectives),谦虚并能容纳别人观点;态度 (Attitude),做事认真负责,为人正直;
