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情境背景?说明问题?回答问题?※不是每个介绍都有三个要素,而是大多数。context: Why can’t a machine be more like a man? . . . The same question has been raised by and about creatures ranging from Frankenstein to Terminator II.


problem: But the real question is . . . do they tacitly reinforce destructive stereotypes of what it means to be ‘normal’?问题:但真正的问题是。。。他们是否默认加强对“正常”意味着什么的破坏性刻板印象?

response:The model person seems in fact to be defined byWestern criteria that exclude most of the people in the world.



【1】Stable context (Common ground)稳定的上下文(共同点)

Some apparently unproblematic account of research already known


【2】Being disrupted (Problem)被打扰(问题)

Reader, you may think you know something, but your knowledge is flawed or uncompleted.

读者,你可能会认为你知道某些东西,但是你的知识是有缺陷的或者没有完成的。【3】Explanation and solution 解释和解决方案

Look at how I handle the problem and work it out.


Material and Methods 材料和方法

The methods should give enough detail so that someone else can duplicate your experiment. 这些方法应该给出足够的细节,以便别人可以复制你的实验。However, they should not be as detailed as the instructions in your laboratory notes. 但是,它们不应该与实验室说明中的说明一样详细。

Remember not to comment on your observations or measurements in the methods stage. You should do this in the results stage.

记住不要在方法阶段评论你的观察或测量。你应该在结果阶段做到这一点。The information you provide should typically answer the following questions:

What materials did you use?What methods did you use?


How should I begin the Methods?我应该如何开始“方法”?(a) making a general statement about your method(a)就您的方法作一般性的陈述The method described here is simple, rapid and sensitive. 这里描述的方法简单快速(b) referring to another paper(b)提及另一份文件

The materials used for isolation and culture are described elsewhere [20].

Materials were obtained in accordance with Burgess et al.’s method [55].

(c) stating where you obtained your materials from(c)说明您从哪里获取材料Bacterial strains were isolated and kindly supplied by…

Agorose for gel electrophoresis was purchased from Brogdon plc (Altrincham, UK).

(d) explaining how you found your subjects(d)解释你如何找到你的实验对象Subjects were chosen from a randomly selected sample of…

Participants were selected from patients at the Gynecology Faculty of the University (e) indicating where (i.e. a geographical location) your investigation was focused (e)指出您的调查重点在何处(即地理位置)

Our empirical investigation focused on Tuscany, a central region of Italy.

The study was carried out in four boulevards in Athens (Greece).

(f) referring the reader to a figure which shows the experimental set up


To highlight the advantages of the system, Fig. 1 shows the…

(g) starting directly with the first step in your procedure


Frontal cerebral cortices were dissected from…

Core-cell composite materials were prepared by colloidal assembly of…
