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As we all known,computer,a kind of system,is used to deal with data,including MP3,telephone and so on.People's life has been changed since it appeared.In recent ten or twenty years, The computer technology has been developed rapidly, with it the Internet has been rapidly expanding. Internet is affecting our society and life, which is changing the traditional business model.

How does the computer affect business models?It is no difficult for us to find a bulk of examples to illustrate the problem.First of all, the computer provides a very good platform , which makes the real sales to the online sales. A typical example is the Taobao from which people can purchase all kinds of goods including clothing, food and electronic products.Furthermore ,computers have changed the traditional way of payment and financial management mode.what we are familar with the Yu Ebao,Jingdong financial and so on.To a certain extent, those have been impacting the development of banking sector.Finally, it is worth our attention that the business model based on the computer has greatly promoted the development of the economy.

In the tide of economic globalization and global informatization, the development of computer is especially significant,which plays a key role in new busniess world. However, the new business put forward higher requirements for the network environment, which requires us to maintain.



It is well known that the power of example is infinite.In the same way, setting an example is significant for children in the process of their growth-one which has both clearly causes and diffirent effects.

Why the example has huge impact for the growth of children ? An obvious reason is the ability of absorption and imitation of the children.In other words,the children are expert in learning what one sees and hears them. Therefore, parents, brothers and sisters and even the teacher's behavior will have a great impact on the child's behavior.The way of learning is another factor.Because setting an example is the most direct and most effective way of learning in a number of learning methods.

The effects of setting an example can be various which include positive and negative.Setting a good example can promote the growth of the children and especially the parents should set an positive example for children.This is because parents are their children's first teachers, parents’manners will constantly affects children.Tolstoy said: "in a family, the father only to educate themselves, where to produce children's self education. Without a father of a pioneer example, all the children of self-education conversation will become empty talk."
