


Part 1

Personal information:

What’s your full name?

Where are you from?

Which part of the country are you from?

When do you usually get up?

What’s your favorite time of day?

Do you prefer to stay alone or stay with your friends?

Hometown & Accommodation:

Do you live in a house or a flat?

Why do you want to live here?

How long have you been living here?

Where’s your hometown?

Describe the place you live in.

What do you feel about the place you live in?

Wha t’s your hometown like?


Are you working or studying?

What major are you going to choose?

What’s your major?

What are you studying?

What do you learn in school?

Do you like your major?

Do you think your major course is easy to learn?

What subject do you learn?

Why do you want to learn this subject?

How does the education system change in China?

What do you want to be in the future?

Why do you study English?

How does your teacher teach English?

What teaching style do you like?

Do you prefer group learning or individual learning?

How do you study English?

Where do you usually study English? With whom?

Do the young and the elderly learn English in different ways? What are the differences?


Do you think your job is easy to do? Why?

What’s your job responsibility?


Do you have sports?

Does you community have any sports equipment?

What sport do you do?

What sport are you going to learn in the future?

Are there any good sports facilities in your community?

What sport do you want to do in the future?

Society & Culture:

Have you received any gift?

When do people give gifts in your country?

When will you give gifts?

Do you think it's difficult to choose a gift?

Have you ever made a gift by yourself to somebody?

Do most people ride bicycles?

Did you learn to ride a bike when you were young?

Are there any benefits of bicycle riding?

Why so many people ride bicycles in your country?

Do you think bike riding is safe?

What are the differences between being a child and being an adult? Leisure activities:

When did you go shopping last time?

Do you like going to a party?

What do you dislike most about a party?

Do you like shopping?

What do you dislike most about shopping?

When do you usually go shopping?

Do you prefer small shops or shopping malls? Why?

Food & Cooking:

What’s your favorite dish?

Who is the best cook among the people around you?

Who cooks in your family?

Do you cook?

Is it necessary for everyone to learn to cook? Why?






Part 2

5大原则,人,物,地,事,媒,下面的考题按照五个原则来变化l People

1 .A well known person

2. A visitor to your home/

3. An old person you admire/a famous person/celebrity

5. A school friend / teenager/

6. Someone who is good at cooking

7. A comic actor (NEW)

8. A smart person (NEW)

l Object

1. A gift/ an electronic device

2. A Book

3. A Work of Art

4. A Childhood Toy

5. A Childhood Song

6. Clothing for Special Occasions

7. An Interesting Lecture or Speech

8. An important letter you wrote/received

9. An old product (NEW)

l Place

1. Library

2. Tourist attraction

3. An ideal home or apartment/a house you like

4.A place with a lot of water

5. A place you visited in order to know its culture (NEW)

l Experience

1. Something you succeeded in doing/an important stage in your life

2. An Organization/ A Time When You Helped Someone

3. Something You Would Like to Learn/a course you would like to learn/ science lesson in school

4. An educational trip / A Long Journey/a outdoor meal

5. Your Favorite Season

6. A Childhood Game

7. A Traffic Jam

8. An outdoor meal

9. A trip you spent far away from home (NEW)

10. A life-changing experience (NEW)

l Media

1. A film

2. A News

3. A Performance

4. A TV program

5. A Healthy Habit

6. An advertisement


1. Person

Describe a friend you’d like to spend your time with

In what way did he/she help you with your academic study or work?

What are the pressures you have to face in your life?

How do you deal with them?

Do you prefer to study alone or together with others?

What would happen if one always works independently?

What are the disadvantages of working in a group?

What do you think are the effects of computer and mobile phone on families?

Which one is more important, family or friends?

Who should assume more responsibilities in the family?

Describe an elderly person you admire

What’s the living situation of the elde rly people in China?

What sorts of jobs are available for the elderly people?

Describe a person who is good at cooking

Describe a famous person you would like to meet

Do you want to become famous? Why?

Will people change their personality after they become famous?

What sort of people do young people admire?

Describe a person you have helped

Comment on relationship between neighbors in China

Do you think richer people are more selfish?

2. Event

Describe a long journey

What should be prepared before the journey?

What can people learn through travel?

Do you prefer to travel alone or in group?

Describe a sport event

Do Chinese schools place strong emphasis on physical education?

What are the differences between competition within the classroom and athletic competition?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of holding sporting events in school?

Which one is better, team sport or individual sport?

Do you think it’s a good idea for schools to offer scholarship to students in order to encourage sports among students?

Describe the stage of your life that you enjoyed most

How do people give helps to students who will graduate from university soon?

In China, when do people hold celebrations?

Describe a change in your life

What are the changes in your education?

Describe an educational trip

What’s the importance of study trip?

Is it a good way?

Should parents help children with their study?

What’s the trend of studying at home?

Describe a traffic jam

How do you feel in times of traffic jam?

What are the traffic problems in your city?

Should different amount of taxes be levied on cars with different engine capacity?

How has traffic affected our environment?

What other choices do you have if you are stuck in a traffic jam?

Can public transport alleviate traffic congestions?

Do you think the government should take sole responsibility for solving traffic problems?

Can motorways and highways help to solve traffic problems?

When is traffic jam most serious?

What did the government do to solve the problem?

Should the government impose a heavier tax in an effort to solve traffic jam?

Describe a successful experience

Describe a performance

What are the influences of music on culture?

What are the influences of wide use of TV on traditional artistic performance?

Describe the most important stage in your life

At what age is marriage legal in China?

At what age should children start to take family responsibility?

Talk about the generation gap between elderly people and young adults

What job is deemed suitable for the elderly people?

What’s the general attitude towards the elderly people?

3. Object

Describe a song you knew when you were a child

Have you ever been to a music concert before?

What kind of music suits people of different age groups?

Describe a book you have read

What are the differences of reading habits between teenagers and the elderly people?

How has technology changed the way people read?

Describe a piece of advertisement that makes you want to buy something

What are some possible mass media that feature advertisement?

Should we impose restrictions on advertisements?

Will advertisements be more popular?

Describe a piece of art

What are the differences in the arts liked by elderly people and young adults?

Should the government support arts?

What sorts of arts are valuable?

Describe an advice

What sorts of advices are useful to young people?

Do young people prefer to listen to parents or their friends?

Are the advices given by the elderly people useful?

Describe an advertisement

Do you think we should restrict advertisements?

Some of the adverts are not appropriate for children. How to solve this problem?

What’s the relationship between mass media and advertisements?

Describe a piece of radio program

Which one do you prefer, radio programs or TV programs?

Describe a text message you received on your mobile phone

Describe a TV program

What are the pros and cons of TV and radio respectively?

Why do young people prefer TV?

Describe a piece of music

How has western music influenced eastern one?

Do you buy advertised products?

Is the government responsible to build libraries?

How has means of communication changed over the past decade?

Part 3 题库

Describe a special gift

How do young people help the elderly people?

Are people now more kindhearted than before?

Describe a piece of music you liked when you were a child

How can teaching children music help them in their early childhood?

What type of music should people listen to at different ages? When is the first time you heard the song that impressed you the most? What type of music should people listen to?

Will music be played in public?

Describe a toy when you were a child

Talk about a childhood game

Describe an interesting speech or lecture

Who was the speaker?

Should children take part in the talks?

Why are Chinese people afraid to give public speeches?

Describe your favorite law

Why do people want to become a lawyer instead of a policeman?

Are policemen considered a good job in China?

What makes a good policeman?

What kind of people tends to commit crimes in China?

Talk about the occupation of lawyer

What kind of crimes could be forgiven?

Describe a speech

What makes a good speaker?

What sort of speeches should be made available in university? What kind of people should be invited give speeches to kids? Describe one clothes you always wear in special occasions

Have people changed the way they dress?

Why is uniform compulsory in companies?

Describe a course you want to learn when you were a child

Do you think children can learn more at school or at home?

Do you think adults should be responsible for teaching children academic skills?

How is learning for children and adults different on computers?

Describe a childhood activity/game

What can kids learn from the activity?

How has athletic competition shaped children’s character?

Is competition required in all jobs?

How should countries cooperate with each other?

Is it important for kids to play games?

What sort of games do adults play?

Describe a foreign language you want to learn

Describe a toy

Do you think many kids have too many toys now?

Should girls play with dolls and boy play with soccer games?

What are the advantages of kids exchanging toys?

Describe a gift you gave to your friends

Do Chinese people prefer to buy gifts or make them?

Which do you prefer?

When do Chinese people usually send presents?

Why do you think homemade presents are better than ones that are bought from shops?

Do you think it’s a good idea to reward children with their gifts?

Please list the advantages and disadvantages of rewarding people in a company?

What are the ways to reward employees?

Describe something you’d like to learn in the future

Do kids learn more from home or school?

Should adults take major responsibilities in kids learning academic skills?

Describe a piece of interesting news

Do a lot of Chinese people read newspaper regularly?

Are people more concerned of international news or domestic news?

Should TV commercials be more interesting?

What makes a good journalist?

Is online news playing an ever increasingly important role in people’s daily life?

How to make news more appealing?

Describe something that is good for health

How to define a healthy lifestyle?

Do you think Chinese people’s lifestyle is healthy?

How have media advertisements influenced peo ple’s health?

Describe something that is good for people’s health.

Is there any other way for people to stay healthy besides workout on a regular basis?

Where can people go to work out?

Are sports facilities available in public space?

Will people go to these places?

Describe an exciting experience

What’s the meaning of university library to you?

Describe a course you want to learn

Which major proves most popular in China?

Do you think it’s difficult?

Do you like to learn?

Why do girls not like to choose engineering as their major?

Should university do away with arts classes?

Describe a traditional art

Name a number of traditional cultural performances

What are the differences in dancing between boys and girls?

What’s your fa vorite music?

Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future

Will the special thing help you in your study?

Do you like to go shopping?

What are the effective ways of advertising?

Describe a season

Talk about the negative influences of global warming

Describe something that will help you to learn foreign languages Talk about the advantages of learning a foreign language

Describe a large organization

What are the advantages of large and small organizations

What’s your view towar ds the fact that most factories are far away from downtown area?

What are the advantages of large multi-national companies?

Why do many people like to work in small companies?

Describe a book you have read recently

What books do Chinese kids read?

What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading?

What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV?

Describe a phone call

Talk about advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone

Do people like to hear people talking loud in public?

Describe something you would like to learn

What should kids learn before they go to school?

Which one is better, school education or parental education?

Describe a photo

Do Chinese people like taking photos?

When do people take photos usually?

Why do people tear apart the photos they have taken?

Describe a piece of law

Why are there fewer policemen than lawyers?

What are the differences between policemen and lawyers?


Describe a house/apartment that you have seen or you like

Describe a workplace

What are the advantages of working at night?

Describe a library

Is it a campus or public one?

Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?

Describe a tourist attraction

What are the types of tourist attractions in China?

Is the travel with tour guide good?

Will people change their attitude towards tour guide?

What measures did the government take to protect tourist attraction?

Would you recommend this tourist attraction?

How do people visit historical places nowadays?

Do you think we should visit historical places for free?

Do you think people can learn anything from visiting historical places?

Describe the favorite part in your hometown

How often do you go there?

Are there more Chinese people living in the city or in the countryside?

What are the benefits of studying in the city?

What kind of people likes to live in the city?

What are the major differences between living in the city and countryside?

Should more entertainment parlors be built in the city?

Describe a historical site

What are the types of historical sites?

Why do people nowadays dislike visiting a historical site?

In what ways can people get to know history?

Do you think TV programs that focus on history can make people interested in history more?


雅思口语2011年01月08日考题回顾 考试日期2011.01.08 Part 1Your Work or Your Studies What do you do (in a typical day) at work? Do you like your job? Would you like to change your job? Do you think you will need to receive any training in the future? What job would you like to do in the future? Why are you taking the IELTS test? Do you think the first day at work is important? What subjects are you studying? Why did you choose that subject? What school (or university) do you go to? Why did you choose that university (or, school)? How do you like your subject? What's your favourite subject at school? What's the most difficult part of your course? What's the most interesting part of your course (your subject)? For you, what's the most interesting part (or subject or class) of your course? Do you think it will be easy to find that kind of work? Did you like your first day at university? Do you think the first day at university is important? Your Home& Your Accommodation Do you live in a house or a flat? How long have you lived there? Do you plan to live there for a long time? Please describe your home a little. What are the benefits (or, advantages) of living in a flat/house? What's your favourite room in your home? (Why?) How do you think your home (your house or your flat) could be improved?


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part 2新题预测:有意义的 歌 有意义的歌 P2 Describe a song that is meaningful to you. You should say: what song it is; when you first heard it; what the song is about; and explain why it is meaningful to you. P3 1.Is it good for children to learn music? 2.How do Chinese people learn music? 3.Do men and women play different kinds of musical instruments? 4.what's the status of traditional music now? 5.Do all grades have music class? 6.Is music class important? 7.What kind of music do children like? 8.Why would some parents force their children to learn some musical

instruments? 解析 题目要求考生描述“一首对你有意义的歌”。作答要点包括:是什么歌、什么时候第一次听到、歌是关于什么的,并说明为什么这首歌对你有特殊意义。 范文 Three years ago, a song came out that celebrated being young and relaxed and I was instantly crazy about it. It was called ‘Young for you’ and the beat and melody were off the hook! The song became a massive hit across China that year and you could hear it being played everywhere. When I listen to the song now it immediately takes me back to my youth. I first heard the song playing in a shopping mall and was instantly drawn to it. The singer's voice was like no other I had ever heard before and the melody was haunting and sad. I stopped shopping and used an app on my phone to identify the tune. I immediately downloaded the album off iTunes.

2018年9-12月雅思口语题库——Part 1

2018年9-12月雅思口语题库——Part 1 最新9-12月口语题库,希望正在与雅思奋战的同学不再与雅思缠绵啦! PART 1 Films/Movies 1.Do you often watch films/movies? 2.Did you ofen watch films/movies when you were a kid? 3.Are there any differences between the films/movies you watched now and the ones y ou watched when you were a child? 4.Do you prefer watching films/movies alone or with friends? 5.What kind of movies do you like? 6.Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Drinking water 1.Do you like drinking water? 2.Which one do you prefe r, tap water or bottled water, why? 3.How often do you drink water? 4.What kinds of water do you like to drink? 5.Do you drink bottled water or water from water machines? Morning Routine 1.Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?


2019年9月雅思口语题库(新题+高频话题)9-12月的口语话题出了哪些新题与旧题呢?整理了9月参加雅思考试的小伙伴的最新口语话题会议,整体上来看,很多题目仍然是旧题的变更版,下面是最新的part1、part2话题,大家结合对应语料复习即可。 (1)Part 1 高频新题有Haircut,Jeans,Makeup, Tiredness, Concentration等话题 (2)Part 2 高频新题A place where you read and write, A place you remember well that if full of colors, An experience when you visited a friend, An experience when you first met someone, A special day that made you happy. 具体题目 1. Study/ Work 2. Accommodation 3. Hometown 4. Haircut What’syour favorite hairstyle?How often do you have your haircut?Do you often change your haircut? 5. Jeans

Do you wear jeans?How often do you wear jeans?Do you like to wear jeans?Why do you think jeans are popular in China? 6. Eating How often do you eat with your family?Do you like eating healthy food?Do you eat out a lot?Do you prefer eating at home or a restaurant? 7. Tiredness What things make you tired?What do you do when you feel tired?Who do you prefer to talk to when you feeltired, your friends or family members?Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired? 8. Makeup Do you often wear makeup?What does wearing makeup mean to you?Do you give cosmetics as gifts?What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup? 9. Trust Who do you trust most?Have you ever lost trust in someone?What kind of people do you trust?Do you trust artificial intelligence? 10. Island


2021年03月18日雅思考试口语考题回顾考试日期:2010.03.18 Part 1 Name Is there any special meaning behind your name? What’s your name? Why do you get this name? Is there a certain name that is popular in China? Is the name important to Chinese people? Occupation Are you a student or at work? What are you studying for?

Can you tell me something about your student life? What’s your job? What are you responsible for? Do you study part-time while working? What are the subjects you study? What’s your major? Why do people have worked think school life is happy? Do you think people should get paid when they are required to work on weekends? Hometown and Accommodation Where are you from?

Where do you live? How’s the traffic around your home? Is it convenient for you to buy fresh vegetables and fruits? Do you live in a house or an apartment? Which one do you prefer? What’s on your apartment’s wall? How to improve your home? Where’s your hometown? What do you like most about your hometown? Are bicycles popular in your hometown? Do you like to live beside the seaside?


雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语考试是考生与考官之间进行一对一交流的形式,考官对考生的英语口语水平进行考察。雅思口语考试分为三个部分,考生可以以此使用不同的口语表达技能。雅思考试口语部分将被录音。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思口语考试形式及内容全面解析 雅思口语Part 1 雅思口语考试形式:考官会向考生进行自我简介,并核对考生的身份。之后,考官会就考生熟悉的话题(如朋友、兴趣习惯或者食物) 进行询问。为保证题目的一致性,这些问题都是从一个事先拟定的范围内抽取的。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生就日常性的观点和信息、常见的生活经历或情形以回答问题的形式进行交流的能力。 雅思口语Part 2 雅思口语考试形式:这部分为考生作个人陈述。考官会交给考生一个答题任务卡、铅笔和草稿纸做笔记。答题任务卡上会给

出一个话题和需要在个人陈述中包含的要点,并在最后提示考生解释这个话题的某一个方面。有效地使用答题任务卡上的提示可以帮助考生思考讲述的话题、组织内容、并持续地陈述2分钟时间。在准备时间内做一些笔记也可以帮助考生安排好陈述的结构。考生有一分钟的准备时间,之后考官会要求考生就相关内容讲述1-2分钟。考官会在2分钟后打断考生,并在最后提问一两个问题作为结束语。 考试时间有多长:3-4分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察得是考生(在没有任何其它提示的情况下)就一个特定的话题进行较长时间的陈述的能力,考察考生是否能恰当地运用语言、是否能连贯地组织自己的观点。考生有可能需要联系自己的经历来完成这部分内容。 雅思口语Part 3 雅思口语考试形式:在这部分考试中,考官和考生将对第二部分中涉及的话题进行讨论,讨论将为更加广泛和抽象,在恰当的时候还会更加深入。 考试时间有多长:4-5分钟。 这部分考察的是什么技能:这部分考察的是考生表达和论述看法、分析、讨论以及深入思考问题的能力。 雅思口语范文:describe something made you laugh


2019年9-12月雅思口语Part1题库:History 【雅思】 History 1. Do you like history class? 2. When was the last time you read history books? 3. What are the differences between learning history from books and from watching films? 4. Do you like films adapted from real history? 5. Do you think museums are important? 6. Do you think it is suitable for museums to sell things to visitor? 7. Do you like (to learn about) history? 8. What historical event do you find most interesting? 9. Do you think history is important? 10. Do you like to watch programs on TV about history? 11. Do you think you (= one) can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs? 12. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history? 13. Can you name a person from history whom you would like to learn more about? 14. Why would you like to learn more about him/her?


2020年2月20日雅思口语真题回忆北京 1 北京语言大学,room16 part1问了hometown,history(多),family part 2 forget important thing 碰见白人老太,老是被打断 湖北 1 武汉武昌实验中学考点 part 1:你的专业+城市公园+手工课 part2:描述一个你敬仰的老人 part3:主要问中国老年人生活 广东 1 广州考点。part 1:你是学生还是已工作?工作状态是早上好 还是下午好?工作最enjoy的地方是什么?你喜欢什么音乐?part 2描述你和朋友一起享用晚餐的时刻..为什么约在一起吃饭?在哪里吃?吃的 时候聊了什么?part3就着part2延伸,关于家庭聚餐的问题 2 广州仲恺 part 1 flat or house.park.handcraft; part 2 电 视上的趣事;part 3 中国人喜欢看电视吗?家里人看电视的好处?有什 么不好吗?电视对教育和学校的影响 福建 厦门大学 1工作还是学生专业和朋友出去; 经常坐飞机的朋友; 飞机好不好人们注重什么安不安全住在机场附近好不好 四川 四川大学Room2, Part 1: favorite room, bus or taxi, 在家附近好打车吗 Part 2:短假期去过的一个特别的地方 Part 3:人 们冬夏去的地方的不同,长短假去的地方的不同,喜欢长假还是短假,跟朋友或家人外出游玩的区别 陕西

西安交大 p1会早上学习还是下午学习,为什么,你的专业和想象的有不同吗;p2一个对你来说很特别的假期,和谁,在哪里,有什么特别的地方;p3旅游对环境有负面影响吗,中国人喜欢旅游吗,人们喜欢短途旅行还是长假,如果你是老板会让员工休假吗,中国人是工作狂吗 贵州 贵州大学 part1是音乐自行车。好多问题;part2是协助一个人的经历;part3就一直问各种帮人的问题。还有什么志愿者为什么普遍是女人之类的问题 江苏 西交利物浦 part1 家乡旅游;part2 个人目标;part3 自行车目标梦想 山东 山东大学,room14,part1:work or study; part2:something not to do because of the bad weather;part3:activities people do in different seasons 浙江 杭州 part1学生还是工作喜欢什么类的音乐; part2一个比你年长的你尊敬的人; part3老年人经常做什么事情,你老了会干什么,老年人的生活是否因为性别不同会有所不同,年轻人和老年人交流是否存有困难


第二段:主考官抽出一张题卡,卡上写明某话题,考生有一分钟准备时间,之后须根据要求对该话题进行2分钟个人观点阐述(约3-4分钟,包括1分钟准备时间)。 Part 2 Topics Describe : 1. A luxurious thing 2. An important Stage in your life 3. A period of time you enjoyed most in your life. When is it? What did you enjoy? Why? 4. An English Lesson you have attended. What is the content? Why do you remember it? 5. Clothing. 6. Which area(aspect) of life do you want to be successful in? Why? 7. The legal age for marriage in China. Do you think it is suitable?

8. An impressive speech you have heard. What is it about? Why do you remembe it so well? 9. A bicycle. 10. The person you are familiar with. 11. A Building. 12. An advertisement 13.what do people in different age do? 14. a thing you want to achieve Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points: Graduation, school, pink dress, accessory, Actually, in my high school, students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】 No one's special. So after a while, we all have the similar physical features.


雅思考试口语考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心吴艳考试日期2015年3月28日 Part 1考题总结 考题总结Name 1. Does your name have any special meaning? 2. Do you want to change your name? What would it be? 3. Are there any common names in china? Why? 4. Do you have any tradition about naming babies? 5. Are there any ceremonies when people name their babies? Your studies 1. Do you work or are you a student? 2. What's your major? Have you ever communicated about your major with your friends? 3. Will you study with others in the future? Why? 4. What is your plan for your future study? 5. When you study, do you feel happy? 6. What’s your favorite subject? What do like most about it? 7. Do you enjoy your school life? What are the benefits of being a student? 8. What do you usually do after class? Job 1. What’s your job? / What do you do? / How do you make a living? 2. Have you ever changed your job? / Do you want to change a job? 3. What’s your routine job? / What do you do in the office every day? What’s your responsibility in your company? 4. Do you satisfy with your job? /What aspects do you like or dislike about your job? 5. What job do you like to do in the future? Your hometown 1. Where do you come from? 2. Is there anything special about your hometown? / Are there any beautiful places in your hometown? 3. What is the weather like in your hometown? 4. What's the weather like in your hometown? 5. What are some of the changes that have taken place in your home town?


雅思口语考试万能语句 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

雅思口语考试万能语句1. 与考官见面用语 Glad to meet you here.? 很高兴见到你。 How nice to see you.? 能见到你太好了。 Fancy seeing you.? 见到你真好。 How are you?? 你好吗? I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.? 我很高兴能有机会见到你。 I’m glad to meet you.? 我很高兴能见到你。 I’m please to meet you. 我很开心能见到你。 It’s a pleasure to meet you. 能见到你很开心。 2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂 Could you please rephrase that question / topic?? 你能把这个问/话题换种说法再说一次吗? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…? 我不在确定你指的是什么。。。 3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂,要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确 Do you mean…?? 你指的是。。。

If I understand right,…? 如果我没有理解错的话。。。 I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?? 不好意思如果我理解慢了,但是。。。 I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?? 不好意思,我不能确定我完全理解了。你指的是。。。 So am I right in saying…?? 所以我可以说。。。 If I’ve got the picture, then…? 如果我理解了的话,那。。。 So what you mean is…, right? 所以你想说明的是。。。对吗? Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?? 对不起我没完全理解,你指的是。。。 Can I get one thing clear?? 我可以确认一下吗? Would I be correct in supposing…?? 所以我假设。。。是对的吗?? 4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉 I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…? 我不太确定怎么回答这个问题,但是(也许)。。。 That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)… 这是一个相对来说有点难度的问题,但是(也许)。。。 I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…? 不好意思,但是我对于。。。不是很了解。 5. 评价考官所提问题 That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…?


2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文精选5篇 不知不觉又迎来了雅思口语换库,雅思口语换题后增加了很多新题,8月份最后一次雅思考试要来了。今天小编给大家整理了2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文,我们一起来看看吧! 2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文1 题目: 1.Do you think you are a good friend to others? 2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with? 3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? 4.What do you think makes good friends? 范文: 1.Do you think you are a good friend to others? Yes, I can proudly say so. I am sociable enough to know at first, lovable enough to get along with, and judicious enough to give a piece of advice. Many friends of mine seek advice from me, and generally, they take it into consideration. I guess that shows how close we are. 2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with? I like to make friends with honest and straightforward guys. Cuz I’m the hot-headed type of person. Once I was told to do something, I would do it blindly. If an honest and straightforward friend came giving me wise advice, I could stop myself from acting stupidly and take a wiser move. 3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?


2015年2月28日雅思口语真题回忆—北京中雅封闭班 北京中雅频道为大家整理了2015年2月28日雅思口语真题回忆,供大家参考,以下是详细内容: 上海 上财 room315 p1 trees clothes p2movie you would like to watch again p3 有有名的演员对电影很重要么有什么新的技术提高观影效果么现在还有卖盗版光碟的么为什么有人不喜欢卡通 上海财大中山北一路校区 313 趴1 名字,上学还是工作,专业,喜欢这个专业吗,以后想做的职业,一天睡多久,小时候睡觉比现在重要吗,喜欢看天空吗趴2 帮助过的一个陌生人趴3 什么职业要帮助人,帮助人需要什么性格,每个年轻人都需要帮助别人吗 上海财经room314 趴1 study or work subject what did you buy in recent day what is your hobby ...趴2 APP 还问我喜欢download APP吗什么APP 趴 3 techology 好还是坏 上海财经大学 room302 part1 nature advertisement study part2 the person u want to be similar part3 influnce from famous people help children grow up 年轻男考官,超帅的! 黑龙江 黑龙江大学rm2,很nice的白人小哥,很客气,问的工作之类问题,p2:describe a family member you wanna work with p3问的关于家族企业 黑大r4 p1 major/collection/clothes p2 a place you only visited for a short time and you want to go back to this place P3长途旅行和短途旅行的不同不同国家之间的旅行有什么不同……男考官爱皱眉问了我20多个问题 黑大,RM05,是个和蔼带眼镜的中年男子,说话语速不快。趴1,学校学科,家乡,鞋子。趴兔,对身体好的一项运动。趴三,现在人们对健康重不重视,小孩子做不做运动 黑大room6 趴1something you learned from the Internet 趴2没说多少就进山了也是会回答一句问一句why how白人男考官还握了手上次也是room6 黑大,228,room7,中年男性,比较严肃。趴一:学习还是工作,毕业想做什么,喜欢专业不,喜不喜欢住在郊区,手写好不好认,喜不喜欢去自然环境等。趴二:想学的东西。趴三:家庭教育和学校教育哪个重要,家长在家里教孩子什么,家长在家教孩子生活技能不,家长该不该教孩子学术知识 黑大 RM7 考官无表情 P1:学科喜不喜欢why 来自哪儿你家乡怎么样一直都在家乡住吗 P2: waste of time P3:人们都在做什么浪费时间的事怎样合理安排时间人们应该怎么做家长应不应该帮孩子安排时间好还是不好 黑大room7 面无表情中年男考官,几乎是稍一停顿就问下一题目了…p1 name,home,handwriting,festival… p2 俊男美女 p3 好看很重要吗、卖衣服需要模特吗、中国好看的风景blahblahblah


口语考试如果希望取得高分(比如7分以上),不但要有一定的口语水平,还要来点“旁门左道”。依据我的经验,口语考试成绩=个人真实的口语水平x现场表现系数x考官认可系数。这三部分中,口语水平短时间内很难有大的提高,虽然完全可以通过充分的准备从而“脱胎换骨”。考官是否认可不能由你把握,但是与你的现场表现直接相关。所以,如果想要在口语考试中拿到高分,最能控制也是最立竿见影的就是你的现场表现。一句话:你要影响考官。 一、雅思口语考试三大破绽 口语考试并非"无机可乘",相反,它的主观性决定了它与生俱来的不准 确性。从两次口语取得8分的经历中,我总结出雅思口语考试有以下破绽,从而使考生能用于影响考官: 1 口语考试的成绩与你的真实水平是正相关的,但不是成正比的。也就是说,在你毫无准备的情况下,它能够测出你属于哪一个档次的,比如说,5-6分是一个中级档次,7-8分是一个高级档次。但是在同一个档次内部,到底是5分还是6分,7分还是8分,完全取决于两个人的主观博弈-你和考官。 2 口语考试的生杀大权掌握在考官手中,所以要“攻城为下,攻心为上”。我的口号是“要把考官当人看”,而不是机器或者大牲口(虽然你心里是这么想的)。口语考试考察的是考生的"沟通"能力,而非单纯的"口语"能力。所以,如果你在考试开始前没有礼貌地和考官打招呼,没有尊重地问问考官的名字,说话的时候表 情冷漠,没有笑容,光目呆滞,总是保持一个声调,使人感到乏味,离开考场时忘了对考官说"再见",总之就是没有给予考官对正常人应有的礼貌和尊重时,你是 休想得高分的。

3 “多算胜,少算不胜”。我们不能打无把握之仗,而要在考试前积极备战,从而使雅思口语考试的科学性在你的成绩上体现的微乎其微。因为口语考试采用的是题库制,所以所有的题目都能从网上找到“机经”。你完全可以做到有的放矢的备考。一旦你有了充分的准备,即使自认为口语水平一般的同学,通过一定的技术处理,完全有可能在口语考试中作到"点石成金",从而取得7分以上的成绩。 二、现场表现系数的四大要素 口语考试要有以下几个要素才能得高分:自信,反应,语音和表情。这就是我说的“现场表现系数”。 1 自信。你有面对考官的自信吗?比如,你是否会很轻松地反问考官:"What can I call you?"从而给考官的笫一印象就是:这个人肯定口语不错,因为其它考生都不敢和我这样!口语考试不同于一般的和鬼子聊天,而是你和一个考官在一间“阴森可怖”的小黑屋里面,你看着他,他看着你。你无权保持沉默,并且你所说的每一句话都将成为承堂证供,因为你面前还摆着一个录音机。你曾有的自信就在你还没有进入口语考场之前的焦急等待中彻底土崩瓦解了。那你就完了,因为你下面的口语考试就会出现技术变形。自信从何而来?准备。如果你对即将考到的题目烂熟于胸,你会不自信吗?如果你已经拥有了大量和鬼子练口语的经历,发现他们无非就是一群来中国“潇洒走一回”的流浪汉,你会不自信吗?所以,试问那些一考口语就紧张的同学,你们有谁在考试之前做到了以上这两点呢? 2 反应。如果你希望对口语考试中的所有问题都有所准备,这是mission impossible。所以要对没有准备过的问题做出敏锐地反应。我第二次考8分的时候被问到一个问题:“Are physical exercises popular in China?”


2019年9-12月雅思口语话题库(新题) Part1新题 Tiredness 疲倦 What things make you tired? What do you do when you feel tired? Who do you prefer to talk to when you feel mentally tired, your friends or your families? Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired? Sun 阳光 Do you like sunshine? What do you do on sunny days? Have you ever used suncreen? Amusement park 游乐园 Do you like amusement parks? How often do you go to amusement parks? What do you usually do at amusement parks? Forest 森林 When was the last time you went to a forest? Do you like going to a forest if you are free? Eating 饮食 How often do you eat with your family? Do you like eating healthy food? Do you eat out a lot? Do you prefer eating at home or at a restaurant? Makeup 化妆




2014年2月1日雅思口语真题考试回忆 Part 1 Personal information: What’s your full name? Where are you from? Which part of the country are you from? When do you usually get up? What’s your favorite time of day? Do you prefer to stay alone or stay with your friends? Hometown & Accommodation: Do you live in a house or a flat? Why do you want to live here? How long have you been living here? Where’s your hometown? Describe the place you live in. What do you feel about the place you live in? What’s your hometown like? Study: Are you working or studying? What major are you going to choose? What’s your major? What are you studying? What do you learn in school?


雅思英语口语考试30个常见话题归纳 1. describe your favorite animal 2. describe relaxation method 3. describe communication method 4. describe al job you are interested in 5. describe sth old in your family(可以谈礼物或jewelry或clothes) 6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood 7. describe a library 8. describe a physical exercise 9. describe a store 10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper 11. describe an advertisement you like. 12. describe a school you attended. 13. describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special t ime? 14. describe your favorite room in your home.

15. describe a change in your life. 16. describe the part of day you like most 17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting. 18.describe an old man you are familiar with. 19.describe a river or lake you have seen. 20. describe something which was made by yourself 21.describe the best present you got in your life. 22.describe your favorite way of transport. 23.describe a famous person you admire. 24.describe your favorite movie. 26. describe your best friend. 27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life. 28. describe a subject you studied at school. 29. describe a building. 30. describe a club or team or organization you joined
