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After all the cows in one side finished milking 一侧奶台牛只全部完成挤奶后的工作
• Open the gate for the cows.打开出牛门 • Clean the floor stage from manure. • 清理有粪便的地面
• Clean the cluster- make sure that the cows
September 14
4. Bowl 集乳器
Milk meter 牛奶计量器
September 14
Before milking挤奶前准备
• • • • • • • • Personal hygiene & cleanliness-milk is a food! 注意:挤奶员的个人卫生。 干净的牛奶才称为食品! Wash hands with soap & water before & after milking; also after visiting toilet 用肥皂洗手并用清水洗净。挤奶前后要洗手,上完 厕所也要洗手。 All milkers must wear clean, appropriate clothing 挤奶工必须衣着干净,适合挤奶工作要求 Gloves佩戴手套
• Cups on.套杯
• Do the same with the next 8 cows. • 对于剩下的8头牛做同样的准备工作。
September 14 11
Preparation the udder (scheme) 关于乳房的准备工作
Dipped 药浴
30 seconds 30 秒
Dry teats with towel使用毛巾擦干乳头
1. Understanding the physiological system of the udder 了解牛只乳房的生理结构 2. High level of personal hygiene, clean and dry cows, milking equipment clean and properly maintained. 高度注意个人卫生整洁,保持牛体的干净,干燥以及 挤奶设备的清洁和合理的维护 3. Regular milking routine.正规的挤奶操作程序 4. Concentrate on the milking process.挤奶过程中精力集中 5. Proper preparation of the cow, by the protocol. 按照制定的挤奶操作,使牛只泌乳准备达到最佳时段
September 14
Cow ready for milking 预备挤奶
REAR 4后部 3
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FRONT 2 前部
Preparation the udder (continues) 关于乳房的准备工作
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• Avoid over milking.避免过度挤奶 • Avoid forcing the milk out faster by holding down the cups while milking. • 不得在挤奶时通过下压挤奶杯的方式逼迫加快牛奶流出 • After the Automatic removal occurred:挤奶杯自动脱杯后 注意: Check on the panel if any Warning is displayed 检查控制面板上是否显示警告 Check if the cow finished to be milked. 检查牛只是否挤干净
• Clean the teats with water if necessary & dry • 如果在有必要的情况下可以使用水来清洗很脏的乳头,但是清洗之 后一定要擦干 • Dipped the first 8 cows in the stalls. • 药浴奶台上的前8头奶牛 • Wait 30 seconds. • 等待30秒 • Clean the teats, first the front ones and later the rear ones. • 擦拭乳头,先从前部乳区开始,最后擦拭后部乳区 • Wait 60 seconds. • 等待60秒
Milking Routines 挤奶操作
August 2012 2012.08
September 14
September 14
‫צילום חלקי הקומץ‬
1. Liner 奶衬 2. Cups 奶杯
Cluster 源自文库奶杯组
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3. Milking pipes 奶管
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the 10 rules for right milking (continue) 正确挤奶10原则
6. Avoid over milking.避免过度挤奶 7. Don‘t use force to get more milk. 不能为了获得更多的牛奶而强制挤奶 8. Put the cups on in the correct way and same order. 用正确的方法套杯,对所有牛只都要执行同样的操作顺序 9.First- milk healthy cows and then the cows that suffer from health problems. 挤奶顺序按照先挤健康牛只,后挤有健康问题的牛只。 10. All the activities at the milk parlor must be done in a perfect and consistent way. 要熟练掌握且始终如一的执行挤奶厅所有的挤奶操作。
September 14
Entrance cow’s 牛只入口
• • • • • • • Make sure the gates are in the right position. 保证牛门处于正确的位置状态 Bring the cows quietly & steadily from the shed. 从牛舍安静且稳步地驱赶牛只 Quiet and comfortable entrance to the milk parlor. 使牛只安静且舒适地进入奶厅 Make sure every cow gets into the stall and stays inside. • 保证每一头牛只完全进入挤奶台位
The main goal is to make the cows feel relaxed and comfortable 主要的目的:使牛只感觉到放松,舒适。
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• • • • • • •
Have to be dry.必须是干燥的 Clean.必须是干净的 Soft towels for more comfort to the cow. 柔软的材质会使牛只感觉更加舒适 Amount: 1 towel/cow. 数量:每头牛1条毛巾 After cleaning, put the used towels into the basket. • 擦拭干净后,将使用过的毛巾放入桶中
During milking for 1 cow 对于牛只个体挤奶时注意事项
• Dipped the teats with disinfectant
• 药浴乳头
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Disinfection of the cows after milking 挤奶后药浴
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60 seconds 60 秒
Cups on套杯
Do the same with the next 8 cows
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Avoid air entering避免进入空气
September 14
• • • • • Avoid air entering. 避免空气进入 Begin with the rear teats. 从后部 的乳头开始套杯
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• Keep the cup clean, avoid touching the floor or the shit of the cow. • 保持挤奶杯的清洁,避免接触地板或者牛粪 • After the cups were placed, be aware that the milk comes out and flows to the tank. • 挤奶杯套好后,牛奶流出并且流入奶缸 • Milking the cow till the udder is empty so that the milk flow finishes and the cluster is retired can take some minutes. • 乳房中的牛奶挤完时,牛奶流速会降低且挤奶 杯组在一定时间内脱杯。
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‫צילום מיכל חלב‬
September 14
Keep proper conditions at the sheds and at milk parlor 保持牛舍和奶厅良好的环境
• • • • • • • • Quiet 安静 Clean- feeding lane, shed, milking parlor. 干净的饲喂走道,牛舍,奶厅 Dry 干燥 Make sure that the milking parlor is clean. 保证奶厅清洁 Prepare the milking parlor for milking 挤奶前,奶厅机及其他准备工作一切就绪
do not get wet with the water. • 清洗挤奶杯-确保清洗时不得打湿牛只
• Get ready for the next Round. • 为下一组挤奶工作做准备
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In conclusion, the 10 rules for right milking 挤奶10原则总结