
2A Module 4 The natural world

Unit 1 In the sky



1. 语音和词汇

1)能知道字母Ss, Tt在单词中的发音规则。(学习内容:1.1.2 辅音字母的读音规则)

2)能理解本单元核心词汇sun, moon, star词义,并尝试运用单词进行天空景物介绍。(学习内容:2.1核心词汇)2、词法

(1)能知晓be like的意义和用法。(学习内容:3.5.1 动词种类)

(2)能知晓情态动词can的意义和用法。(学习内容:3.5.1 动词种类)

(3)能知晓祈使语气Look at...的含义。(学习内容:祈使语气)

3. 句法和语篇

(1)能理解并尝试运用陈述句I can see... 对看到的景物进行口头描述。(学习内容:4.2.1陈述句)

(2)能理解并尝试运用一般疑问句Can you see..? 对看到的景物进行质疑。(学习内容:一般疑问句)(3)能在阅读语篇中识别关键信息,并进行仿说。(学习内容:)






1. 能结合已学语言,描述天空看到的物体。

2. 能在创设的语境中,运用Look at…核心句型告知同桌天空中物体的特征。





1. 《上海市小学英语学科教学基本要求》(试验本),P5455,上海教育出版社。






2A M4U1 Period1 文本The Sun in the Sky Picture 1:

Little Rabbit: Look at the sky. Can you see the sun?

Little Turtle: Yes, I can see the sun. It’s big

Little Rabbit: Wow! Beautiful!

Picture 2:

Little Rabbit: Look at the sky. What can you see?

Little Turtle: I can see the sun.

Little Turtle: It’s yellow. It’s big and bright.

Little Rabbit: Wow! How beautiful!

Picture 3:

Little Rabbit: Look at the sky. What can you see?

Little Turtle: I can see the sun!

Little Rabbit: How is the sun?

Little Turtle: It’s big and bright. Look! It’s like a ball.

Little Rabbit: Wow! How beautiful!

Little Rabbit& Little Turtle: Look at the sky. I can see the beautiful sun. It’s big and bright. Look! It’s like a ball. How beautiful! 2A M4U1 Period 2 文本

The Beautiful Night Sky

Picture 1:

Little Rabbit: Look at the sky. Can you see the moon?

Little Turtle: Yes, I can see the moon. It’s big and bright.

Little Rabbit: Wow! How beautiful!

Picture 2:

Little Rabbit: Look at the sky. What can you see?

Little Turtle: I can see the moon.

Little Turtle: It’s yellow. It’s big and bright. Sometimes, it’s like a mooncake. Sometimes, it’s like a banana.

Little Rabbit: Wow! How beautiful!

Picture 3:

Little Rabbit: Look at the sky. What can you see?

Little Turtle: I can see the stars!

Little Rabbit: How many stars?

Little Turtle: One, two, three…They’re bright and shining. Look! They’re like a spoon. Look! They’re like a snake.

Little Rabbit: Wow! How beautiful!

Little Rabbit& Little Turtle: Look at the sky. I can see the beautiful moon and the beautiful stars. What a beautiful night!





1. 《义务教育英语课程标准》、《上海市中小学英语课程标准》(征求意见稿)

2. 《上海市小学英语学科教学基本要求》(试验本)

3. 《上海市小学低年段英语学科基于课程标准评价指南》(试行稿)

4. 教材《牛津英语》(上海版)二年级第一学期(试用本)

5. 教学板书

6. 多媒体课件

7. 评价单


2A Module 4 The natural world Unit 1 In the sky 一、单元教学目标 ·语言知识与技能 1. 语音和词汇 1)能知道字母Ss, Tt在单词中的发音规则。(学习内容:1.1.2 辅音字母的读音规则) 2)能理解本单元核心词汇sun, moon, star词义,并尝试运用单词进行天空景物介绍。(学习内容:2.1核心词汇)2、词法 (1)能知晓be like的意义和用法。(学习内容:3.5.1 动词种类) (2)能知晓情态动词can的意义和用法。(学习内容:3.5.1 动词种类) (3)能知晓祈使语气Look at...的含义。(学习内容:祈使语气) 3. 句法和语篇 (1)能理解并尝试运用陈述句I can see... 对看到的景物进行口头描述。(学习内容:4.2.1陈述句) (2)能理解并尝试运用一般疑问句Can you see..? 对看到的景物进行质疑。(学习内容:一般疑问句)(3)能在阅读语篇中识别关键信息,并进行仿说。(学习内容:) ●语言情感 在观赏夜空的语境中,感受太阳、月亮和星星之美。 ●学习策略 通过绘本阅读,借助听力、阅读、对话等学习途径,学习描述天空的基本方法。

二、单元重点、难点 1. 能结合已学语言,描述天空看到的物体。 2. 能在创设的语境中,运用Look at…核心句型告知同桌天空中物体的特征。 三、单元语用任务 能在观赏夜空的语境中,运用本单元核心的语言知识,用至少3句话描述天空中的太阳、星星和月亮。要求语音正确、内容基本达意,表达较流利。 四、分课时学习内容与要求 ●语音 1. 《上海市小学英语学科教学基本要求》(试验本),P5455,上海教育出版社。 ●词汇


牛津上海版小学英语二年级上册全册教案 目录 Module1 Getting to know you《Unit1 Hello》 (2) Module1 Getting to know you《Unit2 I’m Danny》 (11) Module1 Getting to know you《Unit3 A new classmate》 (16) Module2 Me, my family and friends《Unit1 I can swim》 (19) Module2 Me, my family and friends《Unit2 That’s my family》 (23) Module2 Me, my family and friends《Unit3 My hair is short》 (27) Module3 Places and activities《Unit1 In the children’s garden》 (33) Module3 Places and activities《Unit2 In my room》 (37) Module3 Places and activities《Unit3 In the kitchen》 (42) Module4 The natural world《Unit1 In the sky》 (46) Module4 The natural world《Unit2 In the forest》 (51) Module4 The natural world《Unit3 In the street》 (56)

Module1 Getting to know you《Unit1 Hello》 1教学目标 1、知识目标 (1)能够听、说、认读单词:bowl、plate、fork、knife、spoon,并能理解这些餐具的含义。 2、能力目标 (1)能通过一系列任务活动培养学生主动思考、自己探究、交流合作的学习能力。 3、情感、策略等目标 (1)引导学生热爱生活,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生团队合作精神。 (2)鼓励学生运用多种学习方法和策略主动交流,使学生充分运用所学知识与技能建构新的语言知识。 2学情分析 本教学设计的教授对象为小学二年级学生。经过一年多的学习后,绝大部分学生对英语有了浓厚的兴趣。他们对英语已经有了初步的感性认识,并养成了较好的学习习惯。这个年龄段的小孩活泼可爱,喜欢歌曲和游戏,他们乐于参与各种学习活动,并敢于用英语进行简短的表达。在小组活动中,这些孩子能积极与他人合作,相互帮组,共同完成学习任务,并在学习英语中体会到成功的乐趣。 3重点难点

牛津上海版(试用本)四年级下册英语Module 4 Unit 1A Music class教案

Teaching Plan for Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 4B Module 4 More things to learn Unit 1 A Music class Materials:Oxford English (Shanghai Edition) 4B M4 U1 A Music class Teaching aids: Multi-media, flash, Word cards, etc 教学设计说明 学生情况分析: 四(1)班学生的英语基础较好,学生们已经积累了不少的词汇量,绝大多数学生能积极参与学习过程,对游戏、竞赛、对子练习、听说活动、故事表演等尤感兴趣。故事教学几乎在每一单元都有涉及,生动的图片,有趣的情节或是深刻的寓意都让学生比较感兴趣。学生一般能对图片进行简单的描述,能在老师地引导下进行合理的猜测、想象,并运用已学词汇和句型进行简单的表达。学生基本能有序地开展个人,两两和小组等不同单位的教学活动。 单元教学任务分析: 1. 语言知识: (1) 学习和掌握单词piano, drum, violin, triangle, pipe,做到音、形、义的统一。 (2) 复习运用句型Wh-questions:What can you play? Whose… is it? Where’s …? Yes/No question: Is this/that…? 2. 语言技能: (1) 学会询问他人乐器的归属,摆放位置,及各自擅长演奏的乐器。 (2) 学会描述音乐给自己的感受。 3. 情感态度价值观:感受音乐的美妙,激发对音乐的热爱之情。 单元课时划分:

牛津上海版(试用本)二年级上册英语Module 4 Unit 1 In the sky(Period 2)教案

教学设计:Oxford English 2A M4U1 In the sky (Period 2) 一、教学任务分析: 1.教材分析 我执教的是Oxford English 2A Module 4 Unit 1的第二课时,根据主题In the sky 设定两个互为关联的话题: In the sky和The sky is fun to watch。 在研读教材的基础上,本课时的文本选取了英语绘本Little Bear and the moon的内容,并将其改编成适合学生实际的文本。本课时通过对星星、月亮、太阳的欣赏和对诗歌的诵读,让学生真实感受到The sky is fun to watch。我开展不同形式并适合学生的教学活动,通过表演、想象、欣赏等活动促进学生的语言和思维得到同步的推进。 本课时我选择了诗歌文本,旨在让学生通过对诗歌的诵读,感受日月星辰之美,体会观赏美丽天空的乐趣。并且诗歌的形式对称、结构清晰,每段都以Look at ... It is / They are.../ It goes ... The ... is/ are fun to watch. 的句子形式来构成的,相似的句型及重复的语言使学生易于理解。 2.学情分析 我们学校是一所公办小学,也是一所艺术特色学校。我们的学生都是来自于对口区域的地段生,每周共两节英语课时,他们所使用的教材就是牛津英语教材。我的学生活泼好学、开朗自信、礼貌大方,喜欢唱英语歌曲、阅读英语故事书,热爱表演。我们学校的课题是对美丽课堂的研究,选用这一课及运用的教学手段都能体现美丽课堂的元素,也符合学生学情。 二、教学目标: 【单元教学目标】 1.知识与技能 1)能在语境中听懂、朗读、书写、运用核心词汇sun , moon, star,要求语音标准, 书写正确。 2)能在语境中听懂、朗读、初步运用相关形容词bright, twinkling, shining, 要求 语音标准,用词正确。 3)能在语境中,熟练运用句型Can you see ..? 进行提问,要求表达流利,语义正确。 4)能在语境中听懂、朗读核心句型Look at ... It is / They are.../ It goes ... The ... is/ are fun to watch,并能借助mind map,运用核心句型描述日月星辰, 要求语音语调正确、语言流畅,有条理性。


2A Module 3 Places and activities Unit 1 In the playground 一、单元内容与要求 二、单元教学目标 ❖知识与技能 1、在In the playground的语境中能使用核心词汇:slide, seesaw, swing对儿童乐园中的游乐设施进行描述,要求语音基本准确。 2、在In the playground的语境中能够听懂并准确、流利地使用核心语句What can you see? I can see a …对事物进行提问及回答,要求语音基本准确,表达较为流畅。 3、在In the playground的语境中能够听懂并准确使用语句What colour is it? It’s…对于所看到的物体能就其颜色进行询问及回答。 4、在In the playground的语境中能够尝试运用It’s nice. I can play on the…和It’s so fun.等语句对儿童乐园里的物体以及活动进行描述。 5、能够正确朗读包含字母“Mm”、“Nn”的单词:mouse, net及字母儿歌。 ❖文化与情感 通过学习使得学生发现儿童乐园的美好,体验在游乐设施中玩耍的愉快心情。 ❖学习策略 1. 通过听说读的方式,以语篇语境带动核心词句的学习。 2. 以chant的形式操练巩固核心词句。

【语用任务】 能在playground游玩的语境中,用三到五句话对于children’s garden中看到的游乐设施以围绕这些设施开展的活动进行描述。做到语音基本准确,表达较为流畅。

五、单课文本内容与教学过程 Period1 A nice children’s garden 主体学习文本: The children’s garden is nice. I can see a slide. It’s red. I can see a seesaw. It’s yellow and blue. I can see a swing. It’s orange and brown. 预设输出语言: I can see a… It’s…(colour). It’s nice. 第一课时教学过程:


牛津上海版(试用本)英语三年级上册 Module4Unit1Exercise1 练习卷 一、抄写题 1. 正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号。 (1)Russ summer stick draw a bee some butterflies an insect ________________________ (2)Look at the bird. It's yellow. It's big. It can fly in the sky. ________________________ 二、看图识词 看图,将单词的编号写在相应的空格内。 A.butterfly B.bee C.ant,dybird________ ________ ________ ________ 三、单选题 —What ________this? ( ) —It's a panda. C.are It's black. It can't fly. It's a (an)________. ( ) A.bee,dybird C.ant It's very nice. It can fly. It's a (an) ________. ( ) A.butterfly B.a butterfly C.butterflies Mix red and green. It's ________. ( ) A.brown

—How many ________? ( ) —There is one. A.bee B.yellow bee C.yellow bees 四、选择正确图片/词句 It's ________ insect. I like it very much. ( ) A.a C.any 五、句图匹配 读句子,将下列句子与相应的图片匹配。 1.—What is it?—It' s a butterfly ________ A. 2.—What is it?—It' s a bee. ________B. 3.—What is it?—It's a ladybird. ________C. 4.—What is it? —It's an ant. ________D. 六、选内容补全对话/短文 选词补全对话。 A: Look. Is it a bee? B: No, it isn't. It's (1)and green. A: Is it a ladybird? B: No, it isn't. It can (2)in the sky. A: What is it? B: It's a (3).

上海版牛津初中英语7BUnit 4教学设计

上海版牛津初中英语7BUnit 4教学 设计

牛津英语7B教学设计 Module 3 Unit 4 P67 School: Yuyuan Middle School Teacher: Yu Chunhui Teaching aims: 1 Asking ‘Wh- and How’ questions to find out various kinds of specific information. 2 Using ‘going to’ to describe events that will occur quite soon. Teaching methods: Communication Teaching aids: Multi-media, paper, pictures Teaching design: 1 Revision 1.Revise the dialogue that we learned last period. (出示其次张幻灯片) Let the Ss act the dialogue out. A student comes to the front to be the teacher, other Ss can help to finish the dialogue. 2. Ask some questions according to the dialogue. To know if the Ss have a good revision at home. Let a student come out to be the host and ask the questions. (出示第三,第四张幻灯片) 2 Presentation

牛津上海版(试用本)英语三年级上册 Module4 Unit1 Insects 练习(含解析)

三年级上册Module4 Unitl Insects练习一、单项选择题(共10题)—What _this? —It's a panda. C.are—How many _? —There is one. A.bee B.yellow bee C.yellow bees3.It's black. It can't fly. It's a (an)_ A.bee,dybird C.ant4.Mix red and green. It's. A.brown C.black5.It's very nice. It can fly. It's a (an) A.butterfly B. a butterfly C.butterflies6.It'sinsect. I like it very much. A. a C.anyducks in the water 7.—How many _—There are three. A.birds B.bees C.frogs—What is it? —It's abutterfly. B.brown

C.purplelO.This is ant. It can't fly. A. a C.some二、阅读理解(共1题) 11.阅读短文,判断正误。 Look at the insects. They are small. They are not pink. Some are red, some are yellow and some are blue. They are very nice. In spring, we can see them. They are on the flowers, on the trees and in the park. They can fly in the sky. But they can't swim in the water. Boys and girls like them very much. Do you like them? What are they? (1)The insects are not big. A.正确 B.错误 (2)They are pink. A.正确 B.错误 (3 ) We can see them in the park. A.正确 B.错误 (4)They can swim in the water. A.正确 B.错误 (5)They are ladybirds. A.正确 B.错误三、句型转换(共4题) 12.It's a green frog.(根据划线提问)it? 13.This is an apple.(改为一般疑问句)apple? 14.The insects are white,(改为否认句,但意思不变)The insects. 15.My chair is yellow.(根据划线提问)your chair? 四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题)选词补全对话。 A. on B. fly C. big D. butterfly E. blueA: Look. Is it a bee? B: No, it isn't. It'sand green. A: Is it a ladybird? B: No, it isn't. It canin the sky. A: What is it? B: It's a.

Module 4 综合检测卷-小学英语五年级上册 牛津上海版(试用本)(含答案)

Module 4 综合检测卷-小学英语五年级上册牛津上海版(试用本)(含答案) Module 4 综合检测卷-小学英语五年级上册牛津上海版(试用本)一、单选题 1.Let's _______ the weather _______ TV. ( ) A.watching; on; on; from 2.Her sister likes to play ____________ piano but my brother likes to play ____________ basketball. ( ) A.the; the B.the; / C./; / 3.If it is all smoky, _________ your mouth and nose. ( ) B.close C.cover 4.The twins often go ______ Grandma Wang’s home. ( ) B./ C.for 5.The wind doesn’t blow _____. It blows gently. ( ) A.softly B.quickly C.strongly 二、用单词正确形式填空 6.—What Kally (do) every morning —She (watch) television. 7.Eric (swim) in the (swim) pool every weekend. 8.In the forest, we (must) smoke. It's dangerous.

9.—What weather do you like, Farmer Hong —I like the (rain) days. 10.It’s ten o'clock. Mr. Smith and his students (not be) in the classroom. They .(plant) trees in the playground. 三、补全句子 11.First, she washes her face, and (紧接着) she has breakfast. 12.Next, it runs d the mountains and through the beautiful Three Gorges. 13.(其次,接下来), he eats fast food for lunch. 14.First, it starts h in the mountains in the west of China. 15.(最后), they’ll visit the hall. 四、中英互译:单词/短语 英汉互译。 16.飞过 17.fall down 18.a glass of water 19.a piece of white paper 20.near the window thirsty 22.get hot 五、选内容补全对话/短文


四年级英语下册Module4测试卷Part I Listening Comprehension(听力部分)35% I. Listen and choose (选出听到的单词、词组和句子)8% ( ) 1. A. swan B. swing C. swim ( ) 2. A. tree B. train C. triangle ( ) 3. A. China B. Chinese C. Children ( ) 4. A. whose B. who C. who’s ( ) 5. A. live B. leave C. leaves ( ) 6. A. makes the nest B. make a cake C. make sure ( ) 7. A. Zing-Zing! I can hear the violin. B. Ding-Ding! I can hear the piano. C. Ting-Ting! I can hear the triangle. ( ) 8. A. They are eating some Double Ninth cakes. B. They are eating some mooncakes. C. They are eating some rice dumplings. watch dragon boat races eat mooncakes climb mountains have a big dinner Peter Alice Sally Lily III. Listen and choose (听问句选答句,听答句选问句)6% ( ) 1. A. We watch Dragon Boat races. B. We look at the beautiful moon. C. We can get money in red packets. ( ) 2. A. It's in June. B. It's in October. C. It's in February. ( ) 3. A. Where are they playing Chinese chess? B. What are they doing?? C. Where are they playing the triangle? ( ) 4 A. Yes, I do. B. No, you haven’t. C. No, we haven’t. ( ) 5. A. Whose books are they? B. Whose book is it? C. Who are they? ( ) 6. A. It's beside Tom. B. Yes, it's beside Tom. C. No, it’s beside Tom. IV. Listen and choose (根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)6% ( ) 1. A. Yes, he can B. No, he can’t. C. He can eat an ice-cream. ( ) 2. A. At the shoe shop. B. At the fruit shop. C. At the toy shop. ( ) 3. A. She goes to bed. B. She watches television. C. She listens to the radio. ( ) 4. A. On February 5th. B. On June 12th. C. On September 19th. ( ) 5. A. On foot. B. By school bus. C. By bicycle


2020-2021学年牛津上海版(试用本)英语五年级上册 Module4单元测试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、根据字母/中文提示完成单词 Read and write(根据所给的音标填写单词) 1.We go to Beijing by__________/trein/. 2.___________ /dr ɔː/ eight lines on the paper. 3.Wash your hands _______________/'kwikli/. 4.I brush my___________ /ti:θ/ twice a day. 5.Little Pig______________/ meiks/ a wind-bell. 二、按要求填空 Read and write(写出与划线部分同类的单词或词组,完成句子) 6.The Yangtze River starts high in the mountains in the west of China. Shanghai is in the_________of China. 7.The wind blows gently. The children are playing._____________. 8.It's sunny today. Tomorrow will be_____________, So I will stay at home. 9.Alice's wind-bell is made of glass. My wind-bell is made of___________. 10.For fire safety, we mustn't play with matches or____________. Rеаd аnd wrіtе(用所给词的适当形式填空) 11.The wind blows_________ (gentle) in spring. I like the___________(gentle) wind. 12.I like __________ (rain) days. Maybe I can see the rainbow after the______________(rain). 13.The windmill moves_________(quick) in the _____________(strong) wind. 14.At home, we mustn't__________ (play) near fires. 15.一______________Linda__________(watch) TV every night? 一Yes. Look! She______________(watch) TV now. 读一读,选择最合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空 should must do can


Teaching Plan 5 A M4U1 Water (Period 1)

附教材内容: ) . Q .☆• 附汕加@ The natural woHdi (►Water Look and say Fir$t/Next/Then/Finolly. ... । Kitty i$ m the kitchen with her grendmo i What arc you doing. Grandma? [ - I'm making some teo. Would you like some? i <>- -i Ye& please. How do you make tea. Grandma? { 2- Well, first, we must boil the water. 1 K% Whet's next? I v .1 Next, we put some tec n the teopot. Then, we pour ' the hot water into tho teapot. i Kgf And finally? J G*-c 2 Finally, we pour the tea into the cups and drink the 1tea! ;Mmfn. it tastes great! Say and act The Yangtze River The students are giving o report about the Yangtze Rif AJ心The Yangue River is very, very long. First, it starts high in the mountains in the west of China. Next, it runs down the mountains and through the beoutiful Three Gorges 川Then, it meeU more water from many other lakes and rivers. Danny Finally, it runs into the sec Mr Zhang Does the Yangtze River run through Shanghai? A1me trees 'W。ore 出,” 如「10d the trees. #9 Sun ahine> ord Unle Water | 8cp Kot He rias up to the . 7 there. Now ho is in " a ebud I lAde Water Drop &oll» down to the . grotnd A tree dmks him. Now ' littl。Wa5 Drop is iniido ihe tree. | Think and number ______ little Water Oop Folk dm to tx 8rosd Waler Drop is «n tho 尔 Ltrie Water Drop is 访。ckxid, UuJo Water Drop rises upto the sky


第三部分:分课时教学目标和文本内容 Unit 1 In the sky Period 2 A call to the sky 【教学目标】 •知识与技能 1. 能背记字母Ss, Tt的音、形和书写形式,并知晓其在单词中的基本读音。 2. 能熟练运用正确的语调模仿、朗读句型---Can you see…?. ---Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. 3. 能听、读和辨认核心词汇sun, moon, star。同时能借助语境,运用所学词汇描述天空中 所见的景象。 4. 能在语境中运用Can you see…? 询问天空中所见景象并用Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.进 行正确的应答。 5. 能在语境中,理解对话内容,简单表达地球与太空中的景象。 •过程与方法 1. 通过文本视听、跟读模仿、看图说话等形式巩固本单元的相关词汇。 2. 通过对话朗读、问答交流、看图说话等形式巩固本单元的核心句型。 3. 通过图文朗读、听读模仿、信息寻找、儿歌朗诵等形式,尝试简单的描述。 •情感、态度、价值观 能感受天空的美丽和宇宙的壮观景象,体会地球与宇宙中天空景象的不同。 •重点、难点 重点: 1. 能在语境中运用Can you see…? 询问天空中所见景象并进行正确的应答。 2. 能借助语境,运用所学词汇描述天空中所见的景象。 难点: 能在语境中,通过学习对话,尝试描述地球与宇宙中天空景象的不同。

【教学内容】 ●教学文本 Part 1 Pic 1 Peter: Hello, Ms. Wang. How are you? Ms. Wang: I'm very well. Thank you. Part 2 Pic 2 Peter: Look, Ms. Wang. I can draw the moon. Ms. Wang: How nice! Pic 3 Peter: Can you see the moon? Ms. Wang: Yes, I can. But the moon is round all the time here. Look! Peter: Wow! Part 3 Pic 4 Peter: I can see many stars, like diamonds in the sky. Ms. Wang: Yes! Hey, look at this star. What is it? Peter: Oh, the sun! It’s like a fireball! Ms. Wang: The sun is a star, too. I can see the sun all the time. Peter: Wow! Part 4 Pic 5 Peter: I want to fly in the sky, too. Ms. Wang: You will! Goodbye! Peter: Thank you, Ms. Wang. Goodbye! ●辅助儿歌文本


上海牛津教材8BU4单元教学设计 Material:Oxford English 8B Unit 4 Newspapers 教材分析: What: 本单元的主题是《报纸》,旨在通过不同形式的课堂活动和任务,帮助学生提高语言能力和理解能力,并了解新报道的特点和价值。 单元的核心课型包括阅读、文法、听力和口语。 Why: 每个课时都有明确的教学目标和重点,以针对学生的各个能力进行训练。通过阅读、角色扮演、语法学习、听力训练、口语表达和写作练习等活动,学生能够逐步提升他们的语言能力、阅读理解能力和写作表达能力,并深入了解报纸报道的特点和价值。 How: 具体课时的语篇分析如下: 【第一课时】 第一课时的主要内容是阅读一篇关于校刊发布的会议记录。通过略读和细读,学生将理解文章的主旨和细节信息。重点是通过阅读了解文章的主旨和细节信息,同时加深对会议记录要素的理解。 【第二课时】

第二课时的主要内容是通过角色扮演,让学生了解会议的内容和流程。同时,还将讨论校报人员的职责与特点,以及学生办校报的作用与价值。重点是通过角色扮演和讨论来深入理解会议的过程和校报的意义。 【第三课时】 第三课时是关于情态动词"should"和"ought to"的学习。学生将回顾并归纳"should"的用法,并学习了解"ought to"的用法。重点是学生能够掌握并正确运用这两个情态动词进行口头和书面表达。 【第四课时】 第四课时是关于宾语从句的学习。学生将掌握宾语从句的结构和意义,并能够运用宾语从句进行口头和书面表达。重点是学生掌握宾语从句的结构和应用,并能够熟练运用相应的语言表达能力。 【第五课时】 第五课时是关于听力的训练。学生将听懂一篇关于学生最激动人心的一天的文章,并能够获取文章的主旨和细节信息。他们还将使用情态动词"should"来纠正听力文本中的错误。同时,学生将了解校报文章的类型和文体特征。重点是提高学生的听力理解能力,并让他们熟悉校报文章的特点。 【第六课时】 第六课时是关于口语表达的训练。学生将学习如何表达祝贺、赞


Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1 Museums 一、单元学习内容和要求 二、单元教学目标 学问与技能 1. 在参观博物馆的语境中,较娴熟地运用本单元的核心词汇science museum,

art museum, history museum, insect museum, car museum, railway museum, perform, useful, really, dance。 2. 在参观博物馆的语境中,比拟正确地运用句型What did you see in ... Museum?来询问在博物馆看到的陈设并作答。 3. 在参观博物馆的语境中,较娴熟地运用句型Which museum do you want to see ?来对想要参观的博物馆进行询问并作答。 4. 在创设的语境中,能用从地方、见闻、感受等几个方面来描述自己喜爱的博物馆。 语言文化与情感 同学对博物馆产生肯定的爱好,情愿主动了解各种类型的博物馆,进一步学习博物馆展现的历史、文化和对社会开展的作用,从而激发同学深化了解博物馆的欲望以及培育他们爱上博物馆的乐观情感。 学习策略 1.通过多媒体为同学创设情境,使同学理解所学单词和句型,学会在情景中运用句型。 2.通过问题驱动、小组学习、提取信息、角色扮演、嬉戏体验等多种方式推动学习,激发同学的学习爱好,使同学在开心地气氛中操练句型。 3.通过视频、图片和音乐创设生动的语境,将学习内容迁移到同学实际生活中,引导同学在活动体验中感受各种博物馆的文化和魅力,引发他们对博物馆的深厚爱好。 【教学重难点】 在参观博物馆的语境中,引导同学较娴熟地运用句型Which museum do you want to see ?来对想要参观的博物馆进行询问并作答,运用句型What did you see in ... Museum?来询问在博物馆看到的陈设并作答。从而了解博物馆的种类,以及通过一般过去时的特别疑问句,沟通在博物馆的所见所闻。 三、学情与教材分析


牛津上海版小学英语四年级下册全册教案 目录 Module1 Using my five senses《Unit1 What can you smell and taste》 (2) Module1 Using my five senses《Unit2 How does it feel》 (8) Module1 Using my five senses《Unit3 Look at the shadow!》 (13) Module2 My favourite things《Unit1 Sports》 (17) Module2 My favourite things《Unit2 Cute animals》 (25) Module2 My favourite things《Unit3 Home life》 (31) Module3 Things around us《Unit1 Sounds》 (36) Module3 Things around us《Unit2 Time》 (43) Module3 Things around us《Unit3 Days of the week》 (51) Module4 More things to learn《Unit1 A Music class》 (56) Module4 More things to learn《Unit2 Festivals in China》 (62) Module4 More things to learn《Unit3 Story time》 (66) 《Daily expressions》 (74)

Module1 Using my five senses《Unit1 What can you smell and taste?》 1教学目标 1)能感知、理解水果类的单词,如:watermelon, strawberry, cherr y, grape, plum等。 2)能运用相关句式来准确提问和描述水果的外形,颜色,大小,香味和味道。 3)通过了解一些水果的特点,使学生们渐渐地爱上吃水果,并了解水 果有益健康。 2学情分析 四年级学生经过了三年多的英语学习后,他们已经积累了一定的语言知识(包括词汇与句型),具备了一定的听说读写能力。 在学习本单元内容之前,他们已经掌握了水果类名称、感觉类形容词、常见的自然界景物以及学生熟悉的学习用品等;涉及的句型与时态包括to be句型(包括选择疑问句和特殊疑问句)、一般现在时态(涉及选择疑问句)、祈使句等。 3重点难点 能学习和掌握水果类单词,如:watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry等,其它相关词汇,如a glass of, juice等,做到音、形、义的统一;能关注名词的单复数形式以及不可数名词前的数量词组表达;能学习和初步使用选择疑问句(…or …?)来进行问答,主要体现
