



My school is Yan Huang School. It’s not very big but very nice. In my school, we have 9 classrooms, a teacher’s office, a library, a music room, a computer room, an art room, an English room,

a lab, a playground, a garden and a canteen. You can see many beautiful trees and flowers in the garden. I love my school!


classroom教室 library图书馆 music room音乐教室 computer room电脑教室 art room美术教室 English room英语教室 lab实验室 playground操场 garden花园canteen食堂teacher’s office教师办公室


I went to the 表示地点的单词 on my holiday. I went there by/on

表示交通方式的短语 with my .On the first day, I

. 动词过去式短语 On the second day, I . 动词过去式短语 For the last day of the holiday, we went home. I was very happy!

e.g. 1:

I went to Lijiang on my holiday. I went there by train with my parents. On the first day, I took many pictures and ate good food. On the second day, I bought presents for my friends. On the

third day, I went home. I was very happy.

e.g. 2:

I stayed at home on my holiday. On the first day, I did my homework and read books. On the second day, I visited my grandparents and went shopping with my mother. On the third day, I watched

TV and listened to music. How boring my holiday was!


watchwatched TV看电视 dodid homework 写作业

washwashed the clothes洗衣服

cleancleaned the room打扫房间

playplayed football踢足球

play basketball打篮球

play ping-pong打乒乓球

visitvisited grandparents看望外祖父母

gowent to a park去公园

go swimming去游泳

readread books看书

go fishing去钓鱼

go hiking去远足

flyflew kites放风筝

taketook pictures拍照

singsang and dancedanced 唱歌跳舞

eatate good food吃好吃的

climbclimbed a mountain爬山

buybought presents买礼物

go skiing滑雪

go ice-skating滑冰

seesaw animals看动物


My mother is years old. She is a .表示职业的单词She is from .She is and .

表示外貌特征的形容词 She has .She is very and .表示性格特征的形容词 She likes . She goes to work . 表示交通方式的词


My mother is 45 years old. She is a teacher. She is from Shenzhen. She is thin and tall. She has big eyes and long hair. She is very kind. She likes

singing and dancing. She goes to work by



1. 表示外貌特征的单词形容词

young年轻的 old年老的 tall高的 short矮的 strong强壮的 thin瘦的 long hair长发 short hair短发 big/small eyes大/小眼睛 big/small nose大/小鼻子


kind和蔼的/亲切的 strict严格的 smart聪明的 active积极的/活跃的 quiet安静的 funny逗人的/滑稽可笑的

3. 表示交通方式的单词

on foot步行,走路 by bike骑自行车 by car开车 by subway坐地铁 by bus乘公交 by taxi乘出租车

4. 表爱好的动词短语或单词

listen to music听音乐 play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 play ping-pong打乒乓球 collect stamps集邮 play the violin拉小提琴 play the piano 弹钢琴 play computer games玩电脑游戏 singing唱歌

dancing跳舞 painting画画 reading阅读 music音乐 cooking厨艺

5. 表示职业的单词

teacher老师 students学生 doctor医生 nurse护士 farmer农民 driver司机actor男演员 actress女演员 singer歌手 engineer工程师 policeman警察 worker工人 cleaner清洁工 businessman商人 cook厨师

fisherman渔民 work工人 postman邮递员 businessman商人 scientist科学家police officer警察 pilot飞行员 coach教练 head teacher校长 reporter记者



小学毕业班的英语作文10篇 小学毕业班的同学学习英语作文需要多写多背多读,那么毕业班的英语作文有哪些呢?以下是为大家整理的,10篇有关小学毕业班的英语作文,希望大家喜欢。 I like animals very much. My favourite animal is dog. I have a little dog. I call it Tommy. It is3 years old. It has 2 big eyes and a big mouth. It is white and yellow. It likes sleeping. It can play with me. It is very lovely. I like my dog very much. 小学毕业班的英语作文二:This is meMy name is Sun Yinjun. You can call me Jack. I’m a boy. I’m 13. I’m tall and strong. I go to school on foot. I like reading books and singing. My favorite food is fish. It’s tasty. I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. I like them very much. Look, this is me. I’m a happy boy. 小学毕业班的英语作文三:My MotherMy mother comes from China. She is an accountant. She lives in Jinan. She is thirty-eight years old. She is older than my father. She is 169cm tall. She is taller than me. My mother likes cooking, drawing pictures and listening to music. Her favourite season


话题一:应试教育(exam-oriented education) The examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject. Although it does the job quite efficiently, its side effects are also enormous. Examinations lower the standards of teaching. Since teachers are often judged by examination results, they care about nothing except training their students in exam techniques. In addition, examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively. 话题二:如何看待学生住校过宿舍集体生活 Different schedules, opinions or any other small things can create conflicts. Most teenagers are the only child in the fami ly where they are the “King” or “Queen”. They can’t stand other kids’ different ideas, so conflicts between them come out in the dorm. Students should be patient, sincere, tolerant and cooperative in dealing with their roommates. 话题三:如何克服做事拖沓的坏习惯 Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. You should make a list of what you need to do. Then think about how much time each task will take you. Try to allow yourself just enough time for each task. Leave some time slots empty, in case there is something unexpected that you must do. Don’t forget to set aside time to do things you enjoy as well. Offering yourself a reward will encourage you to get your tasks done quickly. 话题四:中学生应该志存高远 We should dream big, work hard and stay focused on learning. Nobody gets or writes our destiny but us. Our future is in our hands. Our life is what we make of it. And nothing—absolutely nothing—is beyond our reach, so long as we’re willing to dream big, so long as we’re willing to work hard.


六年级下学期英语作文 姓名班级 一、用英语介绍一下您自己,说明您的名字,年龄,就是男孩还就是女孩,每天用 什么交通工具上学,周末经常做些什么。 Hi! I am Amy、I am a happy girl、I am 12 years old、I am tall and thin, I have short hair and big eyes、I often go to school on foot、Sometimes I go to school by bike、On the weekend, I often do my homework and watch TV、What about you? 二、用英语写一写周末您通常就是怎样过的。 I am busy on the weekend、On Saturday morning I do my homework、In the afternoon, I go shopping、In the evening, I watch TV、On Sunday morning I visit my grandparents、I clean the room in the afternoon、What about you? What do you do on the weekend? 三、用英语写一写周末John通常就是怎样过的。 John is busy on the weekend、On Saturday morning he does his homework、、In the afternoon, he goes shopping、In the evening, he watches TV、On Sunday morning he visits his grandparents、He cleans the room in the afternoon、 四、用英语写一写这个周末您将会怎样过。 I am going to have a busy weekend、On Saturday morning I am going to do my homework、In the afternoon, I am going shopping、In the evening, I am going to watch TV、On Sunday morning I am going to visit my grandparents、I am going to clean the room in the afternoon、What about you? What are you going to do this weekend? 五、用英语写一写下周末John将怎样过的。 John is going to have a busy weekend、On Saturday morning he is going to do his homework、In the afternoon, he is going shopping、In the evening, he is going to watch TV、On Sunday morning he is going to visit his grandparents、He is going to clean the room in the afternoon、 六、以“My weekend”为题写一写您这个周末将要去的地方、时间及打算用什么 交通工具等。 I am going to have a happy weekend、On Saturday, I am going to the bookstore、I am going at 2:00、I am going on foot、I am going to buy a comic book and a CD、On Sunday, I am going to the KFC、I am going at 5:30、I am going there by bus、I am going to buy some hot dogs、That will be fun! What about you? Where are you going this weekend?


六年级英语毕业考作文写作话题 精品文档 六年级英语毕业考作文写作话题 六年级英语毕业考有哪些话题作文呢?学习啦小编在此 整理了六年级英语毕业考作文写作话题,供大家参阅,希望 大家在阅读过程中有所收获! 六年级英语毕业考作文写作话题篇1-My school (我的 学校) My school is Yan Huang School. It’s not very big but very nice. In my school, we have classrooms, a teacher’s office, a library, a music room, a computer room, an art room, an English room, a lab, a playground, a garden and a canteen. You can see many beautiful trees and flowers in the garden. I love my school! classroom(教室) library(图书馆) music room(音乐 教室) computer room(电脑教室) art room(美术教室) English room(英语教室) lab(实验室) playground(操场) garden(花园) canteen(食堂) teacher’s office(教师办 公室) 六年级英语毕业考作文写作话题篇2-My Holiday(我的 假期) I went to (the) (表示地点的单词) on my holiday. I went there by/on (表示交通方式的短语) (with my ).On the first day, I . (动词过去式短语) On the second day, I . (动词 1 / 5


小学英语作文汇总: 1.My friend (用英语介绍一个朋友,包括年龄,特点,上学方式,爱好,下周计划) I have a good friend. His name is Yi fan. He is twelve years old. He is tall and thin. He goes to school by bike. He likes playing football and doing kung fu. He is going to take a trip next week. 2.My weekend plan(周末计划) I am going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning,I am going to the supermarket. On Saturday afternoon,I am going to play football. On Saturday evening,I am going to see a film. On Sunday morning,I am going to visit my grandparents. On Sunday afternoon,I am going to do my homework. 3.My family(我的家人) (介绍父母的职业,上班的方式,在哪里上班,你上学的方式) My father is a teacher.He works in a school. He goes to school by bus. My mother is a nurse.She works in a hospital. He goes to school by car. I am a student.I go to school on foot.


英语作文20个热点话题+满分范文 热点预测1:健康生活 1.网瘾 中国社会近些年一直提倡健康生活方式,但网瘾普遍存在于青少年之中,对其学习和生活都造成了很大不良影响! 题目要求: 假设你是李华,你在美国夏令营认识的朋友Mike给你来信说他最近沉迷于电脑难以控制。请你给他回一封信,告诉他网瘾可能会导致成绩下降、健康状况恶化、损害家庭关系等问题,并提出一些建议。 参考词汇:沉溺于be/become addicted to 网瘾:Internet addiction 优秀范文: Dear Jack, I am glad to hear from you. As your close friend, I’d like to talk about the harm of Internet addiction to you as I feel worried to know that you have wasted lots of valuable time playing the Internet games.

As we know, the Internet is a convenient tool to improve our knowledge and skills. However, our life will be greatly affected if we are addicted to it. For example your grades may go down and your health will be going from bad to worse. To make things worse, it can also damage the relationship with your family. So I think it is high time that you got rid of the bad habit. It is a good idea for you to read some meaningful books and do some physical exercise. I am looking forward to hearing your good news soon. Yours, Li Hua 2.健康生活——拒为低头族 伴随着互联网日益深入人们的生活,低头一族诞生并不断增加,公交车、地铁等公共场合到处都是低头看手机者的身影,手机已经成为低头族身体的一部分。同时,这种生活方式对人们的身体健康造成极大的不良影响,应当引起相当重视。 题目要求: 现在越来越多的人成为低头族(People who can’t help checking their phones all day are known as phubbers. Phubbing trends to involve not only the young people, but also the elderly.),如何引


【寓言故事】The Tortoise and the Hare I read a story when I was little. It’s about a tortoise and a hare. One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was so proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race. In the story I understand if I want to do something well,I should be carefull and patient. Remember, Slow and steady wins the race. 【喜欢的动物】The Panda My favourite animal is the panda. It is black and white. It has a fat body. It has a round face and two round eyes. It looks like a bear. It can climb trees. It eats bamboo. It lives in China. It’s very cute. I like it very much 【喜欢的一种濒危动物,拯救有效措施】The Panda The panda is cute. It is black and white. It has a fat body. It looks like a bear. It can climb trees. It lives in China. It eats bamboo. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and don’t pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Go for it! 【历史人物】Dr Sun Yatsen My favourite person is Dr Sun Yatsen. He was a very famous and important person in Chinese history.He was a great leader. He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. He loved the Chinese people. And the he Chinese people loved him. He was a great man . 【保护拯救地球上的动物】How to Save the Animals If we love the earth and love the animals ,we should do something for the animals. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and don’t pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Go ,go,gofor it! 【文明礼仪】Rules We should listen to the teachers. We should hand in homework on time. We should help pupils in need. We should keep quiet at the library. We should stand in line at the bus stop . We should share with others. We should be kind to each other. We shouldn’t laugh at others. 【介绍过去的一次旅行经历】Canada I love travelling. I always travell with my family. Last summer holiday we went to Canada.We went there by plane.We stayed there for a week. I know Canada is famous for its natural beauty. So I went to visit the beautiful lakes and waterfalls. I went to visit the Chinatown too. I took many beautiful photos. And I ate delicious food. I love Canada.We had a good time. 【假期外出旅行的计划】My plan I love travelling. I always travell with my family. Summer holiday is coming,I am going to Canada. I am going to get there by plane. I am going to stay there for a week. I know Canada is famous for its natural beauty. So I am going to visit the beautiful lakes and waterfalls. I am going to visit the Chinatown too. I am going to take many beautiful photos. And I am going to eat delicious food. Wow! I’m very excited. I can’t wait. 1


小学英语毕业考作文范文 小学英语作文范文(必背) 1、写一篇关于你上个五一假期做过的事情(注意要用一般过去时) I was happy on May Monday I ate good food in Tuesday I sang and danced with my new Wednesday I climbed took pictures on Friday I saw had a good time.(What about your holiday?) 2、My Family(我的家人) There are three people in my family. They are my father﹑mother and I. I'm 12 years old. I am a student. I like playing computer games. My father is a driver. He drives a car. He likes playing football My mother is a doctor. She works very hard. She likes singing. 3、My last Weekend(我的上一个周末)(用一般过去时写) I had a happy weekend. On Saturday morning, I watched TV and helped my mother wash clothes. In the afternoon, I cleaned the room. On Sunday, I played football in the park. Then I went to my grandparents’ h ouse. Grandpa played the piano! We were so happy. This was my last weekend 4、My Friend(我的朋友)(用一般现在时写) I have a good friend. She has a small nose and two big eyes, Her hair is short and is 12 years old She is tall and beautiful. She likes singing and dancing. I often play ping-pong with her.


要求:1. 认真观察图画,把观察到的内容写成一段通顺的话。 2. 可以展开合理的想象。 3. 不少于五句话。注意规范书写。 (1) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ (2) _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 毕业考作文训练


1.What is your dream job ? (Say at least two reasons.) My dream job is to be a doctor because doctors can help people who are sick.The people will thank the doctor very much.And another reason that I want to be a doctor is that most people look them up.As a doctor,they must remember their duty deeply.I believe my dream will come true some day. 2.What is your favorite food/ fruit? My favorite food is dumplings .It is Chinese traditional food .My mother often makes it to me on the Spring Festival .There are many kinds of dumplings in China .Beef and onion dumplings are the most delicious of them . I think beef and onion are good for our health . You can also eat it any time . 3.Should we keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not? There are more and more zoos built,and more and more animals are kept in the zoos.I don’t think we should keep the animals in the zoos.Because I think animals should be allowed to live in the natural environment.They can play and run everywhere. And they can live with their friends and their family.So they can live happily.If we keep animals in the zoos,maybe they get lonely,and increase the risk of illness.So let’s return freedom to animals.


六年级上册英语作文范文【三篇】 hello,my name is tian jiaxin ,i'm twel*e year age .I had a happy family,they are four people in my family,there are my father,my mother,my brother and I . i like me. do you like me? 修改后: Hello, my name is Tian Jiaxin. I'm twel*e years age. I ha*e a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. They all like me. How about you? My plan for the summer holiday The summer holiday is coming . I am going to my hometown to see my grandparents first . Then I ha*e to re*iew my lessons because some of my lessons are bad . At last I plan to *isit Beijing. Beijing is the capital of my country and there are many places of interests, such as the Great Wall , the Summer Palace. I think I will ha*e a good and interesting time this summer . A busy weekend


小学英语毕业考作文写修习 Topic 1: My school (我的学校) 范文: My school is Yan Huang School. It' s not very big but very nice. In my school, we have 9 classrooms, a teacher , s office, a library, a music room, a computer room, an art room, an English room, a lab, a playground, a garden and a canteen. You can see many beautiful trees and flowers in the garden. I love my school! 单词: classroom(教室)library(图书馆)music room(音乐教室)computer room(电脑教室)art room(美术教室)English room(英 语教室)lab(实验室)playground(操场)garden(花园)canteen)食堂)teacher * s office)教师办公室) (备注:可参考小学英语四年级下册第一单元) opic 2: My Family (我的家庭) 范文: There are people in my family. They are my , my , my , (sister/brother) and I. My farther is a/an ,

(表示职业的词)he goes to work by/on.(表示交通方式的词)My mother works in a/an .(表示地点的词,如:hospital, school, company...)My sister/brothe r and I are students. He/she likes, and I like .(表示爱好的动词短语)I love my family. e.g. There are four peop le in my family. They are my father, my mother my sister and I. My father is a doctor; he goes to work by car. My mother works in a school. My sister and I are st udents. She likes playing the violin, and I like drawing pictures. I love my family. 单词: 1.表示家庭成员的单词 family)家庭)mother)妈妈)father)爸爸)parents)父母)sister)姐姐/妹妹)brother)哥哥/弟弟)uncle(叔叔/舅舅/姑父)aunt(阿姨/舅妈/姑妈)grandfather)夕卜祖父)grandmother)外祖母)grandparents)外祖父母) 2.表示职业的单词 teacher)老师)students)学生)doctor)医生)nurse(护士)farmer)农民)driver (司机)actor(男演员)actress)女演员)singer)歌


M y f a v o u r i t e s p o r t My favourite sport is playing basketball. I like it very much. And I am very good at it . I think it is good for my health. Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball player. He is great . He is very famous in the world. I want to be a good basketball player like Michael Jordan. After class , I go to play basketball with my friends. They all like basketball, too My favourite sport I am an active girl,and I like doing sports very favourite sport is often go to swim with my good friend likes swimming , she is very good at always swims better than me. When I am swimming in the pool, I am very happy. I look like a lovely fish in the pond. I enjoy swimming, because swimming can make me strong and healthy. It can also bring me a lot of happiness. Of course, I like watching this


高考英语口试口头作 文话题

高考英语口试口头作文话题 Do you like reading English novel? Why/ why not? What’s the date today? Can you say something about your senior school? What birthday present will you prefer to have? Why? What do you usually do at weekends? Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why? How do you feel about your middle school life? Which film star do you like best? Why?

Do you like to be a volunteer? Why / why not? Do you often help your parents with the housework? Why/ why not? What would you like to be in the future? Can you say something about Internet? Do you often practice your English Writing? Why/ why not? Do you like helping others? Why/ why not? Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/ why not? Would you please say something about a place you have visited? Can you say something about your favorite teacher?


六年级上册英语作文 一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式 I go to school on foot. My sister goes to school on foot, too. My brother goes to school by bike. My father goes to work by car. My mother goes to work by bike. 二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。、 I go to school by bus. My friend Amy goes to school on foot. John goes to school by bike. Mike goes to school by subway. Sarah goes to school by bus. 三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院 I go to the cinema. I start from here. Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left at the library. Go straight for one minute. The library is on the right. 四、读读下周末你和朋友的计划。 I’m going to have a busy weekend with my friends. On Saturday morning, we are going to go shopping. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to the park. On Sunday morning, we are going to go fishing. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to climb mountains. We will be happy. 五、说说这个星期天,你和家人的安排。 I’m going to have a busy Sunday with my family. We are going to the zoo on Sunday morning. We are going to see elephants. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to clean the room for them. 六、说说你和你家人的爱好。 I like flying kites. My father likes diving. My father likes diving. My mother likes playing the violin. My brother likes riding a bike. My sister likes listening to music. 七、介绍你和你朋友的爱好。 I like diving. My friend John likes flying kites. Amy likes collecting stamps. Zhang Peng likes
