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必修三Unit1 Festivals around the world Part II: 精讲学案(一)


1.Festivals are meant to celebrate important times of the year.

be meant to do sth. “意在干某事”(=be intended to do)

eg. The meeting is meant to deal with some important problems.


拓展:mean to do sth. 打算做某事

mean doing sth. 意味着做某事

mean sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事

2.take place发生;举行(vi. 无被动)

eg. The film festival takes place in October.电影节于十月举行。辨析:take place; happen; break out

take place:发生,举行,举办。常用于计划﹑安排或人们积极参与的事情。

eg. Great changes have taken place in China in the past 20 years. happen:发生,碰巧做,用于偶然或突发性事件。

eg. Accidents like this happen all the time.类似事故经常发生。break out:突然发生,爆发,常用于战争﹑灾害﹑疾病等。eg. A fire broke out during the night.

短语复习:take the place of

take one’s place


①The 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

②The air crash in the early morning.

③9·11 in New York in 2001.

④The hand-foot-mouth disease in some places.

3. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months.

starve v. ①饿死;挨饿②急需;渴望(常与for 连用)n.starvation

短语:die of starvation 死于饥饿

starve for 急需;渴望;波切需要

starve to do sth. 渴望去做

starve to death=be starved to death 饿死


① As is known to us, everyone


② I have been


③They’ll either die from the cold or .


句式:sth.+ be+ adj.+ to do(用主动形式)。在本句中,to find修饰表语形容词difficult,且find 与主语之间构成动宾关系,这时不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。如:

He is easy to get along with.

这类用法的形容词常有:easy, hard, difficult, interesting, comfortable, pleasant, nice, fit, light, heavy, dangerous等。

4. People should do to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.

in memory of=in honor of 纪念如:

They built the Monument to the People’s Heroes in memory/honor of those who were killed in the wars.


①.They will build a monument .


②. This library was built .


5.The western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs

about the return of the spirits of dead people.

belief n.信任,信心,信念,信仰

【派生】v. believe 相信,信任

adj. believable 可相信的,可信任的

【拓展】beyond belief 难以置信,不可信

believe in 相信…的存在,信任,信赖

believe it or not 信不信由你


①. It’s that he is right.

②. I what he said, but I don’t him.


③.What he told us is .


1.It’s now a children’s festival, whe n they can dress up and go to their neighbours’homes to ask for sweets.

dress (sb.) up (in...) 盛装,打扮,装饰(sb. be dressed up in...)如:①The little girl tried to dress herself up as a fairy.


② The bride was dressed up in a white wedding dress.


【拓展】① dress sb./oneself 给......穿衣服

② (sb.) be/get dressed in...(某人)穿着...衣服


① I before I go to work.


② The band were all and red jackets.


③ The little boy is too young to . a trick on sb.

trick n. ①诡计,骗局,恶作剧②窍门,诀窍

vt. 欺骗;诈骗
