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1.His suggestion that she ________ in his home suggested he ________ very warm-hearted. A.would stay; was B.stayed; be

C.should stay; be D.stay; was

2.This winter vacation, my family are going to visit the Great Wall, but I would rather we

________ to Shanghai Disneyland.

A.go B.had gone

C.would go D.went

3.—Oh, dear. I’m really very busy now.

—Would you rather that I to you about my experience at school?

A.shouldn’t speak B.didn’t speak C.don’t speak D.won’t speak 4.With the help of the detective Sam, Justin was found, so Justin's mother insisted an amount of money as a reward.

A.to give B.on his giving C.he was given D.he be given 5.louder, all the students would hear.

A.If the teacher had spoken B.If the teacher will speak

C.Had the teacher spoken D.If the teacher spoke

6.That was not the first time he ____ us. I think it's high time we ____ strong actions against him.

A.betrayed, take B.had betrayed, took

C.has betrayed, took D.has betrayed, take

7.It is time that we ________ a decision on how to approach this problem.

A.make B.made C.to make D.will make 8.Studies show that historical barriers on women acceptance in organizational environments, the development of the company would already be way ahead.

A.were it not for B.if there being no

C.hadn't it been for D.if it is not for

9.The board thought it urgent that these files _____ right away.

A.printed B.had been printed C.would been printed D.be printed 10.What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he ___________ it better.

A.need have done B.must have done

C.can have done D.might have done

11.They both look as if they ______ ten years younger after a heart-to-heart talk.

A.are B.were C.have been D.had been

12.If penicillin available, many people from sickness or even small wounds in World WarⅡ.

A.was not; would die B.were not; would have died

C.had not been; would died D.had not been; would have died

13.He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ____ to the meeting.

A.would come B.would have come C.came D.had come 14.The teacher made a request that all the homework ________ before class.

A.should hand in B.must be handed in

C.be handed in D.were handed in

15.-Would you ___ first aid to him, had it been possible?

-Yes, but I _____.

A.have offered; had got hurt.B.offer; had got hurt.

C.have offered; got hurt.D.had offered; had got hurt.

16.I insisted he______ back the wallet to the lady, but he insisted he______it.

A.handed; didn’t steal B.hand; hadn’t stolen

C.hand; not steal D.handed; hadn’t stolen

17.If it ______ rain tomorrow, I should not drive my car.

A.were to B.will C.would D.is to

18.—Would you mind if I ______ the window?

—Not at all. In fact, I was going to suggest you ______ it.

A.open; did B.opened; to do C.open; doing D.opened; do 19.(2016 ·浙江)Had the governments and scientists not worked together, AIDS-related deaths ________ since their highest in 2005.

A.had not fallen B.would not fall

C.did not fall D.would not have fallen

20.The order came the soldiers the small village the next morning.

A.that; had to leave B.that; should leave

C./; must leave D.when; should leave

21.Had he taken his parent’s advice, he ______ having made such a silly mistake now. A.would not regret B.would not have regretted

C.may not regret D.does not regret

22.If he____ to the teacher attentively, he____the answer to the problem now.

A.had listened, would have known B.listened, would know

C.listened, would have known D.had listened, would know

23.Experts recommended parents _____their children to play computer games for more than an hour a day.

A.not allow B.do not allow C.mustn’t allow D.couldn’t allow 24.The people trapped in the ruins ____________ that rescue teams ____________ here without delay.

A.desire; are sent B.desiring; were sent

C.desire; be sent D.desiring; be sent

25.Yesterday, Jane walked away from the heated discussion. Otherwise, she _____ something arbitrary that she would regret forever.

A.must have said B.said C.might say D.might have said 【参考答案】***试卷处理标记,请不要删除
