


Personal Statement Program: 20th Century American Literature

The apparition1 of these faces in the crowds: /Petals on a wet, black bough2. My first reaction on reading Ezra Pound s 1916 poem In a Station of the Metro3 was that of outrage4. Is it a poem by any definition? If it is a poem, how is it to be interpreted and understood? And finally, what are the implications that this poem has produced for the twentieth- century American literature?

My initial bewilderment subsided5 as I realized that there must a raison d etre behind this apparently6 bizarre literary phenomenon. What I should do is to put this poem into the context of the American literary evolution and literary history. At least, the poem raises an important challenge. It requires me to understand some of the crucial changes that must be happening around the turn of the last century.

My subsequent studies indicate that this poem represents part of the larger literary movement known as Imagism, which included such theorists and practitioners7 as T. E. Hume, Hilda Doolittle, Amy Lowell, Ezra Pound, etc. The movement was a

direct reaction to the late Victorian poetry, which had become extremely artificial, emptily rhetorical and ornamental . To address such problems, it was necessary to loosen the metrical pattern and bring it back closer to the rhythms of ordinary speech. Consequently, the imagist movement had a great deal to do with promoting experiments with free verse, advocating among many creeds8 the need to allow absolute freedom in the choice of subject and to produce poetry that is hard and clear, never blurred9 nor indefinite. When Archibald MacLeish said in his Ars Poetica (1926) that A poem should not mean / But be , he had similar concerns in his mind. Imagism, minor10 as it is as a literary movement, triggered important changes in literary criticism, introducing the notion of internal studies as embodied11 by New Criticism to substitute the conventional critical practices.

The foregoing incident is but one instance that happened in my study of literature. For a Chinese student like me, it has at least two important implications. First, a literary work must not be treated in isolation12. It interacts with what is written before it and after it and this historical perspective is one way in which we may add to our interpretation13. Second, it is important to be acquainted with relevant literary

theories when interpreting a given literary work.

A student majoring in English ( International Trade) at the English Department of XX University, I grew increasingly interested in literature during the second half of my undergraduate program. Of course, I was trained to be a student of English language in the first place and as such I received the standard academic training typical of a student of English major. For the first two years, I primarily had intensive trainings in basic English language skills by attending courses in advanced listening, writing, reading and oral communication. My distinguished14 academic performance is demonstrated by the four consecutive15 first-class and second-class scholarships I won from 1999 to 2003. In 2001, I was awarded the second prize in the campus-wide English composition contest and in 2002 the first prize in the translation contest. Another indicator16 of my scholastic17 achievements is the honor of Outstanding Graduate of XX Province that I received by the time I completed my undergraduate program.

I started reading English novels as soon as I began my undergraduate program. But I primarily used it as a way to increase my vocabulary and to improve my reading comprehension.

Since the second year in my undergraduate program, our curriculum included five major courses related to Anglo-American literature and culture: Selected Readings in English Literature, Selected Readings in American Literature, Introduction to European Culture, The History of English and American Literature, Selected Readings in English American Fictions. Those courses provided me with a cultural and historical framework with which to understand Anglo-American literature and to know their interrelationships. I grew familiar with major authors and works in British and American literature and gained tentative knowledge of western critical approaches. Books like Literary Theory An Introduction by Terry Eagleton and 20th Literary Criticism edited by David Lodge18 proved somewhat esoteric to me, but they allowed me to realize that there are important critical approaches very different from those in Chinese literature and different from conventional ones in western literature itself.

My defining interest in British and American Literature led me to write about T. S. Eliot and his poetry in my thesis Dull Roots Stirred by the Spring Rain Meaning Through Imagery in T. S. Eliot s Waste Land (available upon request). In this thesis, I examined different groups of imagery that T. S. Eliot

employed to externalize his central ideas and emotions. I also analyzed19 the theoretical justifications20 for his virtually excessive use of imagery by tracing it to his theory of Objective Correlative that he proposed in Hamlet and His Problems, a critical essay contained in The Sacred Wood (1920).

In an extracurricular event, students in our department put on Shakespeare s drama Romeo and Juliet and I was the performer-director. Based on my own understanding of the play, I changed its tragic21 ending and made it a happy one by allowing the hero and the heroine to be resurrected and reunited. I believe that a love of such intensity22 should be fulfilled, otherwise it would be too pathetic.

In the last semester of my undergraduate program, I was recruited by my university to teach the course Appreciation23 of American Literature to students of non-English major. By applying my computer skills, I developed a series of courseware, covering different periods of American literature and illustrated24 by graphics25 and diagrams to make an otherwise difficult course interesting and easy to understand.

Nevertheless I am fully26 aware that my knowledge of American literature is far from sufficient. I need to receive more advanced education for the sake of a better career

development. Therefore I plan to apply for a Graduate program in English at the University of XX, concentrating on modern and contemporary American literature. Your program is nationally recognized (listed as among the top 10 in XX according to XX) and it attacks me for its quality, small size and close mentorship. I am interested in your well-designed curriculum whose Contemporary American Literature, American Literary History, Special Topics in American Literature, American Literature 1865-1914, 1914-1960. Among your 13 professors, I would like to receive instructions from XX, XX, XX. XX, and XX. I believe I am well-prepared and genuinely motivated for your program, which will teach me the knowledge and expertise27 nowhere to be sought in my own country.

He saw the apparition of his dead wife.他看见了他亡妻的幽灵。

But the terror of this new apparition brought me to a stand.这新出现的幽灵吓得我站在那里一动也不敢动。

I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.我把钓鱼竿靠在一棵松树的大树枝上。

Every bough was swinging in the wind.每条树枝都在风里摇摆。

Can you reach the park by metro?你可以乘地铁到达那个公园吗?

The metro flood gate system is a disaster prevention equipment.地铁防淹门系统是一种防灾设备。

When he heard the news he reacted with a sense of outrage.他得悉此事时义愤填膺。

We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders.我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。

v.(土地)下陷(因在地下采矿)( subside的过去式和过去分词 );减弱;下降至较低或正常水平;一下子坐在椅子等上 After the heavy rains part of the road subsided. 大雨过后,部分公路塌陷了。来自《简明英汉词典》

By evening the storm had subsided and all was quiet again. 傍晚,暴风雨已经过去,四周开始沉寂下来。来自《现代汉英综合大词典》

An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space.山穷水尽,豁然开朗。

He was apparently much surprised at the news.他对那个消息显然感到十分惊异。

one of the greatest practitioners of science fiction 最了不起的科幻小说家之一

The technique is experimental, but the list of its

practitioners is growing. 这种技术是试验性的,但是采用它的人正在增加。来自辞典例句

people of all races, colours and creeds 各种种族、肤色和宗教信仰的人

Catholics are agnostic to the Protestant creeds. 天主教徒对于新教教义来说,是不可知论者。

She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision. 她饱受头晕目眩之苦。

Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears. 他们那种慢吞吞、含糊不清的声音在他听起来却很悦耳。来自《简明英汉词典》

The young actor was given a minor part in the new play.年轻的男演员在这出新戏里被分派担任一个小角色。

I gave him a minor share of my wealth.我把小部分财产给了他。

a politician who embodied the hopes of black youth 代表黑人青年希望的政治家

The heroic deeds of him embodied the glorious tradition of the troops. 他的英雄事迹体现了军队的光荣传统。来自《简明英汉词典》

The millionaire lived in complete isolation from the outside world.这位富翁过着与世隔绝的生活。

He retired and lived in relative isolation.他退休后,生活比较孤寂。

His statement admits of one interpretation only.他的话只有一种解释。

Analysis and interpretation is a very personal thing.分析与说明是个很主观的事情。

Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象以其长长的鼻子显示出与其他动物的不同。

A banquet was given in honor of the distinguished guests.宴会是为了向贵宾们致敬而举行的。

It has rained for four consecutive days.已连续下了四天雨。

The policy of our Party is consecutive.我党的政策始终如一。

Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation.黃金价格常常被看作是通货膨胀的指标。

His left-hand indicator is flashing.他左手边的转向灯正在闪亮。

There was a careful avoidance of the sensitive topic in the scholastic circles.学术界小心地避开那个敏感的话题。

This would do harm to students’scholastic performance in the long run.这将对学生未来的学习成绩有害。

Is there anywhere that I can lodge in the village tonight?村里有我今晚过夜的地方吗?

I shall lodge at the inn for two nights.我要在这家小店住两个晚上。

The doctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。来自《简明英汉词典》

The young man did not analyze the process of his captivation and enrapturement, for love to him was a mystery and could not be analyzed. 这年轻人没有分析自己蛊惑著迷的过程,因为对他来说,爱是个不可分析的迷。来自《简明英汉词典》 If he a vulgar person, she does not have justifications for him. 如果他是个低级趣味的人,她早就不会理他了。

It depends on their effect on competition and possible justifications. 这则取决于它们对于竞争的影响和可能存在的正当抗辩理由。

The effect of the pollution on the beaches is absolutely tragic.污染海滩后果可悲。

Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues.查理是个注定不得善终的人。

I didn’t realize the intensity of people’s feelings on this issue.我没有意识到这一问题能引起群情激奋。

The strike is growing in intensity.罢工日益加剧。

I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to you all.我想对你们所有人表达我的感激和谢意。

I’ll be sending them a donation in appreciation of their help.我将送给他们一笔捐款以感谢他们的帮助。

His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition. 他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。

The manufacturing Methods: Will be illustrated in the next chapter. 制作方法将在下一章说明。

You’ve leveraged your graphics experience into the video area.你们把图形设计业务的经验运用到录像业务中去。

Improved graphics took computer games into a new era.经改进的制图技术将电脑游戏带进了一个新时代。

The doctor asked me to breathe in,then to breathe out fully.医生让我先吸气,然后全部呼出。

They soon became fully integrated into the local community.他们很快就完全融入了当地人的圈子。

We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已。

You really have the technical expertise in a new breakthrough.让你真正在专业技术上有一个全新的突破。


哈佛大学申请人递交的个人陈述 Fashion gives me the confidence to live my life to its full potential. This is because fashion helps describe you as a person, everyone has their own interpretation of fashion, and becoming a fashion buyer would not only be a dream job, it would be an exhilarating journey. I would love to travel the world and view amazing collections, or just to meet other people as passionate about the industry as I am. My favorite designers currently are Kim Jones, topman design and Paul Smith, who I admire deeply and all make spectacular menswear collections, I admire them because they are young fresh and are the future of men’s fashion. After some illness during my school years, I stayed on for a year in sixth form to complete more GCSE’s and now I am at college which I adore. I have learnt a lot about the fashion business at college such as finance and marketing, aswell at leadership styles. I was also taught about and how people use fashion as communication and stereotypes formed from how we dress. Through studying at college I gained more self motivation and independence which ill need at university. I have had over 2 years of work experience in retail fashion by


Personal Statement For nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work. W hen I got home every day after ten o’clock in the nig ht, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning. My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America. And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’ potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater pressure. Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technolo gy Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulate considerable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true. I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas. However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed. That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation. I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program. In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field. Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit. I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests. But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University. Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university. Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software. Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated. I have a good habit in learning and working. No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work. And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice. In addition, I am very creative. I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent


Personal Statement My decision of studying in finance field is very natural and I firmly believe that I will be one part of this industry, even elite. Before this dream comes true, a long way is in front of me, and a key station on this road is pursuing master degree in finance field in your prestigious university. Financial management has brought me much sense of accomplishment and enjoyment. In terms of knowledge, I have learnt many core modules finance field, e.g. Financial Management, Statistics, Accounting Cost, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Advanced Financial Management, Money and Banking, and Financial Analysis and so forth. Due to my strong interest and hard working, I become one of the top ten students in terms of specialized modules and the Second Prize Scholarship. Besides, my mathematics ability is good to be capable of being successful in future finance study and working. In addition to these, what the more important for me is the study and research capabilities. Critical and proactive thinking and research by referring various references such as the latest information and classic academic books are much more crucial. Admittedly, the Britain education on research will help me to get a big step. I prefer to improve myself well-rounded. Therefore, I worked in the Student Union Office to organize the first School Game as team leader, communicating with other departments, negotiating with team members, and plan the schedule. This successful Game is a


准留学生们在动手写个人陈述(Personal Statement)的时候往往摸不着头脑,不知如何下手,其实留学个人陈述只要在写之前理清思路和重点,就能下笔如有神助哦。专门提供留学资讯的Hotcourses中国小编就以一篇留学个人陈述范文为例,为大家解析一下留学个人陈述模板的框架和语言风格。 留学个人陈述模板的开头部分 留学个人陈述在开头需要直奔主题,因为外国老师不喜欢绕来绕去的措辞,最好在开始就表现出积极的态度,以及表明自己为什么想要学这个专业,同时也不要忘记了阐述自己的独特之处。当然,因为这个是开始,所以要以简单明了为主。 以下就是英文的模板例文: I graduated from xxx university with a degree in xxx (subject). I would like to apply xxx at youruniversity. With my great passion in the area, I hope to become an expert in xxxx industry. Iunderstand that xxxx university is famous for xxxx, it has established a great r eputation in thexxx industry with lots of graduates from becoming leaders in the field. I want to become one ofthem, and therefore, I am very interested and keen to be involve d in your university… 译文:我是某某大学某某专业毕业的学生,想申请贵校的某某专业。我对某某专业很感兴趣,希望将来能成为这个行业的专家。我知道贵校的这个专业十分出名,在业界有很高的声誉,也培养了很多此行业的精英。我想成为此行列中的一员,所以我很想成为贵校的一份子,在该专业领域深造。 分析:这个开头的语言简练,并以第一人称为主,能让招生老师一目了然。留学生们切记,开头段不要写太长太复杂的句子,因为长难句不仅会显得啰嗦,还会让人失去阅读兴趣。 留学个人陈述模板的主体部分 需要开始阐述留学生的学术背景,如果有工作经验的话,需要描述一下工作背景如何和此专业相关 英文模板例文如下: My preparation for your programme has been expansive and thorough. First, I have a sol idbackground in xxx and xxx. Second, during my undergraduate years, I joined a club cal led xxxwith the focus on xxx. Our projects dealt with xxx, and other xxx. My work outsid e the campus,in job placements through xxx university, granted me excellent opportuniti es for real-worldexperience. While exploring the possibility of graduate-level work, I discovered that my interests are perfectlymatched with your programme. My interest in xxx, especially, was piqued during my xxx class.The aspects of the xxx fascinated me and made me long to supervise a lar ge project in this fieldone day. Although I realise my current limitations, my whole-hearte d enthusiasm, combined withguidance from your exceptional faculty, will carry me throug h the rigors of studying and forge meinto an expert xxx after the one/two year master co

Personal statement 个人陈述-留学文书

Personal Statement A desirable career should be the one where people lay their passions and interests, and meanwhile this career should be able to widen their visions, enrich their lives and ultimately fulfill their aspirations to realize life values. The legal profession, I reckon, is the ideal career in line with all my life pursuit. Currently, with my undergraduate study approaching the end, I would like to apply for further study in your LL.M. program to enrich my knowledge base and build up my critical thinking skills to prepare myself to launch a successful legal career. My undergraduate study in Minzu University of China has proved to be fruitful and colorful. As a self-motivated student, I have spared no pains to equip myself with specialist knowledge and practical skills. Thanks to my unremitting efforts, I have built a firm academic grounding about jurisprudence, criminal law, civil law, commercial law and etc, and scored an exemplary average score of 89.5%, ranking me the first in the whole grade comprised of about 100 students. Moreover, by frequently attending the moot courts and drafting a range of legal documents, I significantly harnessed my verbal and writing skills, and gradually sharpened my insight into China’s judicial system. Furthermore, I have double majored in English, and thereby greatly improved my English proficiency, which enabled me to effectively acquire the knowledge pertaining to international economic law, international law, international private law, and so forth, and thereby consolidated my resolution to pursue further study in a programme which is delivered in English. Besides my endeavors to solidify academic knowledge, I have thrown myself into a stream of research projects. Among those examples I could cite would be my experience in carrying out the national-level undergraduate innovation training programme titled Fire Protection Regulations of Villages of the Miao Nationality-a Case Study about Xijiang Village Leishan County Guizhou Province. Starting from conducting investigations and interviewing residents in that village, our team collected plentiful data, and studied the pros and cons of current regulations. After consulting professional literatures and seeking advices from scholars& experts, we proposed our suggestions about improving current regulations to better protect villagers’lives and properties. In recognition of the practical value of our research, our project was awarded as the Excellent Project, and our research paper will soon be published in the 2nd Issue of Journal of Original Ecological National Culture. By undertaking those researches, for one thing, I have largely broadened my intellectual horizon; for another, I enhanced my skills in data collection, analysis and interpretation of results to conduct productive researches, which, in my opinion, will


英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文 在申请英国留学过程中,申请文书必不可少,且扮演者至关重要的作用,那么申请文书怎么写呢?应该有哪些要注意的呢,和我一起来看看英国本科留学申请个人陈述优秀范文。 Personal Statement My strong interest in the field of materials has accompanied me since I was a little girl, but I have been able to begin fully developing it as a result of the subtle influence on me exerted by my parents. Both of my parents are engineers in their factory. They enjoy their work in design with cloth materials and are happy to see that I am interested in materials, especially polymers. As the rudimentary teachers of mine, my parents made every effort to cultivate me to become an engineer of the highest quality and set up an excellent model for me. Such a wonderful environment for my growth inspired me a lot and enhanced my interest in this field. Thus, I chose materials and engineering without hesitation as my major during my undergraduate study in Beijing University of


美国留学申请如何写个人陈述 什么是个人陈述 个人陈述是在申请过程中按照学校要求来写一篇有关申请人背景,学术成就和未来研究和职业目标的文章。一篇成功的个人陈述不但应该语言流畅,逻辑严谨,层次分明,更要充分显示申请人的才华并抓住审阅人的注意力。几乎所有学校都要求提交个人陈述。 个人陈述也有不同的名称,如Personal Statement,Statement of Purpose,Statement of Intent, Statement of Objectives, Academic Statement,Study Plan,Academic Objectives等。 个人陈述应当包含以下内容: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标。 如果个人陈述写作得当,可以很大程度地提高申请者获得录取和奖学金的机会。这对申请者来说是一个绝好的机会。可惜的是很多申请者对TOEFL、GRE可谓呕心沥血,而对个人陈述往往一蹴而就,敷衍了事,内容贫乏、语法错误连篇。而西方的大学并不单是通过传统的考试来考评其申请者的资格,这并不是说他们的录取标准不严格。外国教授在决定你是否正是他们想要的人时,首先希望听一听你对于你自己作何评价。当你通过申请文书来介绍你自己时,你会发现所面临的机遇和挑战同样之大。 要写出成功的申请文书仅仅有那些适用于任何类型写作的基本写作技巧(清晰、简洁)是远远不够的。一篇好的申请文书要求申请人能够用一种与其他申请人完全不同方式,巧妙地展现自己的独特个性和经验。这是一件要求比较高,通常非常繁累的工作。这不仅仅对中国人如此,以英语为母语的人在此类写作时也会感到十分的头疼,但是我们中国人还需克服语言的障碍。 美国留学申请如何写个人陈述 个人陈述的内容应包含下列三项资料: (一)申请者的学术或专业兴趣及背景; (二)欲研究的方向; (三)未来的职业目标; 写作时,依以上三点将文章分为三个主要部分。不要像列清单,也不要重覆申请表格已有的资料。 注意事项: (一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不赘言,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。例如学校要求五百字内完成(In 500 words or less discuss ...),则全文最好不要超过五百字。如果学


牛津大学商科留学个人陈述范例 留学个人陈述是申请英国留学文书中的重要组成部分,在硬件条件相当的申请人相互竞争时,提供一份令人印象深刻、能表现申请人个人特质的留学个人陈述无疑能为申请加分。下面是由“出国汇”(百度一下)的指导下学员制作的一份成功申请到英国牛津大学商科的留学个人陈述,大家一起来看看作者的写作有何值得借鉴的地方吧! Since a very young age - where all my friends were aspiring to become firemen, astronauts and rockstars - I have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work. I don…t know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the world - driving fast cars and hitting it off with beautiful women. These guys - the lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountants - were all sipping champagne and living the high life. Of course, you don?t have to wear a suit to be making money (look at Steve Jobs, for example), it…s not all fun and games, and you have to be damn good at what you do, but my ambitions have remained the same. This is what I want to be, but money is no longer the sole object, in my opinion. This has stemmed from my upbringing, where every morning CNN is put on the TV, stock portfolios lie in messy stacks around the house and political conversation runs rife at the dinner table. Every day I would hear my father talking about his business ventures and garnered a great interest. To me, the business world seemed entirely different to our regular one: it was a grandiose battlefield of thousands of opposing teams –a vicious free for all where the only objective was to win. Language like “slaughtering the competition” was frequently used, and I instantly knew that this game was more intense than any sport, more exciting tha n any video game and more fulfilling than any hobby. I once even tried my hand at business of my own –selling gumballs at school –which, to my surprise, was rather successful, if short-lived (regulated into the ground). By the time I was beginning my IGCSE year I was absolutely itching to take a Business & Management course. I felt a lot of it come naturally to me, remembering all the terms and advice I had heard from my father. All along it was extremely satisfying to know that whilst I would hardly use anyth ing I had learnt in math’s (unless I need to know the exact angle that my ladder is at), no matter what profession I would take, I could apply this. I took part in stock competitions, both in and outside of school, in an attempt to better my understanding of the seemingly confusing concept of stock exchange. One of the most interesting aspects of business for me is international markets, which then extends into economics. I have often been told that one of my most valuable qualities is that I am tri-cultural, coming from an extremely interesting background. I have lived in Spain my entire life, with an American mother and English father, who is a chartered accountant and previously owned a successful record label; he


英国留学申请之个人陈述写作最全教程 一、英国留学个人陈述(PS)的主旨 个人陈述PS在英国留学申请中之所以重要是因为很多英国大学无需面试申请人,所以他们唯一认识你的地方就是网上申请表格。大部分表格涵盖了你的个人信息,包括大学感兴趣的你的学术/语言成绩、推荐信以及PS(留学个人陈述)。 PS(留学个人陈述)是这些材料当中唯一一个由你来控制的,所以这个是你给大学招生办留下一个良好印象的机会,这个印象是用分数无法反映出来的。尤其是当你申请的学校竞争特别激烈,所有的申请者都有很好的成绩的时候,PS就是唯一一种能凸显你的与众不同的材料,所以同志们,一定要尽可能地把PS做到尽善尽美。 大学招生办和课程老师在看你的PS的时候,他们通常会问以下两个问题: 1、我们是否想要这个学生来学习这门课程? 2、我们是否想要这个学生来我们的学校学习? 这两个问题可以分解为以下几个小问题来解答: 1)这个学生是否适合他/她所申请的课程? 2)这个学生是否具备他/她所申请的课程需要的素质? 3)这个学生是否有足够的毅力、勤奋的品格以及不会轻易辍学? 4)这个学生是否会全力以赴地达到这门课程所要求的各项能力? 5)这个学生是否能在高压底下工作? 6)这个学生是否能很快得调整好自己融入到大学的新环境? 7)他们的交际能力如何? 8)他们是否热爱这个课程并且做了仔细的研究 9)他们对课程是否有真正的兴趣并且渴望去做更深入的学习? 这些问题就是需要你在PS当中去表述和解答,只不过你不能只是说YES和NO,你需要有足够的事实依据去证明你的说法,让你的观点言之有物。不过,招生办的老师们毕竟也是平凡人,他们有可能需要阅读成百上千的PS,所以即便你觉得已经对上述问题回答的很好了你还有可能被不幸地拒绝。 还有其他的一些技巧可以让你的PS脱颖而出给老师们留下深刻印象,但要记住老师们也都因人而异他们对于申请者的期望也都不完全相同,怎么把握当中玄机就看童鞋们自己拿捏了。 二、标注自己的亮点 现在你还不需要开始思考文章框架和行文结构,你只需要思考一些关于你的成长经历并做


哈佛大学个人陈述PS三篇优秀范文示例 撰写留学文书最难的部分是personal statement(PS),我们可以通过以下三篇优秀的哈佛大学优秀essay来了解下,如何撰写高质量的文章。 第一篇申请美国哈佛大学的Essay范文,以音乐才能为主题,采用的是场景描述式来制造戏剧冲突,引起读者注意。Essay题材类型为talent。Essay短文讲述了作者的才能:Music。 "A special Performance" I stood behind the curtains listening to the applause to the previous act. I exhaled, realizing that this was a moment that fulfilled my childhood wish. Tonight was special because instead of an alto aria or a jazz lick, I had prepared a song unique to my identity. I curled my fingers around the microphone and waited impatiently as the curtains opened. My love for performance stemmed from my appreciation of music as a child. In the city in China where I spent the first ten years of my life, I never found a choir to join and never laid eyes on a grand piano. Nonetheless, I treasured my passion for song and sought ways to bring music into my life. I sang with our old record player when I was barely tall enough to reach it. On certain afternoons, my best friend and I would tape bed sheets to the ceiling as curtains and invite neighbors to come listen. There, we sang in duet, danced, and bowed while clasping each other's hands. Captured in our own musical sanctuary, we never noticed the hours that passed by. Music evokes in me the emotions that words and pictures cannot. I also revel in the intellectual challenges that music offers. I find it thrilling to tackle difficult, delicious repertoire, and I enjoy composing my own melodies. Through music, I can share and celebrate my past. When I was asked to share my cultural talents at my high school, I looked for a song that my mother sang when I was young, but I could not find the sheet music. A week before tonight, I sat down by the old piano in the practice room at school. With only the old tune ringing faintly in my mind, my hands soon took a life of their own and experimented with chords, arpeggios, and trills. I superimposed these on the original melody and composed variations. My voice, too, frolicked with the piano as I sang the tune repeatedly. I was lost in another musical paradise. I felt like a child again, tucked under the covers, listening to my mother's song as I drifted away to dreams. Now, dressed in an old Chinese dress that my mother had worn in her youth, I stepped onto the empty stage illuminated by pale blue light. I held the microphone up to my lips and smiled before starting. Then, I brought to life the beautiful ballad that had brightened my childhood in China. My mind overflowed with warm memories of that faraway city as I lulled the audience with my melody. When I caught my mother's face in the audience, I knew she nestled in the same air of nostalgia. Music allows me to present my native culture and contribute to the diversity in my community. It has stimulated my mind and provided an outlet for my creativity. To me, nothing is more pleasurable than being imaginative. Carrying my childhood love of music through my teenage years has been a gratifying experience, and I look forward to continuing in my undergraduate years.
