



1. fond of “喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词的 -ing 形式。例如:

He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。

Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗 ?

He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。

2. hunt for = look for寻找

I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。

hunt for a job 找工作

3. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语 , in order to 可放于句首 , so as to 则不能 , 其否定形式为 in order not to / so as not to. 如 :

He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting.

In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他 , 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。

4. care about

1 喜欢,对……有兴趣 = care for

She doesn’t care about money.她不喜欢钱。

2关心 = care for

She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people.她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。


These young people care nothing about what old people might say.


5. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……” ,是用来列举人或事物的。

She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry.她教三门科目 , 像物理、化学。

6. drop * a line 留下便条 , 写封短信

7、 make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束

(1 If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home.


8、 stay up 不睡;熬夜

(1 I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.


(2 He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.


9、 come about 引起;发生;产生

(1 How did the accident come about?


(2 They didn't know how the change had come about.


10、 except for 除……之外

(1 except 与 except for 的用法常有区别。 except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:

①He answered all the questions except the last one.


②We go there every day except Sunday.


(2 except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如:

①Except for one old lady, the bus was empty.


②Your picture is good except for the colours.


(3但在现代英语中, except for也用于表示 except 的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:

He answered all the questions except for the last one.

(4 另外,在介词短语之前只能用 except ,不能用 except for。如: We go to bed before ten, except in the summer.


11、 end up with 以……告终;以……结束

(1 The party ended up with an English song.


12、 more or less 几乎;差不多;大约;大概;大体上

(1 I've more or less succeeded, but they haven't.


(2 Our living condition has more or less improved.


13、 bring in 引进;引来;吸收

(1 We should bring in new technology.


(2 He brings in 800 dollars a month.


14、 get away(from 逃离

(1 The thieves got away from the shop with all our money. 小偷带着我们所有的钱从商店逃跑了。

(2 I caught a really big fish but it got away.


15、 watch out (for 注意;留心

(1 Watch out! There is a car coming.


(2 Watch out for the hole in the road.


16、 see sb. off 给某人送行

Tomorrow I will see my friend off at the railway station.


17、 on the other hand 另一方面(用以引出相互矛盾的观点、意见等,常说 on the one hand …… on the other hand一方面……另一方面

I know this job of mine isn't well paid, but on the other hand I don't have to work long hours.


18、 as well as * (sth而且

He is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.


19、 take place 发生take one’s place 入座、站好位置、取得地位

take sb’s place 或 take the place of * / sth代替、取代

The Olympic Games take place / are held every four years.

20、 on fire 相当于 burning, 意为“燃烧; 着火; 起火”, 有静态的含意。 Catch fire 有动态的含意。

Set… on fire / set fire to …用来表示“使……着火”、“放火烧……”。例如:

Look, the theatre i s on fire! Let’s go and help.瞧,剧院着火了,咱们去帮忙救火吧。

21、 on holiday 在度假,在休假中

When I was on holiday, I visited my uncle. 我在度假的时候去看望了叔叔。holiday(holidays一般指“休假”

Tom and I are going to have a holiday. 我和汤姆准备去度假。

I've already had my holidays this year. 我今年已经度过假了。

22、 travel agency

A business that attends to the details of transportation, itinerary, and accommodations

for travelers. 旅行社一种为旅行者提供细致的运输、旅行和住宿方面服务的行业

Also called: travel bureau

23、 take off 1脱下 (衣服等 , 解 (除掉 He took off his wet shoes.他脱下了湿鞋子。


The plane took off on time. It was a smooth take-off.飞机准时起飞。起飞非常顺利。


The six men got into the car and took off for the park.这六个人上了车, 匆匆离开


24. go wrong v. 走错路 , 误入岐途 , (机器等发生故障

25. in all adv. 总共

26. stay away v.外出

27. look up 查询(如宾语为代词,则代词放中间

Look up the word in the dictionary.在字典里查单词。

相关词组:look for 寻找; look after 照顾,照料; look forward to 期待; look into调查;

look on旁观; look out注意; look out for注意,留心,提防; look over翻阅,查看,检查; look around环视; look through翻阅,查看。

28、 run after追逐,追求

If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.同时追两只兔子,你一只也抓不到。

29、 on the air广播

We will be on the air in five minutes.我们五分钟以后开始广播。

This programme comes on the air at the same time every day.这个节目每天在同一时间播出。

30、 think highly/well/much of对……评价很高 , 赞赏 , 对……印象好

He was highly thought of by the manager.经理对他非常赞赏。

I think well of your suggestion.我觉得你的建议很好。

think badly/nothing/little/lowly of……认为不好 , 好……不在意 , 不赞成 , 觉得……不怎么样

I don’t think much of him as a teacher.我觉得他作为一个老师不怎么样。

31. leave out 1 漏掉 You made a mistake —You’ve left out a letter “t”. 你出错了—你漏掉了一个字母 t.

2 删掉 , 没用I haven’t changed or left out a thing.我没有作出变动也没有删掉任何东西。

32. stare at (由于好奇、激动等张着嘴巴,睁大眼睛地凝视,盯着看

Don’t stare at foreigners. It’s impolite.不要盯着外国人看,这样不礼貌。

比较:glare at (to stare angrily at怒视着


33. make jokes about 就……说笑

They make jokes about my old hat.他们就我的旧帽子说笑我。

have a joke with … about …跟某人开关于某事的玩笑。

He stopped to have a joke with me.他停下来跟我开玩笑。

play a joke on…开某人的玩笑

We played jokes on each other. 我们互相开玩笑。

v. joke about取笑 They joked about my broken English.他们取笑我蹩脚的英 .

45. take over 接管;接替;继承

what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。

Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job. 我们的主席走了, 因此杰克将接


46. break down

1 破坏;拆散

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。

The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻据说和谈破裂了。

2 (机器损坏 Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

3 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。

4 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

5 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。 47、get on one’s feet

1站起来 ; 站起来发言

2 (=stand on one's feet自立 , 经济上独立

3 (人病好了 , 可以起床了 ; (使恢复 , 复苏 (指企业

48、 go through

1 经历;经受;遭到

These countries have gone / been through too many wars.这些国家饱经战火。

2 完成;做完 I didn't want to go through college.我不想上完大学。

3通过;批准 The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。

Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。


They went through our luggage at the customs.在海关他们检查了我们的行李。

45. take over 接管;接替;继承

what is good and still useful should be taken over.好的有用的东西应当继承。

Our chairman has left, so Jack will take over (his job. 我们的主席走了, 因此杰克将接


46. break down

1 破坏;拆散

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质。

The peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻据说和谈破裂了。

2 (机器损坏 Our truck broke down outside town. 我们的卡车在城外抛锚了。

The car broke down halfway to the destination.汽车在到达目的地的中途抛锚了。

3 失败;破裂 Their opposition broke down.他们的反对意见打消了。

4 精神崩溃;失去控制 He broke down and wept. 他不禁失声痛哭。

5 起化学变化 Food is broken down by chemicals. 化学物质引起食物转化。 47、get on one’s feet

1站起来 ; 站起来发言

2 (=stand on one's feet自立 , 经济上独立

3 (人病好了 , 可以起床了 ; (使恢复 , 复苏 (指企业

48、 go through

1 经历;经受;遭到

These countries have gone / been through too many wars.这些国家饱经战火。

2 完成;做完 I didn't want to go through college.我不想上完大学。

3通过;批准 The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。

Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。


They went through our luggage at the customs.在海关他们检查了我们的行李。

重点句型 :

1. “So + be/have /助动词/情态动词+主词”的结构。此结构中的语序是倒装的,“So”代替上句中的某个成分。如果上面一句是否定句,则使用

“Neither/Nor+be/have/助动词 /情态动词 +主语”的结构。

例如He’s tired, and so am I. (=I’ m also tired.

You can swim, and so can I. (=I can also swim.

She has had supper, and so can I. (=I’ve had lunch, too .

Tom speaks English , and so does his sister . (=His sister speaks English , too .

A: I went to the park yesterday.

B: So did I. (=I also went to the park yesterday.

2. “So +主语 +be/have /助动词/情态动词”结构中的主谓是正常语序, so 相当于indeed,certainly, 表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的肯定、赞同或证实,语气较强,意思是“确实如此”。

例如 A:It was cold yesterday.昨天很冷。

B :So it was.的确如此。 (=Yes , it was.

A :You seem to like sports.

B :So I do. (=Yes , I do.

A :It will be fine tomorrow.

B :So it will. (=Yes , it will.

3. “主语 +do/does/did + s o”结构指的是按上句的要求做了。此句型中 do so代替上文中要求做的事,以免重复。

My Chinese teacher told me to hand in my composition on time and I did so.(=I handed in

my composition on time. 语文老师叫我按时交作文 , 我照办了。

4. So it is with…或It is the same with…句型表示“……(的情况也是如此。”当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语时,要表示相同情况,必须使用本句型,不能使用 so 引起的倒装句。

She doesn’t play the piano, but she likes singing. So it is with my sister.

5、 There you are. 行了,好。


There you are! Then let's have some coffee.


There you are! I knew we should find it at last.


6、 have some difficulty (in doing sth.

干某事有困难;接名词时,常用句型:have some difficulty with sth. ①Do you have any difficulty (in understanding English?


②She said she had some difficulty with pronunciation.


7、 have a good knowledge of sth.


①He has a good knowledge of London.


②A good knowledge of languages is always useful.

8、 Tree after tree went own, cut down by the water, which must have been three metres deep.


“ must have + 过去分词”表示对已发生事情的猜测。在英语中, must , may , can 三个情态动词可用来表示对事情的猜测。 Must 意为“肯定”,语气很有把握; may 意为“可能”、“也许”, 语气把握性不大。两者常用在肯定句中。 Can 意为“肯定”、“也许”,常用在否定句或疑问句中。 Must , may , can 三者用于表示猜测时,其后面可跟三种不同的动词形式:1跟动词原形表示对现在事情的猜测;

2 跟 be doing表示对正在发生事情的猜测; 3跟 have done表示对已经发生的事情的猜测。例如:

Helen is Lucy’s good friend. She must know Lucy’s e-mail. 海伦是露茜的好朋友。她肯定知道露茜的电子邮件。

We can hear loud voices in the meeting room. They must be quarrelling.我们可以听到会议


I met Jeff at the gate a moment ago. He can’t have gone to Australia.我刚才还在大门口见


9、 Wei Bin took out some peanuts and it was fun to see the monkey eat from his hand.魏彬拿出一些花生。看着猴子从他手上吃花生,很有趣。

fun “好玩,趣事”,不可数名词,前面不加不定冠词 a 。

You’re sure to have some fun at the party tonight. 今天晚上你肯定会玩得很开心。

make fun of“取笑”,“嘲弄”。 People make fun of him only because he is wearing such a

strange jacket.人们嘲笑他只是因为他穿了一件那么奇怪的衣服。

funny adj. “可笑的, 滑稽的”。He looks very funny in his father’s jacket. 他穿着他父亲


10、Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea…… 许多看过这部电影的人都不敢在海里游。

afraid 用法说明:

1害怕人 / 物,如:be afraid of * / sth

2不敢做某事,如:be afraid to do sth / of doing sth

He is afraid to go out / of going out alone at night.

3 担心会发生某事 , 如 : be afraid of doing sth或 be afraid + that clause

He seldom stands on the river bank because he is afraid of falling into the river.

He seldom stands on the river bank because he is afraid that he might fall into the


4 给人不愉快的信息或不赞同某人意见时 , 用I’m afraid …, 如 :

I’m afraid I’ve got bad news for you.

I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.

11、 It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate.把你盘子里所有东西吃完是有礼貌的。

这是一个动词不定式作主语的句型,其中 to finish eating everything 是主语, it 是形式主语。

12、 I wish you all the best.我祝你万事如意 .

用 wish 来表示祝愿的结构是 wish * sth, 此外我们还可以用 may 来表示祝愿 : May * do sth如 :

May you succeed.

13、 Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。

Where 在这里引导的是地点状语从句,相当于介词 in/ at/ to + the place + where 从句 9定语从句,意思是“在……地方”。例如:

Where there is smoke, there is fire.无风不起浪;事出有因。

He lives where the climate is mild.他住在气候温暖的地方。

14、 Strong, proud, and united, the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia .

圣彼得堡人民坚强不屈、充满自豪、团结一致,他们是俄罗斯当代的英雄。Strong, proud, and united 为前置定语, 在这里相当于一个非限制性定语从句:

The people of St Petersburg , who are strong, proud, and united, are the modern heroes

of Russia . 当主语比较短时,这类短语常常放在句首。

15. Congratulations!是一句祝贺用语,在使用时要用复数形式。其他几个通常以复数形式出现表达特定含义的名词有:

manners (礼貌:He is a little boy with good manners.这个小男孩很有礼貌。

regards (问候 :Please send my regards to your parents.请代我问候你父母。

16. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.


“every + 基数词 + 时间 / 距离单位”词表示“每多少时间 / 距离”。如:

every five days (每五天 , every three hours (每三小时 , every ten metres (每十公尺

类似表达形式还有:every fifth day, every third hour

“每隔一天”的表达形式有:every second day, every two days, every other day.

17、 Modern cellphones are more than just phones — they are used as cameras and radios, and

to send e-mail or surf the Internet.现代的手机不仅仅是电话机—它们也当坐照相机和收音机使用,还可以发送电子邮件和上网。

use A as B 把 A 用作 B 。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones as tools for farming.在古代,人们把石头用作



use sth to do sth用某物来做某事。例如:

In ancient times, people used stones to kill animals for food.


18、 The answer seems to be that we have a need to stay in touch with friends and family no matter where we are or what we are doing.答案似乎是:无论我们在何处或正在做什么,我们都需要和朋友以及家人一直保持联系。

1 seem 似乎,好像,其用法及搭配有:

seem + adj., 如:

This problem seems complicated, but actually it is simple.


seem to do

I seem to have seen him somewhere before.我好像以前在哪儿见过他。 It seems that…,

It seems that everything is going on well.好像一切正常。

It seems as if… ,

It seems as if it’s going to rain.看来快要下雨了。

2 no matter无论,不管,后面常跟疑问词引导的从句,其意相当于疑问词后加ever 。如 no matter what=whatever; no matter where=wherever; no matter

how=however; no matter when=whenever例如:

No matter when (Whenever I meet him, he is always wearing that old hat. 不管我什么时候遇见他,他总是戴着那顶旧礼帽。

No matter how (However expensive the cellphone is, I’ll buy it because I need one badly.




1. 直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。

eg: “I broke your CD player.” (一般过去时改成过去完成时

He told me he had broken my CD player.

Jenny said, “I have lost a book.” (现在完成时改成过去完成时 Jenny said she had lost a book. Mum said, “I’ll go to see a friend.” (一般将来时改成过去将来时 Mum said she would go to see a friend. 过去完成时保留原有的时态He said, “We hadn’t finished our homework.” He said they hadn’t finished their homework. 注意直接引语是客观真理,过去进行时,时态不变。 2.在直接引语变间接引语时,如果从句中的主语

时第一人称或被第一人称所修饰,从句中的人称要按照主句中主语的人称变化。如:Mary said, “My brother is an engineer.” Mary said her brother was and engineer. 3.直接引语如果是反意疑问句,选择疑问句或一般疑问句,间接引语应改为由whether 或 if 引导的宾语从句。如:He said, “Can you run, Mike?” He asked Mike whether/if he could run. 4. 直接引语如果是祈使句,间接引语应改为“tell(ask, order, beg 等* (not to do sth.”句型。如:“Pass me the water, please.”said he. He asked him

to pass her the water. 5. 直接引语如果是以“Let’s”开头的祈使句,变为间接引语时,通常用“suggest+动名词或从句”的结构。如:She said, “Let’s go to the cinema.”

She suggested going to the cinema. 或 She suggested that they should go to the cinema. 现在进行时表将来的动作现在进行时表将来的动作,谓语通常为瞬间动词。 come, go, arrive, leave, 如: start, return, stay, meet, get 等。这些动词的进行时

后不能再接具体的时间。(1)用现在进行时表示将来,指的是近期的,按计划或安排要发生的动作。(2)现在进行时表示将来与表示正在进行的动作的区别在于:前者通常用瞬间动词(有时一些常用动词也可以这样用如:do)如:go, come,

start, return, get, arrive 等。而后者通常是持续性动词。 He is reading a novel. 他在看小说。 The train is arriving soon. 火车就要进站了。(3)用现在进行时表示将来的时间,在句中或上下文中通常有表示将来时间的状语。(4)现在进行时与一般现在时表示将来动作的区别在于:前者表示的将来的动作往往是可以改变的,而后者则是根据规定或时间表预计要发生的动作或事情,因此往往是不可改变或不可随便改变的。 What are you doing next Friday? 下星期五你们打算干什么? The plane takes off at 7:30 tonight. 飞机今晚七点半起飞。


高一英语必修二知识点归纳 Unit1 Cultural relics 1.in search of 寻找,寻求 2.survive vi. 幸存,生还n. 幸存者survivor 3. be decorated with 被用······来装饰 decorate sth with sth 用某物装饰某物 4. belong to属于,是…的成员, 是…的组成部分,属性, 职能等 5. serve as 担任,充当 6.in return 作为回报, 作为回馈 in return of 作为…的回报 7. 定语从句修饰the way的关系代词可用that / in which / 不填 8.light 照亮,点亮light-lit-lit 或light-lighted-lighted 9. there is no doubt that… 毫无疑问…… 10. be worth sth. 值得… be (well) worth doing sth.很值得做… 11. be at war 处于战争状态,交战 12.remain vi. 留下,剩下,残留+doing link-v. 保持,仍然,继续+adj. Unit 2 The Olympic Games 1. ancient: 古代的--- 反义词present-day 当今的 2. compete with/ against sb.和…竞争 compete in 在……中竞争 compete for sth. 为……而竞争 competition n. 比赛 3. take part (in) 参加,参与(活动)=join in take an active part in…积极参与…… 4. used to do 过去常常做... be/get used to (doing) sth.习惯于 be used to do 被用来做 5. every four years = every fourth year 每四年或每隔四年 6. admit+ doing承认做某事 be admitted as “被接受……成为” 7. for the honor of为了…的荣誉 in the honor of为庆祝…/为纪念 8. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth. 允许做某事 9. not only… but also… 不但……而且 10. “也”as well用在肯定句中,放在句末 too肯定句中用,放在句末,常用逗号隔开 either否定句中用,放句末,常用逗号隔开 also放在特殊动词之后,实义动词之前 Unit 3 Computers 1. common adj. 普通的,常见的n. 普通;平民


高一英语知识点 重点词组: 1. fond of喜爱;爱好”接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如: He' s fond of swimmi ng他喜欢游泳。 Are you fond of fresh vegetables.你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗? 2. hunt for = look for 寻找 I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。 hunt for a job 找工作 3. in order to, so as to这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语,in order to可放于句首,so as to贝S不能,其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to.女口: He went to in order / so as to atte nd an importa nt meeti ng. In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他,他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。 4. care about 1)喜欢,对?…有兴趣二care for She doesn ' t care about mon她不喜欢钱。 2)关心=care for She thinks only of herself. She doesn ' t care abou她只只考虑e自己. 她不关心别人。 3)在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分) These young people care no thi ng about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。


Unit 1 have ?in common “有?共同之处”concern oneself with ?关“心,担忧?”devote ?to ?把“??奉献于??”put sb. to death 判某人死刑 mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着做某事 值得做某事、某事值得做 1. It is worthwhile doing sth. 2. It is worthwhile to do sth. It is worthwhile seeing the film. It is worthwhile to see the film.

3. Sth. is worth doing. The film is worth seeing. 4. Sth is worthy of being done. 5. Sth. Is worthy to be done. The film is worthy of being seen. The film is worthy to be seen. be worth + sth. be worthy of sth. The museum is worth a visit. The museum is worthy of a visit. a campaign for / against ?

“一个支持、反对??的运动” a argument for / against ? “一个支持、反对??的论点” behave oneself 守规矩,举止得体 behave badly/ well to sb. 对待某人好、不好move off 离开,启程,出发 observe sb. do sth. 观察某人做了某事 (sb. be observed to do sth.) observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事 (sb. be observed doing sth.) in the shade 在阴凉处 work out 弄明白,解决,制定,锻炼,进展respect sb. for (doing) sth. 因为?而尊敬某人


高一人教版英语知识点归纳分享 人教版高一英语知识点总结1 重点短语 1. be fond of爱好 2. treat…as…把……看作为…… 3. make friends with 与……交朋友 4. argue with sb. about / oversth. 与某人争论某事 5. hunt for寻找 6. in order to为了 7. share…with与……分享 8. bring in引进;赚钱 9. a great / good many许多… _. have difficulty (in) doing做……有困难 _. end up with以……结束 _. e_cept for除……之外 _. come about发生 _. make(a)fire生火 _. make yourself at home别拘束 _. the majority of大多数 _. drop sb. a line给某人写短信 _. for the first time第一次 _. at all根本;竟然 _. have a (good) knowledge of…精通…… ☆交际用语☆ 1. i think… i like / love / hate... i enjoy... my interests are...

2. did you have a good flight? you must be very tired. just make yourself at home. i beg your pardon? can you tell me how to pronounce...? get it. 人教版高一英语知识点总结2 核心单词 persuade vt.说服;劝服;使相信(同convince) 常用结构: persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事 persuade sb. that-clause 使某人相信…… 联想拓展 talk sb. into/out of doing sth.=reason sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 trick sb. into/out of doing sth. 诱使某人做/不做某事 urge sb. into/out of doing sth. 怂恿某人做/不做某事 易混辨析 advise/persuade advise 强调劝告,建议的动作,不注重结果;而persuade强调已经说服 ,重在结果.用法上:advise可跟v.-ing形式作宾语,也可以接that-clause (that sb. should do),而persuade则不能.


高一英语知识点 重点词组: 1. fond of “ 喜爱,爱好” 接名词、代词或动词de -ing 形式。例如: He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。 Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗 ? He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他de研究工作。 2. hunt for = look for 寻找 I have found the book I was hunting for. 我找到了那本我在找de书。 hunt for a job 找工作 3. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目de状语 , in order to 可放于句首 , so as to 则不能 , 其否定形式为 in order not to / so as not to. 如 : He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting. In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us. 为了让我们注意他 , 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。 4. care about 1) 喜欢,对…… 有兴趣 = care for She doesn’t care about money. 她不喜欢钱。 2 )关心 = care for She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people. 她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。 3 )在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分) These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说de话。 5. such as 意为“ 诸如……” ,“ 像……” ,是用来列举人或事物de。 She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry. 她教三门科目 , 像物理、化学。 6. drop * a line 留下便条 , 写封短信


高一英语重点语法总结与归纳 高一英语时态语法知识点:现在进行时 1.表示现在 (说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 [例句] He is reading a newspaper now. 2.表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 (说话时动作不一定正在进行)。 [例句] What are you doing these days? 3.表示说话人现在对主语的行为表示赞叹或厌恶等,常与always, constantly, continually等副词连用。 [例句] He is always thinking of others. 4.表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。常限于go, come, leave, start, arrive等表“移动”“方向”的词。 [例句] He is coming to see me next week. 高一英语时态语法知识点:过去进行时 1.表示过去某时正在进行的动作。 [例句] He was sleeping when Mary came to see him. 2.动词go, come, leave, arrive, start等的过去进行时常表过去将来时。[例句] She said she was going to Beijing the day after tomorrow. 高一英语时态语法知识点:一般现在时 1.表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态,常与usually, always, sometimes, often, every day / week / month / year等时间状语连用。[例句] He often does his homework in his study.


高一英语预习知识点 一、重点单词 1.survey n.调查;测验 2.upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 3.ignore vt.不理睬;忽视 4.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的 5.concern vt.(使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 6.loose adj.松的;松开的 7.vet n.兽医 8.Amsterdam n.阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) https://www.360docs.net/doc/803884560.html,herlands n.荷兰(西欧国家) 10.Jewish adj.犹太人的;犹太族的 11.German adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的 12.Nazi n.纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 13.series n.连续,系列 14.outdoors adv.在户外;在野外 15.spellbind vt.迷住;疑惑 16.dusk n.黄昏,傍晚 17.thunder vi.打雷,雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 18.entire adj.整个的;完全的;全部的 19.entirely adv.完全地;全然地;整个地 20.power n.能力;力量;权力 二、重点短语 1.add up 合计 2.calm...down (使)平静下来 3.have got to 不得不;必须 4.be concerned about 关心;挂念

5.walk the dog 溜狗 6.go through 经历;经受 7.set down 记下;放下;登记 8.a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套 9.on purpose 故意 三、重点句型 1.It was the first time in a year and a half that I had seen the night face to face. 这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。 2. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物都无比狂热。 3. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven one evening in order to have a good look at the moon for once by myself. 有一天晚上,我熬到11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮一次。 4. If you have some trouble (in) getting along with your friends, you can write to the editor and ask for advice. 如果你在和朋友的相处上有问题,你可以写信给编辑向他征求建议。 5. Add up your score and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看得了多少。 6. What he did has added to our difficulties. 他的所作所为增加了我们的困难。 7. It's no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing


一. 1.1)differences between A and B A和B之间的不同 ★★make some/no difference 有一些/没有作用/影响 A is different from B A和B不同 A and B are different in ..A和B在某方面不同differ vi . 不同;有分歧 2)be happy with sth./sb. 对某物/某人感觉愉快/幸福/满意 be happy to do sth. 乐于做某事 3)mean vt. 意味着;有……的意思 ★★★mean doing 意味着…… ★★★mean to do 打算做某事 ★★means n. 方法,手段(单复同形) by this means = in this way 用这种方法 by no means =not at all 决不 by all means 一定,务必,不惜一切地 by means of 通过;用;借助于 4)be prepared for 已为……做好了准备 prepare sb. for sth. 使……有思想准备 prepare sb. to do sth. 为某人做某事做准备 in preparation (for) 在准备中 make preparation s. for 为……做准备 5)encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. (in sth.) 鼓励或支持某人 discourage sb. 使某人泄气 6)more than = over 超过,多于 more than+名词/动词/形容词/从句不仅仅;不只是no more than +数词仅仅 not more than +数词至多,不超过 not more……than 不比……更 no more……than 和……不一样 more……than 与其说是……不如说是…… 7)★turn out to be sb./sth. 结果是…… e.g. But it turn out to be fine. 8)★try to do sth. 努力做某事 ★try doing sth. 是做,尝试干某事 9)attend (on) sb. 照料/看护某人 attend to sb. = take care of 10)win/earn/gain the respect of sb. 赢得某人的尊敬 have a deep respect for sb. 深深敬重某人 respect sb. for doing sth. 因为……而尊敬某人 11)blame sb. for doing sth. 因为……而责备某人 scold sb. for doing sth. 因为……而责骂某人 12)devote oneself to 献身于 devoted adj.


人教版高一英语必背知识点归纳 对于很多刚上高中的同学们来说,高中英语是噩梦一般的存在,其知识点非常的繁琐复杂,让同学们头疼不已。下面就是给大家带来的人教版高一英语知识点总结,希望能帮助到大家! 人教版高一英语知识点总结1 交际项目的重点是在与他人讨论问题时,如何友好地表达同意或不同意。 (1)表达同意的句子。(2)表达不同意的句子。 Exactly.确实如此。No way.没门儿。 No problem.没问题。Of course not.当然不。 That’s right/true.那是对的。I don’t agree (with you).我不同意。 Yes, I think so.对,我认为是这样。No, I don’t think so.不,我不这么认为。 All right./OK.行,可以。I’m afraid not.恐怕不是。 I believe (guess, hope) so. I don’t think it’s very practical.

我相信(猜想、希望)是这样的我认为这不切实际 That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。I can’t accept that. 我不能接受。 I agree (with you).我同意。 人教版高一英语知识点总结2 虚拟语气在一些特殊词中的使用或含蓄条件句 1.wish后的宾语从句。 与现在愿望不一致,用主语十过去时,例如: I wi。hIwere you. 与过去愿望不一致,用主语+had+过去分词,例如:Iwish I had visited the White House whenI was in the States与将来愿望不一致,用主语+would (could)+原形。 2.Its time句型:当lts tine后用that从句时应该为主i吾 +should+动词原形或主语十过去时,例如:It,s time thatyou went to school.或Its time that you should go to schooL 3- If only引起的感叹句相当于“How I wish+宾语从句”。 (l)If only he could come.他要能来就好了。 (2)If only I had known the answer.我要早知道答案就好了。


高一英语必修三第一单元知识点总结 第一单元 1)starve 作不及物动词,表示“饿死,挨饿”。 starve for=be starve of/for,表示“渴望获得,迫切得到”。 2)plenty 作不可数名词,只用于肯定句中,表示“充足,大量,富裕”,可做主语,宾语或表语。 做主语时,谓语动词随着plenty所指的单复数形式作相应的变化。 plenty也可作副词,表示“充分地,十足地,好多”。 in plenty表示“大量的,丰富,充裕”可作表语,定语,状语。 3)satisfy 作及物动词,表示“满意,使满足”,直接跟宾语,若接that从句时,意思是“使相信”,从句前有间接宾语。 satisfywith以,满足 be satisfied with对,满足 satisfyfor向,偿还

be satisfied to do sth满足于做某事 4)harm 作名词,意为“损害”,不与不定冠词连用,常与do,come,mean等动词搭配。 do more harm than good弊大于利 Theres no harm in(sbs)doing sth=It does no harm for sb to do sth做某事无害处 作及物动词,表示“损害,伤害”。 5)lead 作及物动词,表示“领导,引导”其宾语常接介词短语或者副词作宾补。 表示“影响,致使”时,后接介词to,也可以接不定式。 lead sb into使某人陷入某种不良的状态。 lead sb away使盲从,常用于被动语态。 lead nowhere毫无结果,,对,不起作用。 lead up to sth作为,准备,导致。 lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子,完全操纵某人 lead a dogs life过困难的生活 lead sb believe that使某人相信(假的事情或不确切的事情)


高一英语知识点 重点词组:1. hunt for = look for寻找 I have found the book I was hunting for.我找到了那本我在找的书。 hunt for a job 找工作 2. fond of “喜爱,爱好”接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。例如: He’s fond of swimming. 他喜欢游泳。 Are you fond of fresh vegetables. 你喜欢新鲜蔬菜吗? He is fond of his research work. 他喜爱他的研究工作。 3. care about 1) 喜欢,对……有兴趣= care for She doesn’t care about money.她不喜欢钱。 2)关心= care for She thinks only of herself. She doesn’t care about other people. 她只考虑自己。她不关心别人。 3)在乎,在意(接从句或不接任何成分) These young people care nothing about what old people might say. 这些年轻人根本不在乎老人说的话。 4. in order to, so as to 这两个词组都可引导不定式作目的状语, in order to可放于句首, so as to 则不能, 其否定形式为in order not to / so as not to. 如: He went to Beijing in order / so as to attend an important meeting. In order to be noticed, he shouted and waved to us.为了让我们注意他, 他朝我们又是叫喊又是挥手。 5. drop * a line 留下便条, 写封短信 6. such as 意为“诸如……”,“像……”,是用来列举人或事物的。 She teaches three subjects, such as physics and chemistry.她教三门科目,像物理、化学。 7、make yourself at home 别客气;随便;无拘束 (1)If you get to my house before I do, help yourself to a drink and make yourself at home. 如果你在我之前到我家,自己喝点饮料,随便一点。 8、come about 引起;发生;产生 (1)How did the accident come about?这场事故是怎么发生的? (2)They didn't know how the change had come about.他们不知道这个变化是怎样产生的。 9、stay up 不睡;熬夜 (1)I'll be late home, don't stay up for me.我将回家很晚,不要等我了。 (2)He stayed up reading until 2:00 in the morning.他熬夜看书直到凌晨两点。 10、end up with 以……告终;以……结束 (1)The party ended up with an English song.聚会以一首英文歌结束。 11、except for 除……之外 (1)except 与except for 的用法常有区别。except 多用于引起同类事物中被排除的一项。如:①He answered all the questions except the last one.除去最后一个,他回答了所有问题。 ②We go there every day except Sunday.除了星期天,我们天天去那里。 (2)except for 用于引述细节以修正句子的主要意思。如: ①Except for one old lady, the bus was empty.除去一个老太太,这辆公共汽车全空了。 ②Your picture is good except for the colours.你的画儿很好,只是某些色彩有问题。 (3)但在现代英语中,except for也用于表示except的意思。如上述第一个例子可以是:


必修I Unit 1 重点单词和短语 1、add up合计add up to…共计, 总计达 add…to把…加在里面 2、upset sb. 某人不安upset oneself about sth. 为某事而烦恼be upset at/about 因…而烦恼 3、ignore sb./sth. 忽视,不理会be ignorant of 对… 无知,不了解ignorant adj 无知的,愚昧的ignorance n 无知.愚昧 4、calm vt.&vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定calm down 镇静, 平静calm sb. down 使某人镇静adj. 平静的;镇定的 keep calm 保持镇静 5、concern vt. 使担忧;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注 with concern 关切地 show (no) concern for/about sb. 对某人(不)关心, concern oneself with/ in 参与,干涉 be concerned with 与… 有关系 be concerned about/ for sth. /that-clause 为…担心,挂念 As far as… be concerned 就某某而言concerning prep. 关于,有关 6、walk the dog 遛狗 7、go through 经历, 经受 go through a hard time 经历了一段困难时期go through the baggage 检查行李go through the newspaper 浏览报纸go through lots of money 花了很多钱8、set down. 记下,放下 Set aside 留出,腾出(时间,金钱),把…放一边 Set off 出发,动身,引起,使爆炸 Set up 建立 Set about doing 开始,着手 Set out to do sth. set down the ideas on paper 把想法写在纸上 set me down at the bus-stop 在车站让我下车


高中必修一到必修五主要语法点 必修一:直接引语和间接引语(宾语从句);现在进行时表将来;定语从句 必修二:定语从句(非限定定从、定从中的介词前提);被动语态(一般将来时、现在完成时及现在进行时的被动语态) 必修三:情态动词;名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句及同位语从句) 必修四:主谓一致;非谓语动词(V-ing) ;构词法 必修 2 第一单元,非限制性定语从句的第二单元一般将来时的主被动第三单元现在完成时的主被动第四单元 现在进行时的主被动第五单元介词+which/whom的用法 必修 3 一二单元情态动词的用法三单元宾语从句和表语从句四单元主语从句 五单元同位语从句 必修4 第一单元主谓一致第二单v-ing作主语和宾语的用法第三单元v-ing作表语,定语和宾语补足语第四单 元v-ing作状语第五单元构词法 必修5 第一单元过去分词作定语和表语第二单元过去分词作宾语补足语第三单元过去分词作状语第四单元 倒装句第五单元省略句 必修一各单元知识点总结 Unit One Friendship 一、重点短语 1.go through 经历,经受get through 通过;完成;接通电话 2. set down 记下,放下 3. a series of 一系列 4 on purpose 有目的的 5. in order to 为了 6. at dusk 傍晚,黄昏时刻 7. face to face 面对面 8. fall in love 爱上 9. join in 参加(某个活动);take part in 参加(活动) join 加入(组织,团队,并成为其中一员) 10. calm down 冷静下来 11. suffer from 遭受 12. be/get tired of…对…感到厌倦 13. be concerned about 关心 14. get on/along well with 与…相处融洽 15. be good at/do well in 擅长于… 16. find it + adj. to do sth. 发现做某事是…


精选最全高一英语知识点总结归纳5篇 高一英语是很多同学的噩梦,知识点众多而且杂,对于高一的新生们很不友好,建议同学们通过总结知识点的方法来学习英语,这样可以提高学习效率。 高一英语知识点总结1 1. win, beat, defeat 表示获胜、取胜的词语 (1) win v. 赢,获胜,接比赛或奖项win a game / a prize / an honor / a race. / Our team won the game 8 to 7. / He won by five points. / He won her love at last. / He won the first place in the competition. (2) beat + 对手,表打败(尤指体育比赛) I can easily beat him at golf. (3) defeat 表战胜,接对手The enemy was defeated in the battle. 2. in the end, finally, at last 三者均可表示(经过周折、等待、耽误)最后,终于之意。不同的是: finally 一般用在句中动词前面,而at last 与in the end 的位置则较为灵活; 三者中at last 语气最为强烈,且可单独作为感叹句使用。After putting it off three times, we finally managed to have a holiday in Dalian. / At last he knew the meaning of life. / At last! Where on earth have you been? / But in the end he gave in. 另外,finally还可用在列举事项时,引出最后一个内容,相当


高一短语 Unit One 1.What is sb. like? What does sb. look like? What does sb. like? How does sb like/find sth? 2. argue with sb. about sth 因…和某人争执 3. enjoy/hate sth/ doing sth 4. so / nor/ neither + 系动/助动/情动+ 主语 5. be into 对…深感兴趣=be interested in; have/show interest in 5. be fond of 喜欢; like; enjoy; 6. surf the internet 上网冲浪 7. all the time 一直总是

8. imagine that...; imagine sb doing sth imagine sb to be 想像某人是 9. so…that…/such…that… 如此…以致… He was so excited that he could not speak. So excited was he that he could not speak. It was such a lovely day that we decided to go outing. It was so lovely a day that we decided to go outing. 10. survive the crash 在空难中幸存 11. a deserted island 荒岛 12. all alone 独自= all by oneself 区别:alone 单独的;独自的lonely 孤独的;寂寞的13. hunt for 搜寻寻找search for; 12.make fire 生火 13.in order to 为了so as to; in order that; so that


【重要短语复习】 1.run into 2.a couple of 3.Step up the search for sb./sth. 4.go missing 5.show great interest in sth. 6.due to 7.turn up 8.get ready for sth. 9.put on one’s favorite CD 10.begin with/ start with 11.according to 12.the full moon 13.pull back the curtains 14.do research on sb. 15.fly over 16.rule out the possibility of 17.look into 18.make up a story 19.in an inverted pyramid format 20.in charge of 21.make a speech 22.outer space https://www.360docs.net/doc/803884560.html,unch a spaceship into space 24.the former Soviet Union 25.collect samples 26.dream of doing sth. 27.carry out 28.pick sb. up https://www.360docs.net/doc/803884560.html,e true 30.human beings 31.a space shuttle 32.be connected to 1.偶尔撞见 2.一双,一对 3.加紧,加快搜索 4.失踪 5.对某事表现出极大的兴趣 6.由于,因为 7.出现,露面,到达 8.为某事作好准备 9.播放某人喜爱的 CD 10.以……开始 11.根据,按照 12.满月 13.拉开窗帘 14.对某人或某事进行研究 15.从头顶上飞过 16.排除……的可能性 17.调查 18.编故事 19.以倒金字塔的格式 20.负责,掌管 21.发言,演讲 22.外层空间,外太空 23.发射飞船到太空 24.前苏联 25.采集样本 26.梦想,向往做某事 27.实行,执行,贯彻 28.接走某人 29.成为现实,实现 30.人类 31.航天飞机 32.与……有联系 33.make a comic strip 34.conduct a survey 35.be divided into 36.instead of 37.point out 38.belong to 39.in return 40.shake hands with sb. 41.introduce oneself 42.intend to do sth. 43.in……order 44.draw conclusions 45.make recommendation 46.base sth. on sth. 47.remote areas 48.give sb. an idea of 49.on average 50.find one’s way to https://www.360docs.net/doc/803884560.html,nd bridge 52.break off 53.be responsible for sth. 54.leave out 55.vote on sth. 56.busy doing sth. 57.plenty of 58.spend time doing 59.go white-water rafting 60.in case 61.go on a trip 62.even if 63.because of 64.after sunset 65.begin with/start with 66.refer to 67.be concerned about 33.编写连环画 34.进行一次调查 35.被分成……部分 36.代替,取代 37.指出 38.属于 39.作为回报,作为报答 40.与某人握手 41.自我介绍 42.打算做某事 43.按……顺序 44.得出结论 45.推荐 46.以……为基础/根据 47.边远地区 48.给某人……印象 49.平均 50.来到某处;流人,进人 51.大陆桥 52.断开 53.为某事负责 54.遗漏;省略 55.就某事投票 56.忙于做某事 57.大量的 58.花时间做某事 59.进行急流漂 60.以防万一 61.去旅行 62.即使 63.因为 64.日落之后 65.以……开始66.提到,谈到 67.为……担忧


1.表示现在 (说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作。 [例句] He is reading a newspaper now. 2.表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 (说话时动作不一定正在进行)。 [例句] What are you doing these days? 3.表示说话人现在对主语的行为表示赞叹或厌恶等,常与always, constantly, continually等副词连用。 [例句] He is always thinking of others. 4.表示在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。常限于go, come, leave, start, arrive等表“移动”、“方向”的词。 [例句] He is coming to see me next week. 高一英语时态语法知识点:过去进行时 1.表示过去某时正在进行的动作。 [例句] He was sleeping when Mary came to see him. 2.动词go, come, leave, arrive, start等的过去进行时常表过去将来时。 [例句] She said she was going to Beijing the day after tomorrow.

高一英语时态语法知识点:一般现在时 1.表示现在习惯或经常反复发生的动作或存在的状态,常与usually, always, sometimes, often, every day / week / month / year等时间状语连用。 [例句] He often does his homework in his study. 2.表示主语现在的特征、性格和状态。 [例句] The dictionary belongs to me. 3.表示客观规律或科学真理、格言,以及其他不受时间限制的客观存在。 [例句] The moon goes around the sun. 4.在有连词if, unless, before, as soon as, when, once, however等引导的时间、条件和让步状语从句中,用一般现在时表将来。 [例句] If you work hard, you won’t fail in the exam. 高一英语时态语法知识点:一般过去时 1.表示过去某一时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 [例句] She went to the zoo yesterday. 2.在时间、条件状语从句中代替过去将来时。
