




If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows that. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory (记忆) works in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance (机会) to become strong.

If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault (过错). But if he tells to us that he has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents may be to blame (责备), and few of us know that it is just his own fault. Have you ever found that some people can't read or write but usually they have better memories? This is because they cannot read or write, they have to remember the things. Since they cannot write them down in a small notebook, they have to remember days, names, songs and stories. Therefore, their memory is being exercised the whole time.

So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people:practise remembering things as other people do.

(1)Someone can't have a good memory if ________.

A. he can't read or write

B. he doesn't use his memory

C. his parents don't have a good memory

D. he doesn't use his arms or legs for some time (2)If you do not use your arms or legs for some time, ________.

A. you can't use them any more

B. they will become stronger

C. they become weak but they will slowly become strong again

D. they become weak and won't become strong until you use them again

(3)Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Your memory works in the different way as your arms or legs.

B. A good memory comes from less practice.

C. Don't learn how to read or write if you want to have a better memory.

D. Your memory becomes weak if you do not give it enough chance for practice.

(4)The writer wants to tell us ________.

A. how to use our arms or legs

B. how to read and write

C. how to have a good memory

D. how to learn from the people






(1)细节理解题,根据 When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance (机会) to become strong. 可知当其他人说他的记忆不好,他真正的意思是他没有给它足够的机会变得强大,也就是用得少,或者不用。故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题,根据 If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. 可知如果你一段时间不用你的胳膊或者腿,他们将会变弱,当你开始使用他们的时候,他们又会慢慢地变得强壮。故答案是D。

(3)正误判断题,根据根据 When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance (机会) to become strong. 可知当其他人说他的记忆不好,他真正的意思是他没有给它足够的机会变得强大。因此D的叙述是正确的,故答案是D。



My name is Molly. I work in a library. Here are the rules of the library.

Don't bring any bags into the reading room.

Don't eat in the reading room.

Keep quiet in the library. Don't answer the phone in the reading room.

You can borrow three books at one time and you can keep them for one month.

You should keep the books clean.

If you lose the books, you must pay for them.

My name is Amy. I am a student. Here are the rules in my school.

Don't be late for class.

Don't eat in class.

Don't fight.

Don't run in the hallways.

Wear the school uniform on school days.

(1)If Leo goes to the library, he can ________.

A. eat apples in the reading room

B. borrow three books at one time

C. take his bag into the reading room

D. answer the phone in the reading room

(2)If Jack borrows some books from the library, he can keep them for ________.

A. a week

B. two months

C. five days

D. about thirty days

(3)The underlined words "pay for" mean "________" in Chinese.

A. 归还

B. 出示

C. 出售

D. 赔偿

(4)Amy tells us ________rules in her school.

A. three

B. four

C. five

D. six

(5)Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Amy can run in the hallways at school.

B. Amy can't talk with her classmates in class.

C. Amy wears the school uniform five days a week.

D. Molly is a student and follows the rules of the library.







(1)细节理解题。根据▲You can borrow three books at one time and you can keep them for one month.可知,一次可以借三本书,故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据You can borrow three books at one time and you can keep them for one month.可知,借书的时间期限为一个月,故选B。

(3)词义猜测题。根据If you lose the books, you must pay for them.可知,图书丢了,一定要赔偿,故选D。

(4)细节理解题。根据Don't be late for class. Don't eat in class. Don't fight. Don't run in the hallways. Wear the school uniform on school days.可知,共计5条,故选C。

(5)细节判断题。根据Wear the school uniform on school days.可知,学生周一到周五在校期间都要穿校服,艾米作为在校学生,必须遵守,故选C。



In middle school, one of my teachers asked each of us to show a "collection". Some students were already "collectors" of shells, books, boxes or stamps.

I didn't have a collection. So I started to collect. I do remember that I asked for help from all of parents and grandparents and from their friends living in Canada. In the end I had a big collection of postcards. I had many different postcards. Some were about cars, some were about countries and some were about animals.

I don't remember if my grandmother told me I had to return her post-cards. Her postcards are different and beautiful. They are about different wars(战争). I keep them in a beautiful box.

At different times in my life, I collect different things. As a young adult, I collected different books by some famous writers. And I collected some pictures of famous people. Now I always enjoy my collections but I never read a book again.

(1)what does the underlined word "collectors" mean in Chinese?

A. 收集

B. 收藏家

C. 爱好

D. 有爱好的人(2)Which of the following is NOT right?

A. Some students were collectors of books.

B. Some students were collectors of boxes.

C. Some students were collectors of animals.

D. Some students were collectors of stamps.(3)The writer started with collecting .

A. postcards

B. books

C. pictures

D. boxes

(4)Who gave the writer the postcards about wars?

A. His mother.

B. His father.

C. His grandfather.

D. His grandmother.






(1)词义推测,根据"collectors" of shells, books, boxes or stamps 和 a big collection of postcards. 可知,collector是收集者,收藏者的意思。故答案是B。

(2)细节理解之正误判断,根据 Some students were already "collectors" of shells, books, boxes or stamps. 可知学生们是贝壳、书籍、盒子的收藏者,而没有人收藏动物,故答案是C。

(3)细节理解题,根据 In the end I had a big collection of postcards. 可知作者是从收藏明信片开始的,故答案是A。

(4)细节理解题,根据 I don't remember if my grandmother told me I had to return her post-cards. Her postcards are different and beautiful. They are about different wars(战争). I keep them in a beautiful box. 可知,有关战争的明信片是他奶奶给他的。故答案是D。



Many people may like taking photos of them by themselves. A girl named Helene Meldahl from Norway(挪威) also likes taking photos of her by herself. However(然而), her photos are so different.

Before she takes photos, she always draws some interesting pictures on the mirror(镜子) in her bathroom. And it usually takes her about half an hour to finish every picture. Sometimes, she

draws her favourite cartoon characters, like Garfield (加菲猫). Sometimes, she draws some lovely animals. Also, there are many other pictures. Then she takes photos with these pictures.

At first, she just left messages(信息) for her roommates(室友) on the mirror with the lipstick(口红). One day when she did the same thing, she got the idea of drawing some pictures on the mirror and taking photos with them.

(1)Where does Helene Meldahl come from?

A. China.

B. England.

C. America.

D. Norway.

(2)How long does it take Helene to finish every picture?

A. About fifteen minutes.

B. About twenty minutes.

C. About thirty minutes.

D. About forty minutes.

(3)The underlined word "characters" means “” in Chinese.

A. 人物

B. 游戏

C. 故事

D. 活动(4)Where does Helene Meldahl draw pictures?

A. In the bedroom.

B. On the mirror.

C. In the school library.

D. On the bus.






(1)细节题。根据A girl named Helene Meldahl from Norway(挪威)also likes taking photos of her by herself. 可知女孩来自挪威,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据 it usually takes her about half an hour to finish every picture ,可知她通常要花半个小时才能完成每一张照片,故选C。

(3)词义猜测题。根据 she draws her favourite cartoon characters, like Garfield 她画她最喜欢的卡通人物,像加菲猫,可知character是人物的意思,故选A。

(4)细节题。根据 she always draws some interesting pictures on the mirror,可知她总是在镜子上画一些有趣的画,故选B。



"Oh, my son!" a lady cried. Her child fell into the river. The water carried him away quickly. A man came and said, "Can you give me the clothes or shoes of your son?"

The lady gave him a pair of shoes. The man turned to his dog. He first pointed to the shoes, and then to where the child had sunk(下沉).

The dog jumped into the river. Soon people saw him swim back with something in his mouth. When people pulled the child and the dog from the water, everyone was happy. The lady ran to her son. The child was alive(活着的)! The lady said to the dog's owner, "Oh, sir. Thanks for saving my son. I'd love to give you anything to buy the dog!"

"Madam, I am very glad that my dog helped you. But I would not give him to others for

anything in the world," said the man.

It seemed that the dog knew they were talking about him. He lay down beside his owner's feet and seemed to say, "Nothing can separate(使分离) me from my owner. "

(1)Why did the man ask the lady for the shoes?

A. Because he wanted to take them to his own child.

B. Because he wanted to tell his dog to save the child.

C. Because his dog wanted to wear them.

D. Because he wanted to buy them.

(2)What does the underlined word "him" refer to(指的是) ?

A. The child.

B. The man.

C. The dog.

D. The child's father.

(3)Why was everyone happy?

A. Because the man jumped into the river and saved the child.

B. Because the lady jumped into the river and saved the child.

C. Because the dog died in the river at last.

D. Because the dog saved the child successfully.

(4)What did the lady want to do after she saw her child was alive?

A. To go home quickly.

B. To give the dog some food.

C. To jump into the river.

D. To buy the dog.






(1)细节理解题。根据文中的语句The lady gave him a pair of shoes. The man turned to his dog. He first pointed to the shoes, and then to where the child had sunk(下沉).The dog jumped into the river. 理解可知,这个男人就是想告诉他的狗去救那个小孩,故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 The dog jumped into the river. Soon people saw him swim back with something in his mouth. 理解可知,其中的him指的就是那条狗,故选C。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 When people pulled the child and the dog from the water, everyone was happy. 理解可知,当人们看到小孩被狗救上来的时候,都非常的开心,故选D。

(4)细节理解题。根据文中的语句The lady said to the dog's owner, "Oh, sir. Thanks for saving my son. I'd love to give you anything to buy the dog!" 理解可知,这位女士想买那条狗,故选D。



On most weekends, you can find Zoe Stone. 8. in front of a computer. But she isn't playing games or watching videos. She's learning how to write code.

Code is a set of instructions(指令). It tells a computer what to do. Coders are the people who write the instructions for a computer. Coders make websites or apps. Apps can be used for everything from playing games to checking the weather. Coders solve problems and work together. They know how to think big and small.

Zoe began to learn coding when she was 4 years old. She uses coding to create art, solve problems and make games. Zoe likes coding because it's creative. "Coding is really fun," she said. "You can show what you think in what you make."

How does Zoe learn coding? She takes classes at Code. org. The website offers hundreds of free code lessons for kids. In fact, more than 29 million students in 180 countries use it. It hopes to bring coding to even more kids.

"We believe that every child should have the chance to learn about computers and coding," said Alice Steinglass, the president(负责人) of Code. org. "Computers are part of our world," she said. "It's important for kids to understand how they work."

(1)What does Zoe often do in her free time?

A. She does housework.

B. She learns coding.

C. She plays computer games.

D. She watches videos.

(2)The underlined word has the closest meaning to "________".

A. scientists

B. engineers

C. computer science teachers

D. computer programmers (3)What does Zoe think of coding?

A. It's creative but hard.

B. It's difficult and boring.

C. It's easy and fun.

D. It's creative and fun.

(4)Zoe learns to write code ________.

A. online

B. in other countries

C. with her friends

D. at school

(5)Which of the following is TRUE about https://www.360docs.net/doc/804177154.html,?

A. It is a website that teaches foreign languages.

B. All of the lessons of https://www.360docs.net/doc/804177154.html, are free.

C. It hopes to help more kids learn coding.

D. Its students come from over 200 countries.








(2)细节理解题,根据Codersare the people who write the instructions for a


(3)细节理解题,根据Zoe likes coding because it's creative. "Coding is really fun," she said.可知佐伊认为编码有趣也有创造性,故答案是D。

(4)细节理解题,根据She takes classes at Code. org. The website offers hundreds of free code lessons for kids.可知,佐伊是在网上学习编码的,故答案是A。

(5)正误判断题,根据It hopes to bring coding to even more kids.可知C句的叙述是正确的,故答案是C。



There is little rain in deserts. Because deserts are so dry, they have no"quilt" to help stop the soil from going away. As a result, they may get very hot during the day with the Sun shining, but don't hold the heat overnight. Many deserts can quickly get cold once the Sun goes down. Some deserts can reach the temperature of over 100 degrees F during the day and then drop below freezing(32 degrees F)during the night.

The largest hot and dry desert in the world is the Sahara Desert in North Africa. The Sahara is a sandy desert with great sand hills. It covers over 3 million square miles of Africa. Other large deserts include the Arabian Desert in Western Asia, the Gobi Desert in northern China and southern Mongolia, and the Kalahari Desert in Africa.

Animals that live in the desert are also used to needing little water. Many get all the water they need from the food they eat. Other animals keep water that they can use later. The camel stores up fat in its hump while other animals keep something they need in their tails.

Only certain types of plants can live in the terrible environment of the desert. You won't see a lot of tall trees in the desert. Most plants have a way to keep water in their leaves or trunks so they can live a long time without water.

Now deserts cover around 20% of the world's land, but they are growing. This is called desertification and is caused by different reasons including human activities. The Sahara Desert is growing larger and larger each year. What should we do with it?

(1)How is the weather during the night in the desert?

A. Hot.

B. Cold.

C. Cool.

D. Warm.

(2)Where does the camel store up fat?

A. In its hump.

B. In its stomach.

C. In its tail.

D. In its back.(3)Why WON'T we see a lot of tall trees in the desert?

A. Because there're few people there.

B. Because the Sun shines there.

C. Because the environment there is terrible.

D. Because there's a lot of rain there.

(4)How much of the land do deserts cover in the world?

A. About one fifth.

B. Less than 10%.

C. Two fifths.

D. More than 20%.(5)Is the Sahara Desert growing or not?

A. Nobody knows it.

B. It is growing.

C. It is not growing.

D. It is losing(减少).







(1)细节题。根据Some deserts can reach the temperature of over 100 degrees F during the day and then drop below freezing(32 degrees F)during the night.可知沙漠晚上是寒冷的,故选B。

(2)细节题。根据The camel stores up fat in its hump可知骆驼从驼峰上储存脂肪,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据Only certain types of plants can live in the terrible environment of the desert. You won't see a lot of tall trees in the desert.可知因为沙漠环境恶劣,所以沙漠里看不见许多高树,故选C。

(4)细节题。根据Now deserts cover around 20% of the world's land可知沙漠占了世界的20%,即五分之一(one fifth),故选A。

(5)细节题。根据The Sahara Desert is growing larger and larger each year.可知撒哈拉沙漠正在增大,故选B。



Jean is a bright young girl from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good university and has almost everything that money can buy. But all her family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean feels quite Lonely. So Jean spends a lot of her time on Facebook. She likes to be anonymous, using the name Linda on Facebook. She doesn't want people to know anything about her famous family and her rich life.

Last year Jean made a very special friend on Facebook. His name was David and he lived in San Francisco. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had the same interests in rock music and modern dance. So it always took them many hours to talk happily about the latest rock music and their favorite singers and sometimes they even forgot the time. Of course, they wanted to know more about each other. David sent a picture of himself: He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. As time went by, they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.

When Jean's father told her that he was going on a business trip to San Francisco, she asked him to let her go with him, so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would take him the latest CD of their favorite rock singer. But when Jean knocked on David's door in San Francisco she found that the special friend she had chatted with on Facebook for so long was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.

(1)The underlined word “lonely ”in Paragraph I means ____________ In Chinese

A. 紧张的

B. 嫉妒的

C. 悔恨的

D. 寂寞的

(2)What did Linda and David often talk about on Facebook?

A. Their colorful lives

B. Their busy studies

C. Their different hobbies

D. Their favorite singers

(3)Which of the following about Jeans special friend is true?

A. He was a tall, good-looking young man

B. He came from a rich and famous family

C. He was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim

D. He always had a big, happy smile on his face.

(4)What's the best title for the story?

A. A Real Surprise

B. A Rich Life

C. An Exciting Trip.

D. A Special Talk.





【解析】【分析】主要讲了Jean的家人不能陪伴她,Jean从脸书网上认识了一个叫David 的朋友,Jean去洛杉矶出差时想给David一个惊喜,结果发现David是一个12岁的小男孩。

(1)推断题。根据前句But all her family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her.他的家人如此繁忙以至于他很难找时间和他在一起,所以Jean感到孤单寂寞,故选D。

(2)细节题。根据So it always took them many hours to talk happily about the latest rock music and their favorite singers and sometimes they even forgot the time.可知他们谈论他们最喜爱的歌手,故选D。

(3)细节题。根据But when Jean knocked on David's door in San Francisco she found that the special friend she had chatted with on Facebook for so long was a twelve-year-old boy named Jim.可知他是一个12岁的叫做Jim的男孩,故选C。




I have two nice mynah birds(八哥). They are big and black. They have yellow legs and feet and bright orange beaks(嘴). I keep them in a cage and clean the cage every day. They need clean water and bird food. I often give them fruit, such as bananas, pears and grapes. Sometimes I let them take a bath, and they are funny to watch. They can learn to talk. The first words are hard for them to learn. When they start talking, they can quickly learn to say more. I teach them to talk by saying words again and again in the same voice(声音). I practice with them every day. Now they are good talkers. They can even change the way they talk to different people. They

can speak some English, too. If you come to see them in the morning, they will say "Good morning!" to you. They will also sing and dance for you.

(1)The mynah birds ________.

A. can only speak Chinese

B. are not fun to watch

C. learn to talk by themselves

D. learn to talk from people

(2)Which is NOT suitable(适合的) for the mynah birds?

A. Hamburgers.

B. Clean water.

C. Bird food.

D. Pears and grapes.(3)Which is a good way to teach the birds?

A. Show them how to sing and dance.

B. Practice the same words with them every day.

C. Teach them to say many different words.

D. Teach them in different voices.

(4)When mynah birds begin talking, ________.

A. they can't learn to say more

B. you can't teach them anything

C. they don't want you to teach them

D. they can learn to say other things quickly

(5)What CANNOT the mynah birds do now?

A. Speak English.

B. sing and dance.

C. Talk with you like people.

D. Even change the way they talk.







(1)细节题。根据文章提到的They can learn to talk,可知它们学会和人沟通,故选D。(2)细节题。根据文章提到的They need clean water and bird food. I often give them fruit, such as bananas, pears and grapes可知,汉堡包不适合八哥,故选A。

(3)细节题。根据文章提到的I teach them to talk by saying words again and again in the same voice可知,需要一遍遍重复教它们,故选B。

(4)细节题。根据文章提到的When they start talking, they can quickly learn to say more可知他们能够快速学会其他的,故选D。

(5)细节题。根据文章提到的They can even change the way they talk to different people. They can speak some English, too. If you come to see them in the morning, they will say "Good morning!" to you. They will also sing and dance for you可知没有提到他们改变说话的方式,故选D。



A village in Thailand has a very special holiday. Each year, on the last weekend of November, people have a big dinner for the monkeys in their village. The monkeys of this village live with

people. But they are always a problem because they like to take away food from people. So the villagers decide to have a very special big dinner for the monkeys. The big dinner has bananas, apples and other fruits and vegetables. In all, people give over 2,000 kg of food to about 1,000 monkeys living in the village.

The monkey festival started in 1989. It is good for the village because thousands of visitors from all over the world come every year to see the monkeys playing and eating. There are also music and dances with young people who dress up like monkeys. You can see monkeys anywhere you go. But you may be scared--they may climb on you at any time and take away the food or things in your hands.

The festival is also a way for people to thank the monkeys for the money they bring to the village.

(1)Monkeys are a problem to the villagers because ____________.

A. they make a lot of noises

B. they kill the chickens in the village

C. they fight with the villagers

D. they often take away people's food

(2)Monkeys in the village can enjoy ________ at the monkey festival.

A. fish and meat

B. fruit and vegetables

C. any food they like

D. Only bananas and apples

(3)The underlined phrase "dress up" in the passage means ______.

A. 装扮

B. 穿衣

C. 裙子

D. 变成(4)Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Visitors from all over the world come here to enjoy the food.

B. The monkey festival began in 1998.

C. The special festival is only for monkeys to enjoy a big dinner.

D. Visitors from all over the world come here to see the monkeys.

(5)The passage is mainly about___________.

A. monkeys and villagers living together

B. a special weekend in Thailand

C. the monkey festival in a village in Thailand

D. the monkeys in a Thailand village







(1)细节理解题。根据第一段 But they are always a problem because they like to take away food from people. 可知,猴子成为村庄的问题,是因为猴子经常拿走人们的食物。故选D。(2)细节理解题。根据第一段The big dinner has bananas, apples and other fruits and vegetables. 可知,在猴子节,他们可以享用水果和蔬菜。故选B。

(3)词义猜测题。根据下文 You can see monkeys anywhere you go. 无论你走到哪都可以看到猴子,可知年轻人装扮成了猴子,因此dress up意为“装扮”。故选A。

(4)推理判断题。根据第二段 It is good for the village because thousands of visitors from all

over the world come every year to see the monkeys playing and eating. 可知,来自世界各地的游客到这个村庄里看猴子。故选D。


人教版七年级英语下册阅读理解 原创带答案

Passage 1 Mexico is a dry country. But Mexican farmers don’t worry about their plants. Why? Solid(固体)Rain may be the answer. Solid Rain looks like sugar (糖). It helps keep water for plants. One piece of Solid Rain can absorb (吸收) a small cup of water. It’s like a water tank. Whenever the plants need water, they can drink from the Solid Rain. A Mexican engineer made Solid Rain. He got the idea from baby diapers (纸尿裤). Solid Rain is easy to use. Farmers only need to mix the “rain” with soil and add water. Solid Rain not only saves water for plants, but also makes plants healthy. Mexican farmer Frank Torres said Solid Rain helped his plant because, “nutrients (营养成分) weren’t washing away every time we watered the plants.” However, Solid Rain also absorbs water from plants when it dries out. So it is important to always have water inside the “rain”. 1. What’s the weather in Mexico? A. Cold. B. Hot. C. Dry. D. Wet. 2. Who made Solid Rain?


【英语】英语七年级英语下册阅读理解及答案 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 London has a population of over 7, 000, 000. From about the year 1800 until World War Ⅱ, London was the biggest city in the world. But now there are many cities which are much bigger than it. London is famous for many things. Tourists (游客)coming from all over the world go to visit its famous buildings, for example, Big Ben. Like many other big cities, London has problems with traffic(交通)and pollution(污染)which stop the city from developing. Over one million people use the London underground every day, but there are still too many cars on the streets. The air isn't clear, but it is anyhow cleaner than it was 100 years ago. For me, the best things about London are the parks. There are five in the city center. But my children's favorite place is Hamleys, the biggest toy shop in the world. (1)When was London the biggest city in the world? A. In 1750. B. In 1850. C. In 1950. D. In the 21st century.(2)What's the Chinese meaning for “underground” in the passage? A. 隧道 B. 地下 C. 通道 D. 地铁(3)How many people use the London underground every day? A. Over half of its population. B. Over three quarters of its population. C. Over 100, 000. D. Over 1, 000, 000. (4)Which of the following is TRUE? A. The air before was much cleaner than it is now. B. “I” like Hamleys best. C. There are five parks in the city center. D. “My” son likes Big Ben very much. 【答案】(1)B (2)D (3)D (4)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了伦敦的名胜和伦敦存在的问题。


【英语】人教版英语七年级英语下册阅读理解 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 William Henry Harrison, the ninth President of the USA, was born in a small town. When he was a boy, he was very quiet and shy. Because he was so quiet, everyone thought that he wasn't bright. People in the town often put a nickel(五分镍币)and a dime(十分硬币)before him and asked him which to choose. He always chose the nickel and they laughed. One day a woman felt sorry for him. She asked, "Why do you never take a dime and always choose a nickel? Do you know a nickel is worth(值……钱) much less than a dime?" "Certainly I know it.” William answered slowly. "But if I choose the dime, they will not ask me to choose them any more.” (1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. William Henry Harrison was the eighth President of the USA B. William Henry Harrison was born in a big town. C. William Henry Harrison was very quiet and shy when he was a boy. D. William Henry Harrison wasn't bright. (2)Why did the people laugh at William Henry Harrison? A. Because he was bright. B. Because he was not shy. C. Because he loved the nickel. D. Because he always chose the nickel. (3)Did William Henry Harrison know a nickel was worth much less than a dime? A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn't. C. Yes, he does. D. No, he doesn't.(4)What do you think of William Henry Harrison? A. Stupid. B. Clever. C. Naughty(淘气的). D. Brave(勇敢的). 【答案】(1)C (2)D (3)A (4)B 【解析】【分析】短文大意:这篇短文讲的是美国的第九届总统William Henry Harrison小时候的一个故事,就体现了他是一个聪明的人。 (1)细节理解题。根据When he was a boy, he was very quiet and shy.当他还是一个孩子时,他很安静害羞。可知当William威廉小时候是个安静害羞的人。故选C。 (2)细节理解题。根据 People in the town often put a nickel(五分镍币)and a dime(十分硬币)before him and asked him which to choose. He always chose the nickel and they laughed.城镇的人们经常在面前放一个五分镍币和一个十分硬币让挑选。他经常选择五分镍币,并且嘲笑他。可知人们嘲笑他是因为他经常选择五分镍币。故选D。 (3)细节理解题。根据Do you know a nickel is worth(值……钱) much less than a dime?"你知道五分镍币不如十分硬币值钱吗?"Certainly I know it.” William answered slowly. “我当然知道。”威廉慢慢地说。可知他知道这两个钱币哪个值钱。故选A。


七年级英语下册阅读理解题集锦 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 In modern China, people's lives are becoming better and better. Many people don't stay at home during their vacation (假期). They want to go out to see something different or do something interesting. So people living in the countryside (乡村) come to cities and people from cities go to the countryside for vacation. During the vacation, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train or plane tickets. So many people take buses or drive cars to travel. Like many people, my family love nature (大自然). We like spending time in the beautiful countryside. But not all vacations in the countryside are nice. It is Saturday. My father drives us to the countryside for vacation. There are too many cars on the street, so we have to move very slowly. It takes us about an hour to get out of the city. Then after fifty minutes' drive, we come to a hill. Not far from it, there is a lake. The water is very clean. And there are many people fishing. It is a good place to have a picnic. We take the food, fruit and drink out of the car. We sit down under a big tree on the hill and begin to eat. Before we finish eating, it suddenly starts to rain hard. We have to run back to our car. Then we drive back home. What a bad vacation! (1)What do people from cities do during their vacation according to the passage? A. Go to the countryside. B. Go to other countries. C. Stay at home. D. Work all the time. (2)Why do many people take buses or drive cars to travel during the vacation? A. Because it is more interesting. B. Because they have more time. C. Because it is difficult to buy train or plane tickets. D. Because it is cheaper to take buses or drive cars. (3)How long does it take the writer's family to get to the hill by car? A. For fifty minutes. B. For about an hour. C. For about two hours. D. For about three hours. (4)Why does the writer say "What a bad vacation!"? A. Because there are lots of cars on the street. B. Because there are many people fishing. C. Because they don't take enough food and drink.


最新英语七年级英语下册阅读理解及答案(word) 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Are you carrying too much on your back at school? I'm sure lots of children of your age will, say "Yes". Not only the students in China have this problem, but children in the United States also have heavy school bags. Doctors are starting to worry that younger and younger students are having back and neck problems as a result of schools bags being too heavy for them. "It's hard for me to go upstairs with my bag because it's so heavy, "said Rick Hammond, an 11-year-old student in the US. Rick is among students who have common school bags with two straps(带子) to carry them, but many other students choose rolling(有滚轮的)bags. But even with rolling bags, getting up stairs and buses is still a problem for children. Many of them have hurt their backs and necks because of the heavy school bags. But how much is too much? Doctors say students should carry no more than 10% to 15% of their own body weight(重量). Scott Bautch, a back doctor, said children under Grade 4 should stay with 10%. But it is also important that older children don't stay with over 15%, because their bodies are still growing. "Children are losing their balance(平衡) and falling down with their school bags," he said. Parents and teachers are starting to tell children to only take home library books they will be reading that night. Some teachers are using pieces of paper or thin workbooks for students to take home. One of the best answers is, as some children said, to have no homework at all! (1)From the passage we can know that . A. only children in China carry too heavy school bags B. children in other countries don't carry too heavy bags C. both children in China and the US carry too heavy school bags D. only children in the US carry too heavy school bags (2)Children feel it hard for them to go upstairs because ____________. A. they are too young B. their school bags are too heavy C. they don't know how to go upstairs D. their parents don't always go upstairs with them together (3)According to the doctor, Scott Bautch, if a child in Grade 5 weighs(重) about 30 kilos, the school bag he carries should not be over A. 5 kilos B. 3 kilos C. 5. 5 kilos D. 4.5 kilos 【答案】(1)C (2)B (3)D 【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文主要介绍了中国和美国的学生都面临的书包太重的问题,而且过种的书包还给孩子的健康带来问题。


1. At the Barber's Shop(理发店) Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result(结果). When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, "What has happened to your hair,Jack?" Jack said, "I tried a new barber's shop today, because I wasn't quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse." Bob agreed(同意). "Yes, I think you're right, Jack. Now I'll tell you what to do when you go into a barber's shop next time: look at all the barber's hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him." "Why shall I go to him?" Jack asked. "But that would be foolish!" "Oh, no, it wouldn't," answered Bob. "Who cut that man's hair? Just think it. He couldn't cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know he can't be the worst barber." 1. When Jack went out of the barber's shop, he was not happy because _ . A. nobody had cut his hair B. the barber hadn't cut his hair well C. the barber had cut his hair carefully D. he was not satisfied with his old barber #B 2. "I tried a new barber's shop today." means ___ . A. this barber's shop was a new one B. this was the only barber's shop in this town C. Jack often went to this barber's shop D. Jack had not been to this barber's shop before #D 3. After Jack had his hair cut, he thought _ . A. the new barber's shop was the best one B. the old barber's shop wasn't so good as the new one C. the new barber's shop was worse than the old one D. the old barber's shop was the worst one #C 4. Bob told Jack to find out which barber's hair looked the worst and then go straight to him. Why? A. Because he was certainly the best barber. B. Because he was free all the time. C. Because he was the worst barber. D. Because he wasn't the worst barber. #D 5. From the story we know that __ . A. it's foolish to have one's hair cut at a barber's shop B. barbers cut each other's hair C. barbers never have their hair cut D. a barber always cuts his hair by himself #B 2. Mr Perkin's New Car Mr Perkin stood at the bus-stop and watched the cars go by. Many of the cars were new Beta 400s, and most of them were yellow. Mr Perkin always wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and did the same


英语七年级英语下册阅读理解及答案 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 B TWO English phrases show what people think about mice and rats: "As quiet as a mouse", and "a dirty rat". People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers(下水道) and other unclean places. They also carry diseases(疾病). Having a rat in your house is bad news. They smell terrible and make a lot of noise. Calling someone a "rat" in English means they are not to be trusted(信任). Saying "Rats!" is also a way to show that you are angry. Mice, on the other hand, are seen as quiet and cute. They live in fields and as unwelcome guests in people's houses. They are small and often kept as pets. Walt Disney's famous character Mickey Mouse helped make them lovable to children. Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy. Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类). But people think about them in different ways! (1)Why do people think rats are dirty? Because they . A. live in unclean places B. carry diseases C. smell terrible and make noise D. A,B&C (2)When people call you a "rat", that means . A. People like you. B. People don't trust you. C. You are very popular. D. All the above are wrong. (3)According to the passage, which is TRUE? A. People think mice and rats are the same. B. People don't like the mouse Jerry in the Tom and Jerry cartoons because it's very dirty. C. People often keep rats as pets. D. Mickey Mouse is very lovable and popular to children. 【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)D 【解析】【分析】1.文章第二,三行People think rats are dirty because they live in sewers (下水道)and other unclean places.“人们认为老鼠脏的原因是,因为生活在下水道和其他一些很脏的地方”。They also carry diseases(疾病).“它们也会带来疾病”。They smell terrible and make a lot of noise.“它们闻起来很臭,并且会制造很多噪音”。故选D。2.文章第四行Calling someone a "rat" in English means they are not to be trusted(信任).“用英语rat 叫某人时,意思是他们不被信任”。故选B。3.文章最后Rats and mice are both classed as rodents(啮齿类).“Rats和mice都被列为啮齿类”。 But people think about them in different ways “但是人们用不同的方式思考它们”。故排除A。文章倒数第二行Jerry, from the Tom and Jerry cartoons, is smart and naughty. It makes everyone happy.“来自《猫和老鼠》这部卡通中的老鼠,它很聪明淘气,使得每个人都很开心”,可判断出人们是很喜欢《猫和老鼠》这


七年级新目标英语阅读理解专项训练 以下有五篇文章,共100分(25小题,每小题4分)。 (A) 阅读短文,然后根据内容判断正(√)误(×)。 Mr and Mrs Scott want to buy some new chairs for their new house. They come into a shop and see some very good chairs on the floor. They like the colour and want to know how much they are. They see a price tag (标签) on one chair. It says (上面写着) "¥100". They like the chair but they are too dear (贵) for them. The Scotts don't think they can buy them now. They leave this shop and go to other shops. Mr Scott thinks they can find some cheap chairs. ( ) 1. Mr and Mrs Scott have a new house. ( ) 2. They want to buy tables and chairs for their house. ( ) 3. They think the chairs in this shop are cheap. ( ) 4. They leave the shop and go home. ( ) 5. They want to buy good and cheap chairs. ( B ) 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn't know Chinese, but she is trying (努力) to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don't understand (理解) her, because she can't speak Chinese well. It's Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show (展览). But she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can't understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows (指给) Mary the way to the park. ( ) 1. Where does Mary live now? She lives in ____. A. America B. England C. China D. Canada ( ) 2. She can speak ____ Chinese. A. much B. a little C. little D. a few ( ) 3. She likes ____ Chinese with her ____. A. speak, parents B. speaking, friends


【英语】英语七年级英语下册阅读理解及答案(word) 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 Dear Mr Green, We would like to complain to you about the noise from our neighbour, Mary, in Room 402, and we hope you can do something about it. We live in Building 1. Our neighbour, in Room 402, often holds (举办) parties in the evening. Sometimes it is very late. You know, we are students and we must go to bed at 10:00 p. m. Every morning we have to get up early, at 6:00 a. m. And half an hour later, we must go to school. The noise from the party is always a problem and we can't go to sleep. We often feel tired and want to sleep in class. We tell her not to do that, but it is no use. So, we are writing this letter to you. We wish to have a quiet night. If you can't do anything, maybe we will have to move out of this building. Yours Sincerely, Jack (Room 401)&Jim (Room 403)(1)What does the underlined word “complain” mean in Chinese? A. 解释 B. 说明 C. 声明 D. 投诉(2)What problem do Jack and Jim tell Mr Green? A. Too much homework. B. Too much night noise. C. Being late for school. D. A dirty neighbourhood. (3)When does Jack usually go to school? A. At 6:00 a. m. B. At 6:30 a. m. C. At 7:00 a. m. D. At 7:30 a. m.(4)From the letter, we can know that Mr Green may be ________. A. Jack and Jim's teacher B. Mary's father C. the manager of the building D. a policeman 【答案】(1)D (2)B (3)B (4)C 【解析】【分析】文章大意:Jack与Jim向Green先生写了一封投诉信,告邻居Mary晚上经常举行party,让他们无法正常休息,告诫格林先生,如果没有什么作为,他们将从这里搬走。 (1)词义推断题。根据文中的语句 We would like to complain to you about the noise from our neighbour, 理解可知,对于邻居制造的噪音应该是投诉或抱怨,故选D。 (2)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 We would like to complain to you about the noise from our neighbour, Mary, in Room 402, and we hope you can do something about it. 理解可知,Jack 与Jim向Green抱怨的是邻居在晚上制造的噪音,故选B。 (3)细节理解题。根据文中的语句 Every morning we have to get up early, at 6:00 a. m. And half an hour later, we must go to school. 理解可知,Jack与Jim在早晨六点半去上学,故


【英语】七年级英语下册阅读理解真题 一、七年级英语下册阅读理解专项目练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读理解 There is a famous American writer called Jack London. He was born on January 12, 1876 in San Francisco, California. His family was very poor, and Jack had to leave school to make money. He worked very hard in many different jobs. Later Jack returned to school, but he didn't stay there. In 1897, he went to Alaska (阿拉斯加) to look for gold. He didn't find any gold. Instead (代替), he found ideas for his books and stories. He returned home and started to write. His writings were so successful that he became rich and famous in his twenties. But Jack London was not a happy man. In poor health he took his own life in 1916. He was only 40 years old. (1)Why did Jack London leave school when he was still a boy? A. Because he had a poor family. B. Because he didn't like to go to school. C. Because his father was a very bad man. D. Because he was too young to go to school. (2)When did Jack London go to Alaska? A. In 1876. B. In 1897. C. In 1898. D. In 1877. (3)What did Jack London find in Alaska? A. Gold B. Nothing. C. Ideas for his books and stories. D. Money.(4)What was Jack London famous for? A. For his journey in Alaska. B. For his hard work. C. For his writings. D. For his wealth (财富). (5)What does “he took his own life” mean? A. He lived a poor life. B. He enjoyed his life. C. He was ill. D. He killed (杀) himself.【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)C (4)C (5)D 【解析】【分析】本文主要介绍美国著名作家杰克·伦敦的一生。 (1)细节理解题。根据第一段His family was very poor, and Jack had to leave school to make money.可知因为太穷,杰克·伦敦辍学去赚钱,故选A。 (2)细节理解题。根据第二段In 1897, he went to Alaska (阿拉斯加) to look for gold.可知杰克·伦敦于1897年去的阿拉斯加。故选B。 (3)细节理解题。根据第二段Instead (代替), he found ideas for his books and stories可知他为他的书和故事找到了灵感,故选C。
