



◆Unit 1

1.They bound his hand and legs with a rope so he couldn’t esacpe.

2.His bright clothes were hardly appropriate for such a solemn occasion.

3.He’s been charged with possession guns and attempting to attack the police.

4.Is this your permanent address, or are you only staying there for a short time?

5.The notion that women should serve as homemakers has already gone out of fashion.

6.They try to preserve their interesting old customs against the impacts of the

modern world.

7.The lawyer’s arguments are well grounded because he has collected enough proof

concerning the case.

8.Her greatest attribute is her kindness which has earned her lost of friends in

the neighbourhood.

9.The two countries are united by common interests; so I think their relationship

is likely to remain stable in the coming years.

10.My cousin is leaving the company to pursue his own fortune even though he has

a light workload and is on a very good salary now.

11.The President failed in his attempts to win the second term because he hadn’t

fulfilled his commitments made in the previous election.

12.Even though there are strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food, some

food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.

◆Unit 2

1.I don’t like my straight hair so I’m going to have it curled.

2.Given the fact that she loves children, I am sure teaching is the right career

for her.

3.I handed in my application for the job last week and I am now eagerly awating

their reply.

4.Among all his relatives,he has an especially deep affection for his aunt who

cares for him most.

5.Teahing is not a one-way activity; teachers and students should interact with

each other in class.

6.After his wife died, he remarried with much haste, which caused a lot of gossip

among his acquaintances.

7.The race will be held soon.You must harden your heart and do not encourage your

daughter to give up the tough training.

8.I have never seen a house like that—its untidiness defies description; I think

she ought to learn how to keep a house.

9.These pictures may not look nice at first glance, but on closer examination

you’ll find they’re not bad at all.

10.I strongly advise you not to take this medicine because it’ll just make you

feel better for a short while but the effect isn’t lasting.

11.We can communicate with others via such means as the telephone and e-mail;but

the most direct way, I think, is a face-to-face talk.

12.It is quite possible for a student to master English grammar and acquire a large

vocabulary without the help of a teacher.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/8210864857.html,ck of money and lack of machinery are the two major restraints on the growth

of this factory; that’s why it remains the same as it was ten years ago.

◆Unit 3

1.The school has been open for merely six months, so it’s hard to evaluate its


2.The young woman’s hopelessness and lack of energy were symptoms of a severe

emotional depression.

3.Sara has made up her mind that her leisure activities will never get in the way

of her career.

4.Collective action is needed to solve the problem of environmental pollution.We

cannot do it alone.

5.The number of people borrowing from public libraries has decreased, but book

sales are rising.

6.John’s parents were both deeply religious people, who believed it was sinful

to work on Sundays.

7.He said he was unlucky, but I believed that the accident was the inevitable

consequence of his carelessness.

8.This dictionary provides simple explanations and a lot of examples, which will

enable you to understand English words better.

9.He agreed with whatever I said and gave me whatever I wanted, but his eagerness

to please me merely reinfoced my dislike of him.

10.She drew a comparison between life in the city and life in the country;then she

made it clear that she preferred to live in the country.

11.There are indications that some people are giving up high pressure jobs in

exchange for occupations with more flexible working time.

12.Having caused numerous deaths and made hundreds of thousands of people homeless,

Hurricane Katrina is considered to be one of the most destructive natural disasters in living memory.

◆Unit 4

1.Why don’t you voice your opinions?—how can you be so indifferent to such

important public affairs!

2.They have rendered us a great service without which we couldn’t have finished

our task.

3.These proposals are impractical in every respect;I cannot recommend them to my


4.I was so thirsty that I bought a bottle of lemonade and sucked it up through

a straw within seconds.

5.Switzerland is surrounded by four large neighbours, namely, France, Germany,

Austria and Italy.

6.It’s possible that they will win, but judging by their recent performances it

doesn’t seem very probable.

7.Without an umbrella I had to shelter from the rain under a big tree.

8.I realized I’d been cheated when I saw the painting on sale for half the price

I paid for it.

◆Unit 5

1.I see teaching as an opportunity to enlighten students, not just to give them


2.Each student’s writing will be graded by there examiners so as to make sure

that the results will be fair to all.

3.Asked about the date of the election, the Prime Minister commented that no

decision had been made yet.

4.He had a suspicion that the certificate was not genuine, but on close inspection,

he realized that it was not forged.

5.He never acts on his own judgement, but merely waits passively for others to

tell him what to do.

6.Many old people prefect to live in the country because rural life is usually

more peaceful than city life.

7.It’s not unusual to hear people complaining that educational standards are in

decline rather than on the rise.

8.Theoretically, it’s a good idea to live without a car, but practically

speaking,it would be difficult to manage without one.

9.The local residenes were annoyed with the lack of parking space—that’s why

many of them sold their flats and moved to other places.

10.The Internet has created a wonderland for us, but we should keep in mind the

differences between the virtual world and the real world.






5.of his own;




9.struck;10.pick up;




◆Unit 1

1.The friendship grounded on common interest does not break up easily.


2.It’s necessary for children to learn to distinguish between violence and

bravery in computer games.


3.It’s not sensible to expect a person to be well acquainted with everything,

since so many new things are spring up everyday in the world.


4.You can never expect to take the maximum while giving the minimum in any

relationship, no matter it friendship or love.


5.I built all my hopes on his promise;but it turned out that he was not a man of

sincority at all.


6.When I first came to university, I suddenly found myself left with everything

to deal with by myself. It was not until that time did I realize the happiness of living with my parents.


7.Don’t make a comparison between you and other all the time;otherwise, you may

collapse into depression, for there are always many people who are better than you.


8.Today, people are much better off and with more leisure than before, what is

funny is that they find boring.


9.Can a goverment justifiably use nuclear weapons to guard against terrorist



10.Owing to their ignorance of the disease, many people still hold that HIV victims

deserve that they suffer.


11.It is indispensable to cultivate the right emotions because it lays the

foundation for the success in one’s future studies and work.


12.How can you turn your back on me when I am in suck difficulty?We have gone through

trails and tribulations for practically half a century.


13.City residents often have the illusion that rural life is leisurely and

comfortable. In fact, that might not be the case.


14.Distance learning is a global trend. With its qucik development, people are given

a convenient access to educational resources wherever they are.





大学英语(三)综合复习资料 I. Read ing Comprehe nsion Passage 1 I arrived in the United States on February 6,1966, but I remember my first day here very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane Ianded at Kenn edy Airport at three o' clock in the after noon. The weather was very cold and it was snowing, but I was too excited to mind. From the airport, my friend and I took a taxi to my hotel. On the way, I saw the skyli ne of Man hatta n for the first time and I stared in astonishment at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made beauty. My friend helped me un pack at the hotel and the n left me because he had to go back to work. He promised to return the n ext day. Shortly after my friend had left, I went to a restaura nt n ear the hotel to get something to eat. Because I c ouldn ' t speak a word of English, I could n ' t tell the waiter what I wan ted. I was very upset and started to make some gestures, but the waiter did n ' t un dersta nd me. Fin ally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was eating. After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway until I came to Times Square with its movie theatres, neon lights , and huge crowds of people. I did not feel tired, so I continued to walk aro und the city. I wan ted to see everythi ng on my first day. I knew it was impossible, but I wan ted to try. WhenI returned to the hotel, I was exhausted, but I couldn ' t sleep because I kept hear ing the fire and police sire ns duri ng the ni ght. I lay awake and thought about NewYork. It was a very big and interesting city with many tall buildi ngs and big cars, and full of no ise and busy people. I also decided right the n that I


大学英语三级考试语法复习要点 一、动词的时态和语态 1. 动词的时态 1.1一般现在时(am/is/are+v-原) 1.1.1在下列从句中,主句如用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替一般将来时1)由when, until, the moment, as soon as, after, the next time和if, unless, in case, whether, as long as, once, however,provided that, supposing 等连词引导的时间状语和条件状语从句中。 e.g. If she doesn’t tell him the truth now, he?ll simply keep on asking her until she does. Keep on doing sth继续做某事 He will call you up the moment he finishes the work. You won?t pass the exam unless you study harder. 2)在定语从句中,如,Be quick, or the train will have left by the time we get to the station 3)名词性的wh-, that- 从句中,如:They will be thankful for whatever help you offer him. 4)让步状语从句(从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时): e.g.Whether the weather is good or bad,… No matter whether you agree or not… However carefully you drive… 1.1.2 表示客观事实和真理的句子任何时候都用一般现在时。 e.g.In the past many people didn?t believe that the earth is round. 1.1.3 在某些常用的句中表示在一个具体的现在时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。 e.g.Here he comes. There goes the bell. 1.2 一般过去时(was/were+v-原) 1) 当提及过去存在的人或物时,即使句中没有表明过去的时间状语,该句的谓语动词也应该用一般过去时。 e.g.Dickens was a great English writer. When did you write the story? 2) 在表示时间或条件的状语从句中代替过去将来时。 e.g.They said they would let us know if they heard any news about him. I decided to go to the library as soon as I finished what I was doing. 1.3 一般将来时:表示将来打算进行或期待发生的动作或存在的状态。表示将来 的谓语结构有: shall/will do


PartⅠ 1.He _____a child from drowning and was given a medal as a reward. A. restricted B. restrained C. rescued D. reserved 2. Judges must be firm, fair and ______in their application of the law. A. consistent B. resistant C. assistant D. insistent 3. As a family, we want to ______the tranditions of Tewish culture and religion. A. reserve B. resume C. preserve D. protect 4. You shouldn’t go swimming until your food has had a chance to_______. A. digest B. swallow C. melt D. disappear 5. The Chinese were a ________civilized people long before Europeans were. A. greatly B. highly C. mostly D. largely 6. The museum is of great interest, both to experts and to ______visitors. A. strange B. normal C. casual D. common 7. Problems often _______when you least expect them. A. arouse B. raise C. rise D. arise 8. You will find your books among ______on the shelf. (I) 9. She ______play the piano when she was only six. (can) 10. Brazil won _______World Cup in 2002. 11. If you don’t like this, I will show _______. 12. ________there is air all around us, we can’t see it. 13. We have to admit that he is a ________competent man. (high) 14. We received your telegram and were ________. (delight) Part Ⅱ Translation (15%)


I, 1.disguised 2.restricted 3.impact 4.reform 5.cultivate 6.recruit 7.shallow 8.withstand 9. prohibits10.generated II 1.get through 2.at risk 3.interfere with https://www.360docs.net/doc/8210864857.html,plete with 5.for sale 6.captures my attention 7.sense my thoughts 8.in addition to 9.fall into 10. in terms of III 1.有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’own) Some elderly people prefer to live on their own, but most of them choose to live with their children. 2.考虑到哪个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。(advisable) Considering the popularity of the region, it is advisable to book hotels in advance. 3.据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。(be scheduled to,put off) Reportedly, the meeting is scheduled to be held this month will be put off till next month. 4.这些士兵接受了严格的训练,并且对完成这项新任务有充分的准备(be equipped) These soldiers have received very strict training, and are well equipped to fulfill the new task. 5.对于一个想找工作的学生来说,有没有硕士学位的确有很大的影响。(make a difference) A master’s degree does make a great difference to a student who wants to get a job. VI BCAB CBCA AACC BDBC DDDA V.SECTION A 1~10, FMKD CGLO IB SECTION B 11~15,ACBAD 16~20,BCCAA VI.DCAC BDDA BD


大学英语 3 级考试真题 一、听力测试(本大题满分25 分,每小题 1 分 ) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 听下面的 8 段短对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从每小题 A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 听每段对话只读一遍。 1.What color skirt does Linda like? A. Red. B. Green. C. Blue. 2. How is the weather now? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 3. How did they spend their weekend? A. They had a school trip. B. They cleaned up the street. C. They studied for a test. 4. Where will Peter go on vacation? A. To Canada. B. To Australia. C. To Japan. 5. What does Mike’ s father want him to be? A. A soldier. B. A pilot. C. A doctor. 6. Who will repair the bicycle? A. Bill's brother. B. Mrs. Brown's brother. C. Bill. 7. How much is the jacket now? A. 60 dollars. B. 90 dollars. C. 120 dollars. 8. What do we know about Jenny from the conversation? A. She is worried about a coming test. B. She is working hard at physics. C. She didn't pass the recent test. 第二节 下面你将听到 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个与你听到的对话或独白内容相符的问题的答案。对话或独白读两遍。 听第一段材料回答 9 至 11 小题。 9. How many people will sit at the table? Xk b https://www.360docs.net/doc/8210864857.html, A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 10. What is the restaurant famous for? A. Noodles. B. Chicken soup. C. Dumplings. 11. What would they like to drink? A. Fish soup. B. Beer and coke. C. Milk. 听第二段材料回答第12 至 14 小题。 12. Have the speaker ever seen each other? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven't. C. We don't know. 13. How often does Lucy play tennis? A. Twice a week. B. Every morning. C. Never. 14. When may they meet again? A. Next morning. B. Next weekend. C. Next weekday. 听第三段材料回答第15 至 17 小题。 15. What's the relationship ( 关系 ) between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Father and daughter


大学英语2总复习题 https://www.360docs.net/doc/8210864857.html,e of English Directions: In this part, there are 10 in complete dialogues. For each dialogue, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE an swer that best completes the sente nee and mark the corresp on ding letter on the An swer Sheet. 1. — Guess what? I passed the English exam! A. That's fine. C? Congratulations! B. IfsOK. D. Believe it or not. 2. — I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off. A. Good luck?C. Best Wishes? B. Be careful. D. Hurry to catch the plane. 3. —Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday? A. No, I'd like to. C. Km afraid. B.l believe 1 can't. D. Yes, I'd love to. 4. —Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital. —Oh, A. it's sad. C. I'm sorry to hear that? B. it's bad. D. that's not good. 5. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? A. No, 1 couldn't. C. 1 could n't tell you. B. Sorry, 1 don't know. Km new here. D. You carVt ask me. 6.— Could I borrow your CD of English songs? A.No, I am not available. B? Km sorry. It/s not at hand now? C. It's very kind of you. D. Thank you very much. 7.— Hello, Sally. How's everything? A.Good for you. B. Oh, I agree? C. That's right. D. Just so-so. 8.— Waiter! 一I carfteatthis.lt/stoosalty. A.Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right? D. Pardon? 9.— Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment C. Sorry, you carft B. No, you can't D. 1 don't know 10. — Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?


Unit 1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 一.背诵单词 get by 过得去 frustration 挫折;令人失望suburban 郊区的 suburb 郊区 contentment 满足 honey 蜂蜜 make it 成功 canoe 独木木舟 sunset 日落(n) sunrise 日出(n) hawk 鹰 cornfield 玉米田 haul (用马车,卡车)搬运firewood 木柴 sled 雪橇 retile 重新用瓦盖longoverdue overdue 早该有的;早该发生的improvement 改进supplement 补充;增加 indoor 室内的 spray 喷;洒 orchard 果园 barn 谷仓 chick 小鸡 typewriter 打字机 freelance 自由撰稿人 pursue 努力去获得,追求household 家庭的;普通的;家庭oversee 看管 beehive 蜂窝organ 风琴;器官 stack 一堆 wicked 邪恶的;坏的overflow 溢出;泛滥swamp 淹没;压倒freezer 冰柜 cherry 樱桃 raspberry 悬钩子;树莓asparagus 芦笋 bean 豆;豆形果实canned-goods 罐装品cupboard 食橱;碗橱plum 李子;梅子 jelly 果子冻 squash 南瓜属植物pumpkin 南瓜 gallon 加仑 at that point 就在那时decidedly 肯定地;无疑地blessing 祝福 bless 为……祝福 on balance 总的来说den 兽穴 illustrate 举例说明 hitch 用-具套住 dogsled 狗拉雪橇monster 怪物;妖怪digest 文摘;摘要boundary 边界;分界线widerness 荒野;荒地generate 形成;产生dental 牙的;和牙有关的


大学英语3复习资料(英语学习) 如今,许多年轻人不再选择。他们更喜欢自己创业,通过自己的智慧和努力实现自我价值。青年创业是未来国家经济活力的源泉。企业家的成功不仅创造财富,增加就业机会,改善人民生活,而且从长远来看对国家也有好处。企业家是提升中国经济的驱动力。尤其是目前,我国鼓励人们自主创业,进行创新,并为中小企业提供政策支持。这进一步激发了年轻人创业的热情。实现伟大的民族复兴,我们称之为中国梦,是近代以来中国人最大的期望。这基本上意味着实现国家的繁荣、民族的复兴和人民的幸福,从而确保每一个有事业心的中国人一代又一代地坚信,通过坚持不懈的努力,可以实现更美好的生活。人们应该通过勤奋、勇气、创造力和决心来实现他们的繁荣,而不是来自社会或其他人的帮助。每个人都是实现中国梦的参与者和设计师,因为这不仅是整个国家的梦想,也是每个中国人的梦想。水墨画是中国特有的传统艺术形式之一,是中国画的代表。它开始于唐朝,然后繁荣于宋元时期。它有一千多年的历史,经历了不断的发展、完善和完善。水墨所用的工具和材料,即毛笔、宣纸和墨水,是中国文化的特征,与绘画的特征密切相关。例如,水和墨水的混合会产生不同程度的干燥、湿润、厚度和厚度。水、墨、宣纸的融合和 渗透,使这些绘画传达出丰富的意象,从而达到独特的审美效果。水墨画在中国绘画史上占有很高的地位,甚至被认为是评价东方绘画艺术水平的标准。丽江是云南省西北部的一个多山的城市。丽江古城位于玉龙雪山脚下,是一个风景秀丽的城镇,以其历史和文化而闻名。

它也是一个保存完好的具有少数民族特色的古镇。古城的建设始于南宋,距今约800年。丽江不仅拥有悠久的历史,而且拥有占该地区总人口一半以上的许多少数民族。随着丽江旅游业的蓬勃发展,丽江古城接待了越来越多的国内外游客。1997年12月,古城成功申请世界文化遗产,填补了中国 1999世界文化遗产名录中历史文化名城的空白。始于1983年的央视春晚(简称春晚)已经成为中国人文化生活中不可或缺的文化消费品和文化符号。尽管很难满足所有人的口味,但必须承认,春节联欢晚会已经成为公众的一种“新习惯”,他们离不开它。春节联欢晚会不仅仅是一个晚会;这是一种仪式,一种象征,一种文化,一种标签,一种情感,一个人们把他们的心托付给它的地方。随着时代的发展和新媒体的出现,受众有了更加多样化的选择和需求。相应地,春节联欢晚会也在与时俱进,以满足人们日益增长的文化需求。 课文翻译 单元1 个人历史、教育机会、个人困境——这些都无法阻止 意志坚强的人全力以赴追求成功。 就像丘吉尔和林肯一样,只有那些坚持坚定不移的意志和精神的人,才会发现他们的努力是成功的。许多艺术家、政治家、作家和发明家都有过同样的经历。他们获得了繁荣,因为他们拥有持续准备和工作的强烈意愿以及成功的激情。他们获得成功,并不是因为这很容易,就像丘吉尔和林肯一样,只有那些“坚持不懈地追求成功”的人和那些


2016年大学英语三级考试真题-英语三级考试A级及答案 Part II Structure (15 minutes) 第二部分结构(15分钟) Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections. 方向:这部分是测试你的语法正确的句子的能力建设。它由2个部分组成。 Section A 第1课时 Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 方向:在这一节,有10个不完整的句子。您需要完成每一个决定的最适当的词或词的4个选择标记为A,B),C和D)。这个你应该在答题纸上用中间一行标出相应的字母。 16. We must find a way to cut prices ________ reducing our profits too much. A) without B) despite C) with D) for 16。我们必须找到一个方法来降低价格________减少我们的利润太多。 a)没有b)尽管c)与d) 17. She didn’t know ________ to express her ideas in English clearly in public. A) which B) why C) what D) how 17。她不知道________表达自己的想法用英语清楚的公共。A)B)为什么C)什么D)如何 18. ________ the weather improves, we will suffer a huge loss in the tourist industry. A) As B) Since C) While D) Unless 18。________天气好转,我们会在旅游业的巨大损失。a)作为b)由于c)d,除非 19. We are happy at the good news ________ Mr. Black has been awarded the Best Manager. A) that B) which C) what D) whether 19。我们很高兴听到这个好消息,________布莱克先生被授予“最佳经理。A),B),C)D)是什么 20. It is important that we ________ the task ahead of time. A) will fish B) finished


【练习版】大学英语1复习资料(考试用) 【阅读理解】 第一单元 About twenty of us schoolchildren had been fortunate enough to receive invitations to a film-studio to take part in a crowd-scene. Although our “art” would only (1)for three minutes, we were given the opportunity to see quite a number of interesting things. Soon after we arrived , bright lights were turned on. Since it was very hot in the studio, it came as a (2) to us to see one of the actors put on a overcoat. He (3) a hat down over his eyes , put his hands in his pockets, and started walking along a winding path. A big fan began (4) small white feathers down on him, and soon the bare trees were covered in “snow”. Two more fans were turned on, and a “strong wind”whistled through the trees. The first actor was dragging through the snow when the second, (5) as a beggar, began walking towards him trembling with cold. The next (6) was a complete contrast. The way it was filmed was quite (7) .Pictures taken on an island in the Indian Ocean were shown on a glass screen. An actor and an actress stood in front of the (8) so that they looked as if they were at the water’s edge on an island. Since it was our (9) next, we were left wondering what scene would be prepared for us .For a full three minutes in our lives we would be experiencing the (10) of being film “stars”! Instructions dressed image surprise excitement scence shaking pulled blowing sequence turn extraordinary severe last anticipate 第二单元 When he got the call that his son was ill in California and not expected to live for long, Bill didn’t know (1) he was going to get the money for his wife and himself to make the trip. Bill had worked as a truck driver his entire life, but he never managed to have any (2). So with (3) Bill walked the mile to the filling station and told the owner, ”My son is really sick and I’ve got no cash. Can you trust me for the phone call to California?” “Pick up the (4) and talk as long as you need to,” was the answer. As


四川省大学英语三级考试样题 SICHUAN COLLEGE ENGLISH SAMPLE TEST Band Three 试题册 (120分钟) 注意事项 一、请将自己的校名、姓名、学校代号、准考证号和试卷代号(A或B)分别填写在答题纸、 听写填空、翻译和作文纸上。看清试卷封面上的试卷代号,你做的是A(或B)卷,应在答题纸试卷代号一栏相应的字母A(或B)上划线。划错或不划,将被判为零分,责任由考生自负。 二、答题前请仔细读懂每一部分题目的说明要求。 三、多项选择题的答案一定要做在答题纸上。每题只能选一个答案,多选作答错处理。选定 答案后,用2B浓度的铅笔在相应字母的中部划一条横线。其正确方法是[A][B][C][D]。 使用其他符号答题者不给分。划线的浓度一定要盖过字母底色。 四、如果要改动答案,必须先用橡皮擦净原来选定的答案,然后再按上面的规定重新答题。 五、听力理解第三部分听写填空的答案一定要写在试卷二相应题目番号后面的空格处。一空 一词,多写无效。翻译和作文用钢笔或圆珠笔分别按要求写在试卷二的翻译纸和作文纸上。写在其它地方无效。注意保持卷面干净、整洁。 六、考试时间为120分钟。试卷做完后,请把试题册(包括试卷一和试卷二)和答题纸放在 桌上,一律不得带走。待监考人员收完所有试卷之后考生方可离开考场。 试卷一 Part 1 Listening Comprehension (15%) (20 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken twice. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear: You will read: A)A)At the office. B)B)In the waiting room. C)C)At the airport.

大学英语三期末复习材料 打印版

精品文档 翻译部分(15%,整句翻译)大学英语三期末复习材料unit 5 P160 翻 译 1) 由于不了解艾滋病,以前人们称HIV感染者为“祸害”。 Owing to ignorance of AIDS, people used to label HIV infected/carriers/victims as evils. 2) 普及艾滋病知识的活动需要继续开展,这个阶段的重点放在这种病的传播途径。(contract) The campaign of Knowing More About AIDS needs to be carried on, and for/at this stage the emphasis is put on the way (how) the disease is contracted. 3) 我们真切地向青年人呼吁:请保重身体,良好的健康将使你能最好地应对生活中的任何困难。We appeal to the young earnestly: Take care of your health, with which you'll be best equipped to handle any tough problems in your life. 4) 众多杰出科学家们将于本周五齐聚日内瓦(Geneva),讨论主要源于现代社会激烈竞争的诸多问题。The leading scientists will be meeting in Geneva on Friday to discuss problems largely caused by the fierce competition in modern society. 5) 他的恐高归因于童年时期一次非常痛苦的经历。他曾经被迫独自一人站在10米跳台上长达10分钟。His fear of heights was attributed to an extremely painful experience in his childhood. He was once f orced to stand alone on the 10-meter divin g board for up to 10 minutes. 6) 我们相信新发布的关于改善农村医疗系统的文件必将终结农村地区缺医少药的时代终将结束。We believe that with the newly issued document on improving the medical system in rural areas, the era is to be brought to an end when such areas are always short of doctors and medicines. 大学英语三期末复习unit 8 P257 Translation 1)在饭桌上,我们中国人会习惯性地劝客人多吃菜,以证明我们热情好客(hospitality)。 As a proof of our hospitality, we Chinese will habitually urge our guests to help themselves to more dishes on the table.


16. The local government warned the citizens water directly from the tap unless it is boiled. A) not drink B) not drinking C) do not drink D) not to drink 17. His face looks but I can’t remember his name. A) similar B) alike C) likely D) familiar 18. I went to the dentist’s yesterday, and had two teeth . A) pulling B) pulled C) be pulled D) to pull 19. One man was instantly killed and three were in a traffic accident last night. A) damaged B) harmed C) injured D) ruined 20. This is your letter to me. Do you object to the whole class? A) to my reading it B) to read it C) me to read it D) me reading it 21. The economic study on market must lay an emphasis on the relationship between supply and . A) demand B) as great as C) shortage D) sale 22. The population of the region has doubled in the past ten years. A) larger than B) as great as C) more than D) as many as 23. The company decided to a new managing system for higher efficiency. A) adjust B) adapt C) adopt D) admit 24. This is Mr. Evans, invention has helped hundreds of deaf people. A) whose B) which C) that D) whom 25. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when a previous record is . A) matched B) broken C) kept D) announced 26. the story, Mary decided that the new film was not really worth seeing. A) Have been told B) Having been told C) Being told D) Been told 27. We must our minds where to go for our holiday this year. A) make out B) make for C) make off D) make up 28. Only when he finished the task that he had made a mistake. A) he then realized B) did he realize C) does he realize D) he did realize 29. The policeman stopped my car because the engine heavy smoke. A) gave off B) gave out C) gave up D) gave away 30. I bought a new house last year, but I my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A) didn’t sell B) hadn’t sold C) haven’t sold D) don’t sell 31. Our neighbor is a helpful person he would be right there when you need help. A) so … that B) such … as C) such … that D) so … as 32. He cannot play tennis here until the manager recommends that he a member of the club. A) is B) has been C) will be D) be 33. Take the raincoat with you it rains.
