

丰台区 2016年初三毕业及统一练习



听力理解 (共 30分

一、听对话,从下面各题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。 (共 5分,每小题 1分




B .

C 2.

A .

B .

C . 3.

A .

B .

C . 4.

A .

B .

C . 5.

A .

B .

C .

二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的 A 、

B 、

C 三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 (共 15分,每小题 1.5分

请听一段对话,完成第 6至第 7小题。

6. Where are they talking?

A. In the classroom.

B. On the playground.

C. At the doctor’s.

7. What should the man do?

A. Do more exercises.

B. Take the medicine.

C. Eat more vegetables.

请听一段对话,完成第 8至第 9小题。

8. Which place does Mary like best on holiday?

A. New York.

B. Washington.

C. Boston.

9. How did Mary get there?

A. By ship.

B. By train.

C. By plane.

请听一段对话,完成第 10至第 11小题。

10. What does the woman think of Sherlock Holmes?

A. He is interesting.

B. He is smart.

C. He is helpful.

11. What does the man prefer doing?

A. Writing books.

B. Reading books.

C. Watching movies. 请听一段对话,完成第 12至第 13小题。

12. What should Jane do at first according to the man?

A. Ride a bike.

B. Recycle paper.

C. Turn off the lights.

13. What are they mainly talking about?

A. How to save the earth.

B. How to save money.

C. How to save water.

请听一段独白,完成第 14至第 15小题。

14. What can we learn about the speaker?

A. His friends taught him many things in Chinese.

B. His teachers supported him on his interests.

C. His parents encouraged him to study hard.

15. Why does the speaker give the speech?

A. To give three roses to three people.

B. To thank friends, parents and teachers.

C. To wish everyone success in the future.

三、听对话,记录关键信息。本段对话你将听两遍。 (共 10分,每小题 2分

请根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语, 将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。

知识运用 (共 25分

四、单项填空(共 10分,每小题 1分

从下面各题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. Miss Green is my favorite teacher. _____ is kind and outgoing.

A. He

B. His

C. She

D. Her

22. We usually have Sports Club after school _____ Mondays.

A. in

B. at

C. of

D. on

23. Hurry up, _____ we will miss the school bus.

A. but

B. or

C. and

D. so

24. — ____ do you go to the library?

— Once a week.

A. How often

B. How far

C. How much

D. How long

25. The air in these months is much than the air last winter.

A. good

B. well

C. better

D. the best

26. — Linda, ______ you make a model plane?

— Yes, I can.

A . may

B . can

C . need

D . must

27. Be quiet! The students ____ a rest in the classroom now.

A. have

B. have had

C. had

D. are having

28. We in our middle school for about 3 years.

A. study

B. studied

C. has studied

D. will study

29. Spoken English test for students ______ in 2018.

A. hold

B. holds

C. were held

D. will be held

30. — Can you tell me ______?

— Last month.

A. when they came

B. when did they come

C. when they will come

D. when will they come

五、完形填空(共 15分,每小题 1.5分

阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。

An Honestly Fun Camp

Bill couldn’t wait for September when school would start. It was early August, an d he was at the same summer ___31___. He has been there five times. When his dad was a boy, he went to the same camp and loved it. Bill didn’ t ___32___ it at all. But he didn’ t want to disappoint his dad by telling him about that.

By the middle of August, Bill really wanted to ___33___. He had

enough of the horses, enough of the baseball games and enough of the bad

camp food. He wrote to his mom and asked her if she would ___34___ him

up early, but he didn’t want his mom to tell his dad. She wrote back in a

letter which said, “I can’t do that. I am always honest with your dad. If you

reall y want to leave, I will talk to him about it.”

Bill was still too ___35___ about disappointing his dad, so he wrote back to his mom that he would ___36___ for the last two weeks and try to make the best of it. He asked his mom if she would make his favorite meal when he got home.

During that last week, Bill was looking forward to the meal his mom would be making. Every time, he ate a camp meal he ___37___ he was eating his mom’s cooking. All of a sudden, the food didn’t taste as bad as before.

Bill decided to be honest with his camp coach. He told the coach that he wasn’t

___38___ with the horse he had been given and he wanted to change. The coach asked Bill which horse he might feel better riding. Bill was then given to another horse for the last week, and he started to like horseback riding.

Bill never liked playing ___39___ because he didn’t like playing 1st base. He told the coach, and the coach asked him to play catcher. Bill started to actually like it.

When Bill’s parents came to pick him up from camp, he said to them in all honesty

, “This

was the best summer at camp ever. Because I tried to express myself ___40___ so that others can understand me better. I enjoye d it a lot.”

31. A. camp B. house C. holiday D. school 32. A. visit B. hear C. like D. mind 33. A. study B. leave C. walk D. run 34. A. put B. warm C. make D. pick 35. A. surprised B.

angry C. worried D. sad 36. A. work B. stay C. call D. live 37. A. noticed B. accepted C. realized D. imagined 38. A. comfortable B. friendly C. patient D. popular 39. A. games B. baseball C. horses D. chess 40. A. honestly B. proudly C. happily D. seriously

阅读理解 (共 50分

六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 四个

选项中,选择最佳选项。 (共 30分,每小题 2分

41. On special days, Chang-Yong wears ________.

A. a silk jacket

B. a T- shirt

C. a dress

D. a coat

42. John is from _________.

A. Korea

B. Australia

C. Tanzania

D. Canada

43. Most of people in Tanzania live in _________.

A. apartment

B. the country

C. wooden huts

D. the North Pole

44. The weather in northern Canada is _________.

A. warm

B. hot

C. cool

D. cold


Blue Ribbons of Honor

A teacher in New York decided to honor her students by telling them the

difference they each made. First she thanked to each of them how they made a

difference to her and the class. Then she gave each student three blue ribbons

with gold letters reading, “Who I Am Makes a Difference.” The students went

out to find somebody to honor. The person would keep a ribbon and give the extra ones to a third person to keep it going.

One boy went to a manager in a nearby company and honored him for helping him with his career planning. Later that day the manager went in to see his boss. He told him that he deeply admired him for being a creative talent. He gave the surprised boss the last extra ribbon and asked him to find somebody else to honor.

That night the boss went home to his 14-year-old son. He told the boy what had happened and said, “I want to honor you, son. My da ys are really busy and when I come

home I don’t pay a lot of attention to you. Sometimes I shout at you for not getting good enough grades in school and for your bedroom being a mess, but somehow tonight, I just want to let you know that you do make a difference to me. Besides your mother, you are the most important person in my life. You’re a great kid and I love you!”

Hearing this, the boy started to cry and couldn’t stop. He looked up at his father and said through his tears, “I was planning on leaving home tomorrow, Dad, because I didn’t think you loved me. Now I don’t need to.”

45. What did the teacher give to the students to honor them?

A. Career planning.

B. Blue ribbons.

C. Special prizes.

D. Gold medals.

46. How did the boss feel about what the manager said and did?

A. He was sad.

B. He was angry.

C. He was pleased.

D. He was surprised.

47. Before the boss talked to his son, the boy was planning to______.

A. leave his home

B. pay attention to his father

C. clean his room

D. get good grades in school

48. From the story, we give others blue ribbons for ________

A. showing their success in career

B. giving them our kindness in return

C. admiring their creativity and talent

D. honoring the differences they made


Travel Far, but Think Local

Author Elizabeth Becker says we have a responsibility to respect the places we visit. Some basic rules still hold, such as not travelling at busy times and taking fewer trips but making them longer. The best and easiest way to be a responsible traveler is to use common sense and go local.

Respect traditions. Read about the culture and traditions of the places you visit. Understand the local culture and customs to avoid making any mistakes or upsetting the local people.


example, dress properly when you visit temples a nd don’t eat or talk loudly in religious (宗教的sites. It’s also important to respect the local environment. If you visit a beach, leave seashells where you find them and try not to catch fish while swimming.

Learn the language. Nobody expects you to become fluent, but try to learn some basic ph rases such as “please” and “thank you”. You’ll be amazed at how much nicer and more helpful people will be if they know you’re making an effort to get involved with their culture.

Spend local. Stay away from international hotels and restaurants run by foreigners. By using local guides, buying local products and staying in family run hotels, you’ re not only giving back to the community, but you also get a real sense of the country you’re staying in and the people who live there.

Bargain fairly. Always be polite when you try to get a lower price. Sometimes goods at a local market can seem overpriced. Nobody likes to be cheated and it may be fun to bargain, but remember that for the local people bargaining it may not be a game. For

some of them, their business is their only source of income. So try not to be too rude when bargaining.

Don’t litter. In some countries, getting rid of waste is a big problem, so don’t throw rubbish on the ground. Doing so is harmful to the environment and unpleasant for others. Hold on to your rubbish until you find a bin.

Save water . Even in some of the most developed countries, water shortages are a reality. Tourists who take 10-minute showers and leave the taps running aren’t making things any better. 49. From the passage, to understand the local culture better, we should ________.

A. respect traditions

B. bargain fairly

C. save water

D. not litter

50. To help the local people, we’ d better ________.

A. spend in international hotels and restaurants

B. have a bargaining game with local people

C. keep the rubbish and throw it in the bin

D. have some local food in religious sites

51. What’ s the purpose of the passage?

A. To advise us to be polite to the local people.

B. To introduce the way to learn the language.

C. To tell us how to be a responsible traveler.

D. To help the people of your travel place.


Go to your local public library, and you will find an unusual activity is appearing more and more: Practicing reading with trained dogs. How would you feel about taking time once a week to read aloud to a dog?

Each dog in a reading program exprience a special training session. The trainers also receive training; they learn how to interact (互动 with the students and the dogs. Each program has high standards. There have been many studies of the interactions between humans and dogs that show dogs lower people’s blood pressure and heart rate. People become more relaxed and calm and will completely forget what they are scared of when


have a dog nearby.

Unlike at school, where students sit at desks or tables, students and dogs sit together on special reading mats. Some students lie next to the dogs. Each student reads to one dog, so there is a quiet din of voices in the room. The dog has been taught a

reader. So when the trainer says something to the dog, it focuses on the student at once. But sometimes, the students read the dogs to sleep!

The dog’s trainer is also present. He or she watches the dog carefully to make sure that the dog behaves. Sometimes, the trainer gives the dog a break when the dog becomes restless. While the trainer doesn’t help with the reading, the trainer talks to the student about the dog and explains how to take care of pets and how to be safe around animals.

Students who read to dogs show the benefits of this interaction. They are calmer and can avoid worrying about getting all the words correct. The dog just wants to hear the story. As students learn more about the dogs they read to, they also learn that they have gained a new friend. Not only do students change their reading habits with the dogs during the program, but they also change their school habits. Their reading skills increase by twelve to twenty percent. They start raising their hands and answering questions more often. They pay more attention in class. Some students start arriving at school earlier and are absent less often.

Dogs are not just for playing fetch with anymore. Now they can help people become better readers. Next time you visit your local library, be on the lookout for four-legged creatures (生物 who want to hear a good story.

52. The underlined word “command” in Paragraph 3 probably means“_________”.

A. lesson

B. order

C. language

D. rule

53. From the passage, we can learn that this activity can __________.

A. help students be more helpful and clever

B. help increase reading speed by 8 percent

C. make the trained dogs fall asleep quickly

D. make students be more active in school

54. The writer wants to tell us that _________.

A. the students can benefit from reading with dogs

B. the dogs can be trained to understand the story

C. the students can be taught to train dogs well

D. the trainers help students to read correctly

55. What is probably the best title for this passage?

A. Why do we need dogs?

B. Where can we read books?

C. Who can help us read books?

D. How do we change the habits?

七、阅读短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。 (共 10分,每小题 2分

Music for the Clouds

Once upon a time, there was a country. It didn’ t rain for a long time. The peopl e there started to go hungry because the crops died during the long drought(干旱


A group of musicians were travelling the country, trying to make a living from their music

shows. “ We believe music can help solve all the problems,” said the musicians. B ut no one paid any

attention. “It has been cloudy like this for many months, but not a single drop of rain has fallen,”

people there told them.

“ ” the musicians said, and they began practicing for the concert on the top of the

mountain. Everyone who heard the music was surprised and went up the mountain. were tiny and interesting notes(音符 from their instruments. They rose and rose into the clouds.

The music was so beautiful, happy and fun.

And the notes started playing with the clouds and the whole sky turned into an amazing

amusement park. Before long, the large clouds were thundering with laughter.

The musicians continued playing, and a few minutes later the clouds started crying with

laughter. And in memory of that musical rain, everyone in the land learned how to play an instrument.

八、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 (共 10分,每小题 2分

I t’s about Time

Do you know what time it is? If you do, you probably are looking at a

clock or Long ago, people didn’t have clocks or watches like you do. When the

sun rose, they got up and when the sun went down, they went to bed. They told

time by the position of the sun in the sky.

People discovered that they could use a stick and the sun to tell time. This

was called a shadow clock. They put a stick in the ground, pointing straight up.

The direction of the stick’s shadow and how long or short it was told them the time.

A better kind of shadow clock was called a sundial. Sundial had a pointer and a base. The

pointer cast a shadow on marks around the base. People could tell time by reading the marks.

But shadow clocks were not good for telling time on cloudy days or at night. One kind of clock that didn’t need the sun was a water clock. A water clock

was container with a tiny hole in the bottom. Water would steadily drop out of the

hole. Marks on the inside of the container showed the time. It took one hour for the water to go down one mark. Another

kind of clock that didn’t need the sun was a candle clock. You

would know the time by how much of the candle had melted(熔化 . The candle had marks down its side to show the hours.

Sometimes people used candle clocks as alarm clocks. They put a nail(钉子 in the candle

at the time they wanted to wake up, hanging a shoe on the nail. When the candle melted down, the

nail fell out and the shoe hit the floor with a BANG!

Now there are all kinds of timepieces, from tall grandfather clocks to watches we wear on our wrists(手腕 . Most clocks run on electricity from batteries.

There are many more types of clocks, too. Clocks hang in and on buildings. Clocks are everywhere!

61. Did people have clocks or watches like you do long ago?

62. What did sundial have?

63. How long did it take for the water to go down one mark in water clock?

64. How would you know the time when you use a candle clock?

65. What does the writer want to tell us?

书面表达 (共 15分


66. 从下面两个题目中任选一题

.... , 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

假如你是李华, 你和同学们准备为小明举办一个生日聚会, 打算邀请你们的好朋友—美国交换生 Peter 参加。请你用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他聚会的时间和地点,活动内容, 以及需要准备什么。

提示词语:hold, activity, get together, sing, eat, game, gift, wish

提示问题:● When and where are you going to celebrate Xiao Ming’s birthday?

● What are you going to do at the party?

● What do you advise Peter to prepare for Xiao Ming’s birthday?

Dear Peter,

How is it going?

I’m writing to invite you to Xiao Ming’ s birthday party.

I’m looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

假如你是李华,你们学校正就“感恩父母,从我做起”这一话题开展大讨论。请你用英语写一篇短文给某英文网站投稿, 谈谈为什么要感恩父母, 你通常在业余时间帮父母做什么, 以及你这样做的感受。

提示词语:think, bring up, work, make money, support, housework, cook, clean, wash, happy,


提示问题:● Why is it important for you to thank parents?

● What do you usually do for them in your spare time?

● How do you feel?

At my school, we are talking about what we can do to thank parents.

提示词语:hold, activity, get together, sing, eat, game, gift, wish

提示问题:● When and where are you going to celebrate Xiao Ming’s birthday?

● What are you going to do at the party?

● What do you advise Peter to prepare for Xiao Ming’s birthday?

孙瑜 :

How is it going?


丰台区2017年高三年级第二学期综合练习(一) 高三语文2017.03 本试卷满分共150分。考试时间150分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必先将答题卡上的学校、年级、班级、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹签字笔填写 清楚,并认真核对条形码上的准考证号、姓名,在答题卡的“条形码粘贴区”贴好条形码。 2.本次考试所有答题均在答题卡上完成。选择题必须使用2B铅笔以正确填涂方式将各小题对应 选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦涂干净后再选涂其它选项。非选择题必须使用标准黑色字迹签字笔 书写,要求字体工整、字迹清楚。 3.请严格按照答题卡上题号在相应答题区内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题、草稿 纸上答题无效。 4.请保持答题卡卡面清洁,不要装订、不要折叠、不要破损。 一、本大题共8小题,共24分。 阅读下面的材料,完成1—8题。 材料一 2011年以来,中国大气污染加重,雾霾覆盖面不断增加,出现时间不断增长,程度不断加深。 有关研究表明:中国近些年大气污染加重的直接原因在于大气主要污染物排放总量及其集聚程度上 升;在工业化速度快的地区,工业废气(二氧化硫、工业烟尘等)是最大的污染源。 工业废气产生量主要集中在中东部几个省市。2013年,工业烟尘产生量排名前五的是河南、山东、山西、河北与江苏。工业二氧化硫产生量前六名是山东、内蒙古、江苏、山西、河北与河南。 2013年12月,中国环境监测总站的全国城市空气质量实时发布平台显示,中国雾霾严重的城市主 要分布在京津冀、河南、山东等地区。其中,京津冀最为严重,除了气候干燥之外,与工业废气污 染源过于集中有很大关系。在地级与副省级城市的工业烟尘产生量排名中,河北的沧州、邯郸..与石家庄分别排在第一、第二与第六位。中国雾霾严重的地区分布与工业废气的地区集聚、城市集聚状 况非常一致。 导致中国城市工业废气集聚的原因很多,其中,非均衡的工业化是中国城市工业废气集聚最根 本的原因。中国工业化进程中的非均衡主要包括两个方面:首先是工业化的地区不均衡——不同城市与地区之间工业化进程与速度存在很大差异。有的城市与地区已经完成工业化(如上海、北京等城市),有的处于工业化后期(如武汉、郑州等诸多..省会城市),有的尚处于工业化第一阶段(如贵州、云南等落后地区的很多城市);其次是工业内部结构的不均衡——包括轻重工业比例失调,重工业过度发展,技术含量低、粗放式发展的工业比例过高等。 工业化未完成阶段,工业化的地区不均衡会使得资金、人口与制造业向重点城市(直辖市、省 会城市等)和地区集中,从而导致工业污染源与废气产生量日益集中。工业化的结构不均衡则加速 了工业废气集聚过程,使得工业废气集聚更为迅猛,很容易超过生态环境承载能力,导致大气污染 日益严重。尤为担忧的是,已经完成或接近完成工业化的城市通过结构调整与技术创新等措施不断 降低工业废气产生量,但被调整下来的污染型企业与工业却源源不断地向相对落后、工业化程度相 对较低的城市转移并有了进一步的发展,从而导致工业废气集聚程度居高不下....。


普陀区2016学年度第一学期初三质量调研 英语试卷 (满分150分,完卷时间100分钟)2016.12.29 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题卡上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30 分) A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6 分) 1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8分) 7.A. On Saturday B. On Tuesday C. On Thursday D. On Friday 8.A. He has a stomachache. B. He has a cold. C. He has to stay at home. D. His is too tired. 9.A. How to read a poem. B. How to teach Chinese. C. How to write a love story D. How to speak English. 10.A. The salad. B. The juice. C. The steak. D. The dessert. 11.A. By underground B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By car. 12.A. At a hotel. B. At a restaurant. C. At a bookshop. D. At a cinema. 13.A. Sing on a smaller stage. B. Wait and see what will happen. C. Take the chance and try. D. Practise singing more. 14.A. How to organize a running race. B. What kind of books they can sell.


丰台区2018年初三毕业及统一练习 语 文 试 卷 一、基础?运用(共15分) 为准备“回溯汉字往事”的语文探究活动,你和同学们一起搜集整理了关于“结绳记事”和“历代书法”两组材料。请根据要求,完成1~2题的学习任务。 1.在给同学讲述下面这段关于“结绳记事”的文字之前,你要先确定读音、书写、用词、标点使用的准确性。请认真阅读语段,完成(1)~(4)题。(共8分) “上古无文字,结绳以记事”,人类最初的历史以绳索串连, “结”就是最早的史记。我们无法得知,在没有文字的漫长岁月中,人们如何以 ① (简要/简单)的绳结存留纷繁复杂的事件内容。据说,那些绳结只记录 ② (性命攸关/朝不保夕)的大事,例如地震、洪灾、日食、月食以及星辰.的陨落等等。如果是这样,那么一个个绳结留下的,就烧而固化下来的印迹。那些常常被认为是装饰的“绳文”,也许就是人类最初的记事符号。凹凸的绳结痕迹,仿佛是数十万年前人类的心事,它饱含着后来者越来越读不懂的惊慌、恐惧、渴望,饱含着后来者越来越读不懂的祈.求平安的巨大祝祷。读不懂,但是我们感觉得到它的美丽。 (1)对语段中加点字的注音、笔顺判断全都正确的一项是(2分) A .拓.印(tu ò) 祈.求(q ǐ) “辰”字的第二笔是“丿” B .拓.印(t à ) 祈.求(q í) “辰”字的第二笔是“一” C .拓.印(t à ) 祈.求(q í) “辰”字的第二笔是“丿” D .拓.印(tu ò) 祈.求(q ǐ) “辰”字的第二笔是“一” (2)根据语意,语段中①②处应填入的词语是(2分) A .①简要 ②性命攸关 B .①简单 ②性命攸关 C .①简要 ②朝不保夕 D .①简单 ②朝不保夕 (3)画线句方框内应填入的标点及其理由解说,正确的一项是(2分) A .破折号,用以表示语意的转换,句意由说明绳文难以保存转换到介绍绳文印迹 的保存方法。 B .冒号,用以提示下文,引出对“我们只能看到存留在上古陶片上的‘绳文’”这 句话的句意解说。 C .破折号,用以表示解释说明,因为后面的语句是对前面“上古陶片上的‘绳文’” 的具体解释。 D .句号,用以表示语意的结束,因为前一个句子语意已经表达完整,后面语句是 新的语意的开始。 (4)“结”意蕴丰富。它能维系人与人之间美好的情感,在“结盟”、“团结”、 “缔结” 等词语中,“结”表向心、凝聚之意,我们熟知的《三国演义》中刘关张“ ① ”,就是兄弟一心、同生共死的典范; “结”也表示事情的收束,结局、完结、 ② 等词语表达的就是这个意思,提示人们做事要有始有终。(2分) 2.为了呈现历代书家的书法特点,你要逐一展示并解说收集到的四幅名家作品。在以下解说中,有误.. 的一项是(2分) 《熹平石经》(东汉 蔡邕) 《宣示表》(三国 钟繇) 《兰亭集序》(东晋 王羲之) 《古诗四帖》(唐 张旭) A .蔡邕创制汉隶,他的作品用笔方圆兼备,蚕头雁尾,工稳典雅,后人学隶书常 以之为典范。 B .钟繇被尊为“楷书鼻祖”,他处于隶楷错变之时,楷书中有隶书余风,体势微 扁,古雅精妙。 C .“书圣”王羲之摆脱了汉魏笔风,他的书法笔势秀美遒劲,布局疏朗有致,气韵生 动潇洒,纵横自如。 D.“草圣”张旭的狂草风格是在张芝、王羲之行草的基础上形成的,独特狂放,书


2015学年奉贤区调研测试 九年级英语试卷(2016. 01) (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension(听力理解) (共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture.(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) F G 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 6. ________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问 题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A. In a shop. B. In a library. C. In a restaurant. D. In an office. 8. A. 7:50. B. 7:55. C. 8:00. D. 8:05. 9. A. A singer and a listener. B. A customer and a shop assistant. C. A doctor and a patient. D. A father and a daughter. 10.A. By taxi. B. On foot. C. By bicycle. D. By underground. 11.A. Go to the cinema. B. Take care of her mum. C. Go over her school lesson. D. Help her mum with the housework. 12.A. Because she likes to send messages and answer phones.


丰台区2017年初三毕业及统一练习 语文试卷 一、基础·运用(共18分) 1.阅读下面的文字,完成(1)-(3)题。(共7分) 脸谱是中国戏曲独有的、在舞台演出中使用的一种化妆造型艺术。从戏曲的角度来讲,它是性格化的;从美术的角度来看,它是图案式的。在漫长的岁月里,脸谱随着戏曲艺术的发展孕育形成,逐渐成熟,并以谱式的方法相对固定下来。 京剧脸谱一般用于净丑行.当,以夸张的色彩和醒目的图案来表现舞台角色迥异于常人的性格特征。它大胆借鉴民间艺术的装饰技法和用色原则,通过对各种艺术元素的提(练、炼)、加工、转化,形成了独特的艺术风格。 京剧脸谱用色根据传统的民族习惯和心理感受,赋予色彩极强的象征意义。红脸含有褒义,代表忠勇;黑脸为中性,代表猛智;蓝脸和绿脸也为中性,代表草莽英雄;黄脸和白脸含贬义,代表奸诈凶恶;金脸和银脸是神秘,代表神妖。用色注重色彩的强烈对比,如京剧舞台上包拯这一角色的脸谱,在黑色的整脸上,独勾出两条扭曲的白眉,黑色的额头上勾画出一弯白色的月形,形成强烈的黑白对比,用以体现角色铁面无私、爱憎.分明的性格特点。 (1)对文中划线字笔顺和横线处选填汉字判断全都正确的一项是(2分) A. “式”字的笔顺是:练 B. “式”字的笔顺是:练 C. “式”字的笔顺是:炼 D. “式”字的笔顺是:炼 (2)文中加点字注音都正确的一项是(2分) A.行.(hánɡ)当爱憎.(zēnɡ)分明 B.行.(xínɡ)当爱憎.(zēnɡ)分明 C.行.(hánɡ)当爱憎.(zènɡ)分明 D.行.(xínɡ)当爱憎.(zènɡ)分明 (3)为了让传统京剧在现代社会焕发新的生机,艺术家们将我国的传统戏曲元素巧妙地融入到歌曲之中,使整首歌听起来琅琅上口,亦歌亦戏,这就是戏歌。下面是戏歌《说唱脸谱》里面的歌词节选,选择【甲】【乙】【丙】中任意一处,为人物脸谱配色,并阐明理由。(3分) 蓝脸的窦尔敦盗御马 红脸的关公战长沙 黄脸的典韦【甲】的曹操 【乙】的张飞叫喳喳 …… 紫色的天王托宝塔 绿色的魔鬼斗夜叉 【丙】的猴王银色的妖怪 灰色的精灵笑哈哈…… 选择:脸谱颜色:理由:


徐汇区2015 年度第一学期初三质量调研试卷解析 第一部分:Listening 略 第二部分:P honetics, Grammar and Vocabulary ⅡC hoose the best answer 26. A 考察了双元音ea 的读音。 27. D 考察了双元音ea 的读音。 28. C 考察了定冠词the 表特指,前文已提过一次river, 所以第二次提到要用the。 29. B 考察了时间介词at 的用法,a t+时刻。 30. B 考察了动词apologize 的用法,a pologize for sth. 因为某事道歉。 31.D 考察了反身代词的用法,b y oneself 靠某人自己。 32.B 考察了不定代词的用法,someone 某人;有人,题意:“我需要有人帮我注册QQ。” 33.B 考擦了形容词比较级的用法,题意:“上海的市民会有一个比去年更暖和的冬天。” 34.B 考察了连词的用法,题意:“把你有的东西打包,该到出发野营的时候了。” 35.C 考察了量词修饰名词的用法,a large sum of; a huge amount of; a great deal of 均修饰不可数名词,a great number of 修饰可数名词复数。

36. B 考察了连词的用法,unless 解释为“除非;否则”,题意:“除非有人让她去,否则她是不会自愿参加班级活动的。”37. A 考察了情态动词的用法,题意:“养宠物能够让年轻人学会如何照顾其他人及如何尊重生命。” 38. B 考察了时态的用法,a s soon as 引导的时间状语从句中,从句用一般现在时代替将来,题意:“乘客一下飞机,就立马被送去了酒店。” 39. C 考察了动词enable 的用法,enable sb.to do sth.让某人做某事。 40. D 考察了时态,题意:“脸书的创始人,在她女儿出生时决定向慈善机构捐了很多钱。” 41. D 考察了感叹句的句型:h ow+adj./adv.+主语+谓语! 42. A 考察了动词keep 的用法,k eep sth.+adj.保持某物处于…状态。 43.B 考察了疑问词的用法,how many 对数量提问;how often 对频率提问;how soon 对将来时间提问;how long 对段时间提问。 44.C 考察了would you like 句型的回答方式。 45. A 考查了情况相同的回答方式。 ⅢComplete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. 46. B But they begin to46when you are about six years old.推断


2018年丰台高三一模语文试卷 2018. 03 本试卷满分共150分考试时间150分钟 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必先将答题卡上的学校、年级、班级、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹签字笔填写清楚,并认真核对条形码上的准考证号、姓名,在答题卡的“条形码粘贴区”贴好条形码。 2. 本次考试所有答题均在答题卡上完成。选择题必须使用2B铅笔以正确填涂方式将各小题对应选项涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦除干净后再选涂其它选项。非选择题必须使用标准黑色字迹签字笔书写,要求字体工整、字迹清楚。 3. 请严格按照答题卡上题号在相应答题区内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试卷、草稿纸上答题无效。 4. 请保持答题卡卡面清洁,不要装订、不要折叠、不要破损。 一、本大题共8小题,共24分。 阅读下面的材料,完成1—8题。 材料一 新媒介素养的产生与新媒介的出现及快速发展密不可分。所以,新媒介素养的内涵首先涉及的是使用者对新媒介的认知问题。传统媒体无法摆脱的资本和权威,在新媒体时代同

样存在,只是以相对民主的形态隐蔽地存在着。表面上公众自由地操纵手中的媒介,但其注意力却常常成为两大传统权力逻辑的俘虏:资本利益驱使商家借助网络炒作大发横财,权威对信息的控制也依然存在。此外,新传播技术产生了海量信息,一般的信息难以吸引眼球,而耸人听闻、极度反常和超级娱乐才能引起注意,造成“语不惊人死不休”的后果。当对信息的选择成为一种“风险”和“赌注”时,公众自身能力的全面提高就显得十分重要。新媒介需要培养这样的一批使用者,他们能够时刻警醒:所有经过媒介传播的内容都是高度选择和组织的结果;能够冷静选择,拒绝诱惑;能够超然于信息文本之外,多方求证,不盲从盲信。 “媒介即讯息”,原创媒介理论家麦克卢汉的这一命题提醒我们,对媒介形式本身的掌握也是对信息内容的掌握。基于互联网技术的新传播革命,要求大众既要掌握这种新的信息工具的操作、使用和维护的技能,也要具备利用信息资源的技能,即能从浩瀚的信息海洋中定位自己的价值取向,通过检索、鉴别、使用信息来解决问题和创新思维的能力。新媒介的发展,尤其是web2.0技术取代web1.0后,个人媒体崛起,数字化技术、交互技术对大众的媒介素养提出了更高的要求,传统媒体时代会看、会读乃至会批判这些媒介素养已经不能适应新的传播技术,因为传播者与受传者之间的界限已经含混不清,以往的“受众”成为匿名的“无冕之王”,他们不仅仅要求具备信息接受技能,更要懂得如何利用这种技能传播自己的声音和思想。 对新传播技术的掌握,是新媒介素养的第一步,但并不意味着技术就能发生正向的效应。网络舆情复杂多变,其中理性和情绪化表达相互交织,并常因后者的泛滥而影响技术民主潜能的发挥。理性声音消沉的社会后果极为严重,如果任由非理性言论自由发展而不加以引导和控制,势必会导致社会舆论的混乱。新媒介素养应将理性交往作为一种基本素养普及


虹口区2015--16学年度第一学期初三质量调研 英语试卷 B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 7.A)Basketball.B)Tennis.C)Skating.D)Swimming. 8.A)9:00.B)9:05.C)9:25.D)9:30. 9.A)In the classroom.B)In the pocket.C)In the reading room.D)On the playground. 10.A)Programs.B)Food.C)Bees.D)Languages. 11.A)Canada.B)Britain.C)Australia.D)New Zealand. 12.A)Because he was very upset.B)Because he didn't work hard. C)Because he was badly ill.D)Because he was very careless. 13.A)They're traveling by plane.B)The man has an easy job. C)The woman enjoys the trip.D)The man likes his job. 14.A)They'd better not go for a walk.B)Going for a walk is a great idea. C)It's not good going for a walk in the rain.D)They will go for a walk in half an hour. C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 15.Dick was seven and he was two years older than his sister Catherine. 16.Mrs Green took Catherine to the big city to buy some new beautiful clothes. 17.Dick's aunt Mrs Black took him into the kitchen to eat a nice cake together. 18.Dick's aunt gave him a small knife and asked him to cut the cake in half.


【2016年北京市各城区一模语文试题汇集】丰台区2016. 03 一、本大题共8小题,共28分。阅读下面材料,完成1—8题。 材料一 1欧亚大陆和濒临地中海的北部非洲,自古以来构成了一个“世界岛”。轴心时代的巴比伦文明、埃及文明、印度文明、希腊文明和中华文明,都孕育于兹,繁荣于兹。而这个世界岛是被“丝绸之路”连接着的。 2西欧亚大陆乃至南亚地区,自古以来就交往密切。地中海区域至少在罗马时代就是海陆通道都畅达的。只有更加遥远的极东地区——中国,因为高山和大漠的阻隔,处在一个相对独立的地理区域,发展出独特的华夏文明。把中国文明与西欧亚及地中海区域连接起来的通道,就是陆上和海上的“丝绸之路”。 3公元2世纪中叶,张骞受汉武帝派遣出使西域,开通丝绸之路,成就了一世英名。其实,早在张骞之前,众多无名英雄就走通了东西方通道。商周玉器,并不产自内地,而是通过“玉石之路”从新疆和田运来。但是,为什么到了张骞之后,“丝绸之路”才真正建立并逐渐发展起来呢?这与丝路此端的汉唐帝国国力的强盛密切相关。 4先秦时期,“玉石之路”上的商品往来,具有私人贩运性质。秦朝及汉朝初年,匈奴几乎垄断了通往西域的道路,也自然垄断了丝路贸易。到汉武帝之后,凭借父祖几代的休养生息 ....政策积累起来的国力,果断采取反击匈奴的政策,才有了张骞的第一次出使。 5等到张骞第二次出使西部,携带了更多的物品,分别送给出使诸国,虽然这不算官方贸易,但却促 进了西域诸部族和邦国纷纷来华。这些外邦来使,与其说是向风慕义 ....,不如说为了经贸利益。 6继汉武帝建立河西四郡之后,昭宣时代和东汉王朝致力于建立西域都护,保障了这条贸易通道的畅通。唐朝设立安西四镇以及伊西北庭都护府,对葱岭东西地区的羁縻府州,实行了有效控制,使唐朝的“丝绸之路”比之汉代有了长足的发展。可以说,汉唐国力的强盛是“丝绸之路”得以建立、巩固与发展的先决条件。 7中唐“安史之乱”后放弃了经营西域,并转向海路,陆路从主路逐步逆转为海路的补充。北宋时“河 西走廊”为西夏占据,南宋对整个西北更是鞭长莫及 ....,陆上丝路再无重生之力。元朝时丝路成为帝国内部交通路线,通行比历朝历代都更方便,但由于路上走的主要是以宗教信仰和文化交流为使命的人,不再以商人为主,无力再次繁荣。古老的丝路逐渐萧条,退出了历史舞台。 8海上的“丝绸之路”主要繁荣于中唐到宋元时期。该路指从中国东南出海至太平洋,或经南海至印度洋到南亚、西亚及非洲的航路。其兴起可能比陆路还早,但唐以前海路一直是陆路的补充,中唐以后陆路阻绝,加之经济重心南移、指南针发明及航海技术进步,海上丝路才开始繁荣,超过并逐步取代了陆路。宋元采取更加开放的政策,非常重视商业和海外贸易,保证了海上丝路的持续兴旺。明朝开始海禁,虽然郑和曾在近30年内七下西洋,是世界航海史上的壮举,但由于仅为官方外交,劳民伤财,缺乏民间参与,给政府带来沉重的经济负担,明成祖去世后很快就停止了。清朝更加封闭,康熙在开海禁后仍不许与西方贸易,乾隆开始全面“闭关锁国”,到后来只许广州对外通商,且由十三行垄断贸易,海上丝路走向衰落。 10中国陆、海丝路先后衰落之时,欧洲哥伦布等人远航时发现了新大陆,开辟了环球航路,扩大了国际贸易,形成了世界市场。加之工业革命在西方兴起,世界贸易中心与经济重心从东方转移到了西方,古老的“丝绸之路”随之被彻底遗弃。(取材于张国刚《宏观视野下的丝绸之路》) 1. 下列对于“丝绸之路”的表述,不符合 ...文意的一项是(3分) A. 陆、海两条“丝绸之路”连接了孕育“轴心时代”五大文明的“世界岛”。 B. 陆上“丝绸之路”得以建立、巩固与发展的先决条件是汉唐国力的强盛。 C. 海上“丝绸之路”主要繁荣于中唐到宋元时期,但它的兴起比陆路还早。 D.“丝绸之路”伴随着欧洲环球航路的开辟与西方工业革命的兴起而被遗弃。 2. 根据材料一,概括中国“丝绸之路”的兴衰过程。(6分) 材料二 1古丝路作为经济全球化的早期版本,被誉为全球最重要的商贸大动脉。中国丝路的兴衰史清晰地表


杨浦区2015--16学年度第一学期初三质量调研 英语试卷 B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 7.A)A reporter.B)A TV host.C)An air hostess.D)A lawyer. 8.A)Classical music.B)Jazz.C)Country music.D)Rock. 9.A)¥110.B)¥100.C)¥90.D)¥80. 10.A)Anything he liked.B)Jacket and tie. C)Jacket and hat.D)Suit and tie. 11.A)In an old house.B)In a little shop.C)On a train.D)On a boat. 12.A)He will be waiting for a package.B)He will do some online shopping. C)He will deliver jeans to customers.D)He has ordered some food online. 13.A)The man is saving money for a new car.B)The man spends a lot of money on gas. C)The man is driving his parents'car.D)Repairing the car costs the man a lot. 14.A)Susan can sell her present house.B)It's necessary for Susan to buy a new house. C)Susan can't afford a new house.D)It's not wise of Susan to buy another house. C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 15.The story happened on a windy and rainy day. 16.Two children came to the house to sell newspapers. 17.The speaker invited them in and served them milk and bread. 18.They kept talking to the speaker while she was doing housework. 19.The speaker failed to get rid of the dirty marks on the carpet. 20.The story tells us that we should be thankful for everything we have. D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences 21.Over a hundred people died in a plane crash_________________last night. 22.A British couple are missing,only_________________after they started climbing Mount Everest. 23.There are_________________in many parts of India and32people died yesterday. 24.A report shows that for every one hour of commuting,30minutes_________________on traffic


2016年上海市中考英语一模试卷 I、Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分) 1.(6分) Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共8分) 7.(1分)A.Chemistry B.History C.English D.Maths. 8.(1分)A.A hamburger B.A fruit salad C.A hot﹣dog D.A sandwich. 9.(1分)A.Tired B.Surprised C.Excited D.Frightened. 10.(1分)A.Watch TV B.Play football

C.Go to the cinema D.Read a book. 11.(1分)A.Fifteen minutes’walk B.Fifteen minutes’bus ride C.Fifty minutes’walk D.Fifty minutes’bus ride. 12.(1分)A.Thursday B.Friday C.Saturday D.Sunday. 13.(1分)A.Trips B.Computers C.Parents D.Jobs. 14.(1分)A.At the beach B.At the airport C.In the theatre D.In the hotel. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示):(共6分) 15.(6分)15.My aunt and uncle sent me a bottle of honey as a birthday present last year. 16.The smell of my hair attracted lots of bees when I were outside. 17.I jumped into my neighbor’s swimming pool to stay away from the bees.18.When I climbed out of the pool,the bees were still flying around. 19.My aunt and uncle wrote me a letter to apologize to me. 20.This is a story about my unforgettable birthday present. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,完成下列内容.每空格限填一词):(共10分)


海淀区高三年级2015~2016学年度第二学期期中练习 语文试卷 2016.4 一、本大题共7小题,共27分。 阅读下面的文字,完成l一7题。 材料一 老舍先生在《谈幽默》中说,“凡是只为逗人哈哈一笑,没有更深的意义的,都可以算作‘滑稽’,而‘幽默’须有思想性与艺术性”。 幽默“首要的是一种心态”。老舍“是由事事中看出可笑之点,而技巧的写出来”,“细心‘看’事物,总可以发现些缺欠可笑之处,及至钉着坑儿去咂摸,便要悲观了”。其实,只要稍微细心,就不难发现,老舍的幽默招牌之作《老张的哲学》和《赵子日》,不全是可笑的,里边也有叫人落泪的悲。滑稽的闹戏,在老舍是根本看不上眼的。因而,“所谓幽默的心态就是一视同仁的好笑的心态”。 老舍的《我怎样写(老张的哲学)》道出了他一出手就避不开幽默的原由:“我自幼便是个穷人,在性格上又深受我母亲的影响——她是个愣挨饿也不肯求人的,同时对别人又是很义气的女人。穷,使我好骂世;刚强,使我容易以个人的感情与主张去判断别人;义气,使我对别人有点同情心。有了这点分析,就很容易明白为什么我要笑骂,而又不赶尽杀绝。我失了讽刺,而得到幽默,幽默中是有同情的。我恨坏人,可是坏人也有好处;我爱好人,而好人也有缺点。‘穷人的狡猾也是正义’,还是我近来的发现;在十年前我只知道一半恨一半笑的去看世界。” 老舍所处的那个可笑的时代,也造就了他的幽默之笔。清末民初,社会腐败与“猫城”无甚差异,可笑!大学生不读书以胡闹为荣,可笑!响马摇身一变走马上任管地方治安,可笑!凡社会上人们的自私偏狭,嫉贤妒能,恃强凌弱,骄奢淫逸,虚伪矫饰,愚昧顽劣,欺瞒狡诈等等都可笑,都该笑。换言之,老舍是想以幽默之笔来写时代的悲剧,即要写出深刻的幽默。老舍醉心幽默艺术的深刻用意,“为的是能够较为委婉较为温和地写出他所咂摸到的世事的滋味,表达自己的爱憎判断——‘看透宇宙间的各种可笑’以后的悲观与恐怖”。 当老舍以成熟的悲剧家的姿态把幽默挥洒在小说里,艺术上的拿捏也是那么准确到位时,他创作上具有里程碑意义的作品——《骆驼祥子》出现了。“它的幽默是出自事实本身的可笑,而不是由文字里硬挤出来的。”老舍在语言的运用上,到《骆驼祥子》达到了炉火纯青的地步。 老舍幽默的佐料多来自生活。他打趣、讽刺的那些人和事,都是生活本真和病态社会诸相的折射。他把它们拆散了,和上幽默的调料,放到语言的油锅里煎炒烹炸,盛出一道道色香味俱佳的菜肴,技巧全在火候上。 (取材于傅光明《老舍的幽默》)1.下列语句中“笑”的含意,不符合老舍幽默主张的一项是(3分) A.只为逗人哈哈一笑 B.-视同仁的好笑的心态 C.明白为什么我要笑骂 D.欺瞒狡诈等等都可笑,都该笑 2.根据材料一,简要说明造就老舍幽默之笔的原因有哪些。(4分)


市浦东新区2015-2016学年第一学期初三教学质量检测 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) PART1 Listening(第一部分听力) 1Listening comprehension(听力理解) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的容,选出相应的图片) 1._______ 2________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.________ 6.____________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案 7.A) A science fiction. B)A textbook. C)A comic strip. D)A story book 8. A)Rainy B) Windy C) Cloudy D) Sunny 9. A)Monday B)Wednesday C) Thursday D)Sunday 10. A)To make a decision B)To become a professor C)To start work D)To talk with her father 11. A)By taxi B)By bus C)By underground D)on foot

12 A)80 Yuan B)90 Yuan C)100 Yuan D)110 Yuan 13) A)In a library B)In a hospital C)In a cinema D)In a restaurant 14 A)She was given the wrong juice B)She thought the bottle was funny C) She thought the juice went bad D)She couldn’t open the bottle C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) 15.Zuckerberg’s(扎克伯格)father taught him how to write computer programs. 16.“ZuckNet”is a kind of communicating software program. 17 Zuckerberg agreed to work for Microsoft in his high school years. 18 At beginning, Zuckerberg and his classmates built Facebook for fun. 19Zuckerberg gave a speech in Chinese in Tsinghua University in 2015 20 Zuckerberg promised to spend most of his money improving Facebook. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列容。每空格限填一词) 21.A dangerous _________has been found in one of the washing rooms. 22.You should follow the sign and make your way out by_____ _____. 23. Please give______ _______ to anyone around you, especially disabled and elderly people. 24.If you have children with you, ____ ______ you hold them firmly by the hand. 25.Do remember to ______ ________the cigarettes because they may cause accidents. II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) 26. Which of the following words matches the sound [seif] A. save B. safe C. seven D. suffer 27. Human beings still can’t reach Mars for________ time being. A. a B. an C. the D. /


丰台区2016年高三年级第二学期综合练习(一) 语文2016. 03 一、本大题共8小题,共28分。 阅读下面材料,完成1—8题。 材料一 欧亚大陆和濒临地中海的北部非洲,自古以来构成了一个?世界岛?。轴心时代的巴比伦文明、埃及文明、印度文明、希腊文明和中华文明,都孕育于兹,繁荣于兹。而这个世界岛是被?丝绸之路?连接着的。 西欧亚大陆乃至南亚地区,自古以来就交往密切。地中海区域至少在罗马时代就是海陆通道都畅达的。只有更加遥远的极东地区——中国,因为高山和大漠的阻隔,处在一个相对独立的地理区域,发展出独特的华夏文明。把中国文明与西欧亚及地中海区域连接起来的通道,就是陆上和海上的?丝绸之路?。 公元2世纪中叶,张骞受汉武帝派遣出使西域,开通丝绸之路,成就了一世英名。其实,早在张骞之前,众多无名英雄就走通了东西方通道。商周玉器,并不产自内地,而是通过?玉石之路?从新疆和田运来。但是,为什么到了张骞之后,?丝绸之路?才真正建立并逐渐发展起来呢?这与丝路此端的汉唐帝国国力的强盛密切相关。 先秦时期,?玉石之路?上的商品往来,具有私人贩运性质。秦朝及汉朝初年,匈奴几 乎垄断了通往西域的道路,也自然垄断了丝路贸易。到汉武帝之后,凭借父祖几代的休养生 ...息.政策积累起来的国力,果断采取反击匈奴的政策,才有了张骞的第一次出使。 等到张骞第二次出使西部,携带了更多的物品,分别送给出使诸国,虽然这不算官方贸 易,但却促进了西域诸部族和邦国纷纷来华。这些外邦来使,与其说是向风慕义 ....,不如说为了经贸利益。 继汉武帝建立河西四郡之后,昭宣时代和东汉王朝致力于建立西域都护,保障了这条贸 易通道的畅通。唐朝设立安西四镇以及伊西北庭都护府,对葱岭东西地区的羁縻 ..府州,实行了有效控制,使唐朝的?丝绸之路?比之汉代有了长足的发展。可以说,汉唐国力的强盛是?丝绸之路?得以建立、巩固与发展的先决条件。 中唐?安史之乱?后放弃了经营西域,并转向海路,陆路从主路逐步逆转为海路的补充。 北宋时?河西走廊?为西夏占据,南宋对整个西北更是鞭长莫及 ....,陆上丝路再无重生之力。元朝时丝路成为帝国内部交通路线,通行比历朝历代都更方便,但由于路上走的主要是以宗教信仰和文化交流为使命的人,不再以商人为主,无力再次繁荣。古老的丝路逐渐萧条,退出了历史舞台。 海上的?丝绸之路?主要繁荣于中唐到宋元时期。该路指从中国东南出海至太平洋,或经南海至印度洋到南亚、西亚及非洲的航路。其兴起可能比陆路还早,但唐以前海路一直是陆路的补充,中唐以后陆路阻绝,加之经济重心南移、指南针发明及航海技术进步,海上丝路才开始繁荣,超过并逐步取代了陆路。宋元采取更加开放的政策,非常重视商业和海外贸易,保证了海上丝路的持续兴旺。明朝开始海禁,虽然郑和曾在近30年内七下西洋,是世界航海史上的壮举,但由于仅为官方外交,劳民伤财,缺乏民间参与,给政府带来沉重的经济负担,明成祖去世后很快就停止了。清朝更加封闭,康熙在开海禁后仍不许与西方贸易,
