


Job Interviews: Breaking the Ice


You'll notice a few questions in the beginning of the interview that concerns how the job applicant arrived and the weather. This is commonly referred to as 'breaking the ice'. 'Breaking the ice' is an important way to begin the job interview, but it shouldn't take too long. Generally, job interviewers will break the ice to help you feel comfortable. Make sure to give positive, but not too detailed answers to these 'ice breakers'.


Job Interview Tips: Breaking the Ice


Give short, positive answers to questions.


Don't go into too much detail.


Expect questions about the weather or how you arrived at the job interview.


It's a good idea to make a pleasant comment yourself to break the ice. Keep it short, positive and simple.


Job Interviews: Referrals


Sometimes, you may have found about a job opportunity through a referral. If this is the case, make sure to use the referral to your best advantage by mentioning it at the beginning of the interview.


Job Interview Tips: Referrals


Mention the name of the referral at the beginning of the interview. Ideally, this should be done when asked about how you found the job opening.


Provide the name of the referral, Don't go into too much detail about the relationship, unless asked.

Give the name of the referral only once. Don't continue to repeat the name during the interview.


Don't assume the job interviewer knows the person you are mentioning.


Job Interviews: Language


Relating your job experience and how it relates to the specific job for which you are applying are the two most important tasks during any job interview. Make sure to use lots of descriptive verbs and adjectives to describe your responsibilities. For example, instead of the following job description:


I talked to customers about their problems.


A more descriptive phrase with better vocabulary might be:


I counseled customers documenting their concerns, and coordinating our response to their individual needs.

我建议客户记录他们的问题,并协调我们对他们个人需求的响应。Remember to use the correct tenses when speaking about your experience. Here's a quick review on which verbs are appropriate for specific situations. In the listening selection, you will hear the present perfect, present perfect continuous and present simple used because the person is speaking about his current projects.


Job Interview Tips: Language


Take some time to prepare descriptive sentences concerning your responsibilities.


Use a dictionary, or this handy job interview vocabulary page to improve your vocabulary selection.


Make sure to connect your past experience to the position by using lots of present perfect.


Quickly review appropriate job interviewing tenses for describing experiences on this page.


Here is a wonderful example of a job interview, please notice how the words and phrases are used and the tenses in the sentences. Keep them in mind if you can.


Interviewer (Ms Hanford): (opens door, shakes hands) Good morning…


Job Applicant (Mr. Anderson): Good morning, Joe Anderson, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms Hanford.

求职者(安德森先生):早上好,乔·安德森,很高兴见到你,汉福德女士。Hanford: How do you do? Please take a seat. (Joe sits) It's quite the rainy day outside, isn't it?

汉福德:你好!请坐。(乔坐下)外面的雨天真是太多了,不是吗?Anderson: Yes, luckily, you have a nice underground parking lot that helped me avoid the worst of it. I must say this is an impressive building.


Hanford: Thank you, we like working here... Now, let's see. You've come to interview for the position of e-commerce manager, haven't you?


Anderson: Yes, Peter Smith encouraged me to apply, and I think I'd be ideal for the position.

安德森:是的,彼得·史密斯鼓励我申请这个职位,我认为我很适合这个职位。Hanford: Oh. Peter…he's a great sysadmin, we like him a lot …Let's go over your resume. Could you begin by telling me about your qualifications?


Anderson: Certainly. I've been working as the regional assistant director of marketing at Simpco Northwest for the past year.

安德森:当然。在过去的一年里,我一直在辛普科西北部担任区域营销助理总监。Hanford: And what did you do before that?


Anderson: Before that, I was a Simpco local branch manager in Tacoma.


Hanford: Well, I see you have done well at Simpco. Can you give me some more detail about your responsibilities as assistant director?



Anderson: Yes, I've been in charge of in-house personnel training for our Internet customer service reps over the past six months.


Hanford: Can you tell me a little bit about what you've been doing in your training?


Anderson: We've been working on improving customer satisfaction through an innovative e-commerce solution which provides real-time chat service help to visitors to the site.


Hanford: Interesting. Is there anything in particular you feel would be useful here at Sanders Co.?


Anderson: I understand that you have been expanding your e-commerce to include social networking features.


Hanford: Yes, that's correct.


Anderson: I think that my experience in customer relations via the Internet in real-time puts me in the unique position of understanding what works and what doesn't.


Hanford: Yes, that does sound useful. What difficulties and challenges do you think we might run into?

汉福德:是的,听起来确实有用。你认为我们会遇到什么困难和挑战?Anderson: Well, I think we'll continue to see consumers spend more of the shopping dollars online. I've been studying how sales directly relates to customer satisfaction

with online services.


Hanford: Would you mind giving me a bit more detail on that?


Anderson: Sure ... if customers aren't satisfied with the service they receive online, they won't come back. It's much easier to lose customers online. That's why you need to make sure that you get it right the first time round.


Hanford: I can see you've learnt quite a lot in the short time you've been working in e-commerce.


Anderson: Yes, it's an exciting field to be working in …



1Hello, my professors., i’m very pleased to meet you here.First of all,i’d like to introduce myself to you.My name is ***,my hometown is ***,which is a really beautiful city.Even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in biology science.Every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a biology scientist (just like ZHU KE ZHEN).I liked to make wonders just like,where are we from?Where are we going in the universe?And then i would find the answers in book by myself.Still today i t hink that interest is the best teacher in one’s whole life (and knowledge comes from practice). Second, i will introduce my major in the university.My major is Biological Engineering in *** University.It has a great relationship with biology scince.Their relationship can be shown with an example: Just like a river,biology science,which often finds new discoveries and theories, is at the head of the river.And my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.When both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry. Four years’ university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.It teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability (such as doing expriment as much as possible). In the university life,i have made many good friends.They help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow. Besides what i have introduced myself above,i also have many interests in my spare time.I like playing football,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.Drawing and writing is another favor to me. Above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in biology scince,and enhance my research ability.I will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study. 2good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious university in september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company. through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is


英文面试常见问题和答案 关于工作(About Job) 实际工作中,员工常常需要不断学习和勇于承担责任,求职者如果能表现出这种素质,会给应聘方留下良好的印象。 面试例题 1What range of pay-scale are you interested in (你感兴趣的薪水标准在哪个层次) 参考答案 Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most. (薪水固然重要,但这工作伴随而来的责任更吸引我。) 假如你有家眷,可以说: To be frank and open with you, I like this job, but I have a family to support. (坦白地说,我喜欢这份工作,不过我必须要负担我的家庭。) 面试例题 2 What do you want most from your work (你最希望从工作中得到什么 答案 I hope to get a kind of learning to get skills from my work. I want to learn some working skills and become a professional in an industry. (我最希望得到的是一种学习,能让我学到工作的技能。虽然我已经在学校学习了快16年但只是学习到了知识,在学校里,没有机会接触到真正的社会,没有掌握一项工作技能,所以我最希望获得一项工作的技能,能够成为某一个行业领域的专业人士。)


外企英文面试技巧和注意事项 这是一篇由网络搜集整理的关于外企英文面试技巧和注意事项的文档,希望对你能有帮助。 一、英语面试前准备: 1. 准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,最好和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。 2. 面试时自我介绍内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。 3. 对目标公司所在地、规模、在全球的活动概况等要事先有所了解,包括总公司在国内设立分公司的时间、业绩表现、经营规模,以及今后打算开展的业务等,若能得到业界的评价更好。如无法得到书面资料,也要设法从该公司或其他同业中获得情报。 二、英语面试时表现3方面(诚意,能力,业绩): 回答问题时口齿要清晰、语调适中。内容要有条理、避免重复。介绍工作经历采用倒序,从最近一份工作谈起,着重强调有利于新工作的职务经历。最好能说明曾担任何种职务、实际成绩、业绩等,以及自己的工作对原来公司的影响。凡和此次应征不相关的内容,尽量避免提及。话题紧扣以下3方面来展现自己的'优势。 1、诚意。某个问题发表完见解之后,可以附带加上一句:I?d like to hear your opinion.(我很想听听你的意见。)这句话表明了你对面试人的尊敬,很容易

使他(她)产生亲切感。当面试人在试探你的应聘诚意时,应该及时表态:So far as that is concerned,you must have understood my determination.(谈到这里,您一定已经明白我的决心。)问些与工作内容相关的问题,能表现你对这份工作的兴趣。如:What other responsibilities do you think this job will include? 2、能力。当你知道招聘单位目前急于用人时,首先把自己的专长讲足说够,然后顺理成章地得出结论:I think your unit needs a man like me.(我想,贵单位需要象我这样的人才。)用这样的句式,让面试人认为你是站在他们的立场上说话,在替他们的发展考虑问题,于是更容易接受你。陈述自己的任职资格时,可以这么开头:I?m qualified for the job because……(我能胜任这项工作,是因为……)接着陈述理由。当面试人在审视你究竟能不能胜任此职时,参照的标准已不再是他心目中的标准,而是你列举的理由。 3、业绩。外国公司面试喜欢用事实说话,用数字说话,为了证明你的能力,你可以把过去的经历联系起来,说明你曾经为以前的公司解决过跟现在雇主所面临的类似问题:I explored BEIJING market and sold 50,000 sets in one year.(我开发了北京市场,一年销售出去5万套。) 三、英语面试时具备3P原则: 自我介绍时应该记住“3P原则”:Pertinent(中肯),Personal(个性),Positive(自信)。 谈吐自信,就是要积极地进行自我肯定,让面试人充分了解你的优点与潜能。突出个性, 就是要把自己与众不同的特点发挥出来,强调自己的专业与能力。语气中肯,就是要实事求是,不要言过其实,夸夸其谈,也不要涉及和自己无关的事情。


在面试的时候自我介绍范文及问题 自我介绍是面试实战非常关键的一步,那么,我们要怎么在面试中把自己很好的介绍出来呢?下面是小编收集整理的在面试的时候自我介绍范文及问题,欢迎阅读借鉴,更多资讯请继续关注自我介绍栏目。 在面试的时候自我介绍范文 尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师: 通过考试,今天,我以本岗位笔试第一的成绩进入了面试。对我来说,这次机会显得尤为珍贵。 我叫***,今年27岁。1997年7月我从**师范学校艺师美术专业计划内自费毕业。由于从97年起国家不再对自费生包分配,使我与“太阳底下最光辉的职业”失之交臂。幸好,当时河西马厂完小师资不足,经人介绍,我在该完小担任了一年的临时代课教师。回想起那段时光真是既甜蜜又美好,虽然代课工资很低,但听着同学们围在身旁“老师”、“老师”的叫个不停,看着那一双双充满信任的眼睛,那一张张稚气的小脸,生活中的所有不快都顿时烟消云散了。我原想,即使不能转正,只要学校需要,就是当一辈子代课教师我也心甘情愿。不料,1998年起国家开始清退临时工和代课教师,接到了学校的口头通知后,我怀着恋恋不舍的心情,悄悄地离开了学校。 今天,我想通过此次考试重新走上讲坛的愿望是那样迫切!我家共有三姊妹,两个姐姐在外打工,为了照顾已上了年纪的父母,我一

直留在他们身边。我曾开过铺子,先是经营工艺品,后又经营服装。但不论生意做得如何得心应手,当一名光荣的人民教师始终是我心向往之并愿倾尽毕生心血去追求的事业。我曾多次参加考试,但都由于各种原因而未能实现梦想,但我暗下决心,只要有机会,我就一直考下去,直到理想实现为止。 如今的我,历经生活的考验,比起我的竞争对手在年龄上我已不再有优势,但是我比他们更多了一份对孩子的爱心、耐心和责任心,更多了一份成熟和自信。教师这个职业是神圣而伟大的,他要求教师不仅要有丰富的知识,还要有高尚的情操。因此,在读师范时,我就十分注重自身的全面发展,广泛地培养自己的兴趣爱好,并学有专长,做到除擅长绘画和书法外,还能会唱、会说、会讲。“学高仅能为师,身正方能为范”,在注重知识学习的同时我还注意培养自己高尚的道德情操,自觉遵纪守法,遵守社会公德,没有不良嗜好和行为。我想这些都是一名教育工作者应该具备的最起码的素养。 假如,我通过了面试,成为众多教师队伍中的成员,我将不断努力学习,努力工作,为家乡的教育事业贡献自己的力量,决不辜负“人类灵魂的工程师”这个光荣的称号。 面试问题及回答技巧大公开 1、我们为什么要聘用你 (测试你的沉静与自信。)给一个简短、有礼貌的回答:“我能做好我要做的事情、”我相信自己,我想得到这份工作。 2、为什么你想到这里来工作


教师应聘技巧之英语面试经典汇总 一.幼儿英语教师面试技巧 面试可能问的问题: 你教了几年书? How long have you been teaching? I have been teaching for... 有教小学的经验吗? Did you have any experiences teaching in elementary school/primary school? Yes, I did. or No, I didnt. 你打算怎么样给小朋友上课? How are you going to give lessons to little kids?

I think I am going to use all kinds of materials that are available like CD player, pictures, word cards, TV, magazines, games ects in my lessons. I am going to use different teaching meathods to help children with different learning styles. 能否示范一下? Can you demonstrate one lesson? Sure. If I teach days of the week, I will teach children a song: Sunday, Monday...(用twinkle twinkle little star 的tune) 你觉得教小学生跟教中学生有什么不同? What is the difference between teaching elementary school children and the junior high school children? well, when teaching little kids a teacher has to be more patient.He/she has to use lots of songs, games, body language to help student learn English.The forms of each lesson should be different. Teaching junior high school kids is a little bit different. I can introduce some grammer. I can give them more written work and I can have more discussions with the children. 如何让小学生对英文感兴趣? How are you going to keep the students interested in learning English? 如何将你的课上得有趣? How are you going to keep your lessons interesting? 这两道题的答案是一样的,只不过问的形式不一样. I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to reach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practice English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work.Whatever works out for the children I will do it. There is never one way to success.


英语面试常见问题集锦 英文面试的资料,整理出来供大家参阅。 一、求职时的“甜言蜜语” 1. What is important to you in a job? Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. 2. Why do you want to work for this organization? Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. 3. Why should we employ you? (我们为什么要雇佣你?) My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm. 4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us? (你打算跟我们工作多久?) As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consistent with my abilities〖职务随能力增长而相应提高〗. 5. What are your greatest strengths〖最大优点〗? I can see what needs to be done and do it. I'm willing to make decisions. (能当机立断。) I work well with others. (我和他人容易共事。) I can organize my time efficiently. 6. What are your greatest weaknesses〖最大缺点〗? I tend to drive myself too hard. (我有时对自己要求过于严格。) I expect others to perform beyond their capacities. (我对别人的能力期望过高。) I like to see a job done quickly. (我喜欢速战速决。) 二、求职面试者的误区 1. Has a poor personal appearance. (衣着形象不佳。) 2. Is unable to express self clearly; has poor voice, diction〖措辞〗, and grammar. 3. Lacks knowledge or experience. 4. Is not prepared for interview. (对面试无准备。) 5. Has no real interest in job. 6. Lacks planning for career; has no purpose or goals. (对自己的事业没有安排;没有目标和理想。) 7. Lacks enthusiasm; passive and indifferent. 8. Lacks confidence and poise〖沉着;自信〗; is nervous and ill at ease〖心神不宁〗. 9. Shows insufficient evidence of achievement. 10. Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollar offer. (只对最佳报酬感趣。) 11. Has poor scholastic record; just got by.


you please make a brief introduction about yourself did you take the MBA examination Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in China do you choose XXXXX University to study MBA Tell me a little about XXXXX University form your understanding. do the people around you review MBA 's the difference between MBA program at home and abroad you failed this time what will you do in the near future do you want to be a part of MBA students do you think you are qualified for MBA program you have a career plan in 5 years you have a study plan if you were accepted as a MBA student 's your opinion about the requirement that a MBA student must have working experience do you define marketing or management you think English is quite important in MBA study Why you think MBA training courses will help you a lot in your future life Why do you want to do after your MBA study is the most important qualification that a MBA student should have a little about teamwork.


面试自我介绍的技巧和范文 找工作,当然少不了面试这一关,在面试时,面试考官一般会要求应聘者先做一个自我介绍,一方面以此了解应聘者的大概情况,另一方面考察应聘者的口才、应变和心理承受、逻辑思维等能力。你是不是就曾因自我介绍出点点小问题而导致这份工作与你无缘?那么面试时自我介绍要注意什么?要怎么自我介绍?下面就来分析一下应聘者需要注意的问题和面试自我介绍内容,以及两篇自我介绍范文: 应聘者具体应注意以下几点: 一、接到面试通知后,最好在家打个自我介绍的草稿,然后试着讲述几次,感觉一下。 二、自我介绍时首先应礼貌地做一个极简短的开场白,并向所有的面试人员(如果有多个面试考官的话)示意,如果面试考官正在注意别的东西,可以稍微等一下,等他注意转过来后才开始。 三、注意掌握时间,如果面试考官规定了时间,一定要注意时间的掌握,既不能超时太长,也不能过于简短。 四、介绍的内容不宜太多的停留在诸如姓名、工作经历、时间等东西上,因为这些在你的简历表上已经有了,你应该更多的谈一些跟你所应聘职位有关的工作经历和所取得的成绩,以证明你确实有能力胜任你所应聘的工作职位。 五、在作自我简介时,眼睛千万不要东张西望,四处游离,显得漫不经心的样子,这会给人做事随便、注意力不集中的感觉。眼睛最好要

多注视面试考官,但也不能长久注视目不转睛。再就是尽量少加一些手的辅助动作,因为这毕竟不是在作讲演,保持一种得体的姿态也是很重要的。 六、在自我介绍完后不要忘了道声谢谢,有时往往会因此影响考官对你的印象。 当面试考官随便地问你:“谈谈你自己的情况如何?”这是面试中的第一个问题。此刻,你应把在此之前所有紧张不安的情绪稳定下来。因为这个问题,应试者已经做了充分的准备,并且有足够的信心和勇气相信自己能回答好这个问题。 1、面试自我介绍的内容 首先请报出自己的姓名和身份。可能应试者与面试考官打招呼时,已经将此告诉了对方,而且考官们完全可以从你的报名表、简历等材料中了解这些情况,但仍请你主动提及。这是礼貌的需要,还可以加深考官对你的印象。 其次,你可以简单地介绍一下你的学历、工作经历等基本个人情况。请提供给考官关于你个人情况的基本的、完整的信息,如:学历、工作经历、家庭概况、兴趣爱好、理想与报负等。这部分的陈述务必简明扼要、抓住要点。例如介绍自己的学历,一般只需谈本专科以上的学历。工作单位如果多,选几个有代表性的或者你认为重要的介绍,就可以了,但这些内容一定要和面试及应考职位有关系。请保证叙述的线索清晰,一个结构混乱、内容过长的开场自,会给考官们留下杂乱无章、个性不清晰的印象,并且让考官倦怠,削弱对继续进行的面


面试技巧大学英语作文 College is an important stage in one’s life, during this period, students will learn how to prepare for their future. When they graduate from college, they need to get many job interviews to pick out the favorite job. It needs some skills in order to impress the employer. 大学是人一生中重要的时期,在这个时期。学生学会为将来做准备。当他们从大学毕业的时候,他们需要在众多的面试中挑选出最喜欢的工作。为了给面试官留下好印象,这需要一些技巧。 First, you need to prepare some answers for the possible questions. As we all know, the employers like to ask to some questions to test you, like introducing yourself, what is your opinion about the job position. You’d better prepare some answers for them, if you can not react right way, your hesitation makes employers think that you are not ready for the job position. 第一,你需要准备一些可能问到的问题的答案。众所周知,面试官喜欢问一些问题来测试你,比如介绍你自己,你对于职位的看法。你最好准备一些答案,如果你不能马上反应过来,你的犹豫会让他们觉得你还没准备好做这份工作。 Second, you need to practice in front of your friends many times. When you get job interviews, it is naturally thing that you will feel nervous, because never


面试时如何自我介绍 面试时,我们会面对形形色色的问题,而最令人哑口无言的,往往是一些最简单和最常见的题目,比如"请你自我介绍一下"。大多数应征者的反应是--我应该如何作答呢?其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备: You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview. The first thing to realize is that the question, "Tell me about yourself," provides you with a great chance to promote your strong points.This is particularly important when applying for a job that is different from what you have done in the past. You need to show the interviewer that your previous jobs provide you with skills that can be used in the new job. WHAT TO TALK ABOUT 如何介绍? 你可以选择三个重点来介绍自己,但避免重复履历中曾提及的资料。 Around this skeleton should be the meat of your answer; your less obvious, but important skills. Here are some of the skills that you might want to mention. 你可以介绍自己是: Problem solver 解决问题能手 Creative thinker 充满创意 Accurate 小心谨慎 People person 与人相处融洽 Team player 合群 Organized 组织力高 This doesn't mean that you just say, "I'm a great problem solver." Instead, explain how you used your problem-solving skills at your previous job. 事例比自我夸耀更能说明问题。 自我介绍的时间不要过长,最好是一至三分钟。最初你可能会觉得时间太长,但当你真正要介绍自己三项特质时,你就会发现时间不够用了。 WHAT TO SAY 应说什么? What you actually say, in terms of the words you use, is something that you have to decide. You need to create an answer that sounds natural and, at the same time, interesting. 背答案估计没有人愿意听。The way to determine whether your answer is natural is simply by writing a first draft of the answer and then read it out loud. When you do this, you'll probably spot things that you have to change. 当你构思答案时,你要想想应该如何说出,内容要令人感兴趣,不沉闷,避免滔滔不绝地只说自己的强项。 Here are some final things to think about when answering the question "Tell me about yourself." Mention major awards or accomplishments that relate to your career; 阐述工作上的重要成就或奖项 Promote your strengths, but do not mention any of your weaknesses; 推销自己的长处,但不要提及自己的弱点 Try to be funny if you can, but don't force it; 可以的话,尽量说得幽默有趣 Summarize your career and education, but don't recite a list;


最新面试自我介绍十大技巧范文 面试自我介绍技巧篇一:自我介绍不超2分钟 "请你自我介绍一下"这道题90%以上的用人单位都会问,面试者事先最好以文字的形式写好背熟。其实面试者的基本情况用人单位已掌握,考这道题的目的是考核面试者的语言表达能力、逻辑能力、以及诚信度。所以,面试者在自我介绍的内容要与个人简历相一致,表述方式上尽量采用口语化,注意内容简洁,切中要害,不谈无关、无用的内容,条理要清晰,层次要分明。自我介绍不能超过2分钟,最好把握在1分钟左右。 面试自我介绍技巧篇二:强调温馨和睦的家庭氛围 "谈谈你的家庭情况"此类问题70%的用人单位都会涉及,面试者应简单地介绍家人,一般只需介绍父母,如果亲属和应聘的行业有关系的也可介绍。回答时注意强调温馨和睦的家庭氛围,父母对自己教育方面的重视,各位家庭成员的良好状况,以及家庭成员对自己工作的支持和自己对家庭的责任感。

面试自我介绍技巧篇三:用乐群性爱好点缀形象 "谈谈你的业余爱好"是合资企业、民企乐于问这道题,因为企业主要想通过此题了解面试者的性格是否开朗,是否具有团队精神。所以面试者千万不要说自己没有业余爱好,也不要说自己有那些庸俗的、令人感觉不好的爱好。谈爱好时最好不要说自己仅限于读书、听音乐、上网等一个人做的事,这样可能会令面试官怀疑应聘者性格孤僻,最好能有一些如篮球、羽毛球等,在户外和大家一起做的业余爱好来"点缀"自己的形象,突出面视者的乐群性和协作能力。 面试自我介绍技巧篇四:座右铭与应聘行业相关 通过提问座右铭用人单位就可以判断面试者是否具有发展前途。面试者不要说那些易引起不好联想的座右铭,也不应说那些太抽象的座右铭,更不宜说太长的座右铭。座右铭最好能反映出自己某种优秀品质,或者和本专业、本行业相关的一句话,比如"只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口"。 面试自我介绍技巧篇五:不忘本令考官难忘 "你最崇拜谁?"是近两年用人单位爱考的一道题。面试者回答时,不宜说自己谁都不崇拜,或者说崇拜自己,也最好不要说崇拜一个虚


job interview skills first, although in a short time we cannot judge a person by his appearance, the first impression, is always our start. secondly, good manners are equally important. in the interview is neither too proud, too timid. just a ceremony. in third, respondents must prove his ability and skills, employment and knowledge related to the work relevant to the field, he must clearly express their confidence. last but not the least, the respondents should be honest with his or her personal and academic background, honesty is the best policy. in short, the interview is really important. there is no need too nervous, however, if the interviewer has made full preparations, it gives a fairly confident and honest performance, success is half that of. 求职面试技巧 如今,在越来越严格的就业市场,具有重要意义已受到重视,可以这么说,已经成为不 可或缺的获取一个满意的工作。 首先,虽然我们在短时间内不能判断一个人,由他的外貌,第一印象始终是我们的开始。 其次,良好的礼貌是同样重要的。在面试时既不过于骄傲,也太胆怯。只是有礼。第三,受 访者必须证明他的能力和技能,为就业和知识有关的工作有关的领域,他必须清楚地表达自 己满怀信心。最后但并非最不重要的,受访者应以诚实的他或她个人以及学术背景,诚实是 最好的政策。 总之,面试的确是重要的。有没有必要过于紧张,不过,如果面试者已作出了充分的准 备,它并赋予一个相当有信心及诚实的表现,成功是有一半保证的。篇二:英文面试技巧和 注意事项 英文面试技巧和注意事项 很多求职者,在面试时,因为有足够的面试经验,知道如何准备面试,最后都能游刃有 余的完成面试。但是这样的表现仅仅在于中文来面试或者在国内的企业面试,但是如果换成 了外企或者是在国外求职的面试的时候,往往再强的“面霸”都会打个6,7折。对于将要有 一场英文面试的朋友来说,最好还是面试前做好充足的准备,也许你的英文已经够流利,但 是面试不只是普通的交流,而且面试前一定要彻底的了解公司的背景,同时一定要懂得英文 面试的技巧,这样的话我们才能更好的来准备面试,和在面试过程中顺利的发挥我们的水平。 面试在求职过程中,可以说是压力最大的一个环节。面对外国老板连珠炮似的提问,如 果能回答得从容不迫、简明扼要,恰当中肯,而且合乎老外的口味,那么肯定会大大增加你 的录用机会。以下的经验就是有关英文面试的一些准备和技巧,希望提供大家参考。 一、英语面试前准备: 1. 准备好所有证书材料,譬如与专业能力相关的资格证书,或参加培训的资料,最好 和应征职务有直接关联,不但可证明自己在这一方面所做的努力,也表示具有这个潜能。 2. 面试时自我介绍内容应强调应征的动机以及想应征的岗位,因此收集好相关岗位的情 报,自我介绍时才能胸有成竹,切合主题。 3. 对目标公司所在地、规模、在全球的活动概况等要事先有所了解,包括总公司在国内 设立分公司的时间、业绩表现、经营规模,以及今后打算开展的业务等,若能得到业界的评 价更好。如无法得到书面资料,也要设法从该公司或其他同业中获得情报。 二、英语面试时表现3方面(诚意,能力,业绩): 回答问题时口齿要清晰、语调适中。内容要有条理、避免重复。介绍工作经历采用倒序, 从最近一份工作谈起,着重强调有利于新工作的职务经历。最好能说明曾担任何种职务、实 际成绩、业绩等,以及自己的工作对原来公司的影响。凡和此次应征不相关的内容,尽量避


篇一:小学英语教师面试技巧 小学英语教师面试技巧是什么呢?以下提出几点,希望能给大家提供帮助。 做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的相关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,主要是注意如何让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。出发前的准备很重要,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。在谈到面试,其实说起来,小学英语并不需要多高英语水平,更多的需要你的亲和力,所以不需要掌握太多英语面试技巧。你如果能做好孩子王,相信你就一定能胜任这一职务。如果你有幼教的基础,中标的可能性就会大大增加。如果没有,可以提前看一些少儿心理学的文章。做好充足的准备,把要讲的内容的相关背景等知识了解到位,并把课的内容和这些背景结合起来,主要是注意如何让背景知识在吸引人的同时把人引导到课本的内容上来。 出发前的准备很重要,一定要着装合体,不要穿着台前卫,毕竟教师这个职位还是要讲究矜持的。 在见到面试官时要表现的大方,不要太拘禁,也不要太嚣张,给人留下稳重的印象。试讲时要首先把自己的试讲材料分发给各位考官。 讲课时的音量特别重要,而且要有板书,然后就是注意设计的跟学生互动的环节。麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,所以板书就是你的教课大纲,是有始有终的,最后别忘了布置作业。 试讲完成以后还会有提问基本上都是涉及到如何安排你所教的课程的,教学侧重点应该在哪里,如果学生出现了这样或那样的问题你该如何等等。 资料来源:中国教育在线 / 篇二:小学英语面试技巧 外语学校面试四大题型备考支招 自我介绍:“特色,简短”四字诀 自我介绍是几乎所有外国语学校面试的首选题型和必答题目,它可以让面试官了解孩子的基本情况,也能通过自我介绍看出孩子的英语功底以及沟通表达能力。广州某外国语学校有一年的面试题目是“自我介绍,简要说明一下自己对‘英语角’等英语课外活动的看法。你可能用上的词汇有:english corner,helpful,useful,interesting。” 怎样做好自我介绍呢?新东方梁老师认为,比如结合上面这个题目,重点是介绍英语类的课外活动,考生如何将个人特色融入这个老生常谈的话题中去?应该思考自己一些不同寻常的经历,或是这些活动给自己带来的深刻、特殊的体会,切记结合自己的性格特点,这样才能给考官留下深刻印象。其次,尽量使用短句,如果句子太长,也可以拆分成短句控制在5句话左右,或者准备十句话,分成两部分。如果老师给的时间长,就十句话都说了,给的时间短,就只说重要的5句。记住四个字:特色,简短。 回答问题:七个主题有备无患
